Tsti June 09

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PHASE 3 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TO BEGIN Excitement is in the air! Two summers ago, TSTI’s renovation plan kicked off with the addition of a wonderful outdoor entertainment space off of the Mansion and a new playground for our preschoolers. Last summer’s activity brought us our beautiful new worship space, religious school offices and several new classrooms. This June, we will commence work on the third phase of our renovation efforts. This summer’s project has two distinct elements. The first will include the complete demolition and replacement of our common areas including the lobby and the main hallway that leads to our new worship space, religious school, and administrative wing. When completed this fall, TSTI congregants and guests will enter our facility through a modern, beautiful, functional and secure lobby area. The renovation will bring much sunlight into these synagogue spaces, provide for a family gathering space, a redesigned gift shop and more functional museum spaces to showcase artifacts from our treasured past. The second element of this summer’s work includes the construction of an indoor atrium in the open-area playground between our buildings. In

addition to providing an additional space for congregants to celebrate simchas, the Atrium will provide much-needed functional space for our religious and pre-school students. Funding for this project has been provided by the generous contributions of so many Temple members to the Preserving Our Past for Generations to Come Capital and Endowment Campaign that began more than four years ago. Aside from very substantial endowment funds raised to support Temple programming activities, the Campaign received pledges dedicated to the improvement and modernization of our Temple facilities. With the bulk of these funds already in hand, TSTI is able to proceed with this project even during these challenging economic times. You will be able to follow the progress of the construction at www.tsti.org, where we will post updated pictures and construction bulletins about the best ways to enter and exit the building. Any temporary inconvenience we experience during the construction will be far outweighed by the wonderful improvement to our synagogue. Come 5770 (this fall), we will have much to celebrate!

3rd Annual Golf and Tennis Outing Information on Page 2

Schedule of Services Friday, June 5 Naso, Numbers 4.21-7 Shabbat Service with guest speaker 7:30 P.M. Bass Sanctuary Building Saturday, June 6 Minyan Service, 9:15 A.M. Gross Bet Midrash B’nai Mitzvah of Steven Karp, Adam Kaufman and Sarah Lippman, 10:15 A.M. Bat Mitzvah of Elise Masters, 10:30 A.M. Friday, June 12 Beha’alotecha, Numbers 8-12 Shabbat Service, 6:00 P.M. Bass Sanctuary BuildingBass Sanctuary Building Saturday, June 13 Minyan Service, 9:15 A.M. Gross Bet Midrash B’nai Mitzvah of Zachary Aronson and Hillary Lehrhoff, 10:15 A.M.

Clergy Rabbi Daniel M. Cohen, D.Min. Rabbi Ellie Lynn Miller Rabbi Harvey S. Goldman, Emeritus Rabbi Herbert Weiner, Emeritus Cantor Theodore Aronson Joan Finn, Cantorial Soloist

Friday, June 19 Shelach, Numbers 13-15.41 Shabbat Service, 7:30 P.M. Bass Sanctuary Building Saturday, June 20 Minyan Service, 9:15 A.M. Gross Bet Midrash B’not Mitzvah of Anna-Karin Hess and Hannah Panzer, 10:15 A.M. Friday, June 26 Korach, Numbers 16-18 Shabbat Service, 6:00 P.M. Bass Sanctuary Building Saturday, June 27 Minyan Service, 9:15 A.M. Gross Bet Midrash


8:05 P.M 8:09 P.M. 8:12 P.M. 8:13 P.M.

Lay Leadership Jack Fersko, President Hope Pomerantz, VP Adam Leight, VP Jay Rice, VP Arlene Gordon, VP Robert Ozer, VP Paula Lieber, VP Judy Epstein, VP Jesse Bayer, Treasurer Breena Fishback, Secretary Executive Director Leslie Sporn School Directors Carol Paster, Preschool Pia Kutten, Religious School Program Director Tracy Horwitz, LSW Bulletin Sunny Seglin MEMBER CONGREGATION UNION FOR REFORM JUDAISM

Contact us at [email protected] Visit our website at www.tsti.org Ph: 973-763-4116 Fax: 973-763-3941

Join us for our

Third Annual Golf and Tennis Outing Tuesday, June 9th. Golf at the beautiful Crestmont Country Club Tennis at the fabulous Orange Lawn Tennis Club Dinner, Dancing and Auctions at Crestmont Country Club ggy Bar nett at [email protected] if you would like to express a mazel tov to our Spirit of You only have until June 5 to contact Pe Peggy Barnett Matty Dan Goldberg, Helene Sorin and Andrea Baum Service Honorees, and Baum. A contribution of double chai will ensure your name is listed in our evening’s program. A list of our Auction Items will be on the TSTI website a few days before the event. Take a look at what will be available. If you would like to bid on an item at the Silent Auction, but will not be able to attend, please email [email protected] prior to June 8 and we will bid for you! 2

The President’s Point of View It is remarkable to me that almost two years have passed since my installation as President. I am thankful to the Temple membership for having entrusted me with the opportunity to serve our synagogue. Service to our Temple affords us the opportunity to fuel our souls. When I wrote my first bulletin article, I urged each of you to think towards the future, so that at the end of what is now the past two years, together we could look back and feel as though we made a contribution – not just to the current life of our membership but also to the future Temple membership. I was very fortunate during the past two years. I received sound advice from many Past-Presidents. But like a good parent, they suggested and did not direct. I was privileged to have the opportunity to work with an Executive Committee during each year that gave limitlessly of themselves, adapting to a new set of by-laws and a new committee structure. The committee chairs each took on an added role of responsibility, as the committees became responsible for carrying out many substantive responsibilities and ensuring a system of succession so that a constant source of future leaders always was available. But the success of the leadership of this Temple never would have been possible were it not for the Temple membership’s commitment to our collective success. I would need pages to even begin listing all of those who contributed of their time and financial support to the collective endeavor of Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel. But I assure you each that your efforts have not gone unnoticed over the past two years — and for all of your time and devotion – I offer my most humble gratitude. While we as a community provide the glue that holds our Temple structure together, our clergy and professional staff create the structure upon which we are able to build and develop. I have had the privilege of working with a clergy team and professional staff that has as its singular goal, the success and well-being of each and every congregant. Led by Rabbi Cohen, together with Rabbi Miller, Cantor Aronson, and Cantorial Soloist Joan Finn, our clergy work

