Objective Unit-1

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,638
  • Pages: 10
Sri Venkateswara College of Computer Applications & Management

object in such a way as to reveal as little as possible about its inner workings.

Objective Type Questions Subject: Object Oriented Analysis & Design

5. Define an encapsulation.

Unit-1 1. What is an object? An object means a combination of data & logic that represents some real world entity. In an object oriented system, everything is an object. A spreadsheet, a cell in a spreadsheet, a bar chart, a report, a file, even a single character all are examples of an object. 2. What is a class?

A class is a set of objects that share a common structure and a common behavior, a single object is simply an instance of a class. It is a specification of structure, behavior and inheritance for objects.

3. What is an attribute?

An attribute is a describing property of an object. It represents the state of an object. Example, the properties of a car, such as color, manufacturer and cost.

4. What is an information hiding?

Information hiding is the principle of concealing the internal data & procedures of an object and providing an interface to each

Containment of the object inside a “capsule”. The user cannot see inside the capsule but can use the object by calling the program part of it. 6. What is a class hierarchy?

An ordering of properties and behaviours used as the basis for making distinctions between classes & subclasses.

7. Define an inheritance

Inheritance is the property of object oriented systems that allows objects to be built from other objects. It is relationship between classes where one class is the parent class of derived class.

8. What is a dynamic inheritance?

Dynamic inheritance allows objects to change and evolve overtime. Since base classes provide properties and attributes for objects, changing base classes changes the properties & attributes of a class.

9. What is a multiple inheritance? E m p lo y e e nam e a d d ress s a la ry SS#

Object oriented systems permit a class to inherit its state (attributes) and behaviours from more than one superclass.

10. Define Polymorphism? O ffic e W o r k e r Poly means many and morph means form. It means that the same operation may behave differently on different classes. It means objects that can take on or assume many different forms.

d a ta E n try C o m p u te P a y ro ll p rin tR e p o rt

M anager d a ta E n try C o m p u te P a y ro ll p rin tR e p o rt

P r o d u c tio n W o r k e r d a ta E n try C o m p u te P a y ro ll p r in tR e p o rt

14. What is a static binding?

11. What is cardinality? Cardinality is an important issue in association which specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a single instance of an associated class.

The process of determining a compile time is called as static binding. 15. What is dynamic binding?

12. Mention the phases in object oriented system development . The process of determining dynamically at run time which function to invoke is termed dynamic binding. Object oriented system development consists of: a) Object oriented analysis

16. What is an object persistence?

b) Object oriented information modeling c) Object oriented design d) Prototyping & implementation

An object persistence is the ability of an object to endure beyond application session boundaries, by storing the object in a file or a database.

e) Testing, iteration & documentation 17. What is a protocol? 13. Draw a figure for class hierarchy for the payroll application.

A protocol is a interface to the class operations and their visibility, messages that a class understands.

b. It is now an operation system that satisfies users needs. c. Is it perfect & operating as we thought it should? d. Does it pass an evaluation process

18. What is private protocol 24. Mention the three macro processes in object oriented SDLC Private protocol is a accessibility only to operations of the class itself, this includes methods the class uses only internally.

a. Object oriented analysis b. Object oriented design

19. What is a protected protocol Protected protocol is accessible only to subclasses and operations of the subclass. 20. What is public protocol Pubic protocol is accessible to all classes , it defines the stated behavior of the class. 21. Mention the list that the subprocess must have? a) A description in terms of how it works. b) Specification of the input required for the process c) Specification of the output to be produced.

22. What is an Waterfall approach? A waterfall approach is an approach to software development that starts with deciding what to do & how to do it, then doing it, testing and using the application. 23. Mention the questions we need to be able to answer to achieve high quality in software. a. How do we determine when the system is ready for delivery.

c. Object oriented implementation.

