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  • Pages: 16
Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota” Brasov

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 2 Going Places

X C – matematica-informatica, L1 Timp alocat: 6 ore profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr. Crt. 1.



Detalieri de continut Going Places Holidays Geographical features

Competente specifice 2.1, 3.1, 2.2, 1.2, 1.3

Holiday objects Travel Holiday experiences Phrasal verbs, words often confused, idioms Prepositions

3.3, 1.2, 1.3

Buying souvenirs Complaining, Criticising,

1.1, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.1

Activitati de invatare - naming the types of holidays by looking to some images - matching the speakers to the holidays - matching some words to form compound nouns - discussion using given words and expressions - commenting upon two statements - discussion about tourists’ behaviour - skimming the text - answering pre-reading questions - reading the text - finding words that are geographical features - explaining the meaning of some words from the text - checking homework - arranging some verbs in a box - completing a text - discussion- persuading, agreeing, disagreeing - listening to some announcements - completing some sentences with travel words - crossing out the odd word - explaining phrasal verbs - explaining idioms - checking homework - pre-listening discussion



- textbook - blackboard - cassette

Systematic observation

Homework: 3b/101 4/101

- textbook - cassette - handout - blackboard

Systematic observation

Homework: 9,10/103

- cassette - blackboard

Oral examination

Apologising Everyday English




The Moon and Sixpence

Modal Verbs Word formation

Narratives Time, words and phrases Past tenses Adjectives, adverbs and verbs Techniques to begin/ end your story Punctuation

1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2

2.1, 4.1

1.1, 2.4

- matching the speakers - post-listening activity: deciding if some questions are true or false - discussing about souvenirs - answering several questions - identifying in a dialogue phrases used to complain, apologise and criticise - acting out dialogues - asking for an opinion, complimenting, thanking - guessing where dialogues take place - checking homework - completing a text with prepositions - reading a text - inserting eight sentences in the text - finding the adjectives that describe some words from the text - explaining some words - analysing the text - describing what the dream island would look like - checking homework - completing sentences with a modal verb of obligation or necessity - answering some questions using modal verbs - discussing the meaning of some modals - identifying modals which express ability/ permission - rephrasing exercise - writing nouns, adjectives, adverbs deriving from verbs - filling the gaps with derived words - checking homework - ordering some paragraphs in a text - underlining the time words and phrases in a text - filling in a text with given time words and phrases - filling in a text with the correct verbal form - inserting given adverbs in a text in order to improve the writing style - matching the beginnings of the stories to the endings

- handout - textbook

- textbook - blackboard

Homework: A translation from Romanian into English

Oral examination

Homework: 9/107

- textbook - handout

Systematic observation

Homework: 8/109

- textbook - blackboard

Oral examination

Homework: 10b/114

Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota” Brasov

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 1 Revision

XI B – matematica-informatica, L1 Timp alocat: 2 ore profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr. Crt. 1. 2.

Detalieri de continut

Competente specifice

-revising the knowledge acquired so far

Revision Short test paper – to check the class level

Activitati de invatare

3.3, 1.2, 1.3

- correcting the test paper

Resurse - handout - blackboard


Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota” Brasov

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 3 Self -Assessment

XI B – matematica-informatica, L1 Timp alocat: 3 ore profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr. Crt. 1.



Detalieri de continut Revision Vocabulary & Grammar Use of English

Revision Mapping the past and the present

Test Paper

Competente specifice 3.3, 1.2, 1.3

1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2

Activitati de invatare - checking homework - filling in the missing word - multiple matching - rephrasing exercise - filling in the correct word derived from a word in bold - correcting some sentences - checking homework - reading a text - inserting 6 paragraphs in the text - listening to some travelling problems - matching the events to the people talking about them - answering several questions - comparing and contrasting two pictures - checking the knowledge acquired so far



- textbook Oral examination Homework: 6, 7/ 116 - textbook - cassette - blackboard

Oral examination 12/118


Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota” Brasov

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 4 History

XI B – matematica-informatica, L1 Timp alocat: 6 ore profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr. Crt. 1.


