Ue 2000 Section C Ans

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UE 2000 Section C 1-17 1. The debate mentioned on line 9 is taking place……. C. all over Hong Kong Source


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Lines 2-4, “echoing ideas circulating throughout the community, have been filled with articles seeking to contribute to the discussion of Hong Kong’s role in the region and the world.”

“circulating” means go Reading for round continuously. specific According to this information passage, “community” is referred to Hong Kong.   Therefore, we can infer that the debate is taking place all over Hong Kong.

2. In paragraph 2, what does the writer suggest is most essential as we look towards Hong Kong’s future? D. decision-making which anticipates and addresses needs Source


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Lines 12-19, “Effective pro-active decision-making requires an ability to anticipate needs, to monitor and react to consider a broad range of economic, environmental and social issues.

This paragraph has Reference clearly stated that effective pro-active   decision-making requires an ability to anticipate needs. Therefore, the answer is D.

3. In a country which has ‘a sustainable development strategy’ (line 20), public planners ….. B. must consider a variety of different issues in planning for the future Quotation


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Lines 20-22 “…an integrated approach to public policy which takes into account a huge range of environmental and socio-economic factors.”

“An integrated approach Reading for to public policy which specific takes into account a information huge range of environmental and socio-economic factors.” modifies the preceding noun, “‘a sustainable development strategy “A huge range of environmental and socio-economic factors” means a variety of different issues.

4. In line 32, ‘gaining currency’ means… C. becoming more generally accepted. Quotation


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Lines 32-34, “…which is “Currency” means “state apparently gaining of being common”. “One currency as a sound of the top five to ten vision of the future, truly global cities” that Hong Kong has implies that Hong Kong the opportunity to be can be more accepted by one of the top five to the internationally. ten truly global cities.”

Guessing the meaning from the context.

5. From what the writer says about Tung Chee-hwa’s speech, the reader can infer that the bankers in the audience… A. were somewhat surprised by the speech’s message. Source


From lines 29 to 31, That means the "Not surprisingly, audience greeted the the audience speech politely is not greeted the speech surprised but they are politely but without surprised for the marked enthusiasm." speech's message.

Skill Tested Reading for specific information

6. In paragraph 4, the writer suggests that the major attraction of Hong Kong for visitors had been … A. its physical beauty Source


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From lines 49 to 53, That means the visitors Inference

"Recently, everyone from community notables to men-inthe-street seem to have remarked that the drugs of crisp blue skies and a sparkling harbor, traditionally Hong Kong's chief allure for local people and visitors alike, have become rare indeed."

in the past are attracted by the blue skies and a sparkling harbor. Then, the answer is A "its physical beauty".

Q7. Which of the following statements best describes local attitudes to Hong Kong’s quality of life today? B. There are many different views about it. A


Skill tested


‘This is a wrong one.

Reading for specific information.

Herein, however, lies the rub. This is a transition, showing the different views on the writer. There are a lot of difficulties and drawback. Q8. In lines 63---64, ‘thrown down the gauntlet’ refers to suggesting to the financial community that they ... C. must consider the environment in the future. A


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‘You have a role to play.’ In his Inference speech to the bankers, he spelt out that improving the physical environment is crucial to the health of Hong Kong people.” Lines 65-68, suggests that everybody should have a role to play on environment because it is important to people..

  9. In paragraph 6, what does the writer suggest sceptics will argue? (D). Results are the only things that really count



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Line 70, “Sceptics In the sentence, we can see Inference will do doubt argue that secptics is needed to that the words are be measured by results. cheap and that ultimately, intent needs to be measured by results.” 10. “The machinery of Government” (line71-72) refers to… (B). The decision-making system Sources


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In line 75, “This will need new thinking, a challenge to the status quo, and some degree of honesty in acknowledging the ineffectiveness of certain existing policies if we are to successfully reshape Hong Kong.”

In the following sentence, Inference the sentence state that the government need to new thinking on existing policies, that means the government need a decision-making system. Thus, the answer should be B.

11. In line 78, ‘we’ refers to ... C. Hong Kong people.  

Explanatio Skill n C

‘we are to successfully Reference reshape Hong Kong’ (line78) show that A and B is not the answer. ‘We’ suggest that more than one person. If ‘we’ refer to the readers, it should use ‘you’ instead.

