Uas Semester Ii 2009

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PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN SAMPANG UNIT PELAKSANA TEKHNIK PENDIDIKAN SMA NEGERI 2 SAMPANG Jl. Mangkubumi No. 36 (0323) 321718 sampang 69215 UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER II TAHUN PELAJARAN 2008/2009 MATA PELAJARAN : BHS. INGGRIS KELAS /PROGRAM : II / IPA / IPS WAKTU : 90 MENIT PART I Choose the correct answer a , b , c , d or e Text 1 IT”S OFFICIAL – Women’s skin ages faster than men’s Doctors at Jerusalem University have found that even below the age of 40, woman have 40 % wrinkle than men. Among people over 60 years old, woman are 75 % more wrinkled than men. Research also shows that both men and women who smoke are more wrinkle than those who do not smoke. Also women who are heavy smokers risk developing coarse, gray skin. The researchers are trying to identify the hormones responsible for keeping the skin smooth and youthful. 1. Doctors at Jerusalem University Concluded that……….. a. women look older easily than men b. women look younger than men c. men get older easily than women d. women who like smoking have smooth skin e. men have 75 % possibility to become wrinkled 2. The researchers are trying to find out…. a. the process of wrinkled b. how to keep the skin smooth and youthful c. the process of becoming old d. how to keep women younger than men e. the heavy smokers have low risk to become wrinkled. 3. Which of the words below has similar meaning to “ wrinkle “ ? a. dark spot skin b. d. small fold or line in the skin c. dry and stiff skin d. skin allergic to something e. c. dark and dirty skin 4. . ……… are more wrinkled than those who do not smoke. The word “ those “ refers to…...

a. b. c. d. e.

men d. research women research, men and women c. both men and women

5. Which of this statement is true according to the text ? a. men are more wrinkled than women in the age of 60 years. b. men are the same wrinkled as the women in over 60 years old. c. women are more wrinkled than men below the age of 60 years. d. men are more wrinkled than women in the same age. e. woman are more wrinkled than men in over 60 years old. Text 2

6. Jim

: Let me help you with that Mrs. Lies. Mrs. Lies : Well, Thank you, Jim. Why don’t you get the hoe and loosen the soil in that flower bed for me ? Where did the conversation most probably take place ? a. In a boat b. In the garden c. e. In a flower shop d. In a market e. In a hospital Text 3

7. Rien

: How do you like your new job, Bill ? Bill : Fine, this week I have been reading the financial reports and studying the books. Next week I will probably start to handle some of the accounts. what does Bill do for a living ? a. He is a librarian. b. He is a novelist. c. He is a Professor. d. He is an accountant. e. He is a reporter.

Text 4 Outstanding opportunity with local real corporation. Requires strong background in real estate, financing, closing. Some legal training helpful. Prefer candidat with M.A. and two or more years of successful real estate experience. Broker’s license required. Salary range $ 16,000 - $ 23,000 commensurate with education and experience. Begin immediately. Interviews will be conducted Tuesday and Thursday, June 10 and 12. call for an appointment 243-1153, or send a letter of application and resume to : Personnel Department Executive Real Estate Corporation 500 Capital Aveneue Lawrence, Kansas 67884 8. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for the job advertised ? a. An M.A b. At least two years experience c. A broker’s license d. Strong background in financing e. Extensive legal training 9. The salary range indicates that a. Every applicants would earn $ 23,000 b. Everyone earn a beginning salary of $ 16,000 c. Candidates with an M.A would earn $ 23,000 d. Some applicants would earn less than $ 16,000 e. The salary depens upon the amount of education and work experience that the applicants has. 10. What should an interested candidat submit with his or her application ? a. A request for employment b. A. phone book c. A personal letter d. A current address and telephone number e. A signed contract 11. This passage would most probably be found in a. the classified section of a newspaper b. a phone book c. a journal d. a college catalogue e. a dictionary Text 5 Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure of the quantity of water in the form of either rain, hail, or snow which

reaches the ground. The average annual precipitation over the whole of the United State is thirty – six inches. It should be understood however, that a foot of snow is not equal to a foot of precipitation. A general formula for computing the precipitation of snow fall is that thirty – eight inches of snow is equal to one inch of precipitation. In New York State, for example, seventy – six inches of snow in one year would be recorded as only two inches of precipitation. Forty inches of rain would be recorded as forty inches of precipitation. The total annual precipitation would be recorded as forty – two inches. 12. The term precipitation includes a. only rainfall b. rain, hail, and snow c. rain, snow, and humidity d. only snow fall e. hail, snow, and humidity 13. What is the average annual rainfall in inches in the United State ? a. Thirty – six inches b. Forty – two inches c. seventy – six inches d. Forty inches e. thirty – eight inches 14. If a state has 152 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation ? a. by two feet b. by four inches c. by four feet d. by two inches e. by 152 inches 15. Another word which is often used in place of precipitation is a. snow b. rainfall c. rain – snow d. humidity e. wetness Text 6 Baker : It seems to me that the question is not wheter the metric system should be introduced in the United State, but rather, how it should be introduced. Weny : I think that it should be done gradually to give everyone enough time to adjust. Man : Yes.. Perhaps we could even have two system for a while. I mean, we could keep the English system and use metric as an optional system.

