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CHAPTER 1 TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMME Learning Objectives: At the end of the chapter, students should be able to: 1. Describe the role of the parents as the child’s first teacher. 2. Explain the theory of early childhood learning development 3. Explain the importance of human communication in the early childhood individual development. 4. Explain the benefits of the teachers and parents partnership programmes in the education system. 5. Provide evidence to show the success teachers and parents partnership programmes in the education system.



The history of human education began at home. In the olden days, parents were the main pillars of guidance for the children in teaching them to face the future heads on. It is therefore not a surprise that occupations were usually related to family lineage once upon a time. For example, if a man becomes a carpenter, then the probability is also high that his children may also become a carpenter the same applies to bearer of public office such as village heads, headmen and imams in the villages. These positions were often associated with a person’s ancestry.

The situation is such, not because of the position of the nature of the work itself is a right belonging to a particular family. Inheriting a particular job or position is attributed to the fact that child may have received more exposure on the particular trade or job throughout his life. A carpenter’s child is most likely also to grow up to

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP become a carpenter. The same goes for office bearers such as village heads, or imams. All these positions are often related to a person’s family lineage.

This is not because the position is a birth right of a particular family. The inheritance of a position or occupation is related to the level of exposure received by a child throughout the time spent with the family. A carpenter’s son is surely to be more exposed to the traits of a carpenter through his father. The same goes for the son of a village head. The exposure from the father on his leadership style makes him a suitable candidate upon the demise of the father.

In conclusion, it can be said that parent are indeed the first teachers to the child.


Parents as the first teachers “ The home is the first classroom, parents are the first teachers and the most important one” (Boyer, 1991, pg 33)

The role of the parents as guardians, preceptor, and the first teacher is undeniable in normal situations. In fact, the role of the parents cannot be taken over by any institution even if the nation was to apply an extreme centralised ideology such as China and Communism. Parents still hold the responsibility in guiding and educating their children, even though society as it is today is dependant on the systemised educational institution.

Among the three aspects of parental responsibilities are: 

To provide early childhood care to a newborn. A newborn must be given adequate care, such as being provided with a comfortable place to live, nourishment, clothes, security, medical care etc. A newborn will not survive without the abovementioned care.

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To provide early guidance to basic skills such as good eating manners, plodding and eventually walking and running, self hygiene practices and maintaining one’s safety.

To be the founder of literacy skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking. Today, parents have a very important role in providing early exposure of literacy skills to their children because of the necessities of life that requires children to master such skills at an earlier age prior formal education institutions.

To be a counsellor in cultural beliefs and practices of a society. In religious beliefs, parents that became the main source of guidance in implementing certain elements prescribed by the religion. Parents become models for their children in daily practices. Parents also become the main cultural guide in the lives of their children. A culture can continue to thrive because of the strong influence of the culture instilled into a child by his family.

To give unlimited love and familial ties to the children. The bond and affection of a family is very important because humans naturally require an love and attention, especially in such trying times.


Early Childhood Learning Development Theory

Among the theorist who has written the most about the development of intelligence in children is Jean Piaget, a genetic epistemologist, who has written about cognitive development. Piaget writes about how children learn in direct contact with their surroundings. In his book “To Understand Is To Invent To Explain”, he explains the importance of the activities performed by the children which helps to develop craftiness. In this process, the implementation of assimilation by parents is very important so that children take their surroundings as a classroom. Children who are exposed to an environment that is rich with a variety of stimuli will undergo a process of learning that is also rich and diverse variations.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP Hunt (1961), also a theorist who has written extensively on child development explains that intelligence is not fixed for a person. Therefore, parents must act to increase the intelligence of their children, and not expect their children have a remarkable cleverness or ingenuity to solve another child naturally. How children learn is different from the way adults. They relate the experiences they went through with an understanding of a concept. In the early stages of a newborn until the age of about two years, they have much to learn through their sensory organs (taste). Then, from the age of two years until about four years, they would have learned a lot through imitation. Next, from the age of four until seven or eight years they learn to communicate more with the adults. Hunt concluded that his views on the development of children with saying on all three levels, the parents affect the intellectual development or development of intelligence in children.


The Importance of Human Relationships in Early Development

Human relationships and contact are very important in the development of individuals, especially children. Children will be ready to learn when they feel that there is a strong relationship between him and someone close to him, whether parents, siblings, or anyone at all. Children can also feel the estrangement or absence of these human relationships. Rene Spitz (1965), a child development researcher has conducted research on the importance of human relationships in early childhood care. Spitz has been making observations of 203 children who were raised in nurseries for children born out of wedlock, parents who are juvenile offenders, or pertaining to other social problems. Mothers of the children in the nursery are given the opportunity to meet with their children every day to feed, pet, and play with their children. Spitz also observed 91 children in another nursery. In this second nursery children continue to be separated from their mother after three months. After the children in the nursery society is guarded by a set of caregivers who served only to provide food and hygiene or health of the child. Even when the children are left in an enclosed area, they are not allowed to interact with outsiders. At first, the children in both the nurseries are like normal 4 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP children. But at the end of the second year, 34 of them have died. At the end of the fourth year only 21 were still alive. The rest have developed many problems, such as the inability to put their own clothes, inability to attend to themselves in the toilet, inability to speak and limited vocabulary and other social problems. Spitz’s study also shows the need for the mothers’ presence in the lives of children in the early stages.


The role of the Parents, Teachers and Society in Early Childhood Learning

In modern society, the school is an institution responsible for providing formal education to the younger generation of a nation. School is a place specialised in provided for the teaching and learning process occurs at a set time and based on a special curriculum. Teachers are given the task of implementing the teaching and learning process. A teacher is a person qualified to carry out the prescribed school curriculum.

Parents are the person responsible for the child, or children under his care. A husband and wife can be a parent, whether biological or legally. Biological parents are both the mother and father who are responsible for the pregnancy and has given birth to a child through sexual contact. Parents through the legal parent are given custody of a child under the age of court orders or adoptive parents made pursuant to the regulations set by the authorities.

Society is a group of people who are considered to form a community, especially a form of social or economic class. An individual is considered to be a member of the community, as a collective of similar nature, either by location or incorporated in the constitution. A community’s identity is often identified either through the origin ethnicity, languages spoken, religious affiliations or beliefs, practices of daily life, residential location, and so on. Members of modern society are often highly dependent on each other, either direct or indirect.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP The role of all of the school, teachers, parents and the community are very important in the education of the young generation in modern societies. The role of parents in the education of their children primarily takes place when the children are at home. Teachers also play the role of providing education when children are in school. People also play a role in providing an environment that can affect children's behaviour when they are in public places.


Benefits of the Teacher and Parents Partnership in the Education System

Read the following passage: You bear a responsibility to participate actively in your child’s education. You should encourage more diligent study and discourage satisfaction with mediocrity and the attitude that says “let it slide”; monitor your child’s study habits; encourage your child to take more demanding rather than less demanding courses; nurture your child’s curiosity, creativity, and confidence; and be an active participant in the work of school (A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform, p. 35)

In small groups, discuss how the above passage can be linked to the disciplinary problems in schools in Malaysia. What are the advantages on parents involvement in schools? Can active participants of parents in the childrens’ education solve such woes?


Evidence That Shows the Success of Teachers and Parents Partnership Programme In the Education System

There are few studies related to teachers and parents partnership programmes. The study showed that:

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP • Children who are guided by their parents at home are more successful in school. • Children whose parents are actively involved in school behave better in school. • Children whose parents are involved in school will be more diligent. • Teachers and principals who know their parents because of their involvement with the school will have more respect for the parents. • Teachers and principals who know the parents will also become more positive towards the parents. • The administration knows about the needs of the parents involved, and therefore will be responsive to those needs. • Parental involvement makes a difference and is a contribution for a task which is time-consuming and weighty - and that is to provide education to their children.



Parents play a role in their child's education. While our education system provides an opportunity for young people to receive education in institutions such as kindergartens, schools, and institutions of higher education, but the house is still the basic ground for child get thorough education. Cooperation between teachers and parents is also a major issue that needs attention from members of the public. Without close cooperation between the two, the educational system cannot effectively implemented.



Why are teacher parents partnership programmes in the education system in Malaysia ?


What is the role of the family in early childhood learning?


How can society play a role in the education of the current generation?

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CHAPTER TWO THE HISTORY OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM AND FAMILIAL DEVELOPMENT IN MALAYSIA Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter, students will be able to: 1. Describe the historical developments of the formal education system in Malaysia 2. Describe the development of early childhood education in Malaysia 3. Describe the theory of early childhood development 4. Provide the factors that led to the need for a national curriculum for pre-school education 5. List the characteristics of the current family system. 6. State the role of families in early childhood education



Formation of a nation depends on several aspects of life such as political, economic, social and cultural. One important aspect is the social aspect which is closely linked with the question of how a society is formed and what are the elements that influence its formation. The education system is one aspect that needs to be studied in order to understand how a country is formed. This is so because the history of a country very closely related with the development of the education system in the country. This topic will discuss how the history of the education system in this country affects the construction of Malaysia as a country in becoming a developed country status in the near future. The relationship between the formation of the is also important to provide a justification for a system where the pre-school education has a centered national curriculum.

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Formal Education in Malaysia

Formal education in Malaysia or Malaya at one time is very closely related with the social system of multi-ethnicity and race. The beginning of formal education in the Malay world began more than five hundred years ago, ie when the community accepted Islam as a way of life. Islam not only changed the religious beliefs of the people who live in Malay states at that time under the auspices of the government of the Malacca Sultanate. In fact Islam has changed the way of life of the whole community, both from within the political system, economy, and most importantly, the social aspects of the community. This includes social changes in the education system, language, literature, culture, and the social system in the Malay states at that time. One of the most noticeable changes is the education system, particularly formal education. Before the arrival of Islam, formal education was only reserved for certain groups, ie member of the royal family and religious institutions alone. No formal education system which can be proved in the history of how the community acquired a structured education. Formal education was reserved only for certain groups, such as education for the monks at the temple to perform certain rituals or education for physicians or shaman for healing rituals. After the arrival of Islam, in the vicinity of the fifteenth century, the Malay people was introduced with the formal education system in the form of a structured and systematic. Special teacher who is a preacher and Muslim businessmen have started a formal education system to teach Malay citizens and their children about different aspects of life, whether religious aspect or the non-religious. Formal education is conducted in an orderly system as providing a special place such as school and boarding school, reading materials such as books of the holy Quran, Hadith compilation Rasullulah (SAW), study books translated into Bahasa Melayu, etc. The early arrival of Western colonialisation did not bring about changes in living conditions which directly affected the Malay community, especially in the education system. However, the arrival of the English colonists in the early 19th century has 9 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP brought about a change in the system of life and society in Malaya again. The UK has introduced an education system that is different from the practice of community life in the then Malaya. In the education system, the British introduced a new school system, namely the English school system, which began using the basic principles of education in the form of classification or better known as the school (school). Children are first admitted to school at a certain age level and should follow the next stage after completing a previous school levels until they fully through every stage provided. British Administration in Malaya have also introduced the vernacular education system, ie educational system based on racial descent or language used by a lot of people in this country. English Malay school was opened as a branch of the English school. English administration has also introduced an education system for Chinese and Indian population in a society that majority is made up of people. Things like this make Malaya have different formal education system based on the use of the medium of instruction for the offspring of certain. When Malaya gained independence in 1957, the National Education Ordinance 1956 tried to change the pattern of formal education adopted by the British and efforts were made to establish a centralized education system was successfully implemented and integrated in the new nation. Upon the establishment of Malaysia to become a reality, the formal education system more integrated and structured approach was implemented without isolating the importance of education in various languages and cultures at the primary level has been successfully implemented in the new nation. Based FPN, the formal school system and higher education institutions that have successfully formed an organized educational system that we enjoy today. 2.3

