Tweets From Robin Sharma

  • June 2020
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Robin Sharma (_robin_sharma) on Twitter

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_robin_sharma 1. Leadership is about the passionate pursuit of the absolute best within you.2 minutes ago from web 2. Thanks Juliana. I love your tweets, saw them today. Pema Chodron is wow. That was a great quote you offered. Have u read her books?about 9 hours ago from txt 3. in this vLog i shot in Moscow i share 5 simple ideas to lead at work 14 hours ago from web 4. if you don't make time for exercise, you'll eventually have to make time for illness.about 15 hours ago from web 5. "If everyone was satisfied with themselves, there would be no HEROES." Mark Twainabout 15 hours ago from web 6. Virtue that Ralph Lauren most admires in people (according to the latest issue of Vanity Fair): KINDNESS.about 15 hours ago from web 7. on the Zurich flight wrote a blog called "Handcrafted Trumps MachineMade". About how great things need more care and take longerabout 15 hours ago from web 8. play at excellence where you now are versus once you get to where you've always wanted to beabout 15 hours ago from web 9. H.O.M.E. :)about 15 hours ago from web 10. Just went from terminal A to E in Zurich in the train. Sounds of cows mooooing were piped in - because we were like cattle I guess.Hilarious11:33 PM Sep 25th from TwitterBerry


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11. Your actions of today are creating your results of tomorrow. About to leave Nairobi for Zurich on SwissAir (good chocolate on board :)12:41 PM Sep 25th from TwitterBerry 12. Leadership is about moving from one setback to another-in hot pursuit of a dream-without any loss of passion!12:39 PM Sep 25th from TwitterBerry 13. Just heard from Simon and Schuster my new leadership book will be published in the US March 2010.12:37 PM Sep 25th from TwitterBerry 14. From The Greatness Guide: "Before someone will lend you a hand you must touch their heart."12:34 PM Sep 25th from TwitterBerry 15. "Be so good they can't ignore you." Steve Martin's advice to young comics aching to succeed.12:33 PM Sep 25th from TwitterBerry 16. just landed in Nairobi, en route to Zurich. En route to home. Tour's over. Thanks to all of you in the 6 countries I visited. Grateful.12:32 PM Sep 25th from TwitterBerry 17. Leadership has little to do with titles and lots to do with choices.8:21 AM Sep 25th from TwitterBerry 18. Peak performance happens as you make the leap from focusing on all you're not to everything you ARE.8:18 AM Sep 25th from TwitterBerry 19. Just finished the leadership event in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. It was fantastic. Here's a pic for you. AM Sep 25th from UberTwitter 20. Your mind is a goal seeking missile. Use it as such!9:44 AM Sep 24th from TwitterBerry 21. If you're not pushing harder to make things better you're coasting but calling it a life.9:31 AM Sep 24th from TwitterBerry 22. In Tanzania. Man I love the people of Africa. Tomorrow's the big leadership event. Then home!9:30 AM Sep 24th from TwitterBerry 23. Watch this vLog that teaches the 5 essentials of leadership AM Sep 24th from TwitterBerry 24. When faced with a choice that will lead you to a place that's interesting v safe, always go for the interesting bet.12:42 PM Sep 23rd from TwitterBerry 25. Shot this pic of where the Mediterranean Sea meets the shores of Egypt for you from the plane. PM Sep 23rd from UberTwitter 26. Just arrived at my hotel in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Great to be back in Africa!12:29 PM Sep 23rd from TwitterBerry 27. Thinking that Innovation is the brave flight from Stagnation.6:06 PM Sep 22nd from TwitterBerry 28. 3 am BCN time. Getting ready to fly to Amsterdam then Tanzania for the sold-out "Lead Without a Title in Turbulent Times" event.6:05 PM Sep 22nd from TwitterBerry 29. Real leaders measure their success by how many people they help versus by how much money they earn.1:55 PM Sep 22nd from TwitterBerry 30. Pic of one of my Favorite places in BCN: La Boqueria. Just walking and walking and feeling ALIVE AM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter 31. The thing that you want to do but are scared to do is the thing that you MUST DO!11:38 AM Sep 22nd from TwitterBerry 32. "Only those willing to go too far can know how far they can go." RL Stevenson11:31 AM Sep 22nd from TwitterBerry 33. Walking Barcelona. This is a wow pic of projections on City Hall. Just magical! AM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter 34. Walking the Gothic area of Barcelona. Time to refuel after a day of interviews. Here's the pic AM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter 35. Pic of me and our CEO on the hotel deck. Taking a break from interviews. I'll miss Barcelona. AM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter


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36. Look at the book Taylor Swift reads! AM Sep 22nd from TwitterBerry 37. Morning of national newspaper interviews here in Barcelona. Here's a view of this awesome city from the hotel. AM Sep 22nd from UberTwitter 38. see if you can spend an entire day without criticizing, complaining and blaming. retweet this one as it'll make a difference12:47 AM Sep 22nd from web 39. leave your ego at the front door of your business every morning and watch your business fly12:42 AM Sep 22nd from web 40. to build a great team along w a great business, shift from "Me" to "WE".12:42 AM Sep 22nd from web 41. Success favors the brave, the creative and The Good.3:51 PM Sep 21st from TwitterBerry 42. Had dinner at a stunningly good restaurant in Barcelona called Alkimia. Full day of media tomorrow then on to Africa. Goodnight.3:51 PM Sep 21st from TwitterBerry 43. strong day on the creative side here in Barcelona. just worked out. now dinner w my Spanish publisher at Random House Mondadori10:44 AM Sep 21st from web 44. New blog post: "Lead Where You are Planted" AM Sep 21st from TwitterBerry 45. Genius resides in simplicity.4:14 AM Sep 21st from TwitterBerry 46. Real leaders get that the only opinion that matters is the opinion you have of yourself.2:28 AM Sep 21st from TwitterBerry 47. From The Greatness Guide: "The only failure is a failure to try."2:24 AM Sep 21st from TwitterBerry 48. A customer complaint is nothing more than a gorgeous opportunity to wow someone.2:24 AM Sep 21st from TwitterBerry 49. Before you go to sleep every night, ask yourself: "what 5 good things happened to me today?" Goodnight from Barcelona.2:34 PM Sep 20th from TwitterBerry 50. here's a podcast i recorded "What Makes a Leader".Share w others. AM Sep 20th from web 51. The smartest question leaders ask: "How can I be more HELPFUL?"3:00 AM Sep 20th from TwitterBerry 52. Staying in your comfort zone keeps you STUCK in what is versus what CAN BE2:59 AM Sep 20th from TwitterBerry 53. If you're not committed to being the best at what you do, then you're not even in the game.1:34 AM Sep 20th from TwitterBerry 54. From "The Greatness Guide": you become who you drink coffee with. So play with superstars.1:33 AM Sep 20th from TwitterBerry 55. To build something great, you need to START something great.1:32 AM Sep 20th from TwitterBerry 56. Listening to Radiohead in my hotel room before lunch in Barcelona with a great friend.1:15 AM Sep 20th from TwitterBerry 57. Leadership begins and ends with 3 words: Absolute Personal Responsibility.1:14 AM Sep 20th from TwitterBerry 58. The more you focus on making OTHERS happy, the happier YOU'LL get.1:13 AM Sep 20th from TwitterBerry 59. We just arrived at a vineyard outside Barcelona for lunch. This pic shows where we'll have lunch now. Another world AM Sep 19th from UberTwitter 60. Driving down La Rambla on a perfect Barcelona day. Here's a pic of a man w a doggy sidecar, giving his buddy a ride! AM Sep 19th from UberTwitter 61. Don't lose you're sense of wonder over life's simplest things.1:00 AM Sep 19th from TwitterBerry 62. God this coffee is good. A break is preparation for a breakthrough.12:07


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AM Sep 19th from TwitterBerry 63. Some time for myself! In Bar Lobo drinking coffee, reading Wallpaper and listening to music. AM Sep 19th from UberTwitter 64. Success at leadership and in life comes from a FIERCE focus on a few things!11:41 PM Sep 18th from TwitterBerry 65. Cynics are nothing more than dreamers who got disappointed.11:28 PM Sep 18th from TwitterBerry 66. To embrace safety versus the discomfort that deep change brings is to die early.11:26 PM Sep 18th from TwitterBerry 67. Today's a rest day from the tour in Barcelona. Going for a walk now to find some hole in the wall/gritty type of place for coffee.11:25 PM Sep 18th from TwitterBerry 68. Pic at dinner w 2 close friends in Barcelona. PM Sep 18th from UberTwitter 69. Having dinner with my close friends in the Barrio Gotico area of Barcelona. Looove this place!12:16 PM Sep 18th from TwitterBerry 70. Here's a pic I shot for you of the Alps from 40,000 feet, just above Zurich. AM Sep 18th from UberTwitter 71. The best disruptive technology I've ever seen is a curious mind.1:45 AM Sep 18th from TwitterBerry 72. Today, step into your outright awesomeness :)12:58 AM Sep 18th from TwitterBerry 73. Can I ask you a question: 'why settle for anything average when you were built to stand for awesome?"12:57 AM Sep 18th from TwitterBerry 74. At the Vienna airport. Europeans work to live v live to work. They know how to live. Look at this chocolate display AM Sep 18th from UberTwitter 75. On the runway. Ready to fly to Vienna then Barcelona. Thinking: live today as you will wish you have lived on your LAST day.10:39 PM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry 76. RT @cstrom: @_robin_sharma and innovation is always an answer to a problem.10:20 PM Sep 17th from UberTwitter 77. "I've had dreams. I've had nightmares. I've overcome my nightmares BECAUSE OF MY DREAMS." Jonas Salk10:19 PM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry 78. Blaming others is excusing yourself.10:10 PM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry 79. Media day in Barcelona w my fantastic publisher Random House Mondadori early next week. Final event in Tanzania (sold out) on thurs. Home!10:08 PM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry 80. innovation is all about seeing what others are seeing but thinking what no one's thinking.9:31 PM Sep 17th from web 81. The more you stretch beyond the ordinary, the more every touchpoint of your life becomes EXTRAORDINARY.9:30 PM Sep 17th from web 82. 5:30 am. Here's the view from my hotel room in Sofia. Just leaving for my plane to Barcelona. :) PM Sep 17th from UberTwitter 83. Great walk through Sofia. Beautiful people, great architecture and just a fantastically original vibe to the city. Fly to Barcelona 4 3days2:21 PM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry 84. Late night walk through the streets of Sofia, Bulgaria. Feeling the vibe. here's the pic. PM Sep 17th from UberTwitter 85. Just finished the presentation for Piraeus Bank here in Sofia, Bulgaria. Now to the gym. Tomorrow is Barcelona.9:44 AM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry 86. Just finished the presentation for Piraeus Bank here in Sofia, Blugaria. Fantastic audience. Now to the gym.9:43 AM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry 87. "The more you do, the more you can do." Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE3:38 AM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry 88. Peak performers in business PROTECT THEIR MINDSET (focusing


Robin Sharma (_robin_sharma) on Twitter

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mostly on opportunities versus problems).3:23 AM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry When you give your energy to the past, you steal it from your future.3:22 AM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry retweet this "8 Things Successful People Do" podcast so your followers win AM Sep 17th from web here's my #1 listened to podcast: THE 8 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO. AM Sep 17th from web The less you worry about getting credit and respect, the more credit and respect you'll receive.1:04 AM Sep 17th from web Doing media this afternoon in Sofia, one of the oldest cities in Europe. 6 pm is the event for Piraeus Bank. In my hotel room in deep prep.12:28 AM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry "Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower." Steve Jobs12:26 AM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry Dream GIANT dreams. Then take daily steps.12:25 AM Sep 17th from TwitterBerry Tim Sanders book is "Saving The World at Work" PM Sep 16th from web Goodnight. And wherever you are and whatever you do, please do me a favor and remember something... YOU WERE BUILT TO BE BRILLIANT.12:59 PM Sep 16th from TwitterBerry Just did a late workout in the hotel gym. Thinking that the thoughts we are thinking today are seeding the actions we'll be taking tomorrow.12:57 PM Sep 16th from TwitterBerry Landed in Sophia, Bulgaria. Great Bulgaria Air flight(each flyer given a bottle of wine to take home). Pic of airport AM Sep 16th from UberTwitter Just landed in Vienna. New blog post: "Unforgettable Leadership" AM Sep 16th from TwitterBerry To do better, think better. To have more, BECOME more.1:01 AM Sep 16th from TwitterBerry As you celebrate the genius in others, you feed the genius within yourself.12:16 AM Sep 16th from TwitterBerry The day staying small becomes more DANGEROUS than playing big is the day you'll change.11:20 PM Sep 15th from TwitterBerry Will leave for Sophia, Bulgaria soon.11:19 PM Sep 15th from TwitterBerry Here's the castle in Lithuania! Stars fill the sky above. A moment. AM Sep 15th from UberTwitter Leaving for Sophia, Bulgaria tomorrow. Doing an event for Piraeus Bankone of the most well-respected financial institutions in Europe.11:05 AM Sep 15th from TwitterBerry No job is unimportant. Every job can provide a platform to express your greatness. YOUR CHOICE is you do so.11:03 AM Sep 15th from TwitterBerry In the countryside here in Lithuania. With our event partner, en route to have dinner by a castle with the whole team.11:02 AM Sep 15th from TwitterBerry One of the best investments you will ever make is an staggering investment in relationships.11:00 AM Sep 15th from TwitterBerry 4 min to showtime and the energy in this hall is WOW. Just shot a pic of this audience for u. Check them out! AM Sep 15th from UberTwitter MAKE YOUR DREAMS BIGGER THAN YOUR DOUBTS!3:14 AM Sep 15th from TwitterBerry At today's presentation, I'll share how the founder of Xerox PERSISTED for 21 YEARS before he found success. NEVER GIVE UP.3:13 AM Sep 15th from TwitterBerry 60 minutes to showtime in Vilnius. Here's a look at what pre-set up looks


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like. AM Sep 15th from UberTwitter 114. Listening to Pearl Jam as fresh air blows through my room in Vilnius from the city square below. Prepping for today's event.Loving this city12:03 AM Sep 15th from TwitterBerry 115. Here's a pic at the airport in Vilnius, Lithuania. AM Sep 14th from UberTwitter 116. New blog post: "Leadership and Legacies." AM Sep 14th from TwitterBerry 117. From the new leadership book: Awareness Precedes Transformation. You can't release a weakness you don't even know about.5:07 AM Sep 14th from TwitterBerry 118. Little gestures of kindess are GIANT gestures of leadership.4:53 AM Sep 14th from TwitterBerry 119. To register my Peak Leadership event tomorrow in Vilnius, Lithuania (600 seats sold but a few still left), pls go to www.vivapersona.lt4:38 AM Sep 14th from TwitterBerry 120. Pic of Helsinki from the plane for you. Thanks to our client ISIF in Moscow. Russia do you guys :) AM Sep 14th from UberTwitter 121. "In a gentle way, you can shake the world." Gandhi1:13 AM Sep 14th from TwitterBerry 122. @RevRunWisdom10:08 PM Sep 13th from UberTwitter in reply to RevRunWisdom 123. Pic of Beautiful Moscow at midnight. we leave for Vilnius tomorrow am. Tired. Exhilarated. So we press on. PM Sep 13th from UberTwitter 124. Last 60 minutes of Moscow event. 1000 new Leaders Without a Title. I shot this pic to give you a private view. AM Sep 13th from UberTwitter 125. At the Moscow event....INCREDIBLE audience! Here's a special pic of what's happening. AM Sep 13th from UberTwitter 126. 10 minutes to the start of the Moscow event. Have a look at this pic of the audience. PM Sep 12th from UberTwitter 127. Leaving for the Moscow concert hall to do the leadership event. Thinking that 'leaders trust themselves when no one else does."9:21 PM Sep 12th from TwitterBerry 128. Prepping for tomorrow's leadership event. I shot this pic for you from my hotel room. The Kremlin at night. AM Sep 12th from UberTwitter 129. Here's a pic of The Kremlin, as the sun sets over magnificent Moscow. AM Sep 12th from UberTwitter 130. Few things feel as good as great health feels.5:21 AM Sep 12th from TwitterBerry 131. A lust to Lead Without a Title is alive and well in Russia! We're close to 1000 people set to attend tomorrow's event in Moscow.5:06 AM Sep 12th from TwitterBerry 132. Just landed in Moscow. Thinking: "Integrity happens when your daily commitments reflect your deepest convictions."5:04 AM Sep 12th from TwitterBerry 133. Here's the countryside outside of Moscow, from the air. AM Sep 12th from UberTwitter 134. Wanted to share this cool design on a wall in the airport w you. Interesting design raises my energy levels! PM Sep 11th from UberTwitter 135. Breakfast at the Gothenburg airport. Check out the Swedish design in this pic. En route to vienna then Moscow. PM Sep 11th from UberTwitter 136. RT @livinthefitlife: "Limits, like fears, are often an illusion"~Michael


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Jordon @ his Hall a Fame acceptance speech8:14 PM Sep 11th from UberTwitter I'm thinking that the world needs more of each one of us OWNING OUR HEROIC TENDENCIES.8:05 PM Sep 11th from TwitterBerry Let go of your past so you can WIN in your future!8:04 PM Sep 11th from TwitterBerry The more genius you own within yourself, the more genius you'll be able to see in others.8:03 PM Sep 11th from TwitterBerry About 5 am Gothenburg, Sweden time and headed to the airport for Moscow.8:03 PM Sep 11th from TwitterBerry When faced with the choice between two suppliers of equal quality, customers will always do business with the one they like.9:14 AM Sep 11th from TwitterBerry "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right," Steve Jobs quoting someone in a speech to Stanford.9:11 AM Sep 11th from TwitterBerry I had so much fun with the Gothenburg audience today. Going down for a workout then dinner with our superb event partner Anders Haglund.9:08 AM Sep 11th from TwitterBerry This crowd's wow. Sweden rocks! :). Off to Moscow tomorrow morning on a flight too early to mention :). Can't wait to be back in Russia!!!4:16 AM Sep 11th from TwitterBerry Here's a peak at the Swedeish crowd!!! AM Sep 11th from UberTwitter 5 min before we start. A few hundred in room already. Here's a pic with event partner Anders Haglund. Superb guy! AM Sep 11th from UberTwitter Having my coffee and thinking the leader's job is to remove fear from a scared organization.11:16 PM Sep 10th from TwitterBerry 1 hour to showtime in Gothenburg, Sweden. Sold out event. Excited. This will be a great day.11:01 PM Sep 10th from TwitterBerry I really want to take u on this tour with me. So I'll do my best. Here's a pic of Gothenburg as the sun sets. AM Sep 10th from UberTwitter The Swedes are sooo polite. Reminds me of the Kiwis I met in July :). Good manners matter!10:18 AM Sep 10th from TwitterBerry Just worked out. Now prepping for tomorrow's event and reflecting on how INTEGRITY HAPPENS WHEN YOUR COMMITMENTS REFLECT YOUR CONVICTIONS10:17 AM Sep 10th from TwitterBerry New blog post: "Leadership Through Helpfulness." AM Sep 10th from TwitterBerry Just landed in Gothenburg, Sweden. Thinking that LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT DOING DEEDS THAT LIVE LONGER THAN YOU DO!1:12 AM Sep 10th from TwitterBerry Here's a view from the plane as I land in Gothenburg, Sweden. The tour begins! AM Sep 10th from UberTwitter Just boarding the Lufthansa flight to Franfurt, en route to Sweden. 8.5 to read/chill/think.2:29 PM Sep 9th from TwitterBerry packing for the tour. it'll be intense. yet so blessed to share my message that YOU can show leadership without a title.6:41 AM Sep 9th from web Recognizing you're stuck is the instant you move shift to unstuck.4:43 AM Sep 9th from TwitterBerry Just be acutely helpful to your customers. Deliver outrageous value without expectation of return and watch explosive returns come.4:35 AM Sep 9th from TwitterBerry Leaving for Sweden in a few hours. Thinking: THERE WILL BETTER BE A BETTER DAY THAN TODAY TO BE YOUR BEST.4:30 AM Sep 9th from TwitterBerry RT @DARRENHARDY: How to be Lucky: PM


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Sep 8th from UberTwitter 161. RT @Kollington: U WERE NOT CREATED TO LIVE BY YOUR EYES BUT BY YOUR VISION/IMAGINATION - MYLES MUNROE4:02 PM Sep 8th from UberTwitter 162. What a day in my hometown. Wow weather! Thinking: I'd rather be struggling toward mastery than confident amidst mediocrity.11:21 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 163. Leaders Without a Title turn misfortune into fortune and lead into gold.11:06 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 164. My editor extended the deadline to allow me to do one final revision to the new leadership book due out May 2010. As of now, it's DONE!11:04 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 165. The more you take absolute responsibility for the circumstances you've given your power over to, the more power you'll take back.11:03 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 166. Locked away doing creative today. Just had a mid-am snack: almonds with a mac apple. That's not a computer by the way ;)7:45 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 167. Being called "driven" isn't an insult. The brave acts and finest innovations of our world were built by driven people.4:54 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 168. The true key in the building of a spectacular business is not some good idea but the EXECUTION the good idea.4:48 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 169. I met The Jonas Brothers yesterday evening. Uber polite and grounded people. impressed.3:54 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 170. Drinking my morning coffee. Leave for the European tour tomorrow. Will be close to 3 weeks of presentations and media. Excited.3:52 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 171. 3 good friends that you could call at 3 am for help makes you richer than most billionaires.3:33 AM Sep 8th from TwitterBerry 172. Your first thought in the morning and your last thought of the night set the tone for mastery or mediocrity in between. Goodnight7:51 PM Sep 7th from web 173. ideas to turn problems into opportunities PM Sep 7th from web 174. Doing my first leadership workshop in London in February, 2010. check out the details http://www.benchmarkforbusi...4:48 PM Sep 7th from web 175. Every great leader was built in hard times, not easy ones.4:21 PM Sep 7th from TwitterBerry 176. Leadership is about creating significance rather than reaching for status.4:21 PM Sep 7th from TwitterBerry 177. If your not scared often, your not leading regularly.2:37 PM Sep 7th from TwitterBerry 178. The beginning of transformation is moving closer to your fears.2:37 PM Sep 7th from TwitterBerry 179. @chrisnewell back home. time in mountains were perfect. so important to keep the well full.9:31 AM Sep 7th from web in reply to chrisnewell 180. From the new book: "A great business is really nothing more than a community of great relationships."5:39 AM Sep 7th from TwitterBerry 181. Mountain air's so renewing. Thinking that faced w the choice between being excellent or being popular, better to go for excellence.2:03 PM Sep 6th from TwitterBerry 182. Leaders speak not excuses. Leaders deliver only results.5:31 AM Sep 6th from TwitterBerry 183. Every blessing comes with its downside. Every curse carries its gift.5:30 AM Sep 6th from TwitterBerry 184. The European tour starts late next week. Sweden/Moscow/Lithuania/Bulgaria/Riga and ends in Tanzania5:20 AM Sep 6th from TwitterBerry


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185. Up in the mountains. Needed to get away from the busyness. You can't play at peak on an empty tank.5:18 AM Sep 6th from TwitterBerry 186. @pranavmahajan I'll be back in India for presentations in 2010. Thanks for asking and your kind support.7:56 AM Sep 5th from TwitterBerry 187. Q: if today was your last day, how big would you play?6:33 AM Sep 5th from web 188. p. 120 of The Greatness Guide: "There is no safety in being the same person you were yesterday."6:32 AM Sep 5th from web 189. You can't share any success stories until you LET GO of your victim stories.6:04 AM Sep 5th from TwitterBerry 190. 'The ancient Greek definition of happiness was the full use of your powers along the lines of excellence." JFK5:16 AM Sep 5th from TwitterBerry 191. Faced with the choice between comfort and growth, i'd personally choose GROWTH-as uncomfortable as that usually is.4:57 AM Sep 5th from TwitterBerry 192. Let's not confuse breathing with really living.4:56 AM Sep 5th from TwitterBerry 193. Please don't settle for happiness without excellence.4:55 AM Sep 5th from TwitterBerry 194. Handed in the new book yesterday. But I'm still working on it :). Just know I can make it better4:55 AM Sep 5th from TwitterBerry 195. podcast for you called "Get Brilliant at Asking". PM Sep 4th from web 196. @gm77 the new book will be published in May 2010. So I expect it will be in Italian around 2011. Thanks11:03 AM Sep 4th from TwitterBerry 197. @liors don't judge people you don't even know6:37 AM Sep 4th from TwitterBerry 198. @evamariemetra :)6:36 AM Sep 4th from TwitterBerry 199. Blue skies/21C/colors on leaves just beginning to change in my hometown. APPRECIATE THE GORGEOUSNESS OF THE ORDINARY6:33 AM Sep 4th from TwitterBerry 200. Do BIG work today!6:28 AM Sep 4th from TwitterBerry 201. As I revise this manuscript, my prayer is that this book awakens all who read it to the leadership best within them. That's what I focus on.5:21 AM Sep 4th from TwitterBerry 202. Worked late into the night re-polishing the new book and up before dawn to get back at it. It's due at Simon and Schuster in a few hours!5:20 AM Sep 4th from TwitterBerry 203. First take good care of yourself, then go change the world. You can't transform humanity with an empty belly.5:19 AM Sep 4th from TwitterBerry 204. new blog post on How to Get What You Want. GREAT little story. PM Sep 3rd from web 205. @amedayus yes :)5:39 PM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry 206. Make I PLAY AT PEAK your brain tatoo3:36 PM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry 207. Nothing GREAT was built by a 'satisfied' person. So be HAPPILY disatisfied :) ( I know this will bring me negative feedback but being honest7:52 AM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry 208. massive agreement amongst you all that we need to regularly weed out the friendship garden as we grow and evolve.7:29 AM Sep 3rd from web 209. @powe2550 :)6:48 AM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry 210. @InspiF :)6:48 AM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry 211. Subscribe to my free eNewsletter at robinsharma.com6:47 AM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry 212. Someone told me a while ago that it's "important to weed out the friendship garden every few years." Do you agree?6:46 AM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry 213. To each of you who have been encouraging me as I've been writing this


