U Must Be Medan Lang

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 718
  • Pages: 2
You might be Medan Lang if: -You carry handphone to pasar and call your neighbour "kha me lai ar, kia jit e kangkung ane phi lo" -You manage to buy expensive stuff to show you are rich. -You think durian is your life. -You think paret as a place to piss and shit. -You fly becak just go to nia ang pau. -You send your kids to US just for gengsi.. -You go to a park and drink 'liang teh' instead of kue ci seng. -You travel Medan-Penang more than 3 times a month. -You mix pisang and buan cu at the same time and you call it kolak. -You smell like shit when you smoke. -You have more credit cards than your name card. -You wish to have a car with "ang BK" forever. -You work for Kang Ho to get poor quick. -Your friends in jakarta call you "Medan Kui" -You call your friends in jakarta "pa sia khiau seng" -You call the girl next door "Siau Po" -You have been to a motel in "Pua Sua" -You ever been in "Te kut keng" -Your stomach growls when you don't eat "Kalimantan Asek e toktok" for a day. -You talk even your neighbour were sleep. -You use a sand paper instead of toilet paper in the bathroom. -You eat kue tiau goreng in the morning. -You prefer Christian Dior or YSL than red A or Mirabella. -You don't think Pak Anwar is funny. -You know Pak Tungtung more than Anton medan. -You carry a 10 Kilos of kue Bika Ambon whenever you travel to jakarta. -Driving a motor cycle with helmet will embarrasses you. -You listen to "Wang Cing Nien" song even you prefer "Teng Lie Cin". -You are willing to travel 25 miles to buy a thing that you think will Rp. 25 Cheaper. -You are "Dreaming of a winter and snowing chinese new year" -You are very good at avoiding police officer. -You have ever step on shit when you get in to the public phone beside the street. -You have ever successfully put Rp.10.000 in your pasport to pass the immigration officer. -You have ever successfully put envelope in your suitcase to pass a customs officer. -You have extra pocket to put USD and pin it with peniti when you go abroad. -You tight a pita to your kopor as a sign. -You have ever wear a sandal jepit to shopping center. -You have ever compare naik taxi or naik becak mesin lebih murah. -You do your shopping in Pasar Ramai. -You bring your whole family or even neighbour to a wedding party. -You know exactly how many people living in the same street with you. -You have ever eaten sate padang in Jln. Kalimantan. -You realized how to puak kiau before you were born. -The first thing that comes to mind when hearing the word "Jakarta" is "Juak" -You use the terms "An cua Abi, lu ciak sai liau boi?", "Ai khi ta lok? Ai khi ciak hong", "Ciak pa bo kang co", "ce kai anna bo ka si, bo tua bo se", "bak ci ho sai ko", "ca me cap tiam tok tiok thang", "Lam tua chiu", as a basis term. -Your daily conversation may include your neighbours. -If your neighbour buy a new car, you will say "pasti ho be lap tiok" -If the lady next door coming home late, you will say "pasti co phai e" -If you meet somebody you hate, you will say "phui chau nua"

-If your neighbour buy one, you will buy two. -If you see somebody like Awen, you will say "pasti sukarame e kha" -Your whole class has ever eating in the class. -You have ever spent the night at Kuan Te Kong and Thiu chiam Khui Yen in the chinese new year eve. -You like the smell of your toe. -You have ever ridden in a motor vehicle with 3 peoples or more. -You use bang hio more than baygon in your house. -You have at least 1 pair of Bakiak in your house. -You always compare your kids class ranking with another: "Lu e kia gia te kui mia? Wa e kia gia te it mia lo". [ciak pa sio eng] -You always ask your friend: "how much is your child?"

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