Tugas Akhir Metlit

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: Alwi Maulana


: VI A

Reg. Number : 106014000365 Lesson

: Research Methodology

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING IN TEACHING SPEAKING (COMPARING WITH AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD) (An Experimental Study at the First Grade Students of Senior High School) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study According to GBPP (Garis-Garis Besar Pedoman Pengajaran/ The General Instruction of Teaching), the teaching-learning process of English language concentrates on the four skills, that are; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.1 One of the four skills above which plays a significant role in mastering English is speaking. As a skill, speaking is the most used skill by people rather than the three other skills. According to Jack C. Richards, “Learners consequently often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how well they feel they have improved in their spoken proficiency”2. From the statement, writer can say that most language learners study English in order to develop proficiency in speaking. Besides, many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure of knowing a language. These learners define fluency as the ability to converse with others, much more than the ability to read, write, or comprehend oral language. They regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire, and they assess their progress in terms of their 1

Anonymous, Kurikulum Muatan Lokal untuk Sekolah Dasar, (Jakarta: Depdikbud,

1994), p. 30 2

Jack C. Richards, Developing Classroom Speaking Activities: From Theory to Practice, Http://www.professorjackrichard.com/developing-classoom-speaking-activities.pdf, p.1. Accessed on November 1, 2007

accomplishments in spoken communication. Even, one of current models in literary of language education stated that language is a communication, not only a set of rule. It means that government and school with the model of language competences should prepare learners to communicate with the language in order to participate in the target language community itself. Actually it’s not easy to teach language especially speaking without using suitable method because a large number of methods are based on ideas of how languages are learned. Therefore, the research is done in order to know the effectiveness of the method in teaching speaking. There are many methods of language teaching that may be selected for teaching speaking skill. One of them that is appropriate in developing speaking skill is Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). According to Johnson: CTL is an educational process that aims to help student see meaning in the academic subject with the context of their daily lives, that is, with the context of their personal, social, and cultural circumstances. To achieve this aim, the system encompasses the following eight components: making meaningful connections, doing significant work, self-regulated learning, collaborating, critical and creative thinking, nurturing the individual, reaching high standards, and using authentic assessments.3 From the statement, the writer says that CTL is the method that helps students relate subject matter content to real world situations and motivate students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning requires. In such an environment, student will discover meaningful relationship between abstract ideas and practical applications in the context of the real world. Concept is internalized through process of discovering, reinforcing and relating. In other word, this method is regarded as the effective method in teaching speaking. In teaching learning theory, this method is based on constructivism ideology. In teaching and learning model, students construct their own knowledge by testing ideas based on prior knowledge and experience, applying these ideas to a new situation, and 3

Elaine B.Johnson, Contextual Teaching and Learning: What It Is and Why It’s Here to

