Treasure's Legend

  • Uploaded by: Jezail Buyuccan Mariano
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 3,282
  • Pages: 10
Treasure’s Legend By: Jezail...JEIL...Mariano After the time when all unlikely creatures roam the earth, a new era begins. Our story erupted in a village far from technologies. The villagers’ way of life is just simple and their source of daily food comes from their fields and gardens. Children plays around while the man of the house are on the fields and the ladies of the house are inside their houses watching over their very young children and they are also the ones responsible for preparing the meals. Every day is the same, the father goes to work, the children roam around playing, and the mothers are left at home but their is a boy who does not play along with the other kids. The boys name is Jose and everyday instead of playing with the other kids he went on to a river in the middle of the forest where he likes to waste his time sitting near the riverbanks. Jose goes to that river which they call Forest River and sits there until the sun sets. Then one day a group of children in the village noticed what Jose is doing. Therefore, they told the parents of Jose that he is sitting in the riverbank of Forest River every single day. The father of Jose is not happy with it and he forbid Jose in going there but Jose did not obey his father and secretly goes there to sit around. While he was sitting around, he suddenly fell asleep. When Jose woke up, he was surprised because he did not wake up in his own bed but instead in someone’s bed. Jose tried to find the way out but failed to do so. He is like in a maze. When he finally found the exit he screamed and faint. Jose was starting to see the light when suddenly a strange creature appeared. Jose is shocked. However, while the creature is introducing

himself, Jose's fear is somehow settling down and they begun to chat a little. While Jose is chatting with the creature his parents are feeling a bit nervous because their son is not yet home. His mother went out asking the kids if they have seen Jose but no one seem to know where he is. His father remembered that Jose like to hang out in the riverbank of Forest River so he went there to search but also failed. Back to Jose, the creature picked him up when he saw Jose sleeping in the riverbank. He taught his family abandons Jose so he brought Jose to his place. The creatures name is Karn, the only survivor of his clan. Karn’s clan was a clan of monsters devoted to protect the humans long before they were all murdered. Jose was curious on who are the murderers. Karn said that the murderers where some of their clan members who were exiled because of their cruelty to humans. In Karn’s story, it happens when he was just a boy. His rock-hearted uncle Demon, the first in the clan to be exile, burned down their village. As the clan leaders older brother, he taught he was going to be the successor of the clan but their father made Peare, Karn’s father, the leader instead of him. Therefore, Demon has this anger towards his younger brother Peare. When the time came for Peare to take over he declared to protect and be friends with the human but his brother Demon, one of the Generals, disagreed. Demon said that they should conquer the humans instead of being a friend to them. Afterwards, Demon gathered some of his men to plot an attack against the humans. In that attack Demons troops where defeated by the humans led by their king, King Millan. Demon was capture and brought to his brother. King Millan and Peare agreed on vanishing Demon, instead of killing Demon, and he was advice not to go near

any of the humans or even to the clan. After Demons was exile, many of his men followed him. After some few years, Peare's village and King Millan's kingdom was at the same time attack by a powerful enemy led by Demon who while on his travels made some few friends who like him hates the humans and In that one single night King Millan's kingdom and Peare's village turns to dust. They escaped with only a few followers. King Millan only has with him is one of his general, five swordsmen, and his only son while Peare is left only with his five best warriors and his son. Both of thier wives where killed in the attack. King Millan and Peare suffer from bad injuries and both of them past after a few months. King Millan's general took his son raised it as his own and went on traveling until they reached a safer place While Karn stayed with his fathers best men and they lived in shadows where he was taught the art of fighting and the art of hiding. Karn's story about his past entertained Jose too much that he did not realize it is almost sunrise. Jose's father is so worried on why his son did not come home for almost a day he went on to the village elders to seek help. All the villagers gather around and form search parties. They all entered the forest and came out with nothing but an empty hand. The sun came up and Jose decided to go home so Karn showed Jose the way out. When Jose was on the village entrance, his father rushed in and hugs Jose then asks him where he went. Of course, he cannot tell about Karn because nobody would believe him so he created a story just to excuse himself from his father’s punishment. Later that night, while eating dinner Jose told his father about Karn. Jose noticed the face reaction of his father and tried to ask why but his father just kept quiet. While Jose is

