Two Churches #1063

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Two Churches tape 1063 PO '01 Two churches. Very Biblical. Very serious and something we need be made aware of because…first let's take the word most commonly used, let's say in the book of revelation about churches, it would better be translated assemblies. It's where people assemble together and they make up the body of Christ. Alright. Which is the old German word kurch or church. And, I tell you, let us get right into it. We ask a word of wisdom from our Father and I see Dennis left his notes up here…wow, that looks like a good sermon. It sure does… open your Bibles if you would to the great book of Matthew. We are to head about chapter 16. What did Christ do when he formed the church? You know, you need to pay attention to Him because He is the head. And what He advises is ever so important, that is if you want to be successful. And I think you know as long as you try, you should be, and I guarantee you if you do it God's way, you always will be. That is just the way it is. That's His promise and if you meet His conditions, you can rest assuredSo opening your Bibles to chapter 16 the great book of Matthew, let's pick it up if we may verse 6. Where Christ will soon be talking about forming His church. "Then Jesus said unto them `take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and saducees'" and of course, leaven spiritually means sin. Beware of sin that comes in from that quarter or any quarter. Verse 7. "and they reasoned among themselves saying `it is because we have taken no bread'" isn't it strange how people wonder about their stomachs so much, isn't it? I guess when you are a wayfaring person in those days back out on the trails, a piece of bread could be very important. But can you imagine walking with the master and not following His thought? And it is easy for us to say that now, that's Monday back quarterbacking or whatever you call it, you know, but it makes one wonder. Verse 8. "which when Jesus perceived" He can read your mind "He said unto them, `o ye of little faith'" now the little girl from Tyre in the prior chapter had said even concerning bread in verse 27 of the prior chapter said `and she said `truth Lord, yet the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from the master's table' and Jesus answered and said `o woman, great is thy faith' she was listening to Him. They are not. These disciples are not listening. Not thinking. Do you know what the real truth is? They weren't focused and that is what I was talking about this morning. You've got to be focused on God's Word. Think what it is He has a message to you, it doesn't matter what man thinks. This man or any other man. Stay focused on the head of the church which is to say Christ. Jesus told

them right to their face. "O ye of little faith. Why reason ye among yourselves because you have brought no bread? Do you not yet understand neither remember the five loaves and the five thousand and how many baskets you took up?" there were twelve baskets of crumbs left over in the miracle of that feeding. Stop and think for a moment. What do you get when you pick up a bunch of crumbs? Do you listen to crumbs or do you listen to the Lord? Naturally it meant when you are dealing with Christ you don't have to worry about bread, there is more than enough to go around. But there is something else that He wants you to be aware of. He just warned. Beware of the doctrine. And anytime you gather a group like that together, you are going to have some oddballs there. Squirrels sent directly by satan to disrupt. That's what He is talking about. When He forms His church, He does not expect church leaders to tolerate that. And you shouldn't. Verse 10. "and neither the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many baskets you took up" well, how many was there? There was seven. Meaning again, you can even call this God's elect if you want to and there would be plenty to go around. Verse 11. "how is it that you do not understand that it not to you concerning bread, that you should be aware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the saducees" that's what I was talking about. The sin and false teaching that they would bring. "then understood they how that He bade then not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees."it was doctrine that He was concerned with. Anytime that you have a large gathering, you are going to have a lot of doctrines slip in that are a waste of time. Absolutely nonsense compared to the true Word of God. And it is important. Hey, something like that can drive you off and cause you to be cut off if you go far enough. Of course, there is always repentance. We have the precious Word of God. Focus on it. Study it for yourself. You are the one that will have to answer on judgment day. I am not going to answer for you nor is anyone else. Your Father wrote you this letter, see that you read it. Verse 13. "when Jesus came into the coast of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples saying `Who do men say that I the Son of Man am?" now listen carefully "and they said `some say that thou are John the Baptist'" I mean, he had been beheaded "'some Elias" that would be Elijah in the Hebrew tongue "and others Jeremias" old Jeremy "or one of the prophets" that's what they say about you. Verse 15. "and He saith unto them `but whom say ye that I am?" Sixteen. "and Simon Peter answered and said "thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Seventeen. "and Jesus answered and said unto him, `blessed art thou Simon Bar-jona" meaning son of the dove "for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my Father which is in heaven" He caused you to say that. "and I say unto thee, thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church." listen up friend. "and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." how could they? If you cast out the false doctrine, if you listen only truly to the teachings of God or that that Father in heaven reveals through the Holy Spirit to cause people to speak the truth and be able to document it, hey, if a man or a woman can't document what they say, throw it out and them with it. You don't have time for that sort of….we are late in the day. Now many people misunderstand this statement thinking that it was Peter Christ was saying whom Christ would build His church on. Not true. The word Peter is petrus. Petrus in the Greek tongue is a movable stone. But petra is the rock the church is built on and that is Christ. And He is immovable. You can stand on Him and know that you are not going to come up short. And you are not going to be left behind even though you might read books `left behind' today. I guarantee you, you are the one that will move to the forefront."and I will give unto thee" now listen to this. If you are part of that church, I will give unto thee "the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. And whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loose in heaven." that's kind of power and authority but it is work. Those that you can drag from the fire, in the role of church, assembly, okay, sounds better assembly, doesn't it? Because it is a group of people that work together, pull together, have one common goal and that is to establish and work within Christ's church. He said, that is how I am going to build it and if you are really in it, I am going to hand you a key. You can unlock doors and nobody can shut them. When you start listening to someone that has been gathered in a large crowd, ask yourself how God has blessed them. One of the main things that we have these meetings for is so that like-minded people can listen to each other. Why? Because I know that all of you are intelligent enough that you could spot a phony when you see one. Okay? And they will show up. You can count on it. I like to consider it as comical myself. You know, it is a challenge. God expects you to rise above, kind of the norm of people that are easily deceived because on of the main things He warns the assembly about, don't let anyone who comes claiming to be a Christian deceive you. You will find that in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and even Luke 21 infers. We see here what Christ was teaching just before He told Peter of the establishing of the church and it would be on Pentecost day that 120 would join that assembly and it would move forth. And I guarantee you that there were no crumbs in the basket that day. Peter taught a sermon in Acts chapter 2 that anyone can be proud of. It was straight on and Christ did very well in choosing him. Let's follow the

