Unhold The Secret- Breaking Dawn Sequal

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 7,905
  • Pages: 40
DARK SUN by genesis real (No copyrighting) Preface: I was inspired by twilight and I want to share a story of mine. It’s started after Bella’s happy ending with Edward in Breaking Dawn. After a year, there was an additional to the Cullen’s family. Her name was Sapphire Anika Cullen, she was only 16 when she transformed. Carlisle transformed her because she was dying of a cancer. This is when her story began. Chapter 1 new student It’s been 4 years since I transformed, I should be 20 years old by now. I was hoping to see my parents again but I know that’s nearly impossible. Anyway, I’m very happy with my new family. My sweet loving mom, Esme. My hero and cool young looking dad, Carlisle. my beauty queen sister, Rosalie. My fashion dive sister, Alice. My extremely stupid but funny brother, Emmett.-

“hey, Saph good description for Emmett! Extremely stupid but funny. Nice one.” Edward laughed. As soon as my family heard it they laughed loudly. Emmett made a confused face, I told you he can be very stupid. “Thanks, Edward. Thanks, for ruining my dramatic speech.” I rolled my eyes. It hard to have a mind reading brother sometimes, no secrets can be kept. It was time for school, everyone went to their cars. Bella went to say bye to Nessie. Nessie looked a bit older than me, though she was just on earth for less than six years. I went to kiss Nessie on the cheek and went to my new Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder, just bought it last week. We moved to England 2 years ago. Before I became a vampire, I was an ace student in forks high school in Washington. My name used to be Anika Johnson, I was 16 when I had a third stage cancer, I was dying…but luckily Carlisle saved me. I joined their coven and became a part of their family. After 20 minutes, we arrived at school. When I got out of my car, something

caught my eye. “Saphy , do you find him cute?” Alice smiled at me. “The new guy, fine I guess.” I was a bit attracted but not that much. It was Spanish class; I was somehow excited hoping the guy was in my class. As I entered the room I saw him, he was very cute. As I entered the class, a girl pushed me. I ended up falling all my papers. Nice first expression Sapphire, you blew it. The guy instantly helped me pick up my papers; suddenly I smelt a strong scent, a scent I never smelt before. It smelt like honey, I never had this temptation in my life. It was coming from the guy, we were only inches away. that’s when I can’t stand it anymore, I said to miss Danford that I felt sick. Alice had seen this coming for sure, Edward saw me wondering around his classroom. “What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Edward asked nervously. “It’s him! He smelt very tempting Edward! I can’t help myself I nearly bit him. I’m scared!!!” I was shaking because I nearly hurt a human. “Relax, Sapphire. I’ll just tell the teacher that there is an emergency, ok? Wait here!!” Edward was scared

for me. He saw me shaking badly. What was taking him so long? I can’t take it. I ran towards my car and drove out of the school. I was panicking, I wanted to go home but I was scared to face them. I want to go somewhere quiet to think, I decided to go back to Forks. On my way to the airport, I saw a place where I know I can think. I parked my car, and ran to the forest as fast as I could. I was shock to see Alice there, “ Alice, why are you here?” “Have you forgotten, I can see the future? Please Sapphire, don’t leave.” She said using her angelic voice. “What if I can’t resist?” “You can, remember who you are. Let’s go home.” I hesitate but gave in because I don’t want to hurt Esme’s feelings. We went back to the house. Chapter 2 the vision It was already three days since the incident happen, I haven’t been to school either, and therefore I haven’t seen him. Today I’m going to start a new clean record-resist the temptation, no one even him can ruin it.

I got to school in only 10 minutes; I went there earlier than my other siblings. I saw him sitting on a bench. I stared at him for awhile than started walking to his direction. He called me, how did he know my name? “Sapphire, hi. I’m Aaron Gibson. You’re the girl in my Spanish class. You dropped your I.D. card when your stuff fell.” “Oh, thanks! That’s nice of you, Aaron.” Wow! He sure smelt good. “Umm, do you want to walk around for awhile since it’s still early? No one’s around.”, if I was a human now I would be burning in happiness. “Sure, I would like to.”, we walked around the forest for half an hour already. “It’s nice to talk to you, Aaron. But my brothers and sisters must be looking for me. Sorry.” I said, making it all sound regretful to leave him. “Will I see you later in Spanish class?” he asked quietly. “Yes, I promise.” Hoping not to go insane with his angelic face. I went to meet my siblings where they always park their cars. I saw Alice’s Porsche, a new one. She greeted as soon as she parked her car, my other siblings as well. They were happy to see in school

