Unit 8

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 8
LESSON PLAN Unit 8 : The Story of My Village Reading Period : 43 (5T -43->47) A. Aim - Help Ss practise reading about the changes of a village thanks to new farming methods. B. Method : Communicative approach. C. Teaching aids : pictures, books D. Procedure Teacher’s activities Ps’ activities I. Check - up - bad crops II. New lesson - farmers doing the farming by hand 1. Pre - reading - houses made of bricks; TV set and radio - good * Activity] (4) crops • Picture A : The village many years ago - - doing the farming with machines houses made of straw and mud - shortage (n) • Picture B : The village today - meet somebody's wish - result in Activity 2: Introducing some new words (3 - export (n) - T. introduces a picture of a poor village and asks Ss to tell what they see in the picture. - T. shows Ss another picture and asks them to tell about the changes of the village. - T. helps Ss to find the meanings of some words by giving cues 2. While - reading Reading silently (2') • Task Matching the words with their definitions (5’) - T. asks Ss to read the text silently in 2 minutes before doing the tasks. - T. asks Ss to underline the words in A which appear in the reading passage and guess their meanings first. Then T. asks them to match the words in A with their definitions in B. • Task 2 Completing the table with the information from the passage (T) - T. asks Ss to compare their results and then corrects. • Task 3

1 b (kiếm đủ sống ) 2d ( thiếu thốn nhieu 3a (cai (cải thiện cuộc sống ) 4e (vu (vụ mùa bội thu) 5c (cây trồng ) - Ss work in pairs.

- Ss work in pairs, finding the information about the changes in the village to complete the table

Answering the questions Suggest answers - T. makes the questions and asks goods students 1. It was simple and poor to answer them first then T. asks Ss to work. 2. Because they hoped that with an education ... bettering their lives. 3. They introduced... bumper crops. 4. He said their lives had changed a lot thanks to... brought home. 5. He told his grandchildren to study hard ...their

parents had done. 3. Post - reading Answering the question (10') * How can people with an education help make the life of their community better - T. asks Ss to discuss in groups and find some ideas to answer the question. - T. goes round to help them and then chooses good ideas to write down on III. Homework ,(1') - Write a paragraph to answer the question :"How can people.. their community better ?" the board. - Ss use the ideas to write a paragraph

Theme: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE UNIT 8 : SPEAKING Period : 44 (5T -43->47) * OBJECTIVES: 1. Aim: Students practise speaking about the plans to improve the villagers' life. 2. Skills: Expressing opinions and discussing plans to improve the villagers' life in their village. * METHOD: Mainly communicative. * TEACHING AIDS: pictures, handouts, posters etc. *PROCEDURE: Teacher’s activities Ps’ activities Warm - up (5mns) Pairwork - Pictures of a road, a bridge, a medical centre, a Picture I school, a field . Picture 2 To make life in the country better, many things Picture 3 should be done. What do the pictures make you Picture 4 think about? Picture 5 Teacher asks ss the question: What do the Suggested answers pictures make you think about? Students look at 1. to widen the roads the pictures( handouts) quickly and give their 2. to build a bridge ideas about the pictures: 3. to build a medical centre 4. to build school 5. to grow crops * Pre - Speaking (8mns) Ask and answer the question: "Why should we widen the roads?" Teacher has students discuss with their partners these questions (using the pictures) Students sit in groups asking and answering question: Each group will answer the question before the class(using their own ideas) - Teachers asks some more questions to introduce the lesson.

Group 1: why should we widen the road? Group 2: Why should we build a medical centre? Group 3: Why should we build a school? Group 4: Why should we build a bridge?

- Why should we do these things in a country? - Have you got any plans to. Improve their life? While-speaking (19 mns) Task 1 :The villagers of Ha Xuyen are discusing plans to improve their life in the village. Work with your partner to match each of the plans with its possible result. (page 85) Task 2 Activity 1: Read and practise the conversation in groups of three. (page 85) Teacher walks around the class and offers ideas and comments when students need help. Then teacher calls some pairs to practise speaking before the class. Teacher selects some groups to practise the conversation before the class. Activity 2 Use the main ideas of the conversation to fill in the blanks. (posters) 1. Widen the roads to Cars and ....... can .......our village -> Won't have to cart ...... of farming ..... to. the city. 2. Resurface and raise the roads -> Won't be ...... and ...... when it rains -> Get around ........... Teacher has ss close their books and use the main ideas of the conversation to fill in the blanks.(posters)

Post speaking (12 mns) Work in groups continue the conversation, using the ideas in the table in task 1. Add some more possible results if you like. Groupwork - Students' answers may vary. Suggested answers. 1. Build a bridge over the canal -> villagers have a shorter way - save a lot of time. 2. Build a football ground -> young people can play sports -> have good health Teacher selects some groups to practise speaking by using their own ideas. Home work: (1 mn) Write a paragraph (about 50 words) to talk about the plans to improve the life of yourcountry.

