our ref: - MX -172/11/07/20-07 atimrs colleta ogola ref: quotations for the proposed constructive of your commercial residential units at jerusalem (nairobi) on plot no -209/ 7383/176 nairobi kenya we are grateful for showing interest in working with us. we therefore submit our quotation for the above mentioned work as follows.
site preparation/ seting out trench excavations ballast - 86 tone x 1200 cement 220 bags x 800 sand-160 tone x 1000
225000 17500 286000 102000 27000 82000 12000 20000 88450 160000 25000 173000 38000 18000 109000 45000 70000 76000
d.p.c -item natural buildign stone- aprox - 700ft x 36 wall pas-item-reinforcement bars binding wire scrolls x 2500 complete window with accessories -16 x 2200 plumbing ace electrical painting ceramic tiles shelve ceiling roof construction windows seal transport provisional