$,ScTit -Se^-g
con' 1s34'ot J61a,,a*6^,,-
DC-6022 !
(3 Hours) N.B.: (1) (2) (3) (4) Q. 1
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QuestionNo. 1 is compulsory FromQuestionNos. 2lo 7 atiempt any four questions. Drawneat diagramswherevern"""""1..r.Frguresto the right indicatemaximum marXs.
[Totat Marks : 100 ', r i i
a Explain howtheoutputModure in ARp updates thecachetabre? b Whentheinternet running Rlp becomes unstable ? 'How c do remoteinvocations work? How do RMr crientscontact remoteRMIservers? d Writethecodeforthefollowing: The serverprogramshourdcreateand bihdto a socket,at a werknownportand ristenfor crientconnections. once it receivesdata from a crient,it shourdechothis backto the crieni and crosethe connection. e whataretherestrictions andpotentiar probrems withwLAN!
4 4 4 4
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maximumste or rcp header?what is the mini'rrm sizeor rcp t header? b what is coRBA?Whatdoesit do?what is coRBA goodfor?what is ORB? what is socket?which functioncreatessor;keta'd what are its arguments? Whatis thepurpose of eachargument? Q.3
Drawthe lP packetformatand explajneachof .itsfield.which fields
of the lP header change from router to router?
b Writetheprograms forthefollowing usingRMI:
i. ii.
To invokea remotemethodto findrengthof a string. To invokea remotemethodto for changingthe case of
lettersin a givenstring. ' c Enumerate thebenefitsof WirelessLAN. Q.4 'a ln caseof ospF p;'otocol, explainthefollowing terminology . i.
metric tink
what differenttypesof linkexists?what is the purposeof eachlink type? b write a client/ serverapplication wherea clientcontactstheserver to obtainpresent time.UseSoc(etandServerSocket. Explain thesetupof lnfrastructure LAN.
4 8
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Con.1S34-DC-6O22-OS.' ' :
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,Q.5aWhat.differenttypesofmessagesBGPuses?Exp|a|nuseofeach"8 . MessageTYPe? o .u to coRBA explainthefollowingin detail. b with reference
'.. i.'ffi::i:lilfiiT'"^suase(rDL).
c A TCp connectionis in the ESfneUtSi{ED stite. The following eventsoccurone afteranother: sendsa "Close"message' The application i. '
'An ACK segmentis received'
What is the state of the connectiohafter each event? What is the actionaftereach event?
e. 6 '
Whatarethe ditferenttimersthat Algorithm. a Writethe Rlp Updating eachin brief' Ex'plain existsto supportRIPoperation? . b Withthe hilp of a neatdiagramdescribethe RMIarchitecture. Iin case transfer daiatranster ="^;;t^"thediff:rent ain.ro.ttechnologies :mentdata to implement c Explain
8 I 4
for TCPconnection e. Z a Explainthethreewav' handshakem'ethod ' Establishment. \ jt to sendan eventto an RMI fora client possible b Whatis RMI?ls RMIand between Whatis thedifference object,andvic:,rersa? CORBA? RARPreplypacketsare c TheRARpreq:estpacketsarebroadcast;