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Q) How ALP is trained to work online as LP. What are the components of training? They are given following training. 1) Handling training of locomotives: This is given for one month period. This training is generally given by nominated loco inspector to whom the driver has been allotted. During handling training, the driver works under the supervision of loco inspector and makes himself conversant with the operation of various cocks, handles, location of equipment etc. for day to day working. 2) Road learning training i) The road learning training is given to each driver for the sections where he has to work. ii) If the candidate is not confident of road learning, in the prescribed period, he may ask for an extension of road learning period to his depot incharge. On getting such request, road learning period is suitably extended. But, the declaration of having learned the road has to be taken from each candidate. iii) Training as co-driver:- It is normally a practice to allow the newly promoted driver to work as co-driver for a month along with the experienced goods driver. This helps to get the feel of driving and absorbing the driving technique by newly promoted candidate and clarify his doubts. During this period of working as a co-driver, nominated loco inspection keeps a watch on the performance of the driver and guides and counsels suitably. Competency Certificate: After completing their training as above, nominated loco inspector gives a certificate for the driver that the handling, road learning and co-driver training has been done satisfactorily and fitness to work train independently. After getting certification by loco inspector, the candidate is once again interviewed by AEE(OP)/SR.DEE(OP) and Safety Officer and if candidate is found suitable during such interview the competency certificate is issued authorizing the candidate to work the train independently. For filling up the vacancies of goods driver, due to non-availability of shunters suitable for promotion as driver, Railway Board has given relaxation from time to time for promotion of assistant driver to goods driver with the following conditions”1. Assistant driver should have 60,000 kms of foot plate inspection as assistant driver. 2. Assistant driver has completed 2 years of service on line. With the above condition, Assistant Drivers are promoted only on ad-hoc basis. They have to be regularized as a goods driver after following the proper procedure of selection as explained above. Q) How CMS be used to report unusual observed by loco pilots in sections? After the completion of the trip the driver logs on to CMS for signing off. At that time he has to go through some questionnaire that enquires about any unusual observation regarding track, ohe or any other issues faced by him. The driver will enter all the irregularities observed in OHE, track or signals or any other unusual occurrences and mention the locations. This information can be used by respective department to locate and attend the issues.

Q) Facilities available in a trip shed. Explain in detail? 1. COVERED SHED The covered shed should be in good condition with sufficient air and light to protect from extreme weather conditions like sun, heavy rains etc. There shall be provision of approach road to the trip shed.  There should be no water leakage from roof top in rainy season.  There should be sufficient illumination for general inspection. 2. PIT  The depth of pit from rail level shall be as per standard design.  Proper cleaning and drainage of the pits should be ensured. 3. INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES  Separate office with LAN connected system, proper material storage  Staff Room with table, chairs, lockers etc.  Two rooms for storing of lubricants, loco spares, brake blocks etc.  Separate space/room for scrap material storage  Safe drinking Water and toilet facility for staff. 4. STORAGE OF SPARE READY EQUIPMENT:  Proper storage of ready spare equipment in racks using FIFO.  Proper record of ready spare equipment in register. 5. HUMAN SAFETY ASPECTS:  Helmet ,Industrial shoes, Hand gloves ,Dress material or stitched dress 6. EARTHING ROD:  Earthing rod and cable with clamp connection.  Proper procedure of providing discharge rods 7. ISOLATION OF OHE:  Castle lock arrangement in isolator shall be working order.  Provide additional pad lock in isolator for personal safety and staff will keep key with him till working on loco roof. 8. FIRE FIGHTING ARRANGEMENT”  Availability of sand and water, fire extinguishers at appropriate locations.  Training of staff. 9. FIRST AID:  Ensure availability of first aid box and its timely recoupment. 10. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS:  Display of safety slogans and provision of boards at various locations. 11. EARTHING OF SHED SUPPLY/ EQUIPMENT:  Ensure proper earthing of equipment such as welding plant, electric panel etc. 12. TOOLS:  Ensure availability of sufficient & proper tools like megger, temperature sensing device etc and testing eqiupments. 13. SAND:  Ensure availability of dry and sieved sand.

14. LOCO SAFETY ITEMS:  Ensure all safety items and safety fittings are intact while dispatching the locos. 15. ELECTRICAL FITTINGS 16. AVAILABILITY OF M & P:  Ensure proper working and maintenance of machine and plant available in trip shed for smooth working.  Portable welding plants- 02 nos.  Speedometer data extraction unit (speed-cumenergy)– one of all makes.  Meggar 500 V and 1000 V- 1 no. each  Temperature sensing device (non-contact type thermometer) – 4 nos. 17. Other miscellaneous items: Q) 10 HOURS DUTY IMPLEMENTATION OF DRIVERS Drivers are running the trains round the clock. As the mail/express/passenger trains may run, late or goods trains do not run as per the time table, duty hours of the drivers are likely to exceed the specified period of duty hours at a stretch. As the over hours may result in drop in efficiency and alertness of drivers which may ultimately affect the safety of train operation. Therefore, watch on the duty hours of drivers are kept. In this chapter, the system of keeping watch on this factor is explained. Factors affecting the duty hours of drivers: The driver’s duty hours for goods train varies on number of operating factors. These can be summarized as under: i) Distance between crew change point ii) Pre-departure detention of the crew iii) Gradient and banking of the train in section iv) Traffic density of mail/express/passenger trains v) Unusual occurrence of the train in section or station vi) Vacancies of the running staff. The duty hours of the mail/express and passenger trains are generally well within the specified time limit because they run as per time table. However, in rare case where trains are diverted or trains are detained in section due to accidents etc. the drivers are provided with suitable reliever. Therefore, main task remains to watch the duty hours of the drivers of freight services. The duty hours may exceed the specified duty hours if watch is not kept due to the reasons already given above. In such cases, the driver’s efficiency may drop drastically and may commit some or other mistakes which will lead to unusual/accidents. For keeping watch on the working hours of the drivers, crew controller on duty maintains a log books where drivers name and sign on time is recorded / any driver which is approaching a duty hours of 10, a relief driver is arranged by the crew controller. Section controller (SCOR) may be advised to run the goods train of such drivers without stopping for precedence in section so that the driver may reach the destination within 10 hours.

However, if this is not possible the relief should be arranged at the convenient station. Driver may also demand for relief after completing the 10 hours duty period, therefore crew controller should be alert in arranging the relief well in advance to avoid the detention to the train. Q) Brake feel test: The driver is supposed to test the brake power of the train at the first opportunity after starting the train. This is very important for safety of the train operation because it gives the feel of brake power available on train which will help the driver for controlling the train during its course of journey whether driver is doing the test. This should be checked during foot plate inspection. Q) Items to be checked while carrying out Foot Plate Inspection:All the railway officers and supervisors carry out foot plate inspection to review/judge their system of maintenance, organization discipline, level of alertness etc. from time to time. Foot plate inspection indicate the performance of all the department involved in train running. Therefore, the officials who are carrying out Foot Plate inspection should keep watch on the relevant aspect of train working particularly the areas connected with their branch. As a TRO officials the main attention is given to punctual train running and performance of the crew and loco. While there cannot be fixed number of items to be checked while carrying out foot plate inspection, even though, guide line can be provided so that foot plate inspection can be more meaningful and productive. Some points to be kept in mind during foot plate inspection by Traction Rolling Stock operating officials is given below:While starting the foot plate inspection, the name of the crew and train detail like load, brake power certificate (BPC) etc should be noted down. A) Observation of loco:- Performance of loco should be judged during foot plate inspection. For this purpose the loco log book should be gone through and observation of driver recorded in log book may be noted for remedial action. Observation of loco to be taken can be summarized as under:1) Inspection of loco log book and observing the nature of defect booked by driver and action taken by trip shed/homing shed. 2) Type of speedometer and its working condition. 3) Condition of head light, flasher light and marker light. 4) Condition of horns/wipers. 5) Condition of safety fittings of locomotive as observed visually. 6) Condition of fire extinguishers and its date of filling. B) Observations of the crew:1) General working and trouble shooting knowledge of driver/asst. driver. This can be ascertained to some extent by asking some questions regarding loco, traffic rules, safety rules etc. C) Driving technique:- This can be observed by keeping watch on the following activity of driver.

1. The method of starting/ stopping the train:- whether driver is keeping watch on the current, voltage given to traction motor at the time of start. Is he keeping watch on pressure level in loco? Is the starting is without or with wheel slip during start? Similarly, whether the driver is able to stop the train with minimum destructive of vac./air pressure. Whether train is stopping at proper place or not etc. 2. Coasting of driver:- This can be observed by the technique of driver for coasting the train to the maximum extent without loosing time in section at the down gradient. 3. Negotiating the gradient:- There are cases where the train stalled in UP gradient due to bad driving by a driver. Such case can be avoided if driver takes necessary precautions like keeping the brakes released, keeping the train in good momentum as per the speed restriction etc. 4. Negotiating the caution order:- Ability to negotiate the caution order at exact speed without over speeding or without being too slow. 5. Calling out the signal aspect and road knowledge:- Whether calling out of signals by driver/assistant driver is correct and loud. Road knowledge of the driver can be assessed by asking questions regarding gradient, signals location etc. 6. Whistling at LC gates and curves:- Whether driver/asst. drivers are whistling properly at specified locations. 7. Exchanging the signal with station staff:- The crew of the train is supposed to exchange signals with the station staff through which the train is passing. During foot plate inspection this aspect is to be observed. 8. Testing of brake power of train at first opportunity:- The driver is supposed to test the brake power of the train at the first opportunity after starting the train. This is very important for safety of the train operation because it gives the feel of brake power available on train which will help the driver for controlling the train during its course of journey whether driver is doing the test? This should be checked during foot plate inspection. Q) Paper Line clear The Loco Pilot shall not take his train from a station unless he has in his possession as his authority to proceed, a Line Clear Ticket duly signed by the Station Master. When owing to failure or non-provision of electrical block instruments the authority to proceed is a Line Clear Ticket it shall, except under special instruction, be in a standard form. Each such ticket shall bear a serial number which shall be recorded in the Train Signal Register, the numbers for the Down direction being clearly distinguished from those for the Up direction. The ticket referred in sub-rules (1) and (2) shall be printed on white paper with blue font.

To distinguish Paper Line Clear Ticket for up and down directions, water mark arrow pointing “up” and “down” shall be printed on the ticket. Q) Actions to be taken to avoid roll back of train on up gradient if gets stopped? In case the train is stopped on an upgradient, at the time of starting, the LP should apply loco independent brake, release the train brake just before starting, take three notches and release the loco brakes. If the train starts moving after clearance of 100 mtrs, he should gradually notch up to attain permittent speeds. When stopping the trains on raising/down gradients loco pilot must keep loco and train brakes applied to avoid rolling down. In case engine is shut down/OHE fails and train stopped on UP/Down gradient longer than 15mins, wooden wedges, and brakes should be used. LP should also immediately stop his train by placing A9 in emergency position, if MR pressure drops less than 5kg/cm2 In case problem with LOCO/OHE LP must inform TLC/TPC/SCOR within 20minutes of experiencing the problem as to whether assisting engine is required or not. Q) Ruling gradient: The steepest uphill gradient in one direction on a section of railway line, which determines the load that can be pulled by one locomotive over that section, according to the power rating of the locomotive. A typical ruling gradient could be 1:50 (2%). The ruling gradient can differ in the other direction on the same section. Q) Engineering Allowance : A number of speed restrictions may have to be imposed for a short duration either on account of defects in track and related equipment or to facilitate repairs to the track and OHE and signalling installations. Requirement of time for such repairs is assessed well in time before a new timetable is introduced and this time is separately provided for in the timetable and is called 'Engineering Allowance' (EA)


Q) GDR Check:

