Traitor In There Eyes

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 21,005
  • Pages: 58
Traitor in there eyes

Table of Contents Chapter 1 Disagreeing 1-39 Chapter 2 Surprises Chapter 3 Sacrifices

39-49 50-

Chapter 4 I can’t 4 Chapter 5 Giving in 5 Chapter 6 Suicide Missions


Chapter 1 Disagreeing “Bibiana, I’ll only be out for a little bit, okay?” Marcius said. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I replied softly.”Where are you going?” I asked “I’m meeting with the other Triste’s. Tristan wants to meet with us.” “Oh.” I said hesitantly. “Yeah, I know you don’t agree with triste ways. But…I do so…” “I really don’t know why…but whatever.” I replied lightly. “Alright well I have to go. See you later.” Marcius closed the door behind him, also locking it. Triste witches were one of the few witches that were “immortal” Marcius and I were two of those triste witches. The other witches that Marcius hung out with were: Tristan, Nicolette, Nikkos, Arryn and Arabella. Arryn and Arabella were the two “leaders” who were brother and sister. Marcius and I joined there group a couple years back. Though I didn’t really. I didn’t agree at all with what they did. Arryn claimed that it was a true Triste’s duty to exterminate vampires. When he told me that my reply was, “Well then I suppose I’m not a true Triste then.” Marcius, later told me to just be quiet and agree with them because they were the only group we had a chance at fitting into. Most of the time I listen to my brother but that one time I didn’t. I don’t understand why Triste’s feel the need to kill vampires. We're really not that different from them. We live forever, they live forever. They feed off blood and we feed off power. We both feed off humans. In different ways, but everybody’s different in one way or another. I started to make lunch since when ever Marcius comes home he brings all the other Triste’s with him. A couple hours later the lunch was ready and as soon as the oven started beeping Marcius and his friends came through the door.

“Bibiana! I’m home!” Marcius called. “Okay. Lunch is ready. And I made a whole pan for your friends.” “Awesome! Thank you Bibiana!” Nikkos said. “You know we could be your friends too if you joined us for a hunt once in awhile.” Nicolette said. Marcius answered her, “You know how my sister feels about that so stop bringing it up.” “I’m just saying. She always refers to us as “your” friends, Marcius. Never hers.” She tried again. “Marcius you know she has a point.” Tristan said, supporting his sister. I never said anything when they had discussions. Marcius always defended me so I really never had to. I said nothing and put the plates on the table. Nikkos was the first to take a plate and he helped serve the rest. “Hey Marcius, do you mind if we chill here for awhile? There’s not much to do at Tristan’s house or Arryn’s or mine. Yours is the biggest and most fun.” Nikkos asked. Nikkos was always so friendly. He was the one that tried most to be a friend to me also, though Marcius said differently. “No, I don’t mind.” Marcius replied to Nikkos, “Unless, Bibiana, do you mind?” he asked me. “No.” I replied shortly and lightly. Marcius usually tried to include me in, sometimes he forgot but if he did Nikkos remembered. Everybody went to the dining room where the food was, while I ate quietly in the kitchen. “Bibiana?” Arabella asked softly. “Yes?” “Do you not realize why Nikkos talks to you so much?” “Well…I assume he’s just trying to be friendly. But Marcius doesn’t agree with me.” “What does Marcius think?” “He thinks that Nikkos is…flirting.” I admitted. “But you don’t think he’s right?” “Somewhat.” I replied softly. Arabella walked away and back towards her brother, in the family room.

Marcius came back upstairs and helped me clean up. “So what were you and Arabella talking about?” he asked while scrubbing away at the table. “Nikkos.” I replied shortly. “What about me?” Nikkos asked from behind me. I didn’t even hear him come up. “Nothing. Just girl stuff. You boys really need to learn how to mind your own business.” Arabella pitched in. “Well it is my business if it’s about me.” Nikkos said. “As it is my business if it has to do with my sister.” Marcius said. “No it is not Marcius. You have nothing to fret about. It’s just girl talk and it’s really none of your concern.” Arabella said in her formal voice. Marcius growled and went back in the family room. “So why were you two talking about me for?” Nikkos asked again. “None of your concern Nikkos.” Arabella said formally again. Nikkos dropped it and went back into the family room. “Your welcome.” Arabella said to me. “Oh, thank you.” I said back. Arabella nodded and walked away. “I am quite curios in what all that fuss was.” Arryn said, trying to figure it out himself. “None of your business Arryn.” Arabella said. “Whatever.” Arryn said, not caring enough to argue. I continued in washing the dishes and cleaning the counters. The lasagna I cooked left quite a mess. “Messy, but delicious. As always delicious, Bibiana.” Tristan complimented. “Thank you Tristan.” I replied softly. “Sariuz brutter. Tsi-nhu vu ur cunak!” Arabella yelled in Triste tongue. “Miferatu! Zishter! Lussen me! Ur os ompitnet!”Arryn yelled back “ME ompitnet! Ur ompitnet! I uhn-btre!” Marcius stepped in. “Arabella, Arryn. Have your arguments elsewhere if it’s going to get escalated. I don’t want to have to replace my lamps again.” “Pu-ootsh Marcius!” Arabella yelled

“Arabella, I don’t want to argue with you. But this is my home and I am the master of my home.” Marcius said firmly. Arabella quieted and walked outside. Arryn followed her, most likely to argue with her more. “What was that about?” Nikkos asked. “Arryn was getting to curious about where Arabella was last night.” Tristan said “Though we all know she was with you.” Nicolette said. “Especially me.” She mumbled. Nikkos chuckled, “No wonder Arryn was so mad.” “Nikkos, pu-ootsh. You don’t know what you’re talking about so just shut up.” Tristan said. “Well he’s certainly on a good lead. You know as well as I do that Arryn would be angry about you and Arabella.” Nicolette said. “Well he can’t expect her to not be with somebody forever. If he really cared about her he’d be happy that she finally found somebody.” Tristan argued. “He does. But you can’t expect him to be happy about her rushing into it. You’ve only been together for a couple months now.” Nicolette argued back. “Nicolette, we’ve known each other for well over thirty years now.” “As friends.” Nicolette added. Tristan growled and didn’t argue any further. Marcius came back upstairs to the kitchen. “Tristan and Arabella?” I asked him quietly. “I suppose so.” He whispered back. “whisper-whisper-whisper” Nikkos whispered behind us. “Miferatu, Nikkos. You have to stop sneaking up like that.” I said. Nikkos chuckled, “Do I?” “Yes.” Marcius growled. He went back downstairs to talk to Nicolette. “He doesn’t like me much does he?” Nikkos asked me. I shrugged and turned around. “You don’t either, do you?”

“No, I just…keep to myself.” I said softly. “Why is that?” “Because…I…just do.” “That’s not a real answer.” Nikkos pressed. “Because I don’t agree with this Triste group’s ways.” “Which ones. I mean, which ways do you not agree with?” “The one where, you’re not a true Triste if you don’t take the obligation of hunting and killing vampires. And the one where, you’re not a true Triste if you mate or marry any creature that is either not human or not of witch blood.” “You have very…standable…opinions.” Nikkos hesitated as he searched for the right words. “Thank you.” I turned and grabbed a cleaning rag, throwing it in the sink. Nikkos went back downstairs and Marcius glared at him for a second.

Hours passed as Marcius and his friends watched movie after movie. Most of those hours I was in the front room reading. Usually when Marius’s friends were over I didn’t go in my room because then Marcius would complain that I hide from his friends. “Bibiana.” Marcius called. I walked into the family room, “Yes?” I asked. “Can you start making dinner tonight again?” he asked. “Sure. Umm…will your friends be eating over tonight?” I asked “Will you be?” He asked them. Nicolette and Tristan had to leave; Arryn and Arabella also did, so Nikkos was the only one that agreed to stay. I prepared dinner for Marcius, Nikkos and I. Marcius wasn’t too happy about Nikkos staying for dinner, especially when it was just him. Usually if somebody else stayed too, Marcius really wouldn’t mind but Marcius started not liking Nikkos as much, when Nikkos met me and made an attempt to be friends.

Dinner was silent. The whole room was filled with an aura of awkwardness. Marcius’ aura screamed annoyed, Nikkos’ aura was nervous and mine was just quiet as usual.

“Wow, Bibiana. You’re an amazing cook.” Nikkos complimented when he finished. “Thank you Nikkos.” I said shyly. “Yes, Bibiana I must agree.” Marcius added. “Thanks Marcius.” “Marcius? I was wondering if I could stay a couple more minutes to talk to you?” Nikkos said. I turned around wondering if I should stay downstairs longer than I had already. But Nikkos said it like he wanted to talk in private so I went upstairs to my bedroom to sleep.

I woke up in the morning, feeling drained. I needed to hunt. I never looked forward to hunting so I always held off for as long as possible. Usually Marcius joined me to help me get past it, but today Marcius had plans with his friends. I got dressed and walked downstairs. Marcius was sitting at the kitchen table. “I thought you had plans today?” “I do. Not until noon though. Which is actually coming up soon, so I should go.”He got up, “What are your plans for today?” “Not much. Just going to go hunting, come home, and read.” Marcius sighed, “Okay. Well, see you later then.” He said and left. I cleaned up after Marcius and left the house.

