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  • Pages: 18
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School of Business Administration Economic Geography SEC: B Prepared and submitted by(Group:1) Course Instructor: Khan, Sohrab Rahman Name Islam Md Monirul Shanta Naudita Ghosh Shirin Jahan Ruma Akhter Alam Md Rakibul Ohidullah MD Khan MD Saquib

ID 07-07684-1 07-08258-1 05-06127-3 07-07785-1 07-07679-1 07-07642-1

TABLE OF CONTENTS • Acknowledgements

CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1.1About The Topic 1.2 History & Origin CHAPTER 2: Description 2.1: Core Business 2.2: Sales Revenue and Value of Stocks 2.3: Manufacturing Globally 2.4: Major selling products 2.5: Market Share and Competition 2.6: SWOT analysis CHAPTER 3: Conclusion

Attachments: References (1)

Acknowledgements BISMILLAHHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM. At first we would like to great thank our Almighty Allah for his blessing, which gave us patience to do this i m p o r t a n t r e s e a r c h s u c c e s s f u l l y. First we want to thank our respective course teacher Mr Sohrab Khan for his co-operation. Despite his busy schedule, he has helped us a lot to prepare the assignment. Our whole research was based on his proper guidance and framework. This study gave us a chance to look into the operation of a globally successful company-UNILEVER.

We a l s o l i k e t o t h a n k t h o s e w e b d e v e l o p e r s w h o develop the web sites which help us to make our concern.

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1: About Unilever: Unilever is a multi-national corporation, formed of Anglo-Dutch parentage that owns many of the world's consumer product brands in foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. Unilever employs nearly 180,000 people and had worldwide revenue of almost €40 billion in 2005. Unilever is a dual-listed company consisting of Unilever NV in Rotterdam, Netherlands and Unilever PLC in London, England. This arrangement is similar to that of R e e d E l s e v i e r, a n d t h a t o f R o y a l D u t c h S h e l l p r i o r t o their unified structure. Both Unilever companies have the same directors and effectively operate as a single business. The current non-executive Chairman of U n i l e v e r N . V. a n d P L C i s M i c h a e l T r e s c h o w w h i l e Patrick Cescau is Group Chief Executive, who will retire at the end of 2008. Mr Paul Polman will succeed Patrick Cescau as Group Chief Executive. The company is widely listed on the world's stock exchanges. [1]

1.2: History & Origin Unilever was created in 1930 by the merger of British s o a p m a k e r L e v e r B ro t h e r s a n d D u t c h m a rg a r i n e p r o d u c e r M a rg a r i n e U n i e . I t w a s a v e r y l o g i c a l m e rg e r, as palm oil was a major raw material for both margarines and soaps and could be imported more efficiently in larger quantities. By 1980 soap and edible fats contributed just 40% of profits, compared with an original 90%. In 1984 the company bought the brand Brooke Bond (maker of PG Ti p s t e a ) . In 1987 Unilever strengthened its position in the world s k i n c a r e m a r k e t b y a c q u i r i n g C h e s e b ro u g h - P o n d s , t h e maker of Ragú, Pond's, Aqua-Net, Cutex Nail Polish, P e p s o d e n t t o o t h p a s t e , a n d Va s e l i n e . I n 1 9 8 9 U n i l e v e r b o u g h t C a l v i n K l e i n C o s me t i c s , F a b e rg é , a n d E l i z a b e t h A rd e n , b u t t h e l a t t e r w a s l a t e r s o l d ( i n 2 0 0 0 ) t o F F I Fragrances. In 1996, Unilever purchased Helene Curtis Industries, giving the company "a powerful new presence in the United States shampoo and deodorant market". The purchase brought Unilever the Suave and Finesse haircare product brands and Degree deodorant brand. In 2000 the company absorbed the American business Best Foods, strengthening its presence in North America and extending its portfolio of foods brands. In a single day i n A p r i l 2 0 0 0 , i t b o u g h t , i r o n i c a l l y, b o t h B e n & J e r r y ' s , known for its calorie-rich ice creams, and Slim Fast.[2]