Stay (Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, Inc, 2002) p.25

integrating the new knowledge gained with preexisting. Constructivism calls for active participation in problem solving and critical thinking regarding an authentic learning activity that students find relevant and engaging intellectual constructs. Even though CTL and ALM are regarded as the appropriate methods in teaching speaking skill, both methods have its advantages and disadvantages as the method used for achieving communicative skill including speaking ability. Therefore, in this paper, the writer would like to use Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching speaking in order to know the effectiveness in developing student speaking ability as to compare with Audio Lingual Method. B. The Limitation and the Formulation of Problem 1. The Limitation of Problem In this paper, the writer limits the subject matters to discuss the effectiveness of teaching speaking through Contextual Teaching and Learning as to compare with AudioLingual Method at the first year students of Senior High School. 2. The Formulation of Problem To make this research more focus, the writer formulates research question as follows: “Does the use of Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching speaking improve student speaking ability rather than Audio Lingual Method at the first grade student of Senior High School?” C. The Objective of Study This study aims to know the influence of optimizing of Contextual Teaching and Learning in student speaking improvement. The writer hopes this research may become supporting material to get a better way of language teaching. D. The Method of Research This research will be done by using experimental method. The writer will do field research by teaching two different classes using two different methods. In the beginning and in the end of the experiment, the students’ speaking ability is tested using the same instruments of speaking test. Then, the data will be analyzed by using product moment theory.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK. A. Speaking 1. The Understanding of Speaking Speaking is significant to an individual’s living processes and experiences as are the ability of seeing and walking. Speaking is also the most natural way to communicate. Without speaking, people must remain in almost total isolation from any kind of society. For most people, the ability to speak a language is the same with knowing a language since the speech is the most basic means of human communication. When we speak, a great deal more than just mouth is involved such as nose, pharynx, epiglottis, trachea, lungs and more. But, speaking isn’t just making sound. Birds, animals, babies make sound and though it may be communication of sorts, it’s not speaking.4 Actually, what is the meaning of speaking? In the process of writing this paper, the writer has tried to find out the meaning of speaking as one of skills in English language. He has finally found several resources that explain speaking as follows. According to Noah Webster, speaking has a variety of meanings: a. To tell, to say, to make known or as by speaking, to declare; to announce b. To proclaim; to celebrate c. To use or be able to use (a given language) in speaking d. To address5 In addition, Oxford Dictionary states that "speaking is to make use of language in an ordinary, not singing, to state view, wishes etc or an act of spokesman”.6 Meanwhile, Henry G. Tarigan defines that, “…speaking is a skill of conveying words or sounds of articulation to express or to deliver ideas, opinions, or feelings7”. 4

Sandra Cornbleet and Ronald Carter , The Language of Speech and Writing, (London:

Routledge publisher, 2001) p.17 5

Noah Webster, Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary, 2nd Edition, (New York:

William Collins Publishers, 1980), p.1980 6

AS Hornby, Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary. (Oxford: Oxford University Press,

Sixth Edition, 1987) p.827 7

Henry G. Tarigan, Berbicara Sebagai Suatu Ketrampilan Berbahasa, (Bandung:

Angkasa, 1981), p. 15

Don Bryne states that, “oral communication (or speaking) is a two way process between speaker and listener and involves the productive skill of speaking and the receptive skill of understanding8”. Based on the previous four definitions, it can be synthesized that speaking is the process of sharing with another person, or with other persons, one’s knowledge, interests, attitudes, opinions or ideas. Delivery of ideas, opinions, or feelings is some important aspects of the process of speaking which a speaker’s idea become real to him and his listeners. Meanwhile, in the process of writing this paper, writer has found some different terms that are associated with “speaking” from several resources that are “talk”, “speech”, “oral communication”, “oral language” and “spoken language”. That is why the writer sometimes used that one of those five terms when explaining speaking theory in this chapter. Basically, all the four terms have similar meaning with term “speaking”. 2. The Functions of Speaking Several language experts have attempted to categorize the functions of speaking in human interaction. According to Brown and Yule, as quoted by Jack C. Richards, “The functions of speaking are classified into three; they are talk as interaction, talk as transaction and talk as performance. Each of these speech activities is quite distinct in term of form and function and requires different teaching approaches9”. Below are the explanations of the functions of speaking: a. Talk as Interaction Meanwhile, talk as interaction has several main features as follows: •

Has a primarily social function

Reflects role relationships

Reflects speaker’s identity

May be formal or casual

Uses conversational conventions


Donn Byrne, Teaching Oral English (New York: Longman, 1998) p.8


Jack C.Richard, Developing Classroom Speaking Activities; From Theory to Practice,

Http://www.professorjackrichard.com/developing-classoom-speaking-activities.pdf, p.2, It was retrieved on November 1 2007

Reflects degrees of politeness

Employs many generic words

Uses conversational register Some of the skills (involved in using talk as interaction) are:

Opening and closing conversation

Choosing topics

Making small-talk

Recounting personal incidents and experiences


Using adjacency pairs


Reacting to others10 Mastering the art of talk as interaction is difficult and may not be a priority for all

learners. In talk as interaction, the ability to speak in natural way is required in order to create a good communication. That is why some students sometimes avoid this kind of situation because they often lose for words and feel difficulty in presenting a good image of them selves. This can be a disadvantage for some learners where the ability to use talk as interaction can be important. b. Talk as Transaction This type of talk or speaking refers to situations where the focus is on what is said or done. The message is the central focus here and making oneself understood clearly and accurately, rather than the participants and how they interact socially with each other11. In transaction, talk is associated with other activities. For example, student may be engaged in hand-on activities (e.g. in language lesson) to explore concept associated with tenses and derivations. Meanwhile, talk as transaction has several main features as follows: • 10 11

