Try Out Smester Ganjil 9 Smpn 1 Sumobito 2008

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a. safe c. serve b. will d. rent 9. The purpose of the text above is to …..the readers to ret a car. a. entertain c. persuade b. debate d. negotiate 10. Tourist: How long have you been a driver in this company? Driver : ….. You speak very quickly. Tourist: Okay. Let me slow down. How long have you been a driver in this company? Driver : Okay. I can understand you now. Five years. a. Very good c. I’m glad

Dear Dila, How are you today? I hope you are fina. I’ve just got your letter, and I write you ack hurriedly. Okay Dila, I will help you to tell about “How to send message using your new HP, so you can use it quickly”. Actually, it’s not difficut. Follow these instruction: Fisrt, choose the message menu, then write the message. After that, click the word “send” and the HP will show you the phone number. Search the phone number that you want to send your message, and finally just click “OK”. b. I beg your pardon d. I am sorry to hear that It’s very easy, right? But if you still find difficulty please contact 11. The following traffic sign means …… me again. a. We may turn around Good luck! b. We may not turn around Love, c. We must turn right Bejo d. We must turn left

What did Bejo write the letter for? a. To ask Dila if she’s fine 15. WISE WATER LAUNDRY Why did the writer write the b. To tell Dila if he’s just got her letter Choose one that has a high water efficiency rating, when passage? c. To tell Dila about how to send message purchasing a washing machine. a. To entertain the reader c. To d. To tell Dila that sending message is not very difficult describe what Nutrijell is Choose a front loading washing machine which uses up to 60 2. For sending SMS, what should Dila do first? percent less water, 30 percent less energy and 50 percent less b. To show how to make Nutrijell a. Choose the message menu c. Search the phone number and detergent compared to top loading machine. d. To retell his experience click OK 21. Rearrange these sentences into a Delay washing until you have a full load of clothes. b. Click the word “send” d. Choose the message menu and good paragraph! Limit detergent use and choose environmentally friendly, biwrite text 1. The animal have been pushed back degradable, phosphorous free detergents. 3.Who wrote the letter? …. did. (Sources: and their natural habitat has been a. Dila c. Bejo’s brother “Choose one that has a high water efficiency rating when reduced. b. Bejo d. Dila’s sister purchasing a washing machine.” (sentence 1) 2. The government has located reserves 4. The statement below are true, except …. The underlined word means …. to protect both animals and plants a. Dila has a new hand phone life. a. selecting c. operating b. Bejo can use HP for SMS 3. Many natural forests where animals b. buying d. using c. Dila can’t send message using her new HP live are being destroyed. d. Dila can send message using her new HP 16. To reduce the use of water when laundering we can do the 4. One of them is the bogor Botanical followings, except: 5.The word …. In te text above means “ at last “. Garden. a. delay washing until we have full load of clothes. a. First c. Third 5. People have cleared the land to b. choose washing machine which uses less detergent. b. Second d. Finally cultivate crops. c. wash whenever we have dirty clothes. 7. SAFETY RENT A CAR a. 1 –5–3–2–4 c. 3 – 5 – 1 – d. choose a washing machine with high water efficiency rating. SURYA PETRO MANDIRI’S 2 – 4 17. When laundering, we must choose the detergent which is …. CLUB b. 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 d. 5 – 1 – 4 – a. friendly c. bio-degradable The Safeway to go 24 hours 3 – 2 b. phosphorous d. limited service LEMBAR JAWABAN 18. From the text above we know that a front loading washing machine We will serve you. is …..than a top loading washing machine. (BLOCK FULLY THE CORRECT CHOICE) a. cheaper c. more expensive The text advertises …. Name : b. more energy d. more efficient RENT a. MinakSAFETY Jinggo Medan Bakti A CAR c. cars service 19. To be efficient in using water, we must ….. Class : IX Abs.No : SURYA b. cars service PETRO MANDIRI’S d. Sumobito’s Safeway a. use a top loading washing machine. Date : b. purchase a washing machine. 8. The word …….in theCLUB text is the antonym of the word “risk’. RESULT


c. only use phosphorous detergent. d. wait until we have full load to wash the clothes 20. Do you like making snack by yourself ? What kind of snack do you like? Well, do you like making jelly snack? If you do, you may choose one kind of it, Nutrijell. How do you make it? Now, follow these instructions: Prepare a sachet of Nutrijell powder, a pan, three and half glasses of water, five spoonful of sugar depending on your taste, and some jelly moulds. First, mix well jelly powder with five spoonful of sugar. After that, pour the mixture into seven hundred ml of water; stir till dissolved and boil. Then, pour the solution into the jelly moulds. Wait a few minutes until cool. The jelly snack is ready.

The Safeway to go 24 hours service We will serve you. Minak Jinggo Medan Bakti No.21




1. a. Teks READING Fungsional: (Membaca) üpesan (message) Memahami üpengumuman makna dalam ükartu ucapan wacana tertulis ülabel, iklan, pendek baik teks brosur fungsional üsurat pribadi maupun esai b. Esai/ Genre: sederhana ügagasan utama berbentuk (main idea/ descriptif topic), judul (title) [descriptive;proc üinformasi rinci edure; report] tersurat (jelas) & dan naratif tersirat [narrative;recou üRujukan kata nt] dalam (refer to) konteks ümakna kehidupan kata/frase/kalimat sehari-hari üfungsi jenis teks/ genre to describe to inform about / explain to retell experience/ past activity

to entertain/ amuse to show how to

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