Understanding Arunthathyar Leaders In Madurai

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Understanding Arunthath Arunthathiyar yar Leaders in Madurai S.Rengasamy & Mr.M.Suresh AGE OF THE LEADERS This table indicates that more and more young people from Arunthathiyar community are coming out to the public arena. Personal discussion with some of the leaders revealed that these young leaders are frustrated with the combined dalit leadership and want to maintain a separate arunthathiyar identity.





1. 2. 3.

Primary 8 32 High school 13 52 Graduates 4 16 Total 25 EDUCATION OF THE LEADERS Discussions with the leaders revealed that in the past, Arunthathiyar’s as scheduled caste were able to get govt. employment even with school education. Now the situation is slowly changing and some of the leaders though got employment opportunities as scavengers, they refused to take up the demeaning employment and involved themselves in the public activities. The

discussions further revealed that more and more eeducated ducated arunthathiyar will come forward to take up issues related to arunthathiyars.


INCOME OF THE LEADERS The above table shows personal earnings of the leaders. 40% of the leaders are daily wage earners which involves undertaking of some errand jobs. This income is not permanent. Another 60% of the leaders are earning monthly income by working in the government departments ranging from peons, office assistants and clerks. Leaders expressed that earning a regular income i enables them to involve in the community affairs.


60 50


40 30 20 10 0 Daily wages

Monthly income


Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy


MOVABLE ASSETS OWNED BY THE LEADERS S.NO MOVABLE PROPERTY LEADERS 1. Cycles 10 2. Two wheelers 8 3. Phone 5 4. Fridge 3 5. Pigs 3 6. Cattles 4 7. Milch animals 5 8 Jewels 12 9. Fan 22 10 T.V 20 As far as the movable assets are concerned the ownership pattern reveals the poor economic status of the leaders. As far as the facilitates in the house is concerned majority of them own fan (88%) and television (80%) respectively. Among the 20 who have television 16 are having black and white television. As far as the other movable assets are concerned 40% of them are having cycles, 32% of them are having two wheelers like mopeds (6 leaders) and bikes (2 leaders). Only 20 % of the leaders are having phone facilities and for 3(12%) leaders fridge seams to be a proud possession. To supplement their income the leaders and their families are involved in livestock rearing. Almost all the leaders who claimed themselves are daily wage earners are rearing pigs, goats or milch animals. They approximately earn around Rs1500 – Rs3000 per month from these activities. Discussion with the wives of the leaders and observing the household atmosphere revealed that, the leaders though hails from poor economic background are spending money and other resources beyond their means in order to sustain their activities. The leaders also pointed out that leaders from other Dalit communities are involved in “black mailing” and ‘Katta Panchayat’ activities and they earn a good amount from these. But Arunthathiyar leaders seam to be so sober and not that much tactful to do these activities. IMMOVABLE ASSETS OWNED BY LEADERS S.NO IMMOVABLE PROPERTY LEADERS % 1. Own house 17 68 2 Agriculture land 5 20 3 Other building 3 12 As far as the immovable assets are concerned 68% of the leaders are having their own houses. Though the ownership of the majority of the leaders can be disputed because they constructed their houses of the majority in the encroached area in the slum locations allots and they may be asked to evict at anytime. 20% of leaders are having small parcels of agricultural land in their native villages. Only 12% of the leaders own other building assets.

Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy


MONEY SPEND FOR ORGANISATIONAL WORK EXPENSES S.NO MONEY SPEND LEADERS % 1. Less than 500 9 36 2. 600 – 1000 6 24 3. 1000 – 1500 4 16 4. 1500 – 2000 3 12 5. More than 2000 3 12 Total 25 The above table shows the money spend by the leaders to meet the organizational expenses and this can be appreciated only when we look at the economic back ground of the leaders. 36% of the leaders spend less than Rs500 per month and 12% of the leaders spend more than Rs. 2000 per month. When the researcher asked the leaders the nature of their expenses, they revealed the following items of expenditure. 1. Traveling (bus) 2.Hospitality expenses (both in the house and outside) 3.Fuel expense 4.Phone bill 5.Making presentations/gifts during family functions 6.Spending for others travels.7.Postal expenses 8.Printing expenses 9.Organizing Meeting 10.Giving donations. Leaders who are spending less than 500 rupees per month mainly spend it for their own travel. For the leaders who spend more than 2000 rupees they spend for majority of the items as mentioned above. Besides the general nature of expenses, some of the leaders revealed that they are heavily indebted up to 50000 rupees to 1, 50000 rupees to meet the organizational expenses. This cumulative indebtedness is eating away the major source of their income to pay the interest. Organizational expenses and the interest payment has pushed some of the leaders into poverty ratchet at the cost of their family welfare including their children’s education. Wives of these leaders lamented that persons who are earning equally to them are sending their children to nursery schools where as they are sending their children to aided schools; others with equal income level have more household gadgets but these leaders families are depending mainly on ration rice only.