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new book these past months: THANK YOU. Final is due tomorrow :)6:35 AM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry From the new book: "Your thinking choices draw you closer to mastery or sink you deeper into mediocrity."6:33 AM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry "If you can dream it you can do it." Walt Disney6:33 AM Sep 3rd from TwitterBerry @rcinstitute agreed6:28 PM Sep 2nd from TwitterBerry Reading the latest FORTUNE. Cover story is "Blackberry vs iPhone." RIM is rated THE FASTEST GROWING COMPANY IN THE WORLD. Nice.7:18 PM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry Just arriving at Waterloo, Canada - home of RIM, maker of the Blackberry, for tomorrow's workshop for them.7:16 PM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry @daveoj yes, en route now5:54 PM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry I want you to be super fit/uber healthy. Follow @joyoushealth for great tips on what to eat to stay at your best and other health tips3:01 PM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry Packing 4 the Research in Motion event tomorrow. CD by Midnight Youth, a band I discovered while skiing in New Zealand in July ROCKS my home2:54 PM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry just recorded a videoclip for the Simon & Schuster sales team sharing details of the new book with them. going for lunch now11:14 AM Sep 1st from web just recorded a video welcome for the sept 15 leadership workshop i'll be doing in Vilnius, Lithuania. www.vivapersona.lt11:12 AM Sep 1st from web @nirkouris probably back in Israel in 2010. thanks for asking11:11 AM Sep 1st from web in reply to nirkouris I was exhausted yesterday from travel/writing the new book/upcoming tour and a 12 hour day. Oh the power of a good sleep :)7:12 AM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry 2 of my favorite words? NOBLE BOLDNESS.7:11 AM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry Doesn't matter if no one else likes your ideas. All that matters is whether YOU like your ideas (and ACT on them!)7:10 AM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry @gabelombard thanks for asking. i think addictions need mental AND emotional healing7:06 AM Sep 1st from web in reply to gabelombard @BertMartin :)7:04 AM Sep 1st from web in reply to BertMartin 3 days left until new book's due at Simon and Schuster. i want to coast now but remembering it's not how u start but how u finish.7:03 AM Sep 1st from web Preparing for my conference call with The Monthly Coach clients as well as for my workshop tomorrow with the makers of the Blackberry5:10 AM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry Shift from I Can't to I Can. And watch the dramatic results arrive.5:09 AM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry Leadership is about getting the job done. Pure and simple.5:08 AM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry @4jeremywright thanks. The new book's actually almost complete. Final manuscript due on Friday in New York. Published May 2010.1:00 PM Aug 31st from TwitterBerry From The Greatness Guide: "in the end, the billionaire gets buried next to the street sweeper. We ALL end up as dust."2:14 AM Aug 31st from TwitterBerry new vLog shot from mountaintop in NZ, on LEADERSHIP PM Aug 30th from web @ashwin2087 to build strong self-belief, use affirmations/review goals daily, do the things that are hard but important and embrace ur fear12:00 PM Aug 30th from TwitterBerry


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238. @ashwin2087 on those low days, use tools like affirmations, conversations with inspiring people, listening to energizing audios, writing.11:55 AM Aug 30th from TwitterBerry 239. @s_kabore next time then :)11:54 AM Aug 30th from TwitterBerry 240. @vicentep I'm at gate D37 at MIA and would be happy to say hello to you. My flight boards in 30 min though.11:53 AM Aug 30th from TwitterBerry 241. @vassilenko thanks. And I respect the tremendous work of Intway. I'm looking forward to the event I'll be speaking at in Moscow in Dec.11:52 AM Aug 30th from TwitterBerry 242. At MIA. Thinking "whatever you do, make sure you have fun doing it."10:38 AM Aug 30th from TwitterBerry 243. Sitting on the flight to Miami. Writing our September eNewsletter on the best practices I've share with clients to PLAY AT PEAK.9:14 AM Aug 30th from TwitterBerry 244. Flying to Miami at 7:30 am. Will be up at 4 for some coffee and to pack. I LOVE being up in the air. Will do final edits on the new book.8:38 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry 245. @Vt_Intuitive thanks. Been working on this book for most of 2009 so it'll be great to get it into the production process sept 5 for May pub8:41 AM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry 246. @marioeagle thanks. Can't wait to visit Guatemala as well as Nicaragua8:38 AM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry 247. @dadamathew Happy Independance Day to my Malaysian fans! Thank you.8:36 AM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry 248. Leaving Central America tomorrow. Need to spend a lot more time down here. Love this place.5:49 AM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry 249. Dominick, my editor at Simon and Schuster, needs this revisied version of the manuscript of the new book by Friday. Project's nearly over.5:47 AM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry 250. Having my daily cup of coffee. New line I added to the new book: "your health will never be better than your self-image."5:45 AM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry 251. One of the most important lessons I've learned in my life: FEAR TURNS TO POWER AS YOU EMBRACE IT.10:58 AM Aug 28th from TwitterBerry 252. @tsimitha :)8:43 AM Aug 28th from TwitterBerry 253. Ted Kennedy's goal-in the face of cancer-was to have 'a good ending'. Good goal for all of us.8:42 AM Aug 28th from TwitterBerry 254. Make "Life is Short So Play at My Peak" your brain tatoo8:21 AM Aug 28th from TwitterBerry 255. Listening to The Tragically Hip in the Central American sunshine. Best way to break a bad habit? BREAK IT.8:20 AM Aug 28th from TwitterBerry 256. A primary rule in real estate investing: location, location, location. A primary rule for business success: focus, focus, focus.5:59 AM Aug 28th from TwitterBerry 257. Going out for Lebanese food. Under the stars. Best way to eat.6:46 PM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 258. @mojohito just journal what comes to mind. Your dreams. Your fears. Your passions. Writing is a superb tool to develop super clarity.6:42 PM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 259. @ChartreuseLinda brilliant6:38 PM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 260. @LeadershipJones sometimes I restate my mission and goals in my journal. Some days I freeflow. Sometimes I look for answers through writing.6:37 PM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 261. The more time you focus on how much money you'll make versus doing GREAT work, the less you'll focus on doing great work. So less $ comes.11:48 AM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 262. The clients I coach have found that daily journalling is a powerful leadership best practice. Boosts clarity/integrates all you r learning11:36


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AM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 263. Impossible is just a 10 letter word. That's it! Nothing more. PLEASE DON'T ALLOW 10 LETTERS TO LIMIT (THEN RUIN) YOUR LIFE! 11:28 AM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 264. Every day, anonymous dreamers from across the world realize something that, at an earlier time, was said to be impossible.11:26 AM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 265. @athulii you ask me can you make this dream happen when your current reality is so different. I reply "of course". All up to u. Start NOW11:24 AM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 266. In a Latin American city. Listening to Dave Matthews. Making my final changes to the new book over these next few days.11:23 AM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 267. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know :)11:21 AM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 268. @smeedeep yes, I'm learning more than every before how powerdul are words are. Look at what Mandela/Gandhi/MLK did with their words!11:20 AM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 269. @nimishak not sure where the RIM workshop will be held but I know I'll be delivering in on Sept. 2 at the HQ in Waterloo11:17 AM Aug 26th from TwitterBerry 270. Unreasonable optimism is a fuel of champions6:35 PM Aug 25th from TwitterBerry 271. What you speak about you strengthen6:34 PM Aug 25th from TwitterBerry 272. Let every step you take leave a trail of your brilliance, courage and compassion1:17 PM Aug 25th from TwitterBerry 273. @jaynecormie :)1:16 PM Aug 25th from TwitterBerry 274. @vikaspgoel so many things make RIM a great company incl innovation/execution intelligence/culture and vision of the 2 founders1:15 PM Aug 25th from TwitterBerry 275. Here's probably the last picture I'll post of the manuscript of the new book before it gets published May 2010. PM Aug 24th from UberTwitter 276. Delayed at MIA. Here's a pic of my view. Preparing for a workshop on Sept 2 for RIM, maker of The Blackberry. PM Aug 24th from UberTwitter 277. @TravisTasset daily exercise, daily visualization and regular journalling to deepen all learning and boost clarity9:15 AM Aug 24th from TwitterBerry 278. I've found in my life, when I make a choice based on the growth I'll get vs the easiness I'll experience, it always turns out a LOT better.9:13 AM Aug 24th from TwitterBerry 279. Focus more on who you are versus what you have and you'll get all you want.8:56 AM Aug 24th from TwitterBerry 280. Just landed in Miami. One flight to go. Idea: Brilliant ideas without BRILLIANT execution are worth zero.8:56 AM Aug 24th from TwitterBerry 281. @kevinshe awesome that you reached out to that 'competitor'5:34 AM Aug 24th from TwitterBerry 282. @axiomseekr was in Dallas last year. Maybe back for a leadership event in 2010. Thanks for asking5:33 AM Aug 24th from TwitterBerry 283. Boarding flight to Miami. Thinking that leaders aren't paid to make excuses. They're paid to GET THINGS DONE.5:28 AM Aug 24th from TwitterBerry 284. "It is nothing to die; it is frightening not to live." Victor Hugo. Make it a dazzlingly great day today.1:57 AM Aug 24th from TwitterBerry 285. Final thought for today: to have a bigger life the main move is to become a BIGGER person (more excellence/more passion/more heroism). Nite.8:27 PM Aug 23rd from TwitterBerry 286. Time to sleep. Early morning flight to Latin America tomorrow. Q: what if


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every one of your limits was self-constructed? We both know they R8:25 PM Aug 23rd from TwitterBerry @TravisTasset excellent question. One of the lessons I was reminded of is success is all about working the fundamentals (daily goals, affirm8:23 PM Aug 23rd from TwitterBerry @DrBrandonLemuel awesome to meet you in Montana.8:21 PM Aug 23rd from TwitterBerry @kulkarnianiket new book's pretty much done, thanks for asking. Just polishing it now11:20 AM Aug 23rd from TwitterBerry @zoecarnate you're awesome back!10:22 AM Aug 23rd from TwitterBerry Just landed in Chicago en route HOME after 3 days in a log cabin in Montana rethinking the way I work and the way I live. Missed u guys :) 10:21 AM Aug 23rd from TwitterBerry @nishethj I definitely agree on giving real feedback. I was saying we shouldn't speak ill of others12:22 PM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry @vaibhav22 grateful for your words12:20 PM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry @vikaspgoel awesome insight. Thanks!12:19 PM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry @staxy wow, that's great. I'll see you in Moscow! Thanks for the support7:52 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry Good habit: say "YOU'RE AWESOME" to every stranger who's doing great work and treats you well (The need/deserve to hear it!)7:23 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry As I fly by the Oakley sunglasses store the Chicago airport, an ad catches my eyes: BE THE OPPOSITE OF ORDINARY.6:44 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry "There is no great genius without some touch of madness." Seneca4:10 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry Flying to Chicago en route to Montana. Thinking too much of my life's in too many airports on too many airplanes. I do it to share a msg.4:09 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry New spin on an old line: "if you have zero good to say about someone, then say ZERO."3:30 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry From the manuscript of the new book: "the way you make your sheets determines how well you'll sleep in your bed."3:29 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry Mess creates stress3:13 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry Flying to Montana to spend 3 days in a cabin doing a personal development retreat. Ready :)2:21 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry Leadership is a bold stand for you being your absolute best.2:20 AM Aug 19th from TwitterBerry Listening to Sola Rosa and refining new book while juggling 100 other things today6:40 AM Aug 18th from TwitterBerry If you don't stand strongly for your vision/mission, you'll fall fast for anything6:39 AM Aug 18th from TwitterBerry Excellence is MiracleGro for your life6:39 AM Aug 18th from TwitterBerry GRAB life6:37 AM Aug 18th from TwitterBerry @satire4hire of course he can find enlightenment in yard work :)10:35 AM Aug 17th from web in reply to satire4hire @AjayShroff :). the parking spot comment seems to have finally got people listening to me on the 5 am club :)7:56 AM Aug 17th from web in reply to AjayShroff @SeanWF absolutely! getting up early is a beautiful way to HONOR your best self7:55 AM Aug 17th from web in reply to SeanWF at HQ with my team. nothing great was ever achieved solo. amazing what a band of committed people can do once clear/inspired.7:54 AM Aug 17th from web your grow your power to lead and succeed by doing the things you know


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you should do but don't do, elegantly and with speed7:53 AM Aug 17th from web Getting up at 5 am means you get to exercise and read and plan. And receive any parking spot you want :)4:33 AM Aug 17th from TwitterBerry One of the traits of THE BEST LWTs (Leaders Without a Title) is that they get up EARLY4:32 AM Aug 17th from TwitterBerry In every downcycle, there are people and businesses that see explosive growth. The only economy that matters is the one BETWEEN YOUR EARS4:31 AM Aug 17th from TwitterBerry @intentionalmark congratulations.1:40 PM Aug 16th from web in reply to intentionalmark @winvinny why on earth would you want to be me? be the best YOU.1:40 PM Aug 16th from web in reply to winvinny @vaidotasv and Radiohead gets better with time1:39 PM Aug 16th from web in reply to vaidotasv @mageshz thanks. i always do my best to help1:38 PM Aug 16th from web in reply to mageshz @ylccstu :)1:37 PM Aug 16th from web in reply to ylccstu @drvhemani true in a lot of ways1:36 PM Aug 16th from web in reply to drvhemani @harshvardan thank you1:35 PM Aug 16th from web in reply to harshvardan @R_oH i haven't...yet :)1:35 PM Aug 16th from web in reply to R_oH @Sanjay_Dua there's no secret. and you CAN do it. just make a commitment to speak good words and then start small. and NOW1:34 PM Aug 16th from web in reply to Sanjay_Dua Spend 24 hours challenging yourself to speak only positive/inspiring/encouraging words. Can you do it?10:31 AM Aug 16th from TwitterBerry Takes some Brave Risks. Because you'll never know how high you can fly if you don't even try.10:30 AM Aug 16th from TwitterBerry From last pm: On a farm, deep in the country. Stars fill the sky. Thinking: Leadership's about believing in you when no one believes in you.10:29 AM Aug 16th from TwitterBerry Just because the person you need to say your truth to may not understand what you're saying doesn't mean you shouldn't speak it9:48 AM Aug 15th from TwitterBerry From the new book: "You can't build a monument to success on a foundation of excuses."8:50 AM Aug 15th from TwitterBerry TRUST YOURSELF. When people don't get your vision, trust U. When people don't get your genius, trust U. Leadership's about trusting YOU7:12 AM Aug 15th from TwitterBerry @intentionalmark great. And congratulations to you!4:03 PM Aug 14th from TwitterBerry @GregoryDopka thanks for this4:00 PM Aug 14th from TwitterBerry @anahiyeh you're welcome!4:00 PM Aug 14th from TwitterBerry Getting ready to leave the office. Cleaning up paperwork. Listening to Radiohead. God they're a great band :)3:12 PM Aug 14th from TwitterBerry Leaders have a LUST for learning. What have you learned today?1:32 PM Aug 13th from TwitterBerry Make your life a piece of high quality art. And your work a MASTERPIECE1:31 PM Aug 13th from TwitterBerry The more you REALLY commit to playing at excellence in your life, the less you'll be able to stand anything UNexcellent in your life6:52 AM Aug 13th from TwitterBerry Awesome summer's day. Thinking: EVERY action you take releases a consequence out into your life.6:49 AM Aug 13th from TwitterBerry @johnny142 new OLP cd is excellent. good edge to it.5:33 AM Aug 13th


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from web in reply to johnny142 341. Sitting in traffic. Listening to the new OUR LADY PEACE cd.8:59 AM Aug 12th from TwitterBerry 342. The doorway that swings open into FORGIVENESS has a label on it called UNDERSTANDING4:23 AM Aug 12th from TwitterBerry 343. Great am workout. Having breakfast. 6 egg whites. Bowl of blueberries. H2O. Back at the office today. To see my AWESOME team!4:16 AM Aug 12th from TwitterBerry 344. Rather than berating yourself, please try to CELEBRATE yourself. Because you can't fly any higher than you think you can.4:14 AM Aug 12th from TwitterBerry 345. You're throughts are creative instruments. So use them at peak.4:13 AM Aug 12th from TwitterBerry 346. LEADERS ARE DREAMERS. Applaud them vs mocking them. Goodnight :)7:58 PM Aug 11th from web 347. When you begin to see what's best in people, they begin to feel safe enough to expose more of it.7:57 PM Aug 11th from web 348. SOMEONE will do something that will shift their game, inspire their teammates and make the world a little better tomorrow. WHY NOT YOU? 7:55 PM Aug 11th from web 349. Going to dinner w my loved ones. Thinking that 'Leadership's about forming your own opinions vs blindly following the opinions of others.'2:52 PM Aug 11th from TwitterBerry 350. @sharoneden :)3:27 AM Aug 11th from web in reply to sharoneden 351. @vaibhav22 Chet Baker3:27 AM Aug 11th from web in reply to vaibhav22 352. History is a testament to seemingly ordinary people who seized the OPPORTUNITY to do some extraordinary things. So will YOU?1:49 AM Aug 11th from TwitterBerry 353. Having my daily cup of coffee. Feeling full of fiery passion for a blazingly great creative day.1:48 AM Aug 11th from TwitterBerry 354. You're the Captain of your ship, the creator of your circumstances and the architect of your life. GOOD morning :)1:46 AM Aug 11th from TwitterBerry 355. @reddywriting me too. the music from Gran Torino was so special - esp. Eastwood singing himself at the end. it all MOVED me.10:05 PM Aug 10th from web in reply to reddywriting 356. line i just wrote into the new book: IF YOU DON'T EAT YOUR FEAR, YOUR FEAR WILL EAT YOU. Goodnight now. Really :)10:04 PM Aug 10th from web 357. i know i need to sleep but it's 1 am and i'm polishing the new book. i just need it to be my best so it moves people to their BEST.10:03 PM Aug 10th from web 358. Clint Eastwood's 'Gran Torino' was outrageously good. Goodnight.9:50 PM Aug 10th from web 359. @stacyreck no worries :)7:35 PM Aug 10th from web in reply to stacyreck 360. @Vi91 thx. happy to be home because home is home, much as i love sitting in silver cylinders at 40,000 feet7:19 PM Aug 10th from web in reply to Vi91 361. @gjpagliarani thanks. was in Venezuela last year so likely back in 2010. loved Caracas!!!!7:17 PM Aug 10th from web in reply to gjpagliarani 362. @praveenoo7 thanks. happy to hear the books are helping7:16 PM Aug 10th from web in reply to praveenoo7 363. Watching Gran Torino. Thinking: 'leadership isn't the privilege of the chosen few but the birthright of the PASSIONATE many'. Multitasking:) 7:14 PM Aug 10th from TwitterBerry 364. Submitted the manuscript for the new book today. Now working on the next Monk book that's due soon at HarperCollins7:13 PM Aug 10th from TwitterBerry 365. Safely home after 20 hours of flying. I'll miss New Zealand a lot. Left


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winter yesterday and landed in summer early this morning.7:13 AM Aug 10th from TwitterBerry @imarsus just leaving New Zealand. Wasn't in Africa. Was in Queenstown. Now in Auckland- headed home. Only 19 hours of flying to go :)12:37 AM Aug 9th from TwitterBerry @Aphrodite84 thanks! And if we go to our limits, our limits expand.12:35 AM Aug 9th from TwitterBerry @AndreaCyr :)12:32 AM Aug 9th from TwitterBerry @rajikad I've seen a lot of pictures but this one's HILARIOUS. Thanks for sharing!12:31 AM Aug 9th from TwitterBerry @GregoryDopka so pleased The Greatness Guide has done that for you :) 12:29 AM Aug 9th from TwitterBerry From the new book: "Any event that increases your strength and growth is a gift to be celebrated versus a curse to be condemned."2:39 PM Aug 8th from TwitterBerry I shot this picture of Queenstown to show you exactly what I've been talking about these past 3 weeks. PM Aug 7th from UberTwitter @K_Kosmic you are awesomely kind to say that about my books. Thank you11:28 PM Aug 7th from TwitterBerry When you read the new book, title to be released soon and published by Simon and Schuster May 2010, you'll feel the inspiration I felt here11:27 PM Aug 7th from TwitterBerry I'll miss New Zealand a lot! The coffee, the food, the skiing (thanks gang from Coronet Peak and The Remarkables!),the beauty and THE PEOPLE11:26 PM Aug 7th from TwitterBerry "If you don't climb your personal Everests, you'll never get to know how high you could have climbed." From the new book which is DONE!11:23 PM Aug 7th from TwitterBerry I've conquered a lot of my Everests on this trip. Students in The Monthly Coach program will get to see video from the heli-skiing yesterday11:21 PM Aug 7th from TwitterBerry Thinking you can learn more from watching nature than you ever could from reading a book11:20 PM Aug 7th from TwitterBerry Last night in Queenstown. Having a glass of the incredible Pinot Noir from here, watching sun set over the mountains. Dinner w friends later11:19 PM Aug 7th from TwitterBerry Went helicopter-skiing today. Challenging for me but I skied down from a mountain peak. Yikes! Here's a pic PM Aug 6th from UberTwitter Don't ever miss an opportunity to grow, savor life and express more of your best.11:32 PM Aug 5th from TwitterBerry Leadership involves the acute discovery of the best within you and then courageously expressing in to the world without you.11:30 PM Aug 5th from TwitterBerry People who share gossip with you are the people who'll gossip about you.11:28 PM Aug 5th from TwitterBerry Listening to Dave Matthews Band. Why do I like DMB so much? Because Dave Matthews is a genius. And his music moves me.11:26 PM Aug 5th from TwitterBerry Skied with friends on world-class snow today up at Coronet Peak. Leaving Queenstown in a few days to head home. Will miss this place a lot!11:24 PM Aug 5th from TwitterBerry Having lunch at Heidi's Hut near the top of Coronet Peak. The snow is AWESOME. Thinking how I like my goals stuck in my head like a pop song6:05 PM Aug 4th from TwitterBerry Perfect day on the snow at Coronet Peak. Deeply jazzed to be skiing in summer! Here's a pic for you :) PM Aug 4th from UberTwitter


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388. Smarter to focus on quality versus speed!12:52 AM Aug 4th from TwitterBerry 389. Such a simple idea (that just might change your life): THE SECRET OF HAPPINESS IS DOING SOMETHING THAT HELPS OTHERS.12:49 AM Aug 4th from TwitterBerry 390. Having dinner at The Boathouse restaurant in Queenstown. Pretty little place overlooking Queenstown Bay. Rained all day. And so I wrote.12:47 AM Aug 4th from TwitterBerry 391. Here's a picture of my private writing space here in New Zealand. PM Aug 2nd from UberTwitter 392. Grey day in beautiful Queenstown. Will spend day polishing new book so it's the best I have to give. And my body needs rest from skiing.3:24 PM Aug 2nd from TwitterBerry 393. Rich peace fills your heart when you have a clearly recorded mission for your days and your life.2:16 PM Jul 31st from TwitterBerry 394. So important, at least every quarter, to take a day to rethink and restrengthen. Having dinner tonight with some special friends.2:15 PM Jul 31st from TwitterBerry 395. So this day's about re-strengthening. Resting a tired body and leveraging today to think/plan/read surrounded by Queenstown's mountains.2:13 PM Jul 31st from TwitterBerry 396. Taking a total rest day. Listening to Sola Rosa. Awesome New Zealand artist. Drinking Leo's organic coffee. New book's in fine shape now.2:12 PM Jul 31st from TwitterBerry 397. Every adversity has a blessing in deep disguise. Leadership is about hunting it down with speed and elegance.2:10 PM Jul 31st from TwitterBerry 398. @Jayemm :)2:57 AM Jul 31st from TwitterBerry 399. Pour encouragement and compassion into every life you meet11:12 AM Jul 30th from TwitterBerry 400. Leaders are passionate believers in meaningful DREAMS11:12 AM Jul 30th from TwitterBerry 401. Anger/fear/resentments dump dangerous chemistry into your bloodstream! Shift to peace/gratitude and joy.11:11 AM Jul 30th from TwitterBerry 402. Pls don't allow the beauty of your brilliance to be overcome by the darkness of your doubts11:10 AM Jul 30th from TwitterBerry 403. @izzcool :)1:41 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 404. @drvhemani exactly! Ok, need to go work on the book. Good evening all and keep owning the GENIUS aching to flow out of you!12:53 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 405. @rehabc Jaico is my publisher in India. Simon and Schuster is my US/world publisher for this new book, all about how anyone can LEAD12:49 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 406. @mycoachguy thanks for the support. I'm always so appreciative of Monk Who Sold His Ferrari readers! You guys are the best!!!12:46 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 407. @rehabc Monk's all digital :) I submit manuscripts electronically. But right now I have a hardcopy and a pencil to make my revisions12:44 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 408. @GreenEconomics it's just the submission of the manuscript. No book signing. That comes in May when the book comes out. Thanks for asking12:42 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 409. @fall79 absolutely. Keep the blinders on and live for YOUR dreams. Be deaf to the critics12:41 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 410. Sad how so many potentially GREAT people resign themselves to playing SMALL with their lives.12:39 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 411. My manuscript for the new book is due in at Simon and Schuster in New York August 7. Wish me luck :)12:38 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 412. Your words broadcast your beliefs.12:36 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 413. Critics are scared souls who get frightened when others shine12:34 AM Jul


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29th from TwitterBerry 414. Life's just a blink. And at the end, no one cares if you grew your net worth. We only care about whether you grew those around you.12:33 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 415. To bury your dreams beneath layers of doubt is to end up as Dead Man Walking12:28 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 416. Rainy New Zealand evening. Sitting in front of a roaring fire making excellent progress on the new book. God I love this place.12:27 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 417. @akoijamrina it's an honor12:20 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 418. @sejalvo thanks for the encouragement! Means a lot to me.12:20 AM Jul 29th from TwitterBerry 419. New blog post: 4 Ways to Eat Your Fear. PM Jul 28th from TwitterBerry 420. Whenever you are confronted with a choice of importance, may I suggest u ask yourself a simple question: 'WHAT WOULD COURAGE DO?"11:35 PM Jul 27th from TwitterBerry 421. From The Saint, The Surfer and The CEO: "The richest person is not the one who has the most but the one who needs the least."6:24 PM Jul 27th from TwitterBerry 422. @Maheendran thanks!6:19 PM Jul 27th from TwitterBerry 423. I just ate my fear. Skied down this mountain (see this pic!). We grow by eating our fears! PM Jul 27th from UberTwitter 424. Thinking negative thoughts is nothing more that violence in the mind12:01 PM Jul 27th from TwitterBerry 425. On the razor's edge between the comfort of routine and the discomfort of groth is where leaders live12:00 PM Jul 27th from TwitterBerry 426. I've heard Michael Jackson's music playing in the ski lodge and on the streets. That's what a legacy is: ur good work lives on after death7:32 PM Jul 26th from TwitterBerry 427. Break for lunch. At Coronet Peak. Blue skies married to perfect snow. Deeply inspired. New book's also going soo well PM Jul 26th from UberTwitter 428. The only economy that truly determines your prosperity is the economy between your two ears. In every down cycle, some THRIVE.12:21 PM Jul 26th from TwitterBerry 429. "Your job is to express life" @Louise Hay's genius words. I appreciate them on this precious New Zealand winter's morning.12:14 PM Jul 26th from TwitterBerry 430. Give away what you most know.12:06 PM Jul 26th from TwitterBerry 431. LEADERS are not just superb LEARNERS. They are also splendid TEACHERS.12:06 PM Jul 26th from TwitterBerry 432. Drop crumbs of genius wherever you go. Going to catch an early morning bus to take me up the mountain now.11:47 AM Jul 26th from TwitterBerry 433. Light a fire under yourself so you can be a light for OTHERS. Leadership is about modeling GREATNESS. Get busy at it :)3:35 PM Jul 25th from TwitterBerry 434. Taking a rest day. Blue skies over the mountains. Listening to Morcheeba. Drinking NZ coffee. Will work on the new book. Good Sunday.3:33 PM Jul 25th from TwitterBerry 435. Focusing on past resentments is like driving with the handbreak on3:32 PM Jul 25th from TwitterBerry 436. If your goals are reflections of that which is most important in life, then make your goals the most imp thing in your life2:56 PM Jul 25th from TwitterBerry 437. The things you are most resisting doing and becoming are the things you most need to do and be10:34 PM Jul 24th from TwitterBerry 438. Kindness requires no language.7:58 PM Jul 24th from TwitterBerry 439. Fear's just a mental splinter we need to quickly remove from our minds.