Early Childhood Education in Malaysia Early education of children in Malaya began in the 1950s based on the pattern of preschool or kindergarten education, founded by the English education system. At the time, preschool is open to children of the noblemen or senior officers the British government, as well as people in urban areas in Malaya. Preschool education

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP institutions were mostly controlled by the Christian churches and church-related institutions. There are also some pre-school educational institutions owned by private companies that offer early education for parents who can afford the fees are quite high at the time. The average community in Malaya when it did not send their children to pre-school institutions. The Asia Foundation is the only body that is aware of the lack of opportunities for children in pre-school education. In 1969, the Asia Foundation has donated an allocation of money to the Workers' Association Malaysia for the establishment of pre-school will have to pay in some areas such as Kampung Muniandy, Kampung Sungai Manggis and in Selangor. Children of various ethnic descendants of Malays, Chinese and Indians have been given the opportunity to obtain early childhood education. After the Asia Foundation preschool project was successful increasing the willingness of children in a rural area in the field of further education, and government agencies such as the Department of Community Development and the Ministry of Agriculture has set about early childhood education on a large scale, especially for the rural urban and underserved populations reside. The effort of KEMAS has been emulated by other government agencies such as FELDA, RISDA, Ministry of Unity and National Development, Ministry of Human Resources and several other bodies such as ABIM, Islamic Party and State Religious Department and the Federal Territory. 2.4

The Pressing Need For a Centralised Early Childhood Education in Malaysia Emphasis on the necessity of pre-school education has resulted in a variety of shapes and patterns of early childhood education created in the country. Diversity in the education system of preschool children in Malaysia have been made, there is no uniformity in basic education received by our community. This coupled with the diversity of ethnic descent and cultural background and different languages led to a wider gap in providing early education for our children. The Ministry of Education has taken a decisive step in aligning the curriculum in early childhood education, particularly the teaching content and the value of the pre11 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP school system in the country. The Ministry of Education has introduced the National Curriculum for Preschool Education to address the increasingly significant disparity between the operators of preschools in the country. In addition through the "Annex", the Ministry has set up pre-school classes in some primary schools across the country. Expansion of the education system needs from Standard 1 to Form Six to from Preschool to grade six have changed the scenario of the education system in the country. In this way it is hoped that the gap between children who received early education from pre-school education institutions be different can be unified.


Theories Relevant to the Development of Early Childhood Education in the Modern Education System

Education of children for modern parents began around the 17th century, but the developments have occurred around the 19th century. Some well-known theoretical figure that confirms the role of parents and home in the child's education is John Locke (1632-1704), Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), Johann Heinrick Pestalozzi (1747-1827) and Wilhelm Friedrich Froebel (1782- 1852 ). John Locke was an Englishman who was educated at Christ Church College, Oxford believed that the life of a child depends on the experience given to him by his parents or other people who are more mature. Children's brains are clear when they are born and the parents and adults around him who will fill the vacancy. Endurance or self immunity must be viewed from various angles, such as disease is based on the exposure he received in the early stages of his life. The same applies with education where the child's ability to learn is based on the exposure they receive at an early age. If they receive a good education and a systematic early, then they will be more receptive to further education in their lives. Rousseau was a French revolutionist who has brought many changes in the brains of people in medieval Europe. Kigorobya "Social Contract" written in 1762 has brought a lesson about the meaning of "freedom" is not only politically but also in terms of thinking. The concept of freedom in education for children also first introduced by him in his book "Emile". In the book, Rousseau wrote "cultivate, water the young 12 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP plant before it dies. Its fruits will one day be your delights ... Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education" Pestalozzi is a Swiss educator who was greatly influenced by Rousseau and has been using the concepts introduced by Roussaeu in his book Emile when educating their own children and a group of children in an orphanage. His teaching methods were used for concrete objects, grouping method, in collaboration between children, and self-activity. For example, to teach mathematics, he uses small stones and marbles, cakes and fruits. He also stressed the importance of many parents in the education of children. Froebel Kindergarten better known as Father because he was the one who started kindergarten curriculum in early childhood education. However Froebel also stressed the role of the mother as the first educator. For Froebel, the education given by the mother is at the core of all education for a child, and teachers at the school will covers the core with a layer of thick skin. He has written a children's songbooks, known by the title "Mother Play and Nursery Songs with Finger Play" which contains famous songs such as "pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake". The Froebel curriculum is based on strengthening the development of children by people who are important as a mother to teach children to read, write and provide moral education.


Familial Development in Malaysia

As a country that has achieved independence for about half a century many changes in social institutions. Among the major changes taking place is in the family structure. These changes occur either in the relationship between family members and also the relationship between families who are members of the society as a whole. A clear change in the form of this relationship occurs because of the inevitable and occurs due to some changes in the social and economic structure of the society in this country. One factor is the migration of people from villages to cities. Displacement caused by economic factors this should occur because of changes in terms of employment and other economic ventures such as business and industry. Migration from rural to urban has a direct impact on family relations because of the lack of relationship between 13 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP immediate family members to each other because of the distance and the location is quite different. In addition to residential patterns change process has also led to the relationship between family change, especially in residential areas in the city in the form enclosed and fenced. The city built houses which are fenced and gated and that makes the relationship between neighbours to be more obstructed. Effects of residential structures in the city are also not encouraging close relationships between one family and another because of differences in background, ancestry and races. Barriers do not only occur due to the form of residential homes, but also due to the type and pattern of work carried out by every member of society in this country. Although they live in a same residential area, but each family member has different occupation and they work in different locations as well. They rarely see each other because of the workload and time different jobs. Therefore, the concept of family village can no longer be practiced by families residing in the city.


Family Problems and Its Relationship with Development of Children

Family problems eventually will bring negative effects on the development of children. Estrangement between family members will cause the child to feel that he is not getting attention from both parents and other older adults. Children in smaller families also often feels lonely and make their lives constrained by the limited activities where they spend their time watching television and playing with toys in the house alone. Early exposure to this limited life activities that kids are not creative and limited experience. There are studies that found that children in the village are more creative than children in the city because the minds of children in the village more exposed to a variety of rich experiences with nature than children in cities.

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Historical development of education in Malaysia is closely linked with the social system practiced in this country. Family plays an important role in the formation of personality early childhood. Development of family-based education has become a tradition for generations in the history of the development of society in this country. Even a child's education is something of great concern for the family. Community based education system and this family has formed a generation of Malaysian society has a basic education, whether formal or informal strong.

Question 1. How can be the history of formal education for the community in Malaysia be associated with the development of the country since independence? 2. What is the role of the family in providing education to the younger generation in Malaysia from ancient times? 3. In your opinion, what is the difference between a child who grew up in the village and the children who grew up in the city?

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CHAPTER 3 FAMILY AND SOCIETY Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter, students will be able to; 1. Distinguish between the traditional family system and modern family system 2. Describe the structure and form of the family 3. Discuss the family relationship and the types of families. 4. Discuss the establishment of family system and the challenges faced.



The role of families in the community is very important because the family is the primary unit of society. Each family is a component that plays a key role for shaping unit greater community as a village, a region, a country, and one nation. Each of these communities also has different characteristics according to family components it contains. In a modern society and global patterns, the difference between the family units is becoming increasingly diverse. The gap between families with one other family widened based on various factors. But in this situation we need to survive in this diversity and accept this diversity as one of the vagaries of life. The question is is how the difference in this family will be a big blow in another system of modern life, namely education system. How will our young generation adapt to life even though they grew up in a family environment that differs? All these questions will try to be discussed in this topic.


Traditional Family System and Villages.

History of family systems coexisted with the history of human existence and human civilization itself. A family unit is based members or people who belong to the family. Members of a family are based on whether they are related by blood or birth or

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP through legislation. Biological family is a family descended from a common ancestry, while the legal family is a family membership is not a descendant of the same. A member of the family is a family member of the adopted legislation, that a child is looked after by a family through either agreed upon by the biological parents or through administrative or court order. In the traditional family system or villages, a family is a unit of society's major. A large family is composed of a pair of grandparents, but there is still that the global fathers, mothers and fathers, children consisting of a brother and sister, aunts and uncles, cousins, and other charges relating to the next. The link is not just in the blood and name, but family relationships are very close and very significant daily at life in this village community. In fact there is a large family living under the same roof. For example, the uncle has the same effect as the biological father. Uncle is responsible for things like providing education to the children of relatives, give spending money to continue their education, find a mate for niece, nephew employs, maintain their health and safety. This close family relationship makes life of a traditional society dependent on each other. Hence, the emergence of the concept of mutual assistance, local laws, and norms of society intact and agreed upon within a society is.


The Modern Family System and Urbanisation

This large family unit has changed with the change in the system of modern society and the municipality today. In modern society and the municipality, the family unit is no longer the larger units, but become narrowed. The modern family is a family nucleus, the family consists only of a husband and wife and kids alone. Relationships with other family members just in terms of sheer blood relationship or relationship by marriage alone. Modern life does not encourage large families to exist because the situation is very different municipal community village community. Family relationships are only limited to a certain time, such as during festive seasons or special occasions such as weddings or feasts. It was merely attending or just go to the house of his immediate family is. The concept of mutual assistance and helping very rarely exist in the municipal community. Meddle in the affairs of other family is 17 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP not recommended because each would prefer to resolve problems of his own family by itself as well. Modern or urban family relationship is also very limited in terms of communication. Even in this modern age of communication systems either verbal communication or the location is very convenient, but communication between a family and another family is less effective. Things like this are caused by many factors such as communication barriers limited time, busy with their daily tasks, and so on.