Chapter 2: Description 2.1: Core Business: U n i l e v e r ’s c o r e b u s i n e s s i s t h e f o o d b u s i n e s s . I t i s t h e no. 3 in the food business after Nestle and Kraft foods. Anglo-Dutch Unilever maker of Knorr soups, Hellmann's mayonnaise and Skippy peanut b u t t e r, reported underlying 2006 sales growth of 3.8 percent in 2006. Wi t h i n t h a t , i t s f o o d s r o s e j u s t 2 . 9 p e r c e n t , w h i l e s a l e s in the HPC unit, which sells soaps and deodorants, grew 4 . 7 p e r c e n t . " We e x p e c t t h a t f o o d g r o w t h w i l l c a t c h u p eventually with that of HPC, but we are not giving a timescale," Alan Jope, global foods vice president for U n i l e v e r, s a i d a t t h e R e u t e r s F o o d S u m m i t i n C h i c a g o o n We d n e s d a y. H e h i g h l i g h t e d t w o p r o d u c t s t h a t a r e spearheading its "vitality" program toward healthier eating -- a yogurt-based "one shot" drink aimed at lowering cholesterol levels and a soya-based fruit drink from South America. One-shot yogurt drinks are now a 3 billion euro market in Europe, and Unilever intends to launch a product containing plant sterols, which are claimed to lower harmful cholesterol, on May 21 in the U.S. under its Promise brand at $1.00 a shot. It has also launched its South American soya-based fruit drink in the UK under the Adez brand, and this and a European K n o r r Vi e f r u i t - a n d - v e g e t a b l e - s h o t d r i n k a r e a l s o u n d e r consideration for launch into the U.S. market. [6]

2 . 2 S a l e s R e v e n u e & Va l u e o f S t o c k s : U n i l e v e r ’s m i s s i o n i s t o a d d v i t a l i t y t o l i f e . I t i s estimated that people around the world in 150 countries u s e s U n i l e v e r p r o d u c t s 1 5 0 t i m e s a d a y. T h e 2 0 0 6 s a l e s revenue was 39.6 billion pounds. Which came from the Americas 13.8 billion (36%), from Europe 15.0 (38%) billion and from Asia/Africa 10.9 billion pounds (27%). Unilever has approximately 206,000 employees working all over the world. By 2010, Unilever plans to improve its financial standard by: • Ungearearing free cash flow in the period 2005-2010 of €25-30 billion • Improvement in Return on Invested Capital • Underlying sales growth of 3-5% p.a. • Operating margin of over 15% by 2010 after normal restructuring • Improving capital and tax efficiency Va l u e o f S t o c k s : Unilever PLC ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and as American Depositary Receipts in N e w Yo r k . E a c h A D R r e p r e s e n t s 1 u n d e r l y i n g o r d i n a r y PLC share. There are 1 714 727 700 NV ordinary shares in issue, each with a nominal value of €0.16. There are 1 310 156 361 PLC ordinary shares in issue, each with a nominal value of 3 1/9 pence. The equalization agreement between NV and PLC is such that each NV ordinary share has the same rights and benefits as each PLC ordinary share. (Unilever NV ordinary shares are listed on the stock e x c h a n g e s i n A m s t e r d a m a n d a s N e w Yo r k s h a r e s o n t h e N e w Yo r k S t o c k E x c h a n g e . )

2.3: Manufacturing Globally: Unilever now owns about 400 brands, many of them local that can only be found in certain countries. Unilever markets its products to 150 countries. Unilever has a portfolio of brands that are popular across the globe - as well as regional products and local varieties of famous-name goods. This diversity comes from two of our key strengths; (1) Strong roots in local markets and f i r s t - h a n d k n o w l e d g e o f t h e l o c a l c u l t u r e . ( 2 ) Wo r l d - c l a s s business expertise applied internationally to serve consumers everywhere. The brands fall almost entirely into three categories: Food & Beverages, Home and Personal Care. Food & Beverages: •

Ades or Adez — soya-based drinks Alsa — desserts and syrups Amora — French mayonnaise and dressings Annapurna — salt and wheat flour (India) Becel — also known as Flora/Promise ; healthaware: margarine, spreads, cooking oil,

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Du Darfst (Germany) Elmlea — Pourable cream available in different varieties (UK) Fanacoa — Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup (Argentina) Findus — frozen foods ( I t a l y, U K , Scandinavia) Flora — margarine, l i g h t b u t t e r, jams

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McCollins — tea (Peru) Mrs. Filbert's — margarine (USA) Paddle pop — Icecream (Australia) Pfanni — Bavarian potato mixes Peperami P G Ti p s — t e a (UK) Phase — cooking oil Planta — margarine Popsicle — Frozen treats Pot Noodle —

• • • • •

milk, fermented milk Ben and Jerry's — ice cream Best Foods — mayonnaise, sandwich spreads, peanut butter and salad dressings Bertolli — pasta sauces (ambient/chill ed & frozen) and margarine BiFi sausage-based snacks (Germany) Blue Band — family-aware: margarine, bread, cream alternatives Bovril — beef extract Breyers — ice cream Brooke Bond — tea Bru — instant coffee (India) Brummel & Brown — margarine Bushells — tea (Australia,

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Fruco — ketchup, mayonnaise and condiments Fudgsicle Gallo — olive oil Heartbrand — ice cream (umbrella logo) Hellmann's — mayonnaise I Can't Believe It's Not Butter — margarine spread Imperial Margarine — margarine Jif Lemon & Lime Juice Kecap Bango — soya sauce in Indonesia Kissan — Ketchups Squashes and Jams (India and Pakistan) Klondike — Ice cream sandwiches Knorr (KnorrSuiza in Argentina) — sauces, stock cubes, ready-