thought along. Let's go to Revelations 20. As you know, many people today, not you, but many people today teach that the book of Revelations is just not meant to be understood. You would be surprised how many people write me letters saying `I asked my pastor and he said please don't read that book. Don't ask me to explain that because I don't understand it. It is full of symbolism'. lot of symbology. Hello? That's the easiest way in the world to teach is to use symbolism or the form of an analogy. That's the way we teach children in object lessons. But let's follow through on churches. First great story in revelation, and revelation of course the word in whatever the language you want to take it in means the uncovering. And Christ appeared and He had in His hand seven stars and seven candlesticks. Well, that is symbology. Wonder why He would throw us a curve like that? What does that mean? that's just my left tonsil again. Don't worry. Verse 20. "the mystery" He is going to explain it "the mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand and the seven golden candlesticks" this is the mystery "the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches" they represent those assemblies. They are the messenger to those assemblies. "and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches." isn't that difficult? It is amazing isn't it? Those candlesticks are churches. Wow! What a revelation! I mean kindergarten children can pick up on that. There is nothing difficult about that. A child can understand. Now, do me a favor and skip on down to chapter two, the church of Ephysus verse five. I want to tell you what can happen to the candlestick though. Verse five chapter two Revelation. "remember therefore from whence thou art fallen" in other words, this candlestick had already hit the dirt. Fallen. "repent and do the first works or else" when Christ gives you the or else you had better listen. "or else I will come unto thee quickly" not moping along. Quickly! "and will remove thy candlestick out of his place unless thou repent." let me ask you a question. Will Christ remove a church? You better believe it. I mean, that is what He said. There is no way around it. He said, you get your act together, you have drifted off into the traditions of men, to this church of Ephesus, and if you don't get it together and repent and go back to the scripture, your first love, that's what establishes a Christian church, I'm not going to mess around. I am going to come quickly and it is gone friend. You are not blessed. So, let it be settled in your mind. God, there may be seven churches at the time of that writing but Christ will absolutely snuff one of them out so quick that they won't even know what had happened to them. They won't even realize that they have been snuffed. Why? Well,