Family Structure

Family is one of the smallest unit of a society. However, the family is the most stable unit of society. Relationship within a family does not only happen because of social pressures on the basis of law but by consanguinity or close relationship between family members with other members of families. This relationship is very difficult to be separated, because of its permanent and steady when the formation of a family that starts from a marriage between a man and a woman. The forced separation, such as a divorce two spouses for example, affects the marriage, especially for couples with children, will encourage them to persist through their responsibility for the child. The role and responsibility of parents to children is very important in the fabric of the family structure. Parents are responsible for providing basic necessities to children such as shelter, food, clothing, safety, education, and so on. Yet another very important principle needs to be the responsibility of parents and family members is a bond of love and a sense of responsibility toward children who were born and grew up in a family. However in the structure of modern society, the need is the most difficult to implement, especially for both parents working. Family structure in modern society also has undergone many changes in terms of its shape. For the modern family unit has become increasingly narrow. For the traditional concept of a family large family consisting of a family of two grandparents (including his mother and father-in-law), parents, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins, and other relatives who were close to him. However at this time, most of the modern family is

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP comprised of both parents and children only (siblings). The concept of family nucleus or small family is indeed a reality in families, especially families in the city.


Forms of Family

Each type of family above has a different way to address a range of issues and interests in the family. Furthermore, depending on the circumstances, the reaction of the family is different. Another type of family that appear in this modern society is dysfunctional family. A dysfunctional family as family includes parents who abuse, drug or alcohol addicts, mentally disordered or neurotic. Children in these families face difficulties not only in education but in all aspects of daily life. How a family socializes with other family members also vary. There are three theories that relate to family formation ie, authoritative, authoritarian, and laissez-faire. All three of these theories are how children are raised in modern times.


Family Ties

Very close family relationship with a family that educate and raise their children. In this case the type or method of treatment depends on the type of the family. Among them are: Family type:



Decisions are made democratically Guidelines and limitations Effective communication Solving Problems Self-discipline and a sense of responsibility.


Parents are hopeful Confined atmosphere Control with penalty Strict guidelines

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Anything is permissible Nobody cares As though to opt out of the parenting responsibilities


Family Development and Current Challenges

Structure, level of family development, family size, and the age and gender of children all became factor determinant in the development of the family in modern society. Establishment of family structure and how a family of educating and raising children is a challenge that can not be avoided at this time. As such it is becoming increasingly difficult with the availability of various problems faced by parents as the problems faced by parents of the following: 

Single-parent families - mothers or fathers who raise their children without the other spouse by reason of divorce or death of spouse. All family related problems must be borne by the mother or the father. Care expenses, time, finances, psychological preparation, etc. must be borne by the mother or the father alone without support or assistance from any party. It is becoming increasingly difficult in modern society is too individualistic.

Young mothers - the modern world situation has created a situation where there are women who gave birth at a young age. Irrespective of whether this young mother is giving birth legally or not, but the problems faced by young mothers are the same. Little experience in life and the pressures of life such as economic pressure is a major issue faced young mothers in caring for their children.

Families of two earnings - In facing the challenges of living in this age, there is an urgent economic need both the husband and the wife to work. The economic burden borne by the family caused nearly most parents, especially in big cities have to go out looking for an adequate income to meet family needs. This situation is not a problem if both husband and wife understand their responsibility towards the family, especially in providing guidance and education for their children. 20 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)


Divorce – it is a very critical situation of a household is when there is a divorce. This situation is indeed much feared and avoided as far as possible by two couples who are married. However, many challenges that occur mainly in this modern age of married life. Even the divorce rate is increasing progressively year by year due to many factors. However, in the event of divorce, children often become victims. Thus for couples who divorce, there must be a mechanism that should be followed by both partners in order to minimize the adverse effects of divorce on their children.

Families of mixed marriages - In a plural society, mixed marriage have become. Upon the occurrence of mixed marriages, then major changes will occur in one partner. Suitability of family life in mixed marriages will be a burden if the difference in culture and family background is too big between the two couples. However many mixed marriages are happy and obtain various benefits that occur directly or indirectly if both partners want to be open to family relationship for both parties. Children will also get a lot of benefits if parents give them the opportunity to explore the history and origins of families both parents and accepts the reality in the lives of people of different ethnic descent who live in the country.

Families below the poverty level - There is not much in our society to assist families who fall into this category. However, family life below the poverty level is necessary to get the attention of the authorities and the public also should be concerned about the existence of this family.

Homeless families - In this country this situation is very rare. But what should be noted is that the types of dwellings owned by a family, especially families below the poverty level should be given due consideration by the authorities.

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The forms and types of families play an important role and greatly influence the process of providing training and guidance to children. Families who have a strong family system will also be able to provide a solid education to the children. Child guidance will make the family as the foundation for them to face of life's challenges in the future.

Question 1. To what extent does the large family system affect the education of children in a family? 2. Why does the family system in the city not provide the opportunity for children to interact with other family members more freely? 3. What action should be taken to make urban life more friendly fellow neighbours and relatives?

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CHAPTER 4 PRINCIPLES OF PARENTING Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter, students will be able to; 1. List the various criteria for parents 2. Discuss the problems faced by parents in nurturing and educating children 3. To recommend steps that can be taken to assist the education of children 4. Enlist the strengths that can be used to help parents in their children's education



Knowledge of science is very new parenting in public life in this country. Previously, parents had never thought about how best to provide guidance and education to their children. This is such a thing as the challenges faced by first-time parents to provide education and guidance to their children not as good as the challenges faced by parents at this time. Problems faced by the parents this time can be considered to be at a critical level if they are not sensitive to a variety of current issues related to education and child rearing. Challenges faced by parents are very difficult to control without any clear principles and guidelines and based on effective methods. Problems faced by parents in addressing issues related to education and child care sometimes require special techniques and approaches. For example, in the face of a child with special needs, require parents who are aware of the basic techniques that need to be prioritized to provide care and education to the child.

In addition, today's parents also have their own range of problems faced as a member of society in a country that is moving towards progress. Parents need to be aware of itself and given special attention by the parties relating to the education of their children. Care for children will be deprived if certain requirements for certain groups

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP of parents ignored or unnoticed own by the school or educational institution where their children study. This section will discuss the various criteria of parents and how the problems faced by parents in relation to their children’s education are related to assisted or resolved appropriately.


Single Parent

The single-parent phenomenon has become quite common of recent days. Separation between a husband and wife, either because of divorce or separation death often occurs, and the consequences of this separation have a significant impact on the parent who is responsible for maintaining the children of a marriage. There is also a single mother who caused the birth of a child without marriage. In the past, the problem of single parents are also accepted, but in traditional societies, child care is not a big problem because of the large family system is practiced at that time. But this time, a small family system or nucleus families, child care for single parents is an issue that is to be discussed. For single parents, all the human resources, finance, time, thoughts, feelings and so on should be fully utilized. We are all aware that life is indeed a great challenge even under normal circumstances, let alone this challenge will be doubled for single parents. For normal married couple, they can discuss and solve various family problems together. Unfortunately for them single parents, no one can be made at the appropriate discussion regarding their child. Steps should be taken to assist single parents in order to reduce the burden they face the challenges of educating children. The school system that focuses on student background is essential to make the student background knowledge as a basis to formulate specific programs or measures to help ease the burden of single parents this. The school also needs to ensure that students who have single parents are fully assisted in many ways, especially for those who can not afford such assistance textbooks, aid stipend, nutritious food, tuition assistance, donations of clothing, school bags, and so on. This aid should be channelled through the office of the special powers act for single parents financially troubled. 24 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP In addition, assistance should also be given to single parents in terms of services such as counselling and guidance services or the establishment of support groups. This service may be relatively new in our society, but we need to start parenting education services that can help single parents who face problems in their children's education. Single parents also need support such as child care and after school hours, the meeting time teachers and parents are more elastic, and communication between the school and home more often. At least with the programs implemented to reduce the burden and stress faced by single parents this.


Working Parents

The situation where both parents are working is no longer a rare scenario for people in Malaysia today. The need to support the family has become increasingly vital, that both husband and wife have to go to work, whether as a wage-earner, working in their own company, or business. The advancement in the education system enables all people of Malaysia are adults, regardless of gender can be employed with jobs or they possess the skills to embark on a career that can brings revenue sources. In fact, most members of society are of the opinion that all Malaysians should contribute their skills or expertise in a field related to education or training that they have received whether in schools, institutions of advanced skills or higher education institution ever join them during a young age. It will be a loss if the group of people who are not skilled or educated working out. Whether they are professionals, both men and women are considered to have an obligation to go out and work to earn a living for themselves and their families. For those who are married, the couple will feel safer and more comfortable if both are secured with an income that can ease the financial burden on the family. In this situation, the fact that the job is one that is necessary for both spouses must be accepted. Whatever the reason it may be, that a couple chooses to work, family member and their lives should be designed to adjust to the situation. Especially for couples who have children who are still in school or not, careful planning must be

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP done to avoid the care and education of children is not affected by the lack of attention from both parents are working.

Activity 1 Read the passage below and discuss in groups about the importance of parents’ involvement, especially those who are working, in the education of their children in Malaysia.


Family structures and lifestyles Malaysia has changed over the past few decades. Most parents in Malaysia today are either employed full-time or part-time workers in order to make a living. Time to get together with the children is very limited. A study conducted in 1990 showed that parents only had the opportunity to talk with their children for four minutes a day on working days. This proves that children do not have the opportunity to communicate with parents about matters on working days. In addition, the concept of a family as a whole is no longer practiced in Malaysia, especially in big cities. Spouses prefer to stay on their own rather than stay with their parents in a same house. Therefore, parents must be fully responsible for their children, while having very little time to spend with them. Issues facing children can rarely be solved easily because of this short time. Therefore, schools and educational institutions play an important role in the education of young people this time because of their association with teachers and peers closer than association with their parents at home. Children spend more time at school than at home. Each year, children will spend at least 210 days in school. They would leave home for by at least an hour before the school starts and go home an hour after school has ended. For Muslim children, they will attend religious classes in the afternoon (for children who attend the morning session in national schools) or attend religious classes in the morning, should they be 26 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP attending the afternoon. Their time at home is limited. Therefore parents should give some time and attention when their children were in school at certain times. Involvement of parents with children in school activities will enhance the achievement of their children in their studies. Studies show that the performance of children who had affinities with high parental involvement positively to the activities of their children's education. Therefore, parents and schools should work together so that the children can achieve success and reduce the daily problems that they face.