again. “Well, did you missed this place?” Edward smiled. “not that much. Is there any special event?” I asked confusedly. “No, not really. Why you ask?” Bella looked at me happily. “Why are you guys so happy?” I asked seriously irritated. “Alice had a vision that you found your mate and nothing will happen bad in your relationship.” “Who is the guy?” I was not expecting this to happen. Alice walked to my side and whispered, “You sure you know. I’ll give you a hint, the guy who was with you in the forest.” She giggled. Oh I said to myself. It was Spanish class already, I put on a bit of make up to look a bit alive. My cheeks were rose pink and my hair was tied. My lips were a bit pinkish and I put a bit of eyeliner and mascara. I looked like my old self again. I went to my seat and saw him beside me, “hi, you look different. Did you put make up?” he smiled at me. I can’t stand his killer smile, I was like melting. “Yeah, I did. Do you think I look different?’ I asked shyly. “no, you look very beautiful, is just that you look prettier with your natural look. No offense.” He

said trying to make me feel better. “oh, it’s ok. I shouldn’t have put.” I hid my face. “but, you’re still as beautiful as a butterfly.” He comforted me. “that’s nice of you.” We chatted for the whole hour. After that, he gave me his number and wanted mine. I definitely gave it of course, when I got home. Everyone were surprised with my smiley face. “WHAT?!?!” I said nervously, I was self-conscious with all the audience looked at me. How would they know that I got his number and we had fun for the whole day by texting to each other? No one would know that I sure, suddenly I saw Edward moved to Bella’s side and whispered something and Bella passed it to Alice to Jasper and so it goes passing secrets from me. Suddenly, out of no where Nessie ran to me and touched my face, she showed me what was being passed on. “So lil sis, awhat was his number and be aware, your bills might hit the limit.” Emmett smirked. “Very funny, Emmett! And thanks for going through my privacy, Edward. I can’t believe you guys!!” I dashed to my room. Last thing I heard before I left was

Bella saying now, what we were supposed to have a present for her. I lied on my sofa bed, what was that supposed to be, what present? Many questions going through my head but I didn’t want to think about it first. Instead, I texted Aaron, “Hi, what you doing?”, he replied saying “thinking of you! How about you?” “thinking of you too. I don’t think we should think like this first, we barely know each other.” “so, it doesn’t matter, I don’t know why but I can’t stop, all I see is you I don’t know but we’re like meant for each other.” “Really? I thought so too, but I think we should keep this for awhile maybe we should go public some other day I don’t know. I’m not sure” “I guess so, see you tomorrow. I need to go, I love you. bye” “ ok, take care. Love you too, bye” I replied and that was the end of our conversation. I went down after doing my homework, Emmett and Edward went to

apologize. “sorry Sapphire, I didn’t mean to do any harm” said the stupid one “Me, too!” said the mind reader one. “whatever, I know you guys were just fooling. You know my temper sometimes can over flow.” Edward and Emmett gave me a big hug, I return one too. “ what’s the give for?” Bella handed a small box. I guessed it was a ring, but what for. “it’s our gift for your supposedly weeding.” Oh right. I was engaged to my boyfriend when I was sixteen and we planned to get married when I’m 20 years old and the wedding day is today. “Thanks, guys. You shouldn’t have.” “we know how much your wedding means to you.” Esme said. That was the end of the night. Chapter 3 discovery (Aaron’s point of view) I have the most beautiful and most amazing girl in my life, Sapphire. I wasn’t sure how much I love her; nothing can describe my feelings for her. I barely know her and now I’m her boyfriend. I don’t want to keep anything to her so it’s hard to tell her my past. The tragic story of my family how I lost my sister, mother

and father. How a vampire turned my father into a vampire after my mom giving birth to me. I never met my father until I was 8, he showed up and he took care of me, then one day all of the sudden he bit my mother and sister. Turning them into vampires, he wanted to bit me but he knew I have a great future a head of me; he left all his property and money and explained why he bit my mom and sister. He wanted to be with them and he said he’ll come back for me; I didn’t want to become a vampire. Sometimes, I ran into my dad and he would tell me how my sister and mother were. My dad is a doctor; his never bit any human besides my mom and sister. He doesn’t drink human’s blood because he didn’t want to harm anyone. After 6 months he told me to leave Seattle for there were newborns wondering around and that was the last time I saw him. Thinking of my family made me want to kill the vampire who destroyed my family’s lives though I don’t hold a grudge against vampires, just wished that they won’t harm any humans. I called Sapphire “hey, want to meet up

later?” “That sounds great what time and where?” “around 7 at pizza parlor?” “ok see you there, love you.” How Sapphire said I love you, she made it the sweetest sound I ever heard. This is the first time I really did fall in love. I was at the pizza parlor at exact 7. she wasn’t there yet, then I received a text from her saying she can’t go she need to do something. I was upset but i know she had a very good reason. On my way home, my car broke down. I had no choice but walk home, it wasn’t far anyway, if I take the short in the forest. I’ll just get my car early in the morning, I was walking for 5 minutes already, that’s when I saw it. Sapphire, blood, animal. What I don’t gat it, my angel is a… vampire.NO!! It’s impossible. I ran back to my car and suddenly my car worked, I drove home as fast as I could. i can’t put it through my head what I discovered. The next day, I went to meet Sapphire near the forest. “hey, Aaron. What’s wrong?” she said with a bit of anxious in his voice. “you know I was standing behind you right?” “you’re not. You’re standing in front of

