Lesson Plans for Week 29 March 18-22
Teacher: Howard Subject: ELA
Block: 1, 2, & 3
Types of Instruction Utilized: Modeling Guided Practice Independent Practice Whole Group Instruction
Semester: 2
Small Group Instruction Hands On Activities Other:
Morning Work: Unpack, Copy HW
Activity: 7:50-8:30 PE all week Focus Groups: 8:30-9:10- LLI Cycle 4- MAP group Cycle 4/ IXL/Make Up Work/ Reflex Standard 8: Analyze characters, settings, events, and ideas as they develop and interact within a particular context. Standard 11: Analyze and provide evidence of how the author’s choice of point of view, perspective, and purpose shape content, meaning, and style. Standard 13: Read independently and comprehend a variety of texts for the purposes of reading for enjoyment, acquiring new learning, and building stamina; reflect on and respond to increasingly complex text over time. Monday
Reader’s Workshop
TSW examine test taking skills TSW read fluently with monitoring and comprehension TSW create a TDA
TTW review test taking strategies with brainpop and create anchor chart- See picture of RELAX anchor chart before
Guided/Independent Reading
Writer’s Workshop
TTW meet with Groups 3 and 4 TSW go to library and read independently or respond to text
TTW review TDA and strategies with RACES- show examples from state department and discuss positive/negative parts
TSW help create the anchor chart of strategies- give each table group the character paragraph so they can work together
TSW review TDA as a class and discuss what makes a good TDAshare their TDAs from last week
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EQ: How can we use the text to help describe someone's character? Tuesday TSW examine
Reader’s Workshop
Guided/Independent Reading
TTW review test taking strategies
TTW meet with Groups 1 and 2
Writer’s Workshop- TDA School Wide Write
Test Quiz
test taking skills TSW read fluently with monitoring and comprehension TSW create a TDA
with anchor chart and watch character song- model examples of character traits
TSW go to library and read independently or respond to text
Essay Teacher Observation Project Journal Entries Exit Slips
Reader’s Workshop
TSW examine test taking skills TSW read fluently with monitoring and comprehension TSW create a TDA
TTW review test taking strategies TTW meet with Groups 3 and 4 with anchor chart and watch setting TSW go to library and read brainpopjr- model examples of independently or respond to text setting TSW each table group should complete “Family Reunion” and discuss EQ: How can we use the text to describe the setting?
TTW review TDA strategies- discuss how to answer yesterday’s TDA
Reader’s Workshop
Guided/Independent Reading
Writer’s Workshop
TSW examine test taking skills TSW read fluently with monitoring and comprehension TSW create a TDA
TTW review test taking strategies with anchor chart and watch POV brainpop TSW each table group should complete “Coyote Hill” and discuss EQ: How can we use the text to find the POV?
TTW meet with Groups 1 and 2 TSW go to library and read independently or respond to text
TTW model answering the TDA and receive input from the students
Reader’s Workshop
Guided/Independent Reading
TSW each table group should complete “Laundry Duty” and discuss EQ: How can we use the text to help describe someone's character? Guided/Independent Reading
Writer’s Workshop
TSW work in groups to discuss answers- share TDAs under the document camera and discuss positives/ negatives
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TSW discuss in groups how to write the introduction, body, and conclusion
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Writer’s Workshop
TSW examine test taking skills TSW read fluently with monitoring and comprehension TSW create a TDA
TTW review idioms with song and model test taking strategies TSW work as a whole group to review idioms as time allows EQ: How can we make our writing more interesting? ELA for Today Assessment
F&P assessments and portfolios
TTW lead a discussion of possible free writing topics TSW free write as time allows
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Lesson Plans for Week 30 March 25-29
Teacher: Howard Subject: ELA
Block: 1, 2, & 3
Types of Instruction Utilized: Modeling Guided Practice Independent Practice Whole Group Instruction
Semester: 2
Small Group Instruction Hands On Activities Other:
Morning Work: Unpack, Copy HW
Activity: 7:50-8:30 Innov8 all week Focus Groups: 8:30-9:10- LLI Cycle 4- MAP group Cycle 4/ IXL/Make Up Work/ Reflex Standard 13: Read independently and comprehend a variety of texts for the purposes of reading for enjoyment, acquiring new learning, and building stamina; reflect on and respond to increasingly complex text over time. Standard 12: Analyze and critique how the author uses structures in print and multimedia texts to shape meaning and impact the reader. Standard 6: Summarize key details and ideas to support analysis of thematic development. Standard 7: Analyze the relationship among ideas, themes, or topics in multiple media, formats, and in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities. Monday
Reader’s Workshop
TSW analyze literature, poetry, and drama TSW read fluently with monitoring and comprehension TSW create a TDA
TTW review test taking strategies with RELAX- review different types of literature: stories, drama, and poems with pg. 72-73 then watch brainpop on drama TSW read examples of drama and poetry and answer questions as a group- discuss as a class EQ: How can we know what type of literature we are reading?