Every marriage will certainly face challenges and issues arising from matter which were either overlooked or are beyond control. The argument between husband and wife is part and parcel of married life. However, sometimes this conflict will lead to the more serious consequences, namely separation and divorce. When the event of a divorce, the family atmosphere will be changed at all, and so the situation is not normal in that family that is like one spouse, whether husband or wife must leave the family home. When this situation occurs, the children are the ones who most often suffer from shock or trauma of the most spectacular. In many divorce cases, children who will become victims, eventhough the cause of divorce is not coming from them. In many divorce cases as well, children will experience a profound affection for the loss in full from one parent. In such cases, the vacancy in the life of a child abandoned by the mother or father can not be filled easily. If not controlled, the child will think divorce is a punishment for him, even if they are not at fault. However, they have to accept consequences resulting from the separation or divorce. Divorced spouses must take an action that can give confidence to the child that their interests will not be overlooked even one of them will not be shared child all the time. A divorced spouse should sit down to plan their child's needs in many ways, such as daily necessities, transportation, clothing, education and so on so that the child's life will not be affected by this dissociation. In addition to material needs and money, children also need attention both couples divorced in terms of time and personal 27 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP attention. Therefore, planning must also take into account the amount of time necessary for the common parent in a particular period.


Mixed Marriages

Marriage is not strange for a society whose population is made up of people of various races such as in Malaysia. Such marriages occur because of social life among men and women who come from a different ethnic descent. In many cases, these mixed marriages are still blessed by family members, especially family members to be open. However, there are also mixed marriages have not received the blessing of family members, particularly those involving issues of religion and different cultures. However, there are also some difficulties for married couples this mix, especially for couples who have too much difference in terms of how everyday life. This gap can be reduced if both partners are willing to be honest and willing to try to change for the sake of the marriage. For the offspring of mixed marriages will also experience a bit of confusion in terms of culture both sides of the family of their father or mother. Therefore, both husband and wife who intermarried should provide explanations as to provide exposure which is reasonable to family background so that each child will not feel isolated when you are in one of those families.


Poor and Handicapped Families

Adverse effects on human life resulting from poverty and disability can be attributed to people's lives in third world and developing countries. Such things have happened because of the absence of a specific and robust program can be implemented in these countries due to economic and political instability. Poverty is also happening in this country, and the poverty impact of this often involves the omission in the education of children, health issues, and the causes of crime among young people. Family with disabilities also is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed in our society. Parents with disabilities are sometimes does not have a regular source of income and consequently they can not support their children properly, especially in 28 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP providing education or the need to get a good education. Problems faced by families with disabilities will cause the children to be often unable to continue their schooling as helping their parents with disabilities in carrying out daily tasks or jobs to earn a living for their daily needs. Special programs for children who are still in school or who are at pre-school level should be implemented for children who come from both types of families above. It is therefore necessary to avoid the problems faced by both types of parents will fall to their children. Poverty will continue to as a vicious cycle if there are no plans to release the shackles of poverty among children of poor families and disabled. At least, schools should have a program to help poor students or students who come from families with disabilities in order to improve their achievement in education. Teachers may organize programs such as classes that need to needy families and children with disabilities who can not afford to send their children to pay tuition fees.


Immigrant Families

Immigrant families are a new phenomenon in Malaysia. Children from immigrant families are sometimes not getting the same opportunities as young Malaysians valid. They do not have a valid document for status as a Malaysian mother and father they were not authorized to live and work in this country. Adverse consequences that may result from children from immigrant families who do not have valid documents, is that they will not get the proper education opportunities in government aided schools. Eventually they will become a group of young people uncertain position in society. Their tendency to engage in crime and negative social elements are also substantial if the authorities are unable to control their presence in the country. Therefore a special program for this put them in a special institution for child migrants without legal documents before they are sent back to their home country.

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Building Strong Family Ties 

Communication - effective communication among family members. (Studies have found in modern families of children and parents communicate only four minutes a day!) Strong family learned that it is better to communicate frankly and often use verbal and non-verbal behaviour in relationships between family members.

Appreciation – appreciating the positive things that are done by a family member and tell him that you appreciate this quality is. This also means that you yourself can receive and give awards.

Determination - a strong commitment to family means a family as a whole is hard to see any family members reach their potential.

Sincerity in the family is a positive relationship in the family. Sincerity provides opportunities for family members to confess and believe other family members in giving and receiving love.

Quality time - using time together as a family is the most rewarding experiences for people. Two key elements in this together, ie the quality and quantity. Ability to handle stress, conflict and crisis. Strong families stick together to survive and together to survive in the face of a difficult situation.



This topic has discussed various categories of families available in Malaysia at this time. Discussions have also identified the cause of the problems that occurred in the family. For families both parents work, the main problem is the time to be with your child every day is limited. In addition to the problem also stems from the dissociation pair of husband of wife often result in children as victims of the divorce. In addition, this topic has been discussing issues related to poor families and parents who are incapacitated and steps that can be taken by the school to address the problem of dropout children from these families. One of the new issues that have been discussed in this tutorial is a problem faced by immigrant families without valid documents has 30 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP become. This problem is a problem that threatens the security and wellbeing of the population in the country if not managed properly. This topics also has a list of ideas that can be used to assist parents in building a family that can provide education and guidance to their children properly.

Questions 1. Describe the causes that may lead to the neglect of a child's education? 2. How can schools help students who face problems such as those coming from family groups discussed in the title above? 3. How can strong family ties be built to prevent children from being neglected in education?

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CHAPTER 5 SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Learning Objective At the end of this chapter, students will be able to: 1. Explain the importance of school-home partnership 2. List the types of cooperation which can be established by the school and parents 3. List the type of services that can help the parents to become partners of the school



A positive school environment can be created if the cooperation between the school and parents at home. Malaysia has a centralized education system, namely schools in the country was placed under a ministry known as the Ministry of Education which controls all major policy and administration of each school under this ministry. This centralized education system simplifies the process of uniformity in terms of curriculum and the administration of thousands of schools in the country. However, there are many differences in terms of the environment when examined from a school with other schools. It is that difference that distinguishes between an excellent school and a school that excels in many aspects. Thus, the difference is what needs to be highlighted when we discuss the issue of school environment that promotes cooperation between school and home.


Centralised Education System

Centralised education system will streamline the administration and management of all schools in the country. The syllabus will also to standardize the content of subjects to be given to students who possess a certain level of schooling. In addition centralized education system facilitates the government to determine and implement

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP an important policies designed to achieve a specific goal or objective in the development of a country. Among the advantages of a centralised education system is uniformity which can be achieved in a variety of issues related to the education of the young in a country. Preparation of teachers and teaching materials can be conducted more smoothly with the selection and evaluation of a system of labour and materials quality control can be implemented more effectively. However, this does not mean schools can not implement its own programs, especially in designing programs that involve parents to be involved in matters that affect the administration and curriculum implementation. Planning for involving parents in terms of administration and curriculum can be done as long as it does not affect the policies laid down by the ministry. In addition, parents may be the ones who can influence the ministry or give feedback obvious that the ministry may consider a case related to important policy.


School Environment and Parent’s Attitude The following are the myths about parents’ and teachers’ roles: Parents


Teachers are professional school teachers who are arrogant and do not want to help parents and do not take care about their children.

Parents do not care about their children’s education.

Teachers do not perform adequately.

Parents have too much expectation from the teachers.

Teachers fail to nurture the talents of their children as expected.

Parents suppress their children and expect to live vicariously through them.

Teachers are merely paid professionals

It is the parents duty to provide for the children financially

Parents know better how to raise their children

Teachers how better how to educate their children

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP Activity 1 Discuss the above statements and look for ways to solve the confusion between parents and teachers in the five circumstances.


Teaching Profession and Current Challenges

Misunderstandings between parents and the school applies because both parties are not face to face at the negotiating table to discuss what they can do to bridge the gap of misunderstanding. Studies have shown that cooperation between parents and the school has succeeded in bringing the power at home and at school expertise into a form partners in carrying out the task of educating children. Children bring their ideas, feelings, and weakness from home into school life. If connected through home and school children, it is clear that the partner is able to strengthen the effectiveness of school children studying in it

Activity 2 What activities do you think can help establish a partnership between parents and the school?


Continuity of Home to School

How do you know that parents are reluctant to partner up with the school? To find out whether parents want or did not cooperate with the school then you need to carry out a survey. Is the survey needs? The survey needs is a small study conducted by the school to find out what parents can do to contribute in helping the school to provide the best education for their children. This study was conducted at the beginning of the year to get certainty about the program that will be launched by the school throughout the year. This research may be conducted in the form of a survey to get honest information from parents about school and home.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP The following are examples of questions in a survey of needs: PARENT’S SURVEY Name: Child’s Name: Address: Telephone/e-mail: Circle:

1 if you think it is very important 2 if you think it is quite important 3 if you think it is not important

What I want to know about the school: a) What curriculum does my child follow? b) How is the school administered? c) What is the procedure to find a school officer? d) Should I have a problem to address, whom should I meet? e) How is reading taught? f) Additional books used in schools? g) How is Mathematics taught? h) How can I help my child in his homework? Circle :

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

1 if you find it very interesting 2 if you find it quite interesting 3 if you find it not interesting

How I like to be involved with the school: a) Classroom volunteer b) Policy making committee tasks c) Classroom games d) Fund raising events e) Collect materials for classroom activities f) Organise volunteer programmes g) Exchange of experience and expertise h) Duty at the library

This questionnaire is to evaluate whether the parents know about the school and how they can to be involved. Asking questions at the beginning of the year will make it easier for schools to plan and organize activities that involve parents in school.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP Activity 3 In small groups, draft a questionnaire suitable for parents to know how to engage them as partners the school-house activities.


Role of School Administrators, Teachers and Parents Each party has its own unique role in helping the education of children. Among them are:


The Role of Parents

Usually, parents will observe their children in the learning process. They will be involved in social service and volunteer in their child's school, as involved in raising money to build a building or other purposes, or are involved in the cafeteria or motivational sessions for parents or children. Parents can play a variety of different for each school. Figure 5.1 below shows how parents can participate more meaningfully in their children's schooling:

Figure 5.1: The Role of Parents at Home Policy maker

Teacher for their children

As an observer


Salaried Source

Voluntary Source

Temporary Source

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP Activity 3 In small groups, discuss the role of parents as shown in Figure 5.1 above.


The Role of Teachers

The following is the role of teachers in education: • Manager class • Facilitators • Counselors • Communicators • Program Designers • Interpreters • Resources Developer • Partners

Activity 4 As a teacher, answer the following questions with a scale of 1 if you strongly disagree and 5 if you strongly agree

As a teacher I ..... 1. The parents feel more burdensome than helpful


2. The sense of tension when parents are in the classroom


3. prefer to work alone


4. comparing siblings in the same family


5. feel threatened by the parents


6. sees parents as a critical resource


7. believes that children from families with incomes low ignore their children 8. enjoy working with people outside the classroom

12345 12345

9. favour parents allow their children watch too much Television 37 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)


TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP 10. I think the parents are not interested in their children


11. work better without the intervention of parents


12. relieved when all parents have returned


13. Meet with parents with a sense of fun


14. The sense of modern parents do not perform their duties as parents 15. enjoy working with parents

12345 12345

16. favour working together closely together with parents important for the development of children



The Role As a School Administrator

• Provide an environment that encourages parental involvement • Leader in teacher-parent collaboration • Designer program • Program Coordinator • Establish great teacher-parent effectively • Crisis management • The final decision maker



The school environment can alter the perception of both sides, whether the teacher or parents against each other. The fallacy of a party may be reduced if the school environment can provide an opportunity for both sides to cooperate in the program beneficial to the institution of the school and especially bring huge benefits to children who learn in school. Based on careful planning, greater trust and confidence can be provided to both parties to implement the program of cooperation for the benefit of all parties.

