Ue 1999 Section C Ans

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 15
UE Section C 99 (1-16) 1. As indicated in the first paragraph, Professor Watson and the five other anthropologists feel that through contact with McDonald's, … D. East Asian societies have undergone a lot of changes. Source


Skills tested

Paragraph one, Impact means lines 9-10, changes "while the fast food giant has had an enormous impact on East Asian societies"

Reading for specific information

    2. In the US, consumers tend to go to McDonald's because it is … B. A fast place to eat Source


Skills tested

Paragraph one, line 15, "not as somewhere to have a quick meal as in the US"

Quick meal means a fast place to eat

Reading for specific information

3. According to Professor Watson, how has McDonald's affected its competitors? A. It has encouraged their expansion Source


Skills tested

Paragraph two, "Succeed" implies Inference line 32, "It has expansion made it possible for other chains to succeed" 2. Professor Watson says that McDonald's role … A. varies a lot in different countries Source


Skills tested

Paragraph 1, lines 20-22, "The corporation may have its own imperialist model but wherever it goes, it soon has to adapt"

That means Inference McDonald's has to adapt to different countries. So it varies a lot from countries to different countries

2. According to the third paragraph, some Beijing customers feel ashamed in local restaurants because … B. Other customers may be eating very expensive food. Source


Skills tested

Paragraph three, lines 5153, "a customer can take his family to McDonald's for dinner and not be made to feel ashamed by more expensive dishes nearby"

"More expensive dishes nearby" means customers have to have expensive food.


2. According to Professor Watson, how successful has the local fast-food industry been in Mainland China? B. It has been a failure so far



Skills tested

Paragraph 4, lines 60-62, "however, has not taken off because local chains are grim, hopeless places with serious sanitation problems"

"grim", hopeless" and "serious sanitation problems" are all negative in sense which indicate failure

Tone Inference

2. Professor Watson views the move from teahouses to McDonald's in Hong Kong as… B. a sign of the times Source


Skills tested

Paragraph five, The old days are Inference line 72, "The old gone indicates the days are gone" entry of new period 2. What does the phrase "thanks to" mean in line 75? B. because of Source


Skills tested

Paragraph five, lines 72-75, "Professor Watson gives McDonald's rather luckily credit for helping to create a more civilized social order in Hong Kong, thanks to its practice of having people line up for food"

. “Its practice of Inference having people line up for food” is the reason for creating a more civilized social order. "Thanks to" implies the meaning of "because of"

2. What are the "powerful agents of social change" in the 80?

D. Children Source


Skills tested

Paragraph 6, " powerful agents Reference lines 78-80, "By " refers the wooing children children with birthday parities complete with cakes and candles, gifts and toys, McDonald's has captured the most powerful agents of social changes" 3. According to Professor Watson, what effect has McDonald's had on many members of the younger generation in Hong Kong? C. They don't want to go out with older members of their family to eat Chinese food Source


Skills tested

Paragraph six, line 88, "many Hong Kong children are so fond of McDonald's that they refuse to eat with their parents or grandparents in Chinese-style restaurants or dim sum tea houses"

Parents and grandparents are the older members.

Reading for specific information

  4. According to Professor Watson, the families in Hong

Kong which are suffering the most as a result of McDonald's success are those that … A. have old traditions which they do not want to change. Source


Skills tested

Paragraph six, lines 92-93, "this has caused intergenerational distress in some of Hong Kong's more conservative communities"

Conservative communities refers to the families with old traditions


2. How does Professor Watson say his McDonald's study compares with his earlier research? B. It has developed naturally from his previous work Source


Paragraph 7, lines "logical 95-97, "but he progression" describes it as a means natural logical development progression arising out of his earlier more academic research"

Skills tested Inference

2. Who does "some" refer to in line 99? A. politically-correct types Source


Skills tested

Paragraph 7, lines 99-101, "Some think the study is an unacceptable departure for anthropology; its validity is

The study is Reference questioned by these politicallycorrect types, i.e. "some"

questioned by these politicallycorrect types" 2. What does "departure" mean in line 100? A. something different Source


Skills tested

Paragraph 7, lines 99-101, "Some think the study is an unacceptable departure for anthropology; its validity is questioned by these politicallycorrect types"

"Departure" Inference means something is far away from the usual meaning of anthropology. That means something different

2. What does "discipline" mean in line 108? B. anthropology Source


Skills tested

Paragraph 7, lines 107-108, "so to ignore it is not only elitist but also suicidal for the discipline"

the discipline Reference refers to the subject of instruction in a university, i.e. anthropology, the study of mankind.

