Unit2.3 - Exercises 43-44

  • July 2020
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UNIT 2 Continue Voice Verbs are in active voice when the doer is the subject. John wrote a letter to his mother. John is the doer; the verb is in active voice. Intransitive verbs always speak actively because the doer is always the subject. Verbs are in passive voice when the receiver is the subject. In your study of transitive verbs, you learned that only transitive verbs can speak passively because only transitive verbs have a receiver. The letter was written by John. Letter is the receiver; the verb is in passive voice. We can recognize passive voice immediately because it is always made up of the irregular verb plus the third principal part of the verb. Irregular verb


Was (past)

third principal part = given

was given

Will be (future)


Are (present)


Has been (present perfect)


Had been (past perfect)



passive voice


will be found are chosen has been taken had been broken is chosen

We can also recognize the passive voice because the doer is not the subject. Books (receiver) were taken to the library. (doer not given) Report (receiver) was sent by my secretary. (doer is the object of by) Exercise 43 Directions: In the following sentences, underline the irregular verb and put parentheses around the third principal part. Example: The money was (found) in the locker room last night. 1. The note for my absence was signed by my mother. 2. The gates of the U.S. Embassy were closed at 8:00 P.M. 3. The water will be turned off in the morning.

4. Her bedroom had been painted last week. 5. Jane’s typewriter was purchased by her father. 6. The uses of that product have been studied thoroughly. 7. All the materials were removed from the table. 8. Her books had been taken to the library. 9. The principal’s report will be given tomorrow. 10.The news was given out very cautiously. 11.The taxi had been called. 12.The little old man was injured in a fall. 13.The microphones were set up in the auditorium. 14.The various articles will be sorted by the social committee. 15.Mr. Johnson’s lawn was mowed by Tim. 16.The papers were corrected by the teacher. 17.Her office was painted last year. 18.The computer had been repaired. 19.A computer was bought for our English class. 20.Her bracelet was stolen last night.

Distinguishing between Linking Verbs, Passive Voice, and the Progressive Form of the Verb Linking Verbs Irregular verb



champion (noun)

Will be Has been

noun, pronoun, adjective

they (pronoun) happy (adjective)

Passive Voice Irregular verb


third principal part of the verb





Will be


Has been


Progressive Form Irregular verb



sing +ing

Will be

present tense verb + ing = is singing

ride +ing

= will be riding


win +ing

= were winning

Had been

give +ing

= had been giving

Exercise 43 Directions: Write L for linking, P for passive voice, or PRO for progressive. Example: L

The wind was fierce.


1. The money will be given to the victim immediately.


2. She is captain of our volleyball team.


3. The video on prejudice was seen yesterday by the class.


4. The book will be found.


5. She is taking her little sister to the concert.


6. Sean was speaking to a hostile audience.


7. The captain had been chosen that morning.


8. Mr. Campos has been flying airplanes for years.


9. Janice will be hall monitor next week.


10. The little children were victims of war.


11. The gangs were known in our neighborhood.


12. Miss Parker will be running for mayor.


13. Bob was our favorite mascot.


14. The papers were destroyed in the fire.


15. Mary has been the best speller for two years.


16. Jane will be sending out the material next week.


17. Her mother is an excellent seamstress.


18. The news was published yesterday.


19. Our team was losing the game.


20. Jerry was given a trophy for excellence.


21. The accident was seen by all the children.


22. Laurie will be a good architect.


23. The leaflets will be distributed next week.


24. My little sister is visiting her cousin in Arizona.


25. The old lady was an excellent conversationalist.

The emphatic form of the verb emphasizes a statement or denies a contrary statement. She does require a recommendation. (emphasis) I did send that report. (denial) The emphatic only has two tenses. Present Do, does

Past did

This form is also used to ask questions. Does he understand his predicament? Did you write that letter?

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