didn't He kind of tell us back in the beginning in the sixteenth chapter….you mess around with that old leaven, you go along with those old traditions, don't expect me to come visit you honey. I am not going to be there. You can assemble all you want to. I am going to rip off your lampshade and your candle and you are out of business. They won't know it because they wonder `why doesn't God answer our prayers? I wonder why God doesn't bless us?' hey, anytime you are that wise to know that something is wrong, then you are wise enough to do something about it. Well, how do I do that? With God's Word in the simplicity….ask a little child. Ask them to explain it to you. They can figure it out of how a church should react.Now as you all well know, and this is old history to you, there were only two churches out of the seven that Christ found no fault with. And we are going to go back over it because I want it real fresh in your mind. I want it fresh enough in your mind that we are going to use it right now. Skip to verse 8. What did these two that He found no fault with have in common? I mean, man, that is the church that you want to be in. you want to know what it is that those two have in common because he found no, not one iota against them. Let's see what they were teaching. Verse 8. "and to the angel of the church of Smyrna write `these things saith the first and the last which was dead and is alive'" He resurrected from that tomb "I know thy works and tribulation and poverty but thou art rich" boy I guess "and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are of the synogogue of satan" in other words, they claim to be of our brother Judah but they are kenites of satan's synogogue. Are you going to let one of them do your translating for you friend? How far do you think you would get with your little lampshade? I think you better order wicks right away. Do candles have wicks? Yeah, they do now that I come to think about it. Kind of built in. Verse 10. "fear none of those things that thou shalt suffer. Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you shall be tried and you shall have tribulation ten days". that's on an individual basis only. "be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life" in other words, who is death? He is the devil. That's one of his names. Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14. You be faithful allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you, the petra, the real rock, the comforter, a rock that you can stand on and never be shaken. You are solid and you will always be blessed. And He will take care of you. That's His promise. He'll give you a crown. I wonder if He knows my size. Well, I don't even know myself but it is kind of large though. And that doesn't mean that I've got the big head, either. Its just, I'm kind of big all over, I guess. Well, anyway, that church Jesus loved. It is obvious that they were doing something about

the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. I mean that's, a child can understand that. So you had better be in a church who the kenite is. Kenite being a Hebrew word meaning sons of Cain. You better know who they are. They are still around today. Now skip on over, if you would, to chapter 3. You know where I am going. To the brotherhood. Of brotherly love, that is, the church of Philadelphia. Verse 7 of chapter 3. The only other church, let's see if we can figure out, this is heavy now, let's see if we can figure out what there two have in common and if we can't we'll call one of those children from the choir back and let them explain it to us because I guarantee you that a child can figure it out. So surely we can. Verse7. "and to the angel" this is one of the seven angels. Would you believe that? "and to the angel of the church of Philadelphia write `these things saith He that is holy, He who is true he that hath the key of David. He that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth." it is wonderful to have a truth that you can build on. It is wonderful to have a truth that opens the doors to the unknown. At the moment that you need it in your life. That that many people wonder about. You can stand on a solid rock with stability. Knowledge and wisdom, they are stability. If they are the wisdom and they knowledge from God's Word. Verse 8. "I know thy works. Behold, I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it for thou hast a little strength." a little strength being given by the help of God is a bunch, friend. What it usually means, He will furnish the brick and you do the building, alright? He is not going to do it all for you. How much faith do you have? He will go all of the way. He's not a piker. "and has kept my word" that is what is important, beloved. This church kept His Word. That is important. That is why He would find nothing wrong with it. "and hast not denied my Name" they weren't sidetracked by some silly willy that would bring their own traditions that would eventually cause you to worship the evil one if you are not careful. Hey, he's good. He is going to be kicked from heaven. "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of satan which say they are Jews" our brother Judah "and are not but do lie. Behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet to know that I have loved thee." you all know that that happens on the first day of the millennium. The seventh trump. Why? There is not going to be any other power other than the king of kings at that time. Ten. "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience." and there it is again. They kept what? They kept the word of Amos and Andy? they kept the word of Jesus Christ. They kept the living Word. They didn't play

