Unit Two

  • November 2019
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Unit Two Invite vt. 邀请,招待:invite sb. to dinner 征求,请求:Questions are invited. 引诱,鼓励:The calm water in the lake invited us to swim. 引起,导致:The premature general strike would invite total defeat. Invitation n. 招待,邀请:send/accept an invitation 请帖,招待券:an invitation to the party 引诱,鼓励:Houses left unlocked are an open invitation to burglary. Happen vi. (偶然)发生:The accident happened at 10 o’clock. A funny thing happened yesterday. 碰巧:I happened to see him yesterday. It happened that I saw him yesterday. 巧遇,偶然发生:( upon ) He happened upon the thing he had been trying to get for a long time. Flat a.平的,平坦的:This floor is flat. 水平的:The storm left the trees flat on the ground. 断然的,干脆的:a flat refusal n.一套住房:rent a flat 车胎漏气:have a flat tire Empty a.空的,空着的:an empty box/room 空虚的,空洞的:Their marriage has been empty. 愚蠢的,无知的:an empty idea 空闲的:empty hours vt.使空,倒空:Empty the box of rubbish. 走空:The building was emptied in five minutes. vi.变空:The streets soon emptied when the rain began. 流入,注入:The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico. Essential a.本质的,实质的,基本的:essential difference Her most essential quality is her kindness. 根本的,必不可少的,非常重要的:essential elements/ingredients n.本质,实质,要素:essentials of English grammar advertise vt. 为….做广告:advertise the new product/a house for rent 通知:(of)I advertised him of my plan. 公告,公布:advertise the sailing day 宣传,宣扬:He advertised his willingness to help. Advertisement n.广告 第 1 页 共 6 页

put/place an advertisement in a newspaper Absence n. 不在,缺席:a long absence frequent absences from school 没有,缺乏:absence of reason The absence of electricity made matters worse. 不注意,心不在焉:absence of mind Absent a. 缺席的,不在的:(from)be absent from school He is absent in New “York. 心不在焉的,漫不经心的:an absent stare 没有的,缺乏的:Snow is absent in some countries. Protect vt.保护,警戒: protect natural resources protect plants from the cold protect the warship against torpedoes Protection n. 保护,保卫:give/provide protection, under the protection of 保护者,保护物:She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light. Property n. 财产,资产,所有物:property tax 地产:He bought a small property in London. 所有权,财产权:literary property 性质,属性:the healing properties of medicinal herbs Reliable a.可靠的,可信赖的: reliable a reliable person Rely vi. 依靠,依赖:(on/upon)rely on one’s own efforts He’s relying on me completely. 指望,信任,对….有信心:I rely upon you to finish the work today. He is not to be relied upon. Collect vt.收集,采集:collect stamps/coins 领取,接:collect post collect a suit from the cleaner 收回:The government could save money by improving the way it collects tax. vi.集合,聚集,收账,收款:A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident. Install vt. 任命,使就职:install sb.as He installed a young man as head of the department. 安置,使坐,使入席:He installed himself in a front-row seat. 安装:install a machine 第 2 页 共 6 页


Switch n.开关,电闸:a pull switch 转变,改变:a switch in method v.接通电流,开:switch an electric light on 关闭电流,关:switch off the gas 改变,转变:switch off to another line Attempt vt.尝试,试图:attempt to do 企图做,想做:They attempted the most impossible. 袭击,破坏:attempt the enemy’s positions n.试图,力图,努力:make an attempt to do sth. 攻击,袭击:make an attempt on one’s life Present a.在座的,在场的,现存的:the present government/system How many of the group are present today? 现在的,目前的:the present price/situation The dress is made in the present fashion. n.现在,目前:at present 赠品,礼物:a birthday/Christmas present vt. 呈现,赠送,给予:present flowers to sb. The well-known writer presented her with a signed copy of his book. 向….提出,交出:present letters present the matter for consideration The servant presented sandwiches to each guests. We shall present a complete report to the Annual Conference. 显示,显露出,陈述,描述:A sad picture was presented to out sight. Value n.益处,有用性,重要性:realize the value of water/fresh air and sunlight/exercise 价值:The value of the pound has fallen. The thief took some clothes, but nothing of great value. 等值,公平的代价:You always get value for money at that shop. 价值观念,社会准则,道德标准:He has all the wrong values. vt.估算….的价值,把…..作价为:I valued the house and its contents at $250000. 高度评价,重视,尊重:We value your friendship highly. Valuable a. 很值钱的,贵重的:valuable articles/diamonds 极有用的,宝贵的,有价值的:valuable help Item n. 条款,项目:number the items in a catalogue 一条新闻,一个节目:Are there any interesting news items in the paper this morning? 物品,产品:The shop window was filled with hundreds of industrial items. Equipment n. 设备,配备,装备:The factory got priority in men and equipment. 第 3 页 共 6 页