Q) COMMISSIONER OF RAILWAY SAFETY (CRS) An independent organization headed by Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety (CCRS) headquartered at Lucknow is functioning under the Ministry of Civil Aviation. CCRS is assisted by nine CRSs on the railways and they are deemed to be the custodians of safety on Indian Railways. Sanction is required from the CRS in respect of – 1. Introduction of electric traction on any railway or section of a railway. 2. Bringing into use any new type of electric locomotive or EMU or to operate any in service at speeds higher than those already sanctioned. Types of cases in which CRS enquiry is conducted: i) A statutory inquiry by a Commissioner of Railway Safety is obligatory in every accident to a passenger-carrying train which is attended with loss of human life or grievous hurt or with serious damages to Railway property of the value exceeding Rs. 25 Lakhs. ii) Commissioner of Railway safety may also inquire into any accident which, in the opinion of the Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety or the Commissioner of Railway Safety requires the holding of an injury at that level iii) Workman’s train or ballast trains carrying workmen shall also be treated as passenger trains and in the event of a workmen getting killed or grievously injured as a result of an accident to the train. CRS’ inquiry shall be obligatory. Q) Crew Reuirement for Goods loco: The requirement is calculated as following:a) Average Fortnightly performing hours of Last 6 months (used only for working goods trains) = A b) Required Fortnightly working hours per goods driver (104) = B c) Bare requirement of goods drivers = (A / B) = C d) Additional req. due to traffic fluctuation @ 10%=0.1xC = D e) Revised Bare requirement = C+D = E f) Leave Reserve @ 30% on bare req. = 0.3xC= F g) Revised bare req. + Leave Reserve = E+F = G h) Trainee Reserve (TR) @ T% on G = O.OTxG= H I) Total Crew requirement = G+H = I Q) Crew Reuirement for Goods loco: (a) Available hours per fortnight = 104 hrs. (b) Available average duty hours = 7 hrs 25 min. •per crew per day (104/14) (c) Available loco crew hours per = 7 hrs 25 min -1 hrs 45 min crew per day for loco operation [30 min prior to sign ON+ +15min after sign OFF + 1 hr.PDD ) = 5 hrs. 40 min

(d) Bare min. requirement of Crew to man loco for 24 hrs. = (24hrs / 5 hrs 40 min.) = 4.24 crew (e) Various allowance to be added, other than Leave Reserve (I) Allowance for Traffic Fluctuation = 10% (to meet peak requirement, spare running, growth in traffic volume over gestation period of crew requirement) (II) Trainee Reserve = 5% (Refresher course, Promotional course , conversion course, Air Brake training 3- phase loco training Safety camp/ seminar etc. ) (III) Total = 15% (f) Total requirement of crew per single Power outage without leave reserve = 4.24 + 15% of 4.24 = 4.24 + 0.64 = 4.88 (g) Leave reserve @ 30% for leave (LAP, LHAP etc.) Sparing staff for Misc duties viz. Selection suitability test etc. Attending inquiries, joining time, court attendance, attending PNM) = 0.3 x 4.88 = 1.46 (h) Total Crew Requirement = 4.88 + 1.46 = 6.34 crew per loco = at least 6 crew per loco Running staff review should be carried out after every six months i.e. on 15th Jan. and 1st July by STA (Senior technical assistant) of the division. Q)Factors taken into account before processing the proposal? 1. Before preparing review, loco pilot's links of all the sheds should be got prepared and vetted by personnel branch. 2. Statement of avg. hours on road and no. of goods 3. Trains ran during last six months for each section should be ready duly approved by Sr.DOM/DOM. A list of shunting' points and DMTs running to be prepared and signed by Sr. DOM/DOM. 4. Mail/Express/Passenger Loco pilots requirement to be worked on the basis of loco pilots/crew links. 5. For goods crews - the requirement should be worked out as per power plan signed by Sr.DME(P) and Sr. DOM. 7.67 Crews are to be demanded for one freight POL. Separate crews to be demanded for the activities which cannot been covered in power plan e.g., Light engine and Empty coaching rakes running etc. 6. Running staff review duly signed by Sr. DME/Sr DEE should be put up to Sr. DAO for vetting. 7. After accounts vetting sanction of DRM be taken and Sr. DPO will issue circulars of revised sanction.

Q) Checks mades by LP/motor man before taking lococmotive/EMU for working? 1) Loco log book inspection : This should be gone through minutely and information if any regarding defect or any special working instruction for the loco to be found out. After getting satisfied with the log book that there is nothing wrong in energizing the loco the following procedure may be followed. 2) Checking of the safety fittings of the locomotive : All the safety fittings of the loco should be checked. If the loco is stabled on the pit, the under frame safety fittings must be checked and it should be ensured that all the safety fittings are intact. 3) Building up the emergency reservoir pressure and raising the pantograph : After checking the safety fittings, the battery should be switched ‘ON” with HBA switch and baby compressor (MCPA) should be started. When the emergency reservoir pressure builds up to 7 to 8 kg.cm2, then it must be ensured that loco is under the OHE. After this panto should be raised with the help of ZPT key. A sound “chu” will be heard when pantograph touches the OHE which gives indication that OHE is alive. BL key and MPJ should be fitted in its position. 4) Putting the isolating cocks of brakes in proper position : The isolated cocks of the loco brake and train brake in the working cab should be in open position and in rear cab it should be in closed position. This should be ensured before closing DJ. 5) Inspection of switch board / relay boards : i) Programme switches ii) Relay condition iii) H.T. Compartment : A round of the loco corridor should be taken to check the visual condition of the H.T. compartment 6) Closing of DJ : Now the DJ of the locomotive can be closed after raising the panto with the help of ZPT key by pressing BLDJ and then pressing BLRDJ, voltmeter should read 25KV. MR pressure to be 8 to 9.5 kg/cm2 upon BLCP on. 7) Testing of loco brake: After building up the MR pressure and releasing the hand brake the loco (if it is in applied condition), the loco brake must be tested and it should be ensured that the same is adequate. If the skids have been put under the wheels of the loco, the same should also be removed. 8) Traction testing of the loco: After moving the MPJ in forward and reverse position, the pilot lamp LSB should extinguish. After this the MPJ should be kept forward and with the help of MP, two or

three notches are taken by keeping loco brakes applied so that loco does not move. 9) Checking of emergency brake: After taking two or three notches above, air pressure should be destroyed by applying emergency brake. The brake should get applied on loco and at the same time notch should come to zero automatically. 10) Checking of Headlight, marker light, flasher light: Working of headlight, marker light, flasher light should be checked from both the cabs. After carrying out these checks and inspection loco is ready to be worked. Q) Integrated Lobby: A Lobby is like a control office in the field. It is established with the twin aim of reducing engine detention and crew detention in a yard or a crew or engine changing station by realistic ordering of trains and Crew/Guard booking. It is advantageous to have a combined crew and guard booking lobby so that both are available simultaneously. The lobby supervisors/staff can take forecast of a train running from the Deputy controller/section controller along with details regarding the names of crew, Guard and their signing in time, loco particulars, last C&W examination etc. They can verify the dates of Loco schedules from the chart available with them and keep liaison with the Power Controller/TLC. They also keep watch on “expect” of train formation, examination, readiness etc. and by constant chasing, planning and updating of information, trains are ordered on realistic expect, Trains may be put back or cancelled, it required and crew booking and engine allocation changed promptly. Some overlapping crew/guard may also be kept in lobby to take care the last minute absenteeism. Shunters may also be kept in the lobby big yards / junctions to attach, detach and run round locos or to pull the train yard up to the Crew changing points so as to avoid wastage of main line loco pilots The pre departure detention to the crew, crew hours balancing, rescheduling of loco and yard detentions to loco can be thoroughly monitor by the lobby and remedial measures taken. Q) (SFC) Specific fuel consumption on IR It is generally measured in terms of litres/ 1000 Gross Ton Km which depends upon load, average speed, grade & curvature of section, type of diesel locomotive, efficiency and age of diesel engine etc. The target for level section is 2.5 lit/ 1000 GTKM for goods operation & 4 lit/ 1000 GTKM passenger for Passenger operation.

Q) Working in Ghat Sections The Subsidiary Rules for working on sections having steep gradients may be referred to as Ghat Rules and the sections to which they apply as Ghat Sections. 1. Sr. DOM/DOM shall issue special instructions for local features prevailing on Ghat Sections over their Divisions. 2. Divisions shall embody special instructions in SWRs instruction for working trains on sections having short grades steeper than 1 in 200. These instructions should be consistent with General & Subsidiary/Ghat Rules. (b) All other Subsidiary Rules apply to the working of Ghat Sections, except those modified or superseded by the Ghat Rules. (c) Certificate of Competency. - The under noted staff, who are directly concerned with train movements, must qualify in S.R.Gs. The following shall not assume duties on graded sections until they are granted a certificate of competency by their executive officers:1.LP/ALP 2. Shunters 3. ALP-passed Shunters. 4. Train controllers. 5. SM and Yard Masters. 6. ASM, Train Despatchers & Yard Foreman. 7. Guards. The certificate of competency shall be valid for a period of three years only or such long period as may be laid down by special instructions. (d) A Shunter or a LP, before being allowed to learn road on Ghat Sections, should qualify in Ghat Rules. (e) A LP on having learnt the Ghat Section will not be allowed to work independently, unless a Loco Inspector/Fuel Inspector/Staff Inspector, after travelling with him declares the Loco Pilot conversant with the section. Engine Brakes. - Every engine working on Ghat Section must be filled with the automatic vacuum/Air brake in good working order and must be itself braked either by the vacuum brake, steam brake or air brake. The hand brake of all engines must be in proper working order.

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Q1. (A). Advantage of 3-phase loco over conventional loco: High starting torque is a traction requirement, DC motor is better in this parameter, AC motor can be intelligently used to attain same performance, (1). Power/Weight (KW/Kg) ratio AC 3-phase:0.3, DC: 0.1, (2). Maintenance requirements:*More wear & tear in DC Motor *Early overhaul requirements*High voltage-Low current design*High RPM, (3). Losses: *DC Motor has more Copper losses as Rotor, stator both are wound, (4). Manufacturing cost, (5). Life Cycle cost (6):, Regeneration feasibility, (7). Digital electronics based real time traction control system to obtain precise control over the tractive effort and speed, (8). Fast acting wheel slip/ slide control system, (9). On board fault diagnostics systems to eliminate elaborate trouble shooting by engine crew and also to help maintenance staff to trace faults, (10). Simulation mode of operation to facilitate a complete functional testing of the locomotive without raising pantograph, (11). An exclusive harmonic filter circuit to reduce harmonics in the OHE generated by loco current, (12). Static auxiliary converter, to supply auxiliary 3 phase motors. The auxiliary converter, depending on the traction load, operates at an optimal frequency to minimise power consumption by auxiliaries, (13). Fire detection and alarm system for the machine room, 14). Anticollision post arrangement in cabs to minimise damage and enhanced safety for the engine crew in case of accidents, (15). Ergonomically designed and spacious driving cabs to provide comfort and relief to crew, (16). Use of inertial filters and pressurized machine room to prevent entry of dust into sensitive equipments in the machine room, (17). Electronic brake system for precise and fast control of braking effort, blending between electrical brake and pneumatic brake on the locomotives, (18). Automatic spring applied, pneumatically released parking brake system, (19). Under slung compressors to eliminate oil fumes and oil spillage inside the machine room. Soft start for compressors is provided to improve reliability.*Electronic speedometer and paperless speed recording system. An over speed alarm system is built in.*Electronic Energy meter.*In dc motor locos the unavoidable jumps in the tractive effort due to notch control limits the adhesion values to a maximum of 3335%. With step-less control in three phase motors, the despatchable adhesion would be 38% and under ideal conditions, adhesion of 42% is possible. (B). Constant Speed Operation: in WAP5, WAP7, and WAG9 controls in the cab that can lock the train to travel at a certain speed (the speed at the time the control button is set). The button is known as BPCS button. The computerized loco controls then manage the TE and BE and attempt to keep the speed to within +/-2 kmph of the desired speed. In this mode the driver does not have to do anything further except to respond to the alerter system within the stipulated intervals, and to use the horn as appropriate. ………………………………………………………………… Q2. Introduction of Long Haul Train: A composition of more than one standard train formation is defined as Long Haul train. The constituent trains may be empty or loaded. The running of long haul trains will help in reducing the congestion in busy sections thereby increasing the throughput. It has added advantage of increasing the speed of rolling stocks as a result of reduction in number of trains. (A). Precautions necessary for success of long haul operation: 1. Introduction of twin pipe on goods train: single pipe system has problem of brake pressure fading and propagation delay in application and release of brakes. In case of emergency braking release is seen to take longer than 950sec. in initial trial. This would become a limitation in unrestricted adoption of long haul. Hence, BCN type, BOXN type & Flat wagons and locomotives should be converted to twin pipe.