around. Yeah, but let's see if we can't find something that has a lot of sensationalism in it. And go to hell? You like sensationalism that much? Isn't God's sensational enough for you? The excitement that goes on in this world today that you want to get you a quick trip to hell by playing with the traditions of men? Old crumpled up mixed up dough that's sitting right here in the gutter? Let's gather up some baskets. I heard that one saying. This other one said, would you believe? Well, that kind of makes sense, doesn't it? Yeah, if you would like to go to hell. If it isn't of God and I'm talking that it isn't wrong if friends visit about the corn crop. God makes the corn but I'm talking about passing it off as spiritual content, for edification. That's a big sin to pass off nonsense for edification in the Word of God."I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all of the world to try them that dwell on the earth. Behold, I come quickly. Hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown." they've earned a crown also. Both churches. So you know something. If you are involved in a church that doesn't teach what these two taught, you are in a heap of hurt. And by the time we finish this lecture tonight, you are going to find out how much of a heap of hurt they are in. because He makes it very plain and we are going to get into it. That's not difficult. Christ can expect you to reckon that, can He not? Christ can expect you to have the knowledge to sifer that, that means to understand. To do it My way. I think that in as much as He died on the cross for His children, He has the right to say it, do it My way. I want to establish an assembly but I want it to be done My way. I don't blame Him. One more verse. 12 "him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of My God" friend, that is traveling pretty tall cotton. And for those of you that don't understand that collochialism that means you have it made. That's interesting. You know what a pillar is? That holds up the temple. That's nice. "and he shall go out no more and I shall write upon him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God which is new Jerusalem that cometh down out of heaven from My God. And I will write upon him My new name. I wonder if we will be there? Well, if you follow His way, you will be. Now I want us to think then what did we determine here? Well, a candlestick here He says simply is an assembly. It is a church. And those stars were symbolic of angels, messengers. And then we learned in the fifth verse of the second chapter, He's not opposed to snuffing out lights. When it comes to candlesticks He is pretty ticky about that sort of thing. He really is. That's why He says that judgment starts, guess where, at the pulpit. Right here. That means the people that speak, so if you speak I'd kind of do my homework. But you are the listener it kind of works itself around but God has a way of removing churches. And I don't care what name that you have over the door. If Christ is tired of you, quite frankly, you are in a heap of hurt because His

blessings will be shut off and a lot of bad things are going to happen. Let's turn a little further to the mystery of the great book. The eleventh chapter. Well, what does this mean to you today? We know that we are in the end times and you are hanging on by your teeth for truth and searching for it. Its very simple, you don't have to hang on by your teeth. Some of us old folks would sure by in a heap of hurt if that was the case, okay? Let your mind do the walking. Chapter 11 verse 1 and it reads. "and there was given unto me a reed like unto a rod" now pay attention because there is a reason that I brought you here or else I would not have brought you to this chapter. So be sharp for me. I have laid groundwork. it is important. This rod, this isn't exactly a kissing stick. A rod is for correction. You've got that haven't you? Measure out with that rod a septer that kind of is good for a little discipline "the angel stood and saying `rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein" I probably forgot to tell you what a lot of people in traditions teach. After the fourth chapter the churches aren't mentioned in Revelation so you can just forget it. They are gone. They are gone somewhere and you know something? Five of them are. I guarantee it. By the time we get here, five are no more. But what about, do you think God is going to cast away those two? I don't think so. Measure it out real good. Verse 2 "but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given to the gentiles," the nations "and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months" that's why we went through this, this morning about Jerusalem and the day of vengeance. So that you can handle that. You know what that means. And you know, of course, that 42 months, what is the moon? It is lunar. What is every prophecy that is given of the night? It is about satan. Quite simply about satan. it is about a three and a half year period. Now you know that that has been shortened. For our sakes, praise God. Verse 3 "and I will give power to my two witnesses" wow that is good "and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three score days clothed in sack cloth" what is days? That is daylight. That is solar. That is why we celebrate Passover by the solar calendar rather than what some people do the lunar moons. Barking and baying at the moon. God is a God of light and He blesses those that keep His days the best they can to His way of reckoning. So those two witnesses are fantastic and they are going to come. They are going to appear. Do you know how I know? Well, Jesus said it. That seals it right there. They are going to do some very wonderful things. We will be talking more about that tomorrow afternoon. Don't miss it. Three and a half years. Wow.