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1. How does the program work as teachers and parents can reduce misunderstandings between the school and the home in children's education at school? 2. What are the benefits of questionnaires to the needs of children studying in schools? 3. What is the role of the teacher and school administrator in providing the best education for pupils in a school?

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CHAPTER 6 PARENTS AND TEACHERS PARTNERSHIP ACTIVITIES Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter, students will be able to; 1. Describe the needs of the parents are given the opportunity to be at school on time required 2. Describe the benefits of Open Door Policy to parents 3. Designing a program to engage in academic activities and management in schools.



School is not the place for child care from 7.30am to 1.30pm. School is institution where children are given the opportunity to interact with peers and with the guidance of the teachers working in these schools. In addition, the school also may represent the most appropriate place for children to see adults with a relatively foreign to them in a controlled and organized. In this chapter we will discuss issues related to parental involvement directly with children who are in the classroom. This chapter will discuss parental involvement with the school environment and what benefits will be derived from direct parental involvement is. This chapter will also provide opportunities for students to make some appropriate planning to practice in institutions of early childhood education in this country. With exposure to the concept of openness toward the school parental involvement in school activities is expected to bring about change in schooling scenarios, especially in this country.


Schools and Parents’ Acceptance of School Environment

As always we understand school is where children learn and gain knowledge. Children are sent to school so that they can master a skill and be able to master certain knowledge contained in the syllabus set by the Ministry of Education or the school 40 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP itself for private schools. The thing that makes the school is a special place for children to spend their lunch time from a particular time that is usually from 7.30am till 1.30pm, for five days a week, from Monday to Friday or from Sunday to Thursday for a particular country. Parents will send their children to school every day and leave it at the gate when they were sure that children are safe in school. In this case the school is no more than a group of people collecting institutions that need to be in a particular area within a certain time and all their activities are strictly regulated and supervised by the authorities, namely the administrators and teachers of the school. If we see a situation like this, the school is no more than a child care institution when their parents get out of the house to work. Next, the school is also very closed in nature within the stipulated time. There are schools that lock the gates, as if the children need to be sealed so that they do not escape from the school building. Things like this make schools more or less the same status as a mini prison must be attended by all children of the age of some of his early years in kindergarten or nursery through to teenage years when they reach grade five or six later. This is all done for safety reasons and to avoid incidents that might interfere with the daily activities of the school. Parents in our country are very comfortable with this situation. For those actions the school is closing the door a wise step to control the activities carried out in the school and they feel their child is in a safe place at all times when they are in school. But unconsciously, they will eventually depend on the school simply to replace their place as the person who would be responsible for the development and learning of their own children. Isolation of time when children are in school with children when they are in school to make the school a special place solely for growing children while their parents are not on their side. Consequently, this will loosen the ties of kinship, especially for children who need to be in school in a longer period of time, such as children who are placed in boarding schools. They grew up in a period of time, mostly not with their parents and other family members. As such, what steps should be taken by the school to reduce the risk of children not meeting with their parents or with members of his own family? Should parents be 41 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP given the opportunity to be in school as long as possible so that they can engage in activities at school? If yes, how often or what activities can involve parents in the learning process carried out in schools? These are questions that must be answered in the next section of this chapter.


Open Door Policy

Safety issues needed to be addressed was very clever in managing a school. Schools should be in a safe environment because many mishaps if the school does not provide a standard security system. However, these do not mean that the school doors must be closed completely to outsiders who want to deal with the school, especially for parents who wish to engage in activities in school. Open door policy means that schools allow parents to engage in teaching and learning processes directly, either when children are in the school building or outside the school building. The management of schools should be able or willing to accept the parents were together the teachers and their children either in the daily activities carried out in the schools or in special activities planned for them. In fact, for some countries, parents are allowed to be in the classroom when teaching and learning processes implemented. In addition, the open door policy also allows parents involved in planning the curriculum and extra-curricular activities to be implemented by the school. In this case, for some countries in the west, the parents through the Parent those directly involved with the school management, the establishment of the school holidays, construction and materials selection, curriculum, and even there the Parents Association is empowered to appoint and dismiss teachers! Probably quite impossible that such a thing happened in our country because we are adopting a centralized school system, the school in this country is controlled entirely by the Ministry of Education. However, we also need to think several steps that enable more active involvement of the parents, especially through the Association of Parents and Teachers in some small issues in the administration or in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. It is so we can avoid the perception that the Parents and 42 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP Teachers Association is functioning as a body in charge of collecting donations for the construction of additional buildings or provide better infrastructure to the students in a school. This perception needs to be subverted through planning provided by the school and parents to enhance the involvement of parents in the school environment more open and transparent administration.


Parents Centres in Schools The school environment has a policy of open doors provide an opportunity for parents to remain in school during the school year opened. Opportunity to get together with their children given to parents who are willing to be in school if they want to engage in the process of teaching and learning, as well as helping the school to perform a specific activity which has been planned for the educational needs of children. However, to implement this program, there must be careful planning so as to avoid too much overlap in duties and interfere with the whole process. In such cases, schools may hold a special corner for parents to get information and make proper planning to participate actively as needed. This particular corner can be used as a Parent Centre at the school. In this centre, parents can obtain more systematic information about how they can help the school in facilitating the process specified. The Parents Centre also has the opportunity to interact with other parents who may have interests and areas of expertise together. Therefore, the school not only serves as a meeting place for children's learning and development process itself, but also can be a place for parents to expand their network of friendships and contacts for the welfare of their own children. With this practice is expected parents can share ideas and experiences in educating their children, whether in the task of helping children doing school assignments or assist in developing their personality.


Activities Involving Parents in School

The role of parents in the context of this discussion, expanding the scope of their job is not only responsible in educating their children at home. Parents need to be 43 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP involved in the process of child development in a more formal education situasai, ie when they are in school, even when they are in the classroom for a particular subject. Parents can contribute towards the development of skills and enhancement of knowledge more effectively to children when they are at school and in the classroom.

Activity 1 In groups, discuss what kinds of activities which directly involve parents in school or in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom? Also discuss how this activity can be carried out successfully.


Linking Resource Centre for Schools and Parents

One of the most suitable places for children to acquire the skills and knowledge is through the school resource centres. Resource centre means a space provided by the school to put a variety of materials curriculum for the use of students studying in these schools. This material includes books, magazines, newspapers, dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus, maps, and various teaching aids needed to support the teaching and learning process in an aligned Math lessons in school. Currently these materials are also available through various media, whether print or electronic. The students of a school would be lucky if they have a complete resource center and provide the latest facilities. However, expenses for providing resource center is not small and require specialized expertise among teachers who are engaged in the running of the center. Not all schools are able to provide a fully-equipped resource center and can entice students to stay in it. Coupled with the recent development of more focused on the use of multi media further interesting than reading a book or other reading materials, resource centers at most of the schools in our country today become quiet and less visited by students. The role of the school to provide a central source that can attract students actually can be helped by the parents. They can assist teachers in providing interesting reading material and relevant to children in various ways. Among them is by donating reading material available at home to serve as a resource center collection. If scrutinized, 44 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP many among parents when their child reaches a higher age have reading materials that are no longer required to be at home. In this case the parents should send the materials to the school to be used also by other children at that age level. Things like this can not only save the cost of purchasing these materials, but also save space at home with reading material that is no longer needed. Parents can also offer themselves for duty at the resource center at certain times or days of school to help ease the burden of organizing the resource center. Parental time you save can be used to stay with the child, whether the child of their own or other people's children at the resource center. Parents themselves can use this time as a time for them to read or write their own material. In addition, parents can be a model in the habit of reading and writing in our society, especially for the students at the school.


Traditional Teachers and Parents Collaborative Program

Duty of parents in the education of children is a major task to be carried out without any pretext and excuse. Parents are integral in shaping the lives of their children. This task can not be exchanged by anyone, and no institution can match the ability of parents to implement it effectively. The school's role to be played by parents effectively either individually or in groups. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has traditionally played a role in interfering with the education of their children in school. Research shows that schools that have a strong PTA in terms of support and cooperation of the school is a school that is a lot of success in academics and co-curricular activities. This fact can not be denied because of the support of parents through the PTA can contribute to the success of all endeavors by the school. PTA also plays a role in contributing material and energy in starting a project that would made possible by the school. Traditionally PTA is a source of funds for various development projects in schools. This was evidenced by the many halls, sports and recreational facilities, a mosque and prayer hall, computer laboratory and multi-media facilities, the school fence, and the like generated from donations in various forms and

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP container by a school PTA. Such efforts have been carried out traditionally in the schools of our country for decades. However, we also need to think about how the PTA can contribute towards the development of the mind and skills of the students with a more active manner. In-kind contributions are still not pursued vigorously in our country. Parents in particular through the PTA is still comfortable to contribute fully to this tradition because they assumed the task of developing the mind and these skills can only be done effectively by teachers and school administrators alone.


Voluntary Task

Finally, the involvement of parents towards their children's education at school considered only made voluntarily. Parents use their free time to attend PTA general meeting held once a year. For some parents who are willing to sacrifice a little longer time they will be able to become PTA committee members for a particular year. The job of this committee is to meet once a month to keep track of the latest developments and the school is implementing a project that has been planned by the committee. This voluntary service does not require any commitment from parents because no one can force them to do so. That is why the atmosphere of some schools, PTA meetings attended by only a handful of parents only, so difficult for the school to appoint new committee members whenever PTA general meeting is held. The question is when will the involvement of parents towards their children's schooling continued in this way in our country?

Questions 1. Why do mothers need more frequent baap are in their child's school? 2. What is the role traditionally PTA in improving the quality of education services in the country? How PTA can play a more active role in fostering the academic and personal development of students in a school? 3. What activities can be played by parents in helping the school to provide a more comfortable learning environment? 46 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)


CHAPTER 7 SCHOOL AND HOME COMMUNICATION Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter, students will be able to; 1. Discuss the methods of effective communication 2. Identify one-way communication 3. Identify the two-way communication 4. Plan to implement effective communication



Communication is a crucial element for the success of any program designed to bridge the gap between school and home. Many successes achieved in a program designed for their relationship with effective communication between school administrators, teachers and parents. Conversely, there are many problems in the relationship









misinterpretations due to a lack of connection and communication between both parties. According to the Oxford dictionary, communication means giving or exchanging information, signals, or messages through speech, gestures, writing and so on. There are two communicating parties, namely the sender and the receiver. The sending party is the person talking, gesturing or writing. While the party receiving the listeners, viewers or readers information, signals or writing delivered. Effective communication happens if the recipient can understand what is contained in the information, signals or writing is similar to what occurs in the mind of the runner.

