Twin Flames

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 363
  • Pages: 2
A SOULS MEMORIES TWIN FLAMES Lost in a cloud of thought, Slowly turning back the curtain of experience Shadows of the ancients emerging through the mists Tis but a dream I say A sad recurring dream And yet I awake and it still remains Heartache from the past wrenching me apart So deeply buried are these memories Familiar signs along this path How can a pain so deep, so long ago, linger? Throughout the eons the space widens. Emptiness in my heart My warrior, my protector, Come rescue me from the eternal suffering Break the chains that bind my soul I await, my Prince, come set me free. As you have done before Condemned to a Perennial night My heart seeks the sun My spirit in its quest stirs A flame flickers in the distance Cradled in my love, not lost, nor forgotten The fire within, smouldering embers aroused Cloaked in sorrow, hidden L’est it be rekindled. Cautiously I take a step I hold my breath and move forward Will I break down and cry? Do I know how anymore? Will it take away the pain? Will I fall again like then? You shone a light in my heart From beginning till the end of time For all eternity Still mine, always has been always will be Complete, together, so long ago, then torn apart To wander lonely, separate, Is this the penalty we pay for love? Such a brief period united. Is the sacrifice death? It grieves me so to feel this again Yet it warms me also To be with you once more To touch you, hold you If I reach you what then? Will you set me free, release me, I you? If you extend your hand Should I give you mine? In my silence I pray from my essence No words spoken Sincerely searching for an answer. Many have come and gone Many life times past Failing in their attempt to ignite the flame within

Only one holds the torch I continue my search Come to me my beloved I need you I love you….For ever eternal We were born together And together we shall be forevermore… S.A.T./ Tuatha

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