Unit 7.pp

  • July 2020
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Unit 7: CONSUMERS 7.1.

Vocabulary: 1. consumers 2. discount / mark down 3. turn over (doanh thu) / profit 4. brand 5. auction sale 6. bargain / haggle 7. shoplifting 8. hardware (store 9. fishmonger’s 10. stationer’s 11. delicatessen (a shop selling prepared foods often unusual or brought from other countries that are ready for serving. 12. take-away shop / fish and chip shop 13. hygiene 14. breaks / flouts (= disregards) 15. deposit 16. arcade / shopping centre/ shopping precinct 17. value for money / good value / a bargain 18. retailer / trader / vendor 19. manufacturer/ supplier / wholesaler 20. customer / client / purchaser 21. transaction / sale / purchase made 22. delicious / wholesale/ tasty 23. cider / soft drink / lager 24. on posters / in commercials / in press releases 25. courteous / helpful / good-natured


TIDE TURNS AGAINST THE DEVIL Cleanse: make (sth) thoroughly clean Suds: mass of tiny bubbles on top of water to which soap has been added. Loo: circle Exorcise: drive an evil spirit out of sb by prayers or magic Smear: an accusation which is not true but is intended to harm sb’s reputation. Hirsute: having a lot of hair on the face or body Fundamentalist: < fun·da·men·tal·ism: 1. the practice of following very strictly the basic rules and teachings of any religion 2. (in Christianity) the belief that everything that is written in the Bible is completely true.. Virulent: extremely dangerous or harmful. Cincinnati: a city in SW Ohio on the Ohio River. Allegations: statements without proof Pastor: A pastor is a member of the Christian clergy in some Protestant churches.=

minister boycott: to protest by refusing to purchase from someone, or otherwise do business with them. disclaimer: A disclaimer is a statement in which a person says that they did not know about something or that they are not responsible for something. (FORMAL) Persist: continue to exist. Cultist: a member of a religious cult. Tithe: A tithe (from Old English teogoþa "tenth") is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a (usually) voluntary contribution or as a tax or levy, usually to support a Jewish or Christian religious organization. Satanism: the worship of Satan. Defamation suit: legal proceedings brought against someone who has harmed your reputation. Perpetrator: a person who commits a crime. Under the gun: under a lot of pressure to get something done. Bedevil: To harass or cause trouble for; to plague; To perplex or bewilder Tongue wagging: gossiping Protrude (v) : stick out Batter: mixture of flour, egg, milk. Rodents are small mammals which have sharp front teeth. Rats, mice, and squirrels are rodents. Feature: be the main part of the stories. Crop up: appear suddenly or unexpectedly. Hitchhike: get free rides in other people’s vehicles. Consolation: comfort, encouragement, relief. Answers: 1- hirsute: hairy tithe: payment of a tenth part bedevil: cause trouble for 2- Stan, Lucifer, Old Nick, the Anti-Christ, Mephitopheles. 3- ‘Satanic suds’ ‘Lucifer in the loo’, ‘Antichrist allegations’ ‘Mephitopheles in the market place’ 4- Moon: a popular image 131 years ago. 13 stars: original American colonies. 5- Christians being urged to boycott P&G products. 6- disclaimers sent to 48,000 churches. 7- defamation suits against rumour-mongers 8- Yes. -- large ads denying story. 9- apparently not. 10- Yes, part of ‘urban folklore’ The tone: humourous / jokey/ flippant Use of word play: ‘cleanse the devil, ‘ bedevil companies’, satanic smear’



How we test fridges Caption 1 Picture E Caption 4: Picture F

Caption 2: Picture G Caption 6: Picture C

Caption: 3: Picture D Caption 7: Picture B

Prepositions and particles 1- of 2- in 3- on 7- with 8- in 9- of 13-of 14- on 15- of

4- to 10-since 16- by

5- by 11-in 17- out


22- for

23- on


21- around

6- in 12-to 18- in

Notes: dispense (v) distribute, provide A sachet is a small closed plastic or paper bag, containing a small quantity of something. ...individual sachets of instant coffee. = packet pouch: (n) /au/ a flexible container like a small bag. slide(v): gradually become worse or lower in value. defy: present difficulties that cannot be overcome 7.5

Idioms with GO 2- his success… seems to have gone to his head. 3- His shop has gone out of business after… 4- Trade has gone from bad to worse and staff… 5- supplies are so scarce that any models… are going for high prices. 6- By the time I opened… its content had gone off. 7- I’ll go over how it works… 8- my new watch seems to have gone haywire, so I’d better… 9- I was told… but the man … has gone back on his promise. 10- When I bought it …, but I’ve gone off it now. 11- The book was so popular… there weren’t enough copies to go round. 12- sales dropped… but since then it has been going like a bomb.


Distorting the truth

Notes: Misrepresent: give a wrong picture of misleading: giving a wrong idea about Stone: Unit of weight 1 stone+ 14 lbs flex our muscles: show our strength or power. pull out by the roots: remove completely riot (n) a large splendid display of backing on to: facing (a ditch ) at the back show sb the door: ask them to leave. gauge: standard, measure. circulars: ads sent to a large number of people. administered (by): provided formally by bend: If you bend rules or laws, you interpret them in a way that allows you to do something they would not normally allow you to do.

Because of the sheer volume: just because of the volume. Challenge (v) question solid (evidence) sound, valid amend (v): change sth to improve or in order to make it more accurate contravene (v) be contrary to credible: convincing Answers: 1A handful of: a small number of weakling: a person with no strength pledging:: promising akin: similar to ditch: a small drainage channel yardstick: standard of measurement breach: break unwittingly: without meaning to monitor: watch skeptical: doubtful, disbelieving levy: small tax or compulsory payment 2-


With the people they address to (line 8): advertisements They misrepresent the products:(line 9) : unfair advertisements. would have us flexing our muscles (line 29): The ASA it must not require an Olympic athlete (line 50): the walk to do it in the time (line 52): the walk what they can and cannot say (line 75): advertisers any advertising they are asked to publish (line 78): media owners any advertising they think ought not to have..(line 101): the pubic if they cannot (line109): challenged advertisers skeptical about its effectiveness: (line 128): the ASA For this to be credible (line 133): that the system of self-control worked in the public’s interest. make you into a 15-stone he-man; take years off your life; riot of colour in just a few days; 5 minutes walk to the beach; (if average walker takes longer); house overlooking ditch (described as a river) asks advertisers for supporting evidence, or to amend the ad or withdraw it . chairman and most council members not allowed to have any involvement on advertising. complaints from public ; 500 rules for advertisers; not TV and radio; unfair or misleading ads have to be amended or withdrawn; financed by levy; not influenced by advertisers; no legal power …

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