sleeping his father went out. The next day Jose went to see Karn and was surprised to see his father talking to Karn. Jose wants to enter in the conversation but he was afraid of what his father would say. Therefore, he just stayed where he was hiding. After his father left, he showed himself to Karn with a question in mind but Karn did not answer Jose's question. Therefore, Jose left with a sad look in his faces because Karn told Jose not to go there anymore. Karn did not say why so Jose ran home hoping that his father would answer his question but also his father just ignored him. With everything that happened, he went to the forest riverbank and sat. Nighttime enters the scene and still Jose does not want to go home so he went to Karn's place but Karn was not home. Jose stayed in Karn's place for the night. When Karn came home, he found Jose sleeping in his bed. Jose woke up and he insist that he want to know what happening why he can't come over to Karn's place or why his father is acting so weird around him. With a promise made, Karn broke it and so he told Jose what is going on. Karn told Jose that he was traveling across oceans, mountains, and village after village in search of King Millan's son, Prince Hathe, because of the reason that Demian, son of Demon, is trying to find the key. Legends say that the key only reveals itself in front of a human with a royal blood and Demian knows that King Millan's son survived his father's attack. Jose is still confused and asks Karn on what is their connection to it. Therefore, Karn told Jose that the one he is searching for is Jose's father. Jose was surprised and speechless and he does not know what to think. Jose went home and found his father packing some things so he approaches his father and asks why he did not

tell. Prince Hathe explained everything and told Jose what he must do. Jose want to come but his father advised him to stay and protect his mother and he will tell everything when he return. After packing everything, Hathe promised his son that he would be back. While traveling the distance, Karn and Hathe came along a village almost burned to dust. While searching for evidence on what happened there a young wizard appeared and warned them to stay away. With Karn on Hathe's side the young wizard cast a fireball that nearly hit Karn so without hesitation Karn was about to counter attack but Hathe step in and stopped Karn. He convinced the young wizard that they meant no harm but still the young wizard is not willing to trust especially with Karn. While trying to convince the young wizard, Hathe’s village is being attack by fifty men led by Demian. With no defense, Demian easily captured the village. Demian gathers everyone and asks where King Millan’s son is but nobody seems to know who that man is. The village elders are trying to convince Demian that they are just all peasants trying to live a simple life and they do not know of such person. Like the other village they run into, no one seem to know where King Millan's son is. With an unsatisfied mind, he ordered his men to burned the village to the ground and kill everyone. While Hathe’s village destroyed, Hathe finally convinced the young wizard that they mean no harm. After introducing himself to the young wizard and with the young wizard doing the same, Hathe ask Mina, the young wizard, what had happen here. Mina told the story that some creatures who looks like Karn attack them and they where trying to know where King Millan's son is but no one in the village seems to know and they killed everyone. Mina was trying to fight back

but they where to many of them so all she could do is to run away. Hathe ask Mina where they where heading and Mina said they where moving to the north. Hathe suddenly started running towards the north with Karn catching up, Mina with a confused thought, and she does not want to be left alone so she followed Hathe and Karn. When the reached the village, they could only see fire. Hathe thoroughly search the whole village for clues on where his family is and he found them dead burned inside their own house. Hathe cannot stop from crying, Karn did everything he could but still Hathe’s tears are unstoppable. With just a few minutes later, Jose’s body glows while floating. Hathe revived, he fully recovered when his son came back to life but Karn has a different interpretation with what happened. Jose’s came to life only means one thing; he has the key inside of him. After Hathe return to normal and all the villagers where buried he decided to continue the journey with Jose joining the quest as well. Demian and his forces continue their search towards the north while Hathe’s party went to the west. With Jose as their guide, they came to a castle that is almost down to the ground. They started searching around when Jose glows again and he was pull towards one of the castle’s door. In front of it, the door suddenly opened and a strange voice speaks; “now that the key has arrived, he who holds the key can now enter and claim what is rightfully his”. Then the strange voice disappears. Full of confusion, Jose entered while his father, Karn, and Mina stayed outside. After entering the room, the door closed. Hathe, Karn, and Mina tried to open the door but it was tightly close, even Mina’s powerful attacks cannot pass through. Then the door opens a few hours later, Hathe asks his

son if his ok and what had happened inside. Before Jose could answer his father, two of Demian’s scout appeared that started a fight. With nothing smart in mind, they ask who among them the son of King Millan is. Hathe spoke and said, “Get lost before you loose your head”. Demian’s scout attacked holding a sword and Mina with a grudge cast a fireball that blows the two away. With that thunderous explosion, Demian heard it and they gathered all over the place. Luckily, one of his scouts survived Mina’s attack and he reported that King Millan’s son is traveling along with Demian’s cousin Karn, a girl that could cast a spell, and a boy. Unluckily, Demian’s scout crosses over after handling the information. With that information, Demian’s interest of having the treasure grows bigger knowing that King Millan’s son truly is still alive. Demain ordered his best trackers to track them down and report to him immediately with no confrontation. While Demian’s trackers scout around, Hathe and the others continue going west. They need to reach King Millan’s castle before sun down as the voice told Jose. Half way to the castle they encounter yet again a Demian’s tracker and another fight occur but Demian’s tracker is out numbered so he tried to run but Karn’s arrows are faster and one decreases Demian’s troop. They continued walking until such a time they reached the castle. Inside they entered, Jose glowed again and a secret chamber open so they entered. While inside the chambered, Demian’s troop also reached the castle but they cannot find any entrance so they built a camp just beside the castle for the night. Inside the chamber, King Millan’s ghost appeared and lectured his son and his grandson that they are about to receive the treasure their family has been protecting