It has a primarily information focus

Jack C Richards, Developing Classroom…, p.2-3 Jack C Richards, Developing Classroom…, p.3

The main focus is the message and not the participants

Participants employ communication strategies to make themselves understood

There may be frequent questions, repetitions, and comprehension checks

There may be negotiation and digression

Linguistic accuracy is not always important Some of the skills involved in using talk for transactions are:

Explaining a need or intention

Describing something

Asking questioning

Confirming information

Justifying an opinion

Making suggestions

Clarifying understanding

Making comparisons12

C. Talk as Performance This refers to public talk or public speaking, that is, talk which transmits information before an audience such as morning talks, public announcements, and speeches. Talk as performance tends to be in the form of monolog rather than dialog. Often follows a recognizable format and is closer to written language than conversational language. Similarly it is often evaluated according to its effectiveness or impact on the listener, something which is unlikely to happen with talk as interaction or transaction. Examples of talk as performance are giving a class report about a school trip, conducting a class debate, making a sales presentation, and giving a lecture. The main features of talk as performance are:


There is a focus on both message and audience

It reflects organization and sequencing

Form and accuracy is important

Language is more like written language

Jack C Richards, Developing Classroom…, p. 4

It is often monologic Some of the skills involved in using talk as performance are:

Using an appropriate format

Presenting information in an appropriate sequence

Maintaining audience engagement

Using correct pronunciation and grammar

Creating an effect on the audience

Using appropriate vocabulary

Using appropriate opening and closing13

3. The Kinds of Speaking Activities To help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, there are some activities are used in the classroom to promote the development of speaking skills in our learners. The discussions below centers on the major types of speaking activities that can be implemented as follows: a) Discussion Discussion is probably the most commonly used in the speaking skills classroom activity14. It is a common fact that discussion really useful activity for the teacher in order to activate and involve student in classroom teaching. Typically, student are introduced to a topic via reading, listening passage, or a video tape and are then asked to get into pairs or groups to discuss a related topic in order to come up with a solution, a response, or the like. b) Information gap/problem solving One type of speaking activity involves the so-called “information gap”- where two speakers have different parts of information making up a whole. Because they have different information, there is a “gap” between them15. c) Speeches 13

Jack C Richards, Developing Classroom…, p.6


Marianne Celce-Murcia, , Teaching English As A Second or Foreign Language

(Boston: Heinly and Heinle, a Division of Thomson Learning,Inc.2001)p.106 15

Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach English (New York:Longman, 1990) p.91

Another common activity in the oral skills class is the prepared speech. Topics for speeches will vary depending on the level of the students and the focus of the class, but in any case, students should be given some leeway in determining the content of their talks16. d) Role plays One way of getting student to speak in different social context and to assume varied social roles is to use role-play activities in the classroom. Role plays can be performed from prepared scripts, created from a set of prompt and expression or written using and consolidation knowledge gained from instruction or discussion of the speech act and its variations prior to the role plays themselves17. e) Conversations One of the recent trends in oral skills pedagogy is the emphasis on having students analyze and evaluate the language that they or others produce. In other word, it is not adequate to have students produce lots of language; they must become more metalinguistically aware of many features of language in order to become competent speakers and interlocutors in English. One speaking activity which is particularly suited to this kind of analysis is conversation, the most fundamental form of oral communication18. 4. Factor Affecting Student Speaking Ability According to Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Reynanda, there are four factors that affect student oral communication ability that are age or maturational constraints, aural medium, socio-cultural factors and affective factors. Below are the explanations of the four factors that affect student speaking skill: a) Age or Maturational Constraints Age is one of the most commonly cited determinant factors of success or failure in foreign language learning. Several experts such as Krashen and Scarcella argue that acquires who begin learning a second language in early childhood through natural exposure achieves higher proficiency than those beginning as adults. Many adults fail to reach native-like proficiency in a second language. Their progress seems to level off at 16