25. Mention the development






a. Object oriented analysis b. Object oriented design c. Prototyping d. Component based development e. Incremental testing

26. What is Object oriented analysis The object oriented analysis is concerned with determining the system requirements and identifying classes & their relationship to other classes in the problem domain. 27. What is object oriented design?

The object oriented design is concerned with determining the system requirements and identifying classes & their relationship to other classes in the problem domain.

An analysis prototype is an aid for exploring the problem domain. This class of prototype is used to inform the user & demonstrate the proof of a concept.

28. List the guidelines to use in object oriented design a. Reuse, rather than build, a new class. b. Design a large number of simple classes, rather than a small number of complex classes. c. Design methods d. Critique what have proposed, if possible, go back & refine the classes.

33. What is domain prototype?

A domain prototype is an aid for the incremental development of the ultimate software solution. Is used as a tool for the staged delivery of subsystems to the users or other member of the team.

29. What is prototype? A prototype is worth a thousand pictures. It enables us to fully understand how easy or difficult it will be implementing some of the features of the system. 30. What is a horizontal prototype? A horizontal prototype is a simulation of the interface but contains no functionality. It is very quick to implement, provide good overall feel of the system

34. What is component based development? Component based development is an industrialized approach to the software development process. Application development moves from custom development to assembly of prebuilt, reusable software components that operate with each other. 35. What is RAD?

31. What is vertical prototype?

A vertical prototype is a subset of the system features with complete functionality. The principle advantage of this method is that the few implemented functions can be tested in great depth.

RAD is a set of tools & techniques that can be used to build an application faster than typically possible with traditional methods.

36. List the advantages of RAD? 32. What is analysis prototype? The advantages of RAD are:

a. Quicker delivery of product , reducing the “time of market”

d. Encouragement by strategic management of reuse as opposed to constant redevelopment

b. Faster than any traditional method.

e. Establishing targets for a percentage of the objects in the project to be reused.

37. Mention the disadvantage of RAD? 41. Define classification The main disadvantage of RAD is, it sacrifices the quality of the product for a quicker delivery.

Classification is the process of checking to see if an object belongs to a category or a class, is regarded as a basic attribute of human nature.

38. List the tools used in RAD 42. Name the four approaches for identifying classes. The tools used in RAD are: a. Delphi

a. The noun phrase approach

b. Visual age

b. The common class pattern approach

c. Visual Basic

c. The use case driven , sequence/ collaboration modeling approach

d. Power builder

d. The classes, responsibilities and collaborators approach. 39. What is reusability? Reusability is the major benefit of object oriented development, For an object to be really reusable, much more effort must be spent designing it. 40. Mention the reuse strategy?

43. Give the guidelines for selecting classes in an application

a. Look for noun and noun phrases in the use cases.

a. Information hiding

b. Some classes knowledge







b. Conformance to naming standards

c. All classes must make sense in the application domain

c. Creation and administration of an object repository

d. Carefully choose & define class names

d. Cash 44. What is redundant classes?

e. Saving Account f.

Two classes that express the same information is called as redundant classes. If more than one word is being used to describe the same idea, select the one that is most meaningful.

Checking Account

g. Transaction history

49. What is common class patterns approach? 45. What is adjective classes? An adjective class suggest a different kind of object, different use of the same object or it could be utterly irrelevant. It signals that the behavior of the object is different, then make a new class. 46. What is attribute classes?

Common class patterns approach is based on a knowledge base of the common classes that have been proposed by various researchers.

50. List the patterns for finding the candidate class and object a. Concept class

An attribute classes are that tentative objects that are used only as values, should be defined o restated as attributes and not as a class.

b. Events class c. Organisation class d. People class

47. What is irrelevant classes? Each class must have a purpose and every class should be clearly defined and necessary. If a class doesn’t have any purpose means it is called as irrelevant class. 48. List some of the noun phrases in the Vianet BankATM system a. Account b. Amount c. Bank Client

e. Places class f.

