
  • November 2019
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msim page: >1< [2] [3] [4] snappybob on 11.07. at 12:01 quote two things to report - lost my first expansion village to slayerlzm earlier. as we had both been working on the same village & his attack was sent hours before i nobled the village (and came like 8 minutes after i took the place), we agreed it was just bad luck and promised to leave each other alone. a few minutes ago i successfully defended against a scouting attempt from skanderberg, one of his tribemates. i don't know if it was associated with the earlier mix-up, but it does show msim is on the move and is willing to attack us. i finished nobling a smaller village so the night wasn't a total waste. get ready for more scouting and possible attacks, though. skanderberg hit me with 133 scouts (not nearly enough to get through my own), so if you can't defend against at least that many, i suggest you start building more sooner than later. lord sonny on 11.07. at 12:38 quote ok, for the moment, we are to sit tight and defend one another. i will get onto their leaders, and try to arrange some sort of agreement. i have marked them as enemies, just to keep you all on high alert until i have resolved this matter. please support one another! snappybob on 11.07. at 12:59 quote does enemy status show up to them, too? just asking as i don't want to provoke anything if we don't have to - losing a noble & a few troops has me stretched thinner than i'd like. it sucks bad, but with multiple villages they are in a position to do damage to more than just me & i don't want to start something that gets the tribe in too deep. macthebest on 11.07. at 17:03 quote it was also pobox of msim that scouted me. camo85ss on 12.07. at 09:40 quote surely scouting our members is an act of war and they should know that lord sonny on 12.07. at 10:20 quote snappybob wrote: does enemy status show up to them, too? just asking as i don't want to provoke anything if we don't have to - losing a noble & a few troops has me stretched thinner than i'd like. it sucks bad, but with multiple villages they are in a position to do damage to more than just me & i don't want to start something that gets the tribe in too deep.

no it doesn't, if they don't have us set to enemy, then we will still be normal red colour on their maps. lord sonny on 12.07. at 10:23 quote i've just gotten some great news. we have the full backing and support of w7d in the war with mism. if i can't get any diplomatic arrangement with them, we go to war. we have a few tribes backing now. camo85ss on 12.07. at 10:27 quote who else has our back if we go to war, it would need to be well coordinated snappybob on 12.07. at 10:40 quote good news indeed, though. i expect we aren't the only ones they are moving on. camo85ss on 12.07. at 12:28 quote if planned out well we could take them down, a little warning though would be good, and the

attack needs to be coordinated that is what is most important for victory macthebest on 12.07. at 17:11 quote so we are officially at war with msim? cus 1 of their stronger players is rite next to me snappybob on 12.07. at 22:00 quote not yet, i think. sorahb on 12.07. at 22:51 quote when we do i got one who is a 1 hour away and i could take him down no prob onobody on 12.07. at 23:40 quote i have two msim in my square they both look bigger than me, but hey give me a few days and i dont mind having a poke at them. although they have never bovered me so far box5 coordinates: 692|280 points: 2.889 player: pobox tribe: managersim united lord god village coordinates: 689|280 points: 2.194 player: feltro11 tribe: managersim united cristalblueroses on 13.07. at 03:30 quote hey nobody, i didn't realize you were so close to me.. the box guy is the one i kindof worry about.. he already has 4 villages... and if they suspect that a war might be coming, i have no doubt that he is loading up on troops... camo85ss on 13.07. at 03:46 quote he certainly is a big player, i have 1 of their tribe near me and i think i can take him, but then there is alot of them around me about 2-3 hrs away cristalblueroses on 13.07. at 03:51 quote yeah.. i think that if anything happens.. we are going to be right in the middle of it... :-/ as i said, i'm racking up on troops. he's not getting an easy target out of me... camo85ss on 13.07. at 04:00 quote if going to war is a serious option, i think lord sonny should request the size of all our armys to see if we could hurt them or enen defend ourselves when they hit us demoneyes on 13.07. at 05:27 quote ill send wat i can genoremix on 13.07. at 05:34 quote i'm talking with diplomats from a few large tribes, in hopes of alliances or at least a war ally.