24/7 ensuring that each of our individual interests is nurtured. And under the leadership of our Executive Director, Leslie Sporn, our staff ensures the seamless operation of our facility, even under the most difficult of economic times. I also take note of the dedication to our children from our Religious School Director Pia Kutten, our Preschool Director Carol Paster and our Program Director Tracy Horwitz — and the dedication to our Temple of our Senior Assistant, Sunny Seglin, who ensures, amongst many other efforts, the timely production of this bulletin. If we have achieved a level of success over the past two years, and set a foundation for our future, it is due to the contribution of each of those mentioned above. To the extent that we could have done better — well, as the saying goes, the buck stops here. But at the end of the day, I hope that over the past two years we have fostered an environment in which all points of view could be aired, decisions were challenged so that they were well reasoned, and we presented, at all times, a process that respected a difference of opinion. At the end of the day, it is not only what we accomplish, but how we achieve that sets the foundation for future growth and success. As I move to that coveted position of Immediate PastPresident, I do so with a spirit of great optimism. We have a new Executive Committee and Board of Trustees that will be led by our new President, Hope Pomerantz. Over the past two years I have witnessed first hand the dedication and love that Hope has for our synagogue. She is a bright and talented woman, with a high sense of ethics. I know that Temple is in good hands with Hope at the helm. Finally, I want to express my gratitude to my entire family, and in particular Helene. Without their steadfast love, I never would have managed the past two years as I did. For the past 35 years Helene has provided me unwavering support and guidance. For that I am eternally grateful. I wish each of you a restful summer; re-charge yourselves for a very exciting new year.

Jack Fersko 3

From the Rabbi’s Study

One of the striking things about watching the news these days is the way in which the gloom and doom overshadow the good and the positive. The fact is, there are many sad and horrific events worldwide . . . but there are just as many acts of kindness and goodness. They, however, often go unnoticed. At times, that’s the case with temple life as well. There are so many positives that take place on a daily basis that go unnoticed. For me, one of those positives is looking forward to another year with Rabbi Miller, Cantor Aronson and Joan Finn by my side. I am privileged to share the bima with my colleagues for whom I have great respect and ever-growing admiration. As our president has noted, this has been a year of significant challenge. The economic crisis in our country has affected numerous individuals and households in our congregation and our congregation as a whole. As a result we have had to go back and look at our temple budget and deal with it aggressively in order to maintain the high level of programming and worship services that we offer while still ensuring that we maintain a level of staff sufficient to meet the needs of our ever-more active congregation. That’s the bad news. Here is the good news. We have a remarkably dedicated group of staff and volunteer leaders who have worked tirelessly to address the challenges and have done nothing short of a miraculous job. We are truly blessed by the caliber of individuals who serve this community on every level. There had been many wonderful things that have taken place here at Temple and I want to talk recently about just a few. Our year started with the dedication of a beautiful new space in our middle building, not the least of which is the gorgeous new chapel. Thanks to the generosity of many, the vision and work of Mark Schaevitz, and the hands-on direction of our Executive Director Leslie Sporn, the project was completed on time and under budget and is magnificent. This year saw the introduction of a new approach to adult learning. Under the leadership of Laurie Landau, and through the incredible hard work of the Adult Ed Committee in partnership with Rabbi Miller and Tracy Horwitz, we built upon the early Shabbat services introduced last year. We welcome our 4

guest scholars during services and then join with them for Shabbat dinner afterward. The result . . . we pray, we sing, we learn AND we build community. This year saw our Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School take a new direction. Transitions in leadership can be difficult but, thanks to a number of remarkable individuals, it was surprisingly smooth. Under the leadership of School Director Pia Kutten, we began a long process of assessing our needs as a community and adapting our structure to meet those needs and our vision. It is a challenge and a process that will not be completed overnight but it is one that we are committed to undertaking. None of this would have been possible were it not for the leadership of our Director of Synagogue Education, Rabbi Miller, VP of Education Paula Lieber, and Religious School Chair David Leit. Each worked tirelessly, often behind the scenes, ensuring that this transition went smoothly and that a new direction was set. And when Pia was out on maternity leave, it was thanks to Rabbi Miller that things continued to move forward smoothly. This was our first year using a new set of bylaws, the guiding principles that are intended to streamline our governance process, increase transparency and inclusiveness and get more members of temple involved in the ownership of temple than ever before. Our bylaws reflect our belief that TSTI belongs to the entirety of the community, not simply a small group of leaders. It is the right philosophy and one that needs the involvement of us all, for our goal as a temple is to have members of the community remain active and involved for a lifetime. That is how we continue to build, maintain and nourish our diverse and wonderful community. This year saw Rabbi Miller and Tracy Horowitz take an incredible group of our teens to the Religious Action Center in Washington. It was a trip that would not have been possible without the support Senator Frank Lautenberg and David Bershad. And when our teens were prevented from lobbying on Capitol Hill due to a snowstorm, they did meet with both senators in Newark a few weeks later thanks to Rabbi and Tracy’s tenacity and follow through. Both senators, by the way, commented on how fantastic our teens are. Both have excellent judgment!

This year saw our young people committed to raising money for solar cookers to support the refugees Darfur. our adults continuing to keep the issue in the forefront of our minds. the completion of our Habitat for Humanity Abraham House. and much more in the realm of Tikkun Olam.