12. According to the writer, who should be responsible for achieving the desired development objectives? D. no single person or organization. Answer D

Explanation ‘persuading our decisionmakers, politicians and

Skill Reading for specific information

voters’ (line85) mean that answers A, B and C are not the answers. 13. In paragraph 7, the writer suggests that the most important factor in becoming a pre-eminent city is ....... A. an agreed political agenda. Ans Explanation A

Skills tested

In lines 85-86, ‘Success requires Reading for specific constructive debate...’ suggests information that the debate on the development of Hong Kong should bring in new and agreed ideas.

14. In line 82, ‘Ultimately’ means ...... B. in the long term. Ans Explanation

Skills tested


Guessing the meaning from the context.

In line 81, ‘it is also far too easy to criticize only the Government...’ suggests that criticizing the Government is a short-term reaction. The following sentence is a counter-argument, suggesting a long-term solution.

  15. In line 88, ‘fancy footwork’ means ...... D clever manipulating. Ans


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‘...political gamesmanship...’ (line Guessing the 88) suggests that ‘fancy footwork’ meaning from the means political tactics. context. Options B and C do not relate to political tactics and ‘fancy footwork’ has no relation to ‘kick out sb’.

16. The note that the writer ends the article on is ......

B. cautiously optimistic Ans


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‘...Hong Kong has features Inference which...as an excellent place for investment...” (lines 96-99) tone suggests that the writer is optimistic in the future of Hong Kong. But ‘...need new thinking, a challenge to status quo...’ (lines 75-76) also suggests that the writer has worries about the future. Therefore, option B is the answer.

17. A good alternative title for this article would be ,...... B. A vision of greatness. Ans


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‘...it strives to become the city of Mr Tung’s vision.’ suggests that the passage is about the future vision of Hong Kong. Therefore, option B is the answer.


UE 2000 Section C Q18—35 Q

A Explanation

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18 D ‘The first to do sth’ shows the purpose of the study. Thus, ‘to examine’ is the infinitive to show a purpose.


19 B Excessive Internet use will cause many impacts on people, such as emotional impact. “Emotional” collocates with “impact”.


20 A Those impacts caused by using Internet over time that is excessive Internet use. “Over’ is a preposition to show the passing of time.


21 A The study about the Internet use was Context found that using Internet leaves less time for the deeper relationships

with friends and family. It was an unexpected finding. Thus, A is correct. 22 C Leaves time for sb mean put less time with sb for deeper relationship


23 A Replace sth with sth mean take the place of sth have people are replacing stronger bonds with weaker ones


24 D “contradicted” mean suggesting that Context the expectation is mistaken.There is an opposing view that Internet use Vocabulary would foster social contact, especially through e-mail and chat rooms, 25 C Colleagues here refer to person who Context work with Mr. Krant 26 B Mr. Kraut and his colleagues recorded the number of hours they spent on-line. Therefore, a passive voice should be used in there.

Passive voice

27 D Given computers, phone lines, free Context use of the internet and agreed to fill out occasional questionnaires is a type of exchange. Therefore, the answer D, ‘in return of ‘ should be chosen. 28 A The meaning of answer A, B and D Context are not suited in the context. Only answer A can suit the meaning of the paragraph. Therefore, the answer is A “occasional”, implying from time to time. . 29 C A past tense should be used there, Tense so, answer B and D must be wrong, From the context, we know that the Context writer want to express they had the ability to predict the change instead of they will predict changes. So, the answer is C. 30 C The use of past perfect tense “had dropped” should be followed by “ since the study began.

Past perfect tense

31 A “ Averaged” is a verb, implying to do Context or amount to sth as an average

measure or rate. 32. C “Keep up with” means “ to move or progress at the same rate.


33 B “A conflict “ suggests sth serious disagreement with somebody

Common Expression

34 D A past tense is needed in this question. "Washed" is a past participle, used as an adjective.


35 D The answer ‘mechanisms” means the Collocation system that works together with “produce emotional effects” UE 2000 Section C 36-47 Q



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‘Even so’ is a discourse marker showing a contrast. Although SAR police or Customs and Excise officers don’t have seizure of pirated goods, illegal trade still continues.