msim page: [1] >2< [3] [4] demoneyes on 13.07. at 06:12 quote k but ill send you troops sorahb on 13.07. at 06:47 quote right now i have 1606 troops lol camo85ss on 15.07. at 08:30 quote the defender has won luck (from attacker's point of view) -12.1% morale: 100% attacker: slayerlzm village: moonlight & wine palace (691|294) k26

quantity: 0 0 0 0 5 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 losses: 0 0 0 0 5 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 defender: camo85ss village: get sum (685|285) k26 quantity: 411 460 200 414 301 280 100 183 0 0 0 0 losses: 27 30 13 27 20 18 7 12 0 0 0 0 i believe he wasn't aware that i had nobled the village 12hrs earlier, i have sent him a msg asking and am waiting on a response, i'll let you all know his reply snappybob on 15.07. at 08:50 quote that looks like a probe, plain & simple. that was 150 mounted archers, right? camo85ss on 15.07. at 08:57 quote yeah 150 archers and 5 scouts camo85ss on 15.07. at 11:40 quote he replied and he is threatening me saying i will receive bad news if i dont repay him in resources for what he lost in troops sorahb on 15.07. at 11:42 quote haha let him try it tell him if its that way that your tribe will repay him tenfold for every troop u lose camo85ss on 15.07. at 11:44 quote i'll wait till tomorrow to reply, see what everyone says. camo85ss on 15.07. at 11:49 quote maybe even tell him it'll take me a few days and i could build up my troops and put them in my main village and if others sent some i could provoke him to attack me and hopefully their would be enough troopds there to damage what army he sends, although he does have some powerful allies close by, i'll leave the decision making to the leaders of this tribe sorahb on 15.07. at 12:41 quote alright lord sonny on 15.07. at 17:28 quote do not attack them unless they attack you first. don't forget, we are not officially at war with them. i am still trying to get some sort of arrangement with them. sorahb on 15.07. at 19:25 quote alright sonny lol ill wait onobody on 16.07. at 02:15 quote im just off building heavy cavalry reseaerchesd one in the morning,, i was gonna build a load of light infantry.. though i guess the heavier the better.. i say 3 4 days and i am ready to roll, i dont care for 5 villages they cant defend all. and if i lose mine so what there only sprites.. i'll just replay and fight another war. snappybob on 16.07. at 07:30 quote heavy is good for defence, light for offence... and a lot cheaper to build! check the help link for the rundown on units - it's pretty helpful. onobody on 16.07. at 16:52 quote snappybob wrote: heavy is good for defence, light for offence... and a lot cheaper to build! check the help link for the rundown on units - it's pretty helpful.

yep sure is.. i have been doing so.. the smithy is now at the correct lvl, lordy it took a looong time to build though has i have plox or blox by me i thought an heavier defense may help a bit... is it worth me building main building over lvl 20 to speed things up. or just get all buildings to lvl

20 that can be built to lvl 20, and of course build troops why they are building. lord sonny on 16.07. at 17:58 quote guys, like i said, don't attack anyone unless they attack you. we're trying to get something sorted out. captain black on 16.07. at 20:48 quote new to the tribe came from dvm. have 4-6 enemies close to me, one is my neighbor. he is smaller than me but with his other members nearby, i hope i live when they attack. i'll be getting my first noble in 3hrs. so i'll be able to take him out(i hope). macthebest on 16.07. at 20:50 quote cpt black could you persuade them to join, convince them about the benefits? t5seconds on 16.07. at 21:59 quote oh me me meeeeeeeee im very charming snappybob on 17.07. at 06:11 quote onobody wrote: snappybob wrote:

heavy is good for defence, light for offence... and a lot cheaper to build! check the help link for the rundown on units - it's pretty helpful.

yep sure is.. i have been doing so.. the smithy is now at the correct lvl, lordy it took a looong time to build though has i have plox or blox by me i thought an heavier defense may help a bit... is it worth me building main building over lvl 20 to speed things up. or just get all buildings to lvl 20 that can be built to lvl 20, and of course build troops why they are building.

i'm building my stable and barracks up a bit to speed up troop production, but i'm not sure maxing out some of the other buildings is a priority until i take a couple more villages...