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Otherwise infection sets in.5:20 PM Jul 24th from TwitterBerry 440. Recalling the advice of Steve Jobs I mentioned in The Greatness Guide: 'Stay hungry. Stay foolish."5:19 PM Jul 24th from TwitterBerry 441. On lunch after an am on perfect slopes at Coronet Peak. New Zealand rocks. Thinking: leadership is all about the RADICAL DELIVERY of results5:18 PM Jul 24th from TwitterBerry 442. To live a great life, become devoted to the accumulation of great memories.12:25 AM Jul 24th from TwitterBerry 443. On lunch break at Coronet Peak. Saw a kid with a jacket that said LIVE FOR SNOW. Here's a pic. PM Jul 23rd from UberTwitter 444. The mountains here in New Zealand have send me a stunning bolt of inspiration. No skiing today. Holed up in my room working on the new book.11:38 AM Jul 22nd from TwitterBerry 445. I recorded this video of a FASCINATING entrepreneur in Singapore: AM Jul 22nd from TwitterBerry 446. Skied most of the day. Coronet Peak=AWESOME. Here's a pic I shot of Queenstown. PM Jul 21st from UberTwitter 447. Need to go shopping for groceries today. I adore this place but the coffee in my apartment is weak. Need some Juan Valdez NOW :)9:48 AM Jul 21st from TwitterBerry 448. Looking out over Queenstown Bay. Thinking how important it is not to let your heart stop beating while you are alive: to let life inspire u9:34 AM Jul 21st from TwitterBerry 449. Just after 4 am New Zealand time. Up having coffee. The mountains inspire me! I'll work on the new book then ski all am. This place is Wow.9:29 AM Jul 21st from TwitterBerry 450. @gustogoss thanks would love to but am only in Queenstown this time9:26 AM Jul 21st from TwitterBerry 451. Here's a pic of the mountains I shot as I flew into Queenstown, New Zealand. I'll be skiing in the morning :) PM Jul 20th from UberTwitter 452. Just landed in New Zealand. Quick flight from Auckland to Queenstown and I'll get to where I need to be. Mountains and snow :)5:36 PM Jul 20th from TwitterBerry 453. @bpsg I can't wait!8:55 PM Jul 19th from TwitterBerry 454. In Los Angeles. Beautiful night.8:54 PM Jul 19th from TwitterBerry 455. To avoid drowning in anger, reach for the safety of empathy6:23 AM Jul 19th from TwitterBerry 456. @bpsg i am visiting :)3:25 PM Jul 17th from web in reply to bpsg 457. Between you and your BEST life is a doorway called fear.1:50 PM Jul 17th from web 458. @james_laker Man, you're so kind to me but i'm more ordinary than you could ever imagine :)1:48 PM Jul 17th from web in reply to james_laker 459. I'll be on a flight to New Zealand in less than 24hrs. Plan to start my job as a ski instructor by Tuesday. Dreams can come true:)1:47 PM Jul 17th from web 460. @JorgeLarios thanks Jorge. you won one of the books in my Twitter contest. I signed it for u today. you should receive it soon1:45 PM Jul 17th from web in reply to JorgeLarios 461. @james_laker you're really kind but i'm no guru or anything. just an ordinary person...a work in more, no less :)1:44 PM Jul 17th from web in reply to james_laker 462. @RyanMcNish depends but i generally try to get some sleep at 11:30 or so.1:42 PM Jul 17th from web in reply to RyanMcNish 463. @luisininio been to Mexico many times, thanks for asking. Last event i did there was in Mexico City. Viva Mexico :)1:41 PM Jul 17th from web in reply to luisininio 464. @luisininio @souravghosh you're so kind. thank you1:40 PM Jul 17th from


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web in reply to luisininio 465. @eslogico i think, yes, pain does promote growth. we need to experience the discomfort that stretching our limits brings to grow1:39 PM Jul 17th from web in reply to eslogico 466. @Choupek i agree. leadership can be a lonely sport1:38 PM Jul 17th from web in reply to Choupek 467. Had a fantastic nature walk with my Mastermind partner this early this am. 1 conversation can change the game.10:53 AM Jul 17th from TwitterBerry 468. Victims make excuses. Leaders make RESULTS.10:52 AM Jul 17th from TwitterBerry 469. One cannot reach clarity without passing through confusion. One cannot breakthrough without initial breakdown. This is how growth occurs.10:41 AM Jul 17th from TwitterBerry 470. Making others happy is a GORGEOUS gift to give yourself5:35 PM Jul 16th from TwitterBerry 471. @CiaraConlon so great to see you guys at the Dublin event in May! CelticGuru ROCKS! thanks for all the support and all best to J11:38 AM Jul 16th from web in reply to CiaraConlon 472. @dewimeitasari of course it's me tweeting! thanks for caring enough to ask11:33 AM Jul 16th from web in reply to dewimeitasari 473. @axiomseekr thanks. and i still love Puerto Rico11:29 AM Jul 16th from web in reply to axiomseekr 474. @InnerPeaceSage very sage advice :) thank you for it. Maybe i'm exactly where i need 2 b in the process11:28 AM Jul 16th from web in reply to InnerPeaceSage 475. Life's too big to play small!8:43 AM Jul 16th from TwitterBerry 476. Why spend valuable energy on things of zero value?8:43 AM Jul 16th from TwitterBerry 477. @cnadeau :)8:09 AM Jul 16th from web in reply to cnadeau 478. I try to tweet and deliver value to u. but i just wanted to say THANK YOU for believing in my Lead Without a Title msg and my work8:05 AM Jul 16th from web 479. i've been drinking a green drink every am while i'm on the bike as part of my new 'Peak Energy Protocol' (Greens Plus). + Results7:55 AM Jul 16th from web 480. @bethebutterfly oh, i didn't know u were at the Hong Kong event. That was so special for me. Yes, the people there were wow7:53 AM Jul 16th from web in reply to bethebutterfly 481. @thebookofpeace we agree. leaders don't do what the mob/tribe likes. they do what they trust to be right/good/best7:52 AM Jul 16th from web in reply to thebookofpeace 482. who are you when no one's watching?7:50 AM Jul 16th from web 483. Most of your fears are LIES you've sold yourself. Stop buying them.7:44 AM Jul 16th from web 484. @bethebutterfly 'carve it up' is my new mantra :) thanks for it. c u on the slopes :)7:42 AM Jul 16th from web in reply to bethebutterfly 485. not sure why my blog on "Your Perfect Day' has created such buzz. any ideas? AM Jul 16th from web 486. God i can't wait until i finish this manuscript for the new book. pouring my heart into it . i'll finish it while i'm skiing in NZ7:30 AM Jul 16th from web 487. Leadership is a precious balancing of a LUST for dreaming with a bias towards ACTION7:28 AM Jul 16th from web 488. "Be Effective, Not Popular." FORTUNE mag's summary of the advice of sports agent Scott Boras. In other words, get the job DONE7:27 AM Jul 16th from web 489. @ALPSolutvodka too many to name but "lead the field" earl nightingale is classic. Trump's "Thing Big" is another EXCELLENT audio7:23 AM Jul 16th from web in reply to alpsflavored 490. Listening to this audiobook while I drive. Excellent! (Yes, I stopped to


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shoot pic) PM Jul 15th from UberTwitter 491. Watching some kids play ball. It's our nature to PLAY. And to live without play/fun/adventure is to lose a part of yourself.3:14 PM Jul 15th from TwitterBerry 492. New blog post: "Your Perfect Day" PM Jul 15th from TwitterBerry 493. simple advice from a simple guy (me) for today: drink more water today1:05 PM Jul 15th from web 494. Gave a copy of the old book "He Who Thinks He Can" to my Dad last week. He adores personal dev books and LOVED this 1.1:03 PM Jul 15th from web 495. Thinking about Steve Martin's advice to aspiring comics: "BE SO GOOD THEY CAN'T IGNORE YOU."1:01 PM Jul 15th from web 496. New Harry Potter film's out. Publishers rejected J.K. Rowling's manuscript. Reminder: all big ideas are intially misunderstood!12:54 PM Jul 15th from web 497. little daily wins matter! little things add up to BIG things over time. The superstars in business and life get that.12:51 PM Jul 15th from web 498. from The Greatness Guide: "your days are your life in miniature. As you live each day, so you craft your life."12:49 PM Jul 15th from web 499. @_David_Roth great :)12:48 PM Jul 15th from web in reply to _David_Roth 500. @AjayShroff :)11:23 AM Jul 15th from web in reply to AjayShroff 501. Ok, here you go: the latest picture of the manuscript for my new book. I never said it would be pretty :) AM Jul 15th from UberTwitter 502. "The vision that you glorify in your mind, THIS you WILL become." James Allen6:57 AM Jul 15th from TwitterBerry 503. In reply to all the questions, the new book is about a completely new model of leadership-where EVERY human being gets to lead. May 20106:56 AM Jul 15th from TwitterBerry 504. Turning up the heat on myself to get the manuscript of the new book done. Been working on it to ensure it's the best I have to give.6:55 AM Jul 15th from TwitterBerry 505. In sports: no shot means no goal. In business and life, same thing. No risk and action, zero reward and achievement.6:53 AM Jul 15th from TwitterBerry 506. You'll always reap what you sow. If you plant seeds of mediocrity all day long, it just isn't possible to harvest the fruits of success6:51 AM Jul 15th from TwitterBerry 507. What you speak more of you will see more of6:37 AM Jul 15th from TwitterBerry 508. @danielnrichards love it! pls Direct Message me your address for the signed book.6:12 PM Jul 14th from web in reply to danielnrichards 509. @MrJumboMortgage excellent pic. pls DM me your name and address. congrats6:00 PM Jul 14th from web in reply to MrJumboMortgage 510. @JorgeLarios awesome pic! pls DM me your address for the signed book5:58 PM Jul 14th from web in reply to JorgeLarios 511. @jpruski u just got yourself a signed Greatness Guide! pls DM me your name and address. great pic5:31 PM Jul 14th from web in reply to jpruski 512. send me a picture of u reading a book of mine that has helped you. The first 10 will get signed copies of The Greatness Guide!4:55 PM Jul 14th from web 513. podcast i recorded called "8 Things Successful People Do' PM Jul 14th from web 514. @beinspirednow definitely. a quiet mind is a gift we can give ourselves.3:25 PM Jul 14th from web in reply to beinspirednow 515. @mariacarmo9 but it's true isn't it :)3:25 PM Jul 14th from web in reply to mariacarmo9


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516. oh, if i don't come back and you never hear from me again, you know where i am :)3:24 PM Jul 14th from web 517. just dusted off my ski boots on this summer's eve. i fly to new zealand on sunday to be a ski instructor for 3 weeks.3:23 PM Jul 14th from web 518. most people are buried treasure on two legs3:19 PM Jul 14th from web 519. how do you boost self-discipline? do the things you know you should do but don't feel like doing!3:18 PM Jul 14th from web 520. leaders get that honoring self-promises grows self-confidence3:17 PM Jul 14th from web 521. As I share with our clients in The Monthly Coach last month: high performance comes from alternating playing at best with times of rest.5:17 AM Jul 14th from TwitterBerry 522. Be so strong in your own skin that the opinions of others can't touch you. Good morning5:16 AM Jul 14th from TwitterBerry 523. @alliroth David's great. Big hi to him pls6:07 PM Jul 13th from TwitterBerry 524. @cloth_diaper amazing your 9 year old has read The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari! wise soul6:04 AM Jul 13th from web in reply to cloth_diaper 525. "GREAT DREAMERS DREAMS ARE NEVER FULFILLED, THEY ARE ALWAYS TRANSCENDED." AL Whitehead, as quoted in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari3:36 PM Jul 12th from TwitterBerry 526. Being busy versus focused on RESULTS is as valuable as organizing deck chairs on the Titanic!3:34 PM Jul 12th from TwitterBerry 527. i wrote a children's book when i spent the summer in Italy in 2006. should i publish it 1 of these days? maybe give it away free?3:10 PM Jul 12th from web 528. FREE 60 minute audio of my best ideas u can listen to NOW PM Jul 12th from web 529. "Most people don't bother doing even the basic everything." Advice from famed venture capitalist Jim Rogers3:06 PM Jul 12th from web 530. "Don't eat anything that's not worth eating". Advice from novelist Nora Ephron in FORTUNE magazine (July 2009 issue)3:04 PM Jul 12th from web 531. More polishing of the new manuscript. Needs to be in to Simon and Schuster soon. I just long for it to be the best I have to give.9:05 AM Jul 12th from TwitterBerry 532. All great leaders/people are initially MISUNDERSTOOD. As they succeed, the same souls then become REVERED.9:03 AM Jul 12th from TwitterBerry 533. Your dreams can't start working for you until you feed them by starting.9:02 AM Jul 12th from TwitterBerry 534. Match passion with purpose and you'll see fine results6:07 AM Jul 12th from TwitterBerry 535. Getting ready to go for a hike in the woods. Thinking how powerful the simple discipline of following through on our promises is6:06 AM Jul 12th from TwitterBerry 536. Man just walked by me wearing a T shirt that read: "Everyone's entitled to my opinion." :)12:41 PM Jul 11th from TwitterBerry 537. A few good friends is all a good person needs5:30 AM Jul 11th from TwitterBerry 538. @ecenurdogan exactly5:20 AM Jul 11th from web in reply to ecenurdogan 539. @TaniaAbundance had no idea DMB was originally from South Africa. i miss Africa!4:27 AM Jul 11th from web in reply to TaniaAbundance 540. Dave Matthews Band? Raw Brilliance (esp latest cd).4:08 AM Jul 11th from web 541. can i ask you what our world would look like if EVERYONE really owned their genius/bigness and then had the guts to show it?4:07 AM Jul 11th from web


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542. what will you do/be today to INSPIRE those around you to shine more of their best? what will you do today to make our world better4:03 AM Jul 11th from web 543. @JorgeLarios so pleased you are getting great value from "Who Will Cry When You Die?". i wrote it at a really hard time in my life4:01 AM Jul 11th from web in reply to JorgeLarios 544. @manalimehta94 thanks. of course no one's suggesting that visionary thinking without deep effort will give u success.3:59 AM Jul 11th from web in reply to manalimehta94 545. You are not your history! Reinvent yourself and how big you'll play. Today!3:53 AM Jul 11th from TwitterBerry 546. Still summer's morning. Yet, U2 now rocks my spirit via headphones. Listening to their song "Stand Up Comedy". Music fuels passion!3:52 AM Jul 11th from TwitterBerry 547. Just finished an hour of visualization around my Big 5: the five main things that need to happen for me to feel I did Life well. Now coffee3:03 AM Jul 11th from TwitterBerry 548. @JorgeLarios :)6:35 PM Jul 10th from web in reply to JorgeLarios 549. The problem with apathy is that it invisibly morphs into mediocrity.3:00 PM Jul 10th from TwitterBerry 550. Old but brilliant line from the self-help movement that u can use to drive excellence: the way u do anything is the way u do everything2:01 PM Jul 10th from TwitterBerry 551. 25 minutes of audio on inspirational/leadership/wellness/character topics while working out-done 1st thing in am-will drive stunning results1:38 PM Jul 10th from TwitterBerry 552. Success and excellence is the result of a few simple and easy disciplines repeated daily over time to eventually provoke a result called WOW1:11 PM Jul 10th from TwitterBerry 553. I often drive by this simple memorial to a love killed in a car accident. Flowers are always fresh. Luv your luved 1s AM Jul 10th from UberTwitter 554. @rickymonsalve thanks. i loved speaking at that Herbalife stadium event in Atlanta and still drink the shakes :)5:06 AM Jul 10th from web in reply to rickymonsalve 555. a friend told me the word "grateful" sounds needy but "appreciate" sounds strong/healthy5:04 AM Jul 10th from web 556. have the mission discipline to stay disciplined around your mission5:03 AM Jul 10th from web 557. @chris_reynolds oh, to answer your Q: i ADORE audiobooks and try to listen to an inspiring/encouraging one every am for 30 min5:00 AM Jul 10th from web in reply to chris_reynolds 558. @chris_reynolds happy my "Best Practices of Excellent Leaders" blog 'rocked' AM Jul 10th from web in reply to chris_reynolds 559. @katmorjanoff right after u wake up i believe is best time to train. boosts metabolism and dumps endorphins through your body4:56 AM Jul 10th from web in reply to katmorjanoff 560. growing up we were taught to leave things as we found them. wrong. leaders leave things BETTER than they found them :)4:55 AM Jul 10th from web 561. @VinnyVerma sure. 2 new habits I'm installing: zero sugar zone around me and workout first thing in am vs. later in day to boost metabolism4:42 PM Jul 9th from TwitterBerry 562. Took this pic of a Field of Dreams to show/inspire you PM Jul 9th from UberTwitter 563. @manuni new book is about a whole new way of looking at leadership and success. simon and schuster will put it out this coming May9:06 AM Jul 9th from web in reply to manuni


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564. Integrating an awesome new habit isn't hard. Just FEELS hard. At first. So people give up too fast. Sad.7:20 AM Jul 9th from TwitterBerry 565. High achievement is the daughter is Visionary Thinking!7:04 AM Jul 9th from TwitterBerry 566. beautiful summer's day in my hometown. working on the manuscript of the new book.4:42 AM Jul 9th from web 567. Just posted a new blog: THE BEST HABITS OF EXCELLENT LEADERS AM Jul 8th from TwitterBerry 568. Just finished July newsletter. Uber-practical action ideas to make the last 6 months of '09 your best yet. Subscribe FREE robinsharma.com8:26 AM Jul 8th from TwitterBerry 569. Victims blame fate. Leaders own that they are the scriptwriters of their lives8:23 AM Jul 8th from TwitterBerry 570. The summer wouldn't taste so sweet if the winter didn't feel so bitter8:21 AM Jul 8th from TwitterBerry 571. Some readers of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari say it all sounds good but change isn't easy. Nothing great is ever easy. Easy doesn't grow u!7:59 AM Jul 8th from TwitterBerry 572. Great thoughts are the DNA of great works and every beautiful act of humanity7:56 AM Jul 8th from TwitterBerry 573. The best leaders have the biggest libraries. You NEED to read to lead!7:20 AM Jul 8th from TwitterBerry 574. peace isn't just some place of on a distant vacation or money cash in the account. peace can be found right where u are. now.5:51 AM Jul 8th from web 575. Strong and compassionate leaders are built by struggle and setback.4:05 AM Jul 8th from TwitterBerry 576. Focus on what's best and pay zero attention to the rest.3:11 AM Jul 8th from TwitterBerry 577. @bunmis you're welcome. doing my best to help people lead and shine-and remember their Buried Genius1:23 PM Jul 7th from web in reply to bunmis 578. @heathey sometimes the inspiration strikes :) thank you for the comment11:52 AM Jul 7th from web in reply to heathey 579. Here's my interview with Deepak Chopra. VERY interested to hear what you think! AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 580. "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change." Michael Jackson9:32 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 581. Deep inspiration without the backing of STAGGERING action is FANTASTIC waste of time!5:41 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 582. Big difference between wasting time (bad) and RE-Creation (good). Superstars in business and life get the difference and work it5:40 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 583. "Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar." Emerson5:36 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 584. When it comes to building a Remarkable business or crafting an Extraordinary life, slow and steady DOES win the race. Yet, speed is good 2:)5:35 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 585. Real leadership comes down to a Devotion to Contribution5:33 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 586. Pleasure comes from getting things. Fulfillment comes from giving things.5:32 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 587. My deep sense is Michael Jackson felt deeply unloved. Wish he could see the love now pouring out from MILLIONS4:22 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 588. Rich is a lot more than money. In The Monthly Coach program, I focus on EIGHT forms of wealth. They include health, adventure and legacy.4:19 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 589. I've started doing 30 Day Challenges on Myself. Takes roughly that long to install a new habit. So I pick 1 or 2 new ones and then get busy.4:18 AM


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Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 590. Just incredible how the same people who ridiculed Michael Jackson at the announcement of his comeback tour now honor him as a fallen icon!4:04 AM Jul 7th from TwitterBerry 591. sacrifice is the price of victory. Good Am.2:38 AM Jul 7th from web 592. eating blueberries and doing my Nightly Debrief where i reflect on my day and reset to make tomorrow better. Goodnight7:31 PM Jul 6th from web 593. Your best business asset is your health3:35 PM Jul 6th from TwitterBerry 594. you can't have all you want if you are focusing on all you don't have11:03 AM Jul 6th from web 595. @MikesFolders i prefer a paper versus electronic journal. thx for asking10:47 AM Jul 6th from web in reply to MikesFolders 596. I'm preparing to record the next video for The Monthly Coach. All about creating A Perfect Day. Excited to share it!8:16 AM Jul 6th from TwitterBerry 597. Tithing is a powerful idea. Give 10% of your income to charity. You'll feel so good. And do it when it's hard to do it versus when it's easy8:14 AM Jul 6th from TwitterBerry 598. Simple yet often omitted success strategy: deliver more value than you are paid to deliver.8:12 AM Jul 6th from TwitterBerry 599. I've started working out first thing in the am versus later in the day. Really grows my energy/boosts metabolism/releases endorphins. Try it8:12 AM Jul 6th from TwitterBerry 600. Hit it out of the park all you do and in all you're BECOMING5:53 AM Jul 6th from TwitterBerry 601. Worked out this morning listening to an old recording of Napoleon Hill that came with SUCCESS magazine. Kudos to publisher @darrenhardy.5:52 AM Jul 6th from TwitterBerry 602. @Ivymere Steve Jobs/Gandhi/Edison/Branson are a few of the leaders I think are cool3:46 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 603. @rajeevdewan thanks :)3:44 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 604. A Formula for Success: a vision that moves you + constant innovation + daily action.3:34 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 605. Formula for Happiness #2: don't let the nature of your outer conditions determine the level of your inner peace.3:31 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 606. The only ache worth having is An Ache For Excellence3:27 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 607. What you speak about others-at some level-is what you see within yourself.3:24 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 608. Leadership is about seeing THE BEST in people who have not seen the best in themselves.3:09 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 609. Had lunch with a friend. He's had some hard times in business. The BIG lesson he has now learned: "slow and steady wins the race."3:07 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 610. I'm journaling. Such a powerful tool to retrain my brain and rescript weaker thinking.3:05 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 611. Eat a lot better. Eat a lot less. Good morning :)3:04 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 612. The people and things that make you happy is where Life wants you to be.3:03 AM Jul 5th from TwitterBerry 613. Just visited my favorite magazine shop. Kid walks by with a t shirt that says: "I scare my family." :)6:54 AM Jul 4th from TwitterBerry 614. Your thoughts and your words are the concrete foundation on which a house called your life is built.6:29 AM Jul 4th from TwitterBerry 615. A formula for happiness: morning cup of Juan Valdez + cool summer breeze.6:17 AM Jul 4th from TwitterBerry 616. As I wrote in The Greatness Guide "you become who you drink coffee with." Make good friends because friends make u6:16 AM Jul 4th from TwitterBerry


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617. Yesterday was swept away with last night. A miracle has occured. You woke up with a fresh canvas called 24 hours. Make a masterpiece w them! 6:12 AM Jul 4th from TwitterBerry 618. Not much past 6 am. Walking city streets. No one's around. Savoring the beauty.3:18 AM Jul 4th from TwitterBerry 619. Going to dinner. Thinking that "condemnation closes people down. Appreciation opens people up." Have a great evening.4:13 PM Jul 3rd from TwitterBerry 620. Decency is poetry3:40 PM Jul 3rd from TwitterBerry 621. Just wanted to tell you that you are REMARKABLY AMAZING! Now go out and show that AMAZINGNESS to the world! We NEED you to. NOW.2:07 PM Jul 3rd from TwitterBerry 622. If u live most of your days in fear, then it's become your normal state. So you won't even know u live most of your days in fear.2:06 PM Jul 3rd from TwitterBerry 623. REALLY curious as to what you think of this interview i did w this smart CEO PM Jul 3rd from web 624. sure it's July but i'm dusting off my ski boots. 3 weeks away from heading to New Zealand to work as a ski instructor :)1:38 PM Jul 3rd from web 625. @jpmullins interesting Q. i don't think results predict thoughts. in every moment we have a choice: what to run through our brains1:35 PM Jul 3rd from web in reply to jpmullins 626. @nickirichards thanks for the 'missed u' msg. just trying to refuel my well afters 5 months of tours/writing/media/giving. time4me1:34 PM Jul 3rd from web in reply to nickirichards 627. @Choupek i don't think you were wrong. maybe u just needed the sleep. or sometimes we go backwards BEFORE we fly forward!1:31 PM Jul 3rd from web in reply to Choupek 628. @MichaelMehle great meeting you at ABS!1:30 PM Jul 3rd from web in reply to MichaelMehle 629. @dsilvawilliam new book's out May 2010. thanks for asking.1:29 PM Jul 3rd from web in reply to dsilvawilliam 630. "Do it now. Do it now. Do it now," repeats the wise man to himselfthrought the best hours of his best days.1:22 PM Jul 3rd from TwitterBerry 631. Moving closer to the things you are afraid of is moving closer to your growth. And as you grow, the immensity of the power becomes clear.1:21 PM Jul 3rd from TwitterBerry 632. Lead as A Band of 0ne. Dream your dream and start right now. Don't wait for perfect conditions. They'll never come. Others will soon join u.1:19 PM Jul 3rd from TwitterBerry 633. Your struggles have not been a waste. They've come to strengthen you. And grow your capacity to shine.1:16 PM Jul 3rd from TwitterBerry 634. Make your personal opinion far more influential on you than public opinion1:10 PM Jul 3rd from TwitterBerry 635. Took a few days off from tweeting. Was feeling like a Word Factorywriting/blogging/tweeting/speaking.4:17 AM Jul 2nd from TwitterBerry 636. Don't sway to the winds of opinion. Stand strong in the roots of your own vision and your personal values. Leaders don't follow. They Lead.4:15 AM Jul 2nd from TwitterBerry 637. The thoughts you think today predict the results you will see tomorrow4:13 AM Jul 2nd from TwitterBerry 638. This day can be an opening into a whole new way of thinking, behaving and leading. Will you Seize The Opportunit? Someone will.4:13 AM Jul 2nd from TwitterBerry 639. Any resistance you feel when seeing someone else's success is the very block keeping you from your highest success4:11 AM Jul 2nd from TwitterBerry 640. Fascinating video interview I did with a remarkable leader AM Jul 1st from TwitterBerry


