University Of St Andrews Constitution

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 8
University of St Andrews Lifesaving Club Constitution Written June 2009 – David Hutchison The University of St Andrews Lifesaving Club (hereafter referred to as the ‘the club’ or ‘lifesaving club’) exists primarily to teach the sport of lifesaving and the skills of lifesaving, lifeguarding and first aid to the students of the University of St Andrews and to put the club members through awards issued by recognised bodies (primarily the Royal Lifesaving Society [RLSS]). The club further exists to compete competitively in lifesaving competitions against other lifesaving clubs, primarily in the British University Lifesaving Clubs Association [BULSCA] league. As a secondary purpose it organises events for club members to socialise outside of club training times. Membership is open to all University students regardless of age, gender, ability, religious/political views or sexual orientation. Members can however be excluded from certain activities if they do not meet certain requirements (e.g. swimming ability, possession of an award) as stated in the safety policy. Membership to the club is open to those who are not students providing the committee agrees on accepting the member into the club and the relevant Athletic Union [AU] forms are completed. At no point should the number of matriculated student members be exceeded by non student members. Club Committee Structure The committee structure is approved by the committee every year before the Annual general meeting [AGM]. Positions available at the AGM can therefore created or removed at this time dependant on committee vote. At present the structure is: Captain The Captain is in overall charge of the club and responsible for liaising with the AU. 1

The Club Captain is responsible for the general running of club activities and for the overall safety of the club’s members. The Captain is also responsible for creating committee meeting agenda. At the end of the year they should present a Captain’s report to the club members. Only people who have previously been committee members are eligible to be elected as Captain. Vice Captain [VC] + Safety Officer The Vice Captain has the role of assisting the Captain whenever needed. The VC also has the AU role of safety officer and therefore responsible for writing the safety policy and risk assessment each year. The safety officer is also responsible checking the state of the club kit repairing, or discarding it when appropriate. At the start of the year they are required to swim test all new members and fill in the AU swim test forms. Treasurer The treasurer is responsible for the running, recording and managing of the club’s finances. They should inform the committee regularly of the state of the clubs finances so outgoings can be managed accordingly. At the AGM they should present a treasurers report to the members showing the various incomes and outgoings of the club. Secretary The secretary is responsible for looking after and filling in various club forms. These forms are generally in relation to the awards the members are put through as well as insurance. At the start of the year they are responsible for making membership lists including member’s names, contact details and next of kin details and providing them to the AU. Training Officer The training officer is responsible for writing a training plan for the year to facilitate the teaching of RLSS awards and competitions training. The training plan should include: what is being taught, the kit required and who is required to teach it. They should make a list of what competitions they aim for the club to attend.


Social and Publicity Secretary The Social and Publicity secretary is responsible for the organising club social events throughout the year. After the AGM the social secretary should search to obtain sponsorship for the club from businesses in or out of St Andrews. During the summer they should prepare publicity material to attract new members in the new academic year. During the second semester the secretary is responsible for organising the ‘Aqua Ball’ along with any of the water based sport clubs that are interested in taking part. Fresher’s Representative This member of the committee is elected at the EGM (emergency general meeting) during first semester. The representative should be a new member of the club who has not done lifesaving in the past at a high or competitive level. In this capacity they are to represent the new members’ views on the committee and advise the committee on what activities or measures can be done to increase enjoyment and appreciation of lifesaving by the younger members. Webmaster The webmaster is responsible for running and maintaining of the website. They should update the website regularly with upcoming events, links, committee minutes, photos and relevant information about lifesaving, the AU and the club. Executive Committee: The executive committee is made up of: •

The Captain




The executive committee is defined by the club positions that are required by the AU.


These positions have more liability and responsibility in the eyes of the AU but have no more say in terms of running of the club over other committee members. An executive committee member should be present at every club session.

Annual General Meetings The AGM is required to be held at least once per academic year, traditionally in the second semester. The date, time and location of the AGM are decided on by collective decision by the committee of that academic year. For an AGM to be valid the entire executive committee of that year must cast votes either on the night or cast absentee votes, though those committee members required to present information to the members should be there in person (Captain + Treasurer). All members must be informed about the location, date and time of the AGM as well as the committee positions available, and what they entail, at least two weeks before it is held via the Club Webmail account. Format: The current Captain acts as chairperson throughout the AGM. • • •