I walked around by the mall for awhile until I decided to go in. Roaming around stores and the Food Court. I sat down at a table without a tray or any food. None of the millions of people around me attracted me to take their power. Though I knew that if I didn’t feed soon I’d become too weak. I got up and left the food court and decided to check out a few stores. I went to some clothing stores, and décor stores. None of which held any humans that caught my attention. Why did this have to be so hard for me? It wasn’t hard for any of the others. But I knew that was also because most of them didn’t have any morals, though they would claim that it was vampires that didn’t have any morals. The last store I went to was a Gothic clothing store. I searched around not really for clothing but more for a human that would hopefully catch my attention.

“You don’t look like a girl that would be interested in the stuff here.” An unfamiliar voice said. “Why do you say that?” I asked in my usual soft voice. “Because…I don’t mean to sound judging but…because of the way you look.” “Oh...well. You really shouldn’t assume things on the way a girl appears.” I said lightly. He chuckled, “Yes I suppose I shouldn’t.” Maybe I could feed off of him. He looked powerful enough, for a human, but he would fill my hunger. “Maybe I should look in a different store then.” I said, hoping to draw him out of the store. I walked away and he followed me. “Wait, I didn’t mean to offend you.” He said. I turned. “Start over?” he asked. “Sure.” I said looking into his eyes. “Okay, cool. My name’s Zach. What’s yours?” “Bibiana.” I answered. “Really? Wow, that’s a unique name.” “Yeah, it’s Greek.” “Cool…ummm, do you want to go get something to eat?” “Sure, but the Food Court’s too crowded.” “Yeah, got to agree with you there. There’s a little bakery right next to the mall actually.” “Really? Yeah, sure.” “Okay, cool” I left the mall with Zach, however when we got out the doors he pulled me to the corner where it was pretty much secluded, and started kissing my neck. Damn it, he was a vampire. I should have known that was the reason why he smelled so powerful. “Stop.” I told him, but my voice was too soft for him to take me seriously. “Don’t worry. It only hurts a little at first.” “I’m not telling you to stop for me. I’m telling you to stop for you.” “What? Why?”

“I’m a triste witch, and I know what my blood does to your kind. I don’t want to poison you.” I said softly “Damn! But…why’d you warn me? Others of your kind would have jumped to the opportunity of poisoning me. Why’d you tell me?” “I’m not like others of my kind.” I stated “I’ve never heard of a reject Triste before. But I guess there’s a first for everything.” “I’m not a ‘reject Triste’ I just…don’t agree with there ways.” “So you don’t poison my kind. But I doubt that you aren’t like all the others when it comes to hunting them.” “Actually, that’s another thing I don’t agree with.” “Really? Well Bibiana, I must say you are unlike any other of your kind.” “Thank you.” “No, thank you. If you weren’t the way you are. I would be dead right now. So I owe you.” “Well then…umm…” “What? Just say it. I will do anything. I owe you that much.” “I haven’t fed in a long time.” I said softer than usual. Zach chuckled, “Fine, go ahead. I’ve never been fed off by a Triste, now I’m curious in what it feels like.” I giggled, “It doesn’t hurt.” I put my hand lightly on his arm and felt his power flow through me. Soon my hunger was finally filled and I took my hand off of his arm. “Wow, that was…different.” “For you. No different for me.” “I suppose so.” “Well, I’ll see you later then. Or maybe not.” I said trying to get away. “Hopefully we will run into each other again but if we don’t…that’d be a shame but there wouldn’t be anything I could do about it, I suppose.” “Yeah, well bye.” “Goodbye Bibiana” He left and I went the other direction.

When I got home Marcius and his friends were already there. “Where’ve you been Bibi?” Marcius asked “I was having trouble finding somebody. But I got it done.” “Bibiana, you act and talk as if feeding is a disgusting chore. Do you not love it to feel the power running through your body?” Nicolette asked “Speaking of. Bibi you missed it! Today’s hunt was awesome! We actually got a vamp!” Nikkos said, excited. I felt out of breath and woozy, “W-what?” “I said-“ “NIKKOS! Shut up! You know she doesn’t agree-“ Everything seemed to fade out and before I knew it I was falling.

“Bibi? Bibiana? Are you awake?” Marcius asked. My eyes fluttered open and then I regretted opening them. I was in my room, on the bed and Marcius was kneeling by my bedside. “Yeah. I’m half-awake.” “Oh miferatu. You know how uncommon it is for a witch to faint. Nonetheless a Triste witch. What the hell happened?” “I-I don’t know. I just couldn’t breathe. Nikkos was talking about your vamp hunt and I just-just couldn’t breathe.” I said starting to hyperventilate again. “Bibi, no, you’re not fainting again. Calm down. It was only one. No big deal.” “ONLY one. It’s still murder Marcius! No matter how many it is!” “Bibi calm down. You’re going to pass out again and then I’m going to be forced to take you to SingleEarth.” I attempted to calm down, and took slow, deep breaths. “Wh-who was it?” “Does it matter? It’s not like the names even matter.” Marcius said. “Yes it does. Vampires have names too, you know. And I’d like to know the name of the person my brother murdered.” “I didn’t kill her. Tristan did. But it’s not like I know her name anyway. We just caught her feeding off a human so we killed her.”

“I don’t want to know anymore.” I got up off the bed and stood up. A little dizzy but only from moving too fast. I walked out of the bedroom, Marcius behind me. Everybody was still in the family room talking and not paying any attention to the movie that was on. “Hey, sleeping beauty is finally up.” Nicolette said. “Yeah it’s about time sleepyhead.” Tristan said. “You’re a murderer Tristan. I really hope that you realize that. I hope you all do. Because you’re all murderers!” I said angrily. Marcius tried to grab my arm to tell me to calm down. But I already left. I went back to the mall and back to the Gothic store hoping to miferatu that Zach would be there. And my prayers were answered. As soon as I entered the store Zach came up to me. “We need to talk.” He pulled me to the side of the store where it was secluded enough. “You need to talk to your damn people. My sister-in-law was fucking murdered by your people! Do you understand that?!” “What was her name?” I asked softly “Why do you care? It was your people that did it!” “Because it matters to me what the name of the woman was that my brother’s friends killed. What was her name?” “Himari. Her name was Himari.” He said softly. “Look, I’ve tried before to talk the others into not killing but they don’t think the way I do. My brother and his friends they never knew any vampires for real so they never knew anything but to hate them. But I knew better. My best friend was a vampire and I loved her like a sister I always wanted but never had. She also was murdered by hunters too. Okay so, I do, in a way, know what it feels like to lose Himari.” “I don’t mean to sound cruel but that doesn’t matter. Himari’s death is going to bring on a war. My brother, her husband is going to want revenge and all his friends will back him up. Including me. If you abandon your people you won’t have to get involved and I pray to miferatu that you won’t.” “You really think it will come to that?” “Bibiana, they killed my brother’s wife. It’s going to come to that.” “Okay. There’s not much I can do about it, is there?” “Unfortunately, no.” I nodded and turned to walk away. Zach grabbed my arm, “Wait, I don’t want you to leave yet.”

“Sometime soon we’re going to have to realize that one of us is going to end up walking away.” I said softly, as usual. “We can hold off as long as possible though.” He argued. “That wouldn’t be smart though.” I argued back. “So. Who said I was smart?” “I should really go. My brother’s going to worry especially since I left very angry.” “I wouldn’t take you as the kind that gets angry.” “I’m not usually. Most of the time I’m quiet and gentle. But when people that I know commit a murder I happen to get pretty pissed off.” “Well then my prediction was correct.” “What was your prediction?” “That you were soft and innocent, but fight for what you think is important.” He answered. “That’s my middle name.” Which one? Is fighting for what’s important your middle name or…” “No, Innocent. Well actually it’s Innocence but, that’s my actual middle name. Bibiana Innocence Moral.” “Wow, really? That’s funny. Alive Innocence Moral. Your name’s so you.” “Alive?” “Yeah, that’s what Bibiana means. I thought you knew that.” “Oh, no, I didn’t know that. So what’s your full name?” “Zacheus Benjamin Lorden.” “Lorden? Are you related to Dariam Lorden?” “Yes, that’s my brother. Why? Do you know him?” “No, I’ve just heard the name tossed around once or twice.” “Ah, well…that’s odd. Though I suppose my brother does have a reputation, I guess.” “Yeah he does. Nikkos is always talking about how he’s the most wanted vampire.” “Is Nikkos…your…ummm…”

“Oh, no…he’s just another friend of my brothers. Sometimes he has a big mouth but if it weren’t for it I probably would’ve never known what happened.” “Ah, well then, I thank Nikkos for telling you, but I curse him for murdering my sister-in-law.” “Actually, technically, it wasn’t Nikkos. But he helped, so, whatever.” “Well then, can I know which Triste did kill her?” “I don’t think I’m aloud to tell you that.” “Do you think you’re even aloud to be here?” Zach asked sarcastically. “No.” “Well then what difference would another ‘rule’ be? You don’t follow normal Triste rules anyway.” He pointed out. “True but, you wouldn’t recognize him in person anyway, even if I did tell you.” “Who said I wanted to know so I could recognize him? If you don’t mind I’d like to know the name of the man that killed my brother’s wife.” I sighed, “Fine, his name’s Tristan.” “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Zach said sarcastically again. “Come, let’s walk and talk.” “Okay.”