TIME SPENDS FOR ORGANISATION’S WORK S.NO TIME SPEND LEADERS % 1. Full time 10 40 2. Part time 15 60 Total 25 100 The above table shows that the time spend by the leaders for their organization’s work. 40% of the leaders are spending full time for their organizations work and the remaining 60% of them are spending part time. Further observation revealed that these part timers are all monthly salaried workers in the government and they spend their week ends, casual leaves, earned leave for organisation’s work. These leaders further shared with the researcher that in their service they never claimed their earned leave as they spend it for the organization’s work. Though they cannot claim as full time workers their family members complained during the interview, that some of the supposed part timers they go out of the house early in the morning and will return late at night.

Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy


SPREAD OF THE ORGANISATION STRENGTH ORGANISATIONS PRESENCE SPREAD STRENGTH IN OTHER DISTRICTS LEADERS % % 1. Virudhu Nagar – Ramanatha Puram 9 -9 36 2. Theni – Madurai 10 -10 40 3. Southern districts 13 52 --4. North districts 5 -5 20 5. West districts 12 48 6 24 6. Whole Tamilnadu 8 -1 4 The above table indicates not only the spread of the organization but also its strength in Tamilnadu. Spread of the organization is used in a specific meaning that if the organization is having a district branch with leadership. In this sense 23 % of the leaders claimed that their organization is spread throughout the state. Organizational strength is referred as the ability of the organization to mobilize a crowd around 200 – 500 people (some organizations can mobilize more than these) to organize a function/activity. For example 36% of the leaders claimed that organization is very strong in Virudhunagar and Ramanathapuram district, 40% of the leaders claimed that their organization is strong in Madurai – Theni, 20% of the leaders claimed that their organization is strong in north districts, 24% of the leaders claimed that their organization is strong in western districts and only one leader claimed that their organization is strong throughout Tamilnadu. S.NO

TIME DEVOTED FOR ORGANIZATIONAL WORK PER DAY S.NO TIME SPEND LEADERS % 1. Less than 3 Hrs 6 24 2. 4 – 6 hours 10 40 3. 7 – 9 hours 4 16 4. More than10Hrs 5 20 Total 25 100 The above table shows the amount of time the leaders spend for their organisational work per day. 40% of the leaders spend between 4 – 6 hours per day. 24% of them spend 6 hours per day; 20% of them spend more than 10 hours per day. Time spend by the leaders is not taken in the conventional meaning of attending office regularly. It is understood in the meaning of spending time to meet the people, attending their grievances and spending time with a sense of building relationships with the known and the unknown people with an intention that they may be useful in their work. The leaders also spend a lot of time in traveling. It also includes meeting officials and representing the grievances. Following are some of the activities, the leaders frequently do. 1. Meeting the people of their own caste. 2. Meeting and discussing with the friends/second line leaders / followers. 3. Writing letters / petitions. 4. Meeting officials. 5. Making new contacts and friendship. 6. Attending meetings organized by other Dalit groups 7. Attending and organizing meeting of their own organization 8. Representing the grievances. 9. Attending marriage and other family functions of the followers. 10. Traveling to attend meeting or to strengthen organization in other districts. 11. Making phone calls. 12. Other social service activities The leaders revealed that since Arunthathiyars organizations have not acquired any political clout, they are forced to spend more time is waiting whenever they wish to contact a government official. Those who are having phone and two – wheelers, by using that they can reduce the time spend for organizational work.

Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy


SUPPORT RECEIVED FROM POLITICAL PARTIES. S.NO SUPPORT FROM LEADERS % POLITICAL PARTY 1. Yes 12 48 2. No 18 72 The above table shows the political support being extended to the organizations to which the leaders are associated. 48% of the leaders told that political parties are supporting their organizations. This support is always in the form of inviting the leaders to party functions, listing their names with their organizational identity in the invitations and being with the leaders at the time of crisis. But 72% of the leaders told that they are not receiving any support from the political parties. Absence of support is not antagonistic feelings but ignoring their leaders and their organizational identity. Some political parties which ignore these leaders and their organizations come to them and seek their support during the election time and others ignore them forever.

ARUNTHATHIYAR LEADERS AND THEIR ASSOCIATION WITH VOLUNTARY/NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS. Most of the leaders at some point of time have related to voluntary/non-governmental agencies. The relationship seems to be two fold. At times voluntary agencies approached the leaders to launch programmers; on the other times some of the leaders approached the NGO’s seeking their support. Many of the arunthathiyar leaders underwent training on various dalit related issues conducted by NGO’s. Leaders invariably feel that with the help of voluntary agencies, that too church based organizations there are chances to build the capacity of the leaders. They categorically assert that some of the dalit leaders belonging to other dalit communities are initially supported by the church based organizations. Leaders make allegation and counter allegation about the leaders who regularly in touch with NGO’s that they are given financial support to organize meetings and rallies. It is beyond the scope of this research to go into detail about how church based organizations in the name of dalit empowerment and liberation support the leaders with liberal financial assistance to organize meetings and rallies to oppose some of the govt. policies.

ARUNTHATHIYAR AND OTHER DALIT COMMUNITIES In the past arunthathiyars were very active in some of the dalit organisations like Dalit Panthers of India lead by Sri.Thirumavalavan, Pudhiya Tamizagam lead by Dr.Krishnaswamy and in the Dalit wings of the political parties like Pattali Makkal Katchi and other regional and national parties. Now the trend seems to be some what different. Arunthathiyar leaders at present are very critical and skeptical about the other dalit leaders. Arunthathiyar leaders felt that their community is sidelined by other dalit groups by taking issues like panchami land and showing indifference to the problems of sanitary workers majority of them belong to arunthathiar community. Leaders allege while many NGO’s in solidarity with other dalit groups campaigned vigorously to get back the panchami land. But none of these NGO’s who claim themselves as working for dalit human rights spoken about the manual scavenging, because it is mainly done by arunthathiyar people only.

Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy

6 SUPPORT RECEIVED FROM POLITICAL PARTIES. S.NO SUPPORT FROM LEADERS % POLITICAL PARTY 1. Yes 12 48 2. No 18 72 The above table shows the political support being extended to the organizations to which the leaders are associated. 48% of the leaders told that political parties are supporting their organizations. This support is always in the form of inviting the leaders to party functions, listing their names with their organizational identity in the invitations and being with the leaders at the time of crisis. But 72% of the leaders told that they are not receiving any support from the political parties. Absence of support is not antagonistic feelings but ignoring their leaders and their organizational identity. Some political parties which ignore these leaders and their organizations come to them and seek their support during the election time and others ignore them forever.

ARUNTHATHIYARS AND OTHER DALIT LEADERS Arunthathiyar leaders felt that the self proclaimed leaders of dalit community are paying only lip sympathy on various issues related to Arunthathiyar. Some of the issues specific to Arunthathiyars to which other dalit leaders ignored are given below. 1. Manual scavenging 2. Night soil removal 3. Privatization of scavenging 4. Problems of rural sanitary workers. 5. Service conditions of sanitary workers through out Tamilnadu. 6. Problems in getting community certificates for Kaattunaickan. 7. Problems related to pig rearing by Arunthathiyars 8. Harassment faced by the rag-pickers from Arunthathiyar community. 9. Internal reservation for Arunthathiyars with in the general reservation for scheduled caste.

RELIGIOUS CONVERSION AND ARUTHATHIARS LIBERATION CONVERSION LEAD TO LIBERATION LEADERS % Agree 8 32% Don’t agree 14 56% No opinion 3 12% When the leaders were asked whether religious conversion lead to liberation of arunthathiyars, 56% of the leaders are of the opinion that conversion won’t lead to liberation and 32% of the leaders agreed that conversion will lead to arunthathiyar’s liberation and 12% of the leaders have no opinion about this. Arunthathiyar leaders are divided in their opinion about various issues related to religious conversion. Those who agree that conversion lead to liberation pointed out that the other dalit communities (Parayar and Pallar) converted into Christianity long before and that is why they were able to make progress.

Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy

7 REASONS FOR ESTABLISHING SEPARATE ORGANISATIONS FOR ARUNTHATHIYARS REASONS LEADERS % Love for the community 25 100 Disgusted with other organization 16 64 Disgusted with other leaders 18 72 Single organization will always ignore the people needs 14 56 Single organization leaders are usually arrogant of their power 20 80 base 6. Uniqueness of arunthathiyars need many organizations to 21 84 maintain their identity 7. Other reasons 6 24 When the leaders were asked for what purpose they have established a new entity or joined/associated with an existing organizational entity, they revealed seven different reasons. Invariably all of them agreed that the love for their own community made them to establish an organization. 84% of them revealed that Arunthathiyar community is somewhat different from other community and to project this difference and to maintain their identity, they established new organization. 80% of the leaders felt that if a community has a single leader, that leader invariably will become arrogant and to justify their opinion they quote several leaders of other community. 72% of them established a new organization because they were degusted with other with other leaders. The other reasons they mentioned is that they want to become popular and to contest elections etc. S.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

REASONS FOR THE PROLIFERATION OF ARUNTHATHAR’S CASTE ORGANISATIONS SNO REASONS LEADERS % 1. Understanding about the Caste structure 19 76 2. Difference in political affiliation/ Ideology 18 72 3. Difference in understanding Hindu religion 9 44 4. Difference in future goals 9 36 5. Difference in approach 12 48 6. Perception about improvement 15 60 7. Others. 6 24 The interviewed leaders cited several reasons for the proliferation of caste based organizations in arunthathiyar community. 76% of them told that since we cannot abolish caste system, caste based organizations are the only way to protect the interest of a particular caste and this is more relevant for the scheduled caste like arunthathiyars. 72% of the leaders pointed out the political affiliations and the belief in political ideology motivated them to establish various organizations in order to maintain their identity. 60% of the leaders pointed out that leader’s perception about what constitute the improvement of arunthathiyar community is the reason for the proliferation of the organizations. 48% of the leaders pointed out the different future goals of the leaders is the reason (i.e. by establishing separate organization they can seek the attention of the political parties at the time of election). Leaders understanding of Hindu religion (as a religion which sustains untouchability) made many of them (44%) to establish organizations. Some leaders resent about the usage of the term ‘Arunthathiyar’ since it portray Hindu mythology and to counter this they established organizations using the terms like ‘Chakkiliar’, Pakadai etc.

Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy


RELIGIOUS CONVERSION AND ARUTHATHIARS LIBERATION CONVERSION LEAD TO LIBERATION LEADERS % Agree 8 32% Don’t agree 14 56% No opinion 3 12% When the leaders were asked whether religious conversion lead to liberation of arunthathiyars, 56% of the leaders are of the opinion that conversion won’t lead to liberation and 32% of the leaders agreed that conversion will lead to arunthathiyar’s liberation and 12% of the leaders have no opinion about this. Arunthathiyar leaders are divided in their opinion about various issues related to religious conversion. Those who agree that conversion lead to liberation pointed out that the other dalit communities (Parayar and Pallar) converted into Christianity long before and that is why they were able to make progress.

REASONS FOR THE PROLIFERATION OF ARUNTHATHAR’S CASTE ORGANISATIONS SNO REASONS LEADERS % 1. Understanding about the Caste structure 19 76 2. Difference in political affiliation/ Ideology 18 72 3. Difference in understanding Hindu religion 9 44 4. Difference in future goals 9 36 5. Difference in approach 12 48 6. Perception about improvement 15 60 7. Others. 6 24 The interviewed leaders cited several reasons for the proliferation of caste based organizations in arunthathiyar community. 76% of them told that since we cannot abolish caste system, caste based organizations are the only way to protect the interest of a particular caste and this is more relevant for the scheduled caste like arunthathiyars. 72% of the leaders pointed out the political affiliations and the belief in political ideology motivated them to establish various organizations in order to maintain their identity. 60% of the leaders pointed out that leader’s perception about what constitute the improvement of arunthathiyar community is the reason for the proliferation of the organizations. 48% of the leaders pointed out the different future goals of the leaders is the reason (i.e. by establishing separate organization they can seek the attention of the political parties at the time of election). Leaders understanding of Hindu religion (as a religion which sustains untouchability) made many of them (44%) to establish organizations. Some leaders resent about the usage of the term ‘Arunthathiyar’ since it portray Hindu mythology and to counter this they established organizations using the terms like ‘Chakkiliar’, Pakadai etc.