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641. Old but smart line: "the enemy of the best is the good." Never never never never never never settle for Good because your Best is better4:21 AM Jun 30th from TwitterBerry 642. @angiedamato Thanks :)3:59 AM Jun 30th from web in reply to angiedamato 643. I have my coaching clients set work and personal goals in 90 day increments.4:01 PM Jun 29th from TwitterBerry 644. Leadership is all about the care and feeding of your highest commitments4:00 PM Jun 29th from TwitterBerry 645. Still up in the mountains, working on the new book. Pouring all I've got into it. My deep prayer is that it will help you work/live @ wow!10:06 AM Jun 29th from TwitterBerry 646. Strip it down and life's only about 2 things: using your days to become a better person and using your life to make a bigger difference.10:04 AM Jun 29th from TwitterBerry 647. Media star @donnydeutsch built an empire around asking himself a singular yet constant question: "why not me?"7:52 AM Jun 29th from TwitterBerry 648. All incomplete projects/conversations and ToDos have an invisible drain on your energy. Clean them up and your energy will explode7:48 AM Jun 29th from TwitterBerry 649. Saw a sign yesterday that said "Normal is Weird". Be not afraid to be yourself and chase down your own bright vision vs being normal.7:46 AM Jun 29th from TwitterBerry 650. Register a complaint against your smaller self for anything it's doing to keep you from expressing your best self5:54 AM Jun 28th from TwitterBerry 651. Kids can bloom in bad soil.5:38 AM Jun 28th from TwitterBerry 652. Life's pure poetry. The good. The bad. All of it's precious and part of the the richness of it all5:01 AM Jun 28th from TwitterBerry 653. Listening to K'naan. Some serious passion in the man' music. Nice was to plug into the wonders of this day before me5:00 AM Jun 28th from TwitterBerry 654. Waste of time and energy to try and change others. Better to change yourself-and become someone who inspires others to change by who u are4:59 AM Jun 28th from TwitterBerry 655. By doing things that push us beyond anything we've experienced before, we grow-and step into our Next Level of Excellence4:14 PM Jun 27th from TwitterBerry 656. People up here in this little mountain town all smile a lot. They're happier than so many I see in the city.1:24 PM Jun 27th from TwitterBerry 657. Daily acts of excellence lead to a lifetime result called Greatness8:47 AM Jun 27th from TwitterBerry 658. Perfect summer's day in my hometown as we head to the mountains. Idea: Success is more about what you choose NOT to do versus what you DO8:29 AM Jun 27th from TwitterBerry 659. thinking too much achievement with zero reflection is just as unbalanced as too much reflection with zero achievement7:17 AM Jun 27th from web 660. heading up to the mountains to regenerate7:16 AM Jun 27th from web 661. More THINGS=Less PEACE12:05 PM Jun 26th from TwitterBerry 662. We've all had that one person in our lives who believed in us when no one else would. Be THAT person for others.12:05 PM Jun 26th from TwitterBerry 663. Teamwork's about good people fuelled up to do great things12:03 PM Jun 26th from TwitterBerry 664. @sarvs probably back in south africa in 2010. i appreciate u asking7:03 AM Jun 26th from web in reply to sarvs 665. @walterrobinson i see you are a runner. just finished "What i talk about when i talk about running". such a special book. u may enjoy it6:46 AM Jun


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26th from web in reply to walterrobinson 666. of the many lessons from MJ's death, here's one: he was BIW at what he did. but he worked fiercely to be a genius. talent+work=Best in World6:42 AM Jun 26th from web 667. @ThomasClifford :) i'm the same. i promise to set a moratorium on book/cd buying but i just love reading/learning so much! books are jewels6:37 AM Jun 26th from web in reply to ThomasClifford 668. @Canada_tweets not in Vegas in 2009. all green lights to u in all u do6:36 AM Jun 26th from web in reply to Canada_tweets 669. over dinner a week ago i asked my Dad what was the most important thing he learned from life? "Treat everyone with respect & dignity."6:34 AM Jun 26th from web 670. @gordonogden i so wonder what it is about too many in our world that adores knocking live people down then building dead people back up6:33 AM Jun 26th from web in reply to gordonogden 671. @ThomasClifford :). thank you6:31 AM Jun 26th from web in reply to ThomasClifford 672. @outcyde nothing planned for San Francisco area in 2009. sept tour is europe and late oct is the middle east. details at website6:29 AM Jun 26th from web in reply to outcyde 673. @rfage i believe-beyond the medical definitions-Michael Jackson died of a broken heart6:26 AM Jun 26th from web in reply to rfage 674. @GBGsuccess i appreciate your kind words6:25 AM Jun 26th from web in reply to GBGsuccess 675. While Michael Jackson was alive, the world mocked him. Now he's dead, the world celebrates him.6:22 AM Jun 26th from TwitterBerry 676. Seeing Michael Jackson carried on a stretcher a Fox News reporter noted he was larger than life but in the end "just a human body".5:32 AM Jun 26th from TwitterBerry 677. RIP Farrah Fawcett. Watched her on TV growing up.4:41 PM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 678. RIP Michael Jackson. A genius artist is gone.4:40 PM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 679. @ThomasClifford thanks for your kind words1:36 PM Jun 25th from web in reply to ThomasClifford 680. Believing begins the receiving11:15 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 681. One of the points I shared on Deepak's show is this one: "if your mind is on ego pursuits, then you're mind is off doing great work."9:22 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 682. New blog just posted for u called "Reduce Leadership Friction" AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 683. Just finished an interview with @deepakchopra. It'll air on Deepak's radio show on Sirius on July 4. Also will be an iTunes podcast for you8:42 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 684. Life's free pleasure are it's richest ones. Fresh cut grass makes me feel alive6:07 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 685. A key competitive advantage is having an extraordinary attention span in a world where too many are too distracted6:03 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 686. Egg white omlette breakfast and thinking "our instincts and intuition offer the best GPS system ever made"4:35 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 687. Stress and worry is just Fear wearing nicer clothing4:27 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 688. The food you eat dramatically affects the way you feel. Eat your way to world-class!4:24 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 689. @RonanHarrington good to meet you in Dublin4:09 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 690. @LisaClausen :)4:07 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 691. When I most felt like avoiding my workout I did my workout. Without


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exercise, people perish.4:06 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 692. Too much achieving and not enough reflection is a dangerous sport. Good morning1:46 AM Jun 25th from TwitterBerry 693. This day, make everything you touch a reflection of your devotion to excellence, innovation and mastery. Oh, and have some fun!11:23 AM Jun 24th from TwitterBerry 694. I get it sounds cheesy but isn't a massive part of playing at your best putting smiles onto people's faces?11:22 AM Jun 24th from TwitterBerry 695. Leadership is about a fierce adherence to a vision while everyone around you thinks you're wasting your time.8:14 AM Jun 23rd from TwitterBerry 696. The ordinary man does many things at mediocrity while the remarkable man does few things-at mastery8:10 AM Jun 23rd from TwitterBerry 697. As school kids we're trained to be like others. As adults I think we should commit to becoming more like ourselves :)8:05 AM Jun 23rd from TwitterBerry 698. Doesn't music connect you to something bigger than yourself?8:04 AM Jun 23rd from TwitterBerry 699. One of the things all geniuses have in common is that-in a world addicted to noise-the find time to be still (and silent)8:04 AM Jun 23rd from TwitterBerry 700. Leadership's a delicate balance between living out of the future and showing up fully in the present.7:24 AM Jun 23rd from TwitterBerry 701. My Blackberry was down for the past 2 days. Blessed to be tweeting againwhile leaving Peru1:25 PM Jun 22nd from TwitterBerry 702. Leadership is about developing an aching need to make things better1:24 PM Jun 22nd from TwitterBerry 703. To love life itself is to know true love1:23 PM Jun 22nd from TwitterBerry 704. Flying home from Peru now. Thinking that our weakest link often reveals our greatest strength.1:22 PM Jun 22nd from TwitterBerry 705. When you start to notice more of the good things in others they'll begin to notice more of the great things within themselves10:32 AM Jun 19th from TwitterBerry 706. 20 minutes of morning visualization and 10 minutes of nightly meditation is a brilliant success move10:04 AM Jun 19th from TwitterBerry 707. In the end, how you start matters much less than how strong you finish10:03 AM Jun 19th from TwitterBerry 708. Still down here in South America. Thinking how important it is to remove all traces of toxicity from our lives to rise to world-class10:00 AM Jun 19th from TwitterBerry 709. New blog "The Job of a Leader" AM Jun 19th from TwitterBerry 710. Success doesn't just show up unexpectedly one sunny wednesday afternoon. No, success is CONSCIOUSLY created via good daily choices10:33 AM Jun 18th from TwitterBerry 711. Thinking how sad it is to be defined by what you own versus who you are. Make today gorgeous.8:38 AM Jun 18th from TwitterBerry 712. In south america, drinking real coffee. Reading a Vanity Fair article on Eliot Spitzer. "My obituary's been written," he said of the scandal8:37 AM Jun 18th from TwitterBerry 713. Scared people do scary things10:54 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 714. From The Greatness Guide: "Good things happen to great people."10:53 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 715. Just thinking that children BECOME their parents' behavior. Those little eyes are watching every move you make. And modelling it.10:37 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 716. Sitting on the plane for a 10 hour flight. What a gift! A spa at 40,000 feet: 10 hours to read and journal and regenerate.10:36 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 717. The less NEEDY we are for respect and appreciation, the more respect and


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appreciation we'll receive10:35 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 718. At an airport. The woman behind the counter just showed raw leadershipwowing a client. "It's called customer SERVICE" she told me w a smile10:21 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 719. Ok, one last thought for this morning: Defining yourself but what you have is dangerous. Defining yourself by all you are is brilliant.5:18 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 720. Beautiful am in my hometown/HQ. Thinking that managers have sight. But leaders have vision.5:15 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 721. @JorgeLarios gracias4:48 AM Jun 17th from web in reply to JorgeLarios 722. @rahuldatta :)4:24 AM Jun 17th from web in reply to rahuldatta 723. Everything that has happened to you was necessary to make you who you now are. so how could any of it have been a mistake?4:20 AM Jun 17th from web 724. @tanushreebaruah well said!4:13 AM Jun 17th from web in reply to tanushreebaruah 725. i like a lot. haven't been there for a month though4:13 AM Jun 17th from web 726. from my journal: "to not chase down your dreams and play at your greatest is to commit the greatest crime of all: self-betrayal."4:12 AM Jun 17th from web 727. wondering why 20,000 people show up to see a rock star work yet very few show up to observe the cancer researcher or firefighter3:59 AM Jun 17th from web 728. @bemultihued the new book will be published by Simon and Schuster in May 2010 thanks for asking3:57 AM Jun 17th from web in reply to bemultihued 729. From the manuscript of the new book: "leadership is all about making today better than yesterday." What will you do to step things up today3:07 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 730. Your schedule reveals your values.3:06 AM Jun 17th from TwitterBerry 731. @jrhale i doubt it but it's a great ideal for us to strive towards7:55 PM Jun 16th from web in reply to jrhale 732. Stretch your mind, it grows. Stretch your heart, it expands. Goodnight.7:44 PM Jun 16th from TwitterBerry 733. Too much talk and too little action leads to zero credibility. Better to say a lot less and do a lot more4:52 PM Jun 16th from TwitterBerry 734. 25C and perfect weather at HQ. Great day to be alive. Just consider the alternative.3:36 PM Jun 16th from TwitterBerry 735. While victims sit around hoping something will happen, leaders get up and make something happen.3:33 PM Jun 16th from TwitterBerry 736. Your outer results are reflections of your inner beliefs. Leadership is then about developing a flawless mindset (& a courageous heartset)3:32 PM Jun 16th from TwitterBerry 737. Chasing your dreams and trusting that your heart's desires are right is a High Act of Honoring Yourself3:27 PM Jun 16th from TwitterBerry 738. The less you worry about being successful and the more you devote to doing GREAT work, the more successful you'll become2:52 PM Jun 16th from TwitterBerry 739. Smart leaders show up on time. The best leaders show up early1:17 PM Jun 16th from TwitterBerry 740. @hkremer you're right. seeing the Tragically Hip at the Fillmore in San Fran sun pm was a religious experience for me11:23 AM Jun 16th from web in reply to hkremer 741. @KatieMcCravy i didn't have TwitterBerry this weekend so not many tweets. sorry11:20 AM Jun 16th from web in reply to klmccravy 742. "If everyone was satisfied with themselves, there would be no heroes." Mark Twain11:19 AM Jun 16th from web 743. too many people don't discover how to live until it's time to die9:34 AM Jun


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16th from mobile web 744. new blog: "Obama and Leadership" AM Jun 16th from mobile web 745. at the Filmore in San Francisco. watching The Tragically Hip rock the house. blown away by their genius!9:27 PM Jun 14th from mobile web 746. be content versus satisfied. satisfied people don't do brave and great things.6:00 AM Jun 13th from mobile web 747. on the flight to San Francisco. will record footage for this month's Monthly Coach video.5:58 AM Jun 13th from mobile web 748. working out hard in the morning is a Big Move that carries high energy and well-being throughout your day3:28 AM Jun 12th from web 749. @dave_carpenter you are very kind Dave3:27 AM Jun 12th from web in reply to dave_carpenter 750. So excited to see The Tragically Hip in San Francisco this weekend.3:25 AM Jun 12th from web 751. injecting adventure into your life is not only good for your heart, great for your brain (neuroplasticity).3:24 AM Jun 12th from web 752. There is NO growth in Safe Harbors of The Known. ALL growth occurs when we venture out into Deep Blue Oceans.3:22 AM Jun 12th from web 753. free 60 minute audio of some of my best ideas on leadership AM Jun 12th from web 754. good morning. commit to building out an Architecture of Excellence in this day: standing for what's best at every touchpoint2:01 AM Jun 12th from web 755. elite performers spend a lot of time in their discomfort zone. And so, their comfort zone expands.10:19 AM Jun 11th from web 756. Getting ready to workout. Thinking that "as we focus less on what we're not and more on all we are-we'll step into more of our bigness."2:41 AM Jun 11th from TwitterBerry 757. Trustworthiness is built through the repetition of acts showing that you are worthy of trust.2:37 AM Jun 11th from TwitterBerry 758. The thoughts you think today are the predictors of the results you'll see tomorrow.2:09 AM Jun 11th from TwitterBerry 759. Muscles pushed beyond their normal limits grow. People stretched past their usual boundaries expand. Good morning.1:41 AM Jun 11th from TwitterBerry 760. @JorgeLarios thanks. just trying to spend my life making a difference. all i can do is the best i can do :)12:56 PM Jun 10th from web in reply to JorgeLarios 761. just did an interview with @jairekrobbins. i appreciate his thoughtful questions and passion to inspire12:45 PM Jun 10th from web 762. @Aravindan your en-COURAGING words inspired me. thank you12:41 PM Jun 10th from web in reply to Aravindan 763. A character without stains is a core leadership pursuit9:57 AM Jun 10th from TwitterBerry 764. From the manuscript of the new book (April 2010 publication): "Doing GREAT work is nothing more than expressing the best within you."7:57 AM Jun 10th from TwitterBerry 765. Met a man when I was travelling yesterday who shared a valuable lesson: "give people a second chance. People CAN change."7:46 AM Jun 10th from TwitterBerry 766. Leadership is all about playing at full self-expression7:44 AM Jun 10th from TwitterBerry 767. When you give yourself permission to be open and real with others, you give them permission to be open and real with you.7:11 AM Jun 10th from TwitterBerry 768. Preparing for a teleseminar for The Intway Corporation. Thinking: "That which we are frightened to do is that which we must do."7:01 AM Jun 10th from TwitterBerry


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769. Still at the airport. Reading Azure, about the design firm Yabu Pushelberg. Their philosophy: "It has to be good-that's the only option."6:49 PM Jun 9th from TwitterBerry 770. Flight home delayed. Loved being with the 2 audiences today. Their passion was contagious. A high state of greatness is our natural state.4:18 PM Jun 9th from TwitterBerry 771. New blog post "The Wisdom of Disturbance" PM Jun 9th from TwitterBerry 772. In Regina, Canada for 2 speeches to a big insurance company. Thinking how a single choice made today could revolutionize your life5:33 AM Jun 9th from TwitterBerry 773. Stuck in a silver cylinder on a runway. Something about a tear at the cargo hold. Reading the TIME article on Twitter.5:39 PM Jun 8th from TwitterBerry 774. @TiffanyStrobel happy you liked ABS :)4:31 AM Jun 8th from web in reply to TiffanyStrobel 775. Just finished a deeply challenging a.m. workout. My mantra to get me through? "Champions give something more when they have nothing left."3:55 AM Jun 8th from TwitterBerry 776. To not stand for something is to be swayed by anything2:27 AM Jun 8th from TwitterBerry 777. Overlook people's weaknesses. Celebrate people's strengths, they will then step into the space of greatness you've opened for them.2:25 AM Jun 8th from TwitterBerry 778. Doing my Holy Hour. All about re-inspiration today. Reading Wallpaper and drinking my Juan Valdez. Good design awakens the Creative in me2:09 AM Jun 8th from TwitterBerry 779. It will be a remarkable LOSS to the world for you to play small with your life4:44 PM Jun 7th from web 780. think BIG. start small. begin NOW3:40 PM Jun 7th from web 781. business and leadership is all about the creation of stunning value for the people you are blessed to serve3:40 PM Jun 7th from web 782. THANK YOU to each of you from the 14 nations who attended The Awakening Best Self Weekend. Inspires me to see people at wow3:38 PM Jun 7th from web 783. Set to begin day 2 of The Awakening Best Self Weekend. In a room full of Brave Good Good human beings. Inspiring4:34 AM Jun 6th from TwitterBerry 784. Every promise broken costs a piece of your spirit5:10 AM Jun 5th from TwitterBerry 785. Thinking "To dishonor another is to dishonor ourself."4:10 AM Jun 5th from TwitterBerry 786. Directions: At the intersection of Excellence/Authenticity and Passion you will see a storehouse called Character4:09 AM Jun 5th from TwitterBerry 787. The High Road has so much more beautiful a view and less bumpy a ride than The Low Road.3:50 AM Jun 5th from TwitterBerry 788. Be so stunningly great at what you do people call you a "virtuoso" when you leave the room.3:47 AM Jun 5th from TwitterBerry 789. Reading "Think Like a Champion" by @DonaldJTrump. Great line: "Sometimes a dead end can be a new beginning."3:41 AM Jun 5th from TwitterBerry 790. I hear some people saying setting goals blocks all possibilities. But how can you build a monument without a clear plan?3:21 AM Jun 5th from TwitterBerry 791. Striking discipline comes from doing difficult things. Daily.3:07 AM Jun 5th from TwitterBerry 792. Having my morning coffee. Preparing for The Awakening Best Self Weekend, begins tonight. Participants from 14 nations attending. Excited.3:06 AM Jun 5th from TwitterBerry


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793. "When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." Persian proverb. Hard times serve us so well. Though they're hard.5:31 PM Jun 4th from TwitterBerry 794. @mikepapageorge i think we're saying same thing. The challenge with twitter is it doesn't allow for much explanation2:15 PM Jun 4th from web in reply to mikepapageorge 795. Going for lunch. Thought: contrary to pop opinion, all we have is time. Real question is how we manage-and protect-it.10:14 AM Jun 4th from TwitterBerry 796. New blog post "How to Get Up Early" AM Jun 4th from TwitterBerry 797. @Caperharry thanks for the support :)8:27 AM Jun 4th from web in reply to Caperharry 798. Working on the manuscript for the new book. Refining a simple formula for building superb teams: Celebrate/Elevate/Appreciate.6:15 AM Jun 4th from TwitterBerry 799. Listening to "Coffee Girl" by The Tragically Hip. You NEED to hear this song. Never got why The Hip are not the new Stones4:07 AM Jun 4th from TwitterBerry 800. Few things feel as unbelievably great as working out hard4:06 AM Jun 4th from TwitterBerry 801. 4:47 am. Hitting the treadmill. Is this fun? No. Is this important? Yes. And so I run.1:50 AM Jun 4th from TwitterBerry 802. @SMHoenig nice!2:04 PM Jun 3rd from web in reply to SMHoenig 803. A life fueled with daily progress is a beautiful life. I'd love to know what YOU are doing to make this day COUNT.2:01 PM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry 804. A life crafted with daily progress is a beautiful life. What are you doing to make this day COUNT?2:00 PM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry 805. Geniuses know very little about most things and a lot about a few things.10:12 AM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry 806. Build a zero-excuse zone that radiates 5 feet around you. Watch what happens to your career-and life-success.4:55 AM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry 807. Celebrate progress more than victory and uncommon victory will be yours3:25 AM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry 808. If my neighbors lawn has weeds, my lawn will soon have weeds. If the people we associate with are dis-inspired, a similar transfer occurs3:20 AM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry 809. He who thinks he can, will. Belief drives behavior. Oh, and make today a gorgeous day :)3:16 AM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry 810. @AngelNr1 :). thanks2:36 AM Jun 3rd from web in reply to AngelNr1 811. @BPerzanowski happy you like The Greatness Guide. luv your 'bike wins over sofa' line :)2:35 AM Jun 3rd from web in reply to BPerzanowski 812. @ShilpaUnalkat hopefully i'll do an event in London in 2010. was just in Dublin last month. thanks for asking2:33 AM Jun 3rd from web in reply to ShilpaUnalkat 813. @anahiyeh :)2:31 AM Jun 3rd from web in reply to anahiyeh 814. What 5 values so you want your life to be a testimony to? Are you living them within the hours of your days?4:47 PM Jun 2nd from TwitterBerry 815. Getting ready for The Awakening Best Self Weekend starting Friday. Idea: Excellence plus integrity forms the path to Mastery.4:31 PM Jun 2nd from TwitterBerry 816. The well's refilling after the tour :). Feeling I have more to give again. So back at the tweets :)10:03 AM Jun 2nd from web 817. The best leaders I've coached honor their commitments. And keep their promises. Standing for your word isn't soft. It's hard.10:01 AM Jun 2nd from web 818. Working on the manuscript of the new book. Wondering what it means that our woods are empty but our malls are full.9:49 AM Jun 2nd from web


Robin Sharma (_robin_sharma) on Twitter

819. "We muffle the voice of our own spirit." Confucius9:47 AM Jun 2nd from web 820. When you do your work in the spirit of uncommon helpfulness and dazzling sincerity, doors you never knew exist fly wide open.9:22 AM Jun 2nd from web 821. Without having walked through the valley of darkness, reaching the mountaintop is pretty is an empty victory.7:41 AM Jun 2nd from web 822. Being true to yourself means doing what you feel you should do but are frightened to do.5:51 AM Jun 2nd from web 823. Cool Spring day. Thinking that the exhilaration of making meaning is oh so much richer that a focus on making money.4:03 AM Jun 2nd from web 824. Getting ready to work out. Thinking peak health is the tentpole that lifts up every other area of our lives.2:42 AM Jun 2nd from web 825. Dreamers are mocked as impractical. Truth: they are wildly practical. Because their innovations lead to progress. And a better way of life.6:34 PM Jun 1st from web 826. 'Practical' people scare me. No practical person ever did anything seriously great.2:26 AM Jun 1st from web 827. Speed of execution is a core trait of real leaders. So think big. Then move FAST.2:10 AM Jun 1st from web 828. Listen to Napoleon Hill's "Law of Success" on audio (Penguin Audio). Superb content for a LWT (Leader Without Title) :)5:47 AM May 31st from web 829. Communing with nature fuels ideation. Spending time in the woods is a brilliant business move.5:44 AM May 31st from web 830. Leaders Without a Title don't call failure "failure". They call it "innovation".5:43 AM May 31st from web 831. Perfect Spring day in my hometown. Thinking 'we can't help everyone. But each one of us can help someone.'8:16 AM May 30th from TwitterBerry 832. Reading Jimi Hendrix's obituary. "Hendrix was a gentle, peaceful man whose only concern was music."4:45 AM May 30th from TwitterBerry 833. Beneath procrastination resides a fear of success. Start fast. Finish strong.3:55 PM May 29th from TwitterBerry 834. article about 1 of the best bands on Earth. AM May 29th from web 835. "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds." Einstein.9:55 AM May 29th from web 836. From The Greatness Guide chapter "Problems Reveal Genius" AM May 29th from web 837. Last chance to subscribe to the FastLeadership eNewsletter. Big opportunity. AM May 29th from TwitterBerry 838. Win a free ticket to the upcoming Awakening Best Self Weekend. Cool challenge. AM May 29th from TwitterBerry 839. The SHIFT List: 60 Transformational Leaders to follow on Twitter. #followfriday AM May 29th from TwitterBerry 840. Without passion, life is dead3:04 AM May 29th from TwitterBerry 841. Deep into The Holy Hour. Sipping Colombian coffee. Chillout plays. Reviewing my Big 5 Goals for 2009. Strong awareness drives peak action.2:12 AM May 29th from TwitterBerry 842. From the new manuscript: "Criticsm is the defense mechanism scared people use to protect against change."4:34 AM May 28th from TwitterBerry 843. Just finished a big am workout. Thinking I may not write many more books after this one I'm working on. There's a time for everything.4:05 AM May 28th from TwitterBerry 844. Working out listening to Warren Buffett on audio. On his Dad: "Best human being I've known."3:24 PM May 27th from TwitterBerry 845. Just posted fresh new blog "The 6 Fuels of Inspiration".

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Name Robin Sharma Location Earth


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846. 847. 848. 849. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869.