LOCOTROL: manual system of ensuring coordination between front and middle locomotives in a long haul train has limitations and possibilities of errors. Also, the two traction units are not able to work fully in synchronized mode i.e., powering, releasing and applying brakes together without use of a second crew in the middle loco set. Use of distributed power system involving use of locotrol type system should be adopted universally on all locomotives. However since existing locotrol is not a portable device. Railways may have to draw a strategy to confine long haul locomotives in a close circuit for alternatively portability of locotrol may have to be case portable locotrol is not practicable, locotrol may be made a part of locomotives. 3. Infrastructure: IR should expeditiously construct longer loop at a distance of 50 kms to avoid any detention of coaching trains enroute and to maintain order of precedence. 4. Training of staff: to develop a confidence among the staff it is necessary that they are properly trained for running of long haul trains. On the basis of experience gained a separate module on running of long haul train will be developed by ZTS and taught to loco pilots, guards, and station staff. 5. It is understood that points zone on IR are track circuited and are connected to the block instruments. This facility will ensure prevention of any possible rear and side collision due to blockage of fouling mark and beyond area. however, for the station where point zone has not been track circuited or b in case of failure of track circuit or block instrument at the station, line clear to following trains will not be granted unless long haul train has cleared the signal overlap of home signal. 6. Identified sections for long haul run will be provided additional, special T/G board for long haul trains. 7. Communication: pre-tested walkie-talkie sets of adequate power will be supplied to the driver and guard for reliable communication during run and to the TXR during the course of formation. Whistle code as per GR&SR shall also be used by drivers for communication between driver and guard. 8. During the running if walkie-talkie communication fails the long haul movement will be terminated at next station. Long haul trains shall not be operated during communication failure. 9. It should be ensured that RB/DB of leading locomotives are in working condition. 10. In case of loaded-loaded or loaded-empty combinations hauled by electric locomotives, at least 5 compressors of leading MU unit will be in ON condition. Locomotives in the middle of the python rake are not permitted to charge the brake pipe. Leading locomotive will work the train and trailing locomotive will be just a piped vehicle that can provide additional power when required. 11. Before restarting the train after brake application, it shall be ensured that the BP pressure in the leading loco is 5kg/cm2 and the brake van is 4.7 kg/cm2. 12. Guard of leading train will travel in its brake van or the middle locomotive cab and the guard of trailing train will remain in the trailing brake van. ………………………………………………………………….. Q2. Action taken by crew & Guard of goods train after derailment: On a double line section where trains on the two lines run in the opposite direction [a] As soon as the Driver comes to know that his train has met with an accident, he shall at once switch on the flasher light and switch ‘off’ the head-light and thereafter either go himself or send his Assistant Driver or some other competent person to

protect the adjacent line in front. The Guard shall himself first immediately proceed ahead to assist and ensure protection of the adjacent line in front and if a competent person is available send him to protect the train in the rear [b] In case it is not known whether the adjacent line is obstructed or not * The Guard shall either himself go back or send a competent person to protect the train. If the Guard has deputed a competent person to protect the train, he shall go to the Driver for consultation. *The person going back to protect the train shall continuously show his hand danger signal to stop any approaching train, and in addition to his hand signal, shall take detonators and place them upon the line on which the stoppage has occurred, as follows: – *One detonator at 600 metres from his train, to be placed on the way out and three detonators, 10 metres apart, not less than 1200 metres from his train or at such distance as has been fixed by special instructions. * When the Guard has gone back to protect the train, he shall show a hand danger signal to stop any approaching train until he is recalled, and shall himself return to his train to ascertain the cause. *On a section of double or multiple lines, if assistance has been asked for, or on a single line section or during temporary single line working on a section of double line or multiple lines, the Driver shall at once show a danger signal to the front, and proceed to protect the train in either by going himself or by sending his Assistant Driver or some other competent person; and [h] Should any train be seen approaching, the person going to protect the train shall immediately place one detonator on the line, as far away from the disabled train as possible and will continue to show his hand danger signal to stop any approaching train. …………………………………………………………………. Q3. Checks necessary for crew controller before permitting sign on: 1). ensure that the staff reporting for duty are sober and not under the influence of alcoholic drinks. All incoming staff will be subjected to breath-analysis before being allowed to perform the duty. 2) ensure that all running staff posses the valid competency certificates. 3) Display of temporary speed restrictions in prominent manner at the booking offices. 4) Notify the driver regarding existence of Short Neutral Section to avoid raising of both pantographs. 5) Arrange relief for running staff whenever asked for by the Traction Loco Controller (TLC) to avoid running staff performing more than the prescribed hours of duty at a stretch. 6) Ensure that the outgoing locos are provided with full complement of tools, emergency telephones, fire extinguishers and other essential consumable stores. 7) Ensure filling of sand in sand-boxes of locos and availability of dry and clean sand at all outstations and booking points. 8) Investigate and report cases of time lost on loco account whenever reported by the Traffic Controller; depute Driving/Loco Inspector whenever required to investigate and collect more details as required. 9) Arrange inspection of incoming and outgoing locomotives and ensure in coordination with the maintenance staff that booked repairs are carried out. 10) report to TLC the details of locos to be attended to at outstation sheds and the defects which require attention at shed; the cases of unusual occurrences should also be reported, 11) prepare position of issue and return of Combined Driver's and Guard's report in the proforma, 12) ensure that the staff are availing adequate rest at headquarters and outstations. 13) Ensure proper upkeep of "sign ON" and "sign OFF" register and see that every running staff reporting for duty in his office signs in this register. 14) Supervise call boy and Box Porter and instruct them suitably for calling the crew and sending the boxes respectively. ………………………………………………………………… Q4. (A). Precautions taken by driver to avoid SPAD: On SPAD suggestions are given by Railway board pertaining to locomotive, rest facilities, operation, training etc. Some of

which are as follows- (1). Suggestions pertaining to loco, *uniform cab design, *air-conditioned, sound proof and ergonomic cab, *VCD operational cases should be analysed and crew counselled, *device to limit the speed to 15kmph during shunting, *provision for voice recorder in cab, (2). Suggestions pertaining to rest facilities, *proper resting facilities should be provided in lobby, *breath analyser should be made part of CMS, *calendar rest should be provided to running staff instead of 22/30 hrs. (3). suggestions pertaining to operation, *retro reflective board indicating type of signal, *numbering in signals should be in reducing order from distant to home, *to reduce the validity of LR from 6 month to one month, *long working hours of crew should be minimised by providing relief, *links to be made such that there are not more than 2 or 3 continuous night duty, *state of mind of LP should be monitored by LI, *crew should be counselled not to work under pressure, *proper time tabling to be ensured so as margin between journey is available, *circular on safety to be issued in regional language, *driver should work on one traction only either diesel or electric, *unified G&SR should be published for all Indian Railway, *sections having more than 10 hrs running duties should be made short, *caution order issued by station should also include PSR, *low cost simulator are to be provided in lobbies*once a month counselling of LP to be done HQ, (4). Miscellaneous suggestions, *retirement age to be reduced to 55 years, *maximum duty hrs of M/E drivers should be reduced to 6 hrs as they encounter 1 signal every min on an avg. during run, *administration should be friendly to running staff so that they can avail time of rest at home, (5). Foot plating officer should silent his/her mobile phone, *100% housing are provided to drivers as they reside up to 50-60 km, *families of running staff to be counselled by LI, *joint signal siting over all zonal rlys should be done specially confusing signals and remedial actions should be taken, *driver should be protected from being arrested in case of accident or CRO (B). Role of family-*allow proper or complete rest*should not indulge him in any tense matter. ……………………………………………………………….. Q5. Fires in Electric Rolling Stock: (A). Preventive Maintenance and Inspection: 1. The presence of a large quantity of oil in the transformers and tap-changers of electric locos and EMUs makes it possible for even minor fires to spread and assume serious proportion. Leakage of oil from exhausters and compressors results in accumulation of oil on the loco flooring causing spread of fires. An essential step in prevention of fires in locos is, therefore, to control the leakage of oil from exhausters, compressors and pipe lines and to arrange periodic cleaning of the locos to remove accumulated oil. Always use funnel of proper shape for tapping of oil to prevent spillage. 2. The arcing horns should be properly attended to during inspections. The arc-chute should be properly secured and the securing arrangement periodically checked. The arcchute should also be cleaned during inspections. 3. In addition to periodic cleaning of the bogies and underframe to remove oily dust, it is also important that rheostatic and regenerative braking, where provided, is kept in working order and drivers trained to make use of these on graded sections, obviating the need for heavy mechanical braking as far as possible thus preventing sparks from brake blocks. 4. Rating of the fuses particularly of low voltage dc circuits are to be checked periodically to eliminate the possibility of fires due to short circuits / overloads etc. Always ensure that the proper sizes and types of fuses are used for replacement. Check calibration of MCBs during POH. Use MCBs and fuses of only approved suppliers as laid down by RDSO.

5. Ensure that all the protective relays are in good working order and are properly calibrated. Do not bypass any protection on the rolling stock. 6. A loose connection is a potential source of fire. Proper tightness of all the connections is, therefore, to be ensured and this point is to be given particular attention during inspections. Coaches commissioned after POH or new coaches after commissioning should be thoroughly checked up for loose connection as during the first few days, loose connections will show up. Ensure that all the connections secured with a nut and bolt are provided with a set of plain and spring washers. 7. Insulation failures can result from surface flash overs due to presence of dirt and dust. It is, therefore, essential that proper cleaning of terminal connections, bus bars, insulators and equipment is done during schedules as laid down to remove oil and dust. 8. Fires in control equipment cubicles are a problem and usually lead to considerable damage. A particular difficulty is the detection of fire and, therefore, the fire is likely to get a good hold before it is noticed. Ensure that proper maintenance of the equipments inside the cubicles is done and the equipments are carefully looked at during inspection for any developing faults. 9. Batteries constitute some fire or explosion risk when they are being given a heavy charge. Heavy charging can be either due to malfunction of the charging equipment or carelessness when charging from the shop floor rectifier. It is therefore important to check that the ventilation provided in the battery box is not choked. The staff should, therefore, be made aware of the danger of overcharging. 10. Use only approved quality of cables and furnishing material for repairs. Proper care should be taken while laying down the new cables so that no damage to the insulation is caused. 11. In order to monitor healthy condition of insulation of wiring and equipment, insulation resistance should be measured periodically in sheds and during POH in shops, and records kept. 12. In the event of fire it is essential that the main circuit breaker is tripped and the battery fuses of locomotives and EMUs are immediately removed to eliminate the continued feeding of the fault by the battery. (B). Firefighting Appliances for Electric Rolling Stock 1. Every electric locomotive should be provided either with 2 number of 4 kg capacity or 4 number of 1.25 kg capacity Halon type fire extinguishers to IS: 11108, one in each cab and remaining in each corridor. The fire extinguishers shall be fixed on brackets at approved points in the cabs and corridors. The ATFR on duty will be responsible for ensuring that the locos leave with the full complement of fire extinguishers. Sufficient number of spare fire extinguishers should be available with the ATF(R) to replace defective and damaged fire extinguishers. In exceptional circumstances CEE may authorize change in complement and / or type of the fire extinguishers. 2. On EMU: 2 number of 2.5 kg. Capacity Halon type fire extinguisher should be provided in each of the cabins occupied by motorman and Guard and also one number of Halon type extinguisher of the same capacity should be provided in each motor-coach of EMU. As in the case of other passenger trains, the Operating Department will be responsible for custody of the fire extinguishers and their issue to the Guard at the originating station of each EMU rake. 3. All the staff of electrical department connected with the running and operation of trains should be duly trained for firefighting and use of fire extinguishers within the locos and EMUs. (C). Duties of Loco Pilot in case of observing fire in loco: *in the event of fire in the electric loco the LP shall immediately

switch off the CB and lower the panto, *the train shall then brought to stop at once after cutting of electric supply to the affected circuit ,LP shall take necessary action to put out fire*if fire cannot be extinguished by above means the LP shall advise the TPC through the emergency telephone to arrange for the affected section of OHE to be made dead*the guard shall give possible assistance to the LP in putting out fire*call help from outside to prevent fire propagation to coaches ………………………………………………………………… Q6. Protection of Train in Case of Loco Failure and / or OHE Supply Failure: 1. When overhead supply fails, the Driver shall endeavour to proceed on the momentum of the train. And see whether he can reach the next station otherwise he will stop the locomotive close an emergency socket. To help the Driver, arrow marks are painted on the faces of OHE masts indicating the direction in which the nearest emergency socket lies. If power supply is not restored within 5 minute after stopping the train, he should make use of his portable telephone to ascertain from the TPC through the emergency telephone socket the time when the supply is expected to be restored. If it is likely to be more than 15 minutes then the Driver should apply air and hand-brakes on the loco and pin down brakes on 10 wagons immediately behind the loco in the case of goods trains and all available hand brakes in the case of passenger trains. If the Driver is unable to stop the train close to the emergency telephone socket, and is likely to take more than 15 minute to ascertain the time of restoration of the overhead power supply from TPC he must first protect the train against rolling as indicated above and then contact the TPC. The same instructions shall be observed in case of electric loco failure when it becomes necessary to make the loco dead and call for assistance. 2. In addition, the precautions prescribed in General and Subsidiary Rules for protection of trains when stopping out of course should be observed. 3. If after power, is restored, the Driver experiences tripping again, he shall not energize the locomotive until he has personally satisfied himself that there is no abnormality on his locomotive. 4. The locomotive will not be left unmanned in such an eventuality. ………………………………………………………………. Q7. Goods power plan: Every six months, the running of goods traffic on a Railway is reviewed for each division. Actual number of goods trains run are observed. Moreover, the goods train to be run during next six months is assessed. While planning the goods train, availability of goods locomotives on railway is taken into account. Zonal railway power plan is issued by the office of Chief Operating Manager (COM) of the Railway. Information available in a power plan: a) Number of trains to be run on division section-wise in UP and DN direction, b) Requirement of power for inferior services i.e., shunting work, railway material train, and PQRS work of engineering department etc. c) Outage of the locomotive on a division. Outage is the average number of locos available for a calendar day of 24 hours. d) Target utilization of the locomotives. It may vary from one division to other depending on the operating conditions. e) Requirement of power to be moved LELA or dead due to various reasons. Procedure for calculation of requirement of running staff as per Power Plan: Before going ahead with the actual calculation, the following information are to be collected. 1) Average sectional running time: Based on the traffic movement on division, the average running time for the last six months is to be found out. 2) Pre-departure detention of the crew: The time period from the sign on of crew to actual departure of the train is known as pre-departure detention of the crew. PDD