S.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ARUNTHATHIYARS FAVOURTIE LEADERS FAVOURITE LEADERS Dr. Ambedkar 20 Thanthai Periyar 18 Mahatma Gandhi 10 M.G. Ramachandran 15 Kalaignar Karunanidhi 8

% 72 72 40 60 32

Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy

9 S.No

Caste Based Organisations


1 2 3

Ambedkar Munnetra Kazakam (AMK Aathi Tamiliar Peravai TAYF/TADF (Tamilnadu Arunthathiyar Democratic Federation)/(Tamilnadu Arunthathiyar Youth Federation Samooga Vidudalai Munnani (SLF) Youth Guidance Service (YGS) Arunthathiyar Makkal Iyakkam Chakkiliyar Eluchi Peravai Tamilnadu Chakkiliyar Peravai Scavenger Worker’s Union Sinthanai Sirpikal Iyakkam Arunthathiyar Sangam

Mr. M.S. Mohandoss.M.A. Dalit Ayyanar, Mageswaran S.T. Kalyanasundaram

4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11

V.Bhoominathan Mr. Ganesan. Mr. Arangaperumal Mr. Diliban Mr.C.M. Muthu Mr. K.M. Mariyappan Mr. P.Balakrishnan and Siva Mr. Nagalingam

Prominent Arunthathiyars in Dalit Political Parties (Regional level) in Madurai Pudhiya Tamilakam Mr. R. Suresh Dalit Panthers of India Mr. Pitchaikani Nelapulikal Mr. Moorthy Tamilnadu Makkal Munnetra Kazhakam Mr. Murugan Thiyaki Immanuvel Peravai Mr. Immanuvel Davendirar Youth Peravai Mr. K. Muthukumaran Ambedkar Makkal Iyakam Mr. P. Raju Prominent Arunthathiyars in Dalit Wings of National Political Parties in Madurai Bakujan Samaj Party Mr. S. Vellayan Kudiyarasu Party Mr. Periyasamy Dr. Ambedkar Peravai Mr. S. Paraman Prominent Arunthathiyar Staff Working in Madurai Based Non – Government Organisations Institute of Development Education and Action Studies (IDEAS) Mr. Alex Action Aid India Mr. Sakthivel.M.S.W. Dr. Ambedkar Cultural Academy (DACA) Mr. Jakkaiyan N.G.O’s interested in Arunthathiyars Welfare in Madurai People Education Trust (PET) Mr. Robinsenlabi Institute of Development Education and Action Studies (IDEAS) Fr. Jabamalai Raja Tamilnadu Theological Seminary / Dalit Resource Centre Dr. Issac Kathirvel People’s Watch Mr. Henritipane Dalit Women’s Movement Mrs. Rajini



‘Arunthathiyar Vazhum, St. Xavier’s College, Palayankottai a) ‘Arunthathiyars in 17th Century’ Vindhan Publication, Madras b) ‘Arunthathiyar Varalaru (1998 / 2002)’ Mumbai Arunthathiyar Sangam’s Publication c) ‘Arunthathiyar Varalarum Panbadum (Dec 2002)’ Coimbatore, Aathi Tamilar Peravai Publication d) ‘Mathiyappavai (1996)’ Aathi Tamilar Peravai Publication, Coimbatore e) ‘Eda Othikeetil Arunthathiyarukku Samuga Neethi (2002)’ Vindhan Publication, Madras ‘Kodai Malai Mathariyar’ Madurai, IDEAS “Naan Chakkiliyan Alla Enbathan Arasiyalum Naan Chakkiliyan Enbathan Thathuvamum”,Kavithasaran a) ‘Thenthisai Mulaitha Sensudar’ U.A. PERUMAL PETER (Oct 2002) Dalit Murasu b) ‘Suyamariyathai Sudaroli’ S.M. JEGANATHAN, (Jan 2003) Dalit Murasu c) ‘Saathi Irul Neekkavantha Arunthathi’ L.C. GURUSAMY (Sep 2003)

Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy



Dalit Murasu Adankamarukkum Arunthathiyarkal Interview with STK, Thamukku (2002) Ariyamaielurundu Perum Vidudalaithan Arunthathiyar Perum Vidudalai in Karuppu Journals Dalit Murasu, Anal, Thamukku

Understanding the leadership among arunthathiyars in Madurai City seems to be complex. The situation in Madurai seems easy to ridicule as there a large number of self proclaimed leaders and letter – pad organizations. But one has to understand that there are lots of practical difficulties to mobilize the entire community, if the community is very poor and oppressed. Coupled with these factors if the leader himself is also poor they are unable to mobilize the entire community. These leaders are doing their best by mobilizing the community into small groups / constituencies. The followings are the main findings of this study: • 28% of leaders are aged more than 35 • 52% of the leaders were educated up to high school. • 60% of the leaders belong to the monthly salaried class • 88% of the leaders have owned fan as movable asset • 68% of the leaders have house as an immovable asset • 60% of the leaders are part time organization workers • 10% of the leaders mentioned that they have taken up this work not only to fight against the caste atrocities but also to stop arunthathiyars being exploited by other dominant dalit communities. • 52% of the leaders are having less the 5 years of organizational experience • 14% of the leaders revealed that establishing or associating with organizations to empower arunthathiyar community, to uplift Arunthathiyar community, to work for Arunthathiyar Educations. • 40% of the leaders spend between 4 – 6 hours per day for organization. 40% of the leaders said that their organization is strong in Madurai – Theni and 36% of the leaders claimed that organization is very strong in Virudhunagar – Ramanathapuram district. • 72% of the leaders opined that they are not receiving any support from the Political parties. • 21% of the leaders are not able to bring Arunthathiyar under a single organization reason is poverty of Arunthathiyar. • 84% of the leaders revealed that Arunthathiyar community is some what different from other community and to project these differences and to maintain their identity, they established new organizations. • Arunthathiyar is deteriorating day by day where as the other dalit groups are making progress in different spheres. • 84% of the Leaders revealed that Arunthathiyar community is somewhat different from other community and to project this difference and to maintain their identity, they established new organization. • 76% of the leaders told that since we cannot abolish caste system, caste based organizations are the only way to protect the interest of a particular caste, and this is more relevant for the scheduled caste like Arunthathiyar. • 56% of the leaders are of the opinion that conversation won’t lead to liberation and 32% of the leaders agreed that conversion will lead to arunthathiyars liberation • 80% of the leaders were responded the Dr. Ambedkar is the most favorite leader of arunthathiyars. The researcher in his research made an attempt has been made to use it here to understand the Arunthathiyar leadership in Madurai and the predicaments they faced. Multiple small organizations, fierce splits and public denunciations, trading charges against one another, came to characterize the arunthathiyar leadership in Madurai. But on the other hand these leaders were amongst the best, the boldest and the most active and insightful of their times. How then did so much discord and separation arise? The answer offered here has suggested that it is necessary to go beyond personal competitiveness in seeking to understand the problem of these leaders. Three major issues, often dilemmas even, which sparked much of it, have been mentioned here. One such issue was over the caste identity which organizations should address: should it be just the arunthathiyar caste, should they be looking to some more inclusive (other dalit) grouping? The second was the question of religion, whether they were all Hindus as had long been assumed, or whether they might not – or should not - be Hindus at all. If the law were they to remain only non – Hindu? Would it be possible to hold back conversions to Christianity and Islam on that basis? The final source of contention identified was the succession of increasingly educated generations. They were not only more ready to be swayed by new ideas, notably those coming from Ambedkar and his Maharashtrian followers, but they also came with newly learnt models of formal organization and with new skills with which to interact with the increasingly sophisticated world around. The ways in which access to material support wove tensions of its own into the interplay of leaders and followers have also been considered

Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy


Arunthathiyars in Madurai - Arunthathiyar Leaders – S.Rengasamy

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