INTERPRETERS Vereinigen Sie! Ενώστε! Unisca!
Соедините! ¡Una!
Verenig me!
Unissez !
UNITED for professional pay, benefits and respect!
Informational UNION Meeting for Interpreters • How can we improve our pay, benefits and working conditions? • Did you know that interpreters have not had a raise from the state in more than 15 years? • Did you know that interpreters make less today than they did 10 years ago?
Tuesday, September 15 7:00 PM
Watertown Hotel, Wallingford Room (near Children’s Hospital)
4242 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle 98105 | 206-826-4242
In any language, it just makes sense to be united. Washington Federation of State Employees | WFSE/AFSCME Council 28 | 800-562-6002