should not increase more than 30 mins. by proper coordination between TRO and Optg. Dept. This data is also required for the last six months for calculation purpose. It is essential to mention that higher the pre-departure detention more will be the bursting of ten hours. duty cases and requirement of running staff. Therefore, division should make an all out effort to minimize the pre-departure detention of crew, 3). Post Arrival Detention: This is the time which the crew takes after arrival of train to sign off at destination/crew change point station. This time is generally 30”. Shunters may take over charge of loco from incoming driver to reduce this detention. Actual post departure detention of the train for last six months should be calculated and average figure is taken into account for calculation purpose. Goods Crew Requirement: Crew Requirement based on driver reqd. to man a loco:(a) Available hours per fortnight = 104 hrs.(b) Available average duty hours = 7 hrs 25 min.•per crew per day (104/14).(c) Available loco crew hours per = 7 hrs 25 min -1 hrs 45 min crew per day for loco operation [30 min prior to sign ON+15min after sign OFF + 1 hr.PDD ) = 5 hrs. 40 min (d) Bare min. requirement of Crew to man loco for 24 hrs. = (24hrs / 5 hrs 40 min.)= 4.24 crew.(e) Various allowance to be added, other than Leave Reserve (I) Allowance for Traffic Fluctuation = 10%(to meet peak requirement, spare running, growth in traffic volume over gestation period of crew requirement) (II) Trainee Reserve = 5%(Refresher course, Promotional course , conversion course, Air Brake training 3phase loco training Safety camp/ seminar etc. ) (III) Total = 15% (f) Total requirement of crew per single Power outage without leave reserve = 4.24 + 15% of 4.24 = 4.24 + 0.64 = 4.88 (g) Leave reserve @ 30% for leave (LAP, LHAP etc.) Sparing staff for Misc duties viz. Selection suitability test etc. Attending inquiries, joining time, court attendance, attending PNM) = 0.3 x 4.88= 1.46. (h) Total Crew Requirement = 4.88 + 1.46= 6.34 crew per loco= at least 6 crew per loco. ……………………………………………………………… Q8. Line Haul Cost: It is the total all-inclusive unit cost, incurred by Railways, to haul 1000 GTKMs of trailing load. Directorate of Statistics & Economics / Rly. Bd. Publishes 2 separate Booklets every year. 1. Summary of End results Freight Services Unit Costs (for LHC – Goods) and 2. Summary of End Results Coaching Services Profitability / Unit Costs (for LHC– Coaching). Total Traction Expense Line Haul Cost = -----------------------------------GTKM (in thousands)  It is calculated 1. Service wise (for coaching and freight separately) and 2. Traction wise (for Electrical & Diesel traction separately)  It consist 1. Traction Cost. 2. Track & Signaling Cost. 3. Other Transportation cost. 4. Provision & Maintenance Cost of Coaches and wagons  Traction Line Haul Cost 1. Repair & Maintenance Cost of Loco & OHE. 2. Operating Energy Cost - Fuel. 3. Other Operating Expenses. 4. Depreciation of Loco & OHE. 5. Interest Charges on Loco & OHE Other Transportation 1. Cost of maintenance of structures (other than. track), 2. Operating staff and train passing staff 3. Depreciation and interest are included on the applicable items 4. Calculated per Train Kilometre and per VKM 5. Provision and Maintenance of coaches includes 6. Repair and maintenance of coaches

7. Depreciation and interest Factors affecting Line Haul Cost: 1). Repair & maintenance cost of loco [demand C-510 to C-590] (-Running repair in shed-POH in workshop – IOH - Special repair - other repair - miscellaneous charges), 2). Repair & maintenance cost in TRD [demand 7E - 400] (-normal maintenance and repair – PSI - other plant and equipment for electric traction), 3). Fuel Cost [demand 10H-300] (-cost of electricity used for electric traction), 4). Operating expenses other than fuel [demand 8F-300] (-Running staff, supervision of running staff, loco crew, shed & yard staff, lubricants, store, misc. expenses), 5). General supervision charges, 6). Depreciation charges (demand 14M). How to reduce LHC (traction) 1. Controlling OHE expenses, maintenance & Bill 2. Controlling operation expenses, 3. Enhancing Loco reliability 4. Store management 5. Release material management LHC Cost Comparison Diesel Electric Year Coaching Goods Coaching Goods 2009-10 276.75 211.53 161.89 131.40 2010-11 309.51 232.24 174.41 136.03 2011-12 317.67 228.86 176.75 148.49 ………………………………………………………………… Q9. Energy saving techniques in electric train operation: *Ensure release condition of load and loco before starting.* Empty/loaded device in each wagon should be kept in position according to load.* Ensure free movement of the train.* Maximum possible coasting should be done.* Avoid frequent application of A-9 & use rheostat / regenerative braking. * Switch off the blowers during long coasting and at halt.* Loco should be shut down in yard station & pulling point if halt is more than 30 minute with consult of sec. controller and reenergies before 10 minute. It save about 120 units /hour.* In multiple or double headed operation rear loco may be shutdown according to permissible load.* Loco should also be shutdown in case of power block or traffic block.* Empty goods train & coaching trains up to 10 coaches may be work in one block up gradient of 1/200 for which energy can be save up to 18%. As because out of two block, isolating one, energy can be save about 30 unit/hour.* One block can be isolate in banking Loco if gradient is 1/200 or less. * Accelerate at Max. Rate and run at lower speed.* Judicious usage of shunting contactors.* Train should be run at clear path to minimize the nos. of halts and nos. of signal checks. …………………………………………………………………. Q10. SEC: Energy conservation: Energy conservation is using energy in a Judicious and Efficient way and without making waste. Why Energy Conservation: Resource Depletion: they are going to deplete, Save Money: energy conservation measures are better investments, Reduce CO2: Pollution cause diseases, Climate Change: Drought, Severe storms and heat deaths, Adverse effect on humans and the environment, Extraction of Uranium and Coal affect miners, Acid Rain: SO2 and NOx cause acid rain, Global Warming: is taking place all over the world. Specific energy Consumption: It is a ratio of energy consumption to Gross load hauled. It is measured in kWh/1000 GTKM Energy Consumption X 1000 SEC = ………………………………………. Total Weight X Distance travelled Contributory Factors: 1). Type of locomotive, 2). Type of load, 3). Maximum Speed, 4). Expertise of loco pilots, 5). Promptness of SMs and controllers, 6). Track condition, 7).

Weather condition, 8). Gradient, 9). Line capacity, 10). Caution orders, 11). Detentions / Halts, 12). Signals visibility, 13). Appreciation, rewards etc.  For mail and express train 17, 18.5 and 21 kWh/1000 GTKM for max speed up to 105 kmph, 110 kmph & 120 kmph respectively.  Step by TRO: 1). Calculation of Coaching load on factual running position and reconciliation at HQ’s Statistical branch, 2). Strictly follow of coasting boards, 3). With empty rake switch off Trailing Loco, 4). Judicious Braking, 5). Release trains with partial brake binding, 6). Counselling of Pilots who consume more, 7). Re-generative braking, 8). Spread awareness & knowledge regarding energy conservation, 9). Display Duties and instructions of respective person regarding Energy Conservation, 10). Analyzing energy consumption, 11). Incentive/reward to encourage the staff, 12). Simulation for best performance, 13). Avoid unnecessary speed restriction, 14). Proper braking initiation, 15). Coasting before braking, 16). Best Performance Chart for comparison. Further Suggestion: 1). Better loco design, 2). Guaranteed Loco Energy Performance, 3). Planning new routes with EC in mind, 4). Avoid energy inefficiency.  Every month each railway compiles the information of loco utilization &its accountal as per the format known as statement 4A for electric locomotives. ……………………………………………………………… Q11. Stalling: When a loco is unable to pull the load even with maximum utilization of available tractive effort due to steep gradient or any reason, it is called load has been stalled. LP play an important role in avoidance of stalling, if he properly utilizes his driving skills knowledge. Reason for stalling: 1). Overloading on gradient, 2). under powering of locomotives, 3). Location of a signal just before a rising gradient, 4). Neutral section on or just before a rising gradient, 5). Oil or grease on rail-wheel contact area on gradient, 6). Speed restrictions being imposed in direction of up gradient. Precautions to avoid stalling: 1). No over loading, 2). Adequate powering of locomotives, 30. Providing bunkers, 4). Resetting of location of signal & neutral sections which are a cause of stalling in locations mentioned above, 5). Sanding to create friction between rail & wheel. Role of LP avoid stalling: 1). Knowledge of section: Learn properly about road, signal, gradient and geographical complication of section etc., 2). Examine the conditions of load: While taking over the charge, 3). Brake Power Certificate should be examined and it should be ensured that BPC is valid, 4). Moreover continuity of the air pressure from engine to last vehicle should be ascertained, 5). While starting the train two or three notches should be taken, the train should start rolling with a traction motor current of about 400 amps. 6). If the train is not moving ensure release of brake, 7). The train should start rolling at two or three notches it will move by taking 400A or less amount of current, 8). If started in jammed condition may result in stalling of the train on the gradient, 9). LP should constant Watch on traction motor current, 10). Notch by notch gradual Progression result in smooth tractive effort without causing any wheel slipping, 11). At gradient operate sanders, 12). Good road knowledge. Precautionary Measures: 1). Ensure Working of Sanders and filling up of dry sand, 2). Counselling, 3). Proper investigation of every case of stalling, 4). Critical point, 5). Extra sand, 6). Seasonal precaution, 7). Special care of “C” category and newly promoted LPs. 8). Identify of LP involved in stalling, 9). Banker policy, 10). Signaling. ………………………………………………………………..

