Unit 6 Objective 2 - Reform Movement Notes

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 347
  • Pages: 7
Muckrakers Social Settlement Temperance and Prohibition Women’s Rights African American Rights Jewish-American Rights

The Muckrakers What are they fighting for? Poor people in urban areas Who are the leaders? Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell What did they do to fight for reform? Published articles, books and pictures exposing bad business

What were the outcomes/lasting impacts of their fight for reform? Anti-trust legislature and improved working conditions

Social Settlement What are they fighting for? Poor working families Who are the leaders? Jane Addams, Ellen Gates Starr, and Lillian Wald What did they do to fight for reform? Founded homes where poor working families could live

What were the outcomes/lasting impacts of their fight for reform? Higher standard of living for poor working families

Temperance and Prohibition What are they fighting for? To make alcohol illegal Who are the leaders? Protestant Churches What did they do to fight for reform? Formed organizations that opposed alcohol What were the outcomes/lasting impacts of their fight for reform? The 18th Amendment: prohibited alcohol

Women’s Rights What are they fighting for? The right to vote (suffrage), own property, Who are the leaders? Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth What did they do to fight for reform? Formed organizations, marched in protest, made speeches

What were the outcomes/lasting impacts of their fight for reform? Women are paid equal to men, can vote, own property, keep their last names, use birth control

African American Rights What are they fighting for? Equality and safety from lynching Who are the leaders? W.E.B. DuBois, Ida B. Wells, Sojourner Truth, Booker T. Washington What did they do to fight for reform? Wrote and protested against lynching and segregation

What were the outcomes/lasting impacts of their fight for reform? Eventually led to anti-lynching legislation, the civil rights movement

Jewish-American Rights What are they fighting for? End anti-Semitism in the United States Who are the leaders? B’nai B’rith organization What did they do to fight for reform? Started the Anti-Defamation league

What were the outcomes/lasting impacts of their fight for reform? Less discrimination against Jewish people in America

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