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  • Words: 1,138
  • Pages: 3
American tyranny is running riot all over the world especially in Muslim nations and societies. The US military escalation in Afghanistan today totally betrays Obama's promise of a 'better future' for the Islamic world. Are death dealing missiles and bombs falling out of the sky the very vision of this so-called 'better future' ? Is this what Obama envisage for the Muslim world ? Is it the genuine idea of a 'better future' ? Americans are recalcitrant liars and American society worships its own homegrown brand of hypocrisy and double standards in a very most shameless manner. This is the inescapable tyranny for the rest of the world to bear for accepting the US as master. Americans boastfully proclaim that their system is perfect and the best. But their society was built on the sufferings of the weaker segments of their society. The native Indians, the long suffering slaves, the immigrant labour groups who often found themselves abused and discriminated are conveniently forgotten. This is the tyranny of the deeply entrenched and consolidated big lie of American history. The sufferings of others are very conveniently dismissed and forgotten. George Bush junior was among the most tyrannical of all modern day national leaders. He invaded, slaughtered and caused ruin to defenceless countries just merely to satisfy his ego and in the process put on notice that America could pretty much do as it pleased. It was either 'you are with us or you are not with us'. This is the way of the tyrant. And Bush was the biggest and baddest of them all. The evil of the Bush dynastic tyranny. Americans are proud of their brain power, their computer skills and their ability to manipulate a thousand and one things. The reckless speculation and high octane wheeling-dealing on their trading floors forced world commodity and financial markets to go into a tailspin in late 2008 and caused the entire world to plunge headlong into a deep economic freeze. Rogue businessmen in many American cities conned the innocent, the helpless and the clueless into parting with their life savings and helped to build the tyranny of high flying capitalistic swindlers. Though there's a new man in the White House nothing has changed. The tyranny of American militarism, capitalism, imperialism and unbounding political insobriety is still as suffocating as ever. America still has the habit of occupying land and territory that does not belong to them. Yes, it's Guantanamo Bay. Eleswhere, a criminal who wears an American uniform is safe from prosecution even though he's been known to have committed a crime. Nothing really has changed. The tyranny is still as overbearing as ever. America is the most dangerous threat to world peace and security today. Nothing has changed. The US becomes easily agitated if a mere insignificant fly so much dared to buzz a US base, yet the same US would not think twice of sending their very best, latest and very hi-tech aircraft or ship to buzz other people's areas. It is the tyranny of the unfair and the unjust. America is the land of the gluttonous and the wasteful. The man who calls himself its citizen is the one saying: one for me, one

for me, one for you and one for me. He requires three pieces of bread for one piece needed by you. He is unmoved if you point it out to him that he is having more than his fair share. Instead he gets so agitated and starts lecturing you about this and that. It is nothing less than the tyranny of the most gluttonous state in the world exercising its unrestrained desire to take or even seize an unfair share of what it was entitled to. The US is about the only country in the world to have used every type of weapon of mass killing or maiming. From the time of WW2 to Indochina to Iraq and Afghanistan, American forces have either legally or illegally used high incendiary, napalm, phosphorous or delayed-action bombs to attack its adversaries. These weapons are known to kill and injure civilians far more often than soldiers. Thus the US is rightfully the most callous and murderous state in the world. Together with the UK, the US perfected the art of the so-called carpet bombing or area bombing which was designed to not only wipe out and make a place unihabitable but also to break the morale and spirit of the civilian population to prepare them for their inevitable conquest & subjugation. This is the tyranny of the unbridled warmonger who has been allowed to have no equal. The US is the only nation in the world to possess military bases in all corners of the globe with the added bonus of a military alliance strongly entrenched in Europe. This allows it to impose its will on all others, especially weak nations, who do not have the ability to say 'no'. This is the tyranny of the sharp & evil sword wielded by a big evil military octopus whose blades are as almost as innumerable as its tentacles. The US is a country that has seen it most fit to practise double standards in order to preserve its hold over the world. It wants all others to do its bidding. All the time. The US declared many nations as terrorist but right now it is the one spreading terror across the globe. Civilians who get killed are victims of terror and the nation that has done the most of such civilian killing is none other than the US. This is simply the tyranny of the terror state that is unable to view itself in the mirror. The US has virtually taken the whole UNSC hostage and made a big mockery of the body. Its ability to make fair judgements and do justice to international problems and disputes has been greatly compromised. This is the result of big power tyranny by the West specifically the US. Despite the change in leadership, the US is still merrily going about its work as the world's biggest tyrant. Its tyranny is in fact running over all of us and growing by the day. Still there is always a limit to every thing, the life of the tyrant and its tyranny included. One day, a new power will rise and smash this tyrant to pieces and put away its tyranny for good. The words will then come true: The great nation is gone. In just one hour she lost everything. These words are still as relevant as ever, even to us who live today. The present tyranny of the US will not be allowed to exercise its hold on us for always. In the far-off future it will inevitably get destroyed.

For more views on the evil and tyrannical US, go to www.pdfcoke.com/jimmyfung40

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