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Intended Information






Information sent through media

Barriers To Communication

Information, messages or signals that are transmitted through certain media by the sender to the recipient in the absence of physical barriers occur. Effective communication will occur if the receiver can make a good interpretation of the material submitted. However, not all information, messages or signals obtained by the recipient. There are many obstacles in this delivery process. This obstruction is caused by several factors that can be seen clearly and no message behind efforts to deliver effective communications materials. Among them are:

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP • Parents are not willing to accept certain about their children. There are parents who do not want to accept reality or actual views about their children. They assume that the child is a reflection of themselves. Criticizing the means to criticize themselves. Thus teachers can not express the real thing happens to a child when they are in school because she wanted to keep the face or want to keep the 'ego' parents these children. • Parents are reluctant to go to school because they consider the school not theirs. They try to separate the powers that be in school. Children will be stuck with this situation because of the absence of a direct and sincere relationship between home and school. • Experience of parents was rather unpleasant when in school. There are parents who do not have good memories of school. They regard the school as an institution that must be traversed by a child even in circumstances that forced and unpleasant. • Methods of delivery that are less effective communication due to the lack of modern infrastructure which should be used by both parties. The use of modern technology has developed rapidly in our country since a few years ago. Unfortunately, there are still schools that do not utilize this facility fully. Methods of communication between home and school are still ongoing in a traditional manner namely through the paper and printed circulars. This method can not be used or are no longer relevant at this time, but if possible the school and the home using the latest methods in communication, dissemination of information, messages and signals would be more readily accepted.


Effective Communication

Service sender in the communication process is revealing information or message to be conveyed through the media most effectively to the recipient. Task encode this information should be carried out in a particular way in order to reveal the intentions with simple and clear way. Instead receiver task is not only to receive information, messages and signals the physical, but should translate to a certain point. Duty to respond and feedback to the sender needs to be implemented by the recipient to 49 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP establish further communication. If both processes encoding by the sender and the receiver decode the run, then the effective communication has occurred. To make communication effective, the recipient must be an active receiver. If the sender does not receive any response and positive feedback from the receiver, finally they regard not need to encourage further communication on gold futures or they will reduce the communication process between the two parties. If this happens, then the cooperation between school and home will be difficult to implement properly. If the sender and receiver can reduce barriers in communication, as discussed above, the effective communication fabric can be continued throughout the school year. The benefit is acquired by children attending the school and parents will feel that they can play a more active role in their child's education. For children, the effective communication between the school and the principal baap will be encouragement for them to perform the duties of the school. They will look good relationship between school and home is an encouragement for them to progress in whatever activities they undertake in schools and continuity between school and home is the yardstick of success in their respective fields. Good relationships can also reduce problems such as discipline and dropout problems in education. This has been proven through many researches conducted within and outside the country.


One-Way Communication

There are a variety of methods can be carried out by the school for one-way communication with parents at home. Among them are: • School Gazette - school Gazette concise issuable from time to time to inform parents about the latest developments in school. News brief containing a clear title, besides recording current events, loaded also with what will happen in a week or a month, the title of the book and reading materials proposed, the results of student writing and hand work, the celebration of an ethnic group, and feedback parents of an event or program that is run in schools. • Website - The website of the school is a method that allows parents know about their children's schooling more clearly. The website must not only interesting, but 50 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP more importantly is always updated. The latest information can be loaded with more detail through the website. On the expenditure side, the site does not directly require any expense, unless the school wants to hire a professional website administrator. A teacher who is interested and have the skills to design web long enough to display the privileges of a school in the eyes of the world. • The role of mass media, mass media is very important in explaining an individual or an organization, including schools. The school should strive to accommodate special news or events that occur in each school. This method can not only improve the image of the school, but also can stimulate the interest of students and parents to get involved in activities organized by the school.


Two-Way Communication

Two-way communication is necessary for both parties to find, teachers and parents in a certain time. The role of school principals or headmasters is providing program to enable teachers to parents with their children's attendance in an environment that is stimulating. Parents celebrated their attendance at school and felt that their presence was not in vain and worthwhile. Some of the programs that can be implemented by the school during the school year for organizing the two-way communication are: • Open Days - The organization of this open day may continue the way it is implemented, but this program should be changed so that further stimulate parents to meet their child's teacher with a more positive attitude. Frequency open day should also be rethought, and not limited once a year. • Visit to the class - a visit to the programme may be relatively rare class at school or kindergarten in the country. Teachers often assume that the class is limited to their students and themselves only. Even the presence of other teachers in our classrooms is still something quite uncomfortable. However, in Western countries, especially in the United States, a visit to the classroom by a third party, whether by outside visitors or parents into the classroom is welcomed by the teacher. A teacher will feel the presence of visitors to their classroom is an honour and recognition for the efforts they

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP are doing for as a professional teacher. Proper planning can be carried out for a visit to a class that can strengthen the relationship between teachers and parents. • A visit to the home - home visiting program is an annual program that must be implemented in schools in the United States. This program might not have ever heard in Malaysia, but in many studies found that home visits brought many positive effects on the development of pupils, whether in terms of academic disciplines.

Activity 1 Discuss the activities that can be planned for each two-way communication program described above.


Teachers and Parents Meetings In the past, meeting teachers and parents often occurs in the small community atmosphere and a limited area. They can meet every day, whether in public places such as markets, in stores for shopping, or in places of worship such as a mosque or prayer hall. But today the situation is different. Local area of residence and distance between residence and place of duty to make meetings between teachers and parents are not designed to be difficult. Moreover busy parents in the workplace may be meeting the parents and teachers who often is quite impossible. Meetings between teachers and parents can only be done at a time that was designed by the school. The parents will be invited to come to school to get certain information about their children on any given day, either one or two times a year. Usually at this open day, parents will be provided with information about their child's achievement in academics or behaviour binding the child when they are in school. This meeting time that is valuable to teachers and parents to discuss issues that may arise related child unattended. Therefore careful planning must be done to ensure that these meetings provide the full benefit to the child.

Meetings between teachers and parents should achieve the following objectives: • Get complete information about the child's development during the period between the last meeting and the meeting date. 52 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP • Documenting the progress achieved during the period of childhood is • Describe the program followed by children and compliance with the age and physical development • Clarify and understand the needs of the parents • Describes the requirements, if any exaction for foster children • To explain the initiatives to be carried out between the school and the parents for the next period


Communication Between Parents

Language is the key to effective communication between teachers and parents. Use appropriate language is essential for a positive perception among teachers and parents armpit to the meeting teachers need to have the ability in interpersonal communication skills in a session high of teachers and parents. Some guidance can be noted by teachers are: • Focus the views of people who are talking to you. Make sure you pay close attention to the directions given to the face of the person you're talking to. Failure to do so will give the perception that you are not serious, less confident and not honest in your speech. • The rating agency seems willing to talk about serious things. The rating agency which rests on the seat, do not raise your head when talking, and often turned to the left and right into view that you do not focus on the person in front of you. • Listen attentively as if you give full empathy for what you want to say about a child. If you have indicated that you are a good listener, the reward is, what you say it will also be heard by parents who find you. • Body languages are crucial in meeting with parents. A smile is the most effective weapon to defuse tense situations and conditions that may apply. Patience in to treat red "customer" is one of the keys to success in whatever business you do. In terms of education, you can necessarily convince parents as "customers" that the service you provide is worth it returns with the price they pay.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP • Pause for a moment if you are tired or have been sitting too long in this session. This short break can calm your mind for parents who next meet.


Issues In Communication

There are some problems in implementing effective communication between teachers and parents in a program on education. Among them are: • Short on time - parents today usually have a challenging job or working in a demanding work environment that requires them to be at work in a long time. This makes it difficult for them to attend the meeting had been arranged. The school also has a hard time with various programs to be undertaken. By communication problems this would be very serious if not designed properly. • The objective is not clear - communication problems also occur in the absence of clear objectives in the program of meetings between teachers and parents. The meeting time will be the time of the clash of ideas between teachers and parents because of the absence of a goal to be achieved by both parties. • Too defend children - sometimes parents keep their children behave too and they do not like being labelled as naughty children, not clever, not paying attention in their studies and all sorts of negative tags. They seem to be challenged when the teacher gave this response even with the aim to improve the situation of the child. This will make the communication between teachers and parents even worse. • The authorities in school- teachers sometimes behave as though the authorities when they are in the school and the children and parents including the according directions of teachers when they are in school. Ego teachers as an important person in the school makes parents feel uncomfortable at school and met with teachers. They were happy to let their children under the care of teachers during school hours.

Activity 3 Discuss appropriate ways to overcome the communication breakdown between the school and parents as stated above.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP Questions 1. What is effective communication? 2. How can an open day between teachers and parents be carried out effectively? 3. What problems arise in communication between teachers and parents and what is the effective way to solve it?

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CHAPTER 8 FAMILY LITERACY PROGRAMME Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter, students will be able to: 1. Know the importance of literacy education for children 2. Know what is meant by Family Literacy 3. Plan activities that are appropriate for Family Literacy to be implemented


Why is Literacy Important? Literacy is the ability to listen, speak, read, write and think. The first two skills are basic skills that are owned by a normal human being naturally. The next two skills of reading and writing are a skill that must be taught after a child is born. However, there is also the opinion of both of these skills can also be controlled naturally if given early exposure to a child. The fifth skill skills possessed by someone to complement the four skills mentioned above. Literacy skills are very important in the life of a modern society and a world without commensurate today. Modern human life is highly dependent on each other, so communication between them is essential to speed up the life that must be taken every day. The ability to listen, speak, read and write is essential to facilitate a move from one place to another to another. They need to communicate to know what to do and what not to do in order to avoid confusion occurs. Thinking skills are crucial for determining the choice needs to be done in the relationship between fellow human beings. For children who are still at the stage of growing up and becoming one am, members of the public, is necessary literacy skills to master, especially when they are still in school. In fact, the main purpose of children sent to school is to master the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. Children who can not master these basic literacy skills will not be able to fully master other skills and get information that is taught in other subjects in school.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP The main problem in third world countries and developing countries is illustration problem, namely the problem can not master basic literacy skills among school children. These problems lead to the next problem, namely the problem of dropouts. The number of drop outs due to incapacity to read and write at a basic level. If the child can not master the basic skills of reading and writing in the third year of school, then chances are they have not managed to master other skills in schools is very high. Listening and speaking skills with effective instruction is also important to master the skills and subjects taught in school. The skills are necessary to enable children to follow teaching and learning process in an effective manner.

Activity 1 Read the passage in the Book of Education, Early Childhood Literacy: Theory and Practice by Mahzan Arshad (2012), pages 94-95 below and discuss “what is the role of parents, to improve literacy skills among children in Malaysia”.


