Trustee Accounts Report 2007-08

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Patron: Lady Alison Wakeham MBE DL ______________________________________________________________________________________

The Winchester Centre 68 St George’s Street Winchester SO23 8AH


T 01962 840667 F 01962 848029 E [email protected] Web Site: Type “Age Concern Winchester” into Internet Search Engine. Age Concern Winchester Registered Charity No. 260790

The Charity Commission PO Box 1300 Liverpool L69 3BF

21st December 2008

Age Concern Winchester – Report of the Trustees for the period 1st April 2007 to 31st March 2008. Incorporating Year End Accounts Legal and Administrative Information Name of Charity Age Concern Winchester. Governing Documents Age Concern Winchester is registered as a Charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, Charity Number 260790. Age Concern Winchester is governed by its Constitution, which has been approved as a “Gold Standard” Constitution by Age Concern England. Details of the comprehensive Constitution document are available on request. The Board of Trustees has general control and management of the administration of the charity and forms the body of charity Trustees as defined in the Charities Act 1993. Board of Trustees of Age Concern Winchester – 1 April 2007 Chair Vice-Chair

Mrs Arlene Fisher Mrs Gill Steel Mr Philip Voce Mr David Selwood Mr Cliff Nash Mrs Suzanne Hudson

______________________________________________________________________________________ Trustees: Chairman Arlene Fisher, Vice Chairman Gill Steel, Philip Voce, Cliff Nash, Suzanne Hudson, David Selwood.

Patron: Lady Alison Wakeham MBE DL ______________________________________________________________________________________

Other Trustees who have served on the Board since 1 April 2007. There have been no other Trustees who have served on the Board since April 2007. Appointment of Trustees Election to the Board of Trustees takes place at the Annual General Meeting of Age Concern Winchester each November/December. Existing and proposed new Board members are put forward for election by the membership of Age Concern Winchester. Nominations must be in writing and must be endorsed with the consent of the nominee. Nominations must (save in the case of existing members of the Board) be accompanied by brief biographical details of the nominee. All nominations must be seconded. The Board has the power to co-opt persons to serve as members of the Board until the next election. Address The registered address of Age Concern Winchester is: The Winchester Centre 68 St George’s Street Winchester Hants SO23 8AH Bankers Royal Bank of Scotland plc 67-68 High Street Winchester Hants SO23 9DA

CafCash Ltd Kings Hill West Mailing Kent ME19 4TA

Independent Financial Examiner Colonel J.J. Langdon-Mudge 27 Denham Close Winchester Hants SO23 7BL Investments Age Concern Winchester is authorised within its Constitution to invest monies of the Organisation not immediately required for its own purposes. However before such investment may take place the Board must seek written professional advice from an authorised person of standing who is authorised to give investment advice under the Financial Services Act 1986 or other relevant legislation. Report of Independent Financial Examiner. Independent Examiner’s Report for the Financial Year to 31st March 2008.

______________________________________________________________________________________ Trustees: Chairman Arlene Fisher, Vice Chairman Gill Steel, Philip Voce, Cliff Nash, Suzanne Hudson, David Selwood.

Patron: Lady Alison Wakeham MBE DL ______________________________________________________________________________________

Basis of the Report My examination was carried out on the basis of my experience of accounting over a number of years. I have tested a proportion of the transactions recorded, following them through the audit trail. My Report I found nothing to suggest that the accounts have not been prepared in a proper manner, and that they reflect the true position of Age Concern Winchester. I note that the overspend of all the Funds has been somewhat increased from last year, at about £3,600, some 7% of Income. The only change of note is the reduction in shop income, not entirely under your control! As your other income is virtually fixed, only very close control of all costs can keep things (ideally) level. Careful budget control has kept expenditure on the two externally funded funds very close to the income. Colonel JJ Langdon-Mudge November 2008 A copy of the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss can be found at the end of this report.

Narrative Information Object of Age Concern Winchester Full details of the objectives and activities of Age Concern Winchester are contained in the Constitution document, which is available on request. The object of the Organisation shall be to promote the relief of the elderly people in any manner, which now is or hereafter, may be deemed by law to be charitable with in fifteen miles of the Guildhall Winchester. The Organisation currently runs three key projects in support of this objective: Take a Brake for Carers Help in the Home Lunch Clubs and Outings Organisational Structure of Age Concern Winchester The Board of Trustees has overall control and management of the administration of the charity. Since April 2001 the Board has consisted of a Chair, Vice Chair, and four Trustees. In addition to the Annual General Meeting the Board meets 6 times a year to discuss and decide on the policy and objectives of the Organisation. The day to day running of the Organisation is devolved to 4 sub-groups as follows: Fundraising Committee Lunch Club Committee Elderly Forum Volunteer’s Forum A nominated Trustee represents the Board on each of these sub-groups. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Trustees: Chairman Arlene Fisher, Vice Chairman Gill Steel, Philip Voce, Cliff Nash, Suzanne Hudson, David Selwood.