Q12. Train Parting: Division of a train either due to opening or breakage of coupler at the time of starting of train or en route while train is in motion. It comes under “J” type of accident i.e. Equipment Failure and; 1). J-3 Parting of train carrying passengers, 2). J-4 Parting of a train not carrying passengers. The Reason of Train Parting: 1). Fast notching up, 2). Sudden application of brakes, 3). Bad driving on gradient, 4). Improper road knowledge etc., 5). Not ensuring releasing of brake, 6). Poor Maintenance of P Way, 7). Improper maintenance of rolling stock. Precautions for Drivers: 1). Best Knowledge of the gradient of section, 2). Maintain constant speed, avoid brakes, 3). Reduce power slightly just before approaching top of the hump, 4). similarly increase power slightly just before approaching dip. Guide Lines to Driver to Reduce Partings: 1). Attach the train engine with a little bump, 2). before starting push back the load a little, 3). Control train well in advance of caution spot, 4). Do coasting before brake application, 5). If Emergency brake applied allow release time of four to six minutes, 6). Monitoring and counselling, 7). Brake release time for various types of brake application in case of 58 Box-‘N’ trains are as under Last Wagon, Last Wagon Partial Emergency Full Service Release After application Release time in 4-6 2-3 1-2 minutes 8). Instruct Drivers to wait for mentioned timing. Indications during Train Parting: 1). MR and BP pressure will drop suddenly, 2). Sudden jerk will be experienced, 3). AFI will shoot up, 4). LSAF will glow, 5). GR will return to “0”and it will not progress further, 6). AFL will glow, 7). Experience reduced load on locomotive. ……………………………………………………………… Q13. TSL WORKING 1. Whenever an accident to a train or track or other obstruction prevents the use of one of the lines on a double line section, the traffic may temporarily be worked over single line under one of the following systems:- 1.1 By obtaining line clear on electric speaking instruments. 1.2 By the installation of single line block instruments and shunting limit boards demarcating the block section in the wrong direction if the affected line is likely to remain out of use for a substantial period. 2. When it is desired to introduce TSL working on double line, on electric speaking instruments, the Station Master at one end of the affected section shall, on receipt of reliable information in writing that one line is clear, take steps to introduce TSL working on that line in consultation with the SCOR and the Station Master of the station at the other end of the section. 3. If there is reason to suspect that the line over which TSL working is to be introduced is also fouled or damaged, TSL working must not be introduced until a responsible Engineering official of the rank not less than that of an Inspector has inspected that section and certified that the road is safe for the passage of trains. 4. TSL working shall be introduced between the nearest stations provided with crossover between the up and down lines on either side of the obstruction. If there is an IB hut between the above two stations, the same shall be treated as closed and the commutators of the block instruments at such block huts shall be kept locked in ‘ train on line’ (TOL) position throughout the period TSL working is in force. The commutators shall be also locked in that position, with Station Master’s key, wherever possible. The signals at such block huts shall be kept in the ‘on’ position throughout and these shall be passed by the Loco Pilots on a written authority in the prescribed form issued by the Station Master of the adjoining block station in operation. 5. All trains will be worked in accordance with the rules for the use of electric speaking instruments on single line and line clear shall be obtained on the telephone attached to block instruments or station to station

fixed telephones wherever available or fixed telephone such as railway auto phones and BSNL phones or control telephone or VHF set. 6. At all stations on the portion of the section on which TSL working has been introduced, the commutators of the block instruments pertaining to both obstructed and unobstructed lines shall be kept in TOL position throughout the period TSL working is in force. The commutators shall be locked also in that position with Station Master’s key, wherever possible. At these stations, if the train is running on the right line, the LSS G&SR. ………………………………………………………………. Q14. Precaution to be taken while changing the cab: It has been seen that some mistakes are done in changing the cab of a locomotive which results in problem like brake failure, pressure not building up etc. therefore, important items which are to be given attention during changing the cab of a locomotive with single loco or multiple loco is given as under: (A). Cab changing in single loco: Following should be done step by step.1. Application of loco brake with SA9 or loco brake.2. Switching off the DJ and lowering the pantograph.3. Removing the ZPT key, BL key and MPJ from the cab. 4. Closing the isolating cock of loco and train brake in the cab and putting the handle of loco brake and train brake in released position.5. Going to the next cab and putting the BL key, ZPT key and MPJ key in position. ZPT key should be put at appropriate position to raise the pantograph.6. DJ should be closed and MPJ handle should be moved to forward position.7. The isolating cock of SA9 and A9 i.e. loco brake and train brake should be opened and the brake should be released by moving the handle of the loco brake in released position. (B). Cab changing in multiple loco: Following additional points are to be checked/done in case of multiple loco when the cab is changed from one loco to other loco. (The items 1 to 7 as explained above are followed in case of cab changing in multiple loco also).1. The position of the MU2B valve in the loco which will work as trailing should be kept in trail position. Similarly, lead and trail cock should be open in leading loco and closed in trailing loco.2. The position of the MU2B valve in leading loco should be kept in lead position.3. In trailing loco, loco brakes handle and train brakes handle bolt should be kept in isolated condition. The loco brake and train brake of rear cab of leading loco should also be in isolated condition. The loco brakes and train brakes isolating cock should be open in working cab (leading cab) of the locomotive. CC+6= axle load in tons (22.32), 6 tonne permitted overload, 2tonne loading tolerance. CC+8= axle load in tons (22.82), 8 tonne permitted overload, 2 tonne loading tolerance. ……………………………………………………………….. Q15. DUTIES: (A). Duties of Traction Crew Controller: 1. ensure that the staff reporting for duty are sober and not under the influence of alcoholic drinks. All incoming staff will be subjected to breathanalysis before being allowed to perform the duty.2 .ensure that all running staff possess the valid competency certificates.3. Display of temporary speed restrictions in prominent manner at the booking offices.4. Notify the driver regarding existence of Short Neutral Section to avoid raising of both pantographs.5. Arrange relief for running staff whenever asked for by the Traction Loco Controller (TLC) to avoid running staff performing more than the prescribed hours of duty at a stretch.6. Ensure that the outgoing locos / EMUs are provided with full complement of tools, emergency telephones, fire extinguishers and other essential consumable stores.7. Ensure filling of sand in sand-boxes of locos and EMUs and availability of dry and clean sand at all outstations and booking points.8. Investigate and report cases of time lost on loco account whenever reported by the Traffic Controller; depute Driving/Loco Inspector whenever required to investigate and collect more details as

required.9. Arrange inspection of incoming and outgoing locomotives and ensure in coordination with the maintenance staff that booked repairs are carried out.10. Report to TLC the details of locos to be attended to at outstation sheds and the defects which require attention at shed; the cases of unusual occurrences should also be reported11. Prepare position of issue and return of Combined Driver's and Guard's report .12. Ensure that the staff are availing adequate rest at headquarters and outstations. 13. Ensure proper upkeep of "sign ON" and "sign OFF" register and see that every running staff reporting for duty in his office signs in this register.14. Supervise call boy and Box Porter and instruct them suitably for calling the crew and sending the boxes respectively. (B). Duties of Traction Loco Controller (TLC) TLC will 1. maintain a list of passenger fit locos and watch the running of passenger trains, report after necessary investigation all cases of time lost on loco account as well as time made up by drivers; 2 plan in consultation with the PPIO of the shed and move the locos to the shed for scheduled inspections and unscheduled repairs and obtain forecast of locos likely to be made fit by the sheds and plan the movement of such locos for clearing traffic, in coordination with the Traffic Controller; 3. Maintain liaison with contiguous divisions in respect of "balancing" of crews; 4. Watch the detention to electric locos as well as electrical running staff in yards and sections and take remedial action in coordination with the Traffic Controller 5. watch train operation in order to avoid excessive waiting duty for running staff and take remedial action as required in coordination with the Traffic Controller; 6. Guide staff in trouble shooting if they are stuck up on line; 7. send back to the homing shed of foreign Railway loco due to scheduled inspection; 8 study cases of running staff performing more than prescribed hours of duty at a stretch and take necessary remedial action to avoid recurrence; 9. Prepare the locomotive charts. (C). Duties of Chief Loco Inspector (CLI) In addition to the duties assigned by Sr. DEE/DEE/AEE (OP), he will carry out trials and checks on speed, signal visibility, riding quality of locomotives; test staff of other departments as prescribed for their knowledge of rules applicable to operation of Electric Locomotives and report to SR. DEE/DEE/AEE (OP), if any irregularities are noticed 2. Inspect locomotives particularly in regard to safety items and take necessary action to get the defects attended by the home or outstation shed. A nominated Loco Inspector designated as Senior/Chief Loco Inspector will collect and scrutinize the speedometer charts regularly- 100% for passenger locos and 25% for goods locos and bring irregularities to the notice of Sr. DEE/DEE/AEE/(OP) for appropriate corrective action. The assigned SLI/CLI shall keep a watch on duty hours of the Running Staff and report the matter to Sr. DEE/ DEE/AEE (OP) for taking suitable corrective measures. Method of classification of safety category of running staff: There are certain guidelines which are followed for deciding the safety category of the driver. These guide lines are explained in this chapter. Total Marks for deciding A, B and C category to Drivers is given as under: ‘A’ category -- 80 and above, ‘B’ category -- 60 to 79,‘C’ category -- below 60 Performance Assessment Parameters for grading of Drivers into 'A'. 'B' & 'C' 1). Driving Technique (a. Performance before starting, b. Performance after starting, c. Engineer man ship, d. Whistles under different conditions) 2). Knowledge of safety & Operating Rules ((a). Road learning Knowledge & location of following, (b). Location of signals & their signaling points, (c). Knowledge of safety Rules & Regulations, (d). Knowledge of Rules Books & latest correction slips, (e). Knowledge of working under abnormal conditions)

3 Technical Knowledge & Trouble shooting ((a). Technical Knowledge, (b). Knowledge with regard to C & W fitments, (c). Trouble shooting capabilities) 4 Personal Habits ((a). Discipline, (b). General attributes, (c). Record keeping & paper work, (d). Hygiene) 5 Accident record, 6 Negative marks for Alcoholism,7 Grand Total, 8 Signature of the Loco pilot, 9 Signature of the Loco Inspector ……………………………………………………………… Q16. Signals: (A). OUTER SIGNAL: In 2-aspect signalling where outer signal is provided, will be the first stop signal of the station and shall be placed not less than 400 metres in rear of the point upto which the line may be obstructed after the line clear has been given to the station in rear. On single line there should be at least 580 metres between Outer and Home, so as to cater for Block overlap and Signal overlap i.e. (400 + 180m) where advance starter or Shunt Limit Board is provided for shunting facility in the face of an approaching train (B). HOME SIGNAL: The Home Signal shall be located in rear of all connections, and close to the first set of facing points clear of lock bar, or the fouling mark (if the first point is trailing) so as to protect the adjacent line. If it is found necessary to increase the distance between the signal and the first facing point beyond 180 metres, other arrangements for route holding must be made like lock retaining bar, with successive interlocking or track circuits or SM’s route control. (C). DISTANT SIGNAL: On single line or double line, the distant signal shall be placed at an adequate distance i.e. Normal breaking distance in rear of the first stop signal of the station or gate stop signal, which shall not be less than 1 km. (D). STARTER SIGNAL: The starter signal shall be placed at not less than 400 metres in advance of the Home Signal. Where a starter signal is provided for each converging line, it shall be so placed as to protect the adjacent running line or lines. Where only one starter is used for two or more converging lines, it shall be placed outside the connections on the line to which it applies (E). ADVANCED STARTER: Unless approved under special instructions, an advance starter shall be placed outside all connections on the line to which it applies. It shall be placed not less than 180 metres from the outermost point on single line. On double line this distance may be reckoned from the starter if this is not adequate enough, may be from the outermost point or fouling point. (F). CALLING ON SIGNALS: A calling on signal is a subsidiary signal and has no independent existence. It is provided below a stop signal governing the approach of a train. “CALLING ‘ON’ signal can be a miniature semaphore arm type or colour light type in two aspect or multiple aspect territory. …………………………………………………………….. Q17. Levels of accident inquiry: Depending upon the seriousness of an accident and the gravity of its percussions, inquiries are ordered and conducted at either of the following levels for in-depth investigation: 1. Non-Railway (1.1 Commission of inquiry,1.2 Commission of Railway Safety (CRS),1.3 Magisterial of inquiry,1.4 Police investigation.), 2. Railway (2.1 Major fault inquiry, 2.2 Minor joint inquiry, 2.3 Departmental inquiry,) 1. Non- Railway: 1.1 Commission of inquiry- ordered by Central Govt if in its consideration under the commission of inquiries act 1952, 1.2 Commission of Railway Safety (CRS) – ordered by Commissioner of Railway Safety, 1.3 Magisterial of inquiry District Magistrate who may be appointed in this behalf by the local Government., 1.4 Police investigation - District Magistrate or Magistrate directs to do so 2. Railway: 2.1 Major fault inquiry – GM orders, 2.2 Minor joint inquiry – DRM orders, 2.3 Departmental inquiry – concerned HOD

Types of cases in which CRS enquiry is conducted: i) A statutory inquiry by a Commissioner of Railway Safety is obligatory in every accident to a passenger-carrying train which is attended with loss of human life or grievous hurt as defined in section 320 of the Indian penal Code or with serious damages to Railway property of the value exceeding Rs. 25 Lakhs. ii) As defined in Section 320 of the Indian Penal Code, following are the various injuries that should be considered as grievous. 1) Emasculation / permanent privation of sight, 2) Permanent privation of hearing,3) Privation of a member or joint,4) Permanent disfiguration of head or face,5) Fracture or dislocation of bone or tooth, 6) Unable to follow ordinary pursuits for > 20 days (hospitalization). iii) Commissioner of Railway safety may also inquire into any accident which, in the opinion of the Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety or the Commissioner of Railway Safety, requires the holding of an injury at that level. The Chief Commissioner of Railways safety to do so. iv) The inquiry shall be obligatory only in those cases where the passenger skilled or grievously hurt were traveling in the train. If a person traveling on the footboard / roof of passenger train is killed or grievously hurt or a person in run over at a level crossing or elsewhere on the railway rack, such an inquiry in not obligatory. v) Workman’s train or ballast trains carrying workmen shall also be treated as passenger trains and in the event of a workmen getting killed or grievously injured as a result of an accident to the train. CRS’ inquiry shall be obligatory. Procedure for acceptance of Report 1. Where the Commissioner of Railway Safety receives notice under section 113 of the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989) of the occurrence of an accident which he considers of a sufficiently serious nature to justify such a course, he shall as soon as may be, notify the Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety, the Railway Board and the Head of the Railway Administration concerned of his integration to hold an inquiry and shall, at the same time, fix and communicate the date and place for the inquiry. 2. As soon as CRS receives intimation about the occurrence of a serious accident, he proceeds to the site, conducts inspection of the accident site and collects all particulars relevant to the accident. He then fix’s date time and place for the injury, which is given publicity, in the medical Officers of the local Magistracy and police are separately advised of the inquiry. Members of public are invited to give evidence in the inquiry in person or to write to him. 3. The concerned DRM will make available necessary office accommodation, secretarial assistance etc, to facilitate the inquiry. ADRM and concerned branch officers, like Sr. DSO, SR. DSTE, SR. DEE, SR. DME will render suitable administrative and technical assistance to the CRS in conducting the inquiry including ensuring availability of subordinated with relevant records, examination of evidence etc. 4. After completing the recording of evidences and collecting the material and data, the CRS will return to his headquarters and compiles the preliminary report. The copies of the preliminary inquiry report will be furnished to the CCRS, Railway Board and the concerned GM. If the CRS finds that the accident was caused by sabotage or train wrecking, he shall submit this confidential report to the Director, intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Government of India. 5. CCRS, after considering the preliminary report, will convey his approval and comments. The concerned HODs will study the preliminary report and offer comments indicating whether the report is acceptable or any part thereof requires review. The chief Safety Officer will coordinate in getting the comments from different HODs and obtaining the approval of the GM before forwarding them to the CRS, CCRS and Railway Board. After receiving comments from the CCRS and the GM, the CRS will review the preliminary report and draw up his final report. ……………………………………………………………….