2. Overall, what is the assessment in Golden Arches East of the impact of McDonald's on East Asia? A. There has been a great deal of change which is not negative and which, in fact, may be positive Source


Skills tested

Paragraph 1, lines 9-10, "it is not a negative one"

From the tone, we Reading for will know that it is theme a positive one Tone

Q 17-33 Cloze Passage Q A Explanation

Skills tested

17 A The passage says, "reopened late last month without a single female teacher or student" indicates the "exclusion of women and girls"


18 D To infinitive should be used Infinitive after a verb 19 C "designated" means ordered


20 B "banning" is a present participle modifying the previous noun. Rule.

Present Participle

21 B "obeying" is a present participle modifying the previous noun, men

Present Participle

22 A "Although" should be used Conjunction to show an adverb clause of concession One clause is Context positive in sense, one is negative. 23 C Whom refers to the religious leaders


24 C "sole" means only. The sole Context educational practice is to study the Koran only, so the leaders are mostly illiterate 25 D A gerund is used after "involves" and a toinfinitive should be used after "learning"


26 B "by heart" is a common English expression which means “by memory”

Common expression

27 This item was deleted


28 A "country" is a place. So "in which" is a suitable conjunction


29 B "cramped living conditions" Context implies "only means" 30 D A contrast is shown between Iran and Afghanistan. So "however" is appropriate


31 D "except" should be used to Context show the appropriate situation 32 A Passive voice should be used as the women do not whip themselves


33 B "came to power" means get Common the power expression

Q34-47 Theme Exercise Q A Explanation

Skills tested

34 A "regular exercises" collocates with "pulling a trolley full of cardboard through traffic" which shows an irony

Context Collocation

35 B "spare enough money to Context support our senior citizens" collocates with "respect" 36 D "without a family to maintain" collocates with "have to work from dawn until bedtime"

Context Cause and effects relationshi p

37 A "affluent society" contrast Contrast with " "poor countries" with the use of BUT Context 38 C "family values" collocates with "sense of community"


Context 39 D "unfortunately" shows a negative tone so does "deep shame"


40 B Elderly "still working all day Context long" collocates with" unfortunately" 41 C "show thousands more" collocates with "less unusual"


42 D A contrast is shown between "lives somewhat easier" and" by no means adequate"



43 C "saved all their lives" Context collocates with "still have to find a job" 44 A Savings cannot be replenished

Context Collocation

45 D "forced to live on $2440 a month" collocates with "costly city"

Context Collocation

46 B If the officials "tried to live Context on that amount for a month" , they will" be more Cause and realistic in fixing the effect amount" relationshi p 47 A "worked for 50 years" collocates with "old age"

Context Collocation

  Q48- 69 Q A


Skills tested

48 Scientists Paragraph 1, lines 6- Reading for

7 "despite the specific exhaustive efforts of information amine scientists and lengthy inquiries by police, no one has determined why the dolphins are dying" 49 skins

Paragraph 2, lines 2- Reading for 3"The skins of the specific dolphins are no information scarred"

50 scars

Paragraph 2, lines 2- Reading for 3"The skins of the specific dolphins are no information scarred"

51 killed

The whole article is about the death of dolphins

52 Diseases

Paragraph three, Reading for line 2, "the dolphins specific are dying of a virus information such as the disease that wiped out 65 Mediterranean dolphins in 1985"

53 Neat

Paragraph two, line Reading for 8 "a neat, fist-sized specific hole" information

54 Killed

Paragraph three, line 10, "killer dolphins"


55 Dolphins

Paragraph three, line 10, "killer dolphins"

Reading for specific information

56 military

Paragraph four, lines Reading for 11-12, "American specific military's dolphin information programme"