Keys : lb 2g 3d 4e 5f 6c, 7a. Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions( while matching). For example A : Why should we widen the roads ? B: We should widen the roads so that cars and lorries can get to the village.



GroupA : complete the first GroupB : the second one. Each group discuss and choose one student to go to the board and write down the correct ideas . - Then some students of each group will practise the conversation again by using the information on the board without looking at their books.

Students practise writing at home.

LESSON PLAN Unit 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE - Listening Period : 45 (5T -43->47) A. Aims: - to help sts practise listening - about changes in.a small town B. Teaching Aids: textbooks, pictures, tape, cassette player. C. Method: Communicative approach D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Ps’ activities I.Pre -listening St: In England Activity 1: Warm-up T: Where is the town? T: Is it modern or old'? T: Have you ever been to any towns in St: It is is modern England? St: No. T: Today, we'll visit a town in England, - Sts looks at the picture and answer the Popffero. questions - T shows the picture of a town in England and asks sts some questions In the past Now -Small old houses -Narrow streets -Big trees -A few shops -Quiet atmosphere

-tall buildings -big hotels -wide streets -no tree -many shops -busy atmosphere

- Sts look at the pictures and list the things they can see from the two pictures. -Sts practise comparing the two pictures like the model in pairs

Activity 2: Look at the two pictures and describe them C Ex: There used to be a few shops but now there are a lot - T introduces the pictures of the town Popffero in the past and now. - T puts their ideas in two columns: in the past and now -T gives the model sentences, using the structure " used to " II. While-listening

- Keys:

Task 1: * Read the sentences carefully and guess whether they are true or false according; to the pictures - T introduces :" You will hear someone talking about the changes in his hometown, Popffero" and asks sts to guess whether the statements true or false * Listen to the tape and cheek your answers - First, sts listen to the tape and check their answers in pairs. Second, they listen to the tape again and check their answers with the teacher (correct the wrong statements) Task 2: (12') * Guess the missing; words (.5') * Listen to the talk again and write in the missing words (7') - T asks sts to listen to the tape and do the task individually and then in pairs - T checks sts' answers III. After-listening (10') Game: Lucky number Talk about the changes in Danang city 1 2 3456 l. roads 2. houses 3. lucky number 4. bridges 5. hotels 6. atmosphere - Teacher sticks the poster with 6 numbers on the board.

1. F. It's on the south coast of England 2. F. It used to be a small quiet town 3. T 4. F. A lot of trees have been cut down for wider streets 5. F. Some people don't like the changes, they miss the quiet and peaceful life of the old town

-Sts work in groups of four - Keys: 1) houses 5) car 2) hotel 6) shop 3) widened 7) department 4) cut 8) expensive

- Students work in two groups to choose the numbers they want. If it is a lucky number, the group will get 2 marks. If it is a word , the group must make a sentence with it to get 1 mark. The group that gets more marks will win the game - Suggested answer : 1. roads -> The roads used to be narrow and rough but now they are wide

Home work : (1') Write a passage of 40- 50 words about changes in your own hometown or your village T has sts write the paragraph at home

LESSON PLAN Unit 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Period: Writing Period : 46 (5T -43->47) Giving directionsA. Aims: -to help students know how to write a letter of giving directions - to help students improve writing and speaking skills B. Teaching aids: a picture, cards, posters, handouts C. Method of teaching: Communicative approach

D. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Ps’ activities 1. Check up : (3 min.) 2. Warm-up (2 min.) 3. Read the letter and match the word phrases with New lesson Task 1 the proper signals. (5 min.) Questions: - What can you see in the picture? - What are they doing? T. shows Ss a picture and asks Ss to introduce the new lesson. Group work

-T. asks Ss to work in 2 groups, using cards and posters. -T. corrects -T. asks Ss to pronounce the words in chorus. -T. asks Ss to find out how to use the structure. -Each group does the task as quick as possible -T. asks Ss to write the words and structure down and sticks the poster with cards arranged on it on in their notebooks. the board. - The winning group is the one doing the task quickest and well. It's the one with ... Ex: It's the one with a yellow gate. Task 2 (5min.) Jim has decided to come to Ann's place for his holiday. Ann writes him a letter giving directions to her house. Read the letter and look at the map. Find Ann's house on the map. -T. explains the task -Ss read the letter -T. asks Ss to point at the poster (of the map on p.87) to speak out the way to Ann's house. -T. corrects where necessary. -Handouts - T. explains the task and asks Ss to work individually. (Books are closed)

