Nc Prr.rPrNAs *S
l" of 5 Pag€3 'fHE PHILIPPIN IiS
02 October2009 Dear Kababayan, (DSWD),the As specifiedby the Departmentof Socialwelfare and Development followingis the list of priority rElief need6 of Filipinofamiliesadverselyaffectedby TyphoonOndoyin the Philippines: 1 . Food 2 . Non-Food
Mats Blankets Flashlight Lampg Emergency Tenls Generators WalerContainer bars,femininenapkins) laundry, ioothpaste, HygieneKits(Bathsoap,toothbrush, r .
Babydiapers Slippers
donationscan be sentdirectlyto the DSWD. Donorsare advised The non-monetary to submita bill of lading,packinglist or invoice,deed of donalionduly authenticatedby the PhilippineConsulateOfficefrom pointof originto the DWSDas the recommending Ofiiceto availof the dutyfree privilege. The PhilippineConsulateGeneralin San Franciscois also attachingthe prioritylist of medicineand othermedicalsuppliesto be sentto the Departmentof Health(DOH)in in San Franciscoand the BayArea the Phifippines.Onceagain,I thankour kababayans effort. and assistanceto this humanitarian for their contributions
'u7 Suue,Sftct, ff Fl@r, Philippnt Lt .r Bnildins, Sar Frurisco, c,!. 9'1108 Websilc. $a.philippincons'r]al.{t-ory Tet {,Ui).$.}6666; Fd: (415)421-9641;E-man:s[zriaoF€2001@r'ah6.om;
2d of 5 pag6
Cara ?orthq Wound . Oi5idectints / Ethyl Alcthol / 9ovldona lodina 7 Hydr9gen Petgtldt . Cottgnl ' glsrlle 9l$1e r Plast€t Drugj .' -Antlmlctobial '-7 "iiiiacrriir r' / / ,T
. . .
, 60 ml.bottL (rt todl izs ms/5 ml.FUll€rfor tyieP/tu5p€n.lon
Clotrctltln 5OOmg aFb Cloxaci.lin(diop5 ) Anioxiilllin Co.alrroxi(iav
(!t lodluin salt)
Supportlv€Thcdpy r' l,,lat€natnlc ACld / tbuorotbn fetrnua Toxold(o,lmlf!mP) A13 l'600 unlt/lmp' 5'000 mltt/sip)
Athlat€bfoot . Aotltungaldrugt uoosr L..plrttotv TlEct tnt€.tlorl (Gdrunoi Gdldalnd couahl . Atdblotics / Amocirillin . Pan€trmoll ' Sllbut mot 2 me. /5 ml' syltl& 60 nd. botdr (rt Sq||ate) . 56lbutlmol I 9, trblrt ($ rdf.lc) . grlbuutmotrcrplr.fory loltrdor 2.t{./2.5 ]nl' (tlnllc do3c)(|r sqltrte) . sllhrtlnol (Ncbul.r ) . Lagundl300 m9.bblet ( Ylbr rqudo, L. (f!m,Vcrbbnff€ce)), 10019!r box . lrgrndl 300 m9. 5 rnl, rynrp, l:ut tttl. lotile { vitet nsgundo,L (Fem'vctbbrscsl€ . cr.boclrrt€ln (250 tn$ to ntor) . Carbo
3d ofls P.ges
D-iltlbEl . oRS , Pe(:inlYte rvohold tgYttr -. Antlbidica l"i-rtLiimprr"nrcol 12r ng/rtL a|P' 60 ]nl ( " P'lmitrtc) / Chtor.nrDhonlcol 500ntl ErFf
r iJri-ioiirorr zoonrg'-tufuibtt , ioclrnqrarolc,l00mg.rdfrodrtdr ,
Cotdmorarol€ t00 mg. adt|lldlrolt
p'r.5 tnl" gDnl' b*' + 40ng' tiimGthoprim + 80n9' trlm'thopdmtaD|cl. + 160 m9. trlmetnoFrlm tE|xet
Eva lrriiralotl
. opth mic dropr . oirhlhrlmicOhtln.nt
Us. . . . .
pa,"cat"tot 2Eon9, /r nl' r|nDrarf.lrJon , co rnl boRl€(at'ohol fr6) P.rr6trfiol t00 rng. bbLt I{rlo{Uonll 3uppt.nint (A-ar. I oood!" Vltlmln a) IicorblElcld (Vlt nln C)t6tn'|ln|€t I i"oilii i"ia iw"twn ci td tn!,/t td' tvruP,60 nL bottlg
trm olnttrenl
Bx!$![rien . .
f€dlDln. 5 mg, csPqlla M.tro;ol6l 1o0 rng. trlr.t (r Tr.t
9X|LDr|ue gultur .
ohtsitcnt 10 '!A, 30g|trnr Et
!v Fluidr !, De*tror€ 2. D5Ln,lL l2'e 3. O! NM,1L12',' 4. D5 0.1t{ecl500 cq 241 5. DEIMB, 5O0€a24!
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Solstion WaterPurlfying 1. ltwo.or Medical SrjPPll€5
1. Iv c.nnuli !rs Can'rulaglt i. 3. tv Clnnulag2o 4.:VCtnnul'E2r 5. Mrnnula 912 6. tV C.nnuh gzl 7, Infudon Setof Pedll
!r mtw'n'Gdt') ?i,:'T'iffi' I llHi"X 10.€ottDn ll.Alcohol ptr4l" 12,Hydtog'n
lli"#rJ"i,::t'"T; tt. Elarticgln'tag$ l!,cl tngFl'rtrr lt.Cotton
il''I#Ti',1"?t*" 21.llctchlng 8oL
Glovsr 2t,gsrglcrl babj{) ool'absof ,O** oornr '|€dqAbsoEabio' il:ffi
illii',ff"1T,5ms*' I3. flffsil tltl.|ltlncnitor 4. EC6nitchids
o'i I'htsou't') ;: BH,:|!$ru;BIHT** r.frllar.td! 7 ebo.l 8. Csttrlluga 9. Whr.l.d Strstth€r 10. Portrblr gener.to.. (di40
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Chdera |(it : FarnllyH€.lth xitr FirgtAld Kits 4, Hygi€nGKits W6undDressinEklt5