Ultimate Essay

  • April 2020
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Michal G. 3/22/19 Persuasive writing and speaking towards social justice helps generate a story and rhetoric would also help a purpose of the authors story. There are 3 stories and they all use rhetoric, persuasive writing, and speaking because it helps their story sound and look better and give us a feeling to understand. Martin Luther King´s letter to Birmingham, Alabama is about MLK's purpose to end racial segregation in Birmingham and to stand up and to end it. Julia Alvarez wanted to speak against injustice and to tell her tragic story. Malala Yousafzai wanted to help every girl, woman, and person to have an education. MLK uses rhetoric to describe what he things should change and how the black race is being mistreated. Alvarez uses a lot of emotion to help her purpose of the story. Malala used a lot of emotion throughout the text, she explains her life changing after a gunshot to her head and the emotions she went through to help her stand up to women's rights and to change the world forever and to become like the greatest speakers because she wanted to prove a point with rhetoric because rhetoric really helped her purpose to change the world and everyone. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to stand up to equal rights by ending racial segregation. MLK wanted to end racism in Birmingham, Alabama by using rhetoric. ¨Mighty struggle to rid our motion of racial and economic justice.¨ (MLK 9) This shows pathos because he states that he is struggling and he wants to end racial segregation and he feels like a angry feeling because he cant believe that this is going on in Birmingham. Another quote that uses rhetoric is ¨They have languished in roach infested jails.¨(MLK 3) This shows pathos because he feels angry that racism is happening and he wants to end it and the black race is getting thrown in jail and being treated poorly and live in a crappy prison. MLK uses Rhetoric sometimes, mostly about his feeling about racism or he talks about himself or how other people are feeling about racial segregation. The feeling he is going through is a sad and angry feeling mostly used and showing that Racism needs to end. Julia Alvarez wanted to speak against Injustice in the Dominican Republic. Alvarez uses rhetoric to prove or to state her arguments or what she is standing up for. ¨It was from my father that my mother learned why Trujillo hated blacks with such vengeance, how he disguised his own nation ancestry, how he lightened his skin with makeup.¨ (Alvarez 2) This shows Pathos Because Trujillo hated blacks and he was very racist by killed thousands of blacks and other races also. He changed his skin color to act different and try to make it that the whites were doing something bad and he wanted to prove that he was the best and everyone should obey him. Another quote that uses rhetoric is ¨I don't care what happens to us! I´m so proud of you for writing this book.¨

(Alvarez 6) This shows pathos because Alvarez finally accomplished her dream as being a writer and even though Alvarez and her mother did not have a good relationship, her mother was so proud of her and showed a lot of emotion by being happy for her daughter and her daughter finally accomplished her dream. Alvarez uses Rhetoric a lot in her story because she wanted to speak against injustice and how her life was in the Dominican Republic. Her story shows a lot of emotion of her life and what tragic things were happening and this story was suppose to give us a feeling and her story mainly shows emotion throughout the whole story. Malala's purpose was to advocate for Women's rights, Girls education, and free education, over the world for every child. Malala got into a accident when somebody shot her and she survived, Malala later made a huge speech about Women's rights, Girls education, and free education. Malala fought for all of these things because she thought they were being mistreated. Malala told her story about her accident and she states, ¨And out of that silence came a thousand voices.¨ (Yousafzai 5) This shows pathos because it is a intimidating feeling and it is supposed to make you feel weakness, fear and hopelessness because the Taliban is causing people to feel this because they are doing life threatening things. Another quote that used pathos was when Malala stated, ¨Thank you to everyone who has prayed for my mast recovery and new lifey.¨”(Yousafzai 1) This shows pathos because she gets emotional about the people who reached out after she was shot and this means a lot to her and encourages her to fight for the things that she thinks is being mistreated the most and she should make a change. The final quote that shows pathos is when Malala Stated, ¨This the legacy of change I have inherited from Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. (Yousafzai 6) This shows pathos because she feels that she is with the higher people that changed peoples lives and she feels that she can change something. Her purpose mainly connects to Pathos because Pathos is emotion and Malala showed a lot of emotion of her life and how it changed after that gunshot accident and she changed the world after her huge speech because she inspired her self and other famous people inspired her to come out and talk about things that are being mistreated the most and she wants a change. The text that uses Rhetoric the best is Malala´ś speech because the emotions in her speech really helped her purpose and he wanted change and stand up but the emotions that she felt through her accident and her speech helped her story and speech show that it is the best from the 3 and it tells a great story by using rhetoric. All of these stories are successful because all 3 uses rhetoric and rhetoric helped all the stories to prove and helped their purpose. Rhetoric makes a story or text better because it shows more of a feeling or it would help the author to state or to help everyone better how the

author is feeling and how are we supposed to feel about their story and if their story uses rhetoric the best to help them prove their purpose.

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