So we walked and talked. Zacheus told me about his brother and his friends and I told him about my brother and the vampire friend I had. A couple hours passed, Zacheus offered to buy to get me dinner, I declined, but he insisted so we went to the Food Court and got some Chinese food. “You know, you never told me her name. The name of your friend I mean.” Zach said when I finished another story. “Oh…right. Uhh…I haven’t been able to say her name for a long time.” I said softer and looked down at the table. “What do you mean? You’re-“ I looked up, into his eyes, and the tears in mine cut him off and answered his question. “Oh, I’m sorry Bibiana. I didn’t mean-“ “No, it’s okay. It’s just remembering her. That’s all.” “I don’t mean to press, but maybe if you say her name…get it out.”

“Yeah, maybe.” “So…” “Her name… was… Ormanda.” I said choke up. “Wait, what? Ormanda Cliona Ashling?” “Uh, yeah…you knew her?” “Bibi, I know her. Va-Ormanda’s still very much alive. Or…not alive but, she’s not dead.” “What? No, she died, Marcius told me himself.” “Marcius, your brother? Did it ever occur to you that he might have just told you that to get you away from her?” “No, she can’t be alive. Arryn even apologized for killing her. He told me himself that he didn’t know I was friends with her. Ormanda is dead.” “No, she’s not. Actually, I just talked to her a couple days ago. I assure you, she’s not dead.” “Prove it.” I challenged. There was no way Ormanda was alive. “I have her phone number on my cell. I could call her.” Zacheus answered. “No! Don’t.” “So you believe me.” “Maybe. But now I have to have a serious talk with my brother.” Zacheus chuckled, “Maybe you and Ormanda can have a friend reuniting.” “Maybe. Umm…can you come with me to talk to my brother?” I asked. I would need to have a good argument and be able to prove to Marcius that I knew. Plus, Marcius might be able to talk to me out of everything. He might be able to re-convince me that Ormanda’s dead. I needed Zacheus there to not let that happen. “As much as I’d like to help you, I don’t think that’s a good idea. One vampire in a house full of triste’s not a good idea at all.” “Zach, please, I need your help. If you don’t come with me there’s a very good chance that Marcius is going to be able to re-convince me, and I really don’t want that to happen. If you’re there to convince me she’s alive, it won’t. Please. I’d be in your debt forever.” I begged. “You realize that if I go with you he’s going to find out that you’ve been hanging out with a vampire.”

“Yes, but that’s how I got into this mess anyway so it’s hardly relevant.” “Alright fine. But this better not get turned on me.” He agreed. “It won’t, I promise. Thank you.” I got up and Zach did too. “So I take it, were going now?” “Yes, I need to get it done as soon as possible, which would be right now so I don’t start doubting myself.”

Zacheus and I arrived at the house a couple minutes later. “Okay, just stay by the stairs. All I ask of you is to just keep reminding me she’s alive. And again, thank you, thank you, and thank you.” “Ok. And as long as it doesn’t get turned on me. I have no problem being here. Plus, I like it when people are in huge debt to me. Then I can talk them into doing any favor I ask them to.” I giggled and tried to remind myself why Zach was here before I opened the door. Soon I was filled with anger and betrayal. “Bibi, do you mind if I just remind you mentally, that way I have a lesser chance of getting caught in the middle of it?” It took me a minute to understand what he meant. “Sure.” I opened the door and walked in. As usual, everybody was in the family room. I sat on one of the three steps before the steps meet the family room, waiting for everybody to stop laughing so they’d actually be able to notice my presence. I finally got impatient enough and spoke up. “Fifty-eight years Marcius.” I said softly but louder than usual. Marcius jumped and turned around. My head was down so he wouldn’t see my eyes. “Bibi, where have you been?! You can’t just disappear like that for hours! Do you know how worried I’ve been?!” Though I wanted to say, “Sure didn’t look like it,” I wasn’t about to change the subject. “For fifty-eight years you’ve been telling me lies, Marcius. Why? Why didn’t you just let it be?” I asked softly. “I don’t know what you’re rambling on about Bibiana but you-“ “Stop lying Marcius! Just stop! I know that you lied Marcius, so just admit it and stop!”

“Bibiana, what the hell are you talking about?” “Stop playing dumb Marcius. I know Ormanda isn’t dead! I know that you lied to get me away from her!” “Oh, Bibi,” Marcius said sympathetically, “I don’t know what you saw to remind you of her but Bibi, she’s…dead. We’ve apologized over and over again. And we are really sorry about that. Bibi, you have to let her go.” Marcius said, trying to convince me. “Don’t let him fool you Bibi. I’ll call her right now if it will help you not get reconvinced.” Zach reminded me silently. I had almost forgotten he was there. “Stop it Marcius! I know the truth now and I’m not getting sucked into your or Arryn’s lies again.” “Hey, don’t bring me into this. I apologized a hundred times Bibi.” “No you didn’t! Your apologies were part of the lie! All of you lied to me. But especially you Marcius!” Before Marcius could try to argue again, Arabella spoke up, “Marcius, why is a vampire in your house?” I turned around, Zach looked a little worried, but he was out of their eye sight. Arabella must have felt his aura. She pulled out a knife from her boot. “It’s hardly relevant Arabella! My being friends with vampires is nothing new, so it really doesn’t matter! My being friends with vampires is what made you all lie to me anyway!” “No Bibi, your being friends with vampires is what got your vampire friend killed.” Arabella said. “She’s not dead! Just stop lying! Stop it!” “Bibiana, why do you think this?” Marcius asked. “Because I finally figured out the truth.” “Bibi, tell me. What in the world so highly convinced you that your friend is not dead?” “That fact doesn’t matter Marcius.” “See Bibi, you don’t even have an answer. Bibi, I know it’s hard for you, but you need to let her go.” “I’m not letting go when she’s still alive.” “Can you please tell me why you have this stuck in your head?”

“That doesn’t matter Marcius. What does though is you admitting that you lied to me.” “Bibi, tell me what happened.” “Why don’t you Marcius. Tell me why you felt the need to chase off Ormanda. Tell me why you lied to me.” “I didn’t lie to you Bibi. Your friend is dead as she has been for fifty-eight years. Please don’t make me tell you how it happened again.” “I’m fed up.” Zach said from behind me, which startled me, “Just stop lying, everybody in this house knows the truth so you mine as well just get it off your chest.” “I thought you said you didn’t-“ “Bibi, hush a second. You’ve said enough. Now it’s time for the liar and the cause of you knowing, to talk.” Zach said softly. “You got something to say bloodsucker?” Marcius growled. “As a matter of fact I do. Stop lying to her. You’re just getting yourself into deeper shit by lying more.” “So you’re the one that convinced her that her friend is alive. You’re just hurting her more by getting her hopes up when her friend is dead.” “Oh come on! You’ve got to be joking! You’re going to try that with me, when I have her number on freaking speed dial?!” Zach said laughing, “I could call her right now, since that would catch you in your lies.” He offered. I shook my head, “No, I’d cry if I heard her voice again.” “How about a visit?” Zach whispered in my ear. Marcius didn’t like Zach that close to me. “Get the hell away from my sister!” He growled, stepping forward. Zach stepped back lightly, grinning playfully, “What are you going to do if I don’t stay away from her? You going to tell her I’m dead too. Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think she’d fall for that one. At least, not as easily as before. But then again, I don’t think you’d have any problem killing me for real, since you did kill my sister-in-law.” “Is that why you’re here then? To avenge your relative?” Marcius growled. “Oh, no, no, no. I’m simply here because Bibi asked me to be.” Zach grinned wider. I really don’t know why he was so playful looking. Maybe he really was having fun with this. Since he knew it was a win-win situation. If Marcius kept lying, Zach could call Ormanda for proof, if Marcius admitted it then we wouldn’t need it but we’d still win.

Marcius growled and jumped forward. Zach easily and quickly stepped back and Marcius fell on the ground. I stepped forward to make sure Marcius was okay but Zach held up a hand to signal for met to stay there. “I’m not going to fight back Marcius. I’m simply going to dodge you and keep trying to make you admit it. Remember, I do have proof and it would really make you like an asshole if I did call her, so it is really simpler for you to just admit, apologize to her, and ask for forgiveness. I assume you don’t like looking like an asshole, but then again I don’t really know you all that well.” Zach stepped away again as Marcius jumped again. This time Marcius didn’t land on the ground he stayed standing. “Why won’t you leeches just stay away and leave my sister alone!” Marcius growled again. “I actually have two answers to that. One: Because she actually ran into me, and Two: If I met her just a few moments after I did, when you killed my sister-in-law, I would have very good reason not to. But of course, my chosen answer is number one. And plus, she came looking for me after she heard what you did so…” Zach was still grinning; it was obvious he was having fun with victory. “Oh, and might I let you know, by saying that, you partially just admitted what you did. What I wonder is how you made Ormanda stay away. I mean, you could have told Bibiana that Ormanda was dead but that wouldn’t keep Ormanda from knocking on the door one day.” “You want to know why she stayed away? Because she’s dead!” Marcius growled. “Wrong answer Marcius. Now I have to call her.” Zach said to him. “Sorry Bibi, but it seems that I also have to convince your brother that she isn’t dead. Though he’s the one that lied to you…” Zach trailed off as he grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket. He pressed a few keys and the cell phone went on speaker. I could hear the phone ring. Once…Twice… “Dia dhuit?” a female voice answered. “Ormanda. It’s Zacheus. I need help convincing some people that you’re alive. Can you say Hello to them?” “Oh…hello Zacheus…and people with Zacheus. Zach, please tell me you don’t have me on speaker. I would be rather annoyed if you do.” “Sorry I annoyed you.” Zach answered. Ormanda sighed on the other line, “Oh, well. I really don’t see why you need to convince others that I’m alive. I haven’t been in any accidents…Has there been some misunderstanding?”

