Uber Ecological Analysis Project

  • April 2020
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Honors Biology The Westminster Schools Spring, 2009 Mr. Vermillion Term II Ecological Analysis Project During the fall and spring, rain increases and pools of water accumulate in the forests, fields and along the road sides. These vernal pools (spring pools) harbor a variety of organisms. Many of these are microscopic. In this exercise you’ll set up several pools in the laboratory and study them over a period of three to four weeks recording your observations along the way. At the end of the project, you’ll have produced a written report worth 240 points and you will have learned a great deal of biology too! We’ll begin the project by learning to recognize the pool denizens, learn of their natural history, and finish with an ecological study of the pool. This is an advanced project, so at first, it may seem overwhelming, but hundred’s of my former students have mastered the project in due time. The report well consist of the following: o A cover page (10 pts) o Twenty (20) data pages covering twenty (20) different organisms. (60 pts)

A food web of your pool (40 pts)

A PowerPoint Presentation (Assigned invertebrate) (40 pts)

Freshwater Ecosystem Journal (40 pts)

A brief essay (2-3 pages typed and double spaced) entitled, “Why My Pool is a Complex Ecosystem”. The essay will include at least 20 “ecological terms” (bold) used cogently as well as 10 genera (bold and italics) used as example organisms (e.g. used appropriately to illustrate their role in the environment). Base your essay on the data that you have collected and the research that you have done. Include an analysis of physical and chemical parameters. Use a standard format for your essay; thesis, body and concluding paragraphs. (40 pts) •

A works cited page (informal) (10 pts)


Due date: May 11, 2009

Guidelines for the Ecological Analysis Essay •

The essay is worth 40 points of the 240 for the project.

Type and double space the paper

Include at least 20 (total) vocabulary terms from chapters 45, 46, 47, 21, 22, and 25. Make sure that the terms are used cogently and bold face each of them. Also include the names of 10 genera used appropriately to illustrate their role in the environment. Bold face and italicizes these 10 names.

Base your essay on the data that you have collected and the research that you have done.

Use a standard format for your essay; thesis, body and concluding paragraphs.

Include an analysis of the chemical and physical parameters measured during the study.

Provide an informal works cited page.


Ecological Analysis Data Sheet Organism:

Date: /


Class: (op):


Initials: Structures: 1. 2. 3. 4.




Life Activities: Reproduction Locomotion Nutrition Circulation and Respiration Trophic Level Relative Abundance:


References: Ecological Analysis Sample Data Page Explanatory Notes General comments: Drawings should be made with a #2 pencil, free of obvious erasures and true to detail. All other writings should be in black ink. In some areas, whiteout is OK (as in 10 and 11 of the sample). Notes: 1. Print the organism’s genus (first letter capitalized) and underline. 2. For animals, print the phylum and for plants, print the division. 3. The class is optional. 4. Enter the date that you made the observations. 5. Your initials go here. 6. Identify four (4) structures and draw straight lines with arrow heads to the structures. If the lines cross, indicate as in the example (2 and 3). 7. Carefully draw the organism to scale as you observe it under the microscope. Be sure to use at least ½ the field diameter for the longest axis of your drawing. Adjust the microscope until you achieve these conditions. 8. Use a centimeter ruler and the measured field diameter to determine your scale. In the example, the drawing circle is about 9.5 cm in diameter and the actual microscopic field is about 2000 microns (1000 microns = 1 mm). Thus the scale is: 1 cm = 210 microns. Recall that you have four magnifications on your microscopes, therefore, you’ll expect to have four different field diameters depending on which magnification you use. 9. Record the magnification you used for each specimen. You may end up using all four magnifications during this project. 10. Write a brief description of the organism. 11. Refer to your texts and other sourced, and enter the life activities here as well as their trophic level. 12. Estimate the organism’s relative abundance: abundant, common, or rare. This is a quasi quantitative estimate. Make your best estimate, but don’t concern yourself with elaborate calculations.


13. Write down your references 14. Enter the project page number here.

Honors Biology Name _____________________________________________ Invertebrate Group: _________________________________ PowerPoint Presentation Project Invertebrates (animals without backbones) make up a large portion of the organisms inhabiting freshwater pools; therefore they are important members of the freshwater community. In this project, each of you will become an expert on a particular group of invertebrates. You’ll share your knowledge with your classmates via a PowerPoint presentation (PPP). You’ll have two hours lab time to prepare. Use a good search engine and enjoy! In your PPP you’ll adequately cover the following topics as well as any others that interest you (16 to 20 slides). Be sure to include many diagrams and photos to aid in understanding your organism’s life style and adaptations. Your last slide should include website credits (where you got your info). Due date: ____________. Presentation day! 40 points for an excellent project; others pro rated accordingly. Topics ______Classification: Kingdom, phylum, and class(es). Also include some typical genera (freshwater). ______Body plan: What type of body does it have? Radial or bilateral are your basic plans. ______Locomotion: How does a typical organism move. Describe the body parts they use. ______Food getting: How do they get (catch) their food? Again what body parts are used to do this. ______Reproduction: Discuss the typical reproduction means. Are they hermaphroditic? Explain. _______Circulation: Describe how a typical organism moves fluid through out its body. Any special circulatory organs? If so describe them. ______Respiration: How does a typical organism get its oxygen and expel carbon dioxide? Describe any anatomical parts associated with these processes. ______Ecological role: Here discuss its trophic level (herbivore, carnivore etc). Any special adaptations? ______Distribution: Were do these critters live (Streams, ponds, marshes etc.). Do they prefer certain temperatures and so on… ______Other: Your choice……



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