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z Web AM May 27th from TwitterBerry http://www.robins... Just posted fresh new blog "The 6 Fuels of Inspiration". z Bio Author of The AM May 27th from TwitterBerry Greatness Dave Matthews' "American Baby" is shaking my house. Thinking Guide/The Monk leadership is about a staggering focus on excellence at just a FEW things! Who Sold His 4:04 AM May 27th from TwitterBerry Ferrari/Founder of Drinking am coffee. Sacred ritual. Reviewing my 5 Primary Values and thinking quietly about my day1:28 AM May 27th from TwitterBerry Have u any idea how great you are? You are staggeringly amazing. Let your 12,128 73 genius fly today!2:42 AM May 26th from TwitterBerry Following Followers Many people today will take the stand "Look How Great I am." But leaders will devote to: "Look How Great You Are!"2:41 AM May 26th from z 1,700Tweets TwitterBerry z Favorites Deep in Holy Hour. Listening to Mich Gerber's "By My Side". Writing in journal. Why? Creates clarity of thought and intent.2:38 AM May 26th from TwitterBerry "Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?" Martin Luther King Jr.6:25 PM May 25th from TwitterBerry Following "Muscles are hard to get and easy to lose. Fat is easy to get and hard to lose." From "What I Talk About When I talk About Running."5:26 PM May 25th from TwitterBerry Say thank u to police/firefighters etc. They risk their lives for u. Every day.5:43 AM May 25th from TwitterBerry Beautiful Spring day in my hometown. Thinking that to be super inspirational, first become super inspired. Just wrote a blog on how.5:39 AM May 25th from TwitterBerry Eating like a superstar is a high act of self respect. Because it sets you up to express the genius inside.4:23 AM May 25th from TwitterBerry This day-and every one that follows until your last one-is a platform for possibility. Will you use it?2:47 AM May 25th from TwitterBerry Ambition is not a dirty word. Authentic ambition is nothing more than you reaching for your very best. And that's such a profound move.1:59 AM May 25th from TwitterBerry @s4sukhdeep too much sleep just doesn't inspire me. too many interesting View All… things i'd miss :)6:29 PM May 24th from web in reply to s4sukhdeep @rodcampuzano to sleep les: i love what i do/exercise daily/eat less RSS feed of food/leverage massage/eat a special diet6:28 PM May 24th from web in _robin_sharma's tweets reply to rodcampuzano @mikepapageorge i'd recommend "He Who Thinks He Can", "The How of Happiness" and "The Richest Man in Town" as 3 good reads6:26 PM May 24th from web in reply to mikepapageorge @oliu916 thanks. was really happy to be in Shanghai last week6:24 PM May 24th from web in reply to oliu916 "It is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed." Vida Dutton Scudder5:44 AM May 24th from TwitterBerry Learning fuels passion. And passion is the gasoline that drives massive success in all touchpoints of your life4:16 AM May 24th from TwitterBerry Inspiration drives ideation. Pour a steady stream of good content into your mind and you'll set yourself up for FULL self-expression4:12 AM May 24th from TwitterBerry By investing attention in thoughts you don't want to see more of in your mind, you strengthen them2:37 AM May 24th from TwitterBerry Try not to take too much sleep. Otherwise, you'll miss too much life. Goodnight :)10:12 PM May 23rd from TwitterBerry The most massively successful businesspeople are those who are those most massively devoted to value building. Meaning? Help others win! NOW5:18 PM May 23rd from TwitterBerry Upcoming Awakening Best Self Weekend will deeply transform u. AM May 23rd from web


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870. Listening to "Blind Man" by Aerosmith. Feeling deeply inspired. Wishing that you, me and all around us step up to the genius within us3:48 AM May 23rd from TwitterBerry 871. Planning is profound. How can you accomplish what's most important if you have no idea what's most important?3:11 AM May 23rd from TwitterBerry 872. @JackieNKL i've heard about the book 'I bought the monk's ferrari'. LOL2:29 AM May 23rd from web in reply to JackieNKL 873. If you truly owned the dazzling power within you, you'd be so dis-interested with pursuing worldly power outside of you2:26 AM May 23rd from TwitterBerry 874. Today: elevate every one you meet, iterate every thing you touch, and celebrate every blessing you have. Good morning.2:22 AM May 23rd from TwitterBerry 875. @candelifera loved KL8:58 PM May 22nd from web in reply to candelifera 876. @minimalmark thanks so much. great u liked The Saint8:57 PM May 22nd from web in reply to energyapplied 877. you are the only person you get to spend every minute of your life with. Might as well get to know yourself.8:54 PM May 22nd from web 878. Just landed in Canada. Blessed to be home. Read "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running" on the flight. Superb.4:17 PM May 22nd from TwitterBerry 879. New vLog. All about success in hard times. Watch now. PM May 22nd from TwitterBerry 880. People who have a lot to say generally don't say that much. Goodbye Shanghai. I'll miss u3:52 PM May 21st from TwitterBerry 881. Off to record this month's The Monthly Coach video on streets of Shanghai. Home to Canada in a few hours. Tour's complete.3:28 PM May 21st from TwitterBerry 882. Drinking coffee. Eating watermelon. Liz Phair rocks my hotel room. Thinking: "energy follows our words. Positive words provoke high energy."3:26 PM May 21st from TwitterBerry 883. Great Shanghai morning. Thinking "the risk you don't take is the growth you don't make"3:02 PM May 21st from TwitterBerry 884. Shanghai event's done. Reading Vanity Fair about a calling and the importance of being "alert enough to hear, courageous enough to answer"2:38 AM May 21st from TwitterBerry 885. A seminar participant here in Shanghai said "I guess I'm doing things right when people want to do the things I'm doing." Smart insight.9:57 PM May 20th from TwitterBerry 886. Question: right now, what are u doing to elevate the world? And stand for what's possible.9:19 PM May 20th from TwitterBerry 887. Leadership is about transferring the deep passion in your heart into the hearts of every person you meet9:17 PM May 20th from TwitterBerry 888. On lunch break at the Shanghai leadership event put on by China Economic Review. Amazing audience. Nice way to end the tour9:14 PM May 20th from TwitterBerry 889. 1.5 hrs awat from start of the "High Performance Leadership in Turbulent Times" workshop here in Shanghai4:30 PM May 20th from TwitterBerry 890. Excited to share more info on my latest thinking - FastLeadership - at PM May 20th from TwitterBerry 891. At the immigration kiosks here in Shanghai, u can press a button and rate the performance of the agent processing u. Fascinating innovation8:38 PM May 19th from TwitterBerry 892. On the flight to Shanghai. Reading "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running". Loving this book!5:30 PM May 19th from TwitterBerry 893. Speak less. Do/Be/Wow more.3:24 PM May 19th from TwitterBerry 894. New vLog "Build Your Following". Watch it now. PM May 19th from TwitterBerry


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895. Flying to Shangai. Past 2 weeks are a blur of leadership workshops, interviews, book signings, airplanes. And people who move my spirit3:08 PM May 19th from TwitterBerry 896. Getting into strikingly good physical condition is the tent pole that lifts up everything else u do3:07 PM May 19th from TwitterBerry 897. Why uplift/celebrate and elevate every person you meet? Because you can.9:29 PM May 18th from TwitterBerry 898. A great business is built one conversation, one innovation and one day of unexpected excellence at a time8:26 PM May 18th from TwitterBerry 899. I know I've been on the road too long when the room service operator treats me like her best friend :). Off to shanghai tommorow8:25 PM May 18th from TwitterBerry 900. video of perhaps the smartest man alive RT@ RichardLRobbins Check out this video. PM May 18th from web 901. Prepping for my "Leadership in Turbulent Times" event today in Hong Kong4:33 PM May 18th from TwitterBerry 902. Receiving "not the best news" in the passage of time turns out to be the best news. Life always has your best interests in mind4:32 PM May 18th from TwitterBerry 903. just jumped into the pool DURING an interview with Asia's Jay Leno. i'll post video asap :)8:59 PM May 17th from web 904. @khemlani thanks! i really love the energy of Hong Kong and am blessed to be back3:04 PM May 17th from web in reply to khemlani 905. Prepping for my YPO presentation today. 5:58 am HK time. thinking that success in business comes down to 2 words: radical helpfulness2:53 PM May 17th from TwitterBerry 906. When u stand in the white light of your absolute best, you give those around u a glimpse of what's possible for them :)2:52 PM May 17th from TwitterBerry 907. To be arrogant and feel above others is to be blind to the unique brilliance within each person u meet today. Good am from Hong Kong2:42 PM May 17th from TwitterBerry 908. The more we have the eyes to see the awesome genius that lives in every one around us, the more humble we will become2:40 PM May 17th from TwitterBerry 909. tomorrow am i present to YPO Hong Kong (Young Presidents Organization) then media. need sleep. Goodnight8:31 AM May 17th from web 910. Sipping tea in Hong Kong hotel room. Reading about an extreme athlete who will swim Everest's Khumbu Glacier. Psychology trumps physiology7:49 AM May 17th from TwitterBerry 911. @kayross i love your city12:19 AM May 17th from web in reply to kayross 912. Those who can, do. Those who can't, criticize.10:02 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry 913. Ad in Hong Kong airport: "High performers shine even when the sun doesn't." Cheesy line. Yet wildly true9:48 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry 914. Just landed in Hong Kong. Thinking that to have more, we must first become more9:40 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry 915. 5:07 Singapore time. Headed to Honk Kong. Encouraging you to lift your game today by making yourself a living mediocrity free zone4:35 PM May 16th from TwitterBerry 916. why do something if you're not in it to be great?2:43 PM May 16th from web 917. RT@marwilliamson If ur doing something out of fear, it will be the wrong choice even if turns out to have been the right decision.2:42 PM May 16th from web 918. you need to join us at SuccessNation-amazing what's happening! PM May 16th from web 919. @Shawn_Phillips definitely agreed2:13 PM May 16th from web in reply to


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Shawn_Phillips 920. 5:11 am Singapore time. Headed to Hong Kong. Encouraging you to play at wow today by becoming a living 'mediocrity free zone'2:12 PM May 16th from web 921. Ran hard on hotel treadmill. Thought on importance of us being walking, talking hubs radiating inspiration, nice and great5:08 AM May 16th from TwitterBerry 922. En route to the booksigning at the Borders at Parkway Parade in Singapore11:37 PM May 15th from TwitterBerry 923. what would this day look like if you deeply stood in the highest possibilities your life could be?5:17 PM May 15th from web 924. Fast Leadership is coming soon. You'll love it3:53 PM May 15th from TwitterBerry 925. You're external actions broadcast your internal beliefs3:39 PM May 15th from TwitterBerry 926. @nickirichards :)3:22 PM May 15th from web in reply to nickirichards 927. the smallest of choices today could lead to the greatest of consequences tomorrow1:07 PM May 15th from web 928. how high you perform is less a reflection of opportunities available than it is personal power you've become intimate with1:04 PM May 15th from web 929. happy to help RT@shreybhoite ur books r really peace giving during hard times :)12:59 PM May 15th from web 930. from The Greatness Guide: "you become who you drink coffee with". you do grow into the people you spent your best hours with12:57 PM May 15th from web 931. 3:54 am Singapore time. just woke up. body just felt like it. today's a free day (finally) except for the Borders signing at 3 pm12:55 PM May 15th from web 932. New blog post "Xerox and The Power of The Start" AM May 15th from TwitterBerry 933. relaxing on a hot night over a terrace along the Singapore river8:23 AM May 15th from web 934. the more you own your inner genius and the best within you, the less needy you'll be to have others validate it8:00 AM May 15th from web 935. so many people withhold recognizing and celebrating others because they withold recognizing and celebrating themselves.7:58 AM May 15th from web 936. RT @ livinthefitlife No matter how bad your week was--you can fix it with a workout.7:56 AM May 15th from web 937. @jaysingh thanks. was in Sydney and Perth last July7:45 AM May 15th from web in reply to jaysingh 938. "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that things are difficult." Seneca2:25 AM May 15th from TwitterBerry 939. Just finished the Singapore leadership event. Superb audience. Hong Kong next stop.2:24 AM May 15th from TwitterBerry 940. The SHIFT List: 50 Inspiring Leaders, Authors and Pioneers to follow on Twitter #followfriday PM May 14th from TwitterBerry 941. It's not that we don't have enough time in a life to be great. It's that we waste much of that time on less than great things5:47 PM May 14th from TwitterBerry 942. Potential unexpressed melts into personal pain-whether you want to acknowledge it or not5:45 PM May 14th from TwitterBerry 943. What will u do today to ensure excellence at every touchpoint?5:42 PM May 14th from TwitterBerry 944. 15 min to start of the "High Performance Leadership in Turbulent Times" workshop at Singapore Convention Centre. Excited5:42 PM May 14th from TwitterBerry


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945. New vLog just posted: "Learning and Singapore" PM May 14th from TwitterBerry 946. @juliaallison you can't miss Dublin that time of the year. was just there and it's a remarkable place4:32 PM May 13th from web in reply to juliaallison 947. fascinating story about @ Oprah and James Frey RT @ TIME PM May 13th from web 948. Filling up the well and getting re-inspired by listening to "Grace is Gone" by Dave Matthews Band. Bless the artists amongst us!3:44 PM May 13th from TwitterBerry 949. been sharing Warren Buffet's line "you can see whose been swimming naked when the tide comes in" at my LWT presentations.3:28 PM May 13th from web 950. @supaRabbit thanks. the gang at Lite FM in KL are cool3:26 PM May 13th from web in reply to supaRabbit 951. on tour not much. off tour: 5 hrs. key is daily wkouts/peak diet/eat less RT@2plates How much sleep do you average3:23 PM May 13th from web 952. @eraseandrepeat great to be back :)3:17 PM May 13th from web in reply to eraseandrepeat 953. @efrainm exactly, we play small for fear of looking silly/rejection and get to the end of a life we've wasted3:16 PM May 13th from web in reply to efrainm 954. @jessiett . thx. happy to be here in Singapore3:13 PM May 13th from web in reply to jessie_tan 955. Will be on Channel News Asia around 8:50 am today, Singapore timespeaking about winning in these deep change times3:06 PM May 13th from TwitterBerry 956. Simple idea from The Greatness Guide that just might revolutionize your leadership-and your life: "No Ask, No Get"3:03 PM May 13th from TwitterBerry 957. 6:03 am Singapore. Savoring my daily cup of coffee. Reflecting on W. Edwards Deming's advice to "Drive Out Fear". So an organization can fly3:02 PM May 13th from TwitterBerry 958. Just landed in Singapore. Sign in the airport says: "a new adventure begins." True.7:52 AM May 13th from TwitterBerry 959. Too much information out there. Too many distractions. I try to know a lot about the few things important to me. No more gets into my mind.3:15 PM May 12th from TwitterBerry 960. Someone posted a comment on my "how to have high energy" vLog at asking what to do if no time to exercise? No time NOT to!3:02 PM May 12th from TwitterBerry 961. @ronitrozen it does2:57 PM May 12th from web in reply to ronitrozen 962. my joy RT@krista_redboxEnjoyed yesterday's session tremendously. Thank you for reminding us how to be true leaders with heart.2:56 PM May 12th from web 963. thx. been sharing lines from the manuscript on twitter. new book's published apr 2010 RT @melinnov I can't wait for your next book.2:55 PM May 12th from web 964. Run out and buy "The How of Happiness" by sonya lyubomirsky today and read it non-stop if you are serious about happiness. Latest science.2:52 PM May 12th from TwitterBerry 965. The only reason you may not be as successful and alive as you want is because you're not doing the things that successful & alive people do2:50 PM May 12th from TwitterBerry 966. Just worked out hard. Few things feel as good as the way we feel after a strong workout2:49 PM May 12th from TwitterBerry 967. Key personal leadership idea that has helped me and our clients play at best: the way you begin the day drives how well u perform in the day1:52 PM May 12th from TwitterBerry 968. Morning workout's by far the best as it starts your fat burning engine and


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boosts your metabolic rate through the whole day1:48 PM May 12th from TwitterBerry Good morning. Headed to the gym before a presentation to the leaders of Malaysian universities and colleges. Flight to Singapore tonight.1:47 PM May 12th from TwitterBerry My latest vLog "The 6 Rules of Superior Energy". Tell me your thoughts on it pls PM May 11th from TwitterBerry 100 years from now, everyone alive today will be dust. What are you working on that will live beyond your life? BIG QUESTION!2:00 PM May 11th from TwitterBerry People really seem to connect with "The Steve Jobs Question" chapter in The Greatness Guide. It transforms a life, for sure.1:58 PM May 11th from TwitterBerry Reading drives passion. What brilliant fuel are you dropping into your mind today?1:56 PM May 11th from TwitterBerry Pour all the value u could ever give into the hands of your clients and they'll blaze a path to your front door.1:50 PM May 11th from TwitterBerry The big fight is to overcome stagnation and-relentlessly-pursue innovation.1:48 PM May 11th from TwitterBerry Still in Kuala Lumpur. Taking calls on Lite FM around 7 this morning. Tomorrow I fly to Singapore.1:47 PM May 11th from TwitterBerry Still in Kuala Lumpur. Will be taking calls on FM Lite around 7 am this am. Tomorrow I fly to Singapore.1:45 PM May 11th from TwitterBerry Life's too precious-and wildly interesting-for too much sleep. Good morning.1:43 PM May 11th from TwitterBerry Remember The 90 Second Rule: act on a good idea or great opportunity within 90 seconds. Before the voice of fear begins to take over.7:37 AM May 11th from web @terebascones yes, looking forward to returning to the Dominican Republic. Muchas gracias7:35 AM May 11th from web in reply to terebascones Wonderful dinner with our kind hosts HRNET here in KL after such a special leadership event. Thanks to all who attended. Lead With No Title! 7:21 AM May 11th from TwitterBerry Apple's a $30 billion company-with just 30 major products. Dazzling example of focusing on being brilliant at just a few things3:35 PM May 10th from TwitterBerry Since leadership is all about positively influencing others isn't leadership the single best way to change the world-one person at a time?3:34 PM May 10th from TwitterBerry 5:20 am and deep into prep for today's leadership workshop. and savoring the gorgeousness of a simple piece of watermelon :)2:31 PM May 10th from web my all-time favorite video on leadership PM May 10th from web podcast from my friend @brianjohnson on greatness PM May 10th from web @GenaLivings your welcome1:21 PM May 10th from web in reply to GenaLivings @Acidlive can't wait to get there-and to visit Bali. 2010 i'm guessing, along with Japan1:20 PM May 10th from web in reply to Acidlive c u there :) RT@krista_redbox Looking forward to your full day seminar tomorrow at Sunway Resort. ;-)1:18 PM May 10th from web - here's a pic from the Kuala Lumpur booksigning yesterday. thx to all of you there and to Borders!1:14 PM May 10th from TwitPic Drinking camomile tea. Quiet night in Kuala Lumpur. Thinking that beneath greedy behavior lies a scarcity belief. Goodnight.7:49 AM May 10th from TwitterBerry


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992. Listening to Dave Matthews. Thinking that as kids, we loved super heroes. As adults, that love is lost. We then forget the super-hero within3:43 AM May 10th from TwitterBerry 993. In the Kartell store close to the Borders bookstore. Just popped in to get inspired by some great design! will be at the signing soon :).12:02 AM May 10th from TwitterBerry 994. From the manuscript of my new book out April 2010: "Few things eat away at you as violently as the silent knowledge of talent unexpressed."10:27 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 995. Getting ready to go to the book signing for The Greatness Guide at Borders Garden in Kuala Lumpur. So excited to meet readers!10:25 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 996. When people here in Malaysia greet you, they first put a hand on their heart. Then they smile. Let us learn from their way.10:24 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 997. Writing out goals and setting a lofty vision for a beautiful future is an instant source of hope and positive energy. Try it today.9:27 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 998. Let's see if we can go a complete day without criticizing anyone, condeming anything and complaining about something. I'll set my watch now7:58 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 999. Simple yet often forgotten rule: eat less food and you'll have more energy. And the person with the most energy wins7:50 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 000. You can eat whatever you want or you can get into the finest fitness of your life. But you can't do both. Pick.6:40 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 001. The perfect time to be your best and do your dreams will never come. That's just a lie we sell ourselves. DIN (Do It Now)!6:15 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 002. Reading KL's The New Sunday Times about Olympian Michael Phelp's return yet with tarnished image. Says because of 1 bad move, his rep gone.5:54 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 003. Morning coffee in Kuala Lumpur. 3 pm booksigning for The Greatness Guide at Borders Garden then media. Sun's just coming up5:51 PM May 9th from TwitterBerry 004. Reading Seneca's essay "On The Shortness of Life". Says: 'all save a very few find life at an end when they are getting ready to live.'8:29 AM May 9th from TwitterBerry 005. The response to fear should not be frightened reaction but bolder action6:03 AM May 9th from TwitterBerry 006. Working on the manuscript of the new book in my hotel room. Just wrote this line: "victims say 'why me?' while victors think 'it's up to me'4:11 AM May 9th from TwitterBerry 007. On the menu card of a recent flight, a Chinese proverb: "when you drink the water, don't forget the spring."1:15 AM May 9th from TwitterBerry 008. Life's a raw and pure adventure. Let's remember that1:13 AM May 9th from TwitterBerry 009. Awareness is the primary step to change1:12 AM May 9th from TwitterBerry 010. Great to be back in Kuala Lumpur. Idea: critics only speak up when they see someone shining. Average work doesn't threaten them.1:12 AM May 9th from TwitterBerry 011. Just landed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Read a lot on the flight. Because reading is steroids for the mind3:07 PM May 8th from TwitterBerry 012. New blog post "Ideas are Tools" AM May 7th from TwitterBerry 013. So enjoyed the Dublin event. Going for a workout now. Off to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia tomorrow.10:20 AM May 7th from TwitterBerry 014. Ready to start the Dublin presentation. Thinking: in an age of dramatic


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distraction we need to adopt a state of acute focus1:08 AM May 7th from TwitterBerry Thinking that beneath procrastination lies fear3:21 PM May 6th from TwitterBerry Spent the past hours in my hotel room improving my presentation so it's the very best I have to give.3:20 PM May 6th from TwitterBerry So happy to be here in Dublin. The Irish are so special. Details on tomorrow's leadership event at celticguru.com10:08 AM May 6th from TwitterBerry At Heathrow. Lewis Hamilton ad: "my winning time was 23 years, 9 months, 26 days, 1 hour and 34 minutes." Success takes time.10:37 PM May 5th from TwitterBerry "It doesn't matter where you come from, only where you are headed." Vikas Swarup, author of Q&A, the novel that became Slumdog Millionaire3:18 PM May 5th from TwitterBerry In an airport. Read this from Nicolas Sarkozy: "what made me who I am now is the sum of all the humiliations suffered during childhood."3:09 PM May 5th from TwitterBerry Lift people up vs bringing people down. Let people in vs shutting people out...10:01 AM May 5th from TwitterBerry Listened to The Clash for a bit last night. Why? Needed to be refuelled by their realness and rawness (in a world all too plastic)9:46 AM May 5th from TwitterBerry Beautiful Spring day in my hometown. Great day to be alive. Just consider the alternative.9:28 AM May 5th from TwitterBerry "Real ability always finds a generous following." Napoleon Hill5:41 AM May 5th from TwitterBerry Happiness comes by giving it away5:31 AM May 5th from TwitterBerry Life's a film with a script you get to write5:28 AM May 5th from TwitterBerry Be a person of depth and insight in a world filled with so many conversations that say a lot about nothing4:28 AM May 5th from TwitterBerry Your daily actions broadcast your deepest beliefs4:10 AM May 5th from TwitterBerry Victims ask "why me?" Leaders say "it's up to me." Good morning. Flying to Dublin soon.3:35 AM May 5th from TwitterBerry New blog post "Stay on The Mission". AM May 4th from TwitterBerry Driving faster along the wrong road slows you down8:11 AM May 4th from TwitterBerry The privilege to help another person is the greatest gift you can give yourself5:32 AM May 4th from TwitterBerry My take on leadership? The humblest is the greatest4:03 AM May 4th from TwitterBerry It is in the process of working to escape hard times that you will discover the best within you4:02 AM May 4th from TwitterBerry Personal development and relentless inner work offer the code that unlocks your highest freedom-as a leader and as a human3:57 AM May 4th from TwitterBerry The genius/creativity/mission within you must be expressed. If not, it begins to shrink. And die.3:54 AM May 4th from TwitterBerry Your greatest gifts lie on the other side of a door called Fear5:42 PM May 3rd from TwitterBerry @tcomet love it10:40 AM May 2nd from web in reply to tcomet world's full of fear and noise. live in a 'personal bubble' that blocks it out. and fill it with best thoughts and biggest ideas7:38 AM May 2nd from web im so grateful RT@ ToniDore Just LOVE "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". Bought at least 100 copies and given them to friends.7:35 AM


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May 2nd from web 041. absolutely right :) RT@ LisaClausen yes I say we try to let go of the pressure of trying to be perfect and be more interesting7:34 AM May 2nd from web 042. @ThomasClifford :)6:59 AM May 2nd from web in reply to ThomasClifford 043. The jagged and sometimes ragged path of life just makes us more colorful and interesting people.6:56 AM May 2nd from TwitterBerry 044. Keep the whole purpose of your life the sole purpose in your life.5:49 AM May 2nd from TwitterBerry 045. From the manuscript of the new book: "Playing small in your career and with your life is a great loss for the world."5:34 AM May 2nd from TwitterBerry 046. Be shockingly productive, stunningly creative and staggeringly innovative. Beginning today...5:32 AM May 2nd from TwitterBerry 047. A fellow musician on superstar rapper Lil Wayne: "it's scary and unfair, that man is so talented. He's not one of us."5:27 AM May 2nd from TwitterBerry 048. It's Up To You. Mastery or Mediocrity. Excellence or Insignificance. It's Up To You.5:19 AM May 2nd from TwitterBerry 049. @khemlani APR is from The Greatness Guide & stands for the essence of leadership and success: Absolute Personal Responsibility3:56 AM May 2nd from web in reply to khemlani 050. Best advice I got from my mentor at the age of 21: "Robin, run your own race." Doesn't matter what anyone else is doing-just what u r doing9:29 AM May 1st from TwitterBerry 051. I'll paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi and gently ask: "Today, will you allow someone to walk through your mind with their dirty feet?"9:27 AM May 1st from TwitterBerry 052. New blog post "The Call on Your Life" AM May 1st from TwitterBerry 053. Success lies at the intersection between excellence and honor.12:01 PM Apr 30th from TwitterBerry 054. Real leadership involves breaking through the limits of your mind and stepping in to the strengths of your spirit12:00 PM Apr 30th from TwitterBerry 055. Most of us are prisoners of our own bad habits. Yet we blame life for our dreams not coming true.3:37 AM Apr 30th from TwitterBerry 056. The creativity and excellence in you aches for expression. To stifle it is to suffocate who you truly are3:19 AM Apr 30th from TwitterBerry 057. A runner doesn't just show up and win a race. She trains long and hard. Do you just show up every day and hope to win?3:14 AM Apr 30th from TwitterBerry 058. Reading "He Who Thinks He Can" by Orison Swett Marden. A remarkable book on personal leadership.3:05 AM Apr 30th from TwitterBerry 059. From The Greatness Guide: "your days are your life in miniature. As you live your days, so you craft your life."2:54 AM Apr 30th from TwitterBerry 060. Leadership isn't so much about knowing all the answers as it is about asking the right questions. Good morning :)2:48 AM Apr 30th from TwitterBerry 061. A time of no challenges and problems is a time of no advancement and growth2:47 AM Apr 30th from TwitterBerry 062. The ideal leader is part saint...and part warrior6:06 PM Apr 29th from TwitterBerry 063. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean they're wrong6:04 PM Apr 29th from TwitterBerry 064. The Awakening Best Self Weekend in June. Ready to fly? AM Apr 29th from web 065. Profit in business is a function of value delivery5:32 AM Apr 29th from TwitterBerry


