Unification - Bismarck (outline)

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 2
In what ways and with what successes did Bismarck use (a) diplomacy, (b) economic measures, and (c) war to achieve German unification? I.



Introduction a. There is no doubt that Otto von Bismarck was an outstanding statesman and diplomat b. His diplomacy, economic measure, and military strategies proved to be decisive in the quest for dominance over Germany c. He was largely successful in his actions; only a few domestic issues arose Economic measures a. Before Bismarck became PM of Prussia, William I had realized that the Prussian military was sorely outdated and was in need of money for improvements b. He appealed to the parliament for an increase in taxes, parliament allowed oneyear increases in 1860 and 1861 but a new group of liberal representatives turned down his request in 1862 c. When he became PM in 1862, Bismarck used the tax money gained in 1860 and 1861 to solve the domestic financial problem d. The funds were directed to the army to initiate projected reforms e. His brilliant diplomacy showed here because he simply ignored parliament from 1863-1866 i. Parliament was powerless to do anything because everything was backed by the military f. In the end, the Prussian military was made to be modernized and extremely effective – Bismarck’s economic policies were very successful and the only downside was that a few Prussian liberals were angered Diplomacy a. Outstanding statesman, practiced Realpolitik – knew when to stop b. Polish Revolt – February 1863 i. Revolt in the Russian part of Poland ii. While other countries, including Austria, supported the rebels, Bismarck sent Prussian troops to support Russia in quelling the revolt iii. Successful, Prussia supplanted Austria as Russia’s favorable country in regards to German affairs c. February 1, 1864 – Prussia and Austria declared war with Denmark, great success d. Convention of Gastein – August 14, 1865 i. Prussia and Austria agreed to maintain joint sovereignty, with Prussia administering Schleswig and Austria administering Holstein (lay between Schleswig and Prussia)



ii. Bismarck created a situation where an incident could easily be engineered e. Essentially gained neutrality from all major European nations and isolated Austria by using his skills in diplomacy f. Very successful; all of Bismarck’s goals were accomplished Austro-Prussian War of 1866 a. Made an agreement with Napoleon III for France’s neutrality in exchange for France’s acquisition of territory in Rhineland or Belgium (hint) b. Allied with Italy on April 8, 1866 – support only if war broke out in three months c. Used pretext that Austria had violated Gastein by sending troops into Holstein to start war d. Prussia’s army was superior to that of Austria in training and equipment, including breech-loading needle gun, military railroads, and army general staff: i. Highly trained experts who planned war away from frontline with steady stream of information ii. General Helmuth von Moltke used strategies and new technologies such as telegraph to defeat Austria e. In just over two weeks, Prussia secured complete victory over Austria f. August 23, 1866 – Peace of Prague: i. Austria deprived of all influence among German states ii. North German Confederation created under Prussian leadership iii. End of Austrian hopes for Germany Franco-Prussian War a. 1868 – Prince Leopold, a Prussian, is offered the throne of Spain b. Bismarck had hoped to keep it secret, but a coding error at the Prussian embassy in Spain made it public i. One of the few errors made in Bismarck’s plans c. France very angry and sent an ambassador to demand an apology from King d. King politely sent him away, Bismarck edited so that it seemed more rude e. July 15, 1970 – France declares war on Prussia f. The Second French Empire ended with the defeat at Sedan on September 2, 1870, but the war continued until February 1871 g. Final peace treaty in May 1871 – France gave up Alsace and Lorraine and required to pay indemnity of five billion francs h. The war was questionable from the beginning because its only contribution to German unification is the distraction of France from German politics i. Some say that Bismarck went too far to hurt France by taking sacred soil

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