Marianne Celce-Murcia, Teaching English As…, p.107 Marianne Celce-Murcia, Teaching English As…, p.107 18 Marianne Celce-Murcia, Teaching English As…, p.108 17

certain stage. This fact shows that the aging process itself may affect or limit adult learner’s ability to pronounce the target language fluently with native-like pronunciation19. b) Aural Medium The central role of listening comprehension in foreign language acquisition process in now largely accepted. It means that Listening plays an extremely important role in the development of speaking abilities. Speaking feeds listening, which precede it. So, speaking is closely related to or interwoven with listening which is the basic mechanism through which the rules of language are internalized20. c) Socio-cultural Factors Many cultural characteristics of a language also affect foreign language learning. From a pragmatic perspective, language is a form of social action because linguistic communication occurs in the context of structured interpersonal exchange and meaning is thus socially regulated. Thus, to speak a language, one must know how language is used in a social context. It is well known that each language has its own rules of usage as to when, how, and what degree a speaker may impose a given verbal behavior of their conversational partner. d) Affective Factors The affective side of the learner is probably one of the most important influences on language learning success or failure. The affective factors related to foreign language learning emotions, self-esteem, empathy, anxiety, attitude and motivation. Foreign language learning is a complex task that is supectible to human anxiety which is associated with feeling of uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt and apprehension. Speaking a foreign language in public, especially in front of native speakers, is often anxietyprovoking21. 5. The Assessment Grading Scale of Speaking As most people say that testing speaking is the most complex to assess with precision. Many of teachers often feel uncomfortable when handling speaking test since it 19

Jack C.Richards and Willy A.Reynanda, Methodology in …, p.205


Jack C.Richards and Willy A.Reynanda, Methodology in …, p.205


Jack C.Richards and Willy A.Reynanda, Methodology in …, p.206

is often difficult to be objective and consistent when testing a large number of students. But it doesn’t mean that speaking test can’t be measured in correct way. Writer has found several resources that explain about the way to assess speaking test and its technique. Hughes, as quoted by Endang Fauziati, listed three general formats for testing speaking ability that are interview, interaction with peers and responses to tape recording 22. Interaction with peers is the technique that will be used by writer to assess speaking ability. B. Contextual Teaching and learning (CTL) 1. The Understanding of CTL The philosophy of CTL was rooted from progressivisms of John Dewey23. John Dewey, an expert of classical education proposed the theory of curriculum and teaching methodology related to the student’s experience and interest. Principally, the students will learn effectively if they can make a connection between what they are learning with the experience they had, and also they actively involve in learning process in the classroom. John Dewey, as quoted by Donald freeman, said that,” what an individual has learned in the way of knowledge and skills in one situation becomes an instrument of understanding and dealing effectively with the situation which follows. The process goes on as long as life and learning continue24”. The theory of Cognitivisme also influenced the philosophy of CTL. The students will learn so well if they actively involve in the classroom activities and have a chance to inquiry it by their selves. Students will show their learning achievement through the real things that they can do. Learning is regarded as an effort or intellectual activity for developing their idea through introspection activity25. 22

Endang Fauziati, Testing Speaking Skill, A paper of the49th International TEFLIN Conference, English

:A Prerequisite for Global Communication (Denpasar: English Department, Faculty of Letters, University Of Udayana), p.4 23

Nurhadi,Dkk., Pembelajaran Kontextual (Contextual Teaching and Learning/CLT) dan Penerapannya

Dalam KBK (Malang: Penerbit Universitas Negeri Malang, 2004), p.8 24

Donald Freeman, Changing Teaching: Insight Into Individual Development In The Contexts Of School,

On Christopher Ward and Willy Reynanda (Ed.), Language Teaching, a New Insights For The Language Teacher (Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Center, 1999), p.34 25