Discourse marker



‘fake’ and ‘genuine’ have opposite meaning




The sign of customers snapping up context illegal copies of the latest movies at MTR stations is the evidence that fake copies sellers do not need to have intensive detective work to locate pirate outlets.



The first sentence emphasis on Comparison “difficult”, the word “but” turn the next sentence into an opposite Register attitude. Track down of factories is difficult while stop the open hawking of pirated copies is relatively less difficult (ought to be simple matter)



Although the no of pirated discs intercepted by the Customs has increased, the situation is still continuing (illegal trade continues to flourish). Hence, the answer is the Customs is still not the winner meet the victory

Register Parallelism



Since the illegal trade continues to Cause and flourish, so it leads to the local film effect industry and genuine suppliers relationship shoulder the heavy cost.



“Pirates do 10 times more business Adjective than legal companies” is used to Clause elaborate the way “it was impossible to make a profit in an industry”.



“As legitimate enterprises close, Cause and pirates will go on making good effect profits.” “As” means “because” relationship which is the discourse marker to show the adverb clause of reason. .



Hong Kong will be accused of not “doing enough to stamp out a trade” and “hurting trading relations with other nation”.

Parallelism Context

“As well as” is the conjunction that two phrase together. 45


The sentence is about the recent study by US Business Software Alliance. ‘1 billion in lost sales by 2001’ showed that the study is about cost. Only A matches the sentence.




“However, the raids were carried Context out only after complaints from a delegation of TV programs”. It is the extension of the previous sentence that is about something negative. Answer D told us something about the pirated discs, which is bad thing. It matches with the latter sentence.



Since the previous sentence describes Japan, only answer A matches with the content.


UE 2000 Section C Q48-68 Q Ans


48 Southern Paragraph 1, line 3, “Hong Kong

Skill tested Context


was the latest stop for the Tamil Nadu school dropout…” dropout refers to Ramar Pillai; Line 15, “In Tamil Nadu in the south of India, …”. It suggests the location of Tamil Nadu.

49 Herbs

Paragraph 1, linse 6-7, “his secret Reading for method of turning herbs into a fuel specific which he claims is cleaner…” information

50 Fuel

Paragraph 1, lines 6-7, “his secret Reading for method of turning herbs into a fuel specific which he claims is cleaner…” information

51 school picnic

Paragraph 3, line 3, “He says he discovered the properties of the mystery ‘herb’ during a school picinc in 1978.

52 formula

Paragraph 3, line 9, “and then Reading for toiled tirelessly in his home-made specific laboratory to perfect his formula.” information

Reading for specific information

53 chemical Paragraph 3, line 11, “the correct Reading for s quantities of a number of common specific chemicals such as citric acid………” information 54 Plant

Para 3, line 11, “requires water, the mystery plant, the correct”. There are two secret ingredients needed to make the fuel.

55 Catalyst Para 3, line 14, “plus a secret catalyst” There are two secret ingredients needed to make the fuel. 56 pure



Para 5, line 3, “the purity improves Change part dramatically to more than 95 per of speech cent, ” It matches with the second versions “When these are combined, a mixture is initially produced which will burn � although it is not very pure.

57 modified Line 8 of paragraph 5’regular inference patrol when used in an unmodified engine.’ As ‘not’ is used in the passage, a positive word be used. ‘modified’ is the answer. 58 police

Line4 of 2nd paragraph ‘state context accorded him police protection’ the word ‘police’ is directly suite in the

sentence of version 2.”Mr. Pillai had to be guarded by the police 59 fraud

Line13 of paragraph 2 ‘in India’s context parliament, branding Mr. Pillai a fraud’ we can use the word ‘fraud’ in the sentence of version 2

60 Spoon

Paragraph 2, lines 9-11, ‘A spoon Reading for Mr.Pillai insisted on using to stir specific the mixture was discovered to have information been hollowed out and filled with petrol.’ A hollowed-out spoon is used to inject petrol into the mixture.

61 Hero

Paragraph 2, line s17-18, ‘he has Reading for become a folk hero to motorists’ specific Mr. Pillai was regarded as a hero by information the motorists.

62 Scooters Paragraph 2, lines 13-14, ‘scooter owners around his home town of Idaiyankulam continue to have faith in him’ People who ride scooters regarded him as a hero.