What is Family Literacy? Literacy learning begins at home that children are exposed to literacy instruction as early as they are born. Children who are exposed to literacy activities will enable them to master early literacy skills naturally. For example, children who are exposed to a wide range of reading materials and writing activities like at home will be able to master the skills of reading and writing to do better in school. Children who have only recently started learning to read and write when they enter school will be left behind in terms of the experience of reading and writing than their counterparts who have been able to master these skills before they enter school. New parents may need to have special training to help them provide early literacy activities exposure to children. Therefore there must be a professional training for parents to provide early literacy exposure to children. At this time many institutions that can provide guidance to young parents in designing literacy activities in the early stages of children. Family literacy program is very new in our society because so far we only put the responsibility to teach children to read and write to the kindergarten or primary 57 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP school. Parents should be disclosed about the requirement that a literacy skill at an early stage of one’s life is essential for making people master this skill naturally. New mothers and fathers who obtained a new baby is certainly given to education and health care for the physical needs of a new baby come to life. They will be educated or to obtain information about how to provide basic needs such as providing food, appropriate clothing, health and hygiene requirements should be. However, new parents should also have basic knowledge to provide disclosure about the literacy skills to children early. Parents must provide disclosure about literacy activities to infants as early as two months for a baby at this age have a stronger body position for lambs for engaging in literacy activities. Parents should also provide an essential prerequisite for an atmosphere of literacy to their children at an early stage. Every home should have one room dedicated to promoting literacy activities to flourish in a family. Parents also need to provide reading materials and writing materials appropriate for each stage of the child's age. Reading materials appropriate to the child's age can give children a chance to interact with books at an early age and stage in this way can inculcate the love of books naturally forever. At the same time parents and older family members should express their interest in literacy activities such as reading and writing activities. Family members who can show that literacy activities are part of the daily activities that can not be ignored will guide the children who felt that reading and writing are part of daily practice needs to be done. Family members who frequently discuss books or reading material will be educating children who love books. They will emphasize reading and always thinking about reading material. This practice will make a child more precocious mind and master other skills quickly. Parents should be aware that the family literacy activities will give children the foundation for becoming a successful person in life. They will have a broad mind and life experiences are more mature than children who were not exposed to early literacy-rich activities.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP Activity 2 What is meant by reading aloud? What are the benefits of reading aloud to children? How to read aloud can be implemented in a family?


Planning Family Literacy Activities Parents often seek the teacher’s advice when their children can not master literacy skills, "What can I do if my child is having problems can not read?" The teacher can suggest some practical ways to help their child. Some of the following may be proposed to parents: Reading aloud to children is one of the best ways that can be done by parents to help their children is to read aloud, if possible every day. Because reading to children are a daunting task, so parents sometimes sceptical about the value of reading aloud. Findings from studies conducted on reading aloud found (McCormik, 1977, 1983) says that children who are read aloud by their parents on a regular basis are aware wider vocabulary, a vocabulary of better quality, and understand text reading better. It also introduces the printed information to children, help students see that reading is fun treatment, familiarize them with syntactic patterns (v) obtained from the "language of books", increase the range of focus, and increase motivation wants to read. It is helpful to suggest books or other materials that are well selected to be read, and also suggest that these materials can be easily obtained. Among the easiest place to reading materials is in the library. Therefore, teachers need to know the state of the library closest to where they live most of their students. Encourage children to read by loud to someone every day. Children should be involved in a lot of printing materials. Reading filter is one of the most effective ways to promote literacy activities at home because of the loud reading parents are sure that their child is reading. Try also in a guided reading. Guided reading is a technique for parents who want to help children with reading problems. Guided reading done in various ways based on abilities of children. For children who suffer from severe reading problems, parents should read to a child, and then followed by children on every word when parents 59 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP show the word. After a couple of books read like this, children will be able to master the vocabulary is large enough vision to start reading the book initially. Studies conducted by Hoskisson et. al. (1974) reported that after a year of interaction using the technique of guided reading, a child who has trouble reading successfully obtained high scores in the reading test in phase two standard tests. For children better, parents will hear their children read, but do not make attempts to engage them identify strategies words; parents whose children only express words they do not know. In this way proved to successfully correct the mistake of reading on their own, increasing levels of reading, and getting high marks in tests identify words, the meaning of the paragraph and vocabulary. They will also review the books in the library that they never did before.

Activity 3 How can parents be able to provide Environmentally-rich home literacy activities. Draw a house that promotes literacy naturally.

Question 1. Why is it important literacy skills in modern life? 2. How can a family provide children with literacy-rich background? 3. Does early literacy activities that are suitable for implementation at home to give exposure to early literacy for children?

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CHAPTER 9 PROGRAMMES FOR PARENTS WTIH SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter, students will be able to; 1. Recognise the importance of parental involvement with children with special needs and young parents in their children's education 2. Know the problems faced by parents of children with special needs and young parents in educating children 3. Plan activities that can be undertaken in the education of parents who have children with special needs and young parents


Program for Parents Who Have Children With Special Needs Who is the child with special needs? The following descriptions characterize children with special needs and who require this specialized program. If a child in the class belongs to the following characteristics, special needs services provided to children and their parents. a. Learning disabilities - exposing the inability of one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding the use of spoken language or writing. b. Mental retardation - reasonably limited ability to require special assistance. c. Special Kids - Children who have special intellectual power that show exceptional circumstances within its capabilities. d. Emotional Disturbed - those who show excessive treatment and disabilities sustained in the long term. e. Visual defects - those with defects in sight. f. Defects in speech, language, and hearing disorders - disorders in the ability to communicate.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP g. Various defects / deaf / blind - Those who experience more than two defects that require special attention. h. Physical disability - those with severe physical disability requiring assistance services and special tools.

Activity 1: Read the passage below and discuss the importance of nutritious food to children: NUTRITION AND LEARNING DISBALITIY Today we are learning more about the relationship between nutrition and learning disabilities. The currently recommended allowance calculated by Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council is really less than that needed for good nutrition. The RDA for vitamin C is 60 mg. a day, and yet when tested many individuals do not have that level of plasma vitamin C. Every vitamin, amino acid, and trace mineral has a part to play in our everyday nutritional needs. Physicians believed that you could get all the vitamins that you needed when you went to the grocery store and bought a basket of food. Our everyday nutritional needs are gotten our form foods; however, it is necessary to find out the nutritional content of fresh foods, such as fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, fish, chicken, and turkey. There are some vitamin deficiencies that have an effect on learning disabilities, and traditional medicine does not recommend nutrient supplementation. It is impossible to eat a diet that provides all our nutritional needs. Many environmental hazards nutritional needs additional place on the body, as do illness and disease. The relationship of nutrition to learning disabilities has long been a subject of discussion. Niacin plays important part in the maintenance of the circulatory system, but it is also recognized in having profound applications in the treatment of learning disabilities. Mental and learning impairment is probably due to the Vitamin B3 (niacin) impact on essential fattyacid metabolism and prostaglandin balance. Both mental hyperactivity and the information of age respond to niacin therapy. Phenylketonuria, an inborn error of phenylalanine metabolism, is a serious health problem and the most prevalent form of amino aciduria (excess amino acid secretion in the urine). It accounts for about 0.5percent institutionalized retarded individuals. Learning disabilities should be one of the signs of amino acid elevations in the body. 62 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP Activity 2: What can we do so that the above information may be used by parents who have children with special needs? People with Disabilities The role of schools to provide facilities for children with special needs is very urgent for our country. Awareness for people with disabilities (PWDs) in this country is actually very far behind compared to western countries and other developed countries. Furthermore awareness about the use of facilities for the disabled is still low and tolerance towards disabled people should also be improved. New inclusive education practiced in the education system in Malaysia is expected to be able to enlighten us about the existence of the disabled community in our daily lives and make us aware of their need to live like any other normal citizen in this country.


Reaching Out To Parents Who Have Children With Special Needs Parents will act in different ways and sometimes unpredictably when giving birth and diagnosed with a birth defect. Such actions are caused by feelings; parents may experience a feeling of emptiness, hurt, fear, guilt, dismayed, disorder, or despair. The teacher as a professional, who wants to collaborate effectively with parents of children with disabilities, must have the ability to identify feelings and willing to honour. It is easier for a professional deal with children with disabilities objectives of their own parents. Professional face handicapped children at certain times of day after day only, while the parents have to deal with it at the time before and after school. Parents of children with severe disabilities may need to take care of these children throughout their lives. When parents are faced with the task of looking after a child with special needs, they need emotional help and specific information. What they need is a method to simplify and organize spontaneous awareness by allowing them to have a sense of caring and giving a special affection for the child. Fun feeling when together, between parents and children will strengthen the emotional bond.

Activity 3: Discuss ways that can be done to help parents who have children with special needs. 63 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)


Program for Parents and Youth 9.3.1

Early Involvement Parental involvement seems more pronounced in the early stages of schooling, which have been able to reach the poor young parents at an early stage. Moreover, the program at this early stage more family-centered. For example, there are programs that provide literacy training to help young parents and young parents with measures to prepare their children to school. Furthermore, there is a development towards family literacy, which emphasizes the need concept of parents and children learn together. In certain circumstances, primary or kindergarten became a center for various family services. For example, The New Beginning project in San Diego, family register certain public services at the same time when they enroll children in school, and facilities for the purposes of consultation provided by several agencies who want to bring their services to the school.

Activity 4 Discuss the importance of understanding the role of parents in educating their children at an early stage. 2. The problem now: • Increased the parents of young • Many young parents still do not have strong economic fundamentals • Many of them do not have a high education • There is also a single mother

Parents of young mean age of parents who still low, sometimes below 20 years. This situation is much improved in the big cities. Model of partnership for parents school program for young parents, this is a little different from the usual partnership as young parents are more in need of guidance from school, rather than simply involvement.

Activity 5 Discuss what problems are most profound for educating children for a single parent? 64 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)


Education of Young Parents

Getting a child means necessary to stop from getting formal education. Only a small number of young parents who will to institutional continued education. Young mothers also need to spend the bulk of their income for small children. Therefore, the chance of getting a higher education is quite impossible for these young parents. In developed countries, the income of young parents or single parents becomes a huge problem to savings welfare state. In the United States, 81% of young mothers who live alone have incomes below the poverty level. They spend as much as 25 billion dollars each year to fund these single mothers (in the form of welfare, food, and medicine) .If this young mother did not give birth until they are twenty years old, spending to finance this young mother is only 40% of these amounts.

Activity 6: How can the community help young mothers to enable them to provide good education to their children?

Question 1. How do parents who have children with special needs are able to provide cooperation to the school to help their children get the best care at school? 2. Who is the young parents and how serious the problem of young parents in Malaysia today? 3. What is the role of government in society and provide awareness and education to young parents about parenting concepts and processes in our country?