Tangible things & devices class

51. What is concept class?

A concept class is a particular idea or understanding that we have of our world. It encompasses principles that are not tangible but used to organize or keep track of business activities.

52. What is events class? Events classes are points in time that must be recorded. Things happen usually to something else at a given date and time or as a step in an ordered sequence.

53. What is an organization class? An organization class is a collection of people, resources, facilities or groups to which the users belong, their capabilities have a defined mission, whose existence is largely independent of the individuals.

58. What does system development activities consists of? a. System analysis b. Modeling c. Design d. Implementation e. Testing f.


54. What is people class? The people classes represents the different roles users play in interacting with the application .People carry out some function. Example, employee, client, teacher & manager.

55. What is places classes?

59. What do you mean by software design methodology? A software design methodology is a series of processes that, if followed, can lead to the development of an application. The software processes describe how the work is to be carried out to achieve the original goal based on the system requirements. 60. Two orthogonal views of the software

Places are physical locations that the system must keep information about. Examples, buildings, stores, sites & offices.

a. Functions b. Data

56. What is classes, responsibilities and collaborators? Classes, responsibilities and collaborators is a technique used for identifying classes, responsibilities and therefore their attributes & methods. 57. What do you mean by system development?

61. What are the reasons for working of an object orientation? a. Higher level of abstraction b. Seamless transition among different phases of software development c. Encouragement of good programming techniques

System development refers to all activities that go into producing an information system solutions.

d. Promotion of reusability

a. The class tree is dynamic . 62. What is UML? UML-Unified Modeling Language. UML is a set of notations and conventions used to describe & model an application. However the UML does not specify a methodology or what steps to follow to develop an application. that would be the task of the UAUnified Approach. 63. What is Unified Approach? The Unified Approach is a methodology for software development, based on methodologies tries to combine the best practices, processes and guidelines along with the object Management Group’s unified modeling language. 64. What is layered architecture?

b. The class tree can grow.

REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. What is system development methodology? 2. What are orthogonal views of the software? 3. What is the methodology?





4. How does the object oriented approach different from the traditional top-down approach? 5. What are advantages of object oriented development? 6. Describe the components of the unified approach?

Layered architecture is an approach to software development that allows us to create objects that represent tangible elements of the business independent of how they are represented to the user through an interface or physically stored in a database

65. What does the layered approach consists of?

The layered approach consists of view or user interface, business and access layers. This approach reduces the interdependence of the user interface, database access, and business control; therefore, it allows for a more robust and flexible system.

7. What is an object? 8. What is the development?





9. What is polymorphism? 10. What is the difference between an object’s methods and an object’s attributes? 11. How are classes environment?

12. How

does object duplication?




13. What is inheritance?

15. Why is encapsulation important? 16. What is a protocol?




14. What is data abstraction? 66. What is the main advantage of Object oriented system?




17. What is the difference between a method & a message? 18. Why is polymorphism useful?

37. What is the object oriented SDLC? Compare it with traditional approach

19. How are objects identified in an object oriented system?

38. What are processes?

20. What is the lifetime of an object and how can you extend the lifetime of an object?

39. What are the object oriented design processes

21. What is association? 22. What is consumer producer relationship? 23. What is a formal class? 24. What is an instance? 25. What is the waterfall SDLC

26. What are some of the advantages & disadvantages of the waterfall process? 27. What is the software development process? 28. What is software correspondence? 29. What is software correctness/ 30. What is software validation? 31. What is software verification? 32. How is software verification different from validation? 33. What is prototyping and why is it useful? 34. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of prototyping? 35. If you have to choose between prototyping and the waterfall approach, which one would you select & why? 36. Describe the macro processes of the object oriented system development approach







40. What is use case modeling? 41. What is object modeling? 42. Why can users get involved more easily in prototyping than the traditional software development process such as the waterfall approach? 43. What is RAD? 44. Why is CBD important?

45. Why is reusability important? How does object oriented software development promote reusability?

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