A quick story... Two of our high school seniors were sitting with me to work on their Hebrew High graduation speech. At one point one of them stopped and asked, “Do you and Rabbi Miller share the same the values?” I asked them why they asked, and they replied, “Because we met with her also. The two of you bring such different perspectives that I have to guess you have the same values, because otherwise, you couldn’t share the rabbinic leadership of this congregation.”

That is just a small taste of what has taken place here at 432 Scotland Road this year even in the midst of addressing the new challenges we now face.

They are absolutely right and I, for one, am grateful for all she does.

There is a great deal more to come. Looking forward to next year we can anticipate... a beautiful new entry way to our synagogue that is reflective of our congregation’s bright, progressive and open outlook on Jewish life. A huge thank you to the Lehrhoff, Aronson, Hess and Panzer families for their understanding and support of our need to get underway as soon as possible. a superb year of Adult Education programs. and the writing of a new Torah scroll for our new chapel. It is a program that will infuse our entire programming year beginning this fall. A HUGE thank you to Andrea Baum and Susan Present for undertaking the leadership of such an important and complex project. Finally, a few words of thanks to some specific individuals. It is always dangerous to single out a few specific people, especially in temple life, since temple life is a communal project. But there are two individuals who deserve public thanks. First, to my colleague Rabbi Miller. This is the 10th year of Rabbi’s ordination and her 10th year leading our congregation. Rabbi Miller works so hard on behalf of this congregation. I am constantly in awe of her ability to balance the demands of the rabbinate and the demands of three small, energetic children with such grace. I certainly could not imagine doing so. Our school transition and Pia’s maternity leave would not have gone as smoothly as it did if it were not for her. Rabbi Miller tends to work behind the scenes and give credit to others for much that SHE does. As a result, members of our congregation are often not aware of all that she does that touches them on a daily basis. That is a shame . . . so, let me say this clearly tonight — if something good happens at temple it is a pretty good bet that Rabbi Miller had a hand in it. This congregation is what it is in no small measure because we have been blessed to call her Rabbi of Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel for a decade.

Second, and finally, to Jac ack Fersk sko k Fer sk o. For the past two years Jack has been president of TSTI. It has been a demanding two years. And it has been a two year period filled with surprises. Except when it comes to Jack. Having known Jack and Helene for more than a decade and a half, having watched them raise Seth and Alison, having been with them at some of the most joyous and most difficult times, and having called Jack “friend” for much of that time, I expected that Jack would bring his wisdom, his intellect, his ability to listen to differing views, and his inability to do any job half way, to the presidency. I also knew that, after two years, Jack would be looking forward to the coveted title, “PAST President”. I was right on all counts. What I did not predict, what I could not predict, was how truly challenging the period during which Jack was president would be. No one predicted the degree of the downturn we face. I, for one, am so thankful that Jack was president during this time. I know how great the impact has been on both him and Helene. I also know that, somehow, we had exactly the right leader at the right time. If I were asked to list the people I respect most in life Jack Fersko would be near the top. I feel blessed to have worked with him. I feel blessed to call him a friend. And, while I am absolutely thrilled that Hope Pomerantz is stepping into the presidency (once again this temple has the right leader at the right time!) I am nevertheless sad to see Jack’s Presidency end. Wishing you all a restful and restorative summer,

Rabbi Daniel Cohen Rabbi Cohen’s article is excerpted from his address at the Congregational Meeting of May, 2009.


The Iris Family The Women’s Connection The Women’s Connection enjoyed a very informative and interesting discussion led by Rabbi Cohen on Hot Issues facing teenagers today. Great insights were shared and it was another ysse Rimalo vski great evening spent together. Thank you to Il Ilysse Rimalovski and Robin Slavit for organizing the event, as well as to all of the Advisory Group members who baked delicious desserts. We are already busy finalizing our calendar for the upcoming 2009-2010 year. Please save the date for our kick-off event, Thursday October 8 at 7:00 pm in the Mansion. Our annual brochure will be sent out in August and it will contain a full listing of our events along with a membership form for you to complete and renew your membership for 2009-2010. ea Baum and Helene Sorin began the Three years ago Andr Andrea Women’s Connection and since then have provided unwavering leadership, support and enthusiasm. They have put their hearts and souls into creating a thriving group that helps us all feel connected to each other and to the larger TSTI community. We thank them for all they have done and look forward to carrying cia on where they have left off. We also want to thank Mar Marcia Weinstein for serving as Treasurer of the Women’s Connection for so many years. Her diligence and devotion have added tremendously to the success of the Women’s Connection. In addition she was instrumental in transitioning the group from the former Sisterhood to the Women’s Connection. Most importantly, the Women’s Connection thrives because of your enthusiasm and involvement. This year we hosted 9 successful events that were all well attended and each one received rave reviews. We currently have over 170 members, but our goal is to have all of the women at TSTI become members. We want to encourage everyone to get involved and hope that we are making a difference in strengthening our special TSTI community. So, if you would like to get more involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us: Wendy Ferber at [email protected], Andrea Bergman at [email protected], or Janet Schwamm at [email protected]. Have a fabulous summer and we look forward to catching up at our kick-off event on October 8. With much appreciation,

