Unik Aloe Vera Pp Presentation

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Unik Aloe Vera Health and Beauty Products

Aloe Barbadensis

Aloe Felox

Nutritional and Medicinal Value • Aloe Vera contains more than 200 active elements/nutrients that support health. • It contains 8 essential amino acids, 12 non-essential amino acids, 12 anthraquinones, 10 enzymes and many minerals and vitamins • Increases fibroblast production in the skin tissue thus accelerating wound healing

• A Polysaccharide in Aloe vera called Glucomannan works as an antiinflammatory. • Another one, Aloctin A, has immune system stimulation and anti-tumor properties • Contains Salicylic acid, which is the main content of aspirin • Contains Magnesium • Contains many other medicinal and dietary elements

Historical significance • Aloe is one of the oldest known therapeutic herbs. It has been used as a medicinal plant for generations. It dates back to 6,000 years ago. • It was mentioned in Egyptian “Papyrus Ebers” in 1550 BC for its and embalming value • Aloe was supposedly used to embalm the body of Christ • Both the Greek Historian Dioscorides and the Roman naturalist Pliny recommended aloe about 2000 years ago as an effective remedy for constipation, burns, wounds, bruises, skin irritations, kidney problems and more.

Queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti of Egypt gave tribute to Aloe Vera as one of their most important beauty secrets Queen Cleopatra the VII of Egypt

51 BC–12 August 30 BC

Queen Nefertiti of Egypt 1370 BC to 1330 BC

• Hindus call it the “silent healer” • Chinese call it the “Harmony remedy” • Even Christopher Columbus mentioned its importance • Alexander the Great (356 BC – 323 BCking of the Greek) carried aloe plant into battle to treat wounded soldiers

Aloe in Modern Times • Many recent scientific studies have proved Aloe’s medicinal values. • Over 200 worldwide scientific research papers have been published on the effects of aloe vera • Dr. Robert H. Davis of the University of Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine remarked; “Aloe Vera contains the greates number of active substances of any plan I’ve looked at”

Unik Aloe Vera Health and Beauty Product

Unik Aloevera has developed the following products from aloevera to enhance your health.

Unik Aloevera Juice: Pure Gel

Unik Aloe Vera Juice with honey

Uni Aloevera Skin Care Cream

Unik Passion Fruit Juice with Aloe Vera

Unik Pure Natural Honey

Unik Aloe Vera Beauty Soap

Muddu Herbal Cough Syrup


Pain inhibitor/Killer.

• It reduces pain upon application on the affected area. It has ability to penetrate the skin and ease inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory •

Aloe Vera gel inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid. It has the similar functionality as steroids but without harmful side effects. It contains compounds like Glycoproteins which inhibit Bradykinin (pain and inflammatory mediator), Anthraquinones and salicylates (the same as those found in aspirin).

anti allergenic.

Healing action. •

Aloe has components that enhance wound healing through biosynthesis of collagen(protein) fiber in the wound area. It contains high levels of calcium, potassium, and zinc as well as vitamins C and E. These are good especially in wound healing.

Keratolic action.

It’s the action of removing dead skin, replacing it with new skin cells. It also allows the flow of blood through the veins and arteries, clearing them of small clots.

Stretch Marks


Poisonous Ivy

Vaginal Dryness

Man Power!!!

Antimicrobial activity. •

It stops action of bacteria including salmonella, staphylococcus that produce pus.Very effective if used at greater than 75% concentration to the affected area.

Antiviral activity •

Effective if used at 75% concentration directly to the virus. Very effective against vaginal tricomona because of the acemmans

Anti fungal activity •

Acts as a fungicide when applied directly to the fungus.

Cell regeneration •

It contains a hormone that accelerates growth of new cells, also eliminating the old ones. Aloe helps protect the skin’s immune system. It contains 18 amino acids necessary for protein and tissue formation, in addition to calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium and sodium essential elements for metabolism and cellular operation.