“Yes, there has. But it’s been taken care of. I’ll talk to you later. Oh and Dia is muire dhuit.” “Alright slán.” “Go raibh maith agat, slán” Zach flipped the phone shut and walked over to me. He wiped a tear off my cheek and helped me loosen my grip on the railing. “Sorry, I know it upset you to hear her voice again, but I promise you’ll see her again. And maybe now you’re witches will be convinced that you know.” “Really, I’ll see her again? How are you going to get that worked out?” “YOU MOST CERTAINLY WILL NOT!” Marcius yelled, his temper flaring. “Marcius, Shut up, you lied to me, so there for you owe it to me to do just that.” Zach chuckled, “Have you forgotten, that I’m in very close contact with her? And I’m very sure she’ll be dying to see you so it’ll work out perfectly.” He said reassuringly. “Oh and Marcius, I am still quite curious on how you convinced Ormanda to stay away.” Zach said to Marcius. “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS YOU FILTHY BLOODSUCKER!” Marcius roared. “Might I remind you Marcius, you owe me an explanation. So answer Zach’s question.” “I told her too. I told that rotten bloodsucker that if she didn’t stay away I’d kill her. So she did.” Marcius said angrily. “MARCIUS! You do not insult my friends. Especially Ormanda!” I yelled. “Okay, I have my answer. Now can we go?” Zach asked me. “YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH HIM!” Marcius yelled again. “Marcius, I’ll do what I want. And I most certainly will be going now. I’ll come home, so you don’t need to worry about me running away.” I said and walked away. Zach followed beside me. As soon as we were down the block I asked him, “Did you really mean that? About me seeing Ormanda again?” “Of course I meant it; I wouldn’t get your hopes up like that and then not have you see her. I’ll set up a visit for you two in a couple days. Week at the most. You’ll probably end up reuniting at a Blood meeting.” “I don’t ever go to those. Marcius sometimes goes, Arabella and Arryn always go, but I never do.”

“Well then you’ll go to your very first. I’ll take you. Plus, I kind of have to bring you. Ormanda’s going to be awfully curious on what I was talking about and I’m going to have to explain. You can help me with that since I helped you.” Zach said, grinning again. “Okay. But…if Marcius told Ormanda to stay away because he’d kill her… wouldn’t she be scared to see me again?” “Ormanda? Scared? I don’t think so. Ormanda isn’t scared of anything. I think the only reason she stayed away is because he must have told her something else too. Ormanda would never stay away just because her life was threatened. He must have threatened somebody else that she cared about.” “Maybe…I don’t know.” “Well, we’ll find out when you see her again. You can talk to her about that.” “Okay…Where are we going?” “I don’t know. Where do you want to go? I think the mall’s closed. We could go to my place…I guess. Though my brother’s there…” “I don’t know…maybe not. We could go to…” “Hey, I dealt with your brother and more, so you have to put up with mine too.” Zach pointed out. “But-“ “No, no buts. We’re going to my place and that’s final.” I giggled, “Okay, your brother’s not…as bad as mine is he?” “Actually, he probably won’t even know what you are so…It shouldn’t be a big deal. Unless you want him to know, than he will probably have a big conniption about it but if you don’t then he won’t.” “Okay…but would it really be the best time for me to come? With his wife… wouldn’t he still be mourning?” “Yeah, but he’ll probably be in his room most of the time anyway so you won’t really have to deal with him. But if you were to tell him that you’re a Triste he’s definitely going to be upset about it. Especially since…well, you know.” “Yeah…okay.”

We arrived at Zach’s place in about twenty minutes. His house was huge, even bigger than mine. “Wow, your house is huge.” I commented.

“Well, when one is alive for three hundred years you get to know how the economy works. Money isn’t really a big issue with my kind.” “Ah. That must be cool.” “Yeah. We have enough to worry about. We don’t the money issue too so it’s cool.” Zach opened the door and walked in. I followed behind him. “Dariam, I’m home!” Zach called. A man, though he could hardly be called a man from his still boyish looks-, came downstairs. He had brown chin length hair, though it was sort of shaped to his face. “I was starting to wonder when you were going to get back…” he said trailing off when he noticed me. He looked at Zach questioningly but said nothing about my presence. “Kairos and Primius are coming over soon to help…organize things.” Dariam said hesitantly. “Oh, Darium, I was going to take care of that. You shouldn’t have called Primius over.” “It’s fine. Primius can take care of it. You weren’t here so I called them.” “Fine. But if Primius says anything he shouldn’t don’t expect me to hesitate this time.” Zach grumbled. Dariam nodded, “Tell me when they show up.” He said, and went back upstairs. “What did you mean by that?” I asked Zach, following him into the kitchen. “About what?” “You said that you wouldn’t hesitate this time?” “Oh. Umm…Primius has a bad habit of trying to take what isn’t his. He also has a bad habit of saying rude and disrespectful things, kind of like your friend Nikkos. He has a big mouth. Last time at a Blood meeting he said something, I was going to punch him but Dariam held me back. That’s all.” “Oh, okay.” “Oh, there’s something else you should probably know. Primius is older so he might be able to tell what you are, unless you’re a really good actress.” “Eek, I never took acting classes.” I joked. “That’s okay. If Primius says anything it wouldn’t matter. Dariam would support anything I choose, he might ask you some questions and he might be a little upset but since you had nothing to do with it and you don’t take any part in any Triste ways you’ll be fine.”

“Okay. What about the other one?” “Kairos? No, he won’t be any problem. If anything he’d flirt with you. He’s usually instantly attracted to anything that he’s not suppose to be. That’s pretty much all you’d have to worry about with him. But don’t worry; I won’t let him get to crazy with you.” “Umm…alright.” The door bell rang as if on cue. “Darium, Primius is here!” Zach called. Darium came downstairs and opened the door. Two tall men with shoulder length black hair walked in. One had red streaks in his hair and was more muscular looking, the other was thinner but strong looking and his hair was black as pitch. “Primius. Kairos, Thank you for coming.” The thinner one nodded, “You asked us to come, so here we are.” He said to Darium. “Ah, Zacheus. Nice to see you again. Who’s the girl?” he asked. “Primius,” Zach greeted. “Nice to see you again too. Hopefully this time it won’t go like last.” Zach said, I assumed avoiding the question. I caught Kairos looking me up and down. He caught my eyes and grinned. “Kairos, Primius, come downstairs. We’ll…make the organizations there.” Darium said. It must have been hard for Darium to do this. Especially since Himari just was killed yesterday. “Bibi, come here.” Zach said grabbing my arm. He led me upstairs into his room. The room was a blood red color with black soft carpet. A bed was pushed against the wall by a window and a dresser on the other side of it. A desk was standing against the wall by the door with a computer on it. There was also a CD shelf by it with millions of CD slots filled. “Why did you bring me in here?” I asked. “A little privacy, and so I don’t have to put up with Primius.” “Oh. Okay.” I said softly. Zach chuckled, “You’re too innocent. Most girls would have suspected something totally different by now, and probably wouldn’t have believed me at all.” “Well…I’m not really most girls…I guess.” “No you’re not. Not at all.” I walked forward and sat on the bed, “I didn’t know vampires slept in beds.”

Zach chuckled, “Yeah, we sleep in beds. A lot of myths aren’t true. Kind of like… witches don’t really have flying broomsticks, we don’t really sleep in coffins.” He sat on the bed next to me. “I thought you said you knew more about vampire then most witches.” “I do, I just don’t know everything.” I said. “Well tell me what you know, and I’ll fill in the gaps.” “I know that…you don’t burn in sunlight.” “Well obviously.” “And I know that you’re not allergic to garlic.” “Yes…” “That’s all I can think of at the moment.” Zach chuckled again, “Wow, really. Well then you don’t really know much.” “Well I also know that vampires aren’t murdering monsters without any souls. Most witches would assume so.” “Yes, I’m aware of that.” Zach said. “I-“ “Zach!” A voice called. Zach sighed and got up, offering his hand. I took it and got up, following him. “What do you want?” Zach asked going downstairs. “Zach, Kairos made a point. Why don’t you tell us who your little friend is?” Dariam asked, “It’s only polite to introduce us.” I looked at Zach, worried but Zach looked so calm, “Oh, right, sorry. Dariam this is Bibiana.” He said to Dariam. “I already told you about my brother.” He said to me. I nodded. “What’s wrong? You look so worried.” Primius said. His tone sounded mischievous. I shook my head and looked at Zach. He was glaring at Primius. “Back off Primius.” Zach growled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Zacheus. I’m merely being polite, she looks very worried.” Primius said with a fake innocent voice. Primius grinned evilly. “Primius, if I were you I’d shut up. There’s nothing stopping me from tearing your face off this time.” Zach growled

“Except for the presence of your girlfriend of course.” “I’m not-“ “Shh Bibi. Primius if you don’t shut the hell up-“ “Is that a threat Zacheus?” Primius asked, “Only if you make it be.” “Zach, I thought you said-“ I tried to say, “What did you tell her Zacheus?” Primius asked. Zach glared at him and turned to me. “Do you care if my brother knows? I’m pretty sure Primius has already figured it out.” Zach asked me. “No, I don’t mind. Just as long as I don’t get killed.” “Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe.” He whispered. “Oh, whispering secrets are we.” “Shut up Primius. You’re annoying me. Did you come here to help my brother or to ask my guest millions of unreasonable questions?” Zach asked. The question caught Primius off guard but he answered soon enough, “Why I’m here for your brother of course.” “Well then attend to what you came here for and stop pestering me and my guest.” Zach said. Zach grabbed my arm and led me back toward the front door but Kairos was standing there. “I am quite curious why you avoid the subject Zach. Is it really that big of a deal?” he asked. “No, I just don’t like my guests being pestered.” “Really? So why don’t you tell us who your little guest really is? I am also quite curious on why she looks so worried.” Zach looked at me and whispered in my ear, “Go ahead. I’ll defend you.” “I’m a triste witch by blood but not by mind, to me or the others of my kind. I-“ “Now why do I find that so hard to believe?” Primius said from behind me. “I don’t know Primius maybe because you need to actually listen to her.” Zach growled.