Weny : That’s what they seem to be doing. When you go to the grocery store, look at the labels on the cans and packages. They are marked in both ounces and grams. Tom : Right, I’ve notice that too. And the weather reporters on radio and TV give the temperature readings in both degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celcius now. Weny : Some road sign have the distances marked in both miles and kilometers, especially on the interstate highways. What do you think, Professors Baker ? Baker : Well, I agree that a gradual adoption is better for those of us who have already been exposed to the English system of measurement. But I would favor teaching only metrics in the elementary schools. Tom : I see your point. It might be confusing to introduce two system at the same time. 16. What is the topic under discussion ? a. Whether to introduce the metric system in the United State b. Which system is better – the English system or the metric system c. How the metric system should be introduced in the United State. d. How to convert measurements from the English system to the metric system. e. How to compare measurement from the English system to the metric system. 17. What changes in measurement in the United State have the student observed? a. Grocery stores use only metric for their packaging b. Road sign have miles marked on them, but not kilometers. c. Now the weather on radio and TV is reported exclusively in metrics. d. Both the English system and the metric system is being used on sign, packages, and in the weather reports. e. Only the English system is being used on signs, packages, and in weather reports. 18. What was Professor Baker’s Opinion ? a. He thought that only metrics should be used. b. He thought that only the English system should be used.

c. He thought that adults should use both systems, but that children should be taught only the metric system. d. He thought that both systems should be taught to bottle adults children. e. He thought that a gradual adoption would be better for everyone. 19. Which word best describes professor Baker’s Attitude toward his students ? a. un friendly b. speculative c. uninterested d. patronizing e. cooperative

20. Tom : “ I see your point ………” The underline word means ………. a. Like b. Agree c. Understand d. Watch e. Know Text 7 I was driving to work one morning last week when I noticed a sports car behind me. The driver wanted to overtake me but there was a lot of traffic coming in the opposite direction. The sport car pulled out several times but could not pass me. We came to a short hill and I saw the sport car move across the road behind me and start to pass. The driver tried to accelerate bur for some reason his car would not go farter. His car was would not go faster. His car was alongside mine but could not pass. Then, while the sport car was still beside my car, I noticed a truck coming over the top of the hill towards us. I thought about braking to let the car pass, but by now there were two or three slower cars ahead of me, so slowing down night not help. The sport car driver now had to overtake me and the other cars in front of me. It was impossible, the truck was approaching quickly. As it came towards us. The sport car swerved towards me, forcing me to turn sharply, too. My car skidded of the road and collided with a wall. The sport car also slid across the road and hit the wall a few meters from me. We were not seriously injured, but both our cars were quite badly damaged. 21. in what time of the day did the story happen ? a. at noon b. d. in the evening c. in the morning

d. in the afternoon e. last week 22. who wanted to overtake the writer’s car ? a. the driver of other car b. d. the driver of the writer’s car c. the driver of the truck d. the driver of car ahead the writer e. the driver of the sport car 23. the drivwr could not overtake the writer’s car because ……. a. the street was slippery b. his car could not go faster c. a truck coming over the top of the hills d. there was a lot of traffic coming in the opposite direction e. the sport car moved across the road and start opposite direction 24. What happened to the writer at the end of story ? a. he hit the wall b. d. the sport car hit him c. he got accident d. the sport car overtook him e. he injured badly

25. which statement is not true according to the text ? a. the traffic was heavy b. only the writer’s car was badly damage c. the sport car slid across the road d. none of the drivers was seriously injured e. the truck was coming over the top of the hill Text 8 The sun was getting warm as Philip put on his skates and prepared to go for a run. At the edge of the lake the ice was still quite hard, and he did not seem to realize there was any danger, but nearer the middle of the lake the warm sun had already begun to melt the ice. After making a few practice turns, Philip set out with long sweeping strides to cross the lake at its widest point. In order to make himself go faster, he tried to race his own shadow as it fell on the ice ahead of him. When he was about half way across, crunch!- the weak ice suddenly broke beneath his weigh, and with a splash he fell through it. All the air was sucked out of his lungs by the shock of the freezing water biting into his body so that for twenty or thirty seconds afterwards he was not even able to