Andrea Bergman Wendy Ferber Janet Schwamm The Women’s Connection Co-Chairs


As a departure from my typical rambling-stream-of consciousness bulletin articles I’d like to take the time to offer a public thank you to all those involved in the planning and implementation of Temple Sharey Tefilo Israel’s Iris Family Center’s first annual Spring Fling. I know that the evening was originally conceived as a way to honor my many years of service as director of TSTI’s Early Childhood Center. Thanks to Rabbi ishkin, R ac hel FFisc isc h-K aplan, Car rie Miller, Adria FFishkin, Rac achel isch-K h-Kaplan, Carrie w on g, Liz Nussbaum, Dara Busc h, Simon W estfall-K Busch, Westfall-K estfall-Kw ong Kra vitz, Lisa Mur ra haener and Dara Busc h and rayy, Jen Sc Schaener Busch Kravitz, Murra Dean Kravitz it turned out to be a truly wonderful party planned with my interests in mind. Thank you, also, to those who worked behind the scenes to plan a low key evening filled with art, music, laughs and camaraderie. The main thrust behind the event was to create a sense of community amongst the young families outside of the preschool hours and without the presence of children. From the noise level in the mansion on that particular Saturday night, it was clear that the community was having a good time. While the children were left at home, their presence was clearly in evidence. Each class was asked by the Spring Fling committee to create a group project—a piece of art work involving the whole class’ participation which was part of a live auction. I know the teachers struggled a bit to find projects that a group of young children could have a hand in making and also be worthy of showing off in someone’s home. Thank you to the teachers for their patience and perseverance. The bidding for these items was quite competitive as the art work was very varied and in my eyes, absolutely stunning considering they were created by 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Through the generosity of the Sheri and Jason Friedman, I am the proud owner of one of the art works. After outbidding their competitors, they gave the picture to me as a gift for the school. The highlight of the evening for me was when my teachers sang a heartfelt parody about my extremely long tours with prospective preschool families, my lack of musical ability, my great enthusiasm and my ability to create chaos where there was once calm. Not to be outdone, Rabbi Miller recited a poem with some very similar themes but from her viewpoint. As it turned out the preschool board co-chairs Adria and Rachel also wrote a simarily-themed poem for me. The fact that both poems were written in my infamous Roses are Red style did not go unnoticed . I know your sentiments, while said in jest, came straight from the heart and from knowing me so well. (cont. on page 10)

Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School

Last week our congregation had the privilege of hosting a conference for Reform Jewish educators entitled Reach High: A Roundtable on the Next Generation of Jewish Learning and Living. The conference focused on how we can improve our student retention rate by working together as clergy, educators and parents to convey to our students that Jewish learning is a lifelong process and does not end with becoming a bat/bar mitzvah.

make this distinction. Their identities are tied up in a variety of areas and all one has to do is search their webpage or Facebook to see the numerous aspects of their being. As one speaker explained, “For contemporary students, identity is multiple and distributed like a set of ‘windows’ on a computer screen, and being Jewish is just one among many self identities.” It is our challenge to ensure teens realize the benefits of making Judaism one of the ‘windows’ on their computer screen.

As part of the evening of programming, our STISY board led a service in honor of Israel’s Memorial Day. As usual, they made our entire Temple family proud. The visiting rabbis and educators were amazed by our level of teen participation and I was thrilled to be able to show others that at TSTI many of our young people do find Judaism and Temple life relevant beyond the 7th grade.

The way we teach our teens about Israel also needs to be examined. How can we encourage our students to love Israel and yearn for our Jewish homeland when they have all that they need here in America? For students who have never experienced antiSemitism, how do we explain the importance of Israel’s existence? As a Jewish educator, I need to provide them with meaningful Jewish experiences and answers these and other questions or they will choose to be engaged elsewhere.

Since the conference, student retention post bat/bar mitzvah seems to be the main topic of conversation everywhere I turn. I have read numerous articles on the subject in recent days and the issue is constantly playing on my mind. How do we keep teens interested and invested? The most important advice I gleaned from the conference is that success begins by defining our goal. It is not enough for us to hope that our teens will continue their education. If we communicate this goal as partners (clergy, educators, and parents) our students will come to expect that they will continue too. The message we will be sending is ultimately that bat/bar mitzvah is only a step in the process of acquiring Jewish literacy, not the finishing line. By knowing our audience well and recognizing that they (our teens) have changed since previous generations we will also make great strides in getting them through the door. For instance, it is no longer relevant to ask students if they are an American Jew or Jewish American. Teens today do not need to

Also critical is that we understand the role technology plays in our teens’ lives. As one speaker said, “Technology is not what teens do, it is who they are.” I have since come to understand the benefits of Facebooking and Twittering regularly, and I am on the lookout for the next innovation. Before the conference, I have to admit that I thought I was hip (or cool or whatever adjective teens use today) but I quickly discovered that I have much catching up to do in this particular area. I am taking steps to address all of these challenges and recognize that there is much work to do if we are to raise our student retention rate. I am confident that together we can ensure that our students and our Jewish future have more than a 7th grade Jewish education.

Pia Kutten Religious School Director


Mazel Tov to Our B’nai Mitzvah Elise Rachel Masters, daughter of Karen and Phil Masters, looks forward to her Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, June 6. Her brother, Ben and grandparents Sue and Albert Shikiar, Dorothy and John Lewy and Rickie and Lew Masters will be on hand to celebrate with her. Elise will raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation by hosting an outdoor neighborhood movie. “I look forward to being an adult in the Jewish community. I feel a tremendous sense of achievement and am proud of my commitment to my Jewish education,” says Elise. Adam Martin Kaufmann, son of R andi and Jeffr Jeffreey K Kaufmann aufmann, wll become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, aufmann June 6, in the company of his sisters, Julia and Laurern, and grandparents, Lillian and Donald Kaufman, Dorothy and Philip Leibowitz, and great grandmother, Hilda Shapiro. For his “Mitzvah Project,” Adam prepared meals at home and delivered them to the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center in Morristown. “My Bar Mitzvah means becoming a man and accepting the responsibilities of being an adult member of the Jewish community,” says Adam. Steven Matthew Karp will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, June 6. His parents, Robin and Jeffr Jeffreey K Kar arp ar p, brother Andrew, and grandparents, Marilyn and Ronald Harmetz and Shelley and Ronald Karp look forward to sharing the occasion. For his “Mitzvah Project” Steven is teaching kids sports through the Friendship Circle. ”My Bar Mitzvah means taking on more responsibilities as a young adult in my family, local community and Jewish community,” says Steven. Sarah Helen Lippman will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, June 6, in the company of her parents, Janice and Jay Lippman and brother Ben. Grandparents Amelia and Irwin Wieder and Estelle and William Lippman look forward to sharing the celebration. Sarah is volunteering at the Community FoodBank of New Jersey for her “Mitzvah Project.” Sarah notes, “Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means taking on the responsibilities of an adult. It has made me think about the importance of keeping our traditions alive for future generations.”