“Zacheus. I don’t think it’s a very good idea to be involved with a triste.” Dariam said. “Dariam, she’s not a danger to us. If anything she’s an advantage.” “Fine let her talk.” Dariam said. I looked at Zach and he nodded. “I never agreed with triste ways, and I swear on miferatu I never participated in any hunts. The rest of my kind believes that your kind are monsters, but I know better and I’ve known other vampires in person. They haven’t.” “Oh, please do tell me who this other vampire was. I’m quite curious.” Primius said “That’s none of your concern Primius.” Zach said. “So little triste, are you part of the group that killed my wife?” Dariam asked angrily. “Yes and no. If you mean did I have anything to do with it, then no. I would never be a part of a murder. Ever. And I’m very sorry about your wife. But if you mean that I know the people that did it then I’m very regretful to say yes.” “Well, if you had nothing to do with the murder of Himari, and my brother trusts you, then, I guess I have to approve.” Dariam said. “Thank you Dariam.” Zach said. “What! Dariam are you out of your mind? She’s a triste, she could be lying!” Primius objected. “Well if I am out of my mind I do have good excuse to be so shut up Primius. Noapte Buna Primius.” “Noapte Buna Dariam.” Primius said. “La revedere Zacheus.” Primius left and Kairos followed him mumbling, “Nu înteleg.” “Zacheus. Just…be careful. A lot of the others aren’t going to agree with your decision to…associate with a triste. “I know, I’m prepared.” “And what about your family little triste?” Dariam asked. “My brother wasn’t too happy about it but he’ll get used to it. I was friends with a vampire before. And the others of my kind can’t really do anything about me; I don’t really know them all that well.”

“You’ve already met her brother?” Dariam asked Zach. “Yes, Bibi needed help with something that involved my presence.” “Alright, but if this gets out of hand. If there is another death in our people because of this, it will end. I will not allow deaths to happen because of your choices.” Dariam said warningly. “Don’t worry. That won’t happen Dariam.” Zach assured “Fine. But I’ll talk to you more about this later.” Dariam walked back to the family room and Zach led me to the front door. “I should walk you home.” Zach said. “But I don’t want to go home yet.” “It’s late. I don’t want your brother to send out a search party for you. Then it would become trouble.” “But, why do I have to go home now? Primius isn’t here anymore.” “Ah, that’s where you’re wrong.” A voice said coming out of the trees. Primius stepped out with Kairos behind him. Zach sighed, “What do you want Primius. I thought we already settled this. Leave us alone.” “But Zach, this situation is so strange and curious. You must understand, this situation is very odd and uncommon.” Primius said. “Yes Zacheus. We’re very curious on just how close your association with this witch is.” Kairos added. “Well keep your curiosity to yourselves. I don’t have a care for it.” Zach said. “Oh you know that isn’t what I do Zacheus.” Primius said. “You will not lay a hand on her.” Zach growled. “What do they do?” I asked Zach. “Yes. Zacheus why don’t you tell her.” Kairos said. “Primius and Kairos have a sick curiosity. They love to see just how far a person would go to protect the other, in very, very sick ways.” Zach explained. I had a pretty good idea what he meant and shivered. “Don’t worry little witch. We’ll keep you warm.” Kairos said.

I stepped back and Zach put a hand around my arm. “Running isn’t going to do any good. Just stay still.” He whispered. He stepped in front of me. “Leave her alone.” He said. “Why would I do that though? I’m already interested and you know how hard it is to get me off a girl I’m interested in.” Kairos said. Zach growled and I shivered again. “Bibi?” A familiar voice asked from across the street. I turned and saw Tristan across the street walking towards us. Kairos and Primius disappeared and Tristan walked up. “Bibi, what are you doing out here at this time?” “Zach’s walking me home.” I said. Tristan grunted, “You sure that’s all he’s going to do?” he growled pointing to my neck. “Tristan don’t be ridiculous he knows better than that, have you forgotten our blood is poison to there kind?” Tristan nodded, “Well then, who were you two talking two.” “Some friends of my brothers were causing a little bit of trouble but, when you showed up you scared them off. By the way, thank you for that.” Zach said. “If I did do anything it wouldn’t have been for you. It would be for Bibiana.” Tristan said. “Thank you Tristan.” I mumbled. “No problem. I’ll walk you home.” “But, Zach was-“ “No, Bibi, that’s fine. Tristan can walk you home. I have to talk to my brother anyway.” Zach said. “Umm…okay.” Zach left and Tristan and I started walking home. “Bibi, you really shouldn’t be getting involved with vampires.” Tristan said. “Tristan just shut up. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” “Excuse me? Bibi, I’ve hunted millions of vampires. I know what I’m talking about.”

“You may have hunted them but have you ever taken the time of day to try to get to know one? No, I didn’t think so.” “Getting to know a vampire is more dangerous than hunting them Bibi. You don’t know if he’s going to turn on you. You don’t know if one day he’s just going to decide to kill you. Do you think that he’d choose you over his family?” “He won’t have to Tristan.” “Okay so let’s say there is a situation. Let’s say that you’re falling but so is his brother and he has to choose who to catch. Who do you think he’ll choose?” “Tristan you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s not like that. We’re just friends.” “Really? Is that why his arm was around your waist?” “What-“ I hadn’t even noticed that his arm was around my waist but I remembered him putting it there when Primius and Kairos appeared out of nowhere. “That was nothing. I was frightened and Zach was trying to protect me.” “Didn’t look like nothing.” Tristan said. “Tristan would you just drop it? It was nothing and it’s not like you have a place to talk to me about it. You’re not my brother so just back off.” We arrived at the house and I opened the door shutting it behind me and not letting Tristan in. “Marcius, I’m home!” I called. There was no answer but instead there was a knock on the door. I opened it. “Bibi, I forgot to tell you. Marcius and Nicolette went out on a date.” Tristan said. “Oh, okay.” I said a little confused. Marcius and Nicolette? “Do you want me to stay with you just in case…or I could call one of the others.” “No, that’s okay Tristan. I can take care of myself.” I told him. Tristan nodded and left. I closed the door and locked it. When I turned around Zach was leaning against the railing at the bottom of the stairs. I jumped. “Zach, how did you get in?” “I have my ways.” “Umm…okay. My brother’s not going to be so happy when he gets home.” “Well then I’ll leave before he gets back, we’re alone now.” “Yes, I know that.”

“Finally, I thought that Tristan was going to insist on staying.” “He means well. He just wants to look out for me but…sometimes he’s worse than my brother.” I said. “I thought you had to talk to your brother?” “I already did.” “What did he have to talk to you about?” I asked “Just…stuff.” “Oh..Okay.” I went to the kitchen and Zach followed me, he sat on top of the counter and I went to the fridge. “So…when is your brother going to be home?” he asked. “I don’t know, I just got home.” I said annoyed. “Are you mad at me?” He asked. “No, I’m mad at Tristan. And I’m accidently taking it out on you. I’m sorry.” I rushed. Zach chuckled, “That’s okay. I just thought that you were mad at me or something.” “No, not at you.” Zach swung down from the cabinet and leaned against the fridge when I closed it. I jumped and dropped the bottle of juice in my hand. Zach caught it before it hit the floor and handed it to me. His fingers lingering over mine for a few seconds. “Was Tristan right?” I asked him “About what?” Zach asked, dropping his hand to his side. “When you put your arm around me, why you were so protective over me, and why just now your fingers lingered over mine.” “I was so protective over you because I think of you as a friend and I would be sad if something happened to you. Also because not only would you’re brother want to personally kill me. But your people would also because they’d think it was my point of revenge. And the reason I put my arm over you is so I’d have a better hold of you in case Primius tried to grab you.” Zach said. “Okay well what about your lingering fingers?” “I wanted to make sure you had the bottle and didn’t drop it again.” He lied