me.” “last night in the forest you were with a grizzle bear rught?” “yes, I knoe you were there. Your scent was so strong!but how did you know that I know you were there, you were 30 inches away from?” “My dad is a vampire too. He told me about your kinds. ‘vegetarians’ right?” “Yes. But Aaron do you know what you put yourself into?” “Yes. The volturi might kill me right?” “Yes. I need to go” “Saph, I want to meet your family” “fine, meet me after school at me car.” “Ok, I love you” “me, too. Bye” it was lunch time, I sat with my old buddy, Rex. I saw Sapphire glance at me, The Cullens were behind her. They stared at me, like I was an alien or something. They sat across the cafeteria just opposite of us. The guy with bronze messy hair stared at me like he was reading my mind, I guess it was his extra talent. Suddenly, the guy a bit shock, yep his talent is mind reading. This never surprised me anymore, since I’ve known a lot of vampires over 8 years already. The day ended very fast, I stood next to Sapphire’s car which was parked far from the

other Cullens. I saw Sapphire, coming. “hey, is it ok for your siblings if I go to you house.” I said hoping they approved. “They want to see you soon, they want to know where you got this information, but it’ll be ok. We don’t harm people, especially not you. Besides my family are very nice.” Sapphire’s voice sound very comforting. I was scared but now she explained that their nice, I trust her. “Ok, let’s go… but what about my car?” I said worried about my mini cooper car. “Chill! My brother Edward’s going to take care of that. Come on let’s get going.” Saph said cheerfully. While she was driving I asked her “so what’s your extra talent?” I asked randomly. “I can copy powers but my profession is in controlling people’s action” she said proudly. “wow, my dad can only tell if the person is lying or not.” I said, my face turned a bit of sadness. I missed him so much. We were already, here I am in front of a vampire’s house. Chapter 4 family(Aaron’s point of view)

I can’t believe it; the house looks normal, huge and very beautiful. A small girl with pixie hair came and greeted us. “that’s my second oldest sister, Alice. She’s really sweet and nice. Don’t worry.” Saph whispered. “hi, you should be Aaron, my younger sister’s boyfriend-” “Alice!!” Saph cut her off. “Saphy you don’t have to hide it. come on in Aaron, everyone is waiting” Alice said with her wind chiming voice. We went inside the huge house and a blonde hair guy, around his 20’s opened the door leading us to the living room. The blonde guy greeted me “hi, Aaron. I’m Carlisle and this my family.” Looking at the people in the living room. He introduced me to them one by one. “that’s Edward nearest to the TV.” It was the guy with bronze hair. “that’s Bella next to him.” Wow she’s very pretty, she looked like my sister. I think Edward and Bella are couple, and we walked to girl, I think this is Carlisle’s wife. “this is Esme my wife.” We walked near the blonde hair girl “this is Rosalie and Emmett and this is Jasper. I have a granddaughter but she is out

with her boyfriend hunting.” Carlisle said we a smile on his face. “Wait, you have a granddaughter? I thought vampires can’t umm have ahh… baby?” I said a bit shy. “This surprise me, how do you know such information?” Carlisle was a bit shock but other than that he face was blank. “how rude of me, care for a seat?” he said nicely. His a very nice person, we sat on a black couch, “my father, I don’t know it you know but his name is Charlton Gibson.” I said sadly. “really? Is he a doctor?” he was a bit curious. I nodded and said “8 years ago we lived in Seattle. Do you know my father?” I was hoping he might know him “fortunately, yes. He was a friend of mine. I’m a doctor, too. When we needed help, he would come down to Forks. One night, he came to me that he said he became a vampire, I helped hunt for animals. he told me that he bit his family beside his son and several years later after having newborns in Seattle, I had no contacts with him.” He said looking down the floor. “Oh, really.” That’s all I can say. He asked me a lot of question, I told

them my story. They shared their story, too. They asked me if I was alone. I nodded only. Emmett, the big guy seems to be funny, I hang with him. He showed me his talent and Bella, everything about her reminded me of my older sister. How she talked, walked and laughed. Esme looked exactly like my mom when she transformed. She is very sweet, I see my mom in her. Alice was very cute, she dances a lot. Rosalie, she very beautiful. Jasper was cool but he needed to avoid me because of the temptation. I was very happy to meet them, they treated me as family, especially Emmett he is so cool he is like a brother to me. They were all very handsome and beautiful, I wanted to be vampire after knowing Saph was one, I want to be with this amazing family. I spent my night chatting with them, they offered me to stay. “ do you want to stay here for the night, since it’s already late and sure Sapphire would like that. Right, Sapphire?” everyone one stared at Sapphire. “dad! It’s ok Aaron. Don’t listen to my insane dad, I’ll bring you home.” Sapphire said but