设备,器械:laboratory/sports/hunting equipment 知识,技能,修养: Do you have the equipment for the new task? Equip vt. 配备,装备:be equipped with The room is equipped with airconditioning. 使做好准备,训练,使有资格:Her diligent study has equipped her for a career as a lawyer. Visible a. 看得见的,可见的:The sea is visible from my hotel room window. 明显的,显然的:the visible attempt on her life Draw vt.画,勾画,草拟:draw a picture 拉,扯,拔:draw the curtains 取用,提款:draw water from a steam/well He drew fifty pounds from his savings account. 吸引:The film was drawing huge crowds. 引起,得出:draw attention to sth. draw a conclusion from vi.拉,驶,驶去:The bus drew off. 临近,逼近,来临:Christmas is drawing near. Mark n.痕迹,斑点,污迹:The wet glass left a mark on the surface on the table. 符号,记号,标记:punctuation/question/quotation marks birth mark book mark trade mark 象征,特征:They planted an evergreen tree as a mark of their friendship. 分数:give sb. high/low/full mark vt.做记号于,标明:She marked her son’s clothes with red thread. The road we should take is marked on this map. 留痕迹于,弄污:The walls in the side streets were marked with dirty words. 给….打分,评分:I still have fifteen essays to mark today. 表示,标明,表明:This cross marked the spot where the fossil eggs were found. 登记,指定:mark students absent/present/late Why did you mark his answer wrong? Indelible a. 去不掉的,洗不掉的,恒久的:indelible writing/ink 难以洗刷的,难以磨灭的: an indelible impression Identification n. 认出,验明,确认身份:the identification of criminals by their fingerprints 身份的证明,身份证: A driving-licence is adequate identification Identify vt. 认出,鉴定,验明:identify handwriting 使….等同起来:He identifies her happiness with his own. Return vi.回来,回去:Your mother will return in a minute. 第 4 页 共 6 页

重来,恢复:I slept well, but the pain has returned this morning. 归还,退还:The property returned to the original owner. vt.归还,退回,送回:Don’t forget to return my keys. 报酬,报答:return a visit She smiled as I entered the room. I returned the smile. 回复,恢复:The noise returned him abruptly to the present. Sticker n.粘贴物,标签: On the rear window was a sticker saying “save the whales”. Stick n.枝条,枯枝:He picked up sticks to make a fire. 棒,棍,手杖:The old man cannot walk without a stick. 茎,梗: vt.刺,戳,刺死:He stuck the knife right into the butter. 粘贴,张贴:Someone has stuck a label on the box. 钉住,使固定:a coat suck with medals 伸出:Stick out your hand vi.粘住,固定住:(to)The gum stuck to my fingers. 坚持:He sticks to his own ideas. 卡住,困住:The key stuck in the lock. Available a. 可利用的,可得到的,可买到的:That dictionary is not available here. 现成的,空着的:Will your accommodation be available next week? 有效的:The round trip ticket is available for a month. 不忙的,有空的:The manager is not available now. Advise v. 劝告,建议:advise sb. to do sth. He advised that she take steps at once. 通知,报告:advise sb. of sth. We are pleased to advise you that things are improving. Advice n.劝告,建议: give/offer advice seek/ask for advice follow/take/accept advice Insurance n. 保险:accident/fire/life insurance insurance policy 保险金: 安全保障:I bought another lock as an additional insurance against thieves. Insure v. 保险:insure one’s house against fire 保障:More care will insure you against making so many mistakes. Claim vt.要求,索领,认领:claim the luggage 声称,主张:He claims that he was cheated. 需要:The matter claimed our serious attention. 拥有,具有:The city claims the highest jobless rate in their country. 第 5 页 共 6 页

vi.要求:Did you claim on the insurance after your accident? n.要求,索取,认领:make/file/put forward a claim 声称,主张:Investigation showed his claim to be false.

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