Four. "these are the two olive trees and" and is is a very genuine and that means besides those two "the two candlesticks" wonder what that is "standing before the god of the earth" not heaven, earth. Somewhere on earth. Looks to me like this is bad news for five candlesticks. Cause there is only two left. You want to guess which two? I would be willing to be that everyone one of you would get it right. Well, why would pastor Murray bring this up? Because if the churches are there, you better know what you are supposed to do. If you are going to be participating at the time of the two witnesses its best to know at least what the signs are. And what it is that is going to be going down at that time. Pastor Murray, well, I don't understand. My preacher at home said that the church isn't mentioned after chapter four. Well, if you have a little child six years old or four, one at least that can understand reading. Go back and read chapter 1 verse 20. Jesus said now listen to Me children and candlestick is a church. You've got that? Candlestick equals church. Candlestick equals assembly. And then don't let some idiot tell you that the church isn't mentioned after four because it is very clear it is right there in the hotbed of chapter 11. We've still got two churches operating here and God is using them in conjunction with the two witnesses. What are they doing? Well, it is written over and over and over. The main point that I want to make on you is that if you are a part of that assembly, I think that you would be very concerned about this. I would think that you would be wanting to say `well, hey, you talk about something sensational to be able to just really document that God expects us to be active' then, maybe we would know why He blesses us so much. Would you believe that He is going to use us. That's why. He has a purpose and you know what it is. If you don't know, have a child explain Mark 13 to you when it is raining or something. What the primary purpose if of a good Christian that belongs to one of those two assemblies that is going to stand before the synagogue of satan that these two particular churches stood against. These are the two churches, the two candlesticks that made it. It isn't even up for grabs which two churches that is and the main reason I wanted to let you know that Christ snuffs out candlesticks. He snuffed out those five. They don't exist. But I am going to tell you something. Part of the people in them do and guess what they did? They joined the two and they are still around. Christ gave them that privilege. Go back and read the letter where you find out what was wrong with each of them. And He gave each one of them an equal chance. Get your act together. Go back to my Word and understand it. And many will join those and are, even to this day. Scads of people. I mean, just stop and think. God has blessed us. Right now, I don't even know for sure, its somewhere over 325 television stations in this hemisphere. Can you believe that? At little old church that started out with 120 members in Arkansas. What has Arkansas got that somebody else doesn't? Nothing. We've got God and you do too. The difference is, do we obey Him and does He use us.

So, you know, there are many things happening my friends and don't ever let some man tell you that the churches aren't mentioned after chapter 4 because they would just be unlearned in God's Word. You can see that, can't you? I want to see some heads nod. All of you can see that. There are two candlesticks, well, was that a church? Come on. Yes. He said itty bitty candlestick is itty bitty church little bitty person. Don't argue with God's Word. It says it. That settles it. Verse 4. Did I get that? Yes, that's where I got to and that is where I want to quit in Revelation but that is not where we are going to quit tomorrow. We are going to come back for some more food. But we are going to quit there now because there is another time that He told somebody to do some measuring and it is on the same subject and I think it to complete what we have started on it here that we should go and check on it. Do you all want to? Do you want to tonight? Will you all sleep better if we do that tonight? Well, let's do it. I bet I could say, how many of you know where I am going and I bet hands would go up all over the place. You got it right. Zechariah. Let's go there. Chapter three. I fooled you there, didn't I?Right book, different chapter. Now you all help me. Zechariah is in the minor prophets, isn't it? Right near the end. It is next to the last book in the old testament, isn't it. Thank you. As a matter of fact, I don't want chapter three. I want chapter two. And everybody has a right to make a mistake occasionally otherwise you would get the big head, right? Chapter 2 verse 1 "I lifted up mine eyes again looked and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand" here we go again. Doing this measuring thing. "then I said, `where goest thou?' and he said unto me `to measure Jerusalem'" you see beloved why we had that lecture this morning? Don't listen to some crack pot that wants to tell you prophesy concerning the end time you need to look at the beast somewhere in Belgium or somewhere. It is not Biblical. You are going to go to sleep at the switch and on watch if you don't watch the place you are supposed to. Jerusalem. "to see what is the breath thereof and what is the length thereof.' and behold the angel that talked with me went forth and another angel went out to meet him" just having a regular old time meeting here "and said unto him, `run, speak to this young man saying `Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein'" don't try to measure out some little old wall. Run those lines on out there. Nobody knows exactly how big it is going to be looking forward to what we are going to do in the millennium. You think that we can cut it in the millennium? Hey we are going to make it hard on them but we are going to rake them back from the fire and show them what discipline can really look like. If God wants us to. We will let Him decide, alright? And we will get a lot more done.. Verse 5. "for I saith the Lord will be unto her a wall of fire round about