“Sure.” I said sarcastically. Zach shook his head and sat on the counter again. “You wish I felt that way.” Zach said. “I do not!” I said shocked, I whipped him with the wet towel jokingly. Zach grabbed it and pulled it toward him also pulling me. “Really? Are you so sure about that?” Zach said his face only inches from mine. The front door opened and Zach disappeared. I shook my head, trying to get my thoughts back together. “Hello?” I asked. “Oh, Bibi, you’re home. Thank miferatu. When did you get home?” Marcius asked. “Just a little while ago. How was your date?” I said in a numb voice “Who told you about that?” Marcius asked. “I ran into Tristan on the way home and he walked me the rest of the way. He told me.” I spoke numbly again. “Oh…Look, Bibi, I’m really sorry about what happened earlier today. I just-“ “Please Marcius, don’t make any excuses. I’m really not in the mood right now.” “What happened?” “Nothing, just…nothing. I’m going to bed, I had a lot to deal with today.” I walked to the stair case but Marcius grabbed my arm. “Let me explain Bibi. That’s all I ask of you. Just listen to me.” “Fine, but make it fast, I don’t want to fall asleep standing.” I grumbled. “Okay. Bibi, when you tried to tell me that you knew everything about…that vamp, I thought you were just…still mourning. I seriously thought that you just didn’t want to let her go and something you saw when you left reminded you of her. So I was still trying to make you believe that story-“ “You mean lie. That was a lie Marcius and you shouldn’t have lied to me.” I interrupted. “I know, and I’m sorry. Just listen to me okay. I didn’t know that you really knew until your other…bloodsucker friend spoke up.” “Do not call my friend that.”

“Bibi that’s what he is. It’s what he does.” “Marcius that’s rude, disrespectful and irresponsible. If you want me to listen to you I advise you not to call my friend that.” I said coldly. “Fine, look Bibi, I’m really, really sorry that I lied to you okay. Can you forgive your big silly brother?” I sighed, “Fine, but you have to promise to never ever do it again, and I mean it. Don’t you ever lie to me again.” “Okay, thank you Bibi.” Marcius grabbed me in a bear hug. “Marcius-can’t-breath.” I gasped. Marcius dropped me, “Oh, sorry.” “That’s okay. I’m going to bed now. I’m tired, I had a long day today.” Marcius nodded and I went upstairs. I fell on the bed without seeing Zach lying there. “What the-why are you in my room?” I asked “I didn’t feel like leaving. Especially when my question is still unanswered.” He explained. “I don’t remember what the question was, and I’m really not in the mood to answer any questions right now. I’m tired and when I’m tired I’m cranky as hell so no questions.” “Too bad. Answer my question.” “No. I’m tired. Go away.” I groaned. “Not happening. Answer the question.” “Ugh! Why do you have to be so annoying now?” “Because it’s the only way to get you to answer my question. So answer it.” “Ugh! Fine! What was your damn question?” Zach grinned, obviously pleased with himself, “Are you sure you don’t wish that I felt more than friendship for you?” “I don’t know. Leave me alone. I’m tired.” I groaned again. I turned over on my bed and almost fell off but Zach put an arm around me and pulled me to him. “I’m not leaving. I’m having a little bit too much fun bugging you.” Zach said chuckling. “Which is exactly why you should leave.” I turned away and stood up off the bed.

“Are you really sure you should be standing with how tired you are?” Zach said sounding a little worried. “I’m fine. If you’re not going to leave can you at least go in the closet or something so I can get changed?” I grumbled. Zach chuckled, “What’s wrong with me being right here?” he joked. I growled at him. “Alright, alright. I’ll wait outside.” Zach got up and went out the window. I knew he’d probably stay on the balcony since it was right outside my window. I undressed and put my white nightgown on. I opened the window and stepped onto the balcony. Zach was sitting on the ledge. The night air was cool and woke me up. “Sorry I was so rude.” I apologized. Zach turned and slid off the ledge so that he was standing on the balcony. “That’s okay. Everybody gets tired once in awhile.” He joked. “Plus, you had a lot to deal with today. First you meet me, then you re-meet me because my sister-in-law dies, next you find out your friend is alive, you confront your brother, and last but not least we almost get attacked by Primius and Kairos. You’ve had a heck of a day little witch.” “I really do hate it that people keep calling me that. I have a name.” Zach chuckled, “I know, sorry Bibi.” He came towards me and put an arm around my waist. “I thought you said you didn’t like me this way.” I said. Zach chuckled again, “Like what? Like this?” He asked sarcastically and kissed my neck. “I thought-“ “Oh shh would you?” he said “But my bl-“ I was interrupted by Zach’s lips pressing to mine and his arm pulling me closer to him. I fought back a little, I wasn’t ready for this, I just met him today for crying out loud! Zach let me go probably only for the reason that he didn’t want me to hate him. “You lied to me.” I accused Zach chuckled, “How is that?” he said a little surprised. “You told me that you didn’t like me that way.” “Oh, well then yes, I did lie.” “Why didn’t you just tell me? You didn’t have to kiss me.” I said.

“Because I’ve been wanting to kiss pretty much all day now so…it seemed like a pretty good idea.” I shook my head trying to get my thoughts back together. “But…why didn’t you admit it earlier? When I was asking you, why didn’t you admit it?” “Because, that’s not a very good way to tell a girl that you like them more than a friend.” “Oh but randomly kissing them is?” I asked sarcastically. “You’re tired. Maybe when you sleep and wake up in the morning you’ll have the right reaction to what I just did and said.” Zach said, sounding hurt. “I’m sorry. Maybe you’re right. I’m just really tired, and you…you surprised me.” I tried to make him feel better but I doubted my reaction was because I was tired. Zach nodded, obviously still hurt. “Do you still want me to leave?” He asked. “No! I mean, no.” I amended. Zach grinned, “Okay, then I won’t leave.” I turned around and went back through my window. Zach followed behind me and sat on the rocking chair in the corner. I lied on the bed and curled up. But it felt wrong. So I sat up after awhile of not being able to find a comfortable position. “Can’t sleep?” Zach asked. I shook my head, “Which is really weird because I’m exhausted.” I said. Zach walked over to me and lied on the bed next to me. “Come here, this might help.” I lied next to Zach and he put his arm around me. I would have protested but I was too tired and I fell asleep instantly.

I woke up in an awkward position. I was safely snuggled into Zach’s naked chest with my hand gently lying on his torso. Zach’s arm was wrapped around my waist and his other arm was under my head. I tried to sit up but didn’t want to wake up Zach, so I gently slid out of his arm’s hold and moved to the other side of the bed. My attempt to not wake Zach was a failure. He stirred and woke up looking at me. “Good morning.” He said groggily but happily. “Yeah…sure.” Zach chuckled and grinned. He rolled over and kissed me again like last night. And I was very surprised to find myself kissing him back. Zach seemed surprised too, he grunted and pressed himself on top of me. I twisted my fingers in his hair and trailed

them down his back. He stopped and rolled off of me but his arm remained around my waist so he pulled me to him. Why’d you stop?” I asked a little out of breath. Zach chuckled, “Because I didn’t know why you kissed me back.” He said huskily. “I don’t know, maybe you were right last night. Maybe I was just too tired to have the right reaction.” “That wasn’t what I had in mind but that’s…perfect too. Actually that was way more than I expected.” He said still sort of surprised. “Well let me shock your expectations again.” I whispered and I kissed him again. Zach pulled me to him and kissed me urgently. “Bibi!” Marcius called. I sighed and rolled over. “I’ll be back later Bibi.” Zach sighed. He disappeared and I stood up. I walked downstairs sort of dazed. “What do you want Marcius. What could be so important that you had to wake me up by yelling for me?” I said groggily. Marcius sighed, “Sorry, I wasn’t sure if you were up or not. You’re usually up way before noon.” “Noon? Seriously? Wow, well…I was really tired. So what’s your reason for waking me?” I asked impatiently. “You have a…guest.” Marcius growled the last word which instantly made me curious who could be here. I went to the front door where Dariam was standing, obviously uncomfortable by where he was. “Dariam! What are you doing here? How…” I trailed off not wanting to ask too many questions. “Bibiana, have you seen Zacheus? He came home yesterday but left shortly after talking to me. He didn’t come home after that.” Dariam said worriedly. I looked back at Marcius. “Umm…why don’t we talk outside.” I suggested. I opened the front door and Dariam followed me to the garden. “Yeah, Zach was here last night. He came after he talked to you.” “Oh, yes that’s what I suspected but I wanted to make sure. Though I was hesitant to the idea of meeting your brother.” Dariam said.

“Dariam? I have something to ask you, what would you think about…a triste/vampire relationship?” “Well, that’s what I assumed you and Zacheus were in? Is it not?” “I think so…well now it is. But would…you support me and Zach?” “Of course, when I talked to my brother yesterday, he sounds very sure about his decision. If he’s positive about this then…I will definitely support him. Is that all you wanted to know?” “Umm…no. How sure is Zach? I mean…what exactly did he talk to you about.” “Dariam, I told you, brother confidentiality.” Zach said from behind me. I turned around and smiled at Zach. “Don’t worry Zach. I wasn’t going to tell her that much.” Dariam assured. Zach wrapped an arm around my waist and grinned. I sighed but couldn’t help smiling because of Zach’s presence. “Do you listen in on all of my conversations?” I asked “No, only ones I find curious.” Zach answered. I shivered at the last word. Zach looked at me, confused. “What’s wrong?” “That word.” “Which one, no?” Zach asked sarcastically . “No, curious. Primius said that word in almost every sentence last night.” I explained. Dariam nodded and Zach sighed. “Bibi, you don’t need to worry about them. There just being jerks. Primius will back off after awhile and so will Kairos.” “Zacheus, you heard them last night.” I argued. “Bibi don’t worry. They could try but they’re not going to be able to do anything.” “How do you know that?” “You really don’t trust me that much?” Zach asked sarcastically. “It’s not that Zach, it’s just…” I tried to explain but failed at words. “That’s fine Bibi. I know what you meant.”