-Ss do the task in pairs. (1) the station, turn right. (2) walking for about 5 minutes; you'll see a (3) ahead. (4) the bridge, (5) a medical centre, then take the' (6) on the left. Keep on (7) you come to the end of the road, turn right. Walk past a small shop. Mine is the second house after the shop, (8) the bookshop. It's the one Task 3 (8 min.) (9) a green gate. You can't miss it. I have Gap-filling: Dear Jim, I'm very pleased to hear enclosed a map so that you can follow my that you have decided to come here for the directions easily. holiday. I'm writing to tell you how to get to my Looking forward to house from Roston Railway Station. (10) you soon. Love, Now, when you Ann Key: (1) come out of (2) Keep (3) small bridge (4) Go over (5) walk past (6) first turning (7) until (8) opposite (9) with (10) seeing Pair work

Task 5 (9 min.) Task 4 (12 min.) Your house is A on the map. Write a letter to Jim, telling him the way to your house from Roston Railway Station. -T. asks Ss to write their own letters -When Ss finish writing, T. lets Ss exchange their letters to correct themselves then T. chooses some letter to give correction. Homework (1 min.) Ask your friend how to get to a place you want to go. You write a letter to invite your friend to come to your house and tell her/ him the way to your house from the transport station. -T. writes on the board while saying

LESSON PLAN Date of planning: August 18th 2006 UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE LANGUAGE FOCUS Period : 47 (5T -43->47) A. Aims: To help students master phonetic symbols /av/ , /air/ as well as review reported speech and conditional sentence( type I) B. Teaching aids: Posters, Handouts C. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Ps’ activities Warm up (3 rains) 1. now/ broken-down/ Mrs Brown/ is/ Teacher asks st(s) to rearrange two jumbled 2. know/ Joe/does/ snow/it/ will/ tomorrow? sentences 3. Does Joe know it will snow tomorrow? -> Is Is there anything Key: I. Mrs Brown is broken- down now. (Now Mrs Brown is broken-down.) / # au / special about sounds in two sentences ? Pronunciation ( 10 rains) * Activity 1: 1. Cow - couch - Teacher pronounces au / and /av / 2. I low - house St(s) repeat T guides st(s) to practise pairs of 3. Town - mouse 4. Bone - bowl words 5. Coat close 6. Phone - note • Activity 2: ( in pairs) - T asks st(s) to listen to the tape and then find out the words which have /av / and/ av / - St(s) practise the sentences in textbook

Grammar: ( 30 rains) REPORTED D SPEECH I *Activity l : - T asks st(s) some questions: 1. What's your father's job? 2 How long have you learned English? 3. Where did you go last Sunday? 4. What will you do to get good marks? 5.Can you sing?

- St(s) do the exercise individually the discuss With their partner. T reminds St(s) the structure of the first type of conditional sentences through examples. CONDITIONAL SENTENCE(Type 1) -T asks st(s), some questions: 1 .What will you do if you have a lot of money? 2. What will happen if forests are destroyed? i - St(s) answer St(s) answer - T asks St(s) to report the following Key: l. Told 2. Said 3. Said 4. statements to review Reported speech : Told 5. Talk 1. Simple present: 1. " My father is a teacher" -> Quang said ......... 2. Present perfect: " I have learned English for eight years" -> Thu told ..... 3. Simple past: " Last Sunday I visited my grandparents Thao said...... 4. Will Key: " I1' 1 don't go out SO much , I'll CIO " I will study hard " -> Lan said...... More home work If 1 do more homework, 5. Can I'll pass my exam. If I pass my exam, I'll go " I can sing -> John told ........... to university. If 1 go to University, I'll study *Activity2: ( Individuals) medicine. If 1 study medicine, I'll become a - T asks St(s) to report the statements in doctor. If I become a doctor, I'll be able to exercise 1, using the verbs suggested cure disease and help sick people. T corrects mistakes if necessary *Activity2: (Pairwork) • Activity 3: ( pairwork) T asks st(s) to fill in the gaps with - T asks st(s) to complete the sentences, using WHEN or IF correct form of SAY , TELL or TALK - St(s) do the exercise individually first then T gives feedback practise in pairs T correct mistakes if necessary Key: 1. If 2. When 3. If 4. If 5. IF Clause Main clause when Simple present Simple future *Activity 1 : ( pair work) -T asks st(s) to make conditional sentences , using the cues provided - T corrects mistakes i if necessary, Homework ( 2 mins) - St(s) do exercises in workbook

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