msim page: [1] [2] >3< [4] t5seconds on 17.07. at 15:55 quote pox box is one bomb i might say inside of there tribe we sholde convice him to join us t5seconds on 18.07. at 00:23 quote well what do you think macthebest on 19.07. at 20:56 quote i think we should definately announce war after all, tnetz is tryin to noble plarin (after he joined us

edited by macthebest on 19.07. at 20:56 captain black on 20.07. at 00:24 quote

we should not have a war with mism! they are more powerful then us. they have more powerful allies then we do. g4l whis is one of our allies has a nap with mism so you can count them out. i just think it is not the right time to have a war with them. we should try to work out our

problems. just my 2 cents worth. cristalblueroses on 20.07. at 02:32 quote i agree that we should try to avoid it.. but unfortunately that may not be possible... we do need to be prepared just in case our diplomats and leaders can't fix the problem without violence camo85ss on 20.07. at 09:29 quote 1 of there players attacked me (slayerlzm) and is threatening more violence camo85ss on 20.07. at 09:39 quote alot of us are being attacked by this tribe, what are the leaders of this tribe doing in regards to this? wolf-moonstar on 20.07. at 10:44 quote geno and tnetz are working on this issue. also, plarin was being nobled before he joined our tribe. he's a refugee, which is also being discussed. before we start thinking of war, let geno finish the diplomatic talks. after all, an worthy enemy may become a very powerful ally. kyrtgr on 20.07. at 10:51 quote tnetz attacked mac too. i think we should get the initiative and be offencive. camo85ss on 20.07. at 11:03 quote so we dont think of war, tell slayerlzm that, some how i think that wont stop him from attacking me cristalblueroses on 20.07. at 12:06 quote i think if his tribe tells him to leave you alone, he will. if he keeps attacking after a diplomacy deal is made, it will be brought up with their council (or however they do things in that tribe) as to what to do with him. if they do nothing, we are back in where we began, but they could 1. give us permission to take him out, and the rest stay out of it since he is not following the agreement. 2. kick him, then we take him out. we just have to wait and see what happens.. lord sonny on 20.07. at 12:32 quote ok guys, i am getting ready to announce war, but i won't be doing so. i am playing dirty now, as i have to because they are bigger than us. i am awaiting replies from their allies, to see if they accept our alliance. they will hopefully stop out of the war if we are both allied with them. but we already have the word that w7d will help us in this war. kyrtgr on 20.07. at 13:02 quote well, i'm preparing for war. i'm building my defensive troops to sufficient numbers. i have a farm level problem for offensive troops but i'm working on it now. t5seconds on 20.07. at 17:19 quote lets all attack poxbox at one time intell we win and then we well tell him that we anonce war cristalblueroses on 20.07. at 18:13 quote if we "announce" that we are going to war with them, i think we need to let the tribe know first, and attack a few days later reason: not everyone is close enough to msim to attack one, but if we have a few days at least, they can send support troops and/or resources to villages that will be in the action, so when someone retaliates, they will be in for a nasty surprise. that would also mean that people near fighting can concentrate on offensive troops, if other outlying villages are sending alot of defensive troops like swords and spears.. macthebest on 20.07. at 18:18 quote pobox and tnetz have their main vilages extremely close to me. i will be needing assistance macthebest on 20.07. at 18:19 quote pobox and tnetz have their main vilages extremely close to me. i will be needing assistance onobody on 20.07. at 18:32 quote pobox is near me too has is feltro11 in the middle of them @ coordinates: 691|280

is bal129s village coordinates: 691|280 points: 313 player: bal129 tribe: the gods of olympia they have 40 members we don't have an alliance with them maybe worth asking them. cristalblueroses on 20.07. at 21:01 quote i'm thinking pobox might be everywere... t5seconds on 20.07. at 21:29 quote well ok

msim page: [1] [2] [3] >4< cristalblueroses on 20.07. at 21:38 quote i mean it though, the way he has nobled, he really is spread out throughout msims terretory and he looks to be a strong player... i think anyone who is near msim is near one of his villages. camo85ss on 26.07. at 00:27 quote is there anymore news on our situation with this tribe cobra-kai on 26.07. at 00:41 quote we're waiting for word from sonny on this genoremix on 26.07. at 08:45 quote tnetz and i have been chatting like friends for more than a week now. i don't see why we need to have a war, really. he's a cool guy. infact, i'm also on good terms with slayerlzm, skanderberg, and pobox. tnetz thinks we should focus on players like saphyro. cobra-kai on 26.07. at 12:56 quote i think that settles it, i'm for closing this thread. we're closer to a merge with msim then a war ;) cristalblueroses on 26.07. at 15:00 quote sounds good to me... could we maybe take them off the enemy list if the threat of war is over? genoremix on 26.07. at 15:33 quote probably. considering the fact that my inbox has messages from slayerlzm (who uses a translator to type) and pobox both saying 'sorry' about their own attacks. slayer must be foreign, because his typing is somewhat weird. snappybob on 27.07. at 06:16 quote yep, i think he is taiwanese... z03ru0 on 27.07. at 10:57 quote edit delete how could u know he is a taiwaness? not a china or korean? snappybob on 27.07. at 12:44 quote well, i think his profile used to say he was based out of taiwan... it's been changed a couple times over the last month.