Habitat for Humanity: Celebrating the Completion of Abraham House Over the past two years, TSTI partnered with twenty-four other congregations in the Maplewood/South Orange area—Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist—to raise money and build the Abraham House. It was a proud moment for all of us when the house was dedicated on Sunday, April 26. The new homeowner is Rachel Acquoi, an immigrant single mother of three daughters who works as an aide to the developmentally disabled. Rachel put in over 400 hours of sweat equity building Habitat houses in order to earn the right to purchase the house with a no-interest mortgage. At the dedication ceremony, the Acquoi family received blessings from Jewish, Christian, and Muslim clergy. Among other presents, Rachel received the traditional Jewish housewarming gifts of bread, salt, and sugar. Indeed, it was a gift to all of us to feel the sense of community and fellowship with our neighbors of all 8

religions, knowing that we had all worked together to accomplish this wonderful mitzvah. Are you ready to do more? There are plans afoot for a second Abraham House, this one to be a collaboration of the congregations in the West Orange/Livingston area. Should TSTI step up again to help fund another house? If you would like to participate in a new fundraising campaign, please contact Barbara Laub at 973-763-8379, [email protected].” On Friday, June 19 at our 7:30 P.M. Shabbat worship service, Barbara Laub will speak about the building of Abraham House from inception to completion. Her firsthand account of raising this home for the Acquoi family promises to be a most inspirational story.

Mazel Tov to Our B’nai Mitzvah Hillary Paige Lehrhoff, daughter of Randi-Ellen and Steven Lehrhoff, will be called to the Torah on Saturday, June 13. Her sister, Nicole and grandparents Florence Teisch and Herb Lehrhoff look forward to celebrating with her. Hillary is volunteering with the Friendship Circle, helping children with special needs for her “Mitzvah Project.” “Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means becoming a self-advocate. I need to take responsibility for my actions,” says Hillary. Zachary Peter Aronson, son of Shannon and Jonathan Ar Aronson onson, will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, onson June 13. His brothers Robby and Andrew and grandparents Rachel Aronson, Harold Aronson and Marlis and Stan Peterson look forward to celebrating with him. Zack is collecting food for his “Mitzvah Project” and giving it to seniors that are homebound or find it difficult to shop. “My Bar Mitzvah means becoming a man, and it is a very important event in my life, says Zack.” een and Rober Hannah Rose Panzer will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, June 20. Her parents, Dor Doreen Robertt Panzer, brother, Ethan, and grandparents Ginny Panzer, Harold Weiner and Janet and Frank Langelotti will Panzer share in the occasion. For her “Mitzvah Project,” Hannah is involved in the United Nations ‘Working Group on Girls’ program, focusing attention and aid on girls’ rights. Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means growing up and making a difference in the lives of others,” says Hannah. Anna-Karin Hess, daughter of Janet and Ste Stev Hess, will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, June 20, in ven Hess the company of her sisters, Jillian and Liana, and her grandparents, Cynthia and Al Hess and Lise and Bill Smith. Anna-Karin volunteered at the Community FoodBank of New Jersey, sorting and packing food for her “Mitzvah Project.” Anna-Karin says, “Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means taking on new responsibilities and carrying them out with pride and joy. I have learned to help and respect others as much as I can.”

In Memoriam FRANCIS DAVIS Mother of Deborah Devinsky

PEARL JOFFE Mother of Meryl Shuster

DOLLY FONOROW Grandmother of David Leit

LEONARD KAGAN Father of Dan Kagan

YETTA GARAWITZ Grandmother of Stuart Garawitz

HOWARD KRAVITZ Father of Dean Kravitz

GAIL JAFFE Wife of Michael Jaffe

JACK SILVERMAN Father of Helene Sorin

FLORENCE SOLODAR Mother of M. Margot

All in the Family Leslie and Eric Sporn on the marriage of their daughter, Eliza, to Robert Fromberg.

Tree of Life Happy events are recorded on the leaves of the Tree of Life. To have a leaf inscribed for $180 please send your information with a check made out to TSTI to the Temple office, attn: Mimi Braun.

WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! Please don’t assume that we know about illness, hospitalization, births or deaths in your family. If we haven’t heard the news from you, we can’t be there to help. Please contact Rabbi Cohen’s assistant, Sunny, at [email protected].


(cont. from page 6)

Thank you to my family and friends, those who were in attendance and those who were unable to be there. Thank you to all of you in the temple community who have been my supporters whether emotionally, financially or spiritually. Thank you to those who read my monthly articles and encourage me to continue. Most of all, thank you to the senior staff, the temple lay leaders and the parents in this school for trusting in my abilities and allowing me the honor of continuing to work with all of you to build a strong community.

Carol Paster Preschool Director

Renaissance Group As I was winging my way over Newark Airport for a visit to Asheville, N.C. to see my daughter and her husband, the Renaissance Group was preparing to leave for a wonderful eiss and Alice For man outing chaired by Frankie W Weiss Forman man, who continue to do an outstanding job for our Renaissance Group. A very special thank you is extended to both of them. For some it was their first visit to the Montclair Museum. I was fortunate to have seen the Wyeth exhibit at its opening evening and I know what a very special show it is. It is not too often that a family has three generations of extraordinary artists, but seeing the works of N.C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth and Jamie Wyeth are proof that it does happen. From the museum the group went for a sumptuous supper at the Spanish Tavern in Newark where I understand everyone had a great time. Good food, marvelous service, and of course good company. After dinner it was on to NJPAC for a wonderful program by the Discovery Orchestra led by George Marriner Maull. Mark your calendar for a supper picnic in the park at Giralda Farms, Madison, N.J. followed by the New Jersey Symphony. Details and further information to follow.

