tupocc seattle convention highlights friday october 16 8-11pm
saturday october 17 9am
TUPOCC Breakin' Bread Racial Justice & Equity: TUPOCC comes together to elect a new co-chair, discuss our mission and to share the evening together. At Hidmo restaurant, 2000 S. Jackson.
TUPOCC and the Anti-racism Committee will hold a joint training to assess the progress of the NLG in ending institutionalized racism.
friday october 16 8:30am
Out of Africa:
The Taking of Africa's Resources friday october 16 1:30pm
Analysis of Post-Election Crisis in Iran: What Role for the U.S. Left? saturday october 17 2:30pm
Police Occupation of Communities of Color: Litigating and Organizing to Fight Back sunday october 18 10:45am
Women and Migration:
A Multi-Pronged Approach to Combating Trafficking, Unfair Labor Practices, and Gendered Racism sunday october 18 10:45am
Deportation Defense:
Representing Immigrant Detainees in Bond Hearings