Detalieri de continut History Lessons Historical figures and events

War and Peace Words, idioms and fixed phrases

Competente specifice 2.2, 2.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

1.2, 2.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.3, 2.4

Activitati de invatare - checking homework - talking about historical figures and their achievements - commenting upon two quotations - explaining a quotation at the beginning of the text and the relation with the title - predicting the text - skimming the text - guessing the answer to some pre-reading questions - reading the text - multiple choice activity - explaining the meaning of some words from the text - discussing about history - checking homework - finding words related to war



- textbook - blackboard

Systematic observation

Homework: 5/123

- textbook - blackboard

Systematic observation

related to history Taking control Phrasal verbs, words often confused Prepositions





Education and Protesting Asking for confirmation Responding positively/negatively Expressing uncertainty Narrating personal opinions

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2

Amelia – Where are you?

2.1, 2.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Past Tenses Word formation

Narratives Techniques in Narration Analysing a story

1.1, 1.3, 2.4

- completing a spidergram - using the new words to complete several sentences - listening to three speakers and identifying the historical figures - predicting a conversation by looking at a list of words and a picture - explaining new words - listening to the conversation and deciding if some sentences are true or false - practising the different uses of the word “control” to complete several sentences - explaining some words which are often confused - practising the use of some idioms by underlining the correct item in some sentences - listening to eight different people and choosing the correct answer - completing some missing information after listening to a conversation on mysteries of history - checking homework - listening to eight different people and choosing the correct answer - completing some missing information after listening to a conversation on mysteries of history - comparing and contrasting two pictures related to education - comparing and contrasting two pictures showing different ways of protesting - acting out dialogues using phrases from a box - checking homework - predicting a text by looking at a picture, title and a list of words - reading the text - inserting seven sentences in the text - finding some synonyms in the text - explaining some words - describing Amelia by using some adjectives - acting out dialogues between some of the characters from the text - checking homework - practising past tenses by completing a text with the correct past form - practising past modals by rephrasing several sentences - practising the difference between needn’t have and didn’t need to - forming verbs by adding suffixes or prefixes - rephrasing exercise - checking homework - reading about techniques used in narration - ordering some paragraphs in a text

- cassette

Homework: 6,8,9/125

- textbook - blackboard - cassette

Oral examination

Homework: 5/125 6/127

- textbook - blackboard

Oral examination

Homework: 7/129

- handout - textbook - blackboard

- textbook - blackboard

Systematic observation

Homework: 10, 11/131 Oral examination

The flashback technique Use of adjectives/ Adverbs, participles Similes

Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota”

- telling a story using the flashback technique - grouping some adjectives/ adverbs - matching six pictures to feelings - joining two sentences using participles - practising similes by matching two columns

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 5

Homework: 10/ 136


Learning Lessons

XI B – matematica-informatica, L1 Timp alocat: 6 ore profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr. Crt. 1.



Detalieri de continut The Cyber School Education

Education system Places in a school American vs. British system of education Exams, qualifications Words, idioms and fixed phrases related to education Phrasal verbs Prepositions Listening activities Studying Abroad Expressing and justifying opinions, agreeing, disagreeing Giving opposing views, reacting

Competente specifice 2.3, 3.3, 3.1, 1.1, 1.2

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.3

Activitati de invatare



- checking homework - describing some pictures - matching words from two columns to make job titles - talking about the qualities of a “good” teacher - paraphrasing a statement - matching opinions to speakers after listening to a text - predicting a text with the help of some pictures and the title - skimming the text - reading the text - inserting missing paragraphs in the text - explaining the meaning of some words from the text - checking homework - listening to a cassette and completing a chart about the American system of education - matching places to pictures - talking about various types of school - talking about exams and qualifications - matching verbs to nouns to form collocations - filling gaps with the correct particle of a phrasal verb

- textbook - blackboard - cassette

Systematic observation

- checking homework - listening to five people talking about exams - matching the speakers to the subjects they are talking about - multiple choice activity after listening to an interview - talking about studying abroad

