Unit 3 A Digital Portfolio Assignment 1 - Digital Portfolio Copy

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  • Words: 1,921
  • Pages: 18
Dean Normington 


8034 - Level 2 IT - Unit 03 

Website Design - Digital Portfolio  13/02/19   


Introduction  Describe what you are going to write about in this document.  In this document i will be writing about my digital portfolio breaking down each page  and explaining the content and features on each page      

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Dean Normington 


1. Home Page  The aim and purpose of the website is to make a digital portfolio meaning its a website to  promote myself and showcase my work and skills to employers and potentially clients  meaning for example if i was to apply for a job for web design they could see my digital  portfolio and look at previous work that i have done in web design     The site will include 5 Main pages and 6 Sub Pages The 4 main pages are Home , Units ,  About Me , Future Plans And Contact Us , The six subpages are individual pages for each  unit showcasing my best work in that specific unit and explaining the unit    


2. Profile Page  2.1. About Me.  My name is Dean Normington , I am currently 18 years old studying ICT (BTEC Level 2) at  shipley college Its my 2nd year in college since I left my secondary school which was  Beckfoot Thornton My future Plans are to get into web design the reason i selected IT Was  because i've always been interested in IT and technology and i enjoy working on computers  

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I like going to see friends , bike riding long walks discovering new places , playing pool and  video games  

2.2. Purpose.  I have created his digital portfolio to promote my work and to give people and potential  employers an insight about me as a person and to showcase my work/thought process  

3. Future Page.  Write about the importance of planning what you are going to do in the future and  Include a screen mockup to show what the screen will look like. 

3.1 Next Steps  Write what you want to do next and how you will achieve that. 

3.2 Five Year Plan  Write what you want to be doing in five years and how you will achieve that.  In five years time I want to be living independently with a job in the IT sector preferably  designing and helping build website for clients to achieve this i will need to pass my english  , maths and IT Level 2 course and then either move onto level 3 or even self teach myself  HTML , CSS etc to build websites and using other programs to design sites for clients  

3.3 Ten Year Plan  Write what you want to be doing in ten years and how you will achieve that.  In ten years time after achieving my five year plan I want to hopefully have enough money  raised to start my own company Starting by designing and developing sites for clients and  then hopefully moving building company building software and programs for clients or  even the general public  

4. Units. 

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4.1 Unit 1 - The online world    In This Unit (Unit 1 - The Online World) We learnt about topics such as data storage , types  of online services, threats to data and more we also learnt about certain companies that  Use IT On a daily basis such as EXA Networks And FGH  


4.2 Unit 2 - Technology Systems  In this unit we learnt about input output devices , Computer Hardware , Networking and  much more    


4.3 Unit 9 - Spreadsheet development 

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In this unit we was given scenarios and had to create a spreadsheet that suits the needs of  a game rental business in addition to this we have done an assignment comparing two  different types of spreadsheets one spreadsheet used for stock control and one for  analysing large data sets we also learned how spreadsheets are used in different sectors  and how effective they can be when it comes to increasing accuracy and productivity  


4.4 Unit 11 - Computer Networks  In this unit we learnt about the different types of networks and what sectors the networks are used  for example in education sector (School/College) A LAN Or WAN Network is used in addition to this  we had an assignment to Explain Different types of networks of our choice and go into detail  explaining the strengths and weaknesses and why one was a better option than the other  


4.5 Unit 13 - Website Design 

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In this unit we are creating a website for James Mccartan a Landscape photographer for a  company called Red Ransom we have to design and write up how we are to proceed  making this website then using HTML And CSS We will be making the website from scratch  making sure we follow a plan and reach all the user requirements    


  5. Design Justification.  I have used the designs above as my alternative designs were not as compatible and  visually appealing to me or other users for example fonts were to small or the colours  didn't seem right where as the designs above seemed more appealing and formal which  with this digital portfolio im going for a clean formal theme meaning i didn't want it to be  clustered or as colourful as other websites   The assets enhance the user experience as the user will be presented with my best pieces  of work also beneath that will be other pieces of work that show my strengths when it  comes to my way of working  

6. Alternate Designs   

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I did not choose these designs as they were not visually appealing to users meaning the  colour scheme was not laid out well nor were the designs as organised as my chosen  designs i felt in these alternate designs there were to much going on as in colours and  buttons meaning it would not provide a good user experience  



7. Asset Registry.  Filename 



File type 






















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8. Navigation Diagram. 