Q18. Main Terms Used in 4A Statement: 1) Average authorized stock: - This indicates the average no. of engine for the month. 2) Average total no. on line: - This indicates the av. No. of engines actually on line. (3) Average no. under or awaiting repair Ineffective fig. of ele. Loco is calculated on hourly basis. An engine remaining under or awaiting repair for full day is equivalent to one (4) Average no. effective: - This is the availability of the loco for traffic use. Therefore, average no. effective = Av. Total no. on line minus Av. No. UR. Average No. in use: The locomotive which are used by traffic or any other department are to be accounted as per the use on different services. The type of services which has been classified for the locomotive use is given as under:(i) Passenger service: - The locomotive used for passenger/mail/express services are accounted as loco used on passenger services. This is calculated as under: (ii) Mixed services: There are certain types of trains like parcel trains, plantain special etc. These are counted as mixed services and they are calculated as under:Total locos on mixed service = Total engine hrs on mixed services in a calendar day (iii) Goods services: Engines utilised for running goods service are accounted as engine used on goods service and it is calculated as under:Total locos on goods service = Total engine hrs on goods services (iv) Shunting services: - There are certain engines in the yard or sidings earmarked for shunting works only. Such engines are counted under shunting services. However, if the train engine is utilised for carrying out shunting work for that train, the shunting engine hours are to be counted in pass/mixed for goods services for which the train engine has been used for carrying out shunting work (v) Departmental services: There are number of usage of engine for departmental work of division. Such engines are counted as departmental service. Following types of services are counted as departmental services. a) Engine used for moving ballast trains and rails for engineering department. b) Engines used for carrying out track maintenance work such as PQRS etc. c) Engines used as pilot engines which run for protection of trains. (vi) Banking services: Engines are required to bank the heavier load on a steep gradient to avoid stalling of the train. There are certain grade section in division where all the goods train above certain load requires the help of a banking engine. At such places a full time (round the clock) banking engine is provided. Engine hours used for banking a train is counted in the type of train it has been used. If a banking engine has been used for banking a goods train. The various terms used for preparation of 4A statement has already been explained in the previous chapter 3.0.1. Now it is possible to prepare the 4A statement. This statement is prepared every month and sent to Railway Board as format. ……………………………………………………………… Q19. Short Notes: ………………………………………………………………. Q1. Use of FLASHER LIGHT in following Conditions: 1). When there is no tension in OHE for some time. 2). When you find obstructions on adjacent track. 3) Put ON flasher light if proceeding on wrong line. 4) If train stops due to emergency operation of brakes not initiated by crew, the LP should assume some portion of his train got derailed and should put ON flasher light to warn the driving crew of incoming train on opposite track. It can be put off by verifying derailment not infringing nearby track. 5). Train parting.6). Sudden heavy jerks/lurch. 7). Loco failure. 8). Rail fracture or weld fracture. 9). Derailment. 10). Train brought to stand on gradient

Crew action when they see flasher light on, on opposite train: on seeing first acknowledge by switching on and off the flasher light 3 times. The Driver of an approaching train, who sees the flasher light or hears the short sharp whistles or detonates the detonators placed for protection, shall bring his train to halt in shortest possible time utilizing the emergency braking systems. After bringing his train to a halt the Driver of the approaching train will give all possible assistance to the Driver of the affected train. ……………………………………………………………….. Q2. Functioning of VCD: The cycle has a preset period normally set at 60 seconds. This cycle is automatically restarted whenever the vigilance unit detects one of a number of external inputs derived from other vehicle control functions under the driver’s control from the active cab, the presence of which automatically infers that the driver has taken some positive action and is therefore vigilant.* The control functions include Notch-up / Notch-down by the master controller (MP)* Operation of the sander, horn, Train Brake (A-9), Loco Brake (SA9)* Operation of the Vigilance Push Button/pedal switch*Cycle time (T0) of 60 seconds.*The crew has to acknowledge the device within T0 time by pressing a push button.* The vigilance cycle time (T0) starts again.* If the above acknowledgement is not received within T0 time, the VCD shall begin flashing a warning light for a time period (T1) Sec.* If by the end of period T1, an acknowledgement by the crew has not been actuated, the VCD shall actuate an audible alarm for a time period (T2) sec. The warning light shall also continue to flash during this period. *If, by the end of period T2, an acknowledgement is not received, the VCD system shall initiate penalty brake application, which shall continue for a period T3 seconds, even if a reset acknowledgement is received during this (T3) time period. *The audible warning shall be silent (stop) during the T3 time period. However, the flashing warning light shall continue to flash as in period T2. * At the end of time period T3, warning flashing light shall extinguish and device can then reset by setting master controller to off position and pressing reset push button. ……………………………………………………………… Q3. Panto Entanglement: - Out of this 50% of failures are on account of panto entanglement. Therefore in view of this maintenance of OHE as well as pantograph plays a very important role. Reduction in the cases of panto entanglement can be achieved by taking suitable remedial action. (A). Reasons for Panto Entanglement-Panto entanglement generally occurred due to following reasons1. OHE Defects • Due to mal adjustment of turn outs & X-Over OHE • Inclined dropper broken. • Bracket / Stay tube insulator failed and cantilever hanging. “L” bracket of steady arm broken. • Non adjustments of OHE after track slewing. • In span dropper opened from catenary wire. • Adjustment / leveling of section insulators. • Centenary wire parting. • Contact wire parting from RRA Clamp. • ATD SS wire rope failure. • Twisting (inclined) of PG clamp in jumpers. • Excessive sag on OHE • Slipping of steady / drop arm hook clamp. • Catenary wire snapped in side PG clamp. • Swivel clip opened. • Failure of 9 T insulator. • Contact wire parting from joints. • Leaning of OHE masts. • Non provision of GI sleeve on anti-falling rods at T/Out, X-Over & Neutral Section. 2. Pantograph Defects • Grooving / loosening of the wearing strip.

Not free movement of both plungers and improper lubrication. • Damaged/cracked panto horn. • Missing split pins & fasteners from plungers. • Cracks / breakages on main springs. • Sharp edges of wearing strip. • Improper leveling of panto pan. • Transverse flexibility. 3. External Causes, such as a) Storms b) Bird hitting, c) Tree branches/foreign material hanging on OHE & roof of the loco motive. d) Vandalism & theft causing damage to OHE. e) Overshooting of locomotive beyond engine stop limit. f) Non observance of temporary caution order 4. Loco Crew Related • Loco going beyond stop limit and damaging Panto-pan and 9 Ton Insulator • Closing of loco Circuit Breaker on low pressure. (B). Loco pilot do in case of panto entanglement: The officer or supervisor of the Electrical Department arriving first at site of a breakdown, particularly those involving entanglement of pantographs with the OHE, should make a very careful note of all relevant details pertaining to the break-down and also prepare a sketch indicating the particulars. • He will also arrange for preservation of such evidence as may be useful subsequently for investigating the cause of the breakdown. • Items to be checked on the pantograph and OHE are indicated in the Annexures 9.02 and 9.03. • Maintenance Staff, after ensuring that OHE is dead, and earthed in association with OHE staff will climb on the roof of the locomotive. • They will remove the HPT links of the damaged pantograph and earth it and will secure the pantograph with wire rope from the base frame of the pantograph in such a manner that it does not come in contact with OHE during the run. …………………………………………………………………. Q4. FDCS is RELAY BASED CONTROL SYSTEMS -Relay based protection and control systems consist of following four parts a.DJ control circuit: 1). Faults include ICDJ, 2). DJ tripping in 0.6 seconds (Faults in GR ckt) 3). DJ tripping after 5.6 seconds (Faults in auxiliary control circuit), b). Monitoring of auxiliaries c). Traction Control Circuit (Wheel Slip Protection etc.) d). Control of the signalling circuit Relay based protection and 4). control systems a) Frequent and specialized maintenance of relays b) Calibration needed for Time Delay Relay Relays c) Complex control cabling, large amount of cabling d) Difficulties in trouble shooting e) Wear and Tear of Large Quantity of moving parts f) Records of DJ tripping and other occurrences are maintained manually: i. Inconsistent records ii. Incomplete information iii. Inaccurate failure investigation Advantages of FDCS: This system has the following advantages over the conventional control system: 1. Elimination of a numbers of relays (Time delay relays, sequential relays, indication relays, no volt relay Q30 and over voltage relay Q 20) 2. Elimination of notch indication system. 3. Enhancement of availability of locomotive 4. Reduction in numbers of interlocks required 5. Reduction in size of master controller 6. Reduction in control wiring 7.Fault diagnosis, indication and recording

7. Easier trouble shooting as status/ fault massages are displayed to crew in the cabs 8. Easier to identify recurring problems by error log and event recording analysis 9. Easier and least maintenance 10. Improved reliability 11. Vigilance control and flexibility …………………………………………………………………. Q5. Running Allowances: Running staff are paid running allowance instead of TA. Certain percentage of the running allowance is taken into account as pay for fixation of pension, leave salary etc. The following allowances are paid to Running Staff: 1. Mileage (Kilometerage) Allowance: This is paid when staff is engaged in running of train as per actual Kms of driving performed. 2. Allowance in lieu of mileage: If the running staff is utilized for stationary duty in crew booking lobbies or inspectorial duties, the mileage in lieu of working at stationary duty is paid. 3 Waiting Duty Allowance: When running staff are called for duty and keeps on waiting for duty due to administrative reasons, in such case, running staff gets the mileage at the rate of 5 Kms per hour of waiting duty. 4. Allowance for Ghat Section: Class I Ghat Section:- If the section is having a ruling gradient of 1 in 40 or steeper. Class II Ghat Section :-If the section is having a ruling gradient of 1 in 80 or steeper but less than 1 in 40. The running staff working in Ghat section, gets the mileage computation 5 times the actual distance traveled in case of Class I ghat section and 3 times the actual distance traveled in case of Class-II ghat section. ………………………………………………………………….. Q6. . Speed Restrictions: Permanent Speed restrictions: 1. Drivers and Assistant Drivers must be fully conversant with permanent as well as temporary speed restrictions. Permanent speed restrictions are indicated in the working time table. 2. Temporary speed restrictions will be made known to the running staff at their booking office as under: a) Every Driver should study "Temporary Speed Restrictions" bulletin issued by the Division and sign the prescribed register in acknowledgment of having read and understood the same. b) Temporary speed restrictions imposed by the Engineering, Signal and Electrical Departments are communicated to the running office through messages and are displayed' on the notice boards at the booking points. c) Caution orders as prescribed in the General and Subsidiary Rules will be issued for all temporary speed restrictions. ………………………………………………………………. Q7. Automatic signalling A. Double Line *The line shall be provided with continuous track circuiting or with axle counters.*The line between two adjacent block stations may, when required, be divided into a series of automatic block signaling sections each of which is the portion of the running line between two consecutive Stop signals, and*The entry into each of which is governed by a Stop signal, and The track circuits or axle counters shall so control the Stop signal governing the entry into an automatic block signalling section that –*(i) the signal shall not assume an 'off' aspect unless the line is clear not only up to the next Stop signal in advance but also for an adequate distance(Unless otherwise directed by approved special instructions, the adequate distance shall not be less than 120 metres) beyond it, and the signal is automatically placed to 'on' as soon as it is passed by the train. ……………………………………………………………… Q8. Features of crew friendly cab: better, comfortable & adjustable seats; more leg space ; better door locks, windows sliding arrangement ; better amenities such as air-conditioning, toilets, drinking water, tea making arrangements, temperature control etc. ; better Cab lighting, better signal track visibility ; ergonomic features improving access to various controls and ease of handling ; superior