private announcements for questions please contact lord sonny. this tribe was founded by lord sonny on 30/5/2007. ----------------------------------------------we are currently recruiting in k26. our target: to be rank #1 in k26. we are currently ranked #3! if you want an invitation to the tribe, please contact a baron/duke. ----------------------------------------------allies stts w7d cje wancts lr2 teor dnm lcmfrt g4l hun2 fic adw doa a.k. lr non-aggression pacts fremen tog enemies msim - don't attack yet. if you are found to be attacking an ally, or putting our tribe at risk of war, you will be removed from the tribe and nobled.

you are only to attack enemies, unless you are told it is ok for you to attack someone.

(old one) allies stts w7d cje wancts gla (unk) olb2 lr2 teor dnm t rod lcmfrt g4l hun2 fic adw doa a.k. lr hero26

non-aggression-pact (nap) fremen

tog s*l*o mp*a

enemies msim

(new one) allies stts w7d cje wancts gla (unk) olb2 league lr2 teor kge dnm goh t rod iw lcmfrt g4l hun2 fic adw doa a.k. lr hero26 non-aggression-pact (nap) tog s*l*o mp*a enemies noypi fxf

talks with their (ex) head diplomat: genoremix today at 21:54 he might be trying to noble several villages, or he's building up a large army for something. either way, i'm building defenses as well. tnetz today at 21:52 yes. but he has been quiet for the last weeks. is he building up or what. genoremix today at 21:43 i saw that you nobled that guy near me. i was wondering: "wasn't there some viking dude there? oh, tnetz nobled it. okay." that patryk guy you were farming was worried you would noble him. so i told him: "you're not up to his requirements. he only nobles villages 3k and up. sometimes 2.5k." but back to saphyro... i wonder who he is going to go after next. in all truth, if a few tribes allies together, saphyro could be gone in less than a week. tnetz today at 21:38 of him nobleing it 1st tnetz today at 21:38 i've made a fast check, you're not too close to him.. he's not that spread up. this last village i nobled, i got afraid of him. genoremix today at 21:35 yeah. i checked your guy's ally list and fxf is there. pobox is pretty scary. i bet even some of msim's allies are still scared. :d as for fxf, though... i just wish they were closer. anyway... saphyro has two villages directly south almost. but i also have several allies nearby, so we could gang up on about a total of 4 of his villages, if needed. tnetz today at 21:32 are we allied with fxf? lol.. didnt know that. i bet me and skan were just lucky, but pobox and slayer were recruited... i was afraid of pobox before he joined us :) genoremix today at 21:26 poor guy. i'm not sure of saphyro's army size, but i expect it's pretty big. i see msim finally allied with fxf. after a comment their leader posted in the tw forums, i've been just waiting for him to attack someone. just wondering, how lucky were you, slayer, and the others to end up in the same continent, and so close to each other? tnetz today at 21:23 some guy is saying about scouting him. again! some never learn... genoremix today at 21:22 our stance on saphyro has been a cautious one. we won't strike first, but if he attacks one of us, we are ready to strike back forcefully. i really hope he goes inactive, but i doubt that. if he does, i'm aiming to clean out a couple of his villages and farm them. any reason why? tnetz today at 21:20 do you guys have an official position regarding saphyro?