57 Didn't work

Paragraph six, line 18 "an accident occurred" implies didn't work

58 Enemy divers

Paragraph 5 lines 8- Reading for 9, "they were taught specific to recognize enemy information



divers as a threat" 59 Dangerous Paragraph 6 lines 3- Reading for depth 6, "to attack an specific intruding diver by information forcing him down to a dangerous depth" 60 Submarine Paragraph 5 line6, Reading for s "to patrol US specific submarines in information harbours and stationary warships in the open sea" 61 Warships

Paragraph 5 line6, Reading for "to patrol US specific submarines in information harbours and stationary warships in the open sea"

62 Harness

Paragraph 5, lines 4- Reading for 5, "Dolphins, fitted specific with harnesses information around their necks and with tiny electrodes planted under their skin"

63 Stress levels

Paragraph 5, lines 9- Reading for 12, "and the stress specific levels they exhibited information when they saw one were picked up by their electrodes and transmitted back to on-board control room"

64 Electrode

Paragraph 5, lines 4- Reading for 5, "Dolphins, fitted specific with harnesses information around their necks and with tiny electrodes planted under their skin"

65 Charge

Paragraph 6, line 7, Reading for "a small explosive specific charge in the information harness on the underside of the

neck could be denoted by remote control" 66 Lowered

Paragraph 6, line 19, Reading for "while the dolphins specific being lowered into information the Mediterranean"

67 Nervous

Paragraph 6, line 21, Reading for "they became over- specific stressed and information ignored signals from their operators" Vocabulary

68 Operators' Paragraph 6, line 21, Reading for signals "they became over- specific stressed and information ignored signals from their operators" 69 unsure

Paragraph 6, line 24 Inference "others are less sure" Paragraph 6, lines 29-30, "It is a fantastic tale. But so far it has not been disproved. It's a very tempting theory"

  Q. 70 -80 Matching Q



Skills tested

70 J

"How's it going?" goes with "pretty well"

Response Extension

71 E

"What's the latest on that" goes with "unfortunately that's not going to happen now"


72 H

"bored" goes with "the same Register



73 L

"high energy stuff" goes with Register "the fans are still on a high" Extension

74 I

"describe NO DOUBT" is extended to be "a high energy band"


75 F

"so big" collocates with "so popular"

Register Extension

76 C

"What’s the worst thing" goes with "doing press interviews"


77 B

"howdid you find the crowd" Extension goes with "odd, completely manic during the song.. t "

78 K

"I really don't want to do this Extension today" goes with "but it has to be done so we just get on it"

79 G

"writing material" goes with "working out new songs"

Register Extension

80 A

"how you thought" goes with Register " never really imagined" Extension

81- 98 Proof Reading Q Answer

Skills tested

81 Cross out "are"


Bicycles belong on the road is a correct sentence with present active, Passive voice should not be used 82 Put s to form a plural form "pedestrian"

Singularity Agreement

It should be in the plural form

as there are many pedestrians in the parks 83 Correct 84 Replace "is" with "are" A plural form should be used because "people" is plural

Singularity Agreement

85 Correct 86 Add "are" between "which" and Missing "open" verb "open" is an adjective here. A verb should be added 87 Cross out "too"

Negative transfer from "On the many kilometers" is correct . The presence of "too" Chinese is a negative transfer from Chinese

88 Replace "existing" with "exist" Tense "tracks which exists from" should be the correct one. A simple present tense should be used 89 Cross out "to"

Common expression

A verb should follow WHY 90 Cross out "much"


"much" is redundant. There is no "much" in the phrase "or too short" 91 Add "the" between "understood" and "dangers" The article "the" should be added to define the dangers

Definite article

92 Replace "create" with "created" Tense Present perfect tense should be used as following "have" 93 Replace "in" with "to"

Common expression

Common English expression, "to risk" 94 Correct 95 Add "be" between "to" and "on" Missing verb A verb should be added after "to" 96 Cross out "can"

Model verb

Model verb should not be used here 97 Add "to" between "right" and "enjoy"


"to" should be added between two verbs 98 Cross out "to" A verb should be followed immediately after "can"  


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