aesthetics, colour scheme, finish, interior décor; injury free features ; aerodynamic profile ; noise, vibration, dust proofing, safety features like driver’s view, headlight, large size rear view mirror, auto-flasher etc.. ……………………………………………………………… Q9. A Regenerative braking: is an energy recovery mechanism which slows a vehicle or object down by converting its kinetic energy into another form, which can be either used immediately or stored until needed. This contrasts with conventional braking systems, where the excess kinetic energy is converted to heat by friction in the brake linings and therefore wasted. Dynamic braking is the use of the electric traction motors of a railroad vehicle as generators when slowing the locomotive. It is termed rheostat if the generated electrical power is dissipated as heat in brake grid resistors, and regenerative if the power is returned to the supply line. Dynamic braking lowers the wear of friction-based braking components, and additionally regeneration can also lower energy consumption. Dynamic braking can also be used on railcars multiple units. ……………………………………………………………… Q10. A Brake Continuity test :on air brakes MUST invariably be conducted in the manner detailed below, in the following circumstances: At the Originating station.1) When a fresh locomotive or additional locomotive is attached.2) Whenever any vehicle is attached or detached.3)When brake pipe is disconnected to rectify any defect .The test is conducted by the guard upon receiving acknowledgement that the brake pipe is charged. The guard applies brakes in a documented method and the driver acknowledges this when a specific drop in pressure is observed in the gauges located in the locomotive. In the absence of a guard, an employee from the Carriage & Wagon department performs the test. At major stations and at crew change points, Carriage & Wagon department employees perform a similar test and hand over the Brake Certificate to the driver by observing the pressure drop from an SLR coach or pantry car nearest to locomotive. For passenger trains, the guard signs the Brake Certificate and sends it to the driver through the C&W employee. The driver will NOT start the rake unless he receives this certificate. The guard and driver also communicate over the walkie-talkie the pressure readings that are observed. ……………………………………………………………… Q11. Adhesion: it is the grip or force of attachment produced by friction between wheels and is required to keep the wheels from slipping. Coefficient of adhesion is the ratio of “maximum value of tractive effort which can be transmitted to the wheel” divided by the “effective value of load on the driving axle”. Factors affecting adhesion: 1.effect of speed= adhesion is maximum at start and then reduces with speed.2.rail condition and weather condition= wet rails reduces adhesion. Oily rails drastically reduces adhesion. Sanding helps. Dry leaves and coal dust also reduces adhesion. 3. Reduction of adhesion on curves= the angle subtended between the wheel flange and the gauge face of the rail is called the angle of attack. Increase in angle of attack by 1 degree as on curves reduces the adhesion by half. 4. Effect of weight transfer.5.effect of draw bar pull.6. Effect of traction motor nose. 7. Effect of vertical shocks. 8. Effect of performance characteristics of TM. 9. Effect of TM combination in series or in parallel. 10. Method of traction control. 11. Enginemanship Method to improve adhesion= 1. Bogie design. 2. TMs in parallel, 3. Field weakening of slipping TMs. 3.stepless control 4.sanding 5.crep control ……………………………………………………………… Q12. FOIS: This led to CMC's freight operations information system (FOIS), an integrated information and management system for controlling and monitoring the multifarious activities in freight operations. The FOIS has been designed to give major

strategic advantages to both Indian Railways and its customers, some of them are: Extension of the current business practice of bulk movement of freight traffic in trainload formations to piecemeal traffic to increase the market share by clubbing and moving together similar type of stock in 'Hub and Spoke' arrangement. Global tracking of consignments in real-time, whether in rakes or in individual wagons Facilitate acceptance (customer's orders), billing and cash accountal of freight traffic from identified nodal customer centres which may not necessarily be the handling terminals. Foundation for a complete logistics management system furnishing real time information on the chain of physical distribution, an essential element in reducing inventory costs, is being laid through FOIS. ……………………………………………………………… Q13. CMS: Centre for Railway Information Systems New Delhi, an IT development unit for Indian Railways, has developed a software named 'Crew Management System', wherein bookings of this sensitive category of people, which was done manually till now and monitored at various levels by Inspectors and Officers, is arranged through software. Crew Management System (CMS) is a unique system in which accuracy and monitoring is automatically maintained. The CMS system is being implemented in the Railways Lobbies at 306 lobby (Location where Railways crew are booked) locations with touch screen along with biometric devices for Sign-On/Off of crew from their duties. The Crew Management System software has a unique feature of booking the crew through SMS. System generated alerts are also sent to the required personnel With the help of the Crew Management System software, sign on/sign off of crew members has become extremely easy. At the lobby, they are provided with Kiosks, where they use their thumb impression to sign on/sign off. This has removed the need of their signing in registers or remembering passwords. It is very user friendly and easily adaptable by the crew. BA (Breathalyzer) capabilities are being added to Kiosks Benefits of Crew Management System: All crewing information is readily available through a common data platform. • All offices are synchronized at all times. • Graphical User Interface for planning as well as for running daily operations with full checking mechanism. • Time saving: crewing and payroll data need only be entered once. • A combined system for crewing and payroll saves time and money CMS database holds all the necessary information about each crew member including: basic data such as name, address, gender, nationality, date of birth and phone numbers Personal skills such as language speaking and professional skills such as the types of Crew and trainers' qualifications. ……………………………………………………………… Q14. Composite C/BB/K brake block is a rigid moulded friction material, grey-black in colour, having a random fibre asbestos base and containing metallic particles. It is manufactured only in the form of brake blocks, integrally moulded to a back plate. This material was originally developed to have the ability to withstand the heavy braking demands of Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) stock, operating suburban passenger services. Its use has since been extended to a range of duties from low speed shunting locomotives to high speed passenger trains. C/BB/K has a higher and more stable coefficient of friction than the conventional cast iron block which it replaces, resulting in lower application forces and permitting the use of smaller cylinders. It is a conformable block designed to eliminate thermal cracking of tyres, which had hitherto been a barrier to the widespread use of composition blocks. C/BB/K Block has several fold advantages in life over cast iron blocks and thus significantly lengthens service periods.

It is particularly beneficial in those situations where hot cast iron dust would present a safety hazard. Spark-free blocks are essential in oil refineries, chemical works and ordinance factories. The composition block has much to offer in the braking of passenger rail, minimising braking shocks by its smoother action and permitting higher load/tare factor. Indian Railways have been successfully using composition brake blocks for EMU rakes for over three decades, even in monsoon conditions. ……………………………………………………………… Q15. Composite vs. Cast Iron Brake Block: Advantages of Composite Brake block over Cast Iron Brake block are: 1. Coefficient of friction between brake block and wheel is more. 2. Less braking distance 3. Less weight 4. Less wheel tear and wear 5. Better braking and control Disadvantages: 1. Costly 2. Less heat dissipation due to poor heat conductivity 3. Chances of getting cracks higher 4. Frequent replacement required due to high wear and tear 5. Frequent adjustment between wheel and brake block required ……………………………………………………………… Q16. Absolute Block System and Automatic Block System: Ans: Absolute Block System Section to Be Divided in two: A. Station Sections. Under unitary control of concerned Station Master. B. Block Section. Under dual control of both adjoining concerned Station Masters. No train may enter in to block section without mutual agreement and operation between both the concerned. (Line Clear & Authority to Proceed) Essentials of Absolute Block System L/C may not be granted unless i. On double line the line is clear , not only up to the first stop signal at the block station at which such line clear is given , but also for an adequate distance(AD 400 MTS IN TWO ASPECT L.Q. OR CLS & 180 MTS IN MA/UQ – CLS AND MLQ) beyond it. ii. On single line the line is clear of the trains running in the same direction not only up to the first stop signal at the Block station at which line clear is given but also for an adequate distance beyond it. And is clear of the trains running in the direction towards the block station to which such L/C is given. The Automatic Block System: Double Line: 1) The line shall be provided with continuous track circuiting or with axle counters. 2) The line between two adjacent block stations may, when required, be divided into a series of automatic block signalling sections each of which is the portion of the running line between two consecutive Stop signals, and 3) The entry into each of which is governed by a Stop signal, and 4) The track circuits or axle counters shall so control the Stop signal governing the entry into an automatic block signalling section that – (i) the signal shall not assume an 'off' aspect unless the line is clear not only up to the next Stop signal in advance but also for an adequate distance beyond it, and (ii ) the signal is automatically placed to 'on' as soon as it is passed by the train.


Unless otherwise directed by approved special instructions, the adequate distance shall not be less than 120 metres. 6) Under special instructions, one of the automatic stop signal between two stations in the automatic territory in each direction may be made as modified semiautomatic stop signal; 7) The mid section modified semi-automatic stop signal will be interlocked with the signals of the station ahead. Indications whether the signal is in normal automatic mode or modified automatic mode shall be available to the SM of both end. 8) When mid section signal working with ‘A’ sign extinguished, the Advance starter signal of the station in rear be taken ‘OFF’ only when the line is clear up to an adequate distance beyond the mid-section semi-automatic stop signal. Similarly the mid-section modified semi automatic signal shall assume ‘OFF’ aspect automatically or be taken ‘OFF’ when the line is clear up to an adequate distance beyond the Home signal of the station ahead. ……………………………………………………………… Q17. Effect of Gear Ratio on Tractive Effort A gearbox links the traction motor shaft to the train axle in order to step down the rotational speed since motors run much faster than axles! As power = force x speed, and assuming that there are no losses in the gearbox, as the rotational speed at the axle is reduced, the force or torque at the axle is increased. Consequently, re-gearing is often used as a means of obtaining a revised traction characteristic to suit alternative service patterns. The effect of changing gear ratio is to change the train speed at which full load can be applied continuously without thermal damage to the motors. Therefore: 1. Increasing the gear ratio reduces the minimum speed (hence increases torque) at which a given locomotive can operate safely. 2. Reducing the gear ratio, increases the maximum speed at which a given locomotive can operate without mechanical damage to the motors. ……………………………………………………………… Q18. Effect of Wheel Diameter on Tractive Effort As the wheels wear down, the tractive effort characteristic will change! A change in the wheel diameter is effectively a change of gear ratio, and consequently as the wheels get smaller the starting TE will increase. However, as this also means that the axle speed becomes higher for any given train speed, the TE at higher speeds will fall off more rapidly. When train performance is being predicted, it is normal to assume the average half-worn wheel diameter. ……………………………………………………………… Q19. Items checked by crew at major halt: Pre-departure inspections for a train include testing the brake system continuity for the entire rake, locomotive inspection by the crew (checking fuel and oil levels, inspecting the traction equipment, the bogies, etc. The guard ensures the availability of safety equipment, last-vehicle indications and warning lamps, etc. En route at important stations where the train stops, the wheels/axles and bogies of the rake are checked: visual inspection to check for defects, trailing or hanging equipment, etc., using a mallet to test the bogie fittings, using contact or non-contact thermometers to detect hot bearings or axles. At many stations, track-side fluorescent or halogen lamps are provided to help in this inspection. ……………………………………………………………… Q20. Effect of TM combination in series or in parallel: Wheel-slipping of one axle causes the speed of that TM to increase, in turn increasing the back-emf, thus reducing the current. Now if TM groups are in series, the current-reduction in