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9. Folder Structure.   

      10. Test Plan.  9 of 18 


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Comments / Screenshot

Is there a welcome message / introduction on the home page Do all the links work and link to the correct page Is the appearance of the homepage Has the website used correct spellings and does it use formal language that would appeal to an employer Does the website keep a formal standard for example colours/Fonts Does the website fulfill the purpose of a digital portfolio Is the navigation around the website easy to use for all types of users

Does the website follow the brief Please state what browser/Devices has been used to test the website

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Dean Normington 


Does the website work on different types of devices for example Mobile Phone or a tablet Contact us page Are The Contact Details Clear Is there a map link showing a location Is the business/Education address and location on a map shown Are the details given appropriate to the page Is the contact page easy for users to follow and use if they wanted to contact me State what browsers you have used to test the page Does the page work on a mobile device for example a mobile phone or a tablet About Me Page Is the information correct and balanced Does the page follow what needs to be included from the brief

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Dean Normington 


Are there any extra details for example hyperlinks if so do they work Is the Font and Style consistent to the other pages for example does the about me page have the same consistency as the contact us page Please state what browser/Devices has been used to test the website Does the page work on a mobile device such as a mobile phone or tablet

Unit 1 page Does the colour scheme/Style Link with other pages Do the Links On the Page Work Well as the other Do the Links To The Unit work without any faults or errors Is there any media included on page for example Pictures Or Videos Please state what browser/Devices has

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been used to test the website Does the page work on a mobile device such as a Mobile Phone or A Tablet Unit 2 page How Are the pictures in the gallery displayed are they organised What Type of animation is used on the gallery Are there any added extras Are Both animations for the gallery the same Are the pictures clear and visible and presented in a high quality to users How Many Pictures are included in the gallery Please state what browser/Devices has been used to test the website Does the page work on a mobile device such as a Mobile Phone Or a Tablet Unit 3 Page

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Dean Normington 


Does the colour scheme/Style Link with other pages Do the Links On the Page Work Well as the other Do the Links To The Unit work without any faults or errors Is there any media included on page for example Pictures Or Videos Please state what browser/Devices has been used to test the website Does the page work on a mobile device such as a Mobile Phone or A Tablet

Unit 9

Does the colour scheme/Style Link with other pages Do the Links On the Page Work Well as the other

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Do the Links To The Unit work without any faults or errors Is there any media included on page for example Pictures Or Videos Please state what browser/Devices has been used to test the website Does the page work on a mobile device such as a Mobile Phone or A Tablet

Unit 11

Does the colour scheme/Style Link with other pages Do the Links On the Page Work Well as the other Do the Links To The Unit work without any faults or errors Is there any media included on page for

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example Pictures Or Videos Please state what browser/Devices has been used to test the website Does the page work on a mobile device such as a Mobile Phone or A Tablet

Unit 13

Does the colour scheme/Style Link with other pages Do the Links On the Page Work Well as the other Do the Links To The Unit work without any faults or errors Is there any media included on page for example Pictures Or Videos

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Please state what browser/Devices has been used to test the website Does the page work on a mobile device such as a Mobile Phone or A Tablet  

11. Timeline.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GlNvYLYX9GG_zGc3EHQVyG-elMdVOUOLqv-07s8eIEw/e dit#gid=139855677     




















  12. User Feedback.  You have included good use of colour making it good for a user to see from the looks of your  mockups it has a good design and is laid out very well - habib 

13. Conclusion. 

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In conclusion I have learnt a lot from Unit 3 such as time management and design  technique i have enjoyed the unit very much as web design and building is something i'm  quite interested in and want to pursue as a career path so this unit has given me an insight  to certain aspects such as designing a website and what you have to consider 

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