hoping not leave. “of course, I’ll stay, Carlisle.” I insisted. “then that’s settled.” Carlisle said “There’s a spare bedroom next to Sapphire’s room, you can stay there if you want but you can stay in my baby sister if you preferred?” Emmet chuckled. “I don’t really mind, ask the princess?” I high five Emmett’s hand and laughed. “Since you act like being all like my brother Emmett, NO!” she humph. “ok, I just sleep in the spare room but Saph while I sleep don’t do anything bad to me.” We all chuckled. “Whatever.” Saph smiled. Chapter 5 force break (Sapphire’s point of view) It’s been 2 weeks since i’ve been discovered by Aaron. my family was totally being very nice to Aaron, I guessed they really liked him for me. today, I wanted to be officially be his girlfriend “Aaron, I was wondering if you want to be official couple? I mean we’ve been dating for 1 month already, only my family knows, well?” I was a bit shy. “Really?!?! Is it ok?” he asked excitedly. “Of course I’m ready.” I was excited myself. It was lunch already, he

held my hand and everyone started to stare at us . we walked to the end of the cafeteria, “I guess, you guys finally did it. I’m happy for you, Saphy.” Rosalie said happily. three months had passed quickly, everyone was in the living room including Aaron, Nessie and Jake were there. We were playing poker, it’s been awhile since Esme and Carlisle laughed this bad. We were all having, when suddenly Alice’s face turned blank, she had a vision. However, it’s different Alice was shaking. “what is it, Alice?” what’s wrong?” Jasper asked nervously. “the...vol..turi… they found out about Aaron, they…. Wants…to kill him.” Alice was very scared. “what?!?! When I are they coming?” I was shaking as well. “in 5 minute they’ll be here. They want to kill him because he knows about vampires.” Alice was once again shaking. Everyone didn’t know what to do, some of them were walking back and forth, Carlisle and Esme were calm but afraid in the same time. I was worried about my Aaron, suddenly Aaron said “ what if you guys turn me to a vampire?” he wasn’t thinking at all. “ NO!!

I’M NOT GOING TO LET YOU!THAT’S THE LAST THING I’LL DO!!” the volturi came, we didn’t know what to do, we weren’t prepared at all. I saw Aro walking and then Cauis and then Marcus, there was a new girl and then Jane and Alec. They were walking in a horizontal line. “hi Carlisle,it’s been awhile.” Aro reached for Carlisle’s hand and Carlisle gave in. “oh, Carlisle you don’t want me to kill Aaron Gibson? Ok, I’ll give you three options. First, kill him yourself, second, turn him into a vampire. Or third, this is a special option. You might a new additional in my coven, Cadence come.” Aro demanded. They girl with chocolate brown hair walked to Aro side, she looks exactly Aaron but just pale white. “this I Cadence Clark.” I heard Aaron said “that’s my older sister.” then Aro continued “ Her talent is to erase or restore back memories. Meaning, she will erase Aaron’s memories about the Cullens and you must leav immediately after this incident. Now my dear friend Carlisle you may choose.” Aro smiled, I hated is kindness. “thank you Aro. I’ll go back to

my family to discuss this matter.” Carlisle said kindly. Aro nodded, Carlisle explained everything. I was afraid to lose Aaron but if it’s for his own good then I’ll do it, I didn’t notice they were waiting for my suggestion. “well, Saphy his your boyfriend. You tell us what to choose.” I looked at my family then to Aaron, “sorry Aaron but I think we should choose the third option.” I looked down, I didn’t want to look at Aaron. “no, Sapphire! Don’t do this. I can’t live without you. I don’t want to lose any happy memories with you. Don’t this.” I looked at Aaron, he was in pain. If the girl Cadence erased his memory, he can move on. I would suffer but I’ll be ok, “I love you Aaron Gibson forever and always.” I said I dry sobbed. Cadence moved closer to Aaron, they were having a secret conversation. “ Cadence, don’t do this. I want to remember you and Sapphire.” Aaron whispered that only my family can hear. “small brother, if don’t they’ll kill you but don’t worry. I’ll look for you as soo as I leave the Volturi, ok? But for now I need to this. I’ll just