Examples of therapeutic abilities of Aloe Vera Barbadensis. • Wounds, scabs, skin/tissue openings. • Aloe Vera contains polysaccharides called “Acemannans” which increase fibroblast replication in tissues, thus healing burns, ulcers, and wounds. • Wash wound with soap (aloe Vera soap if possible since it kills germs).Then pour aloe Vera gel or juice directly on to the wound. Let it penetrate if possible. (Enrique, pg 314)

IMMUNE BOOSTING • Being rich in Minerals, Amino acids, vitamins and fiber, Aloe Vera helps cell regeneration thereby boosting the immunity of the body. Helps sick people recover faster.

Energy boosting • Aloe Vera boosts the body energy

Stomach gases. •

Symptoms include numbness, stomach and abdominal discomfort, need to expel gas. May be due to swallowed air, putrefication of undigested food by bacteria or chemical reactions by some foods (sugar fermentations, vegetables, and beans), also dairy products on people who do not produce lactase. Use of aloe Vera juice improves digestion. (Enrique, pg 290)

Heart burn, Acidosis. • Caused by excessive digestive juices in the stomach including hydrochloric acid. Juices flow to the gullet (esophagus) causing a burning sensation (heart burn). • It may also occur when a problem exists with the liver and kidneys, or bad combination of foods e.g. consuming fruit/ juice after taking meat. Fruit ferments easily as meat is digested. • Take aloe Vera juice or gel regularly to control digestion. Its suggested to take juices 30 mins before a meal. (Enrique, pg 170).

Liver and kidney detoxification

These organs clean the body of toxins from foods, drugs, and the environment. e.g alcohol, smog, smoking, and foods high in toxins like red meat. Take aloe Vera juice to detoxify the organs of the residue waste material.

Diabetes • Aloe Vera Stablises the body sugers.

Athlete’s foot

Caused by a micro fungus in and around the toes (mycosis).evident by irritation, swelling. One may mix aloe Vera juice/gel with aspirin since it contains salicylic acid, then cover feet with a plastic or bandage .Do this for several days until irritation disappears. (pg 143).

Bleeding gums.

• Take aloe Vera juice regularly to facilitate gum hardening and resistant to bleeding. Or rather one could use an aloe Vera gel on a tooth brush.(pg 66).

Body and foot odor •

Characterized by unbearable body odor, mainly from armpits and feet (perspiration and bad odor).its caused by perspiration with bacteria in addition to substances from foods like meat, garlic, fish… Aloe Vera is one of the known bactericides .one may shower daily with soap containing aloe Vera (liquid or bar soap) in addition to an aloe Vera odorless deodorant. It’s recommended to consume vegetables and fruits with less red meat

Allergies •

Reaction by body (immune ssm) to certain substances e.g. foods, fur, dust, plants. Aloe Vera juice contains antiallergenic compounds.

Brown Skin Spots


Ring worm of the scalp

Scalp Rejuvenation

Sun Burn Effects


Skin Rashes

Gall bladder stones

Stones or calculi are toxic products made up of cholesterol crystals, phospholipids, and lecithins.These swell and block the bile ducts. Regular taking of aloe juice helps in expelling the stones towards the intestines.

Vaginitis •

An infection in the vagina.Causes irritation, pain, burning, excessive discharge of vaginal fluid (white or yellow in color).

Warts •

Produced by a virus, they generally occur on hands or feet, on the sole of ones feet or in the face mainly in children. (Gray or dark brown in color).its contagious by contact with other people. Use aloe Vera extract mixed with gelatin or aloe Vera with bee propolis and cover with a cloth so it doesn’t spread. Take large quantities of vitamin E.

Tooth decay •

A hole/cavity that grows in the teeth and grows until it destroys the tooth. It causes pain, and bleeding. Caused by lack of dental hygiene and consuming refined sugars favoring the formation of bacteria and acids. Clean mouth and rinse regularly with aloe Vera juice or one could put some aloe Vera gel into the cavity for some time regularly. (pg 294)

Phlebitis (swelling of vein walls) •

Symptoms include redness and swells in the veins (mainly of the legs), accelerated pulse, pain in the affected area. At high complications, a blood clot may form in the vein. Main causes are childbirth, operations, and vein infections. Aloe Vera juice reduces internal inflammation and improves circulation while strengthening capillary walls; one may rub aloe Vera extract on the area several times a day.