Nurhadi,Dkk., Pembelajaran Kontextual…, p.9

Based on two theories above, the CTL philosophy was developed. CTL is a proven concept that incorporates much of the most recent research in cognitive science. It is also a reaction to the essentially behaviorist theory that have dominated American education for many decades. CTL is promoted as the alternative for the new learning strategy. CTL emphasize the learning process through “constructing” not memorizing and teaching is interpreted as an activity of inquiring process not only transferring knowledge to the students. 2. The Characteristics of CTL Johnson, as quoted by Nurhadi, characterizes CTL into eight important elements as follows: 1. Making Meaningful Connections 2. Doing Significant Work 3. Self-Regulated Learning 4. Collaborating 5. Critical and Creative Thinking 6. Nurturing the Individual 7. Reaching High Standards 8. Using Authentic Assessments These eight characteristics make CTL different from other methods. These Characteristics became the main components in applying CTL method. It is also clearly seen that these eight characteristics asks the students for actively involving in classroom activity.. 3. The Principle of CTL 1. Constructivism Constructivism is the foundation of CTL. The basic premise is that an individual learner must actively “build” knowledge and skills. However, all advocates of constructivism agree that it is the individual’s processing of stimuli from the environment and the resulting cognitive structure that produce adaptive behavior rather than the stimuli themselves26. 2. Inquiry 26

www.chiron.valdosa.edu/whuitt/cogys/construct.html. it was retrieved on January 1 2008

Basically, inquiry is a complex idea that means many things to many people in any contexts. Inquiry is asking, asking something valuable that related to the topic discussed. Inquiry is defined as “a seeking for truth, information or knowledge—seeking information by questioning 3. Questioning Questioning is the mother of contextual teaching and learning, the beginning of knowledge, the heart of knowledge and the important aspect of learning. Sadker and Sadker, as quoted by Nurhadi, mentioned the important of questioning technique in classroom teaching. They said, 4. Learning Community In learning community, the result of learning can be gotten from gathering others and also can be taken from sharing with friends, other groups, and between make out person and not. Actually, learning community has the meaning as follows: 1).Group of learning which communicate to share the idea and experience, 2).Working together to solve the problem and 3).The responsibility of each member of learning group 5. Modeling Basically, modeling is verbalization of ideas, teacher demonstrates to students to study and acting what the teacher need to be implemented by students. Modeling activity can be summarized into demonstrates the teacher’s opinion and demonstrates how does the teacher want the student to learn. 6. Reflections Reflection is the ways of thinking about what the students have learned and thinking about what the students have done in the past. Reflection is figuration of activity and knowledge that just have received. Teacher need to do the reflections in the end of teaching learning process. 7. Authentic Assessment Authentic assessment is a procedure of achievement in the CTL. Assessments of students’ performance can come from the teacher and the students. Authentic assessment is the process of collecting the data that can give the description of student learning development.

3. The Procedure of CTL in Teaching Speaking Seven main components of CTL that explained above are the main requirements in classroom teaching learning process. Below are the procedures how to apply CTL, including speaking class activity, in the classroom teaching learning process. 1. Improve the understanding that student will learn more effectively through selflearning, self-inquiring, and self-constructing using their own knowledge and experience. 2. Do the inquiring activity to achieved desired competences in speaking activity 3. Create learning community or learning in groups 4. Questioning as a learning tool. it is useful for improving student’s curiosity 5. Do the reflection in the end of learning to make student feel that they have learned something. C. Audio-Lingual Method 1. The Understanding of Audio-Lingual Method The Audio-lingual method is the product of three historical circumstances. For its views on language, Audio-Lingualism drew on the work of American linguists such as Leonard Bloomfield. The prime concern of American linguistics at the early decades of the 20th century had been to document all the indigenous languages spoken in the USA. However, because of the dearth of trained native teachers who would provide a theoretical description of the native languages, linguists had to rely on observation. For the same reason, a strong focus on oral language was developed. At the same time, Behaviorists psychologists such as B.F. Skinner were forming the belief that all behaviour (including language) was learnt through repetition and positive or negative reinforcement. The third factor that enabled the birth of the AudioLingual Method was the outbreak of World War II, which created the need to post large number of American servicemen all over the world. At that time, there was a need for people to learn foreign language rapidly for military purposes. Because of the influence of the military, early versions of the Audio-Lingualism came to be known as the “Army Method”.