all this time. First was a sacred sword, a powerful sword that could cut anything, second is a bow and arrow, its arrows can explode, third is a wand, a wand that could maximize a wizards power, and lastly is a potion, a potion that could heal any wounds or sickness. King Millan explained that this weapon’s were once used to bring peace in their world but it was sealed when Demon’s army defeated them before and the one who holds the key can only unseal these weaponries. The sacred sword was given to King Millan’s family long ago by an unknown oracle as well as the bow and arrow passed down to Karn’s family and the wand has been handled down to the wizards family which happens to be Mina’s family line and the potion can only be given to the one who holds the key. After receiving their own respected weapons the chambers door opened up and they where surrounded by Demian’s troop. Demian gave them the chance to surrender but Karn shot one of his exploding arrows that gave them the chance to escape but Jose left behind and Jose was capture by Demian. Hathe tried to go back but he was stop by Karn. Karn convinced Hathe that they will go back for Jose but they need a plan. With Karn’s art of hiding, he went to Demian’s camp to search for Jose while avoiding any of Demian’s guards. He saw Jose tied in Demian’s tent so he went back and they formulated a plan of attack. The plan was to distract everyone in the camp while Hathe rescue his son. To the east far from Demian’s camp, Karn started firing with his explosive arrows while to the west Mina started casting fireballs in Demian’s camp making Demian’s troops scattered around the camp. Demian anticipated their attacks so he stayed in his tent with Jose. Demian’s troops grouped themselves in to two, one group concentrated

their attack on the west and the other to the west but before any of the group arrived alive to where Mina and Karn were attacking. Out of twenty plus men going to the west and another twenty plus men going to the east, only tworeached Karn and only one reached Mina. In Demian’s tent, Hathe entered and saw Demian sitting beside Jose with his sword placed in Jose’s neck. Hathe challenge Demian to a duel and Demian agreed. Hathe and Demian is fighting in Demian’s camp while Mina easily defeated his enemy using his powerful spells and Karn could hardly compete against his enemies. Mina rushed in to aide Karn, Hathe gave Demian a taste of his sword but was surprised when Demian’s sword did not break. Demian laughed. Hathe cannot seem to understand what is happening and Demian saw confusion in Hathe’s eyes so he rushed in for an attack. Both battle everything out that their breath almost run out. While Hathe and Demian exchanging their blows, Mina reached Karn almost to the ground so he cast a fireball to one of Karn’s enemy and with the other distracted Karn gave him a blast. Mina help Karn and they immediately went down to Demian’s camp. They reached the two still fighting, Mina and Karn tried to help but Hathe stopped them and ordered them to untie Jose who is inside Demian’s tent. Hathe is still confused on why his sword that could cut through anything cannot break Demians sword. Demain again laughed and said, “you still don’t get it, do you”. Hathe does not want to get it and he continued his attacked but of course, Demian still has the advantage in sword fighting when it comes to experience. Hathe is losing but still does not want help from either Mina or Karn. All Mina and Karn can do is watch. Demian finally gave in and explained why Hathe’s sword cannot break Demian’s sword. Demian told them

that his sword is not just an ordinary sword. A dark sorcerer gave it to his father and it was the same sword used by Demian’s father when he defeated King Millan in their battle. Like what is happening to Hathe, King Millan was also in so much confusion so he was defeated. Demian added that like Hathe’s father, the same faith would be upon him. Hathe, full of anger, rushed in and the same thing happens to Hathe repeatedly. Every time Hathe attacks, Demian seem to come out victoriously. With Hathe on the ground, Demian was about to give his last attack but Jose waked up and he shouted, “Father”. Jose glowed and his father’s sword glowed. With no time to waste, Demian swings his sword and Hathe used his sword to take the hit. A light appeared causes by the two swords touching each other then an explosion. Both Hathe and Demian separated and both are on the ground. Jose, Mina, and Karn approaches Hathe to check if his ok. Hathe is still breathing but with a bad condition. Demian stood up with his sword held in his hand. He was walking towards them and both Mina and Karn in a defensive position. Demian’s sword suddenly cracked and was broken to pieces. As his sword turns to dust, Demian’s entire body was also turning into dust. Demian disappeared into thin air so as his sword. Jose uses his potion to heal his father and after just a few seconds, Hathe returns to normal. After defeating Demian, Hathe and his son return to the village to start over so as Karn who return to his place near Forest River were he stays permanently. As for Mina, with no village to go home to she decided to go along with Hathe. In a certain time, Hathe and Mina gave Jose a brother. With no evil around, they all lived happily and peacefully. THE END!!!!

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