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cup noodles Promise — Becel/Flora Ragú — pasta sauces Rama — margarine Royal — pastas (Philippines) Royco — stock cubes, non-MSG stock (only in Indonesia) R e d R o s e Te a — tea (Canada) Sana — Margarine ( Tu r k e y ) Saga — tea (Poland) Sariwangi — tea (Indonesia) Scottish Blend — tea Skippy — peanut butter Slim·Fast — diet products Sunlight Soap (Africa) Surf (Ireland, UK) Stork margarine Streets (ice cream)

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New Zealand) Calvé — sauces, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, peanut butter Capitan Findus — children's frozen food Conimex — Asian spices (Netherlands) Colman's — mustard Continental — side dishes Country Crock — margarine

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meals, meal kits, readysoups, frozen food range Lady's Choice — mayonnaise, peanut butter and sandwich spreads (Philippines) Lan-Choo — tea (Australia/Ne w Zealand) Lao Cai Seasoning Lipton — tea L i p t o n I c e Te a — ready-todrink tea (partnership with PepsiCo) Lizano Sauce (Salsa Lizano) - Costa Rican condiment Ly o n s ' - t e a (Ireland) Maille — French mustard Maizena — corn starch Mazola — edible oils Marmite —

Home and personal care brands:

(Australia/Ne w Zealand) Tu r u n s i n a p p i — mustard (Finland/Swed en) Unilever Foodsolutions — professional markets (food service) Unox — soups, smoked sausages Va q u e i r o — cooking margarine, cooking oil Wa l l ' s i c e cream Wi s h - B o n e salad dressing

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Ala laundry detergent (ArgentinaBrazil) Andrelon Av i a n c e Axe deodorant,sh ower gel,bodyspra y ( Ly n x i n the UK, Ireland and Australia) Ay u s h (India) Baba (East Europe) Brilhante laundry detergent (Brazil) Brut cologne Caress soap Cif cleaning Clear - antidandruff shampoo (Philippines, Vi e t n a m , Indonesia, Pakistan, Poland, Hungary) Close-Up To o t h p a s t e

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Dove - skin, h a i r, a n d deodorant Fair & Lovely skin care product (available in India and Malaysia) Finesse shampoo and conditioner (sold in 2006 to Lornamead Brands, Inc.) Gessy (Brazil) Glorix (Nederland) Good Morning (Soap Egypt) Impulse deodorant Lever 2000 Lifebuoy (Malaysia,Singa p o r e , Vi e t n a m , Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Indonesia) Linic - dandruff shampoo Ly n x deodorant, men's Ly s o F o r m home care (Italy) Lux - women's soap, shower gel, and lotions

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Pond's Q - Ti p s Rexona deodora nt Rinso Robijn softener Salon Selectiv es shampoo and conditio ner (Sold in 2007 to River We s t Brands, Inc.) Sedal (known in Brazil as Seda) shampoo and conditio ner Signal (dental care) SR -Dental Skip laundry detergen t Snuggle

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Sunsilk (Sedal in Latin America, Seda in Brazil) shampoo and conditioner Sure Omo laundry detergent Surf laundry detergent Swan (defunct) Thermasilk - shampoo and conditioner Ti m o t e i shampoo and conditioner Va s e l i n e body lotion, shower gel, deodorant ( Va s e n o l i n Portugal, Brazil, Italy and Spain) Vi b r a n c e shampoo and

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Comfort Cream Silk conditioner (Philippines, Brazil, Kenya) Degree Domestos (Poland, Czech Republic, H u n g a r y, Spain, G e r m a n y, I t a l y, I s r a e l , France, Tu r k e y )

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( S o u r c e : w w w. w i k y p e d i a . c o m )

(Caress in the US) Minerva laundry and dishwasher detergents (Brazil) Mist (Soap Egypt) Pears Tr a n s p a r e n t Soap Pepsodent dental

(Fofo in Brazil) fabric softner Suave Sun dishwas her Sunil


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conditioner Vi m (Banglades h, India, Pakistan) Vi n ó l i a soap (Brazil) Wi s k laundry detergent Xedex Zhonghua To o t h p a s t e

Persil (IE/UK/FR/NZ) [ 3 ]

2.4:Major Selling Products: One of the largest consumer goods firms in the world, Unilever produces numerous brand name foods, personal care items, and home care products.  About 54 percent of revenues are generated in the f o o d s s e c t o r, w h i c h i n c l u d e s s u c h b r a n d s a s K n o r r soup mixes, bouillons, and seasonings; Amora, Calvé, Hellmann's, and Wi s h - B o n e dressings; Bertolli olive oil and other Italian foodstuffs; Rama, Blue Band, and Country Crock margarines; Becel and Flora heart-healthy foods; Heartbrand, Ben & Jerry's, and Breyers ice cream; Lipton tea; and Slim-Fast weight-management products.