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066. Our fears of the moment keep us blind to the possibilities of this day5:30 AM Apr 29th from TwitterBerry 067. I dare you to be daring today5:18 AM Apr 29th from TwitterBerry 068. purposeless actions are the ancestors of purposeless thoughts4:31 AM Apr 29th from TwitterBerry 069. the time to do your personal best practices is not only when things are going as planned but also when every thing's falling apart3:39 AM Apr 29th from web 070. today, find one thing that will ignite your creativity into a fire of innovation3:38 AM Apr 29th from web 071. Leadership is about what you do when no one's watching6:04 PM Apr 28th from TwitterBerry 072. @tcomet nothing's so black and white. yes, i fail all the time. and yes, failure is really nothing more than 'instruction'4:47 PM Apr 28th from web in reply to tcomet 073. i can't wait to be back :) RT @Unicorn93v I am so excited, I am going to your seminar on the 7th of May in Dublin. Amazing.4:45 PM Apr 28th from web 074. From The Greatness Guide: "Too many amongst us are afraid to be ourselves. So we give up our dreams to follow the crowd."4:01 PM Apr 28th from TwitterBerry 075. You'll find more treasure in your blue oceans than within your safe harbors3:58 PM Apr 28th from TwitterBerry 076. Leaving DC. Thinking leadership is all about carrying an ideal within you to a point of no return.2:44 PM Apr 28th from TwitterBerry 077. In DC. Lovely day. Just saw a sign: "Professionalism with Integrity." Simple yet excellent leadership idea.7:47 AM Apr 28th from TwitterBerry 078. Elite athletes eat at impeccability. See yourself as an athlete at leadershipand at life. Eat to win3:39 AM Apr 28th from TwitterBerry 079. En route to DC. Thinking "we need the energy that consistent and vigorous exercise brings."3:37 AM Apr 28th from TwitterBerry 080. New blog post called "Stone Cutters versus Cathedral Builders". PM Apr 27th from TwitterBerry 081. Hard work is the opening act for a headliner called Success7:35 AM Apr 27th from web 082. Growth and failure can't live in the same room together4:35 AM Apr 27th from TwitterBerry 083. Critics are a dime a dozen. Real encouragers are one in a million. Be one :) 4:28 AM Apr 27th from TwitterBerry 084. The people you allow into your life determines what your life will become. Choose wisely.4:26 AM Apr 27th from TwitterBerry 085. Not delegating things to the people you work with is telegraphing your lack of faith in them. Same applies with your kids4:24 AM Apr 27th from TwitterBerry 086. The DNA of Leadership is Humility... Btw, where did the importance of being humble and grounded go in our world?4:09 AM Apr 27th from TwitterBerry 087. As your career gets nearer to the stars, keep your feet closer to the ground.4:07 AM Apr 27th from TwitterBerry 088. Thinking that, in these uncertain times, business are confronted with a simple yet critical choice: to innovate or to stagnate?3:08 AM Apr 27th from TwitterBerry 089. The career of a lifetime can be destroyed in a moment of weakness.2:57 AM Apr 27th from TwitterBerry 090. listening is an extraordinary gift to give. each of us has a voice-& we ache to have it heard. once it is, we grow bigger.7:44 PM Apr 26th from web 091. @lamimistyle your welcome, as always7:35 PM Apr 26th from web in reply to LaMimiStyle 092. When you are faced with the choice between doing something safe and


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doing something interesting, always choose interesting.6:07 PM Apr 26th from TwitterBerry Fear is a phantom that destroys great lives4:41 PM Apr 26th from TwitterBerry The greatest gift u can give your kids is to become the person you wish they would be4:40 PM Apr 26th from TwitterBerry If u r going through a hard time, my thoughts r with u. And pls remember that-eventually-everything always works itself out. Always.11:42 AM Apr 26th from TwitterBerry You'll feed your body today. Will you feed your mind? Leaders are passionate and constant learners11:32 AM Apr 26th from TwitterBerry from the manuscript of the new book: "what's the point of being really busy doing things that amount to nothing?"11:20 AM Apr 26th from web success is driven via evolution versus revolution. small improvements stack up into stunning results through the passage of time11:16 AM Apr 26th from web @s0lly thanks11:14 AM Apr 26th from web in reply to s0lly To see results you don't currently see, start doing things you don't currently do7:01 AM Apr 26th from TwitterBerry Do whatever it takes to fashion your good name into a brand that represents a whole new standard of excellence. Good morning3:54 AM Apr 26th from TwitterBerry cynicsm is rigor mortis of the mind11:23 AM Apr 25th from web sometime's the only option is the best option9:56 AM Apr 25th from TwitterBerry Getting ready to do a tv show. Thinking: those who judge others harshly judge themselves even harder6:34 AM Apr 25th from TwitterBerry make time to be alone. u can't detect the mission/genius/truth within u amidst the dazzling noisyness of the world without u6:17 AM Apr 25th from web leadership isn't just about doing the work. it's about doing the work greatly. Quality trumps busy5:31 AM Apr 25th from web Things that don't go as planned are not "failures". The are all "instruction".5:18 AM Apr 25th from TwitterBerry Today, just don't do what you always do. Do something unexpected and new to stretch and grow the best within you5:16 AM Apr 25th from TwitterBerry As YOU become more focused, creative and peaceful u inspire those around you to do the same. through dominoing, you change the world5:08 AM Apr 25th from TwitterBerry The best are diligent. Jay Leno used to time his jokes with a stop watch to ensure everything was flawless and BIW5:00 AM Apr 25th from TwitterBerry 2 read http://origin-www.fastcompa...?#4:53 AM Apr 25th from web "We Will Rock You" was wonderful. we loved it. God being around Creatives inspires me. Goodnight8:34 PM Apr 24th from web @wallybock you're so right2:33 PM Apr 24th from web in reply to wallybock Madonna's trainer Tracy Anderson: "she's almost a professional athlete." Madge isn't "lucky". she 'pays the price' and earns it1:29 PM Apr 24th from web is going for a run. where i least feel like working out is when i most need to. yes, i get to balance that conviction balance1:28 PM Apr 24th from web @Robheights :)1:25 PM Apr 24th from web in reply to Robheights @2plates grew up there. beautiful place. real people.1:25 PM Apr 24th from web in reply to GlennFaltenhine "Hard Times Make Great Leaders" vlog PM Apr 24th from web going to see the hit musical "We Will Rock You" based on Queen's greatest


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hits tonight. excited10:49 AM Apr 24th from web 120. cheesy but true line for u on a fri: planting the seeds of good deeds and great work yield the fruits of gorgeous success10:47 AM Apr 24th from web 121. Nelson Mandela's looking at his most frail. we need more Great Ones like him. wishing him all that's best10:44 AM Apr 24th from web 122. "Be free to be free." Nelson Mandela. Key leadership lesson for us.4:33 AM Apr 24th from TwitterBerry 123. Just finished call with a Shanghai client for my leadership event there in a few weeks. Insight: cultures may differ but respect still wins4:02 AM Apr 24th from TwitterBerry 124. starting my Holy Hour. will read from "Less: Accomplishing More by Doing Less" by Marc Lesser. wishing u a day at wow2:12 AM Apr 24th from web 125. beautiful RT@rich_evans the monk who sold his Ferrari is one of the best I have ever read. read it in one sitting 1st time2:09 AM Apr 24th from web 126. ur kind RT@shankar1 Observed that few politicians top the followers list at Twitter. Hope to see u at the top,world will be better2:07 AM Apr 24th from web 127. @KhuramMalik thx. but why would u want to be like me. better to be an even better u. LOL2:06 AM Apr 24th from web in reply to KhuramMalik 128. being excellent when u LEAST feel like it is Red Bull for you're character2:04 AM Apr 24th from web 129. new blog post "Leaders Deliver on Promises" LMK what u think of it AM Apr 24th from web 130. what 1 thing will you do today to work smarter and live better? good morning2:00 AM Apr 24th from web 131. Read the books no one's reading. See the films no one's seeing. Think the thoughts no one's thinking. JBD (Just Be Different)4:49 PM Apr 23rd from TwitterBerry 132. One eye on the moment and the other on the mountaintop is the mark of the master4:03 PM Apr 23rd from TwitterBerry 133. Gorgeous Spring evening. Even amidst the most difficult of times, life remains the greatest of gifts4:01 PM Apr 23rd from TwitterBerry 134. RT@DARRENHARDY 10 Roads to Riches – Which Road you on? Billionaire Ken Fisher feature in SUCCESS AM Apr 23rd from web 135. i'm not going anywhere :) RT@khemlani keep doing what you do best. inspiring us with very basic humane principles we've forgotten8:16 AM Apr 23rd from web 136. @cynthiamanso :)8:13 AM Apr 23rd from web in reply to CynthiaManso 137. u r smart. being uber-fit rocks ur world RT@BertMartin without my exercises i couldn't survive in business.8:12 AM Apr 23rd from web 138. Lose your health and you lose everything. Get fit fast7:16 AM Apr 23rd from TwitterBerry 139. The joy i feel after a workout is always so much more than the pain of growth i feel during it7:15 AM Apr 23rd from TwitterBerry 140. even 5 min a day of going within and visualizing is smart RT@baldy_zaVisualisation is a good tactic, can one get away with less? 4:48 AM Apr 23rd from web 141. @Sachintalwar brilliant4:42 AM Apr 23rd from web in reply to Sachintalwar 142. @baldy_za i pick and choose what to do in my Holy Hour. u can't do it all. i suggested visualization because he asked for a tactic4:41 AM Apr 23rd from web in reply to baldy_za 143. @baldy_za God i appreciate the outpouring of support coming in. i'm moved by it. thank you4:40 AM Apr 23rd from web in reply to baldy_za 144. @dennislarkin visualization each am for 45 min helps a lot. just sit quietly inside your better future. you'll start to shift4:16 AM Apr 23rd from web in


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reply to DennisLarkin 145. let the light of your vision pull you through the depth of any hardship4:04 AM Apr 23rd from web 146. interesting how the critics are out today. on one's profile she says she's an "encourager' yet does the opposite4:00 AM Apr 23rd from web 147. you're right. But i try to be respectful to EVERYONE so didn't reply w that RT@baldy_za Tell the complainers to unfollow or filter3:56 AM Apr 23rd from web 148. thanks for the encouragement RT @vivekjain98keep tweeting.. we love ur tweets :)) keeps us pepped up on our office desk :))3:54 AM Apr 23rd from web 149. absolutely RT @Seren_a not trying to be rude or offend u...just asking a question the message changes as the person grows :) YES?3:52 AM Apr 23rd from web 150. so today, i'm back. playing full on. being true. the world needs more passionate people-not critics3:50 AM Apr 23rd from web 151. last day a follower said "you tweet too much, i don't need that much information from u." i held back yesterday. but that's not me3:49 AM Apr 23rd from web 152. learning is how you rise above deep change. if u can'r read 60 min a day, do 40. if not 40, devote 30. if not 30, then 20 or 10...2:27 AM Apr 23rd from web 153. The journey of life is nothing more than basic training at expressing your brilliance. Having my coffee, the real Colombian stuff2:09 AM Apr 23rd from TwitterBerry 154. if there was one thing i could do to help you lead and live more brilliantly, what would it be...i'm all ears :)1:58 AM Apr 23rd from web 155. when u r feeling low, record your highest goals in a journal to shift RT@tshreeshhow to prepare for goals ? when u r feeling low1:57 AM Apr 23rd from web 156. real leadership blends a will of iron with a heart of gold. good morning1:53 AM Apr 23rd from web 157. "Wanted: Visionaries" new blog post PM Apr 22nd from web 158. "what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." Richard Bach5:33 PM Apr 22nd from web 159. if you try you might but if you don't you won't5:32 PM Apr 22nd from web 160. chill out time at my hacienda. thanks so much for all the positive feedback on the teleseminar. pleased it was valuable to you5:31 PM Apr 22nd from web 161. @ZimmerJohn :)5:29 PM Apr 22nd from web in reply to ZimmerJohn 162. @drhemani i did actually. i shared the call in details this am, as promised11:46 AM Apr 22nd from web in reply to DrHemani 163. getting ready to do the "Problems into Opportunities" teleseminar for you all in about 40 minutes. i'll give you my best :)10:20 AM Apr 22nd from web 164. did interview with a Dublin paper. final reminder on the free teleseminar i'm doing TODAY: AM Apr 22nd from web 165. Prepping for an interview with Men's Health from Malaysia. btw, leaders get that life owe's them zero. they know they owe life1:49 AM Apr 22nd from web 166. i'm grateful RT @http:VinnyVerma feedback Since U jumped on twitter U've been putting 2gether awesome tweets but 2day was def best12:41 AM Apr 22nd from web 167. @Sachintalwar yes, today's free teleseminar is at 2pm EST12:39 AM Apr 22nd from web in reply to Sachintalwar 168. Excellence isn't a one day event but a tiny series of daily improvements that-over time-grow into excellence12:36 AM Apr 22nd from TwitterBerry


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169. Oh, btw the teleseminar's called "Transforming Problems into Opportunities" and is exclusively for my Twitter following.12:34 AM Apr 22nd from TwitterBerry 170. Here are the call in details for the FREE teleseminar TODAY at 2 pm AM Apr 22nd from TwitterBerry 171. Dinner in a restaurant filled with art and people having eccentric and interesting conversations. Inspiring.7:20 PM Apr 21st from TwitterBerry 172. @aplusk that's just because success brings out the barking critics. makes them feel better to bring others down vs lifting them up1:22 PM Apr 21st from web in reply to aplusk 173. @DARRENHARDY and i've LOVED the new Success magazine and the cds that come with it. one of my best reads every month11:52 AM Apr 21st from web in reply to DARRENHARDY 174. follow @darrenhardy publisher of Success magazine, a superb monthly read. i've read it since i was 19, so nearly a decade now ;)10:45 AM Apr 21st from web 175. @Igagnon Muchas Gracias :)10:36 AM Apr 21st from web in reply to Igagnon 176. u made my afternoon :) RT @ sylviaabergil Your spirit is always shining! Thank you so much for helping so many of us become BIW.10:35 AM Apr 21st from web 177. takes a lot but worth it if i'm helpful RT @ I started using Twitter to follow your comments... Yes, you are giving us your best.10:33 AM Apr 21st from web 178. can u guys help me get to 5000 followers in 24 hrs? i'm giving you my best in my tweets. wish i could share w many more people6:24 AM Apr 21st from web 179. u r hilarious :) RT @burkay1 2010 is too late.. I need it noooow :)6:21 AM Apr 21st from web 180. from the new manuscript: people don't do business with businesses. they do business with people. new book's out april 20106:03 AM Apr 21st from web 181. your psychology creates your biology5:33 AM Apr 21st from web 182. - here's a pic of one of my favorite moments in a Bangkok market5:32 AM Apr 21st from TwitPic 183. raining. April shower's bring Spring flowers: recessions and hard times always yield to better days4:23 AM Apr 21st from web 184. @allstar_ace :)4:10 AM Apr 21st from web in reply to AuroraMunroe 185. drinking a ton of agua. gave my best in my workout even though didn't feel like it. big creative day ahead.4:07 AM Apr 21st from web 186. @trupero thx. Been doing a lot more vlogs now AM Apr 21st from web in reply to trupero 187. oh i hope u like this one: you don't build a good life-you BECOME your great life4:03 AM Apr 21st from web 188. @steve_riniz thanks. motivation only lasts a few weeks if you let it last a few wks. MAINTAIN your motivation by DAILY practice4:02 AM Apr 21st from web in reply to steve_riniz 189. i long for you to be all u truly are. you'll change the world once u do4:00 AM Apr 21st from web 190. the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari started with 500 books in my dining room. and a powerful dream to inspire and transform lives4:00 AM Apr 21st from web 191. every great finish was once a simple beginning. start now!3:59 AM Apr 21st from web 192. build a mindset so strong that there's not a thing in the world that can break your game. that takes sheer will. and daily work3:58 AM Apr 21st from web 193. @hereandafter thanks but nope-no guru here. just an ordinary person doing


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my best. no more, no less2:29 AM Apr 21st from web in reply to hereandafter @tusharmathankar doing well. i love Joburg-and those Jacaranda. South Africa's so special. was at Diddimala in november2:28 AM Apr 21st from web in reply to tusharmathankar doing strikingly great work is its own reward2:27 AM Apr 21st from web leadership has so little to do with who you were and everything to do with who you are becoming2:05 AM Apr 21st from web if the way you lead and live had a motto, what would it be?1:53 AM Apr 21st from web Drinking my morning coffee and getting ready to workout hard1:48 AM Apr 21st from TwitterBerry Who will you champion today-and remind of all they've been built to be? 1:48 AM Apr 21st from TwitterBerry good. and i'm no guru RT @Charuz Howz u ? guru1:40 AM Apr 21st from web Good morning. This day is a new beginning. So what will you start?1:32 AM Apr 21st from web @qmcc001 gr8 u liked the free Extraordinary Leadership audio PM Apr 20th from web in reply to qmcc001 silence the idle chatter of your loudest critics. they haven't a clue of the brilliance within u. ok so i'm no poet ;) Goodnight6:59 PM Apr 20th from web the 3 most important letters in the English language: APR. c'mon Greatness Guide readers...u know what that stands for :)6:46 PM Apr 20th from web last question then i'm gone: what will break your heart when your 80?6:45 PM Apr 20th from web i miss Bermuda and the pink sand RT @Loiswilson tusm 4 ur tweets - i follow everyone - even tho i live in bermuda lol...6:42 PM Apr 20th from web @Ariklinger i think it's a reflection of the people in our community6:41 PM Apr 20th from web in reply to Ariklinger God this world needs more human beings standing in the bright light of their highest leadership potential.6:38 PM Apr 20th from web don't show me how much you know. show me how much you lust to learn. then i'll ache to learn how much you know6:36 PM Apr 20th from web remarkable how many of you would be you if you could be anyone on Earth. beautiful6:35 PM Apr 20th from web @sweetesuccess if i could be anyone i'd be...Julian Mantle :)6:32 PM Apr 20th from web in reply to sweetesuccess @Donna_Stewart :)6:31 PM Apr 20th from web in reply to Donna_Stewart - with a monk in Bangkok6:29 PM Apr 20th from TwitPic - i shot this pic in Amsterdam6:24 PM Apr 20th from TwitPic here's my podcast "Deliver Authentic Leadership" for you PM Apr 20th from web @rfage :)4:32 PM Apr 20th from web in reply to rfage RT @Pedal_EB reminds me of this: "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" Steve Prefontaine4:30 PM Apr 20th from web @VineeKotharu yes. sometimes i doubt myself. i get silent and reconnect to vision/values. also read and journal through it4:28 PM Apr 20th from web in reply to VineeKotharu @Donna_Stewart i'll post the call in details of Wednesday's free teleseminar early wednesday morning. it will start at 2 pm EST4:24 PM Apr 20th from web in reply to Donna_Stewart definitely RT @SoniaSebastian I think a lot of successful people do end up alone though. Don't you think?4:23 PM Apr 20th from web


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221. i'll look for them. thx RT @LuisPProenca been following your work with interest. If you read french try Arnaud Desjardins books.4:20 PM Apr 20th from web 222. tell me who you would be if you could be anyone4:19 PM Apr 20th from web 223. this is big. Do The Proust Questionnaire if serious about leadership and success PM Apr 20th from web 224. listen to Charlie Rose interview Bono for some serious inspiration. iTunes has it2:38 PM Apr 20th from web 225. Philippe Starck's a genius. watch this PM Apr 20th from web 226. just had a quick dip into "The 7 Day Energy Surge". looks like a great new book2:33 PM Apr 20th from web 227. "Man's task is simple. He should cease letting his existence be a thoughtless accident." -Friedrich Nietzche2:27 PM Apr 20th from web 228. really rainy day. nice fuel for my creativity. rain flows, thoughts grow. a day filled with meetings/conference calls and media2:21 PM Apr 20th from web 229. no point in becoming staggeringly successful yet ending up all alone2:18 PM Apr 20th from web 230. Idea: worry less about showing what you know and focus more on showing how well u listen5:25 AM Apr 20th from TwitterBerry 231. Just did the interview with Dublin's Sunday Business post for the May 7 event there. The journalist was superb @ her craft5:24 AM Apr 20th from TwitterBerry 232. Empty your mind of all that doesn't serve your rise to personal greatness and a life of leadership3:46 AM Apr 20th from TwitterBerry 233. will be in Dublin/Kuala Lumpur/Singapore/Hong Kong/Shanghai in May. see for details ("Public Events")2:59 AM Apr 20th from web 234. prepping for interview with Dublin newspaper. register: AM Apr 20th from web 235. listening to Katy Perry's "Thinking of You" and feeling life-with all its twists/turns and detours-is a delicious gift.1:32 AM Apr 20th from web 236. Reading latest Rolling Stone. Piece on Lil Wayne "Raps Genius Changes His Game." Fascinating12:51 AM Apr 20th from TwitterBerry 237. ok RT @jeetumg read Stay Hungry Stay Foolish the story of 25 IIM Ahmedabad graduates who chose the tough path of entrepreneurship12:46 AM Apr 20th from web 238. make the faith of your CAN oh so much bigger than the strength of your can't12:42 AM Apr 20th from web 239. how would show up today if u already were all you needed to be to have all u want-and do all you can?12:40 AM Apr 20th from web 240. thanks so much people for all your superb 'best book' tweets. i appreciate every one of them12:35 AM Apr 20th from web 241. to live for a cause bigger than yourself is to really get to live12:31 AM Apr 20th from web 242. From my new book: complacency is the enemy of creativity12:20 AM Apr 20th from TwitterBerry 243. Having my morning coffee. It's never been easier to escape from being alone with yourself. But then how can u know who and all u r?12:18 AM Apr 20th from TwitterBerry 244. Genius resides in seeing what everyone's seeing yet thinking what no one's thinking. Goodnight8:52 PM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 245. need to sleep. will read more from Trump's "Think Like a Champion" before i do. back on the road in a couple of weeks 4 Asian tour8:39 PM Apr 19th from web 246. need to read that one. thx RT @DIVIR Leadership On The Line8:36 PM


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Apr 19th from web 247. Soul of Money's superb. met her in Hawaii in jan RT @http:/geet_s best book eat pray and love. Jus ordered soul of money8:35 PM Apr 19th from web 248. funny RT @liesaann The Monk who Sold his Ferrari and Happy for No Reason, oh and Dewey, the Library Cat!8:33 PM Apr 19th from web 249. superb book RT @zellerbrook best book - Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning. I'd never heard of it until this year.8:32 PM Apr 19th from web 250. please tell me the best book you've read this year.8:19 PM Apr 19th from web 251. people may tell you that the sky's the limit. don't let them limit u like that :) 8:17 PM Apr 19th from web 252. someone will be the one to do the next great thing. why not u?8:17 PM Apr 19th from web 253. @michella234 i'd encourage you to set better boundaries RT@_robin_sharma what happens when you are too tolerant others negativity8:14 PM Apr 19th from web in reply to michella234 254. @Kollington Thanks my friend :)4:50 PM Apr 19th from web in reply to Kollington 255. Most people don't know what to do with praise. But just because ur praise may not b well recd doesn't mean it should not b delivered well3:40 PM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 256. Be exceptionally ecomonic in your actions and you'll be excellently elegant in your results1:16 PM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 257. Still up in the moutains. Idea: as you grow older work harder on being younger :)9:14 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 258. Adversity and pain cracks you open. What a gift! Because all your genius/talent/wisdom/heart can then finally see the light of day8:23 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 259. in the tweetzone :)...I dare you: right now, dream a dream you've never dared to dream8:01 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 260. What if everything in your past was NECESSARY PREPARATION to bring u to the edge of leaping into all you truly are? Do u agree?7:59 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 261. People who don't feel good about themselves feel better when they make others feel bad7:41 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 262. Those who withold praise for others are often those who have witheld praise for themselves7:32 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 263. All that you can be you really need to be...before it's too late to be it5:36 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 264. I have sooo many surprises coming up for my twitter following. The free teleseminar Shifting Problems into Opportunities is just the first!5:35 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 265. Details on my teleseminar ONLY for people following me on Twitter come soon. if u want YOUR followers to get in on it tell them to follow me5:32 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 266. What would today need to look like to be your best day of the year so far? 5:27 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 267. Starting something great is half the win of achieving something great. JSN! (Just Start Now)5:26 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 268. Still in the mountains.Regenerating. And polishing the new book. A line from it: "being brilliant at work need not trump being great @ life.5:25 AM Apr 19th from TwitterBerry 269. Re your goals/hopes and dreams: if not now then when and if not u then who?9:32 AM Apr 18th from TwitterBerry 270. The Suzy Welch audiobook of her new "10-10-10" book is superb. I highly recommend it to u9:27 AM Apr 18th from TwitterBerry 271. Listening to Suzy Welch's new book "10-10-10: A Life Transforming Idea." I'll let you know if it is :)8:20 AM Apr 18th from TwitterBerry


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272. real leaders are horrified by "can't"7:08 AM Apr 18th from web 273. competition drains your energy. cooperation enlivens it. Leadership is a win-win sport. ok-off for some mountain air. bye6:45 AM Apr 18th from web 274. @heidiehlers thanks for the kind words on The Greatness Guide!6:08 AM Apr 18th from web in reply to BLACKBAGtweets 275. be a minimalist. less is more. focus on best-release the rest6:05 AM Apr 18th from web 276. want world peace? begin with inner peace. starts with YOU5:26 AM Apr 18th from web 277. listening to K'Naan. raw genius (esp. The Dusty Foot Philosopher cd). also playing Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. gifted5:23 AM Apr 18th from web 278. "Out of a clean heart comes a clean life." James Allen in As You Think3:13 AM Apr 18th from web 279. heading up to the mountains.3:07 AM Apr 18th from web 280. podcast on the power of asking for u AM Apr 18th from web 281. @Natalie_Lamb yes, slept four hours last night. i just go with the rythym and my body leads me. sometimes i need more2:59 AM Apr 18th from web in reply to Natalie_Lamb 282. @JPPugliese depends on what inner work i'm working on. visualization/journaling/success statements-as shared in The Monthly Coach2:58 AM Apr 18th from web in reply to JPPugliese 283. too much talk often masks self-doubt. The silent person is often the smartest one in the room2:25 AM Apr 18th from web 284. 5:15 am. Starting my Holy Hour. Deep renewal fuels your next level of excellence. Blessed to have this Saturday2:17 AM Apr 18th from TwitterBerry 285. Trust yourself when no one else does. Chase your dreams when no one else believes...see Susan Bolye on YouTube :)9:51 PM Apr 17th from TwitterBerry 286. what u can do, be and contribute isn't limited by the world outside you but by the limits between your ears and within your heart4:50 PM Apr 17th from web 287. Chilled evening with loved ones on a perfect Spring night. Listening to Keren Ann's cd, bought in tel aviv. Nice long dinner ahead :)4:17 PM Apr 17th from TwitterBerry 288. very cool posting of my latest blog right here PM Apr 17th from web 289. btw, if your followers want to join us on the call, all good. i'll go about 20 minutes and focus on how 2 shift problems into gold12:59 PM Apr 17th from web 290. stunning response to my offer of a free teleseminar next week. my team will set it all up and i'll let you know the call info asap12:57 PM Apr 17th from web 291. Driving but pulled over to share this with you: other people's opinions about you are none of your business. Stay true to YOU12:45 PM Apr 17th from TwitterBerry 292. @grantgarber thanks oh so much for your kind words about The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. to celebrate another is to honor your self12:11 PM Apr 17th from web in reply to grantgarber 293. should i do a FREE 20 min teleseminar next week on "How to Transform Problems into Opportunities" only for my Twitter followers?12:08 PM Apr 17th from web 294. From Leadership Wisdom from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: "people love doing business with people who love doing business."12:01 PM Apr 17th from web 295. @nightmaresonwax i hear you...The Gratitude Society will give birth to the New Attitude Society12:00 PM Apr 17th from web in reply to