is he a threat, or is he even active these days? tnetz on 30.07. at 00:28 lol you must find one and keep them! or go for abandoned genoremix on 30.07. at 00:04 i don't really farm much. every time i scout, my scouts get killed. if i don't scout, then i lose 1k+ in troops. it gets annoying. tnetz on 29.07. at 23:58 thanks! dont worry about the farms... genoremix on 29.07. at 23:21 if you aren't afraid of certain tribes, then here are some. romen capitol 679|269 1.563 venomstings village 670|279 1.916 genoremix on 29.07. at 23:18 yeah, that sucks. i'll look for other possible farms for ya, though. tnetz on 29.07. at 23:17 lol he told me not to attack again :d nice farm though genoremix on 29.07. at 23:14 oh, by the way, patryk, near folsom, is active again. xd he posted: "tnets is attack me 27 times!" i laughed my ass off. tnetz on 27.07. at 21:07 lol. let's see how he goes then. will be fun genoremix on 27.07. at 21:06 well, don't get surprised if he wants to go to war soon. he is one of those guys that thinks war can be won without nobles. his main problem is he only wants msim for a tribe because of this 'war' everyone thinks is going on. tnetz on 27.07. at 21:04 did he have any problems with you guys? genoremix on 27.07. at 20:54 alright. just thought i should let you know about him. tnetz on 27.07. at 20:44 that's news for me. i dont actually follow up invitations and joins... i'll keep a closer eye. genoremix on 27.07. at 20:34 that's him. and yeah, he posted an entire thread just to say he was leaving. tnetz on 27.07. at 20:19 was he a member of yours? camo85ss genoremix on 27.07. at 19:58 msim got another member, only because he doesn't want to be attaced by you guys. i don't know the whole of his name, because it's weird, but it starts with 'camo.' genoremix on 26.07. at 16:07 yep. you actually sent me a message saying he was a refugee. now he left my tribe for the tribe that nobled him. xd i was searching one f our members in k35, and he has two beautiful farms next to him, along with two nobling targets from heaven. each one 2k+ tnetz on 26.07. at 16:05 this nitrouspeed were nobled not long ago by us, right? the tension is all this wrong attacks, and the lack of farms :( genoremix on 26.07. at 08:42

hehe... nitrouspeed joined msim now. genoremix on 26.07. at 08:35 tension? where? genoremix on 26.07. at 08:35 probably. if i wasn't in my current tribe because of certain members, i'd be attacking some of the idiots. they don't realize war requires nobles. i'm sure slayer, po, and skander are cool too. i just haven't received a message yet, so i'm not gonna bother 'em. xd tnetz on 26.07. at 08:32 tension in the 'surroundings' tnetz on 26.07. at 08:31 lol thanks! but yet, i can sense a lot of tension. must be normal in a war game.. genoremix on 26.07. at 08:29 okay. because i've seen an unusually large amount of "slayerlzm" on the market. xd this is another reason i've told my tribe not to attack msim members. you're a pretty cool guy. tnetz on 26.07. at 08:27 i did some trade with him as well.. havent talked to him today, so i'm unsure. genoremix on 26.07. at 08:26 ah, i see. no resistance. ;d is slayer trying to build something? he has lots of offers on the market that i've accepted. tnetz on 26.07. at 08:24 well.. they are the cream at the top. but i usually go after villages that are inactive, but not abandoned... genoremix on 26.07. at 08:21 hannahbal is a farm, sort of. as soon as the guy account sitting for him is banned for violating rules. then i'll be mopping him up. drae, he has no troops, but yet he isn't being damaged. a scouting said he had no troops in or out of the village, but my next attack killed all 30 of my lc. it's weird. his wall was only 11, too. basi and king, i'm just waiting for one of their former members to give me a scouting report. you like farming actives, don't you? xd tnetz on 26.07. at 08:18 hannahbal draexnael basilbrush king of the sun those would be my targets... genoremix on 26.07. at 08:15 good targets where? i have alliances with most of the larger guy's tribes, and i'm nobling one guy nearby. the rest have gotten used to my tactics and begun turtling. xd as for the abandoneds, they are clean of supplies. kop... we have one of their former members. xd that may be interesting... tnetz on 26.07. at 08:12 i can see some good farming targets near you. and some weak tribes as well. go for kop genoremix on 26.07. at 07:59 if they weren't so far away, i'd farm my own inactive tribemates. :d shen... none of their members are around me. d: gonna have to whip out the lc, eh.