and will be the glory in the midst of her" I want you to make a mental note. I have done this two or three times to you already in this session. Make a mental note of fire. That wasn't used in the plagues of Egypt. This earth has never been destroyed by fire. So we are talking about something new when we see this. I want you to make a note of that and be aware of that. Alright? You'll more right along if you do. "and will be the glory in the midst of her" o the glory of our Father in the midst, what does that mean? He is there. So that gives you a time sequence. "Ho, Ho" or get up, get up "come forth and fleeth from the land of the north, saith the Lord for I have spreadeth you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord. Deliver thyself o Zion and dwellest with the daughters of Babylon" Do you know what Babylon is? It is confusion. Don't dwell in a lampstick, caldleabra that is confusion or you are wasting your time. Unless, I have known of cases where God has specifically sent someone though, there is a purpose, someone there that needs a witness not a trouble maker. But beware. Check out the light and see if it be true or not and don't hanky with false doctrine. I mean if somebody gives you some list of stuff, say document it. Well, document it where? In God and from God's Word. I mean, you keep it straight and narrow or you little boat is getting pretty close to the end of its push here and you don't want it listing too much to one side or the other. It could sink. Come out of confusion. Well, how do I come out of confusion? With truth. It is that simple."for thus saith the Lord of hosts, `after the glory hath He sent me unto the nations which spoiled you. For he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye" do you know what the apple of your eye is? It is the pupil. God says that anybody that hankies with one of my kids its like they stuck their finger in my eye. Now let me ask you a question. He uses a pretty good analogy there. If somebody sticks their finger in the pupil of your eye, does it get your attention? I think so. Well, if somebody picks on you it gets almighty God's attention. So don't be one of those poor me babies that says `God just lets them pick on me'. He knows what is going on. He just figures that you can cut it. He figures you know what to do with the bad boys. You may be a little dog but you can hunt with the big dogs too. He knows you can cut it. And so it goes, friends. I am going to tell you what. God expects His own to have one thing. It is called faith to believe and to know that He does know about you. But there are so many people in the world. He should know. He created them. Every soul. And do you know what? He loved every one of them or He would not have made it. There might have been one or two back in the middle that He had their wheels spinning and `holy moly!' I am going to start over. I don't know about that. I really don't know about that. We may be getting into traditions a little bit there. We'll leave that up to the Father. Anyway, you are here and He made you and that is good enough for me if it is good enough for Him. So, see that you stay

with Him and follow the candlestick. Learn what it is the candlestick is supposed to do. Well, brother, what is it that a candlestick is supposed to do? You are teasing me. You don't know what a candlestick is supposed to do? What do you keep it for? Well, we keep it in our house in case the electricity goes out to give it light. Well, you are getting right. That is just about right. You know, a candlestick, an assembly should put out a light where it kind of shows people that are lost in the darkness so they don't fall and find their way. What with? Well, truth. That makes sense. God's Word always makes sense. Alright, now. Yeah, when somebody bothers your operation, that means your seed planting, or whatever, if they jab you then they just jabbed God in the eye. If you ever get a gnat in your eye or a mosquito what do you do with it. You swat it. Right. What do you think God is going to do to them? Come on. We are made in His image. He's got the same reflexes naturally. If you stick your finger in His eye it is going to be quick, friend. Quick response. Okay. Verse 9. "For behold, I will shake Mine hand upon them" o I would never want that. If God's angry at you and shaking His hand on them. Whew! "and they shall be a spoil to their servants and you shall know that the Lord of Hosts has sent me. Sing a rejoice o daughter of Zion for lo I come and I will dwell in the midst of thee saith the Lord" He is going to. It is going to be precious. Boy, we will be full of questions won't we? When you are in the spiritual body you don't have that many questions, I'll just say that and pass on. Verse 11. "and many nations shall be joined" because you already know. He only calls things to our memory. Its in the memory. You think that is Biblical? It is. Saint John chapter 14. Jesus says "I call these things to your memory" its there. And I don't want to get into when and how did it get there. Well, you know, from before. "and many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day and shall be My people and I will dwell in the midst of thee. And thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts has sent me unto thee. And the Lord shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy land and shall choose Jerusalem again." that's what it centers on friend. Again, don't be so foolish as to let someone pull you off by geographical locations. It is settled. "Be silent o all flesh before the Lord for he has raised up out of that holy mountain." that means He is ready for the day of vengeance. And I think if we knew how close it was, I don't think you'd really want to know. Well I like to guess. Well go ahead and guess. I'm not going to with you. Let's just be ready when in happens, alright? You've got plenty to do. You are one of the candlesticks. You've got plenty to do without worrying about moe over there somewhere else or something. Its alright to pray for your friends and so forth. I have to be