erase some of this incident’s memories. I love you small brother.” Cadence whispered once again only my family heard their conversation. Then, Cadence hold Aaron the last few seconds before she erased Aaron’s memories, “ I love you too Sapphire Anika Cullen forever and always. Til next time.” I saw a tear came out of Aaron’s eyes. After that, Aaron was lying on the floor unconscious. Cadence carried him home. “well, Carlisle as for are agreement. You may leave.” Aro left with his coven. We ran to our house and packed. I wanted to cry, i wanted to just sit there and cry. However, we needed to pack. When we got to are own cars Alice sat with me in my car, she left her Porsche. She drove my car, “ you can cry now, Saphy.” I cried like a baby. “I love you Aaron. Goodbye.” I whispered to myself. Chapter 6 Explanation (Aaron’s point of view) Aww my head hurts, what happened? I remember I was in the forest than I saw my sister with some other people, but that’s all I remember. I changed my clothes then went to school, Rex my buddy was surprised that I

wasn’t with the Cullens. “who’s the Cullens?” I asked confused. “you know, you’re weird sometimes. Let’s go, we’re going to be late.” Rex scratched his head. (Sapphire’s point of view) I think this is the best, we were thinking moving to Rochester. It wouldn’t be bad, I’ve been there before. I wanted to go to him but it’ll might get worse. After three years, I had moved on. Not fully, but enough to make me move on. I wondered how he was. I went to a fountain near a park; I was walking when I saw him. I saw the guy who made my life happy; the person who I left for his safety is now in Rochester in front of me smiling. “hi, I’m Aaron Gibson you dropped your wallet.” He still was the gentleman I met. It’s like the first time met you, “oh, thank you! My name is Sapphire Anika Cullen. Nice to meet you.” I reached my hand to shake his hand, so I can feel his warm hand again. But all of a sudden, he fell onto his kness, “Sa…pphire? Why do I think I know you?” he was absolutely in pain I wanted to help. However, he was fine again. “I’m sorry, are you a cullen right?” he

asked me curiously. “yes, what wrong?” I was hoping he can remember everything. “ I want to meet you family. I’ve been having dreams about you and I’m here to talk to you.” He said smiling. How did he know I was here? After that, I brought him to my house, my family was shocked of what they saw. Esme seemed she was going to cry. Aaron remembered her name actually, he remembered our names. “Esme, Carlisle, Edward, Bella, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and my big brother Emmett? Why do I know this stuff?” he was confused Carlisle and Esme hugged him suddenly, “I remembered about you guys vampires, about my dark past. I felt like a part of me was missing and now I found them. Where’s Sapphire?” he said looking at everyone. “I’m here behind you.” I said making my voice like a kid using her charm. “Saphy!!” he hugged and then slowly our lips met. It was really our first time to kissed this passionately. It feels like eternity. But for awhile, he finally broke it having no air anymore. Carlisle explained everything about everything, this is was happiest

after three years of suffering. We all were reunited again, but I know there will be another tragic. Chapter 7 transformtion (cadence’s point of view) It’s been three whole years since I’ve seen my little brother; He was as handsome as dad was. If only I can leave the Volturi I would have, if only I finished my contract, only another month. I promise I’ll find you dad, mom and Aaron. If only I knew how monstrous and murderous the Volturi, I wouldn’t have join. “Cad, Aro wants to see you.” Jane ordered me to go to Aro’s room. I was scared to let Aro know my secret about Aaron and his memories. He’ll kill him if he knew I didn’t completely erased Aaron’s memories. I went to Aro’s room, “ hi, my beautiful.” He held his hand out. I hesitated, he took my hand and touched it mith his. “Cadence, how did you?” Aro was faking his sadness face. “ sorry, Aro. You can kill me don’t touch my little brother pleas, I’m begging you.” I kneel down to show mercy. “my child, you have

been bad but I won’t punish you for your talent.” He said calmly. Instead, he was happy. “I guessd you know what you have to do. I kill him or you turn him into vampire. I give you 2 hours to think. If you choose the first option tell me but if you choose the second option, after our conversation you may leave and find him, I‘ll give you until tomorrow morning to change him or else I’ll hunt and kill himself.” He offered. “Can I leave now?” I asked I crossed my fingers. “Yes, you may.” He said sadly. I ran towards the airport and booked a ticket to Rochester, I know he’s there, I’m sure. In just 7 hours, I’ll see my little brother. (Aaron’s point of view) Sapphire’s back to my arms again, I hugged her when I remembered every single bit of my past. She has a smile that can light the whole town, her skin is so smooth, and I’ve missed her so much. I remembered my sister promised to look for me, I want to her soon. “What are you thinking, Aaron?” I looked into Sapphire’s eyes. She looked very beautiful I