tnetz on 26.07. at 07:58 we'll always have shen to attack :d best farms with little support neaby genoremix on 26.07. at 07:55 i wonder what's gonna happen when no abandoneds are left, and all the actives are run by people with multiple villages. hell on k26. tnetz on 26.07. at 07:53 we have a crowded surrounding.. so most farms are nice/ok villages that will be nobled sometime genoremix on 26.07. at 07:41 people keep nobling my farms. it gets irritating. as for saphyro... ugh. 8 villages in two months or less. i've been here a month and have two, almost three. the resources just get overwhelming. tnetz on 26.07. at 07:35 all i know is that if saphyro has 9 villages and had 4 nobles, it must be important for something... i need 6 coins for my next noble. plus the cost of the noble itself, it goes 208/230/200 k in resorces. plus some 100~200k needed to clear up a village, it gets really expensive. but it's just that thing: resources we can always get more, what we are after are new farm limits. genoremix on 26.07. at 06:42 alright. hey, what are your thoughts on the nobleman-coins thing? i mean, you're actually spending over 100k of resources on a noble... it's annoying. tnetz on 25.07. at 21:46 btw, no reported agression on fxf genoremix on 25.07. at 21:38 i hate those kind of guys. we had one not too long along, hepzibah. he was at 300 points and wanted to go to war with you guys. so we kicked him out and he joined hoplon. tnetz on 25.07. at 21:11 lol.. not problems, but there's one guy who likes to go to war unplanned. i'm glad we're not in the same continent. genoremix on 25.07. at 20:59 not really. point whores, mostly. kyrtgr is just an irritating waste of... you've problems? wow. i wouldn't have suspected that. you guys having 5+ villages. xd tnetz on 25.07. at 20:57 i have my problems myself... tnetz on 25.07. at 20:57 you dont get along very well with many of you "colleagues", do you? genoremix on 25.07. at 20:39 yeah, he's pissing me off too. once me and my personal allies get a couple nobles, we're going to noble all his villages and then dismiss him. :d tnetz on 25.07. at 20:37 kyrtgr again, i might have some problems with him. i had an attack for his newest village, and in the mean time, he nobled it. tnetz on 25.07. at 20:36 i havent heard a thing, i'll look up genoremix on 25.07. at 20:28 is your tribe having any problems with the fictionfreaks tribe? they have nobled a few of our members, and i've been checking who all they've been attacking. genoremix on 23.07. at 04:30 yeah, i figured as much. i would farm them, but i'm too far away. i'm just waiting until my tribemates widdle down to nothing. that way they can't blame me for

when i join a different tribe. tnetz on 23.07. at 04:27 they can be interesting farms.. not so much for nobleing... genoremix on 23.07. at 04:18 yep. both are red inactives under member listing. tnetz on 23.07. at 04:11 patryk990 and amythas? genoremix on 23.07. at 03:56 just to let you know, two villages near you folsom village are inactive. both in my tribe. you could noble them without hassel, unless they have troops left over. just thought you oughta know. tnetz on 22.07. at 23:35 i had to withdrawn 2 invitations to this same guy from my tribe! genoremix on 22.07. at 23:06 i've already informed them. ugh. i hate how people don't join unless they're refugees, y'know? tnetz on 22.07. at 19:33 hello mate just to let you guys know about another refugee that joined you: nitrouspeed that's the reason he's being attacked, and will continue to be. if you can post in your forum so people avoid backing him up. cheers tnetz on 20.07. at 19:59 to manage a soccer team genoremix on 20.07. at 19:56 really... i'd never heard of either of those games. what type of games were they? like tw or something else? tnetz on 20.07. at 19:50 all internet mates but msim comes from a internet game, soccersim/managersim (which was recently put down), and several members are from that game me and skandenberg, for example the other 2 guys arent. genoremix on 20.07. at 19:46 damn, that sucks just hearing about it. i still don't understand how saphyro grew so fast, y'know? it's irritating. so, are you, pobox, skander, and slayer friends in real life, or just on tw? i actually read profiles. xd tnetz on 20.07. at 19:43 i had this with saphyro his 8th village: i wiped out an army, brought down loyalty to 8, and when my final attack was on its way, he nobled and sent support. so as result i lost 700+ax, 200lc/mas and a noble.. genoremix on 20.07. at 19:39 i can understand that. especially with how powerhungry certain players are. we have one member, less than 1k points, who wants to go to war with teor. he's an idiot. i've noticed the attacks-in-advance thing. it happened to me and a guy right below me. i had been farming someone forever, and finally he nobled it, then my farm strike hit. we worked it out, and now we're allies. besides, i would personally like k26 to become the greatest continent. make it so when