careful saying things like that because so many people hear things different than some Irish man trying to be humorous. Stick focused to God's Word. Stay with it and you will never be embarrassed. He continues on in that third chapter and He promises us the Branch which is Messiah in verse 8. And in verse 9 of chapter 3 He tells us about this stone that has seven sets of eyes. And of course, that seven is spiritual completeness. It is God's elect in the stone. What is a stone? Well, it is symbolic of a church. Is that a candlestick? Yeah. It is what it is. Do you think that those eyes close? No, they always watch. What? Spiritually alert. Chapter 4 verse 1. "and the angel that talked with me again and waked me as a man that is wakened out of his sleep. And he said unto me `what seest thou?' and I said `I looked and behold a candlestick all of gold with a bowl upon the top of it and has seven lamps thereon and seven pipes to the seven lamps which are upon the top thereof." why? Now in revelation we are told to measure and we've got two candlesticks. But in Zechariah you are looking a little further and I have to ask you and I don't want it to sound that I am talking down but to a real Christian, now be honest with me, to a real Christian, how many churches are there? Only one. Only one candlestick but some of the lights moved into that one. Well who is that one? Come one, it's Christ of course because you are either in Him or you are out, you are snuffed out. The old candlesnuffer has already hit your wick and you are out of business. So, what I'm saying, don't be concerned that here only one is listed with seven lamps because it is one lamp stand in Christ. That's the way it always will be. Even if there were seven churches, where should they all have been? In Christ. That was his complaint. You get your act together or I am going to come quickly and I am going to snuff your lamp stand out. You are out of business. He is capable of doing that and we know from the great book of revelation He did it to five of them. I mean, He didn't mess with them. Do you know something? He is not the type that does mess around when He gives you enough warnings. He expects you to take heed Okay, let's continue on here. We've got seven pipes to the seven lamps which are on the top there of. Verse 3. "and the two olive trees" well, here is the two witnesses again. The oil of our people "by it. One on the right side of the bowl and the other of the left side there of. So I answered and I spake unto the angel that spake with me saying `what are these my lord?'" what in the world is that? Verse 5 "then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me "knowest thou not what these be?" you should, he is saying "and I said, `no, my lord'

Six. "and then he answered and spake unto me saying `this is the word of the Lord unto Zerrubabel" do you know what Zerrubabel means in the Hebrew tongue? You need to beloved. It means born at Babel. But he didn't stay that way. Neither should you. You might have been born in confusion but don't stay that way "saying, `not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit saith the Lord of hosts" and that is just the power of my left tonsil again. No problem to be concerned. We are going to make it fine. Maybe I should have it checked tomorrow? Verse 7. "who art thou? O great mountain before Zerrubabel?" I mean, here is opposition. What did Jesus say you could do if you had the faith of a mustard seed you could do to a mountain? You could move it. "before Zerrubabel that should become a plain" why? Someone is going to have some faith and it is gone. "and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shouting crying grace, grace unto it" do you know what the headstone is? It is the head of the church. I mean the chief light. Chief candle stand. Verse 8 "moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying Nine "the words of Zerrubabel have laid the foundation of this house. His hand shall also finish it. And thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts has sent me unto you." in other words, what he started, he is going to finish. How is he going to do that? Verse 10 "for who hast despised the day of small things?" don't think small beloved. Your Father owns everything. Your Father controls everything. Well, what does He trust you with? Well, I don't know. "for they shall rejoice and shall see the plumet in the hand of Zerrubabel." what is this he's got? A plumet. It is a plumbob. "Zerrubabel with those seven, they are the eyes of the Lord which run to and fro through the whole earth" they are working down there. God's 7,000 elect. The two churches from revelation. They are working at it. They are doing what they are supposed to do in that final generation, when the seals and the vials and the trumps begin to sound. And they are. They keep busy focusing, disciplining themselves on the Word of God. "then answered I and I said unto him `what are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?' and of course, as you know, he said earlier the oil, don't be like the ten virgins, the oil in this case ran not by man, not by gravity, not by some pump but by the Holy Spirit. God is in control. Don't ever forget that. "and I answered again and I said unto him `what be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?" they are feeding those two churches if you really want to know the truth about it those that have assembled themselves. You know, it is pretty nice, I want