haven’t answered her question yet. “Ooh, umm just wondering when will my sister come and find me.” I said. After I ate my dinner at their house, I switched on the TV to watch football. They all went to hunt, Nessie stayed with me since she doesn’t need to hunt yet. “Uncle Aaron, do you really love my sister Sapphire?” she asked looking at me, she was curious. “I do, Nessie. In fact the whole 3 years you and your family were gone, I felt very empty. It was like I was missing something very important but I don’t what was it. why did you ask?” I asked back. “well, I was just curious how does it feel to fall in love.” She said with clueless eyes. “Ness, one day you’ll feel it too with Jacob but for now you haven’t yet.” I said making her understand. Unfortunately, our conversation was cut off after someone bang the door. “Nessie, stay here!” I was panicking. I went to the door, suddenly Alice popped out. “what’s wrong?” I asked with furious eyes. “I saw a vision that you were transforming into a vampire and it was none of us who transformed you.” Alice said. Everyone

were at the door, Sapphire was furious. “Aaron, we need to leave! Now!!!” she was shouting “no!” someone from behind said it. We turned around, Cadence. My sister is here, she finally found me, but why is she here? “ Sapphire, I need to change my brother or else Aro will kill him. Aro discovered that I didn’t completely erased his memories and now Aro is furious about this. So, otherwise we need to change him or he’ll die.” Cadence commanded. “ but…but I don’t want to.” Sapphire begged. “ok, I’ll do it. Cad, change me now.” I ordered my sister. She nodded. “no!!!” Sapphire begged once again. Emmett stopped her from running to me, I was ready to change. Cadence bit my neck, then I felt burning in my throat, I wanted to die. I felt like I was in fire and wanted sold water around me but I can’t move. I thought death was much better than this, slowly my sight was getting darker. After that, something was burning from my fingers, I won’t last anymore. I wanted to beg to make it stop, make the burning stop. It was only an hour but I felt like was in hell for eternity, it

kept burning, I think it was alreday days since I felt the burning, sfter awhile I slowly open my eyes. I saw everything very clear and the fire was disappearing I saw Sapphire’s topaz eyes staring at me. “ how much longer, Calisle?” she asked nervously. “ just sereval minutes, the venom is going to his heart now.” He said checking my pulse. “Sweetheart, it’ll be painful but after the pain you’ll be ok I promise, I love you Aaron.” Sapphire whispered to my ear. I managed to say I love you, “ Aaron, it’ll be over soon.” She told me the, the burning starts to get stronger again. It’s targeting my heart, suddenly I felt like I want to rip my heart out. The, suddenlt everything was over. “ I opened my eyes and everyone was staring at me like I was some kind of monter. “hi, there handsome.” On my left I saw Sapphire. “hey… how long was I out? What happen to Aro?” I scratched my head. “three days, Aro came here and saw you transforming and left afterwards.” Cadence said “oh, that long.” I scratched my head again. “I think our newborn needs to hunt?” Carlisle suggested.

That’s when I felt my throat was flaring with thirst, “ I think so to.” I said to myself. Everyone laughed. Chapter 8 powers (Sapphire’s P.O.V.) I was happy to see my love woke up, he looked more handsome. We ran to the forest to hunt, “since this is your first time, try to smell what’s around you.” I encourage by showing him what to do. I smelt some bears behind the trees. “what can you smell?” I asked hoping he found what I found. “food!” he said, then looked at a pack of crackers on the grass. Slowly, he picked it up. Suddenly, Aaron turned darker, he wasn’t pale white anymore. I started to smell Aaron’s scent again, “why are you back to human again.” I was shocked. “huh?” he said confusedthe he bit the sandwich, “hmmm, taste good.” He exclaimed. “I think you discovered your talent but can you go back to being vampire again.” I said being a bit dizzy of what’s happening. “ok, I’ll try.” Then, Aaron turned pale again. We continued to hunt, not bringing up the whole talent thing. We hunt in silence for

couple of minutes, Aaron broke the silence “wow, that smells like a grizzle.” he was excited. He jumped to where the grizzle and pinned the grizzle in just second, Aaron bit it and drank the blood. “I was impressed, for your first time you’re good.” I congratulated him. After an hour or two, we went back to the house. “Carlisle, we’re back and we have some good news.” Aaron yelled. “I think it’s about Aaron’s talent” Emmett hoped. “yep, I discovered tat I can turn to back to human.” Aaron said cheerfully. “really!?!?!” Carlisle exclaimed. “can you try turning other people into human?” surprisingly Rosalie asked. “let me try.” Aaron touched me. I looked at my skin I was turning back to my tan skin. “here’s you answer.” Aaron gave a big smile. Everyone was amazed by his talent. Over the weeks, Carlisle examined how long can I stay human. “maybe around half a year or more.” Carlisle was surprised of what he discovered. “really, Aaron. Can you turn me back to human again?” Rosalie begged. “sure, but not now I feel weak even though I’m a vampire I felt like