Insect bites •

The bites produce swelling, irritation, and some times infection or poisoning e.g. scorpions. For simple bites (ant, mosquito, bee, wasp) squeeze area to expel as much liquid injected as possible. Soak a cotton ball in aloe Vera gel on the area. Drink aloe Vera juice and a lot of water in case the bite causes an allergy. (Enrique, pg 200)

Infectious Erythema (slapped chicks) •

Caused by a virus. Cheeks become red, red blisters on arms and legs, headaches, and itching. It lasts mainly four weeks, its common in children of 410 yrs. Aloe Vera juice strengthens the immune system. Some aloe gel may be put on the affected area to relieve symptoms. (199)

Cellulitis •

Inflammation of the sub cutaneous tissue e.g. in thighs, abdomen, forearms. Comes from accumulation of fat, proteins, and toxins in abdomen, waist, and hips. Causes fatty deposits appearing like orange peels.

Asthma •

Tightness in the chest, cough, and periodic bouts with breathing difficulty. Aloe causes bronchi dilation allowing in more air.

Cystitis •

Inflammation of the bladder by a bacterium (E. coli).Frequent use of the bathroom, sensation of pain, urine with blood or pus, and fever. Aloe helps in detoxification of the organ.

Eyes •

Wounds, glaucoma, hemorrhages, cataracts, sties, black eyes, and general eye health. Put 2 drops of aloe extract into the eye at least every 4 hours.

Halitosis •

Bad breath, usually due to bad digestion, infection in the throat, nose, gums, or improper oral hygiene. Aloe improves digestion.

Hemorrhoids •

Dilated veins in soft tissue covering the inner part of the colon and anus.Protrusions in the skin (rectum and anal opening).aloe reduces inflammation and repairs the tissue.

Parkinson disease •

Reduction in dopamine causing an imbalance in acetylcholine. It affects the nervous system (confusion in nerve impulses that control muscles).repeated involuntary circular movements in hands, head, speaking difficulties, stern facial expressions and loss of appetite. Aloe Vera reduces chances of its development.


A childhood disease by a virus. Itching with red pimples which burst and cause ulcers.mainlr on the face arms and legs. Aloe eliminates itching and helps healing. Also include garlic which strengthens the immune system.

colitis •


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon. Diarrhea and frequent need to go to the toilet. Blood in the excrement. Consume foods with fiber.


• •

Difficulty in defecating, pain and intestinal discomfort, swelling in the abdomen, cramps, may cause hemorrhoids and acne. Take a diet with fiber, enough water, take aloe juice preferably before a meal.

Cramps, muscular pain •

Involuntary contractions of the muscles occurring spontaneously, during exercise. Deficiency of vitamin E or imbalance in calcium and magnesium. Aloe juice helps as an anti-inflammatory, pain inhibitor and energizer.

Ear infection

Sharp pain and ruptured ear drums. Earache caused by inflammation. apply about 2 drops of aloe extract every 4 hours to the ear to reduce inflammation and fight the infection.

Erysipelas •

An infection by bacteria (streptococcus) affecting the skin causing contours (red in colour) and pain. It takes 5-6 days and ends with skin peeling. Take vitamins A & E, also use antibiotic aloe Vera and bee propolis on the area.

Hepatitis •

Inflammation of the liver. Abdominal discomfort, fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, eyes and skin turn yellow, brown urine, whitish excrement

Laryngitis •

Inflammation, infection or irritation of the larynx and vocal cords causing pain and itching. One may fail to speak naturally. Aloe Vera preferably with lemon and vitamin c.

Mouth sores •

Viral infections causing swellings with blisters, which burst releasing a liquid, forming an ulcer on the lip or mouth. Rinse the mouth with aloe Vera extract several times a day.

Tonsillitis •

Inflammation of the tonsils due to an infection or filling with foreign substances. Pain, inflammation and irritation in the throat area causing difficulty in swallowing. Clean body of toxins using orange juice mixed with aloe Vera. Consume green vegetables and fresh fruits. Gargle with salt water.

THANK YOU!! Compiled by Unik Aloe Vera Health and Beauty Products.

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