slipping TM will also cause current-reduction in other TM in series with it, so developing slipping in additional TM. Whereas TMs in parallel will not be affected by slipping of one TM. Hence 6-P combination of TMs give better adhesion than 2S-3P or 3S-2P combination. ……………………………………………………………… Q21. Merits and demerits of Diesel and Electric Loco: Ans: Advantages include: 1. Lower running cost of locomotives and multiple units 2. Higher power-to-weight ratio, resulting in a) Fewer locomotives b) Faster acceleration c) Higher practical limit of power d) Higher limit of speed 3. Less noise pollution (quieter operation) 4. Lower power loss at higher altitudes 5. Lack of dependence on crude oil as fuel Disadvantages include: 1. Significant cost of electrification 2. Increased maintenance cost of the lines 3. Overhead wires further limit the clearance in tunnels ……………………………………………………………… Q22. Static vs Arno: Limitations of ARNO convertor- 1.Poor efficiency due to rotary converter 2.It consumes 30 KVA 3.Wide variation in output voltage & frequency due to OHE variations (20%,+30%) 4.Causing over heating & counter torque production 5.Possibility of auxiliary motors failure and weakening its insulation due to DOL starting 6. Lower system reliability due to usage of EM contactors and time delay relays 7. Switching surges due to DOL switching of loads 8.Power losses during start-up of ARNO (split-phase method) 9.High system start-up time due to delayed switching of auxiliary motors. Advantages of SIV- 1.High efficiency (>92%) 2.Balanced and stable 3-phase output voltage 3. (voltage –415V ± 5% & frequency – 50Hz ± 3%) 4.No overheating/counter torque problem (Due to output voltage & current THD<5%) 5.Soft starting feature eliminates auxiliary motor failures on account of switching surges and harmonics 6.Higher system reliability due to elimination of EM contactor and time delay relay 7.Extensive fault diagnostics & monitoring, with real time clock and fault downloading features .8.Direct interface with microprocessor based loco controller & indication for Loco pilots 9.Inbuilt protection like over load, single phasing, Earth fault and short circuit 10.Inbuilt battery charger and automatic restart feature in case of transient fault ……………………………………………………………… Q23. Commissioning of New type of Rolling Stock: Role of CRS: Sanction is required from the CRS in respect of – 1. Introduction of electric traction on any railway or section of a railway. 2. Bringing into use any new type of electric locomotive or EMU or to operate any in service at speeds higher than those already sanctioned. The term "New Type" includes: a) Any alteration made in the existing rolling stock which will have an effect on the riding characteristics of the rolling stock, Generally, the points to be considered are axle load, unsprung mass, primary and secondary suspension systems and load transfer arrangements between body and bogies and bogies and wheel sets. b) Any alteration in the traction electrical system which is likely to interfere with signalling system. On receipt of the Provisional Speed Certificate by RDSO, an application is made by the Chief Engineer of the concerned Railway to the concerned CRS for obtaining sanction. This is accompanied by Safety Certificate issued by CEE, CE, CSTE and CME. This certificate details restriction imposed and

precautions to be observed for the movement of the loco. CRS in turn will then forward the same to the Secretary (Works), Railway Board along with his recommendations. Engineering Directorate at the Railway Board will finally communicate the sanction based on the safety certificate issued by CEE, CE, CSTE, COPS and CME and comments of the concerned CRS for the provisional running of the rolling stock. Based upon the results of trials RDSO will issue a Final Speed Certificate indicating the maximum speed for which the new stock is considered fit, mentioning therein special precautions to be observed, if any. Based upon this certificate, the user Railway will issue a speed certificate signed jointly by CE, CEE, CME and CSTE and send the same to concerned Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS). ……………………………………………………………… Q24. Duty Hours and Running Allowances to Running Staff: Various types of allowances paid to running staff. 1. As we know, there are four category of Railway staff as given under: 1. Continuous 2. Intensive 3. Essentially intermittent 4. Excluded. The duty hours for running staff is counted from sign ON to sign OFF. The running staff are classified as continuous. The duty hours for the running staff is as under:i) Max. Hrs to be utilized in a fortnight. = 104 hours ii) No. of periodical rest in a month = 4 rests of 30 hrs each or 5 rests of 22 hrs each including a night in bed. 2. Normally, running staff are not put on duty for more than 10 hrs at stretch. They can claim rest after performing 12 hours duty provided they have given 2 hours notice. 3. Running staff should not perform night duty for more than 6 consecutive nights. They should not be out of headquarters for more than 3 or 4 days continuously. 4. Periodical rest should include the full night rest. This rest should normally be given in a week. HQ rest to running staff: 1. The Headquarter rest is given as under: i) For duty less than 8 hours = 12 hours rest ii) For duty more than 8 hours = 16 hours rest Outstation rest for Running staff:1. Outstation rest is given as under:i) For duty hrs of 8 hrs or more = 8 hrs rest ii) For duty hrs less than 8 hrs = half an hour rest for each hour of duty (Normally Min. 6 hrs. outstation rest is given). 2. While giving the HQ or outstanding rest as above, 2 hrs call time is also added. 3. Running staff accompanying dead/trial engine:When accompanying such engines, they may be allowed 2/3 rd of the time spent in journey, but if they travel in engine while on trial they will be entitled to full credit of whole time spent on journey. ……………………………………………………………… Q25. Paper line clear: The permission obtained on paper by a block station from a block station in advance for a train to leave the former and to proceed towards the later. ……………………………………………………………… Q26. DPWCS (Dynamic Power Wireless Control System): It allows multiple locomotives to be used at different locations over entire train consist. Such a system leverages the existing rolling stock and allows much longer trains to be run by minor up gradation of the locomotives.  Provides coupling between locos through RF communication.  Makes it possible to couple maximum of 4 locomotives to the Lead locomotives which can be connected in between or at the end of the train.

 It contains:  “Control and Communication Unit” – One No.  “Driver Interface Units” – Two Nos., one in each cab  “Brake Interface Unit” – One No. Function of DPWCS: 1). The system ensures authorized Login, 2). The system considers BP continuity for Grouping, 3). Intelligent Neutral section negotiation is possible on all remote Loco. 4). Pantograph lowering at trailing Locos corresponding to the Lead is possible. 5). Train parting is identified and the same is indicated on the DIU. 6). Dynamic Brake is synchronised on the Trail Loco. 7). On communication Failure the trailing Loco should come to zero notch. On resumption the self-test shall be performed to ensure the identity and of trail loco and indication to be provided at DIU. 8). If the Lead loco fails it is possible to work the train from the Lead at a restricted speed through DIU. 10). It is possible to shutdown/energies remote locos from the lead locomotive through Driver interface unit. 11). Possible to control traction notches or Braking notches from Lead locomotive through Driver interface unit. 12). System is capable of identifying fault during the operation and displaying on DIU. 13). Complete synchronizing of Remote Locomotive with the Lead Locomotive. 14). BP Continuity check before grouping two locomotives. 15). Automatic Neutral Section Negotiation in remote locos. 16). Manual Traction Control for remote locos. 17). Sensing of Train Partings. 18). Fail Safe Logics. 20). All parameters of Remote Locomotive available at Lead Locomotive screen. 21). User Friendly operation. ……………………………………………………………… Q27. How are communications or signals failures handled? In case of signalling equipment or block equipment failure (e.g., power failure, floods), if communications can be established between adjacent stations (by telephone on the public network or control telephones of the railway network, or in the past, by telegraph or bell code), paper line clear tickets may be issued to trains to proceed. Such paper authority is given along with issue of private numbers by station masters to establish proper authorization, authentication, non-repudiation of the action. Paper or verbal authority to proceed (with issue of private numbers) can also be given by section controllers if communications have broken down between adjacent stations. If there is a total breakdown of communications, the station master of a station can still issue a paper authority to proceed to the first scheduled train departing a station, subject to a restriction to run at or under 15km/h and a requirement to sound the horn or whistle freely to alert any possible oncoming train 1.In a single line station, in case of any defect in block instrument whereby paper line clear ticket has to be introduced, signal and telecom inspectors should reach the station immediately, within one hour of occurrence of such failure. 2. In case the failure is not rectified within three hours, the sectional T.I. or any other nearby supervisory station master should go to the station for assisting the staff there and to ensure that all rules are meticulously adhered to and appropriate authority for each and every train issued, taking care that there are no mistakes. 3. In such incidents, section controller should also ensure that no crossing or precedence is arranged at a station where such failure is continuing. 4. Similar precautions to be taken during introduction of single line working in double line sections. 5. In case of failure of block instruments in double line section, similar action should be taken for rectifying the failure in three hours. Section controller should not allow precedence at such stations till the instruments are put right. 6. Further, in case the senior supervisors mentioned above do not reach the station where such failure occurred within the stipulated period and there is mishap, they should be held equally responsible for the same. In case the non-attendance is

due to orders of the superiors, the superiors even at officer’s level should be held accountable. ……………………………………………………………… Q28. Trip inspection of loco or EMU: safety and reliability items Ans: Trip inspection: The trip inspection is mainly required for topping of oils, distilled Water in batteries and attention to various minor defects which have been recorded in the log book, During Trip Inspection the engine examiner should 1. Carry out detailed checks in regard to any unusual occurrence reported by the Drivers in the loco log-book 2. Visually inspect the auxiliaries for satisfactory starting and operation. 3. Feel by hand the temperature of axle roller bearings. 4. Visually inspect mechanical components like springs, dampers etc. and the brake rigging to detect any abnormality. Safety items of the under frame of locomotives i) Rail guard and cattle guard should be proper with no sign of damage or deformation. ii) Equalising beams, equiliser safety bracket and tie bolt should be without any crack. The bolts of the safety bracket should not be loose or deficient. iii) Helical springs of the locomotive should be without crack. iv)Safety ‘J’ clamp and safety slings of brake rigging should be in proper condition. v) Availability of axle box liners in position. vi) Brake block condition – it should not be tilted or broken. vii) Traction motor suspension lock pin should be intact. viii) Traction motor gear case fixing bolt should not be loose or deficient. Safety items of loco body 1) Effectiveness of hand brake. 2) Condition of screw coupling. 3) Lock pin of CBC and clavis condition 4) Proper securing and fittings of Buffer 5) Availability of foot steps 6) Effectiveness of horns 7) Speedometer recording-cum-indicator unit in Cab-1 and Cab2 are in working condition. 8) Availability of fire extinguisher 9) Portable telephone in working condition 10) Battery box bracket 11) Flasher are working in both cabs 12) Marker lights at both cabs are working 13) Both head light with proper focus 14) Availability of earthings poles and cables 15) Panto pan and leveling rod condition ………………………………………………………………. Q29. Items checked by crew at major halt Pre-departure inspections for a train include testing the brake system continuity for the entire rake, locomotive inspection by the crew (checking fuel and oil levels, inspecting the traction equipment, the bogies, etc. The guard ensures the availability of safety equipment, last-vehicle indications and warning lamps, etc. En route at important stations where the train stops, the wheels/axles and bogies of the rake are checked: visual inspection to check for defects, trailing or hanging equipment, etc., using a mallet to test the bogie fittings, using contact or non-contact thermometers to detect hot bearings or axles. At many stations, track-side fluorescent or halogen lamps are provided to help in this inspection. …………………………………………………………………. Q30. DUTIES OF OFFICER'S ON ACCIDENT SITE: Ensure proper protection of the adjacent track and preserving clue/evidence of accident.2. Ensure that the load is protected against rolling down, by putting hand brakes and wedges. 3. Check whether Medical van and Break Down train are required and order accordingly. 4. Provide first aid to victims and

transport injured passengers to nearest hospital. 5. Collect following particulars and inform the higher officials and controllers from the site of accident. A) Time and date of accident. B) Train No. and description of train/Trains C) Block section/station location, Kilometer age of accident site. D) Brief description of accident and site. E) Casualty/injury particulars if any. F) Condition of derailed coaches/wagons if any and speed restrictions to be imposed. G) Damaged condition of Track, OHE, Rolling stocks, S&T fitting etc. H) In case of level crossing accident- the type of road vehicle, casualty and obstruction on track. I) Prima facie cause of the accident, if known. J) In case of fire, the Coach/wagon No., material involved in fire, additional fire extinguishers required, if any. K) Any other relevant information. …………………………………………………………… Q31. Run-In: coupler - slack rapid change (compressed) *rear section of a train traveling at faster speed than the front portion, *Reason: sudden braking Run-Out :( stretched) *rear section of a train traveling at slower speed stretches than the front portion, *Reason: sudden acceleration cause sudden jerk results into breakage of coupling Why do Run-in & Run-out occur? *Sudden application of brakes, *Change in gradient,*Sudden change in speed, *in -built gap between locked knuckles. …………………………………………………………… Q32. Integrated Lobby - These are lobbies set up in major junction points to co-ordinate the train ordering activities. Crew booking, Guard booking, Power everything is done in the same lobby with an aim to minimise detention and maximise the crew / power utilisation. …………………………………………………………… Q33. Attaching/detaching loco: when the leading locomotive/s of a multiple unit consist is/are detached and the train is to proceed with the locomotive remaining, the driver of the latter must, before departure, make an application and release of the train brakes and must be satisfied that the air brake is in good every such cases the original train examination certificates must be transferred to the new leading locomotive. CONT…. …………………………………………………………………


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