This method also was developed as a reaction to the grammar-translation method of teaching foreign languages27. Grammar-translation had been used to teach for thousands of years, but the method was perceived as taking too long for learners to be able to speak in the target language. The Audio-Lingual method set out to achieve quick communicative competence through innovative methods. 2. The Characteristics of ALM Brown has summarized the Characteristics of Audio-Lingual Method as follows: 1. New material is presented in dialog form. 2. There is dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases, and over-learning. 3. Structures are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis and taught one at a time. 4. Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills. 5. There is little or no grammatical explanation. Grammar is taught by inductive analogy rather than deductive explanation. 6. Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context. 7. There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids. 8. Great importance is attached to pronunciation. 9. Very little use of the mother tongue by teachers is permitted. 10. Successful responses are immediately reinforced. 11. There is great effort to get students to produce error-free utterances. 12. There is a tendency to manipulate language and disregard content28. This is useful for the teacher of speaking skills in the classroom to look at the characteristics of Audio-Lingual Method in order to present this method in the correct way. From the characteristics above, it can be seen that this method is primarily concern with the speaking skill. This method is really concerned about the pronunciation in producing words because it is important o prevent learners from making errors. It is also 27

Susan Kifuthu, Background and Characteristics of the Audio-Lingual Method,

www.caridulu.com, it was retrieved on November 1 2007 28

Douglas H.Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (Englewood

Cliffs:: Prentice Hall Regent, 1994) p.57

clearly seen that one of the language teacher’s major roles is a model of the target language. Teacher should provide students with a native-speaker-like model. By listening to how it is supposed to sound and students should be able to mimic the model. D. Thinking Framework The research is done in order to know the effectiveness of CTL in teaching speaking. The writer is interested in this topic because of several facts that found in classroom teaching when doing teaching practice at SMAN 1 Ciputat. The students speaking ability is still low and even there are some students who can’t speak English language at all. Ideally, the students of second year of Senior high school should have a good ability in English language or at least, they can speak in a simple conversation. As we know, that English has been decided as the compulsory subject to learn since 4th year’s grade of elementary school. It means that they have been learning English language for six years. One of the reasons of that problem is because the majority of students in the schools are unable to make connections between what they are learning and how that knowledge will be used. This is because the way they process information and their motivation for learning are not touched by the traditional methods of classroom teaching. Audio-Lingual Method, which is often considered as the traditional method, plays a significant role in this matter. In ALM, the students are not fully involved in classroom teaching and they are just functioned as the receiver of knowledge transferred by the teacher. Many time, this situation made them feel boring in facing the English language subject. As a result, the students have a difficult time in understanding academic concepts of English language as they are commonly taught (that is, using an abstract, lecture method), and they feel difficult to understand the concepts as they relate to the real live situation and to the larger society in which they will live and work. Traditionally, students have been expected to make these connections on their own live and outside the classroom. These facts make them difficult in developing their English language ability. The writer believes that Contextual Teaching and Learning can be a solution to tackle the problem in learning speaking. In a CTL learning environment, students can discover meaningful relationship between abstract ideas and practical applications in a real world context. Meanwhile, CTL also encourages teacher to design learning

environment that incorporate many kind of experiences to achieve desired outcomes. The writer believes that the application of CTL in English language teaching will help student in developing their proficiency in speaking and also encourage them to learn well because they are held accountable in their learning process in classroom teaching. Generally, there are several reasons to choose CTL as follows: 1. Students accept more responsibility of their own learning 2. Students enjoy a positive interaction 3. CTL creates a team that enliven learning process 4. Students are encouraged to explore their potency 5. Student are the center of learning process E. Hypotheses This research is to answer the question about the significance different between teaching speaking using Contextual Teaching Learning and teaching speaking using Audio-Lingual Method. Therefore, writer proposed hypotheses as follows: Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): “There is a significant difference between the students’ speaking scores taught by contextual Teaching Learning and taught by Audio-Lingual Method”, Null Hypothesis (Ho): “There is no significant difference between the students’ speaking scores taught by contextual Teaching Learning and taught by Audio-Lingual Method”