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nightmaresonwax 296. @angiemeyerdc happy you like my blog AM Apr 17th from web in reply to angiemeyerdc 297. capacity, audacity and tenacity will take you to your mountaintop11:56 AM Apr 17th from web 298. focus. nothing's important except what's important4:11 AM Apr 17th from web 299. "Lucky breaks" are nothing more than unexpected rewards for intelligent choices3:39 AM Apr 17th from TwitterBerry 300. Make daily steps to become the ideal version of your greatest self (the cup of coffee got that one out of me :)3:37 AM Apr 17th from TwitterBerry 301. Words have such power. Softly repeat the words u want to be: "strong"/"superb"/"focused"/"understanding"/"inspiring"...shifts will come3:35 AM Apr 17th from TwitterBerry 302. do hard things. achieving them makes you bigger, better, stronger...and faster.3:26 AM Apr 17th from web 303. today is the first day of the rest of your life! so celebrate it. and play it out at wow3:23 AM Apr 17th from web 304. my oh so obvious yet we don't see it enough thought of the day: be a really good human today3:22 AM Apr 17th from web 305. excellence at thinking is the dna of excellence at work and life. drinking my morning coffee. Colombian organic thx Juan Valdez :)3:21 AM Apr 17th from web 306. @ujjwal_kumar :)3:18 AM Apr 17th from web in reply to ujjwal_kumar 307. @thepaperchild so pleased The Greatness Guide has been so helpful.3:18 AM Apr 17th from web in reply to thepaperchild 308. why hold back your noble boldness and breathtaking genius today for fear of rejection? rejection's only an illusion anyway3:17 AM Apr 17th from web 309. @VinnyVerma :)7:40 PM Apr 16th from web in reply to VinnyVerma 310. shift from frustration to innovation...leap from exasperation to inspiration. Goodnight7:36 PM Apr 16th from web 311. Another sneak peek from the new book: "your devotion to value creation determines bigness of your compensation. Giving drives the receiving.3:40 PM Apr 16th from TwitterBerry 312. @ChartreuseLinda the most interesting :)10:57 AM Apr 16th from web in reply to ChartreuseLinda 313. God i admire the misfits,oddballs and eccentrics-the only ones who really provoke deep and real change9:17 AM Apr 16th from web 314. @siddhartha6 thanks so much. done a few workshops in costa rica-one at the beautiful Hotel Punta D'Islita. pls send email9:15 AM Apr 16th from web in reply to CEOatPGV 315. @Igagnon sure, just credit it pls9:12 AM Apr 16th from web in reply to Igagnon 316. @SharanGill5 i never say never :) right now, really focusing on the new leadership book due out in April 20109:12 AM Apr 16th from web in reply to SharanGill5 317. Shift from consumption into contribution and your career/life will explode into success5:54 AM Apr 16th from TwitterBerry 318. wrote a fast article called "Be Unreasonable". will help you fly. AM Apr 16th from web 319. @zakanderson thanks for ready my daily inspirations :). spoke in Dallas in 2008. will be back asap5:13 AM Apr 16th from web in reply to zakanderson 320. eat to win. lots of people are digging their graves with their teeth4:53 AM Apr 16th from web 321. @ZOrange start small and do things that you most resist. that begins to reawaken your (will)power4:49 AM Apr 16th from web in reply to ZOrange


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322. be a prophet of hope/leadership and compassion in a world populated with far too many people living at victim4:47 AM Apr 16th from web 323. deep into creative work now. btw: life's just too short to play tiny with it! 4:20 AM Apr 16th from web 324. Just worked out and delivered a piece of my best. Insight: every hour today brings with it an opportunity to create a bit more greatness4:15 AM Apr 16th from TwitterBerry 325. here's my private ideal in life: work brilliantly yet live beautifully. simple. pure. hope-filled2:34 AM Apr 16th from web 326. you can't afford the violence of negativity. stand up...and be the most inspired person you know.2:31 AM Apr 16th from web 327. the extent of your impact on the world depends on the size of your devotion to excellence2:11 AM Apr 16th from web 328. rolling up to 5 am in my home and "Vaccination Scar" by The Tragically Hip pumps through me. Music drives emotional state. use it1:53 AM Apr 16th from web 329. @ninadtipnis pls don't worry. we posted it at The Monthly Coach site as an mp3 so you can hear it now1:50 AM Apr 16th from web in reply to ninadtipnis 330. good am. it's 4:45 am and i'm building out a template for my day. that way i own it versus it owning me1:49 AM Apr 16th from web 331. oh, if you haven't joined, you really need to. absolutely free. it's like Facebook for people who aim for great7:34 PM Apr 15th from web 332. closing out my evening. my challenge to u: tomorrow, do one brave move that reminds those around u what's possible. Goodnight7:29 PM Apr 15th from web 333. long/productive/fun day. thanks to each of you following me. inspires me to dig deeper and create higher value. u b wow :)7:18 PM Apr 15th from web 334. @Michelle_Elizer :)7:16 PM Apr 15th from web in reply to Michelle_Elizer 335. @aalokgupta thanks sooo much. i really try to add value with my tweets.7:16 PM Apr 15th from web in reply to aalokgupta 336. @zakanderson happy you liked the idea7:15 PM Apr 15th from web in reply to zakanderson 337. @joshbscott so pleased you liked The Greatness Guide. with respect and humilty, i feel it's my best far :)7:14 PM Apr 15th from web in reply to joshbscott 338. @Igagnon thanks. i gave my best on the call. thanks for being a member of The Monthly Coach program. i love you guys7:13 PM Apr 15th from web in reply to Igagnon 339. @nightmaresonwax actually i'm a huge fan of your brilliant music. everyone, listen to anything you can from Nightmares on Wax!7:12 PM Apr 15th from web in reply to nightmaresonwax 340. if you're not being laughed at and criticized at least once a week for the size of your dreams you're dreaming too small7:09 PM Apr 15th from web 341. excellence isn't a noun. it's an act6:59 PM Apr 15th from web 342. Focus on good. Ignore bad. Good will grow10:05 AM Apr 15th from TwitterBerry 343. be better, stronger, faster, smarter...and kinder9:18 AM Apr 15th from web 344. interesting how energy grows when words flow. i thought no tweets today because nothing useful to say. lesson:movement sparks nrgy7:24 AM Apr 15th from web 345. @JuswantRai wow. ok then, if the base is so strong in the UK, i'll be there in 2010. so grateful to u all 4 the support7:20 AM Apr 15th from web in reply to JuswantRai 346. @rvader great to know this7:19 AM Apr 15th from web in reply to rvader 347. @Champ_Payne i think most of us are tired because we have disconnected to the beautiful mission of our lives7:18 AM Apr 15th from web in reply to


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Champ_Payne 348. prepping for a teleconference with members of The Monthly Coach program. my goal? to wow7:16 AM Apr 15th from web 349. was thinking my well was dry and had nothing good to give you today. but that line just showed up for you7:15 AM Apr 15th from web 350. be clinical in your commitment to excellence but poetic in your lust for life7:14 AM Apr 15th from web 351. drinking a protein shake. thinking that consistency is the mother of mastery (cheesy line, i know)4:28 PM Apr 14th from web 352. @ankitml great. getting up early's a gorgeous gift to give yourself3:54 PM Apr 14th from web in reply to ankitml 353. @JuswantRai didn't know the London base was so strong. will explore an event there in 2010. 2009's pretty much booked up. grateful3:52 PM Apr 14th from web in reply to JuswantRai 354. @Speaker_Merri so true3:51 PM Apr 14th from web in reply to Speaker_Merri 355. @LisaClausen :)3:50 PM Apr 14th from web in reply to LisaClausen 356. from The Greatness Guide: "Greatness arrives for those who are never satisfied with what is, no matter how nice it looks."3:50 PM Apr 14th from web 357. @NJ9 thanks. i'll definitely keep writing and tweeting and speaking and blogging. no other heart song that moves me like this3:47 PM Apr 14th from web in reply to NJ9 358. RT @revrunwisdom Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius..3:42 PM Apr 14th from web 359. In the car. This line just surfaced: you have the responsibility to spread the gospel of leadership through the sermon of your behavior2:39 PM Apr 14th from TwitterBerry 360. "Be extreme about spinning truth to power." Hip Hop Mogul Russelll Simmons2:30 PM Apr 14th from TwitterBerry 361. spent am on the new book and content for an online venture i'm a partner in. insight: a great life is authenticity meets audacity10:54 AM Apr 14th from web 362. @daiva_anu was so pleased to be in Abu Dhabi last November. will be back soon7:00 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to daiva_anu 363. no day's typical. always family and inner life first. then a beautiful blend of presentations/media/writing/coaching/strategizing6:59 AM Apr 14th from web 364. @rvader i think Monk's in Dutch6:57 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to rvader 365. @divyasharad thanks6:57 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to divyasharad 366. @VinnyVerma some tips for early rising: don't eat post 8 pm/get into amazing condition/connect to your Big Purpose/eat less food6:56 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to VinnyVerma 367. @Champ_Payne i try not to be rigid in terms of hours of sleep-instead, trusting my body to lead. generally 5 or 6 hours6:48 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to Champ_Payne 368. @Kollington thanks so much. yes, every day is a fresh slate to the wise one6:47 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to Kollington 369. Great big am workout. Feels good to give my best. Now in creative mode and nicely at it. Life's short. B wow.4:18 AM Apr 14th from TwitterBerry 370. @sandeepkkothari i appreciate your support1:43 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to sandeepkkothari 371. 4:45 am and getting prepped for my Holy Hour. plan to read from "Think Like a Champion", Trump's new book.1:42 AM Apr 14th from web 372. seats still available for The Awakening Best Self Weekend PM Apr 13th from web 373. @scmike16 happy you liked The Greatness Guide Book 2. thanks for the words4:08 PM Apr 13th from web in reply to scmike16


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374. Just did a blog "No Idling. $2000 Fine." We'll post it at over the next few days. Fill your boots :)3:18 PM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry 375. MSN just posted my article "How to Stay Focused in Turbulent Times" AM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry 376. listening to En Vogue's "My Lovin'" as i prep for my next coaching call and dig deeper to offer my client some fresh value.11:06 AM Apr 13th from web 377. @DDurgaa i suggest you measure progress by YOUR standards-not society's. society won't be there when i'm laying on my deathbed11:03 AM Apr 13th from web in reply to DDurgaa 378. "Since I came from nothing-everything's an accomplishment." Movie star Mickey Rourke. Btw-run to see The Wrestler10:42 AM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry 379. run your own race. who cares what others are doing? only question is "am i progressing?"9:06 AM Apr 13th from web 380. @Loiswilson now that's just brilliant :)9:02 AM Apr 13th from web in reply to Loiswilson 381. spent am on the new book and content for an online venture i'm a partner in. insight: a great life is authenticity meets audacity10:54 AM Apr 14th from web 382. @daiva_anu was so pleased to be in Abu Dhabi last November. will be back soon7:00 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to daiva_anu 383. no day's typical. always family and inner life first. then a beautiful blend of presentations/media/writing/coaching/strategizing6:59 AM Apr 14th from web 384. @rvader i think Monk's in Dutch6:57 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to rvader 385. @divyasharad thanks6:57 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to divyasharad 386. @VinnyVerma some tips for early rising: don't eat post 8 pm/get into amazing condition/connect to your Big Purpose/eat less food6:56 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to VinnyVerma 387. @Champ_Payne i try not to be rigid in terms of hours of sleep-instead, trusting my body to lead. generally 5 or 6 hours6:48 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to Champ_Payne 388. @Kollington thanks so much. yes, every day is a fresh slate to the wise one6:47 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to Kollington 389. Great big am workout. Feels good to give my best. Now in creative mode and nicely at it. Life's short. B wow.4:18 AM Apr 14th from TwitterBerry 390. @sandeepkkothari i appreciate your support1:43 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to sandeepkkothari 391. 4:45 am and getting prepped for my Holy Hour. plan to read from "Think Like a Champion", Trump's new book.1:42 AM Apr 14th from web 392. seats still available for The Awakening Best Self Weekend PM Apr 13th from web 393. @scmike16 happy you liked The Greatness Guide Book 2. thanks for the words4:08 PM Apr 13th from web in reply to scmike16 394. Just did a blog "No Idling. $2000 Fine." We'll post it at over the next few days. Fill your boots :)3:18 PM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry 395. MSN just posted my article "How to Stay Focused in Turbulent Times" AM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry 396. listening to En Vogue's "My Lovin'" as i prep for my next coaching call and dig deeper to offer my client some fresh value.11:06 AM Apr 13th from web 397. @DDurgaa i suggest you measure progress by YOUR standards-not society's. society won't be there when i'm laying on my deathbed11:03 AM Apr 13th from web in reply to DDurgaa 398. "Since I came from nothing-everything's an accomplishment." Movie star


Robin Sharma (_robin_sharma) on Twitter

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Mickey Rourke. Btw-run to see The Wrestler10:42 AM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry run your own race. who cares what others are doing? only question is "am i progressing?"9:06 AM Apr 13th from web @Loiswilson now that's just brilliant :)9:02 AM Apr 13th from web in reply to Loiswilson just Blackberried a new blog "A Ferocious Focus on The Vital few." will be posted at over the next few hours.9:00 AM Apr 13th from web In The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari I shared a simple idea: connect with your death and you'll awaken to life5:40 AM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry 1 more line frm new book I just ache to share (my publisher will b upset!): "the ceo gets buried next to the streetsweeper. Same end 4 all"5:30 AM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry Another line from my new book: "practice what you fear daily and they will leave you very quickly." Giving away the store am I not? :)5:24 AM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry @LisaClausen was in Stockholm in feb 2008. a revisit in the works for 2010. my best5:22 AM Apr 13th from web in reply to LisaClausen @gabelombard thanks Gabe. grateful for your words. i'm zero guru though. just another imperfect human being doing my best5:21 AM Apr 13th from web in reply to gabelombard Drinking Juan Valdez organic coffee. Fell in luv w it in Bogota. From new book: "adversity is nothing more than a platform for possibility."5:18 AM Apr 13th from TwitterBerry back home. thanks for all the encouragement re my tweets. i try to make them good versus mindless. takes energy but i want 2 help4:05 PM Apr 12th from web @JuswantRai you're right. need to get to London. speaking in Dublin in may before Shanghai4:01 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to JuswantRai @JoeRoyMille you're welcome4:00 PM Apr 12th from web @_Brian_Johnson so true my friend3:59 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to _Brian_Johnson @stevecunningham i see my books and the blogs and tweets and the speeches all as conversations3:59 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to stevecunningham @Lindsey_Faxon good but juggling it all. had fun3:58 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to Lindsey_Faxon @joetye remember you well Joe and the NFNQ movement. all my best3:57 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to joetye @nickirichards i just love the city. thanks for the en-couragement. the world needs more en-couragers versus critics3:54 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to nickirichards @4jeremywright you're so right. need to do more podcats. so many great things to do, so little time :)3:53 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to 4jeremywright @LisaClausen thanks Lisa. can't wait to get back to Sweden3:52 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to LisaClausen @hereandafter thoughts and ideas are my oxygen3:52 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to hereandafter @boltonbrooksy happy you liked Monk3:51 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to boltonbrooksy Reading Vanity Fair. P. 62: "How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those who are wise and of goodwill." Einsten2:41 PM Apr 12th from TwitterBerry Reading latest issue of Inc. "The biggest impact of technology has been to allow us to do more unproductive things at a more impessive rate.12:20 PM Apr 12th from TwitterBerry Reading latest issue of TIME. In it "The purpose of music and maybe even


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the purpose of life is to connect with people and create." Eric Moe11:58 AM Apr 12th from TwitterBerry Smarter to be interested than interesting.6:54 AM Apr 12th from TwitterBerry Just leaving new york. Grabbed my coffee from Juan Valdez-Colombia's Starbucks. Sizes: small/medium and "ideal". Perfect :)6:53 AM Apr 12th from TwitterBerry "Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world." Ralph Waldo Emerson1:51 PM Apr 11th from TwitterBerry "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson.1:47 PM Apr 11th from TwitterBerry In 2008 Cadbury's profits soared to 30%. Seems to me than in hard times, people escape into chocolate for comfort12:05 PM Apr 11th from TwitterBerry In the tweetzone :). Line just came to me. Needed to share with u: a commitment to mastery is better than an addiction to mediocrity7:56 AM Apr 11th from TwitterBerry Thinking how I need to polish the new book this week. Good enough just isn't good enough :)7:54 AM Apr 11th from TwitterBerry I adore the intelligence in the air here in New York. U r exactly where u need to be in ur life. Otherwise you'd be somewhere else :)7:53 AM Apr 11th from TwitterBerry Tweeting sharpens your thinking because causes u to distill big ideas into single lines7:50 AM Apr 11th from TwitterBerry Heading down to Soho. Insight: we don't know what we don't know so stay wildly open to everything/every possibility7:14 AM Apr 11th from TwitterBerry Being content is a beautiful thing. But balance that with "a love for better". Love making all u r and all u touch better.7:00 AM Apr 11th from TwitterBerry So happy to be back in Manhattan. Idea: the higher you climb up the mast, the more the pirates will try and shoot you down7:35 AM Apr 10th from TwitterBerry People who have disowned/denied/disconnected from their internal power are the people who obsess about getting external power5:34 AM Apr 10th from TwitterBerry From "What Would Google Do?": the key skill in any organization is no longer marketing but conversing. Smart3:46 AM Apr 10th from TwitterBerry leadership is so simple: nothing more that becoming the change you most wish to see (thanks Gandhi)3:15 AM Apr 10th from web recorded a podcast called "8 Things Successful People Do" AM Apr 10th from web @Michelle_Elizer hilarious :)3:07 AM Apr 10th from web in reply to Michelle_Elizer @_Brian_Johnson response to "The Day Competition Died" blog has been wow. Keep up the work with ur excellent Philosophers Notes3:07 AM Apr 10th from web in reply to _Brian_Johnson all that happens-good or 'un-good'-is just pure adventure. view it as such and life will be a delicious ride3:04 AM Apr 10th from web morning coffee. fly to NYC soon. being around great design and smart conversations elevates my game3:02 AM Apr 10th from web drinking herbal tea. flying to New York City tomorrow am.8:17 PM Apr 9th from web @4jeremywright appreciated8:15 PM Apr 9th from web in reply to 4jeremywright @tammy_garcia yup, simplest pleasures are the best-and most enduringones. and leadership's all about pursuit of SIMPLE4:49 PM Apr 9th from web in reply to tammy_garcia


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446. @gabelombard i don't think leaders are born. EACH one of us has genius at birth. just gets socialized out of us. Sad4:47 PM Apr 9th from web in reply to gabelombard 447. Practising your weaknesses just makes them stronger9:33 AM Apr 9th from TwitterBerry 448. Thinking that leadership is a choice that every one alive this moment can exercise-in all they do. This time is aching for real leaders7:49 AM Apr 9th from TwitterBerry 449. Sunny day and blue skies in my hometown. The things we take most for granted are the ones we should take least for granted6:38 AM Apr 9th from TwitterBerry 450. Great workout this morning. Alannis Morrisette song in my head: "life has a funny way...of helping you out." Make today wow4:26 AM Apr 9th from TwitterBerry 451. reading about doga-yoga with owners and their dogs...hmmm7:51 PM Apr 8th from web 452. @hereandafter i do my genuine best to reply to as many msgs as i can. thanks for your words5:32 PM Apr 8th from web in reply to hereandafter 453. just posted new blog called "The Day Competition Died" PM Apr 8th from web 454. Just finished answers for a newspaper in Malaysia. Will do a leadership event there in May. Insight: develop a lust for progress1:00 PM Apr 8th from TwitterBerry 455. Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #inspiration #entrepreneur #leadership11:34 AM Apr 8th from WeFollow 456. @renujothi80 do the thing u most fear. that's the key piece (to inner peace :) 9:21 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to renujothi80 457. @RozaMouithsone can't wait to come back to Sweden. love it there. was in Stockholm in 20089:20 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to RozaMouithsone 458. @janineshepherd not surprised the book found you :). guess u were ready :) 9:19 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to janineshepherd 459. @siddhartha6 yup, listening does empower people. what a paradox! listening's a more powerful motivator than telling9:18 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to CEOatPGV 460. @hereandafter :)9:17 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to hereandafter 461. @jitendra_ahire so pleased you loved "The Cure for Fear" download. thanks for your kind words9:17 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to jitendra_ahire 462. Why do we freeze when in fear? It's an ancient survival response that protected us from predators who could spot movement. Need to blog this8:43 AM Apr 8th from TwitterBerry 463. Reading about the outright fascinating military concept of "Battlemind", a mindset needed to win at war. useful in biz world now8:20 AM Apr 8th from TwitterBerry 464. Focus on your fears and you'll get to live them5:08 AM Apr 8th from TwitterBerry 465. Deep listening is one of the bravest-and rarest- acts of leadership5:07 AM Apr 8th from TwitterBerry 466. In the tweetzone so here we go: competition's nothing more than an opportunity to improve coming to get u5:07 AM Apr 8th from TwitterBerry 467. Just wrote a new blog called "The Day Competition Died." Will be posted at this week4:44 AM Apr 8th from TwitterBerry 468. just wrote this line in journal. needs to be in my new book: "i'd rather be a leader for a day than a follower for a lifetime.3:23 AM Apr 8th from web 469. leadership and success needs to be fierce excellence balanced with playful celebration3:16 AM Apr 8th from web 470. As i wrote in The Greatness Guide, your days are your life in miniature. Work at brilliance and live at raw joy today. And lead in all u do3:08 AM Apr 8th from TwitterBerry


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471. Strong Holy Hour. To be at your best in the world, best to focus on recognizing the best within. I'm ready for a superb, balanced day.3:06 AM Apr 8th from TwitterBerry 472. @Donna_Stewart i agree and actually use a very similar acronym in my work. everything definitely begins with looking in the mirror4:55 PM Apr 7th from web in reply to Donna_Stewart 473. @brightmichelle thanks and welcome aboard. podcasts and blogs at robinsharma.com4:51 PM Apr 7th from web in reply to brightmichelle 474. @kenquinn great you enjoy my books. i appreciate the support more than u know4:51 PM Apr 7th from web in reply to kenquinn 475. @ZimmerJohn thanks John4:50 PM Apr 7th from web in reply to ZimmerJohn 476. @JPPugliese always happy to push buttons if it helps your grow :)4:49 PM Apr 7th from web in reply to JPPugliese 477. Suishi dinner. Thinking that excellence isn't an idea. It's an act.4:04 PM Apr 7th from TwitterBerry 478. Talk's cheap. Be brilliant at the DOING of the dreaming. Driving home after a strong day.2:48 PM Apr 7th from TwitterBerry 479. In Family Wisdom From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, i wrote about a screenwriter who wrote his endings first. Shouldn't you? Set Bold Goals7:31 AM Apr 7th from TwitterBerry 480. Creative fire's blazing. Line i just put into my new Simon & Schuster book: "Looking silly lasts a minute. Looking scared lasts a lifetime.6:04 AM Apr 7th from TwitterBerry 481. Deep into April's The Monthly Coach content. Thought: since everything that happens in life strengthens u, then nothing is ever wrong5:56 AM Apr 7th from TwitterBerry 482. Those who push your buttons are your Teachers and Preachers. They come to teach u to be better. The preach you to make change.5:39 AM Apr 7th from TwitterBerry 483. Driving my daughter to school before recording The Monthly Coach video for april. Insight: impossible is just some word. Nothing more5:19 AM Apr 7th from TwitterBerry 484. @zakaraya perfect :)2:25 AM Apr 7th from web in reply to zakaraya 485. morning java. getting focused. way you begin the day drives how you perform this day. start smart2:25 AM Apr 7th from web 486. here's an article i wrote called The Power of Daily Practices (key to success and excellence) http://www.robinsharmaartic...7:15 PM Apr 6th from web 487. @copioustime always my joy. good luck on the speech5:39 PM Apr 6th from web in reply to copioustime 488. @zakaraya is free. you can watch the "Hard Times Make Great Leaders" video free PM Apr 6th from web in reply to zakaraya 489. @Loiswilson thanks. i'm more devoted than ever before to offering blogs/podcasts/tweets that help you lead and live at best5:37 PM Apr 6th from web in reply to Loiswilson 490. Don't just ask "how can i get through these tough times?" Ask "how can i make this the single greatest yr of my life?" Yet :)5:07 PM Apr 6th from TwitterBerry 491. you can watch a video i did recently called "Hard Times Make Great Leaders". short and powerful. PM Apr 6th from web 492. @outcyde great!4:15 PM Apr 6th from web in reply to outcyde 493. @cynthiamanso u r so sweet. thanks4:14 PM Apr 6th from web in reply to CynthiaManso 494. @kannanviswa so pleased u like the Power over problems podcast. for more visit (all free)4:14 PM Apr 6th from web in reply to kannanviswa 495. @stormhierta beautiful comment. thank u4:13 PM Apr 6th from web in


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reply to stormhierta 496. @gm77 glass of wine in Italy sounds great. I'll be back in 2010. all best 2 u4:12 PM Apr 6th from web in reply to gm77 497. @Rediah like any skill, stay with it. make small improvements daily. steadily, a new habit will forge4:12 PM Apr 6th from web in reply to Rediah 498. listening to "You Wish" by Nightmares on wax. perfect chill music to stoke TCV (The Creative Vibe)4:03 PM Apr 6th from web 499. focusing on problems and challenges just waters and grows them. devote to your opportunities/celebrate all blessings. problems die4:02 PM Apr 6th from web 500. Doing a interview with NPR (American National Public Radio)via phone. Talking about The Greatness Guide. They went to break. Need to go now! 1:33 PM Apr 6th from TwitterBerry 501. at HQ. morning of meetings with my team. blessed to work with such excellent and good people. now starting my coaching calls10:03 AM Apr 6th from web 502. A gift for u as i drink my am coffee: you CAN be a genius. Just stop doing non-genius things. That leave u with nothing but genius3:20 AM Apr 6th from TwitterBerry 503. @motivcoach i believe we are ALL creatives. too many of us just don't know that2:54 AM Apr 6th from web in reply to motivcoach 504. Great Holy Hour this am. Locked into my best day. All leadership starts with a strong base camp. Thought came to me: existing isn't living.2:51 AM Apr 6th from TwitterBerry 505. @Coachninab so pleased u like the podcasts. i'll be recording more. The Greatness Guide is also an audiobook-if that's helpful3:28 PM Apr 5th from web in reply to Coachninab 506. @motivcoach mint tea unleashes creativity as does art, flowers, music, smart conversation etc3:27 PM Apr 5th from web in reply to motivcoach 507. Ok, one more on this oh so sunny afternoon: rather than following where the wind blows it's better to trust where your dreams lead11:06 AM Apr 5th from TwitterBerry 508. Thought: isn't it best to be dedicated the the brave pursuit of excellence? Mint tea made me think that :)11:03 AM Apr 5th from TwitterBerry 509. in a Nike store. Need new cross trainers. Slogan on t-shirt: "it's okay to be fast." Good.9:03 AM Apr 5th from TwitterBerry 510. @ryan_sisters none planned. stay great8:03 AM Apr 5th from web in reply to ryan_sisters 511. @Psalmc23v1 not sure what you're referring to. i didn't request any updates. all best8:03 AM Apr 5th from web in reply to Psalmc23v1 512. @XSPRO so pleased you are enjoying the podcasts. lots more to come8:01 AM Apr 5th from web in reply to KhuramMalik 513. Yup-in the TweetZone :). Just blogged a blog called "Be Interesting. Be Interested." Watch for it at this week6:01 AM Apr 5th from TwitterBerry 514. So much of my professional life is teaching leadership. But it starts within. If u haven't read "The Magic of Thinking Big", read it today5:47 AM Apr 5th from TwitterBerry 515. My Mom saw a painting last night of barefoot kids in deep joy playing soccer. "They have nothing but they have everything," she said sagely5:44 AM Apr 5th from TwitterBerry 516. Listening to "Wild Horses" by Jagger and Co. Writing in my journal, recording insights and areas of improvement. Planning my week.Think time5:42 AM Apr 5th from TwitterBerry 517. Cool am in my hometown. Reading "Think Big" by Trump. Practical business lessons. Simple ideas because simple wins4:01 AM Apr 5th from TwitterBerry 518. @DrMaryFlannery thanks for the RT :)4:09 AM Apr 4th from TweetDeck


