Tut 030807

  • November 2019
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PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 1


Programming & Data Structure: CS 11001  


Section 9/C  


Department of Computer Science and Engineering I.I.T. Kharagpur Autumn Semester: 2007 - 2008 (03.08.2007)




PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 2

Download Download the file tut030807.ps from Programming & Data Structures ... of http://www.facweb.iitkgp.ernet.in/∼goutam View the file using the command kghostview & or ggv & &



PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Tutorial II

$ 3

A 3-digit radix-complement decimal (rcd or 10’s complement) numeral is defined as follows: 1. A numeral is a sequence of three decimal digits. 2. A +ve numeral has 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 as the most significant digit. Its denotation is usual. A −ve numeral has 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 as the most significant digit. 3. If a number n is represented as a 3-digit rcd numeral, −n is represented as 1000 − n in rcd. &

Answer the following questions:



PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

1. What is the value of 729 (rcd) in standard decimal?

$ 4

2. What is the range of decimal numbers represented as 3-digit rcd? 3. What is the range of decimal numbers represented as n-digit rcd? 4. What is the range of decimal numbers represented as 3-digit radix-6, 6-complement numeral. Answer the same question for n-digits. 5. Answer the previous question for radix-2, 2’s complement numerals.




PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 5

6. What will be the results of addition in 3-digit rcd in the following cases (all numbers are in rcd): (i) 123 + 234, (ii) 123 + 877, (iii) 403 + 311, (iv) 900 + 800, (v) 540 + 630 7. What will be the representation of 301 and 825 (3-digit rcds) as 6-digit rcds?




PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 6

Tutorial II 1. Convert the decimal numeral 1234 to a binary numeral. 2. Convert the unsigned binary numeral 0110 1001 to a decimal numeral. 3. Convert the unsigned binary numeral 1011 1010 0001 1110 to hexadecimal (Hex) and octal (Oct) numerals. 4. What is the range of unsigned integers that can be stored in 12-bits?




PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 7

Tutorial II 1. Add the following two 4-bit unsigned integers: 0101 + 1001. 2. Give 2’s complement representations of ±109 in 8-bits. What will be the representation in 12-bits? 3. What is the range of numbers that can be represented in 8-bit 2’s complement form. &



PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 8

Tutorial II.1 Write a C program that reads a small positive integer of one or two digits, and prints the sum of the digits.









16 %


PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 9

Tutorial II.2 Write a C program that reads a positive integer of three digits (no leading zero), and prints the integer whose digits are in reverse order.







507 %


PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 10

Tutorial II.3 Write a C program that reads a floating-point number x and prints the value of the polynomial 3x2 + 5x + 9. You cannot use more than two multiplication operations.







40.25 %


PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 11

Tutorial II.4 A chemical compound has c% of carbon, h% of hydrogen, n% of nitrogen and o% of oxygen by mass. The molar mass of the compound is m. Write a C program to find the number of different atoms in the molecule. Assume that the molar mass of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen are: 12.011, 1.008, 14.01 and 16.00 respectively. &



PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

$ 12

Caffeine: 194.2 Input


C: 49.48 %, H: 5.15 %,

C: 8, H: 10

N: 28.87 %, O: 16.49 %

N: 4, O: 2

C8 H10 N4 O2




PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Tutorial II.5

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Run the following code and see the output for different data. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int n ; printf("Enter an integer: ") ; scanf("%d", &n) ; printf("1/%d = %d\n", n, 1/n) ; return 0 ; }




PDS Tutorial: II (CS 11001): Section 9

Dept. of CS&Engg., IIT Kharagpur

Tutorial II.6

$ 14

Run the following code and see the output for different data. #include <stdio.h> int main() { unsigned int n ; printf("Enter a +ve integer: ") ; scanf("%d", &n) ; printf("%d << 4 = %d\n", n, n << 4) ; return 0 ; }



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