“Look, I have a meeting to attend to soon, so I should be going. Unless you two are planning on coming with?” Dariam said. “Blood meeting?” Zach asked. “Yes. Everybody of our kind wants the details on…you know.” Dariam said. “Actually, we’ll come with you.” Zach said looking at me. I became excited, thinking about how my reunion with Ormanda would go. Dariam nodded. “Come home when you’re ready to go. Unless…you know the way to the meeting place don’t you Zach?” Dariam asked. “Yes. The hall right?” Zach replied to Dariam. He nodded and left. “Alright Bibi, go get dressed and tell your brother that you’re going to my house or some other excuse. I don’t think he’d be too happy about you being at a Blood meeting.” “But, Zach, Arabella and Arryn will be there. They’ll tell Marcius anyway so I mine as well just tell him where I’m really going.” I said. Zach sighed, “Fine go inside and get dressed. I’ll wait for you on the balcony.” I nodded and went inside. I got dressed in my scarlet ankle length skirt and red tank top. I excitedly went downstairs to the family room and confronted Marcius. “Marcius, I’m going to my first Blood meeting today so…I’ll see you whenever it gets out.” Marcius looked surprised, “Umm…okay. I’ll call Arabella to come pick you up.” “Umm…no Marcius. I’m going with Zach. Dariam invited me to go, so I’m going over to their house and then were going to the meeting.” I said. Marcius looked annoyed, “Bibi, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” “Marcius calm down. Nothings going to happen to me at a Blood meeting. It’s perfectly fine. And I don’t need your permission.” “No, Bibi I know that, but…just…be careful okay.” Marcius sighed. “Okay. I’ll be fine Marcius.” I assured. “Oh, I forgot my purse.” I said as an excuse to go back upstairs and meet Zach on the balcony. I ran upstairs and climbed through my bedroom window. “Wow, Bibi, you look beautiful.” I smiled, “Umm…Marcius knows so I’ll meet you out front.” I said. Zach nodded and kissed my cheek but disappeared a second later.

I ran back downstairs and headed for the door. “Where’s your purse?” Marcius reminded me. “Can’t find it. But if I don’t hurry we’re probably going to be late so…” I trailed off. Marcius nodded and I rushed out the front door. Zach slid his arm around my waist as I stopped at the end of the parking space. “Let’s go.” I said excitedly. “Geesh Bibi, calm down. You’re practically jumping out of your shoes.” Zach joked. “You would be excited too if in about three minutes you were going to be reunited with your best friend that you haven’t seen in fifty-eight years.” I said. Zach chuckled, “Come on, lets go.” Zach led me to a car that was parked a little ways down the street. We rode to the Blood meeting with me basically bouncing in my seat. Chapter 2 Surprises We arrived at Blood Hall minutes later. Zach put an arm around my waist and led me towards the room where the meeting was held. As soon as we walked through the door my eyes locked on Ormanda. It was pretty hard to not notice her. With her beautiful deep red waist-length hair and transparent pale skin. Plus it helped that she was sitting at the head of the table. Dariam got up from his seat and walked towards us. “Zacheus, good thing you’re here. Maybe you can explain to Kairos your claim on Miss Bibiana.” As soon as Dariam spoke my name I heard a gasp from the other side of the room. Close to where Ormanda was sitting. I turned around and saw Ormanda turn in her chair to look in the direction my name was spoken. Sure enough her eyes locked on mine. “Bib-Bibi-Bibiana?” She stuttered so softly I could barely hear her. I tugged on Zach’s arm and looked at him. He nodded and let me go. I walked over to Ormanda but she met me half way pulling me into a tight hug. “Miferatu, Bibi, I can’t believe this! You’re…you’re really here? This isn’t a dream? Not some sort of illusion?” “No, I know I’m having trouble believing it too. I couldn’t believe it when Zach told me you were alive.” “What do you mean?” “Marcius told me you were dead. That’s the only reason I didn’t come looking for you Ormanda, I thought you would know that.” “No, Marcius told me that if I came anywhere near you he’d kill me and my…” “Your…” I pressed.

“You should know now that I have a mate Bibi. The only reason I stayed away is because Marcius threatened his life, and Gabryl is the world to me. I couldn’t allow that to happen.” “Really? Wow Ormanda I’m so happy for you.” “Wait, did you say…Zach. You’re with Zach?” “Yeah, I know, it’s sort of an odd relationship. Triste and Vampire. But I know it’ll work because I was never and nor will ever be a hunter so...yeah. Please tell me you’re okay with it.” “Of course I am. You know there are weirder couples than a vampire and a triste. Try vampire and werewolf.” “Really? Who?” Ormanda pointed to herself, “Really? Gabryl’s a werewolf? Wow, I’m even happier for you Ormanda!” “Yes, I know, quite shocking. But well…me and Gabryl met here actually and…I was on the defense at first but…well…it was kind of love at first sight. Gabryl saw me and he says that he imprinted and for me it was…just so powerful.” “Wow, Ormanda. I’m so happy for you.” “As I am for you. I was wondering when you were going to find somebody. Though I’m quite surprised Nikkos hasn’t tried courting you.” “Umm..Actually he has, but I didn’t take to it. I met Zach.” “So you must tell me, when did you two meet?” she asked. “Actually, at the mall. Just yesterday.” “Yesterday? Really? With how you talk it’s like you’ve known him for a very long time, are you sure you haven’t just lost track of time?” “No, Ormanda, it was yesterday that I met my lovely Bibiana.” Zach said from behind me. He wrapped and arm around my waist from behind me. I smiled and blushed. Zach chuckled and Ormanda giggled. “Where’s Gabryl? You two are usually unable to pull apart for more than a minute.” “He must be running late. The pack is probably giving him trouble again. Those boys are so hard to round up into a group. Either one is at the lake and another at the mountains or all of them are scattered. It’s so wild over there.” “Well I would suppose so. They are werewolves Ormanda.” Zach said. “You know I’m surprised that you are the one to fall in love with a triste, you’re the one that gave me most trouble for falling in love with Gabryl.” Ormanda said.

Zach sighed, “Yes I know, and I apologize for that. But now I know there really isn’t much you can do when that happens.” Zach said. “Zach, I’m sorry but I really must steal your lover for a moment. We need to catch up.” Ormanda said impatiently. Zach nodded and walked away. “Meeting on hold. I have personal matters to attend to for a few moments and some of our members are running late.” Ormanda said in a louder formal voice. Ormanda led me outside the room and into the hallway. “Umm…Ormanda why… are…” I trailed off not knowing how I would word my question. “What is it Bibi? Just say it?” “Are you in charge of the Blood? I mean, you were sitting at the head and you spoke in that same formal voice that Arabella uses…so…” “Has Zacheus not told you? Yes, I’m Vampress Ormanda Cliona Ashling now. Actually technically to the Blood its Mastress Ashling but Vampress and Mastress are the same to me. Plus Mastress sounds like people are calling me a mattress so I told everybody the title will be Vampress Ormanda in formality. But I really don’t use the title all that much. I have no need for it. Except for when the others give me trouble. Like when they gave me trouble for my choice to love and be with Gabryl, though love is sort of involuntary. But the ‘decision’ actually got me chosen to be Mastress. People thought it was very brave and more even. They said that if a vampire is brave enough to love a werewolf than she surely will be fare to her people. Especially the werewolves. They approved the most, plus Gabryl is the Alpha of his pack. Plus everybody knew about my friendship with you so most of the witches approved. Except of course your brother and Arryn and Arabella.” “Yeah, Marcius mustn’t have been too happy about the vampire he threatened to kill taking charge.” “No he wasn’t. Not at all. But Gabryl told Marcius that if he tried anything he would immediately, without hesitation, have him removed from the Blood. So Marcius backed off. But, of course, he still reminded me to stay far away from you. I am so very sorry that I listened to him, you know that I wouldn’t have if he didn’t include Gabryl.” “Yes, I know. That’s okay. I understand. If Ormond were too threaten Zach because of me I would have done the same you did.” I admitted “Are you joking? Ormond loved you like another sister. He wouldn’t lay a finger on anything you treasured. And he probably still does love you like another sister.” “Where is he? I didn’t see him inside.” “He’s back home in Ireland. He couldn’t come this time but he’ll be here in a couple days or so.”