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS A. The Methodology of Research 1. The Place of the Research The research of this study was held at SMAN 1 Ciputat. The writer conducted the research about three weeks. It was begun by observation and finished by giving the test in speaking ability. From 15th February up to 8th march 2008, the writer did the research for seven meeting. It consisted of giving pre-test, presenting lesson and giving post-test. 2. The Objective of Research As mentioned in chapter one that the objective of research is to know the influence of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in optimizing student speaking improvement and also to find out whether there is any significance effect in speaking achievement of the students who are taught using CTL method and those who are taught using Audio Lingual Method 3. The Population and Sample The population of the study is 315 students from the first year of SMAN 1 Ciputat which consists of eight classes. The writer only took two classes that are X.8 and X.7 and taught these two classes using CTL (for experiment class) and ALM (for control class). The writer took 58 students where 29 students are from experiment class and the rest are from control class. The sample was taken purposive using random sample technique. 4. The Technique of Data Collecting The writer used the test to collect the data. The pre-test and post test were administered to both classes. The pre-test was done before the teaching learning process and the post-test was done after teaching learning process. The pre test was done in order to know the homogeneity of the two classes in speaking skill and the post-test was done in order to know the influence and the effectiveness of using CTL and ALM in teaching speaking skill. In collecting the data, writer has designed the items for speaking test. As stated in previous chapter, the writer used the interaction with peer technique. In this technique, the writer divided the student into a group of two and then they’re asked to discuss a

certain topic. Meanwhile, in determining the score gained by the student, the writer used an oral rating scale that proposed by David P. Harris as stated in chapter two. 5. The Technique of Data Analysis Data analysis is the last step in the procedure of research. In analyzing the data from the pre-test and post test, the writer used the statistical calculation of T-test. T-test is used in order to find out the differences of the result/score of student’s achievement in studying speaking by using CTL and ALM. 6. The Procedure of Research Before doing the research, the writer observed the location and population were carried out. The research was done in two classes namely experiment class and control class. Before treating the students using CTL and ALM, the writer administered the pretest to the students in both classes with the same instrument to know the homogeneity of student’s speaking skill. The next step was the treatment, where the Class of X.8 as the experiment class was taught using CTL and class of X.7 as the control class was taught using ALM. The presentation of the lesson was done by the writer. Then, post-test was administered after finishing the treatment. The writer used the same format of question that was administered in the pre-test. Even though the test instrument was the same, students didn’t realize that it would be examined again later. Finally, the writer made a calculation of the result from both test. The further explanation will discuss later. B. The Finding of Research 1. The description of data a). the experiment class using contextual teaching learning (CTL) b.). the control class using audio-lingual method (ALM) 2. The Analysis of Data After writing the comparison between the score of experiment and the control class, the writer calculates the deviation and square deviation for two classes as follows: 3. The Test of Hypotheses Since to score is bigger that tt, it means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) of research is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In another words, it means

that there is a significant difference between the students’ speaking scores taught by contextual Teaching Learning and taught by Audio-Lingual Method. 4. The interpretation and discussion of data As stated above that if to is bigger than tt, so the alternative hypothesis is accepted. According to the explanation about the analysis of the result on the tables above, writer can conclude that teaching speaking through Contextual Teaching Learning is better than teaching speaking through Audio-Lingual Method at first grade of SMAN 1 Ciputat. It can be seen on the tables above that the students who learn speaking through Contextual Teaching Learning and who learn speaking through Audio Lingual Method have a significant different. It means that there is a significant influence of using the Contextual Teaching Learning in teaching speaking. So, the students’ speaking scores taught by using Contextual Teaching Learning are better than those who were taught by using Audio-Lingual Method. However, the writer could not deny that the different score between two classes is not much, but the speaking improvement in the experiment class has proven that Contextual Teaching Method can be a good method in developing speaking ability.

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