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in reply to DrMaryFlannery 519. Goals are mission-critical to leadership and success. Listen to my friend Brian Johnson's podcast: AM Apr 4th from TweetDeck 520. here's another podcast i did called Power Over Problems AM Apr 4th from web 521. u don't 'get lucky' in business and CREATE lucky in business and life2:52 AM Apr 4th from web 522. Andrew Carnegie opened his 1st steel mill in the Panic of 1873. From my new book: tough times birth great opportunities2:50 AM Apr 4th from TweetDeck 523. Good am. Andrew Carnegie launched his first steel mill in the Panic of 1873. Tough times offer rich opportunities : from new book2:48 AM Apr 4th from TweetDeck 524. fastest way to improve 100%? easy...find 100 things to improve 1%. u can do that in a weekend :)1:21 PM Apr 3rd from web 525. @gm77 a gift to know Italians are with me in the tweetzone :). thank u12:30 PM Apr 3rd from web in reply to gm77 526. @robertllewellyn true, isn't it12:28 PM Apr 3rd from web in reply to robertllewellyn 527. @anadeau thanks. happy you liked my latest blog. tons of feedback on it. not sure why12:28 PM Apr 3rd from web in reply to anadeau 528. are u playing at outright excellence in this very moment? if not, dig deep and reveal more of who u truly are. we need u to12:25 PM Apr 3rd from web 529. working on content for this month's The Monthly Coach videos. my goal is to wow our members. such an important program for me12:20 PM Apr 3rd from web 530. Morning of creative work/meetings and calls. Thinking: people who stand for nothing less than excellence are often called 'difficult'.9:30 AM Apr 3rd from TwitterBerry 531. experiencing some fiery creativity as i work at home on a rainy am. "The soft and fuzzy business stuff is the hardest to do"3:09 AM Apr 3rd from web 532. right out of my journal: "shift from stress and complexity to joy and simplicity." need to get that one into the new book2:20 AM Apr 3rd from web 533. posted a new blog for u. fill yer boots AM Apr 3rd from web 534. don't be so busy chasing the gold on the mountaintop that u miss the platinum on your doorstep (ok, cheezy line but good idea no?)1:43 AM Apr 3rd from web 535. @gm77 oh, and i luv Italy. Firenze, mmm food. Positano, mmm beauty1:39 AM Apr 3rd from web in reply to gm77 536. @anadeau play w what works. 4 am isn't as hard as it seems i get it seems impossible. yet in many Mid-east cultures 4 am is normal1:38 AM Apr 3rd from web in reply to anadeau 537. @gm77 need to be up early to liv life fully. "Plenty of time to sleep when dead," Ben Franklin1:35 AM Apr 3rd from web in reply to gm77 538. Morning. Up early and doing my Holy Hour. Coffee. Journalling. And locking into day. The things that get scheduled r the ones that get done1:30 AM Apr 3rd from TwitterBerry 539. En route to HQ. Idea: every thought and every movement should be so brilliant it inspires those viewing u7:31 AM Apr 2nd from TwitterBerry 540. Stop asking what your company can do for u. Start asking what u can do for your company (thanks JFK)4:54 AM Apr 2nd from TwitterBerry 541. Is in a carwash. Where I go, there I tweet :)4:52 AM Apr 2nd from TwitterBerry 542. 2 hrs sleep provoked this one: "Wiser to play in the arena of excellence vs


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the yard of mediocrity.'3:36 AM Apr 2nd from web 543. msg said my blogs at about heroes were 'motherhood statements'. said b 'practical'. heroism IS practical3:23 AM Apr 2nd from web 544. drinking coffee. operating on 2 hrs sleep. not what i do nor recommend. just following the flow though. reading a book on design3:17 AM Apr 2nd from web 545. all this microblogging has me thinking. shouldn't we also be microwinning and microexercising and microleading? And microwaving:)3:15 AM Apr 2nd from web 546. Success doesn't happen by chance. That's just a lie. It occurs by choice. Btw, is free/powerful/global support for you-now11:06 PM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry 547. Life's a blink. Why wait to be gr8? So what will u do now/today/instantly to show up at wow?10:50 PM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry 548. listening to Ali Farka Toure with Ry Cooder. picked up the cd at The Mercer in NYC-one of my favorite hotels in the city10:47 PM Apr 1st from web 549. "Growth is the only evidence of life," John Henry Newman. It's all that really matters. All else is icing (preferably chocolate :)10:36 PM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry 550. 2:21 am. woke up feeling it was my 5 am rise. just so wired on life. maybe i should start the next book :). life's too short to play small10:22 PM Apr 1st from web 551. Ok,1: it's not the big house that people really want-it's the FEELINGS we think it'll bring. Evoke those within u-and you'll save the money4:19 PM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry 552. In no mood to tweet thoughtful thoughts. Manuscript's in. Got a movie. Watching with my daughter.4:13 PM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry 553. Driving home. Manuscript's en route to my editor. Need a run. Sunny in my hometown. Weight off me now.1:12 PM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry 554. the founder of Honda: "success in 99% failure." not sure i'd agree but a provocative idea.11:39 AM Apr 1st from web 555. @lancemccluskey yup, due in hours. thanks10:18 AM Apr 1st from web in reply to lancemccluskey 556. @MachiasR Muchas gracias for the positive words6:54 AM Apr 1st from web in reply to MachiasR 557. @SharanGill5 yup. New book's out in April 2010 and i'm excited too6:53 AM Apr 1st from web in reply to SharanGill5 558. Idea from the new book: We are entering The Age of Real. Real people and real companies and real excellence will win. Good.6:52 AM Apr 1st from web 559. @dlavis we can agree to disagree on coffee :). i do one cup a day. some research says that's good for for the brain/creativity6:44 AM Apr 1st from web in reply to dlavis 560. @kapilb i hear u but i WOULD take a bullet for what's fiercely important to me (like helping people LWT and thereby elevate Earth)6:43 AM Apr 1st from web in reply to kapilb 561. at the office. rainy in my hometown. i adore this weather to spark a torrent of wordflow. manuscript's near complete.6:41 AM Apr 1st from web 562. My son's a hero. We were speaking about what being a vegan means. I say they eat veggies-no eggs. "How about popcorn?" :)4:57 AM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry 563. Blood, sweat and tears are necessary to get to dreams, hopes and happiness: from my new book-first draft due at Simon and Schuster in hrs4:55 AM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry 564. Success isn't an event. Success is a process. And the only failure is quitting.4:45 AM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry 565. How fiercely do u want your largest goals? Would you walk barefoot thru a


Robin Sharma (_robin_sharma) on Twitter

566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576. 577. 578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591.

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desert for them? Over a mountain? Take a bullet?4:29 AM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry Thinking in traffic: business isn't just about starting relationships. It's about MAINTAINING them.4:21 AM Apr 1st from TwitterBerry some PCs have a sticker: "powered by Intel". I need one on me that says "powered by coffee (Colombian/Kenyan)" :). only 1 a day3:09 AM Apr 1st from web en route to office will listen to more of the Russell Simmons audiobook "Do You". Commute time is pure learn time3:04 AM Apr 1st from web getting ready to go dowtown to the office. thought: goals don't just focus you. they connect you to the best parts of yourself3:03 AM Apr 1st from web leaving office for home. Armani, in TIME, explained how he started his career as a window dresser. start anywhere. just start3:25 PM Mar 31st from web @wcallen best wishes12:05 PM Mar 31st from web in reply to wcallen yes u can retweet my free audio offer to your followers AM Mar 31st from web for everyone asking about the FREE audio, download now at AM Mar 31st from web @shop4rooms fill your boots :)11:18 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to S_Shashkin @Sean_Ferguson_ thanks. so pleased Extraordinary Leadership was a helpful audio program11:18 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to SeanWF @Igagnon great to hear you're doing a book. world needs more great ideas11:15 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to Igagnon @KROUZ we are always here to help you. you can get a free download of my audio "Extraordinary Leadership" at robinsharma.com11:14 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to KROUZ often asked what leadership really means. here's an article i wrote AM Mar 31st from web - you're the first to see this: the manuscript of the new book due out from Simon and Schuster across the US in ...9:27 AM Mar 31st from TwitPic @Donna_Stewart love hearing that Monk has been so helpful. thanks for sharing. fuels me9:23 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to Donna_Stewart @Sachintalwar thanks9:22 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to Sachintalwar Listening to "Love is a First" by The Tragically Hip. Guess it's off new album out in april. Interesting. Huge Hip fan9:21 AM Mar 31st from TwitterBerry At the office. More pages. Lusting for good words to write.8:18 AM Mar 31st from TwitterBerry live in a bubble that holds nothing but your dreams. leadership means having a tight focus on only what counts8:05 AM Mar 31st from web revising new book. just did the piece on business and life relationships. got confirmation on being a ski pro in New Zealand july8:01 AM Mar 31st from web @fitfuel second career will either be a pro ski instructor or a barista :). thanks for the nudge.7:59 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to lukearthurb @Chrissy_Jean u r hilarious :)7:58 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to Chrissy_Jean @Emmy8766 :)7:57 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to ImanMutlaq8766 @comm_guru :)7:57 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to comm_guru @madlenn happy you liked The Monk. i loved Tallinn. was there doing a leadership event in feb 20087:56 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to MaarjaLilover @mikeheadlee happy you liked Discover Your Destiny. I'll likely never write a book like that again7:55 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to mikeheadlee


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592. @vasanthgx we conduct our meetings around getting only good things done7:55 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to vasanthgx 593. @scwatts thanks. healthy addiction? :)7:54 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to scwatts 594. @sarvs journalling every am us the best am thing i do to restore focus and game7:54 AM Mar 31st from web in reply to sarvs 595. Is drinking fresh mint tea and feeling grateful for such a simple pleasure5:04 AM Mar 31st from txt 596. No point of reading great ideas if you do zero with them. Leadership is about living the great ideas u learn and getting to ur dreams wi ...4:53 AM Mar 31st from txt 597. Just wrote a piece on how to master adverse conditions in really tough business (and life) times. Just flowed out of me. Creativity is c ...4:49 AM Mar 31st from txt 598. Found it. The perfect place to work and get lost. Has a long communal table where all Creatives (and Eccentrics) can drink coffee, eat b ...3:37 AM Mar 31st from txt 599. Get this. As I walk to find cafe, a car drive by with a modelesque woman inside. Her license plate? "H8 to shop" :)3:23 AM Mar 31st from txt 600. Just walked by a music shop with a quote saying: "for a well rounded life one must have music." Truth.3:21 AM Mar 31st from txt 601. Listening to Neko Case sing as I write. Her music is sweetly mysterious. Nice vibe to evoke your creativity with4:10 PM Mar 30th from txt 602. Just smiled at a stranger who smiled at me at same time. Sounds cheesy? Yes. A beautiful thing? Absolutely. Late pm on the new book. All ...3:21 PM Mar 30th from txt 603. Espresso macchiato. Small miracle (with extra foam). Reminds me I need to get back to Roma soon. Romans get how to live12:43 PM Mar 30th from txt 604. Going to whole foods. Need some fuel. Protein. Veggies. And agua. Then an espresso so I can get back to writing12:12 PM Mar 30th from txt 605. just finished my coaching calls. conversations can transform. words have such power to create12:02 PM Mar 30th from web 606. at the office. meetings with my team. the power of collaboration6:46 AM Mar 30th from web 607. as i wrote in The Greatness Guide: the person who tries to do everything accomplishes nothing. what will u focus on today?12:51 AM Mar 30th from web 608. @zakaraya not sure if bad times always last longer than the good. hmmm12:44 AM Mar 30th from web in reply to zakaraya 609. @antoniosoler needed em :)12:43 AM Mar 30th from web in reply to antoniosoler 610. @tanushreebaruah Google's an extraordinary company12:43 AM Mar 30th from web in reply to tanushreebaruah 611. It's 4:30 am. Well that's about 3 hours of sleep. Not recommended but I'm sooo excited to write more of the new book. Purpose does drive ...12:36 AM Mar 30th from txt 612. RT @paul_hewson True bravery and strength does not let the fear of heartache and rejection stop you. Dig deep, live, and be you8:27 PM Mar 29th from web 613. Track 8 on the Lloyd Cole "Bad Vibes" cd rings through my home. The killer line: "nothing very good or very bad lasts for very long" uh huh.7:34 PM Mar 29th from txt 614. being creative is one of our deepest hungers. do you leverage each day to grow the Creative within u? back to the book.7:12 PM Mar 29th from web 615. don't confuse being kind with being weak7:04 PM Mar 29th from web 616. just watched the Ryan Moat video. stunning.7:03 PM Mar 29th from web 617. @kasondramoore all his stuff us pure genius. he should've become a


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superstar7:00 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to kasondramoore 618. @sherster :).5:46 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to sherster 619. is home and back at the wordsmithing. need some fiery creativity to get me to midnight. send me some good vibes.5:23 PM Mar 29th from web 620. @lancemccluskey thanks for such generous words5:21 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to lancemccluskey 621. - photo @ a Paris subway station. was in France doing a leadership presentation for a big Net company4:55 PM Mar 29th from TwitPic 622. @sumir29 so pleased my words are helping u4:28 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to sumir29 623. Is making Sunday night dinner for the kids before more writing. Lloyd Cole fills our home. Guy's sheer brilliance3:53 PM Mar 29th from txt 624. is home and lean (ok, leanER than before the gym). exercise is fuel for the mind3:34 PM Mar 29th from web 625. how boring to play safe with your gifts1:03 PM Mar 29th from web 626. ok, one more thing. Michael Jordan: little things add up to big things. in The Greatness Guide i called it The 1% Wins1:02 PM Mar 29th from web 627. is going to workout and generally move the body to free the mind12:51 PM Mar 29th from web 628. ok-need to live my message and DIN (do it now). a few more pages and the i get to go the the gym. yup-my big treat11:36 AM Mar 29th from web 629. @sauravj Kolkata was remarkable11:33 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to sauravj 630. @ASridh sure am. and i kiss the ground each time i land here11:33 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to ASridh 631. is reading reviews on "The End of Prosperity" and yes, distracting himself from the writing he need to be doing :)11:28 AM Mar 29th from web 632. @siimonreynolds trying to cut down on my speaking engagements. too much travel. used to do 70 or so a year10:12 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to siimonreynolds 633. @vasanthgx thanks for being a member of The Monthly Coach. i pour my heart into those videos each month. i sleep between 11 and 1210:11 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to vasanthgx 634. @XSPRO visualization is a key leadership and success practice. it creates a state of positive expectancy around your to dos/KPIs10:10 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to KhuramMalik 635. @carriearmitage yjanks Carrie. i appreciate all u do at SuccessNation.com10:09 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to CarrieArmitage 636. @ksvp keep reading and i'll do my best to keep writing them10:08 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to ksvp 637. @togetherinlife u have no idea how much those words mean to me. thank u10:08 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to togetherinlife 638. is taking a break to have my usual mind fuelling food of white omlette with enough veggies to fill a market9:48 AM Mar 29th from web 639. is in writing trance as the rain settles in. thank God the words are flowing. first draft of new book's due on wed9:42 AM Mar 29th from web 640. Be a clean freak: clean mind. Clean heart. Clean conversations. Clean actions. Clean life.4:20 AM Mar 29th from txt 641. Plan to shoot hoops a lot as it gets warmer. Do i love basketball that much? Nope. It's because i luv my son that much4:15 AM Mar 29th from txt 642. rainy a.m. Divine blessing to finish up a lot of the new book. and i'll accept it with AWO (arms wide open) :)3:59 AM Mar 29th from web 643. before morning coffee, a thought: each time you are dishonest you practice lying. over time, you'll become perfect at it2:20 AM Mar 29th from web 644. if you really owned how extraordinary you are you probably would be in shock for days. have you forgotten you true nature?2:13 AM Mar 29th from web


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645. sunday 6 am. just up-Holy Hour's delayed because body needed the rest. java then some visualization to lock me into my day2:09 AM Mar 29th from web 646. Fashion was cool. Midnight and my daughter tried to get me to watch it again. nope, time to dream with closed eyes. blessings8:19 PM Mar 28th from web 647. watching an Indian movie called "Fashion" with my daughter.7:16 PM Mar 28th from web 648. Just home after a gorgeous Indian meal with the kids and some close friends. Moving slower now :)7:10 PM Mar 28th from txt 649. @chris_reynolds Thanks for the kind words about The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. new book's out in april 20101:41 PM Mar 28th from web in reply to chris_reynolds 650. Is heading for the gym. Need a big workout today. My friend Dr. Larry Markson writes in his new book: "Success comes from you not to you ...1:32 PM Mar 28th from txt 651. Out enjoying the weather before back to the new book. Thought: don't wait to act. Time to get into the box comes before u know it12:01 PM Mar 28th from txt 652. @sirdickbranson would love to send u a copy of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. I so admire all u do10:49 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to sirdickbranson 653. @rkuk1 thanks10:37 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to rkuk1 654. @siddhartha6 thanks. happy you like the books. Costa Rica's great. esp Hotel Punta Islita10:33 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to CEOatPGV 655. Russell Simmon's hip. Listen to the audiobook of "Do You". Exceptional content for anyone in business or life. Then read the book if you ...8:16 AM Mar 28th from txt 656. no one will pay you for work u don't do8:14 AM Mar 28th from txt 657. Some seats still left for The Awakening Best Self Weekend i'm doing in June. Only one in 2009. Will help u get to an extraordinary life. ...8:13 AM Mar 28th from txt 658. Out enjoying the weather before back to the new book. Thought: don't wait to act. Time to get into the box comes before u know it8:05 AM Mar 28th from txt 659. Making egg white omlettes for the kids. Sort of perfect food. Blue skies in my home town. Love this city6:05 AM Mar 28th from txt 660. @wwwjeffmayca thanks. i just let it flow. and try to keep it simple. leadership and success is a simple simple sport :)4:47 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to wwwjeffmayca 661. @cnadeau hey Chris. took me too long though4:44 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to cnadeau 662. @GhoshR April 20104:43 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to GhoshR 663. @shop4rooms TMC is our premier program. SuccessNation is our social media platform4:43 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to S_Shashkin 664. @VinnyVerma great to reconnect Vinny4:42 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to VinnyVerma 665. @vineetksharma too much and too well-yup4:42 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to winvinny 666. @_Brian_Johnson doing my best :)4:41 AM Mar 28th from web in reply to _Brian_Johnson 667. reading "Taking on the System: Rules for Radical Change in a Digital Era". real nice day in my hometown. wish i was skiing4:32 AM Mar 28th from web 668. better to risk and love full out (which means you'll taste some pain along the way) than to watch television in a subdivision4:05 AM Mar 28th from web 669. Drinking java. Kenyan, Colombian, Costa Rica. It's all sacred to me.3:51 AM Mar 28th from txt


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670. at home writing the new book. the manuscript's due at Simon and Schuster this week. Final push. It's not how u start-but finish3:17 AM Mar 28th from web 671. trying to do everything helps you achieve nothing. simple plan: just be brilliant at 5 things in life. keeps nice and simple6:59 PM Mar 27th from web 672. Recorded a podcast called "Excellence versus Perfection". PM Mar 27th from web 673. video of my meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres at under "Media"6:45 PM Mar 27th from web 674. if each one of us took responsibilty to create inner peace, the globe would be faced with world peace. lead from within6:40 PM Mar 27th from web 675. just isn't about how much you have. it's far more about how richly you live4:54 PM Mar 27th from web 676. just had my daughter's 13th birthday party. so fun. Brittany Spears still ringing in my ears4:49 PM Mar 27th from web 677.'s closing in on 4500 members. Finally: a place for alive and awake people playing at their best to connect.10:59 AM Mar 27th from web 678. Armani's cool. His line: "i think counterfeit products are good because their existence shows that we create something people want to copy."10:53 AM Mar 27th from txt 679. I'm working on the new book. On leadership and authentic success, of course (my O2). Idea: we don't know what we don't know so be open t ...9:19 AM Mar 27th from txt 680. FORTUNE's most admired companies (as of this month) include Apple, Google, FedEx and Microsoft. Each one unleash's people and let's them fly9:11 AM Mar 27th from txt 681. Forget the vicious circle. Work The Virtuous Circle: add outrageous value and help others and good things will come to u1:19 AM Mar 27th from txt 682. Drinking my am java. Thinking about real estate. Mental real estate. Your mind. Does anyone who shouldn't own it own it?1:15 AM Mar 27th from txt 683. question need to ask u: what are you devoted to? what aspirations would u take a bullet for? u need to want them that fiercely.11:57 PM Mar 26th from web 684. "Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure." William Saroyan11:55 PM Mar 26th from web 685. Nearly 4 am and home prepping for my Holy Hour-my time to work on my interior life. Your outer world reflects your inner state11:38 PM Mar 26th from web 686. It's 11:11 pm-always a good omen. Reading Jeff Jarvis's book "What Would Google Do?". Superb.7:13 PM Mar 26th from txt 687. Hoops with one of my heroes (my son). Raw joy (the best kind)4:07 PM Mar 26th from txt 688. Glanced at more of the Laird Hamilton "Force of Nature" book: "once you've identified a goal, don't be rigid on how to get there."3:16 PM Mar 26th from txt 689. Met a man who shared that he already knew everything he needed to know. Hmmm. DMW (Dead Man Walking)2:52 PM Mar 26th from txt 690. Life's so short. But Man it can be wide. Ur choice2:46 PM Mar 26th from txt 691. Nice clean creative leaned out day (which means i did my plan versus getting seduced by the noise of life). Going to shoot hoops with on ...2:44 PM Mar 26th from txt 692. Whatever this tweet find you doing at this very moment, why not choose to do it at a whole new level of Wow?2:42 PM Mar 26th from txt 693. My plan is to be a ski instructor in New Zealand this summer. Yum12:55 PM Mar 26th from txt


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694. How hard do u play when no one's watching (Reebok ad line). Genius12:54 PM Mar 26th from txt 695. What scares me (as of March 26/09 age 44) Part 1: getting to a place where forget that everyone i meet can teach me something12:52 PM Mar 26th from txt 696. Not to worry when things go not as planned. Some of your biggest miracles will show up while your working offplan :)12:51 PM Mar 26th from txt 697. Headed to the gym for a break. Need to move12:14 PM Mar 26th from web 698. Paused to read a bit from Laird Hamilton's (genius surfer) new book. Get this line: "the flip side of fear is commitment." God i love th ...11:14 AM Mar 26th from txt 699. Would love to capture the wisdom of the world in a single line. Something about the clarity of a single/powerful/beautiful line that swi ...11:02 AM Mar 26th from txt 700. Not sure why i adore the twitterverse so much. Maybe because i'm always thinking and now get to share single insights with u in near rea ...10:17 AM Mar 26th from txt 701. Setting a beautiful vision/picture for your future just isn't about the focus it fills u with. It's what it awakens in u. Inspiration. E ...10:15 AM Mar 26th from txt 702. Done my conference calls for the day. Need to write and do creative now. My reward is the gym and then hoops with my son tonight10:13 AM Mar 26th from txt 703. Don't be afraid the get bloodied as you reach for BIW (best in world). Part of the game. Wipe off the blood and keep moving8:05 AM Mar 26th from txt 704. SuccessNation just passed 4000 members. 100 nations represented. Veeeery good :)5:52 AM Mar 26th from txt 705. Line just came to me 4 seconds ago: the violence of mediocrity. It is a pretty violent thing to limit yourself. Sets you up for sufferin ...5:20 AM Mar 26th from txt 706. Roof over your head? Food on table? People to love-and who love you. Work to challenge your best with? All else is icing. Your blessed2:34 AM Mar 26th from txt 707. Listening to "Mood Africa: African Meltdown Volume 2". Get it if u can. Idea: live today with your heart full out. Put yourself out ther ...2:32 AM Mar 26th from txt 708. Did a 5:30 am radio show with Kuala Lumpur for May leadership event. Need some Kenyan coffee. Drive my gang to school then conference calls.2:09 AM Mar 26th from txt 709. just read a great quote at about someone who's good at making excuses not being good at anything else. like it. need sleep7:18 PM Mar 25th from web 710. Had dinner with a group of Creatives (brand producers and artists and designers). it was in a home filled with art. owner lives in beauty7:00 PM Mar 25th from web 711. big creative day. lots done on the new leadership book. editor needs it next week. you'll see it april 2010. hope u luv it6:58 PM Mar 25th from web 712. @carriearmitage maybe smarter to have a Not To Do List for each day :) 5:17 AM Mar 25th from web in reply to CarrieArmitage 713. Driving my daughter to school. One of the best/simplest joys of my life. Balance is a beautiful think4:16 AM Mar 25th from txt 714. Drinking Kenyan coffee i got from the recent Nairobi trip and listening to MC Solaar while i work. It's a good am3:58 AM Mar 25th from txt 715. A person without an acutely clear Daily To Do List is like a ship with zero anchor (or a sailboat without a rudder-yes, i love to sail :)3:25 AM Mar 25th from txt 716. Working on the new book. All about the new/real meaning of leadership. Btw, saw "Milk". Slower than i expected but liked the fact he dev ...3:24


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AM Mar 25th from txt 717. lots of creativity flowed today. New book's due to my editor in a few days. It's late. Kids are sleeping. I'll watch "Milk". Heard it's ...6:37 PM Mar 24th from txt 718. As i worked out i realized something: no matter if you feel good or if you're feeling really bad, exercising makes you feel a whole lot ...3:40 PM Mar 24th from txt 719. Ask life for what's best vs what you want and you'll get something even better. Enough thinking-need to go workout11:18 AM Mar 24th from txt 720. So happy to be home after the tour. Been watching successnation fly in the few days since launch. Working on my new book today9:09 AM Mar 24th from txt

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