Mimi Braun

Friday, June 5 at 7:30 P.M. JVS and JFS Give Advice on Conquering Difficult Times Eileen W eiss Weiss eiss,, Community Outreach Coordinator at Jewish Vocational Service, is a Jewish communal professional with over 23 years experience in the field. She will speak to the congregation on Friday, June 5. Her talk is entitled “ JVS at Your Service: Providing Employment Assistance During These Challenging Times”. Learn about the career counseling and job placement services that JVS offers as a free service. Hear how the current economic crisis is affecting the MetroWest Jewish Community. Do a mitzvah and spread the message to your neighbors in need. Beth Sand weiss Sandw eiss, the JFS Social Worker at Temple Sharey Tefilo Israel, will speak about “ Coping with Employment Challenges.”

Coming this Fall: The TSTI L’dor V’dor Torah Project Save the Date: Friday, October 11, 2009 In the fall of 2009, our congregation will embark on a special year-long journey: writing our own Torah scroll. When complete, this Torah will become an enduring part of our community, ensuring a legacy that will last for generations to come. Each each member of our community — from the youngest to the oldest — will have the opportunity to complete the mitzvah of writing of our sacred text, and to participate in exciting and engaging programming. Save the date Friday, October 11, 2009 as we join together as a congregation to celebrate Simcha Torah and the beginning of TSTI’s L’dor V’dor Torah Project . More details will follow shortly in the mail, in this newsletter and on the temple website. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Susan Present at [email protected] or Andrea Baum at [email protected].

After Hour Emergencies Please note that during any given weekend, one of your clergy is “on call” for after-hours emergencies. The individual “on call” and his/her home number is noted on the Temple answering machine at 973-763-4116.


E-Z Pass Here’s an easy, no-hassle way to order your Tributes by phone, fax or email: Deposit at least $50 to your Temple account, specifying it be used for Tribute E-Z Pass. Whenever you’d like to have a Tribute sent, call Temple and ask for the Tribute line. You will be prompted to leave the necessary information, and your Tribute will be mailed out the next day. You may also email Tributes to [email protected] or fax your Tribute information to 973763-3941. If you prefer, use the form to the right (make as many copies as you wish for future use) and send the form to Temple. Payment must accompany Tributes by mail.

Tribute Order Tribute to: Name__________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ In Loving Memory of _______________________________ In Honor of ______________________________________ Donated by: Name:__________________________________________ Address:________________________________________

Memorial Plaques A Beautiful Way to Memorialize a Beloved Family Member We know that many of you would like to purchase a bronze plaque in memory of a loved one who has died. The cost of a plaque is $700. Every name on our Memorial Board is noted in perpetuity on the appropriate yahrzeit. For further information, please call Sunny Seglin at the Temple office, 973-763-4116

Shopping On-line? Support TSTI with your Purchases Support TSTI though We-Care.com when you shop online. We-Care.com has over 700 merchants from which to choose and a percentage of your purchases will benefit TSTI. Just go to www.tsti.We-Care.com and SHOP! Install the We-Care.com Reminder, a secure browser extension, and anytime you go to a We-Care merchant, you’ll be reminded to make your purchase count-even if you forget to go through the TSTI website. At no extra cost to you, search or browse for a merchant coupon or type of product and click through to the merchant’s site. It’s that simple. You shop as you always do, and all purchases are made directly from the merchant’s site. Once you’ve clicked through to a merchant’s site, donations are made automatically. We-care offers exclusive deals, coupons and discounts. You can purchase airline tickets and vacations, rent cars, books, clothes and more!

I am pleased to contribute $ _____ to the Fund indicated. Tributes of $10 or more will be listed in the Bulletin. Abelson, Echikson, Ehrenkrantz Library Fund Brotherhood Fund Norma Benisch Mansion Restoration Fund Rose and Melville J. Berlow Music Fund Helen A. Broder Museum Fund Discretionary Funds Rabbi Cohen Rabbi Miller Cantor Aronson Rabbi Goldman Gellis Family Fund for Senior Programming Harriet & Jesse Goodwin Arts & Humanities Fund Green Family Pulpit Fund Pearl & Sam Green Preschool Fund David I. Greenstone Fund (for humanities, music and art) Richard Gross Confirmation Class Fund Holocaust Remembrance Fund Iris “Family Matters” Fund Adam Katz Memorial Fund Maurice Koenigsberg Arts and Music Fund Harry Levine B’nai Mitzvah Fund Josh Littman Audio-Video Fund Alexander Permison for Adult Education Fund Pomerantz Fund for Adult Jewish Enrichment Prayer Book Fund ($18 will ensure an inscription) Erna & Alfred Schick Education Scholarship Fund Linda & Rudy Slucker Religious School Fund Stark Confirmation Class Trip Fund Susan Ackerman Sommer Fund for Social Justice Temple Fund Tree of Life Fund TSTI Access Fund Women’s Connection Fund for Reform Jewish Summers (For office use:) Card Sent by _______________ Date _____________ Pub. _____________ 11