something a draining me” Aaron looked tired. “I think this is the side affects of your power. You can only changed back one at a time.” Carlisle explained. After the discovery, we all felt in peace. Chapter 9 Engagement ( Aaron P.O.V) My life carried on with my love, Sapphire. After 3 years since I’ve changed, I wan to take our relationship to a whole new level. Alice and I planned an engagement party for me and Saphy. However, my sister left to go back to Seattle, she wanted to see our old house. But, before she left 2 months ago, we had a small conversation “so, Aaron you’re planning to propose Saph. When? I’ll come back for your Engagement party if you want.” Cadence, she was a carbon copy of our mother. “ maybe in 2 months time and please do come back in our engagement…umm.. Cad, I never asked you about mom and dad. Where are they? How are they? Why aren’t they with you?” I asked continually until she stopped me. “Lil brother, slow down. First, dad and mom are happy in

Hawaii. I left them because I don’t want to be a burden that’s why I end up in Volturi. And yes, they’re fine. I talked to then last week, they wants to see you soon.” Cadence explained. “Really, can you invite them in my engagement party?” I asked. “Most certainly.” She said. We stared at the stars for awhile, “I guess this is the end for now, little brother. I’ll see you soon. Just give me a call if there’s problem. Now I need to go.” She kissed me on my forehead, “bye, Cad I’ll miss you too.”, “me. Too, now be careful and take care of Saph. Bye.” She went to her new car Esme bought for her ‘birthday’; it was s new model of jaguar. Esme had treated her like a daughter, that’s why she was a bit sad that my sister left. (Well, back to the reality.) “So, how the plan going?” I asked Alice. “I was planning to have the party in the forest behind our house. You’ll pretend that it’s a special date, then put a blind fold then bring her to the forest and we surprise her and then you propose on the stage. I’ll prepare then, after that you propose to her in front everybody. K?” she gave me a thumbs up

for approve. “That’s great, how are we going to invite?” I asked, just to be sure. “the Denali coven, the one you’ve a year ago. Tanya..” giving me a clue “oh, them. ok who else how about the pack? Oh, yeah my family is coming too.” I said excitingly. “ok, so we Denali, the pack, Gibson family and then Charlie and Billy.” Alice checked. “Oh, yeah. Charlie and Billy. How about Amazonian coven, Zafrina would love to see Renesmee. How about American nomads, peter, charlotte?” I wanted to make this party the most amazing party ever and I want to let them know how much I love Saph. “ok, then that would be around 40 people is that enough?” Alice asked. “Yeah. When should we have the party?” I wanted it to be as early as possible. “In 3 days?” Alice suggested. “Perfect. Tell everyone except the bride.” I made my voice lake a commander ordered a soldier to do something. That three day went by very fast, I know it was the perfect moment to do this. I drove my new car (BMW) with Sapphire blindfolded. When we got to our destination, “ where are we Aaron,

why do I smell white roses and lilies, why do I smell human food?” Sapphire asked a lot of questions but I answered “just wait.” I brought her to centre of the stage I took of her blindfold. (Sapphire’s P.O.V.) After Aaron took off my blindfold, the whole forest was full of light. The lights were wrapped around the trees. I saw my family, then saw the Denali family, the American nomads, Amazonian coven, the pack and then Charlie with Billy. I saw an unfamiliar family, I think that’s Aaron’s family. I was so stunned with all the people staring at me. Aaron held my hand “miss Sapphire Anika Cullen, I’ve been with you almost 4 years and I lost you several years too. Those years I suffered without youin my arms, I felt something was missing.” Is he proposing? No it can’t be. Then, he looked at my family “ mr and mrs Cullen and the brothers and sisters of this young lady, I promise you that I’ll take care of you daughter/sister forever and always. So, miss Sapphire…” he knelt to ground pulle out a ring and said “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” he

finally proposed to me, he’s officially mine forever and always. “Mr. Aaron Gibson, why did it took you so long to ask me,huh? But you finally asked me and YES!! I’ll marry you.” I said happily. We hugged each other and kissed passionately, it was silence the I heard Emmett howl and everyone applaused. Everyone had a very nice night, Aaron went to his family (Aaron’s P.O.V.) “DAD!!!MOM!!! how are you guys?” can this day be any better. “son! It’s nice that you’re really apart of the family.it’s been over a decade since was so each other.” Dad said. “my baby boy, you’ve grown you’re still as handsome as you were when you’re a baby. I missed you so much.” My mom wanted to cry, if only she can. The night lasted very fast, my parents will some back for my wedding. That’s when the night ended, I know there is something ahead of us. Chapter 10 happy ending baby after!?!? (Sapphire’s P.O.V.) Wow! After my engagement party, we instantly prepared for our wedding, it’s only 1