Guided/Independent Reading
TTW meet with Groups 3 and 4 TSW go to library and read independently or respond to text
Writer’s Workshop TTW review TDA and strategies with RACES- model how to highlight/ analyze question and use strategies to start TDA- provide time to share their thinking- possibly have time to model an introduction TSW pull up “Climb to the Sky” in Google classroom- analyze by highlighting and discuss with table groups how to answer the TDAshare as a class- possibly start an introduction
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Reader’s Workshop
Guided/Independent Reading
Writer’s Workshop
TSW analyze literature, poetry, and drama TSW read fluently with monitoring and comprehension TSW create a TDA
TTW review different types of fiction: myth, legend, folktale, fairy tale, and fable with pg. 84-85 then watch brainpop on theme TSW share examples of each genre as teacher leads discussion- read “The Gnat and the Bull” answer questions and discuss
TTW meet with Groups 1 and 2 TSW go to library and read independently or respond to text
TTW review the TDA question and answer-read intro out loud- model highlighting evidence as class discusses how to answer- model if time allows at the end to close lesson
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TSW find evidence of Doug’s patience and carefulness to share with the class and highlight- begin writing body paragraphs and share as time allows
EQ: How can we know what type of literature we are reading? Wednesday
Reader’s Workshop
Guided/Independent Reading
Writer’s Workshop
TSW analyze literature, poetry, and drama TSW read fluently with monitoring and comprehension TSW create a TDA
TTW review test taking strategies with RELAX- review how to compare and contrast (alike/different) use examples from practice- then watch flocabulary song
TTW meet with Groups 3 and 4 TSW go to library and read independently or respond to text
TTW review TDA strategies- read aloud body paragraph to reviewallow time to finish body paragraphs TSW work in groups to discuss answers and share body paragraphsedit and revise: discuss good things they have done and what they should add to their writing
TSW read stories about “Brian” and answer questions as a table group- share and discuss as a class
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EQ: How do you compare and contrast? Thursday
Reader’s Workshop
Guided/Independent Reading
Writer’s Workshop
TSW analyze literature, poetry, and drama TSW read fluently with monitoring and
TTW review how illustrations and maps help the reader with the examples from the practice bookanswer and discuss as a class
TTW meet with Groups 1 and 2 TSW go to library and read independently or respond to text
TTW review TDA strategies- model closing paragraph- allow time to finish body paragraphs and start closing
Test Quiz Essay Teacher Observation Project
comprehension TSW create a TDA
TSW complete cumulative assessment independentlycontinue working while guided reading groups are pulled Answer in google form
TSW work in groups to finish closings and share with a friend at their table- edit and revise: discuss good things they have done and what they should add to their writing
Journal Entries Exit Slips
EQ: Why are illustrations important? Friday
Reader’s Workshop
Guided/Independent Reading
TSW analyze literature, poetry, and drama TSW read fluently with monitoring and comprehension TSW create a TDA
TTW review directions for assessments and RELAX strategies
F&P assessments and portfolios
TSW allow time to finish cumulative assessment and ELA for Today ELA for Today Assessment
Writer’s Workshop TTW allow students to share good examples of TDA’s under the document camera- lead a discussion of possible free writing topics TSW finish TDA’s and free write as time allows
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