to say this and some television people might think I am bragging in saying it but it is so nice to have God control the oil than having to beg. It is a blessing. It is really a blessing. I don't say that as a brag. I say it to document to you that you could trust your Father. He is in charge. He knows what He is doing and He is guiding you gently, truly and on course whereby we can accomplish those things that are written. That is not to say we accomplish, but let's don't fight against Him. Let's help Him. Let's don't, you know what happened on the night Christ was crucified. They ran. You are not going to. You've got work to do. Do you know how I can double declare that? It will declare that back in the book of revelation. He said `they are cutting it. Those two are getting it done. I count on the two witnesses,' he said `and those two churches. They are going to get it done.' you don't have to worry about it if you have faith. You know He is in control. Verse 13. "He answered me and said, `knowesth thou not what these be?' and I said `no, my lord'. then said he `these are the two anointed ones.'" the Hebrew says sons of oil. Wasn't any gender there "that stand by the Lord of the whole earth" that is of course the two witnesses mentioned in the book of revelation. We could probably spend the rest of the night talking about who those two witnesses are going to be and we would no less probably talked all night than we do now. Because, when things are in God's hands, sometimes it is best just to leave it there. You know, if He wants us to know something, He will tell us if you will dig it out of His Word. It is there. Its like, you are going to have people that are going to tell you as we learned earlier and I am just recapping now, I'm not repeating, I am recapping for a purpose. Some of this we are picking up tomorrow and I don't want you to sleep and forget it. You won't will you? O good, good. But some people would tell you that the churches aren't mentioned after the fourth chapter. Now you all know that is a common practice. A lot of churches will tell you that. You know that is ignorance and I am not calling them names or anything, I'm a realist. I like to stick to facts. Anybody that says that is just ignorant of, about God's Word. Because God makes it very clear to us that we are there. And I say we because I know that we are the group, one of the groups that teaches who are the synagogue of satan. If a church doesn't teach that, hey and anyway you want to slice it anywhere and all around the world there is really only one church. What is its name? Well, it is an assembly of those that love the truth and that have faith in Christ to trust and believe Him and it doesn't have a name over the door. We could call it faith. We could call it those that have the faithers in Christ because He is the church and that is why many people say `pastor, I am ready to join the Shepherds Chapel. What do I do?' and I say you better take that up with the Lord. He's the head dog, I mean He's the head man, its getting late. Been a long day, baptized a lot of people but we're getting it done here.

We are going to quit pretty quick. Our Father loves those that love Him that He can count on. You know, I am sure that it is pretty easy to disappoint Him when He sends a letter that is so simple that a child can understand it and you have, I mean, big candlesticks, I am not talking little groups here and there, I'm talking big name, so called assemblies. They are just not teaching right. And I don't judge them. I am not a judge. But I am well enough advised by Him in His word to know that I don't want any part of anything that isn't well pleasing to God. That's just not right. Why? You are not going to get His blessings and beloved, if we do it His way, don't think little, we are in big times. We are in the trumps and the vials and the seals that are moving on toward the end. Are you ready for it? Well, how do you get yourself ready? Well, you educate yourself in the Father's Word, He tells you all about it and He tells it where a child can understand. You know, you'd be surprised how many letters I get from people who say `I wish you would quit saying that. I've read that a dozen times and I don't understand that and you come along saying that a kid can.' well, you know, I don't know. Its one of those things, I guess. If you have eyes to see, you have eyes to see and if you don't, you don't. so yes, the two churches are mentioned. Five are snuffed out. I think that should go as a warning, dear one, that Christ meant it when He said `beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees', the traditions of men. When you meet in large groups, you better beware who you are keeping company with. The fragments of doctrine. Why do you need another doctrine when you have the Word of God? Isn't that good enough? I hope it is because I know where you are going if it isn't and its pretty well set in snuff out time So, I hope you enjoyed this because, thank you, my whole point is to show you that you have a part because you are a part of that assembly that teaches who the kenites are and that is so obvious, so blatantly true that you couldn't miss it. And this lecture and the one that is coming tomorrow basically is to teach you more about your part in it, what it is that He would have you do and I hope that you have gained much assurance by it and comfort that hey, if they mess with me, its just like they stuck their finger in God's eye and boy is His hand going to frail them. Just like frailing pecans out of a Georgia pecan tree. Wop. A lot of shaking going on. Its some Texas boys that cheat a little bit and hook a tractor up to it with a vibr.rrrrrrrr….and down they come. it's a quick way to put the light out. You know, I don't get any pleasure in saying that five of them are gone. I really don't. it hurts me here because there is a lot of good people in those five and they don't know that their light is out. So let it encourage you to work all the harder that we could brighten things up a little bit. Won't you do that? I love you all.

God bless you.

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