- textbook - blackboard - cassette

Homework: 4, 6/139

- textbook - blackboard - cassette

Systematic observation

Homework: 7, 9, 10/ 141

Oral examination

Homework: 7/143




Tom Brown’s schooldays

2.4, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

The Passive. The Causative Word formation

Opinion Letter Techniques in Narration Analysing a story The flashback technique Use of adjectives/ Adverbs, participles Similes

2.4, 2.5

Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota” Brasov XI B – matematica-informatica, L1 Timp alocat: 1 ora profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

- acting out dialogues using phrases from a box - checking homework - reading an extract about the novelist Thomas Hughes - talking about actions such as bullying, linked to the text - reading the text - post reading multiple choice activity - finding synonyms in the text - explaining unknown words - analysing the text - checking homework - transforming sentences from the active into the passive voice - completing sentences using by or with - practising personal and impersonal passive structures when rewriting sentences - practising the causative form by rewriting sentences - rephrasing exercise - checking homework - T. presents the layout of an opinion letter - analysing an opinion letter - inserting the correct topic sentence in an opinion letter - planning the paragraphs - using linking words when completing a text - matching the informal phrases/sentences to the formal ones - analysing a composition

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 6 Self -Assessment

- textbook - blackboard

Oral examination

Homework: 5/145

- handout - textbook - blackboard

Systematic observation

Homework: 8, 9, 10/ 147 - textbook - blackboard

Oral examination

Homework: 12/ 152

Nr. Crt. 1.

Detalieri de continut Revision Vocabulary & Grammar Use of English Pretty as a Prehistoric Picture

Competente specifice 3.3, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2

Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota”

Activitati de invatare - checking homework - filling in the missing word - multiple matching - rephrasing exercise - filling in the correct word derived from a word in bold - correcting some sentences - reading a text - inserting 6 paragraphs in the text - listening to a conversation about local history - post-listening activity: multiple matching

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 7



- textbook - cassette - blackboard

Oral examination Homework: 12/156


Planet Issues

XI B – matematica-informatica, L1 Timp alocat: 5 ore profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr. Crt. 1.



Detalieri de continut The Antarctic Key to Planet Earth Environmental issues

Competente specifice 2.3, 3.3, 3.1, 1.1, 1.2

Green Issues Words, idioms and fixed phrases related to environmental problems Phrasal verbs Prepositions

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

Save Our Seeds Methods of preserving seeds from plants

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.3

Activitati de invatare - checking homework - describing some pictures - matching words from two columns to obtain environmental problems - talking about planet issues using phrases from a box - paraphrasing two quotations - predicting a text with the help of some pictures and the title - reading the text - inserting missing paragraphs in the text - explaining the meaning of some words from the text - checking homework - listening to a cassette about three opinions on recycling and completing a chart - matching speakers to their topics - completing some sentences using environmental words - explaining the difference between some words - listening to some people talking in eight different situations and choosing the correct variant - predicting an interview by describing a picture - listening to the interview and completing sentences - checking homework - discussing the relation between the pictures and the title - guessing what the text is about by reading the first and the last paragraph - reading the text about famous conservation project - post reading multiple choice activity



- textbook - blackboard

Systematic observation

Homework: 5 b or c/161

- textbook - blackboard - cassette

Systematic observation

Homework: 5,6,7/ 163

- textbook - blackboard

Oral examination

Homework: 5/167



Future forms. Conditionals

Reviews Analysing a book/ a film review

2.4, 2.5, 1.4

Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota” Brasov

- explaining the highlighted words and phrases from the text - checking homework - matching the future forms to their correct descriptions - rewriting sentences using: be to, be bound to, be about to - practising conditionals by completing some sentences - practising mixed conditionals by matching two columns - making wishes - checking homework - T. presents the layout of a review - matching paragraphs to topics - analysing a film review - using a certain kind of language when writing the review - underlining the correct word or phrase - matching adjectives to nouns to make collocations - analysing a book review

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 8 The Cycle of Life

- textbook - blackboard - handout

Oral examination

- textbook - blackboard

Oral examination

Homework: 9, 10, 11, 12/169

Homework: 10/ 174

XI B – matematica-informatica, L1 Timp alocat: 5 ore profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr. Crt. 1.