Reading for specific information

63 motorists We can find the answer in the Reading for second paragraph. Last but one specific line. “He has become a folk hero to information motorists, producing 1000 liters a day before hordes of cheering spectators.” 64 petrol

We can find the answer in the last inference line of the first paragraph. “motor scooter owners queue up to buy it at 10 rupees, 15 rupees less than the cost of petrol.” That means less than half the petrol price, which should be 25 rupees originally

65 supporte We can find the answer in the third Reading for r line of fourth paragraph. “Charles specific Cheung, the managing director of information Amalgamated CNG Vehicles, …the agency which is backing Mr. Pillai.” Backing someone means supporting someone. So the answer is “supporter”

66 stolen

Paragraph 4, line 13, “making sure Inference his formula did not fall into the wrong hands.” It means Mr. Pillai was afraid his formula was stolen.

67 patent

In the first line of the third Reading for paragraph, “ Mr. Pillai’s says he specific has applied for a patent for his fuel information Invention needs a patent to secure the inventor. Mr. Pillia didn’t get a patent, so he was afraid his formula was stolen.

68 fume

Paragraph 4, the last but two lines, Reading for “After drawing off the oil, Mr. Pillia specific demonstrated that it burned information vigorously, as searing, eyewatering fumes filled the room.” We can directly copy from this sentence.

UE 2000 Section C Q69-80 Q



Skill tested



Snappy sticker photo is done by machine and it costs about $30-40 per sheet.

Register extension



White sand should be related to beach and wave.

Register (sea)



Mango pudding can be related to evaporated milk for better taste.

Register(puddin g)



Christmas and lunar new year should Register be related to spectacular displays (spectacular and lights should be related to displays) 130,000 bulbs.



“malfunctioning”,” and “suicidal” 1. discourse are negative adjectives. Option L marker indicates the positive sense with the world “though” at the end, which means that it is indicating the opposite meaning.



“brilliant features” can be made by “glass tubing” “Colourful signs” matches with “neon one”

1. context 2. register (coloful light)



The Zoological and biological gardens is located in the Central district, that means these are the connection between nature and urban area.



Column B is an extension of Column A. Readers do not have to peer through a polluted haze to see the harbor.(it)

1. Cause and effect relationship

1. Extension 2. Reference



“Sales are on” means it is a lasting action, “last all year” indicates the period that it lasts.

1. context



“Public light buses” is a form of transport. “Fast and dangerous” matches with “zippy”. ,

1. register (form of transport, fast)

79. D

“Quick donut and coffee for 1. Register breakfast,” “peanut butter toast or (food-to-go food. hot rice flour rolls smothered in peanut, sweet chili ad soy sauce” are food-to-go food.


“Stock packets of some of the 1. register (dried weirdest forms of animals and plant food) life” are “ dried food.


UE 2000 Section C 81-98 Q Explanation

Skills tested

81 Cross out “was”. Active voice should be used instead of passive voice.

Active voice

82 Cross out “and”. “Providing” is an adjective Adjective modifying the previous sentence. No conjunction is needed. 83 Underline “dweller” and write down “dwellers”. As there is more than one dweller in Hong Kong, plural form should be used.


84 Underline “pollute” and write down “polluted”. “Polluted” is a past participle used to modify the state of the situation

Past participle

85 Tick


86 Add “been” between “have” and “dumped”. Passive voice 87 Add “by” between “caused” and “the”. The Preposition refuse is the agent causing the disgusting smell.

88 Underline the word "problem" and change Plural forms into "problems" 89 Add the word "is" between the word "which" and 'being"

Passive voice

90 Underline the word "respond" (verb) and change into "response" (noun)

Part of speech

91 Underline the word "see" and change into Past participle "seen" 92 Underline the word "breaking" and change parallelism into " broken", and it parallels with “empty”. 93 It states the consequence in future that will happen if the prompt action is not taken to clear up the mess.

Future tense

94 The verb is missing.


95 It states the condition that will happen in future.

Future tense

96 The words “end up” and “completely” both Confused word states that the level of damage should be never recover. 97 “unaware” is an adjective, “be” should be add before it.


98 Plural form should use after “their”.


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