Contributions in memory of loved ones and in honor of the simchas in our lives are acts of loving kindness. We are grateful for your generous support of Temple through various Temple Funds. TEMPLE FUND IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin,father of Mark Seglin Ellen Musikant & Peter Messeri Reginald Baldini Chickie & Paul Rosenberg Table & Talk Helene & Jack Fersko Ruth Sher Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Susan Seigeltuch Witkin David Baldini, son of Reginald Baldini Eleanor Kostant Judi Esterman Eric Baum, father of David Baum Gail & David Cohen Barry Gollin, father of Amy Engel Lisa & Andrew Block Pete Famiano Patti & Bill Katz Dolly Fonorow, grandmother of David Leit Helene & Jack Fersko IN HONOR OF Bat Mitzvah of Alexandra Mischel Helene & Jack Fersko Bar Mitzvah of Alex Scharf Debi & Ross Miller Bat Mitzvah of Alexandra Bass Helene & Jack Fersko Ellen & Jay Rice Bar Mitzvah of Josh Kaufman Cindy & Mike Sonnabend Bar Mitzvah of Bobbe & Vernon Futterman’s grandson Marlene Jacobs Noah Fabricant’s rabbinic ordination Gert & Arnold Zoref Engagement of Aaron Staenberg Gert & Arnold Zoref Mattie Goldberg’s Miriam Cup award Ellen & Jay Rice Linda & Arthur Hirschberg Special birthday of Margie & Brett Harwood Susan Siegeltuch Witkin Arnie Budin’s special birthday Ellen & Jay Rice Cory Epstein’s high school graduation Helene & Jack Fersko SPEEDY RECOVERY Sylvia Pfeffer Table and Talk IN APPRECIATION Mark Winkler & Joyce Baldinucci YAHRZEIT OF Charlotte Kantor Jonathan Kantor Benjamin Galen Helene Fersko Robert Felsenheld, Sr. Robert Felsenheld Minnie Levy Arthur Levy Ruth Salowe Phyllis Salowe-Kaye


Frieda Kesman Muriel Goldstein Isadore Karchin Louis Karchin

RABBI COHEN’S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Karen & Richard Miller Leslie & Jesse Bayer Eric Baum, father of David Baum Sue & David Wishnow Emily & Alex Friend Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Carla & Mitchell Boden Emily & Alex Friend IN HONOR OF Matty & Dan Goldberg’s Spirit of Service award Sheila Slutsker Bat Mitzvah of Alexandra Mischel Janet & Michael Schwamm Bat Mitzvah of Amy Barr Janet & Michael Schwamm Fran Miller Wendy & Robert Lazarus

IN APPRECIATION Mark Winkler & Joyce Baldinucci Wendy & Robert Lazarus YAHRZEIT OF Milton Heller Randee Heller Mildred Weiss Judith Abrams

RABBI MILLER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND IN MEMORY OF Leonard Goldschmidt Marc Goldschmidt IN HONOR OF Rabbi Miller’s 10th anniversary with TSTI Sue & David Wishnow IN APPRECIATION Wendy & Robert Lazarus




IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Mimi & Joe Paperman Lorraine & Howard Yablon The Berlow Family Pauline Pollack Laurie & Henry Kay

IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Linda & Hal Greenberg Shirley Schwartz, mother of Rita Marshall Deanne & Ed Schey Jeff Baker family loss Annette & Harold Littman

IN HONOR OF Bar Mitzvah of Bobbe & Vernon Futterman’s grandson Matty & Dan Goldberg Graduation of Elise Sobelman Matty & Dan Goldberg YAHRZEIT OF Sol Feig Sylvia Pfeffer Sylvia Kay Michael Kay

GELLIS FAMILY FUND FOR SENIOR PROGRAMMING IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Audrey & Len Weiss Linda & Joel Scharf Joanne & Bill Stern Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Ellen & Jay Rice Audrey & Len Weiss Eric Baum, father of David Baum Audrey & Len Weiss Norma Dorman family loss Linda Kirsch IN HONOR OF Marriage of Gayle & Myron’s daughter Lorraine & Howard Yablon YAHRZEIT OF Jules Brick Michael Brick Morris Rosen Sarah Densen Susan Popper Joan Gellis Pearl Fine Jay Fine


IN HONOR OF Matty & Dan Goldberg’s Spirit of Service award Deanna & Ed Schey Engagement of Ray & Jerry Kaufman’s daughter Mimi & Joe Paperman Birth of Ray & Jerry Kaufman’s granddaughter Mimi & Joe Paperman YAHRZEIT OF David Altbaum Lorry Warhaftig David Stein Annette & Harold Littman YAHRZEIT OF Harry Berman Joie Berman

LINDA & RUDY SLUCKER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN MEMORY OF Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Karyn & David Leit Dolly Fonorow, grandmother of David Leit Leslie & Jesse Bayer Hope & Steve Pomerantz IN HONOR OF Bat Mitzvah of Liann McCauley Karyn & David Leit Bat Mitzvah of Alexandra Mischel Karyn & David Leit Judy & Robert Epstein Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Donald Judy & Robert Epstein Marriage of Ben Deutsch & Beth Rosenthal Karyn & David Leit IN APPRECIATION Mark Winkler & Joyce Baldinucci

IN MEMORY OF Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Lauren & Dominick DeChiara

IN HONOR OF Marriage of Carol & Larry Paster’s daughter Helene & Jack Fersko

IN HONOR OF Joan Finn Wendy & Robert Lazarus

YAHRZEIT OF Michael Guterman Deanna Schey

YAHRZEIT OF Marilyn Podell Craig Podell Charles Frank Jessica Sanders Edward Roth Andrea McCauley

IN APPRECIATION Kelly & Adam Leigh Wendy & Robert Lazarus



YAHRZEIT OF David Green Alice Fried

IN MEMORY OF Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Glori Holzman Graziano

IN HONOR OF Marriage of Carol & LarryPaster’s daughter Sherry Glassman Hanie & Jerry Warshaw YAHRZEIT OF Joseph Warshaw Jerry Warshaw Louis Fine Jay Fine


NORMA BENISCH MANSION RESTORATION FUND IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Norma & Abner Benisch David Baldini, son of Reginald Baldini Norma & Abner Benisch Sylvia Pfeffer Stepfather of Deborah Dalgauer Linda & Joel Scharf YAHRZEIT OF Grace Baldini Reginald Baldini

HARRIET & JESSE GOODWIN ARTS & HUMANITIES FUND IN HONOR OF Danny Stern’s college graduation Corinne & Louis Zelman YAHRZEIT OF Anna Nathanson Bennett Nathanson