people are talking about world 7, they talk about k26 first and foremost. i just noticed two of your villages are a right-click, down-click away from me on the map. xd tnetz on 20.07. at 19:35 lol.. i know that there's a lot of friction around us (we're neighbours), but i cannot understand all this.. the problems we all had so far were caused by unlucky: attacks that were sent in advance, but that hit villages that were nobled during the travel time. well, let's see how things go genoremix on 20.07. at 19:33 i personally think you're a cool guy, and i don't have anything bad to say about msim, so i'm ignoing this whole 'war' thing my members want. so if msim wants to just wipe them out, go ahead. as i said many times, just leave me out of it. tnetz on 20.07. at 19:29 lol.. not in my power to do that :) genoremix on 20.07. at 19:28 i actually hate kyrtgr, due to how he acts in the forums, so if someone could noble him, that would be awesome. xd tnetz on 20.07. at 19:12 lol this should be solved by now i sent out an farming attack, and meanwhile he nobled that village then, my farming attack wiped out his supporting troops i kind fo solved that with both macthebest and kyrtgr, the guy who scouted me. genoremix on 20.07. at 19:06 macthebest wrote: tnetz of msim attacked ma second village, skeletons101's village, please send backup

he failed to post a report, though. i just think this is all one big effort by these idiots to start a war with you guys. tnetz on 20.07. at 19:03 that i attacked or that we - the tribe - attacked you guys? genoremix on 20.07. at 19:01 a few more of my tribe members have said that you attacked them. nearly all of my tribe wants to go to war, something i don't want to happen. so if that does happen, would it be possible for me to gain a nap agreement with msim? just me? maybe a kick in the ass would help some of my tribe members realize they are too idiotic to support a war. tnetz on 20.07. at 14:53 no problem, solved with him tnetz on 20.07. at 14:32 just to let you know, i've been scouted by player kyrtgr, so where do we stand? genoremix on 20.07. at 07:23 not just saphyro, even though he is a direct threat to me, seeing as i'm a calvary's distance form a kick in the ass, but all the players that started before me. i had never heard of tw until june. i started off slow, and now i'm here. saphyro started merely two weeks ahead, and he's already got 9 villages. but overall, i don't care if you noble plarin. infact, i'd send some units to help your own

attack force if i could. i left the tribe once because of an asshole member, sho still resides there. unfortunately, i was scouted by four people instantly, all with 20k+ points. so, yeah. i'm not as connected with this tribe as i once was. ever since people began wanting to merge, i said "hell with it," and became what i am now: someone just looking out for himself. tnetz on 20.07. at 07:17 are we talking about saphyro in here? my situation should be over pretty soon, so no problem in here. genoremix on 20.07. at 07:12 i actually posted a thread notifying all members about this situation, and they keep sending support. it's actually quite irritating for me. honestly, i have no problem with people picking off members of my tribe. i've always wanted to just be my own person. the only problem is that certain players can get 10 villages quickly, so i'm stuck needing others for support. if i could've gone through tw unbothered, and not bothering anyone else, i'd be happy as hell. not quite sure about the entire snappybob situation. no one seems to be capable of posting reports to show the damage. but snappy gained another village, so it should be okay. and personally, i just want to keep myself enemy-free. the rest of my tribe is war-hungry psychopaths. as i said ealier, i would just like to take over abandoneds and keep quiet. tnetz on 20.07. at 06:30 i knewn about that snappy bob thing, but it was something that happens quite a lot, since nobles are sent in advance. if i'm not mistaken, then your player attacked ours, and he posted. probably that's why the scoutings happened, but i cannot be sure on that. our individual players are not allowed to proceed that way against a tribe. i'm in no position to talk on behalf of those players, since i bear no title or 'job' in my tribe, but i can understand why you're uneasy. i was expecting one of you guys to send a message to your tribe so they stop supporting this guy. for all that matters, i'll just have to keep killing then, bringing losses to me and to you guys. all in all, this guy is not interested in joining you, and he's a lost cause. genoremix on 20.07. at 05:30 i do not personally support refugees. unfortunately, the rest of my tribe only cares about points. but i do have to say, that recent activity of your tribe towards our members is less than desirable. notably, a few of our members have been scouted by a large amount of msim members. it seems like all this occurred after a mishap invovling an enoblement. snappybob of our tribe, and another member of your tribe, i forget the name, were nobling the same village. snappy nobled it, then ten minutes later, the attack from your member re-nobled it to your tribe. snappy said he had worked it out with that member, but the next thing we know, we have four threads posted about scoutings. all from msim. i won't support plarin's refugee acts, but i don't support these scoutings. after all, i have personally aided some of msim's smaller members in the past. tnetz on 20.07. at 05:00 hello i just saw plarin recently joined your tribe. just to let you know that he was already under attack before joining you, and b/c of that he's just looking for shelter and immediate protection

just to let you guys know this guy's stats, and why he's being attacked and will continue to be, despite some of your guys sending support to him

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