week from now. I stared at me wedding ring, it was wonderful, “hon, I’m very happy to have you in my arms.” I said gazing at his eyes. She wrapped her arm around my waist; suddenly I felt an urge inside me wanted to cry. “I’m the most blessed and the most happiest man in this world because I have the most precious gem ever and her name is Sapphire.” He was so cheerful. “I love you Aaron Gibson.” I said under breath that only him can hear. “I love you ,too Sapphire Anika Cullen” he said the same I said it. <Wedding day> This is it, my wedding day is just here in front of me. The house was changed into a church, Alice is the most wonderful and most creative person I ever met. She made my favorite color theme, purple. She so sweet, nice everything I want for a sister. However, having my real older brother Dylan is here makes me much happier. I wonder if he is still alive or… gone. I saw Cadence with a guy, I didn’t see the guy’s face until he looked to my direction.DYLAN!!! I ran to him wearing my wedding dress. “Dylan!!!”….(Dylan’s P.O.V.)

I went to a wedding ceremony with my new mate, Cadence. She told me about his brother, Aaron and the girl he is going to marry, Sapphire. Suddenly, I heard a girl calling my human name. I looked at the girl running towards me, Anika my younger sister, the girl who disappeared for almost a decade. “Dylan!!!” Anika said. “Anika… my baby sister!!” I shouted, I hugged her tightly to my chest. “big brother, how come?” she looked at me using her googly eyes. “to make long sotry short, I met a amn who changed me after…after mom passed away.” I said sadly. “WHAT?!?! Mom died when?” she wanted to cry, though she just dry sobbed. “ after your disappearance, she can’t handle loosing you.” I half smiled. “I’m sorry, big brother. I caused a lot of problems.” She hugged me again. “no, sweetheart. In fact, I’m happy to find you.” We hugged each other, “now, little girl. Let’s go in the weding is about to start.” I said staring at her. “big brother, I’m the one who’s getting married.” She smiled and looked away, ambaressed. “really!?! My baby

sister is getting married? I’m happy for you.” I was a bit shocked. “Ermm..” Cadence was a bit about her discovery. “oh, sorry Cad, she my younger sister I talked to you about.” I explained. “really, Ankia is Sapphire?” she asked a bit of confused. “yep.. umm.. I thik you guys should go in. the wedding is bou to star … NOW!!!” she screamed. I kissed her good luck. Then, went to our seat. < Sapphire’s P.O.V> I’m so happy to see my big brother and my wedding is only a minute away. “ now go in” Alice whipered. I put my arms around Carlisle’s. every step that I took, was getting closer to my destiny. Aaron read his vows: Mrs. Sapphire Anika Cullen, We’ve been to so much problems and situations. But we stayed together Like salt and pepper. I love you more than the world offers to me I don’t regret anything I decided to give for you because… I told you this once and I’m saying again. I have the most precious gem And her name Is Sapphire.

I love you forever and always. I said my vows to him: Mr. Aaron Cirus Gibson, I’ll never exhange you with anything the world owns. For you are my air to breath, For you are my eyes to see. For you are everything to me. Don’t let me go for I love you so. I love you forever and always. “do you except this lady to be your wife forever and always and will never give up til death do us part?” the pastor asked Aaron. “I DO.” She looked at the pastos then me. “do you except this man be your husband and always and will never give up til death do us part?” the pastor looked at me “ I DO.” I said. “then you may kiss the bride.” Aaron touch my cheeks and leaned to kiss me. The was the best part of everthing, after the wedding, we went to our new Mercedes bends and went to Esme’s island. Like what Bella said the island is ver wonderful. The night of our honeymoon, I thought of copying Aaron’s power so when we have the night to remember I can have a baby. I wanted to have ababy like Renesmee. Aaron did’t realized I became a human when we made love that. The next, I was atill in human form

when Aaron realized it “ how dare you do that, sweetheart. Look at you, beacuase of e you had bruises. What a horrible husband am i?” Aaron was very sad. “hon, I wanted this, I want to have at least a baby.” I insisted. “but..but..” he just kept quiet. We went back to Rochester because I started to vomit, I guess I was pregnant already. Carlisle heard the new and told everyone “WHAT!?!? Another Bella incident!!” Edward said, everyone started to laugh. “haha… very funny! What now.” Bella said. “the usual, like what we did to you.” Carlisle answered calmly. “but how did this happen?” Alice answered, “well you know hoe Saph wanted to have a baby badly. She just copied Aaron’s power than you know what she did afterwards.” Esme explained. After several months, igave birth to a boy. He was as handsome as his father, Aaron changed me back after I gave birth to Saion Joshua Cullen. We were a happy family and none is going to bother us anymore. 50 years later, Rosalie did what I do I transformed her to human before the incident happen again. We had 1 baby including Rosalie me Alice and Cadence, we lived happily ever after.


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