 Approximately 28 percent of sales come from the personal care area. Brands include the Lux female beauty line, Dove and Lifebuoy soap, Pond's skin care products, Rexona deodorants, Suave and Sunsilk hair care items, Signal and Close Up oral care products, and the Axe male grooming line, as w e l l a s s u c h m i s c e l l a n e o u s b r a n d s a s Q - Ti p s a n d Va s e l i n e .  Unilever's third major sector is that of home care

products, which is responsible for about 18 percent o f t u r n o v e r ; b r a n d s i n c l u d e O m o , S k i p , Wi s k , S u r f , and All laundry detergents, Comfort and Snuggle fabric conditioners and softeners, Sunlight dish detergents, and Cif and Domestos household cleaners. Unilever maintains more than 300 production facilities around the world and has operations in more than 100 countries. About 34 p e r c e n t o f r e v e n u e s o r i g i n a t e i n We s t e r n E u r o p e , 2 2 percent in North America, 18 percent in the AsiaPacific region, 13 percent in Latin America, 9 p e r c e n t i n A f r i c a , t h e M i d d l e E a s t , a n d T u r k e y, a n d 4 percent in central Europe/Russia. [4]

2.5: Market share and competition: To p U n i l e v e r C o m p e t i t o r s :

Company Proctor & Gamble Kraft Foods Nestle

Location Cincinnati,OH Northfield, IL Ve v e y, S w i t z e r l a n d

Competitor Comparison To p S e g m e n t

Unilever C/G Foods

To p B r a n d


P & G Consumer Care Ti d e

15.55% $42.942m - 11 . 9 3%

9.25% $28.2BL 19%

8.2% $31,010m 4.3%

11 . 2 3% $69.BL -1.93%

100+ 3

42 5

150+ 5

86 6


11 0 0 0 0



CEO Stock per share Growth Revenues Revenue Growth International Business Segments Employees

Kraft Food

Nestle Food

Mac & KitKat Cheese A . B u r g m a n s A . G . L e f l e y R . D e r o m e d i P. L e t m a t h e $66.03 $53.76 $30.70 $66.90

(source: Hoovers business Intelligence guide)

2.6: SWOT Analysis:


T h e o v e r a l l e v a l u a t i o n o f a c o m p a n y ’s s t r e n g t h s , weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is called SWOT analysis. In general, a business unit has to monitor key macro environment forces (demographic-economic, technological, political-legal, and social-cultural) and significant microenvironment actors (customers, competitors, distributors, suppliers) that affect its ability to earn profits. The business unit should set up a marketing intelligence system to track tends and important developments. For each trend or development, management needs to identify the associated opportunities and threats. S . W. O . T Strength We a k n e s s • Recognized as a • Dual leadership g l o b a l c o m p a n y. • Not connecting with • Strong brand customer portfolio. • Inefficient • Strong relationship management of brands with retailers • Inability to maximize • Economies of scale. acquisition Opportunities Threats • Changing consumer • Decrease in revenue preferences • String competition • Increasing need for • To u g h e r business healthy products climate • Exchange rates

3. Conclusion:

Our report only focuses on the UNILEVER plc. Our group did not able to actually go into the company. Therefore a large part of the texts was extracted from web pages. For every text we copied, we have mentioned the exact references. By our analysis we have found that, UNILEVER is globally successful company. One of the reasons for their success was however; they create brands for specific countries and regions. Products for example, found in south Americas will not be found in south Asian countries. Since difference in culture exists worldwide, the creation and supply of brands have to be taken seriously. UNILEVER Bangladesh is the market leader in home and personal care products. The UNILEVER products are able to gain customer satisfaction and trust. Their production and distribution is expanding rapidly.

References: 1. About Unilever.(n.d.) Retrieved November 25, 2008, from

http://www.euronext.com/facts.htm 2. Green, P.S. (1996, February 15). ``Unilever Agrees to Buy Helen

Curtis”. New York Times, p.7. Retrived November 25, 2008,from ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times (1851-2003) database. 3. Unilever.(2003).Retrived November 25, 2008, from htttp://www.wikypedia.com.htm 4. Unilever at a glance: (2005-2007). Retrieved November 25, 2008,

from http://www.unilever.com.htm 5. Competitor’s list for Unilever: (2006). Hoovers business Intelligence

guide. Retrieved November 25, 2008, from http://www.hoovers.com/unilever.htm 6. Jones.D.(2007, March 7). Unilever sees food sales growth

accelerating. Reporters notebook. Retrieved November 26, 2008, from http://www.Reuters.com/article/food.htm

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