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Welcome – A brief welcome to the members by the Captain giving a summary of the night’s activities. Captains Report – A summary of the year’s events highlighting positives of the year and summarising what aspects of the club could have been improved and how the committee of next year can learn from this. Treasurers Report – A brief summary of the clubs incomings and outgoings that year. The current bank balance at that time should be stated along with any known incomings/outgoing still to be processed. A handout giving a break down of incomings/outgoing that year should be given to all members present including some form of graphical representation if appropriate. Summary of roles available The Elections The order of voting on the various committee positions is as follows: 1. Captain 2. VC and Safety 3. Treasurer 4. Secretary 5. Training Officer 6. Social and Publicity Secretary 7. Webmaster 4

To be eligible for election for any one of the positions a candidate must be nominated and seconded by separate people. Those successfully nominated and seconded can make a speech up to five minutes in length about why they would be ideally suited for that committee role. When speeches are being made rival candidates should not be present. After their speech any club member may ask the candidate questions about their suitability to be on the clubs’ committee. When questions from the floor are exhausted the next candidate is asked to go through the same process. After all the candidates have presented (if they chose to do so) and questioned all candidates must leave the room to allow group discussion amongst the remaining members over the suitability of the candidate. If required candidates can be brought back into the room to be asked further questions of. Once discussion is finished votes are cast anonymously either by paper ballot or by raised hands with eyes closed. Votes in either case must be counted by two people not voting themselves (at least for that position if not the entire AGM) and votes number for each candidate concurred. In any vote members may vote to reopen nominations (RON) instead of for one of the candidates present. In the case of a tie between candidates the vote is repeated allowing members to change their votes either between candidates or to RON. If the same result occurs and more than two candidates are standing the votes are recast with the candidate with the lowest number of votes eliminated from the voting choices. If a tie is still occurring the deciding vote is made by the outgoing Captain or highest ranked committee member (judged by election order above) if the Captain is standing for re-election. After the AGM the new and old committee should arrange a date for a committee changeover meeting until which point the old committee remains in charge unless otherwise agreed. This meeting should be before the changeover meeting with the AU. Emergency General Meetings [EGM] Emergency general meetings are held for the election of the Freshers representative (during the first half of the first semester). EGMs may also occur if a committee member becomes unable to fulfil their role due to them leaving the club, successful votes of no competence, illness, death, family/work/academic commitments and the


committee feels that their duties cannot be undertaken by another committee member. The EGM should follow the same basic structure as the AGM obviously without the various reports.

Committee Responsibilities Each member of the committee has a set of duties and responsibilities detailed above. On top of these are tasks that will arise throughout the year and be allocated to different committee members. These should be carried out to the best of the committee member’s abilities. If a committee member is unable to carry out either a committee duty or an allocated task they should let the committee know as soon as a problem occurs so they can be helped or so the task should be reassigned. If a committee member or club member has a problem with a committee member they should inform the club Captain so they can talk to the committee member about the issue and how it can be resolved. If the person has an issue with the Captain concerns should be addressed towards the VC so the problems can discussed amongst the committee. If a club/committee member has a problem with the entire committee they can address concerns to the AU. If it is thought that a committee member is not carrying out their duties without the required effort and the committee has tried to address this consistently without improvement a vote of no confidence can be held. The vote is carried if more than a quorum (50% + one) of the committee concur with the vote of no confidence. Committee and Club Conduct The behaviour of the committee and its members should create an atmosphere of friendship, openness and acceptance for the entirety of its membership. Their behaviour should at all times be legal, deemed socially acceptable and represent the good standing of the University as a whole including while on club trips. It is up to the committee to address any concerns over club behaviour. In extreme cases the committee may decide to put forward votes of no confidence if the behaviour of a committee member is unacceptable or even vote for temporary barring or expulsion from the club. If it is the behaviour of a normal member that is under 6

question the committee may vote for temporary barring or even expulsion of that member. In either case of voting over the unacceptable behaviour of committee of club members requires a majority committee vote to be carried. Medical, fitness and personal Issues Lifesaving at times can be a physically exhausting and strenuous sport. With this allowances needs to be made for individuals depending of their fitness level and medical conditions. Individuals should be encouraged at the start of the year to tell the Captain/Safety officer of any conditions that may affect their ability to undertake training/general safety and to have any required medication present at all training sessions. Committee members should be aware of individual people’s physical fitness while instructing training sessions and not push them to a point beyond that which is safe. Lifesaving is a contact sport and therefore involves frequent physical contact. Occasionally due to personal or religious reasons members may be uncomfortable with being touched by other individuals especially of the opposite gender. In these cases they can request to be paired with people of the same gender or abstain from the activity. If a member is ever accused of inappropriate contact is will be up to the committee to try and resolve it. In extreme cases matters may need to be referred to the police. Alteration of the Club Constitution At any time a committee member may propose amendment to the club constitution. This should be voted on by the current committee to decide is the change is required. At no time should the constitution contradict the rules and regulations set down by the AU or the RLSS (The Governing Body).



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