St Andrews University Lifesaving Club Minutes 27-04-09

  • April 2020
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St Andrews University Lifesaving Club Minutes from Monday 27th April ’09 from 10:20pm Present: David Hutchison, Jonathan Greaves, Rhona Murray, Sarah Shapiro, Alastair Tyson, Ella Hunt, Chris Samson David Hutchison welcomed in the new committee as captain. It was stated that if there were any problems with the committee then they should be voiced, also that attendance is crucial and if a member of the committee are going to absent from a session then a facebook message was suggested to inform the rest. Committee Roles/ Functions Jonathan Greaves – Social Representative will be responsible for publicising the club, the freshers’ social (first Wednesday back), the Aqua Ball and regular pub socials. Rhona Murray – Vice Captain manages the safety policy and the safety forms from the AU for the 18th May. Sarah Shapiro – Treasurer keeps a track of the incomings/outgoings. Also treasurer will also be responsible for the clothing order. Alastair Tyson – Webmaster is in charge of the management and updating process of the official website, such as uploading photos. Ella Hunt – Training Officer will be in control of the rota/schedule. A revamp of the Monday fitness sessions for the regulars and stroke training for the freshers’, in addition to competition training with Kenny’s assistance was discussed. Christina Samson – Secretary will keep minutes, organise memberships and deal with awards’ administration. David Hutchison – Captain will be required to keep good contacts with the AU, chair meetings and allow decisions through the committee. For lifesaving sessions it was noted that a member of the executive committee plus a lifeguard should be present. Bank Crossover The new signatories for the bank were decided as the Captain, Treasurer and Secretary. The actual crossover will be decided at a later date along with last year’s committee. AU Crossover The AU Crossover is set for the 5th May at the Venue 1, Union for approximately 5.30pm. The Captain, Vice Captain, Secretary and Treasurer are required to attend. Sponsorship Several ideas were discussed and as Janetta’s is our current sponsor, David agreed to approach and contact them once again. The Lizard also has sponsorship deals out. The New Inn was suggested as the lifesavers have become regulars there. Jonathan is to attempt preliminary contact with both the Lizard and the New Inn. David is completing forms for Accenture, a consulting company, in the hope of some sponsorship or assistance from them. The Raisin is also known to provide sponsorship; therefore Jonathan agreed to approach them, as well as Harbour House. Sarah suggested and agreed to contact Intersport. Focus Sport Focus Sport is provided through the AU and gives guidance and extra money towards clubs. There is an interview process that would involve the executive committee. David is looking into this. Training Times/Facilities Monday and Wednesday are continuing as normal with Monday as fitness sessions and Wednesday is dedicated to skills and theory. An alternating Sunday afternoon session was discussed where extra competition training would occur, or beach training. If the weather was particularly bad then the possibility of hiring out Kilrymont Pool at approximately £12 for extra practice in awards and competitions was considered. Beach BBQ/Bronze and Silver Cross Training The beach BBQ is to be held on West Sands at 1pm on Friday 29th May. Training for the Bronze and Silver Cross is to begin at 11.30am. If the weather is bad for the BBQ, an alternative location is David’s house. An e-mail is to be sent out and mentioned to the previous committee of this social. Jonathan was put in charge of food; an approximate cost per person was about £1. Bronze and Silver Cross

Ella to contact Mike Murray (Tom’s contact) – who would not have an excessive charge for boats and bouys. The exam date wasn’t confirmed but was thought that it should be held midweek after Oliva return and before the Freshers’ weekend of the 20th Sept. David suggested that those wanting to do these awards should either have the NPLQ or Award of Merit, for the safety aspect, either that or actually have a beach lifeguard present, this is to be decided later. NBLQ Ella was also to contact Fife Council to enquire about prices, Fifestyle discount and contacts for the course. It was discussed as a huge commitment and perhaps just enquiries at this stage. Kit Both David and Ella have a catalogue to look at. Manikins were discussed and tango men as possible additions to the club’s kit. Approximate costs of tango men were £125 so was going to look into second hand. If a competition was to be organised for the second semester then the club officially need manikins and tango men. Dry manikins could be acquired from the AU. In addition to this fins were considered, but this was left at the moment. E-mail Account The e-mail account will be changed from the Captain, Vice-Captain and Social with access, to Captain, Secretary and Social. Crossover Meal The preliminary date was set for the 13th May with Jonathan and Allison Bohr to organise this. Also the Oak Rooms were suggested for the meal as these are linked to the Lizard, which was to be approached for sponsorship. Future Meetings Any future meetings are scheduled as and when required and will take place at 7pm before the Wednesday sessions at East Sands. The full committee will be required at these. For normal sessions the committee is expected to arrive at 7.45pm at East Sands. Freshers’ Pocket face masks were agreed to be given to the freshers as gifts for joining the club. Flyers for freshers week are to be produced by Chris and Jonathan, with the David’s logo. Teaching/Training Ella collected details of awards from everyone for teaching purposes. Ideas for Monday sessions included stroke/tow training with Kenny/Chris Harper, physical fitness and competition training as well as leisure lanes. Wednesdays are to remain theory and skills based with awards training. Website Photos Alastair requested that we have photos uploaded onto the website such as passport photos to identify committee members, and details of those on the committee. Also some photos having members with club kit was suggested. A.O.C.B Sarah is to create membership cards for the club. Freshers Comp – keep at East Sands on a Wednesday Wed 6th - A fun session was discussed involving aqua run/flume, games. David was going to speak to Kathryn and East Sands on Wed Sarah agreed to pick up the post from the AU, as most of it is bank statements. The next meeting was suggested for after the 10th May.

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