Trustee Report 2009

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  • Words: 619
  • Pages: 3
Report of the Trustees for the year ending 05TH April 2009. STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE & MANAGEMENT Charity organisation Spirit & Life Bible Church is a charity established to advance religious purpose among Christians and to further religious and other charitable work by providing a forum for Christians to fellowship and study the word of God together. The charity is run by a board of trustees. The board make the day-to-day decisions for the charity. The charity has unpaid volunteers. They are an integral part of the charity and help with the organisation of events and administration.

Risk Management The trustees have assessed the ms to which the charity is exposed, in particular those related to the operation and finance of the trust, and are satisfied that systems are in place to mitigate the exposure to major risk.

OBJECTIVES & ACTIVITIES Charity objectives The charity was established by trust deed on 15th of May 2005. The trustees are: Eunice Gordon-Osagiede Ajua Grace Blankson- Erhiaganoma Ada Nwako Gladys Osagie Henry Akhilomen Charles Iluobe

The objectives of the charity are: To preach the gospel of repentance and confession of sins as established by the Lord Jesus Christ. To demonstrate God’s love and deliverance power through prayers and practical assistance to the needy in our community. Educate and empower all peoples of every nation irrespective of denomination, nationality, age and status. This is achieved through the provision of grants and the organisation of conferences for issues affecting the family, nation and careers. Principal activity The principal activity is that of maintaining a charity to educate and train personnel in the word of God. To help the less privileged in our community.

Activities and achievements. The trustees received and processed applications of personnel from other churches to attend a programme that deals with the knowledge and expertise of helps in ministry work. This type of training will continue in the future. A church conference dealing with marriage and single life took place in London during March 2009

FINANCIAL REVIEW Reserves policy The trustees are satisfied with the level of reserves as shown in the accounts. The funds are sufficient to provide specialist training and help in the community. Donations are paid at the discretion of the trustees.

STATEMENT OF TRUSTEES RESPONSIBILITIES: The trustees are responsible for preparing the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom generally accepted accounting practice. Charity law requires the trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the trustees have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with the United Kingdom generally accepted accounting practice. (United Kingdom accounting standards and applicable law) The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state

of affairs of the charity and of the surplus or deficit of the charity for that period. In preparing those financial statements the trustees are required to Select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently. Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent. Prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in business. The trustees are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the charities act 1993. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

This report was proposed in accordance with the charities statement of recommended practice-accounting and reporting by charities. This report was approved by the trustees.


……………………………………….. Charles Iluobe

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