Patron: Lady Alison Wakeham MBE DL ______________________________________________________________________________________

1 Ordinary General Meeting is run each year in addition to the Annual General Meeting giving the whole membership an opportunity to meet and discuss the running of the organisation. In addition to the 6 Trustees there are 2 paid part-time staff who act as co-ordinators for the three key projects and a Chief Officer, also paid part-time, who is responsible to the Board for the general Administration of the Organisation and Secretary to the Board of Trustees. The Organisation as a whole has approximately 55 Volunteers who mainly work on Fundraising, helping at the Lunch Clubs and helping in the Shop. Related Parties Whilst Age Concern Winchester is completely autonomous in its operation it is affiliated to the national Age Concern Federation. During this financial year the Organisation has collaborated with a number of local organisations in the course of running projects and fundraising. Some of the main collaborators have been; The Mayor of Winchester Charity, St John’s Winchester Charity, the Salvation Army, Winchester Baptist Church, St Barnabas’ Church Week, Help the Aged, The Winchester Combines Charities Christmas Card Society and Winchester Rotary. Activities The following services are provided by the Organisation: Lunch Clubs. We run very successful Lunch Clubs four days a week at different sites in

Winchester, where we provide a traditional hot two-course meal for our members. Those members who require transport are transported to and from the Lunch Club venue by our own Mini –Bus.  Trips and Outings. These are whole or half day trips for lunch club members plus once a year

we go away for a week’s holiday at a holiday resort on the South coast.  Information. A wide range of advice, information or referrals to others that can help  Chiropody service. Available to lunch club members at one Centre by a State Registered

Chiropodist  Help in the Home. Help with housework, shopping etc. for the older frail person  Take a Break Scheme. Free respite care for carers who are looking after people over 60.

The three main projects have run very successfully this year with no significant changes to their operation. Help in the Home has increased its number of clients 196. The Lunch Clubs have provided over 3400 hot meals at four different locations in Winchester and the Take a Break Scheme has provided respite care for over 52 full time carers in desperate need of a break. We lost two volunteers through ill health but have recruited 5 more. Policies The Charity holds reserves on deposit totalling approximately £37,000, £27,000 in National Savings Treasury Stock with the remainder spread between our CAF deposit account and Royal Bank of Scotland current account. The investments show a good return compared to alternatives in the investment market whilst at the same time providing a high level of security. Details of earned interest and grants received can be found in the accounts for the year. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Trustees: Chairman Arlene Fisher, Vice Chairman Gill Steel, Philip Voce, Cliff Nash, Suzanne Hudson, David Selwood.

Patron: Lady Alison Wakeham MBE DL ______________________________________________________________________________________

Assets/Deficites Based on a turnover of £89,864 the accounts show an excess of Expenditure over Income of £1,633. In addition we transferred another £2,000 to our Redundancy Fund on the recommendation of our Independent Financial Examiner. Major Risks The Board recognises that there is a strategic requirement to analyse and anticipate major risks. To this end we maintain a rolling Business Plan, part of which seeks to highlight major risks and attempt to mitigate their impact. The full Business Plan document is available on request however for ease of reference here is an extract. Risks • • • • • • •

Staff – no funding to provide backup facilities within the office for sickness or termination. No control over self employed workers - Help in the Home. Hard to recruit volunteers due to low unemployment levels locally. Continuation of funding in light of ever changing Local and National legislation. Drop in Shop Income due to Staffing issues. Increase in cost of purchasing food for lunch clubs. Liability of Trustees.

Opportunities • • • • •

Use of Age Concern Federation expertise. Additional funding from a variety of alternative organisations. Expansion of existing services. Monitoring to meet Standards set by Age Concern Federation and the Community Legal Service. Incorporation to limit Trustees Liability.

______________________________________________________________________________________ Trustees: Chairman Arlene Fisher, Vice Chairman Gill Steel, Philip Voce, Cliff Nash, Suzanne Hudson, David Selwood.