Detalieri de continut Living for a Century Stages of Life Healthy Living

Competente specifice 2.1, 3.1, 2.2, 1.2, 1.3

Healthy Lifestyle Words, idioms and fixed phrases related to healthy eating Phrasal verbs Prepositions

3.3, 1.2, 1.3

Little Women Semi-autobiographical novel Life in the 19th century

1.1, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.1

Activitati de invatare - checking homework - talking about the relation between the title of the unit and five pictures - talking about stages of life - paraphrasing two quotations - predicting a text with the help of some pictures and the title - talking about how to live longer - reading the text - post reading multiple choice activity - explaining the meaning of the highlighted words from the text - matching words from two columns - choosing the correct meaning for some words taken from the text - checking homework - ranking ideas related to healthy lifestyle in order of importance - explaining the words from a spidergram and making up sentences - talking about the nutritional value of certain foods - explaining words related to eating and choosing the correct variant in some sentences - listening to a conversation related to lifestyle and deciding if some sentences are true or false - discussing about how various aspects of our lifestyle will change in the next 50 years - matching speakers to their topics - checking homework - predicting an interview by reading several words - listening to the interview and choosing the correct variant - reading a short text about the author and the novel



- textbook - blackboard

Oral examination Homework: 5, 6/177

- textbook - blackboard - cassette

Oral examination

Homework: 5, 6, 7/ 179

- textbook - blackboard - cassette

Oral examination




Subordinate Clauses Defining vs. Non-defining Clauses Clauses of Purpose Clauses of Concession. Question Tags

Revision & Extension Interpreting rubrics

2.4, 1.3, 1.5, 2.5, 3.3

Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota” Brasov

- talking about life in the 19th century - reading the text - inserting seven sentences removed from the text - matching the highlighted words with their meaning - checking homework - completing sentences with the correct relative and deciding whether it is defining or non-defining - joining sentences using the words in brackets - making sentences using clauses of purpose - rephrasing sentences using: despite, however, although, even though - practising question tags by underlining the correct variant - rephrasing some sentences - checking homework - analysing information given by the rubric - reading a rubric and answering some questions - comparing two letters - analysing a composition in terms of style, paragraphing, punctuation, spelling, content

5, 9/183

- textbook - blackboard

Oral examination Homework: 7, 8, 9/185

- textbook - blackboard

Oral examination

Homework: 11/ 190

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 9 Self -Assessment

XI B – matematica-informatica, L1 Timp alocat: 2 ore profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr. Crt.

Detalieri de continut

Competente specifice

Activitati de invatare





Revision Vocabulary & Grammar Use of English

3.3, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2

Test Paper

Colegiul National “Dr. I. Mesota” Brasov XI B – matematica-informatica, L1

- checking homework - filling in the missing word - multiple matching - rephrasing exercise - filling in the correct word derived from a word in bold - correcting some sentences - reading a magazine article - matching answers with each paragraph - listening to a news report about jellyfish - post-listening activity: deciding if some sentences are true or false - checking the knowledge acquired so far

Proiectul unitatii de invatare: 1 Revision

- textbook - blackboard

Oral examination Homework: 12/194

Timp alocat: 5 ore profesor: Sarghie Raluca manual: Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr. Crt. 1.

Detalieri de continut Revision




Competente specifice 3.3, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2



-revising the vocabulary acquired in Units 6, 7

- handout - blackboard

-revising the vocabulary acquired in Units 8, 9, 10

- handout - blackboard


- revising the grammar acquired in Units 6, 7

- handout - blackboard



- revising the grammar acquired in Units 8, 9, 10

- handout - blackboard

Oral examination Homework: exercises Oral examination Homework: exercises Oral examination Homework: exercises Oral examination Homework: exercises


Test paper

1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2, 3.3

Activitati de invatare

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