scream. Then at last he found hid voice, shouted for help, and almost immediately afterwards blacked out. When he opened his eyes again, he was lying in bed in his own home, with his father bending anxiously over him. You should have known better than to do a silly thing like that were the first comfortless words he heard after his narrow escape. 26. The text is about…… a. Philip played skating in the icy lake. b. How Philip practiced skating in the icy lake c. Philip fell into the icy lake when skating there d. How Philip got an accident when skating in the icy lake e. Philip got an accident when trying to race his shadow. 27. The mail idea of paragraph one is……. a. The sun melts the ice in the icy lake b. The icy lake was dangerous for skating c. Philip made some preparation for skating d. Philip was in danger when skating in the icy lake e. The situation of the lake where Philip was to skate 28. …. And almost immediately afterwards balcked out. ( Paragraph 2 ) The bold – typed words mean….. a. he got into the dark water b. d. it was dark under the water c. he put on dark clothes d. he wasn’t able to see anything e. he didn’t know what was happening to him Text 9 U2 start bono and The Edge showed up unannounced and played as a warm up act at a charity concert in London. The show delighted the 250 people who had attended the fundraiser on Friday night for mencap, a charity that campaigns for equal rights for children and adults with learning disabilities. Don’t tell Larry ( Mullen ) and Adam ( Clayton ) we’ve done this, ‘bono joked about his two other band mates from the small stage at Union Chapel. Bono and The Edge – performing as a warm up act for Biffy Clyro, a Scottish rock band – played four of their songs : Stay, Desire, Angel of Harlem and Wave of Sorrow, a track written for their 1987 album Joshua tree. A member of the audience, Simon Dowling, 20, from Newcastle, said he was shocked when the U2 stars suddenly appeared on stage. I’ve

used all the battery on my phone taking pictures of them, ‘ he said – AP. 29. The text tell us about….. a. U2 stars Bono and The Edge performed at Union Chapel. b. U2 stars Bono and The Edge turned up at a charity Concert c. U2 stars Bono and The Edge had a campaign for Mencap d. U2 stars Bono and The Edge played for the fundraiser Mencap e. U2 stars Bono and The Edge entertained 250 fundraiser for Mencap 30. the concert was dedicated for….. a. a Scottish rock band Biffy Clyro. b. people who have learning disabilities c. the fundraiser on Friday night concert d. a campaign for people who have learning disabilities. e. Bono’s mates Larry Mullen and Adam Clayton. 31. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE ? a. larry Mullen and Adam Clayton are member of the Edge b. The audience was happy with the performance c. the audience hadn’t known that Bono would perform. d. Bono and The Edge performance in a non – profit concert e. The concert was to collect money for people with learning disabilities.

32. …. His other two band mates from….( par.3). the word mates can be best replaced with…. a. Folks b. teams c. Members d. Friends e. Partner Text 10 The Story of the smart Parrot A man in Puerto had a wonderful parrot. There wan no other parrot like him. He was very smart. This parrot would san any word – except one. He would not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was Catano. The man tired to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got

angry. “ You are a stupid bird! Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano, or I will kill you!” but the parrot would not say it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “ say Catano, or I’ll kill you !” but the bird wouldn’t talk. One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “ you are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.” In the chicken house there are four old chickens. They were for Sunday’s dinner. The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left. The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and s topped. He was very surprised at what he saw. He saw three dead chicken on the floor. The parrot was screaming at the fourth chicken, “ Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!” 33. What word couldn’t be said by the parrot ? a. except one b. town c. catano d. parrot e. smart 34. Which statement is true according to the text ? a. the parrot could say Catano b. The man eat the parrot for dinner c. Catano was the name at the parrot d. At the last parrot could say Catano e. The man never got angry at the parrot.

35. “ The Parrot was Screaming at the fourth chicken “ what does the underlined word mean ? a. smiling b. shouting c. laughing d. crying e. getting angry

36. This is the bank ……was robbed yesterday. a. b. c. d. e.

who which whose whom when

37. A boy…………….sister is in my class was in the bank at that time. a. who b. which c. whose

d. whom e. when 38. The man………………….robbed the bank had two pistols. a. who b. which c. whose d. whom e. when 39. Mr. Parker was very angry when …….. neighbors had a night party. …….. talked and turned on music loudly. a. His, his b. His, they c. He, his d. They, they e. His, he f. 40. Maya and friends went camping. ………..were free from school. …….. holiday would be fun and exiting. a. His, his b. Our, we c. He, his d. They, they e. we, our PART II ESSAY 1. When my father …….(come) home last night, I ………. (watch) tv in the living room. 2. Maia and Dany love ………. Children very much. ……….. always give …………………. Cares. 3. Write 2 sentences of past perfect tense! a. ………………………………… …………………….. b. ………………………………… …………………….. GOOD LUCK AND BE YOUR SELF ( By MUFDALIFAH, S.Pd)

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