Patron: Lady Alison Wakeham MBE DL ______________________________________________________________________________________

Age Concern Winchester Balance Sheet 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 2007/8









Fixed Assets Tangible Assets Investments

Current Assets Trade Debtors(Prepayments) Cash in Bank & Hand

Current Liabilities Trade Creditors (Accruals)

0 26,957 26,957

8,824 13,767 22,591



625 26,957 27,582

1,580 14,081 15,661



Net Current Assets



Total Assets less Current Liabilities


38,918 Current Assets less Current Liabilities

Unrestricted Funds General Fund






Designated Funds Development Fund Redundancy Fund

23,515 11,000


23,515 9,000



Restricted Funds Amenities Fund Winter Warmth Fund Take a Break Help in Home

605 1,320 242 10


650 1,320 702 256






______________________________________________________________________________________ Trustees: Chairman Arlene Fisher, Vice Chairman Gill Steel, Philip Voce, Cliff Nash, Suzanne Hudson, David Selwood.

Patron: Lady Alison Wakeham MBE DL ______________________________________________________________________________________ Profit and Loss Statement 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008


2007-8 Unrestricted Funds

2007-8 Designated Funds

£ Incoming Resources Grant HCC Fund raising activities Donations Lunch Club Meals paid by members Lunch Club Transport paid by members Lunch Club Holiday Amenities Club Collections Rent Refunds (WRVS) Proportion of Shop Profits Volunteer Outings Redundancy Fund Management Fees Take a Break Scheme Grant Help in Home Scheme Grant Minibus Fund Development Fund Bank Interest Received Treasury Stock Interest Received

Total Incoming Resources Resources expended Core Salaries Development Fund Costs Staff Training/Expenses Office Rent Insurance Chiropody Room Hire Fund Raising Expenses Room Hire Printing, Stationary, and Postage Telephone Advertising Computer Running Costs Depreciation Volunteer Outing Expenses Amenities Club Outings Transfer to Redundancy Fund - Core AGM Expenses Bank Charges Subscriptions Winter Warmth Grants Lunch Club Cost of Meals Lunch Club Cost of Transport Lunch Club Cost of Venues Lunch Club Refreshment etc. Lunch Club Volunteer Expenses

2007-8 Restricted Funds

2007-8 Totals



11566 6266 1952 8927 2880 0 734 5945 4342 0 2000 6480


18800 17789 0



0 621 1563

50541 23464

0 532 3009 474 73 1908 136 398 402 525 324 625 0 780 0 0 10 128 0 11897 3342 4619 512 80

11566 6266 1952 8927 2880 0 734 5945 4342 0 2000 6480 18800 17789 0 0 621 1563

89864 23464 0 532 3009 474 73 1908 136 398 402 525 324 625 0 780 0 0 10 128 0 11897 3342 4619 512 80

______________________________________________________________________________________ Trustees: Chairman Arlene Fisher, Vice Chairman Gill Steel, Philip Voce, Cliff Nash, Suzanne Hudson, David Selwood.

Patron: Lady Alison Wakeham MBE DL ______________________________________________________________________________________ Lunch Club Equipment 30 30 Lunch Club Xmas Lunch 934 934 Lunch Club Holiday 0 0 Help in Home Advertising 0 0 Help in Home Helpers Expenses 0 0 Help in Home Management Fee 2980 2980 Help in Home Office Equipment 77 77 Help in Home Stationary 0 0 Help in Home Rent 1950 1950 Help in Home Room Hire 0 0 Help in Home Transfer to Redundancy Fund 1000 1000 Help in Home Postage 0 0 Help in Home Salaries 11234 11234 Help in Home Staff Training 0 0 Help in Home Telephone 320 320 Help in Home Insurance Office 474 474 Take a Break Management Charge 3500 3500 Take a Break Computer Charges 75 75 Take a Break Transfer to Redundancy Fund 1000 1000 Take a Break Printing 0 0 Take a Break Rent 1950 1950 Take a Break Salaries 4740 4740 Take a Break Telephone 310 310 Take a Break Care Charge 7685 7685

Total Resources Expenditure





Net incoming/(outgoing) resources





(Losses)/Gains on investment assets









Funds at 31 March 2007





Funds at 31 March 2008





Net Movement in funds

______________________________________________________________________________________ Trustees: Chairman Arlene Fisher, Vice Chairman Gill Steel, Philip Voce, Cliff Nash, Suzanne Hudson, David Selwood.

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