HELEN BRODER MUSEUM FUND IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Marilyn Broder Shavelson YAHRZEIT OF Edward Kay Michael Kay

Nancy & Alvin Austen Joie Berman IN HONOR OF Bar Mitzvah of Alex Scharf Laurie & Gary Cohen Noah Fabricant’s rabbinic ordination Ray & Jerry Kaufman Linda Osserman’s milestone birthday Merle & Peter Hirschmann Bar Mitzvah of Nathaniel Schwamm Gail & Charles Barison YAHRZEIT OF Jordan Rhodes Eileen Roth Matthew Zimmerman Gail Barison Ruth Leibowitz Hilda Silverman Selma Holender Beth Milton Sophie Baldini Reginald Baldini Kenneth Stern Heidi Sussman David Wolfson Sandra Goodman Pearl Brofsky Joan Rosenthal Laura Weinstein Jack Weinstein Ann Blum Joan Strear Morris Kleit Lois Rose Ira Rose Charles Rose Sophie Zoref Arnold Zoref Freida Yaffi Wendy Kay Abner Friedland Adele Friedland Martin Weil Marjorie Weil Ethel Gold Edward Gold Albert Friedman Mimi Paperman Allan Katz Sharon Rimland Frances Forrest Judy Levine Irwin Cutler Jacqueline Cutler Samuel Turen Elaine Turen Nathan Solodar M. Margot Hilda Mardyks Bonnie Brauner


PRAYER BOOK FUND IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Gert & Arnold Zoref Bobbe & Vernon Futterman Jerome Lieb Matty & Dan Goldberg Eric Baum, father of David Baum Wendy & Robert Lazarus Saul Schadoff, father of Sandy Weener Jody & Doug MacWright Harriet Levinsohn Linda Kirsch Hy Bernstein Lori & Bruce Hersh Eva Samo family loss Jerome Lieb

IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Annette & Harold Littman Claire & Barry Lipkin Sarah Densen Marilyn & Larry Green Roslyn & Leon Fink Gloria & Bernard Fink Sharon & Roger Sachs Marcia Weinstein Robert Sunberg Janice & Manny Kursky Sylvia Sunberg Helen C. Martin Helene & Rob Sorin Linda Kirsch Barbara Davide

Jean Herman Carol & Bob Berkin Linda June Eleanor & Stanley Rosenbaum Mary Jones Ann Merin Sandy & Len Schuman Cheryl & Lee Weinberg Lisa & Rob Ozer Rita & Dennis Marshall Harriet & Everett Felper Sylvia Pfeffer Joie Berman Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Andrea & David Baum Helene & Rob Sorin Eric Baum, father of David Baum Helene & Rob Sorin IN HONOR OF Bar Mitzvah of Nathanial Schwamm Sunny & Mark Seglin Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Donald Sunny & Mark Seglin Bar Mitzvah of Alex Scharf Andrea & David Baum Bat Mitzvah of Alexandra Bass Andrea & David Baum Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Fogel Wendy Ferber & Andrew Nadel Bat Mitzvah of Roni Slavit Wendy Ferber & Andrew Nadel Robert Merin receiving his “wings” Leslie & Jesse Bayer Matty Goldberg’s Miriam Cup Award Bettye & Raymon Green Gert Zoref Shabbat scholar dinner Harriet & Evertt Felper SPEEDY RECOVERY Sylvia Pfeffer Rita & Dennis Marshall IN APPRECIATION Matty Goldberg

Harry Lazar, father of Susan Kimmel Hope & Steve Pomerantz Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Hope & Steve Pomerantz IN HONOR OF Marriage of Carol & Larry Paster’s daughter Hope & Steve Pomerantz Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Donald Hope & Steve Pomerantz Marriage of Toby & Rick Staenberg’s son Leslie & Jesse Bayer Hebrew High graduation of Cory Epstein Elise Sobelman Hope & Steve Pomerantz Bar Mitzvah of Bobbe & Vernon Futterman’s grandson Bettye & Ramon Green Hope Pomerantz Barbara & David Stoller


MAURICE KOENIGSBERG ARTS & MUSIC FUND YAHRZEIT OF Sidney Bloom Beth Stein Rose Simon Gertrude Raush Howard Stein



IN MEMORY OF Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Debbie Bernstein Elliot Sommer

IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Leslie & Jesse Bayer Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Linda & Joel Scharf

IN HONOR OF Ariana Witkin’s early admission to medical school Susan Siegeltuch Witkin

TREE OF LIFE FUND IN HONOR OF Engagement of Noah Fabricant Ray & Jerry Kaufman YAHRZEIT OF Anna Swimmer Leonard Swimmer Margery Davis David Davis Fannie Wulfson Rosalie Szuch

HARRY LEVINE B’NAI MITZVAH FUND IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Deborah & Wayne Hallard

POMERANTZ FUND FOR ADULT JEWISH ENRICHMENT IN MEMORY OF Walter Leight, father of Adam Leight Hope & Steve Pomerantz

YAHRZEIT OF Murry Lerner Deborah Duane Marvin Magalaner Jillian Stone

ABELSON, ECHIKSON, EHRENKRANTZ LIBRARY FUND IN MEMORY OF Arthur Seglin, husband of Florence Seglin, father of Mark Seglin Eva Lou Milford YAHRZEIT OF Saul Gordon Robyn Whalen

ADAM KATZ MEMORIAL FUND YAHRZEIT OT Estelle Weiner Marcia Weinstein Celia Weinberg Linda Katz Felix Frydman Gideon Frydman


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ONLINE MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Over the next several weeks, we will be adding an online listing of our membership to our new website. This directory will only be accessible to the TSTI community and will include names, addresses and phone numbers, but not email addresses. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE INCLUDED OR YOU ONLY WANT YOUR NAME LISTED, please contact Sunny Seglin at [email protected] or 973-7634116as soon as possible.

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