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CHAPTER 10 SCHOOL AND HOME BASED PROGRAMMES Learning Objectives At the end of this chapter, students will be able to: 1. Describe the role and benefits of parental involvement in school programs 2. Design a program of cooperation between home and school that can be implemented. 3. Set up a strategy to enhance the cooperation between home and school.


Parental Involvement In School The issue of parental involvement on educational programs implemented in schools in Malaysia today is very limited and focused exclusively on some current issues alone. However, the parents and the community in general is critical to the education of their children and always give a sharp criticism of whatever event or events that occur at school. This happens because of the absence of a specific guide to help both parties, namely the school and the parents at home to determine the extent or extent permissible limit for parents to be involved in the programs implemented in schools. Similarly, the parents do not have the opportunity and enough space for them to be involved in many programs that run in the school every day, whether academic or extra-curricular program planned for their children. Therefore it is worth considering whether a more significant role can be carried out by the parents to be involved in the programs implemented in schools. Here are some recommendations that can be considered to address this issue, namely: a) Parents as partners who are active in school and act as leaders in home education. The active involvement of parents can executed with transparency the school to allow parents to be involved in a variety of programs designed and run by the school. This involvement should be from the beginning, which is at the planning stage through to implementation. This means that parents not only a participant in the program, but they were also given the opportunity to be involved in planning, decision-making and monitoring the program during a program was implemented.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP b) Parents as collaborators in decision making. As suggested above, that parental involvement was not mere participants in the program as normal or as an invitation alone. Parents should be given the opportunity to give their opinion, seemed to suggest something meaningful in the planning of a program. They also must be given the opportunity to express an opinion before a decision how a program should be implemented to achieve. c) Parents as experts in providing advice and guidance on how a programme can be implemented and make an assessment of the program. At this time many of the parents who have high expertise in either professional or social field. Expertise parents can help the schools in planning and implementing an academic program or academic open. In addition, parents can also be a source of reference in determining whether a program has been successful in achieving its objectives and whether the process of improvement that can be taken so that a program will be more successful in the future. d) Parents as volunteers or workers who are paid by the school in a program designed and implemented. Parents who have a variety of capabilities that may be used by the school to achieve the objectives of the program are met as expected. There are parents who do have certain experience or training for the task he had ever received. The schools can unearth some special ability of parents who have pledged in the school newsletter or school website. For information may also schools can advertise it using either print or electronic media. Maybe some of the parents who have the knowledge or skills required by the school and can pay part of the cost of implementation of a program to qualified parents. e) Parents who are troubled to be actively involved with the school. There are some parents who are difficult to engage actively with the school program for several reasons. For example, both parents are working or parents who work away from the home. For example single parent is very difficult to juggle the education of children because they are burdened with the task of making a living. For parents in this category, their involvement is not necessarily taken into account for their presence in school like other parents. Indirect involvement with the school but can be done at a time bake in the home or in the workplace also mean making programs designed and 67 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP implemented for their children achieve the expected objectives. For example, they can contribute in the form of design, such as sewing, moulding materials, creating crafts or furniture design, painting, drawing and so on for the success of building materials appropriate for teaching and learning process of their children and other students in the class of children them.


Volunteering Parents in School Currently voluntary service in schools in Malaysia will only be carried out by theme or project that has been designated by the school. Voluntary cooperation is based on current needs, for example for greening campaign, road safety campaigns, raising funds to build a mosque or a hall or classroom furniture, collecting reading materials for libraries and so on. This voluntary service is limited to a specific time and is done only occasionally (one-off). Is quite rare volunteering involves matters relating to academic or school management. Some steps can be taken to make the task a volunteer from home to school more meaningful and effective. Among them are: a) Making the parents as volunteers in providing materials suitable for use in the process of teaching and learning (P & P). Many activities that can be undertaken to provide material P & P's. These include providing reading materials such as various types of authentic books, audio-visual material in printed or electronic form, threedimensional material, and so on. Partnership with parents can regularly be adjusted to ensure the success of this project academic form for ease of teachers and schools save money. b) Make the parents as an assistant in the classroom. In the event that public school students in a classroom, parents can serve as volunteers to assist teachers in the P & P. This has been done in western countries like the United States and Great Britain. In the US, every parent or guardian is required to work as a helper class at least once a year for anyone who has children in the class. There are lots that can be done by parents who worked as a teacher's assistant.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP c) Parents have the appropriate education can serve as volunteers to assist classroom teachers in a particular aspect or topic within a subject. In the US for example, someone's mother or father who has a certain profession will be required to introduce the profession to a class voluntarily. This will help students learn about a profession itself clearly from holding office in the profession. d) Parents can also be a volunteer in the school library, laboratory, hall, drama, sports events such as football coach and so on. Donations by the parents voluntarily will further enhance the performance and motivation of pupils in the school.


Direct Parental Involvement with the Program and School Administration Administration of the schools in our country blind this time is completely dependent on the school management and for national schools, the District Education Office is responsible for all matters related to school district. For institutions of early childhood education, the parties have institutions that determine all matters relating to the administration of the institution. It is rarely that the school management would like to share my thoughts and opinions to administer a school or institution of early childhood education. Head Start Program, a program implemented to assist low-income families who have children under the age of preschool children in the US since 1965. The program provides assistance not only in the form of free preschool education to children of parents with low incomes, but also provide opportunities for parents to become involved in the management of their child's school directly. Programs, Head Start recognizes parents as the most influential teacher early in life children. This program ensures that parents' involvement in decision-making maximum use of the local program. Parents are also asked to be involved in activities inside and outside the classroom. Parents are given the opportunity to participate in the programs they design and develop with the school. Parents are also encouraged to engage in activities with their kids on an ongoing basis either at school or at home. Continuity between school and home is taken care to ensure that parents have joint responsibility of the school to the education of their children.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP Among the measures taken to increase parental involvement in this program are: a) a comprehensive written plan of parental involvement in their child's learning is planned at the beginning of the entry of children into the program. b) a comprehensive interview with the parents before the child is admitted to the program c) Training to Head Start staff to monitor and implement programs that involve parents d) Comprehensive orientation sessions for parents on child admission to the program e) Detailed information obtained from their parents against their children. f) Training for parents who will be volunteering to help classrooms g) Buddy system for parents who have a child for the first time entering this program with the parents that their child has been long in this program. h) Training is carried out continuously i) Opportunities staff in order to carry out cooperation with parents in and outside the classroom


Enriching Educational Resources at Home The home is the first school children. In various studies conducted found that the home environment is very important to the performance of pupils in learning. The house provides a rich learning environment will help interest and motivation of children to succeed in their studies. Instead, students who come from homes that do not support the learning will be left behind in education compared to their other friends. Therefore, the schools can assist parents in providing a home environment that has features that positively support the success of children in their studies. Here are some ideas that can be done to provide a learning environment among children in the home: a) Provide handicraft corner - art and provide materials for painting such as paper, canvas, scissors, coloured pencils, liquid dye, glue, and adequate space for creativity. Space inside and outside the home can be used to suit the type and position of the house.

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TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP b) The Reading and Publishing - providing books and reading materials, paper, whiteboard, pen, pencil, or marker. Provide computers and writing software accordingly. Production of written materials such as short stories, poetry as poetry, couplets, poems and so on are displayed in a separate publication. Book shelves for materials and anthologies available, c) Toys that are educational as Master, Monopoly, Chess, Checkers, etc. can be placed in a special room in the house. Outdoor toys and mini tennis courts such as badminton, basketball, football and so on can be prepared outside the home if they have enough space. d) Angle of science can also be held in and outside the home. Aquarium, houseplants, observation deck, science and health standpoint and the like can be provided in the home. Corner plants, insects and wildlife viewing angle, weather measurement instruments and measurement of rainfall and the like can be held at the outside of the house. e) The angle of music and impressions - parents can provide radio and television equipment as usual. But parents can also add this angle with musical instruments provide an appropriate and based on the capabilities and interests of their families. With this instrument that will attract children to a variety of musical instruments.

10.5 House to House Visits Homes and schools should have a close relationship as children will spend a lot of time in both these places. Children will feel to be in a safe condition and Tuesday at both these places if we provide a positive and fun environment. One of the feelings that children need to have is a strong correlation between home and school. Therefore, teachers and parents should show that the distance between home and school is psychologically very closely, although the actual distance between the two are not necessarily close. One of the steps that can be taken by the school to close the gap between home and school psychology is with hosted a wire into the house. In the US, the teacher visits to children's homes are required to do at least once a year. These activities may be carried out in our country. Teachers were asked to visit the home of each student in 71 Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan Universiti Malaya (UMCCed)

TEACHERS AND PARENTS PARTNERSHIP the class. The visit was held by rotation during the school year. Tours can be organized once a week to the home of one of the students in the class teachers. Results visits from house to house teachers are very effective in instilling confidence in children that their parents and teachers is to recognize that they can communicate directly without going through the child. This belief will cause them to realize that the relationship between the school and home is close and there is no any obstruction. Some things need to be taken into consideration before implementing this house visits. Among them are: a) Planning in advance - home visiting program must be communicated to parents on the first day of school again. The school must specify the date and time of the visit, which coincides with the date and time field owned by the parents. Parents can also make preparations earlier if notified of the date which has been determined by the school. b) The school should state the purpose and benefits of this program to parents. If the school can convince parents of the benefits of home visiting, they would have been able to accept this program with an open heart. c) The school should provide rules that can be used as a guide by the teachers and parents on visits from house to house. Preferably visit only be held once in a year. This is to reduce the burden on teachers and parents. Basic guidelines that can be done at the time of visits, type of cuisine available, duration of visit, common items to be discussed and the like may be included in this general rules. This is to avoid misunderstandings and discomfort that may be faced by the teachers and the parents later. d) Children must be present in these visits because without children visit this objective will not be achieved and this visit became futile. e) Reports on the results of the visit must be provided by the teacher so can be used as a guide in another home visit and subsequent visits.

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Guide For Parents For Children’s Homework Help Parents can be very effective tutor when children are at home. No education is more effective than the education provided by their own parents to their children. However, not all parents have the knowledge or knowledge that can be used to teach their children at home. Therefore, the school can organize several training programs for parents to help their children, especially in helping children do their homework. Training sessions for the parents should be planned carefully by the school. This is to avoid misunderstandings parents that the school wants to teach them. Such sessions can be inserted in larger programs such as the Open Day or the school can invite an expert in the field of education for convening this session. This is to prevent parents think that teachers want to teach them because for some parents may have the feeling that they are better qualified or higher position in either the public or the profession of teachers of the school itself.

Question 1. Describe the role and benefits of parental involvement in school programs 2. What are the benefits that can be obtained through from house to house visits? 3. What is the strategy that perfectly arranged to further enhance cooperation between home and school?

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