“You live in Ireland now?” I asked shocked. “No, not me. I can’t be away from Gabryl that long or that far. We lived there for a couple years but I moved back here when I met Gabryl. Ormond goes back and forth. But one of his human acquaintances has run into some trouble so Ormond had to stay in Ireland this time. Trust me, he wasn’t happy about missing out. He loves coming to the meetings and watching all the arguments.” “Yeah, that sounds like Ormond.” “So, what has been going on with you? Please update me on the last fifty-eight years.” “Not much. After you left I kind of lost it for awhile though. No, Seriously. I went crazy. I refused to come out of my room for two weeks straight. I almost dehydrated myself. And when I did finally come out, drink and eat. I was still crazy. I kept talking to myself, made the weirdest foods. I made freaking peanut butter and woodchip sandwiches. When I did finally regain my sanity I was shocked that Marcius even let me back in the kitchen. But still ever since you left I’ve been different. I always kept to myself after that and I never spoke up more than voice level two, except when I was pissed off which never happened except for yesterday.” “Oh, Bibi, I am so, so ,so sorry. I truly am. Didn’t Marcius know better than to hurt you like that!?” “That was his way of protecting me, I guess.” “I suppose so. But anyway. Give me the details on how you and Zach met.” I told Ormanda the whole story on everything, she was a little sad when I was talking about how I confronted Marcius but she let me continue. After I finished Zach came outside into the hall. “How long are you two going to be out here? I mean, I know fifty-eight years is a long time, but you’re people don’t seem to understand that Ormanda.” Zach said. “Well, has Gabryl and the boys showed up yet?” she asked. “Yes they’ve been here for awhile.” Zach answered. “What?! Why didn’t you inform me of this Zacheus!” “Don’t worry, I told him that you were taking care of some important personal matters.” Zach assured. “Miferatu Zacheus! You’re such a doiti!” Ormanda said. She walked into the meeting room and Zacheus pulled me back in. He put an arm around my waist and showed me to a couple seats by Dariam. We sat and listened to Ormanda. She was at the head of the table next to a tan muscular man with longish brown hair that I assumed

was Gabryl. Ormanda spoke, “Sorry for the delay my people, but an important personal matter unexpectedly came up that I had to attend to.” Ormanda smiled at me, “But we will no longer have any delays. We may now attend to your disagreements and matters.” As soon as Ormanda said those last words the whole group burst into yells. All trying to be heard over another. I put my hands over my ears and there was a sudden very loud yell. Louder than everybody else. “QUIET AND LISTEN TO YOUR VAMPRESS!” He yelled. Everybody quieted. “Thank you Gabryl.” Ormanda said quietly. “Do you honestly think yelling over each other is going to get you heard. Now because you are all too irresponsible to talk quietly at the same time we must address this like school children. One at a time and you must raise a hand if you want to be chosen.” Ormanda said. Dariam raised his hand highest. Ormanda pointed to him. “I may be wrong but I assumed that we were addressed to meet here today to discuss…the death of…my wife.” Dariam said, his voice sad. Instantly a bunch of roars burst out. I caught a few words. One man said, “We don’t care about a vampire death!” Another woman said, “My poor Himari.” Another woman yelled, “Do you honestly think that’s why?!” Zach leaned over and told me, “I don’t want to scare you but I must say something.” Zach stood up and jumped onto the table. Everybody quieted to see why Zach jumped on the table, “If you have come here to insult my brother and the death of my sister-in-law then I ask you to leave. I am not in charge here, and my Vampress Ormanda I do not do this to offend you in anyway, but you know as well as I do that I will not sit here and listen to my brother be insulted.” Ormanda nodded for him to continue. “I do not wish to threaten or offend any of you, but I will not allow you to keep doing this to each other. Animals pure animals get along better than any human, vampire, witch, or werewolf will get along with each other. We are constantly hating and insulting each other. Yes, we have our miracles,” He pointed to Ormanda and Gabryl, “But it is very uncommon. My sister-in-law was murdered because we refuse to understand each other. If this is how we are going to live forever, then eventually we’re all just going to kill each other. All we will have is bloodshed. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m sure that is not what I want. And also for those who said that my sister-in-law’s death is not the reason for our meeting, I know for a fact that you are wrong. We have gathered today to discuss the death of Himari because I and my brother want to know why any of you would kill a woman, yes vampire, but a woman that was carrying a child with her.” Zach finished his speech and sat back down next to me. “That is a lie! Vampires can not carry a child in their womb!” A female voice said, Ormanda instantly stood up and jumped onto the table, following Zach’s example.

“If it is so IMPOSSIBLE for a vampire to carry a child in her womb than will you please tell me how it is possible that I’m carrying one as we speak?” Ormanda said calmly. The whole crowd gasped, including me. Ormanda and Gabryl grinned. “Yes I’m carrying child. So will you please tell me how that it is possible for me to carry one when it is impossible for any other vampire to. Because obviously in your opinion that is quite impossible. Zacheus speaks the truth, we are here to discuss the death of Himari Lorden and her unborn child. Because I, myself, needs to know how one can be so cruel to murder a child that has never breathed its first breath. How is it possible for someone, no matter how cruel, to kill a child that is so innocent that it hasn’t done anything wrong in its life. Please explain to me how you could murder a woman carrying child when the woman just confided to me herself the day before she was murdered that she was carrying a miracle. How can you take that miracle and the mother from the father? How can anybody, I don’t care how many murders you have committed before, how can you do that? If you had a grudge against the mother or the father was it honestly fare to kill the child? The child that hasn’t even drawn its first breath. The baby that hasn’t even been born into this hatred filled, harmful, respect less world. Now I ask you if you would do the same to me, to my unborn child, to the father of my child?” Everybody protested and Ormanda yelled, “I’m not done talking yet!” Everybody quieted. “Zacheus was also correct in another thing. We can not live like this. We will never survive long if we continue like this. If we continue to we will start a war with each other and I do not want that to happen. If we continue to hunt and murder each other we will all die. You may think that your side will win but you are wrong. We will all kill each other. Every one of us will be dead. Every vampire, werewolf, and witch will be dead. Luckily Gabryl and I have been able to minimally unite werewolves and vampires but however unfortunately we can not unite everybody by love. I am not strong enough to do that. Only, you, the people are. You are the ones that are strong enough to stop this. I hope that you will take mine and Zacheus’ words under advisement. You may talk amongst yourselves until I decide you’re mature enough to listen to me.” Gabryl helped Ormanda off the table and kissed her. I looked over to Dariam, his eyes were watering. I got up and went by his chair. “Dariam?” He looked up, “Yes Bibiana?” “I’m so sorry. Obviously since my kind isn’t responsible enough to apologize to you, I am. I’m so very-“ “Bibiana, you had nothing to do with my wife’s death. It is not your job to apologize.” “No, Dariam I have to apologize. I’m so very, very, sorry. I promise I will do anything I can to make this murdering stop. I owe you, your wife, and your baby that much.”

“Thank you Bibiana. I really appreciate your courage.” Dariam said. I nodded and hugged him. I sat back down next to Zach and he was smiling. He leaned over and whispered to me, “Thank you Bibi. Dariam really needed that.” “I wasn’t just trying to make him feel better. I don’t lie to people like that. I will do everything I can to make this stop.” “I know you will and so will I. I’ll be with you the whole way.” Zach said. I smiled and kissed him. “I knew it!” A familiar voice growled. “I knew it would lead to this!” Arabella yelled at me. “Arabella, it isn’t your place-“ I tried to say but Arabella interrupted me. “The hell it’s not! Bibi I’m your leader!” “No you’re not Arabella! You know as well as me as all your other followers that I never took part of your group of hunters! I never did nor will ever take part of murder Arabella! And you’re the one that told me I wasn’t a true triste if I didn’t take part in ‘exterminating’ vampires. Those were your exact words. And what was my reply to you Arabella?! I told you that I guess I wasn’t a true triste then. And don’t even try telling me you don’t remember that because I can see the remembrance on your face as clear as day!” I yelled. “Well if I don’t have any say in this I’m sure your brother will.” Arabella said trying to sound threatening. “Go ahead and call him then Arabella. He already knows that I’m here and who I’m here with so I’m sure it won’t be much of a surprise to him what you saw.” I said uncaringly. “I hope you realize how dangerous this is Bibiana.” Arabella said angrily and walked away. Ormanda walked over to me and I jumped up, hugging her. “Why didn’t you tell me when we were out in the hallway?” I asked “I was going to but, you’re impatient lover interrupted us.” Ormanda said hugging me back. “I…don’t even know what to say. I don’t think congrats even covers a third of how happy I am for you and Gabryl.” “Yes, and I suppose you’ll be very happy to know that you and Zach are the godparents.” “Really?!”

Gabryl chuckled and put an arm around Ormanda’s waist. “The boys are mad at me for not telling them sooner. I think they’ll be holding a grudge for awhile.” He shook his head still chuckling. “So when are you due?” I asked Ormanda. “We haven’t figured that out yet. I mean, I’m obviously not due tomorrow but an ultrasound is impossible so we really don’t know…” Ormanda explained. “Oh, yeah. Oops I forgot about that.” I apologized. “That’s okay there’s really no way you could have known. Bibiana, what made you yell at Arabella?” “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know I was so loud.” “Actually, you yelling at all would catch my attention. So what was it about? I heard what you said but did not hear her.” “Arabella was trying to threaten me and said that she was my leader. We all know that she isn’t so I reminded her so.” “You had a very good arguments case. You’re argument is a very good point. If you could point it out to the people that it is possible for a triste witch to never kill…I think we might actually have hope that the killing will stop.” Gabryl said. “And a triste and vampire relationship to actually work.” Ormanda pointed out. “It’s only been a day Vampress Ormanda.” Zach said. “I know that. But you two look so happy together.” A shape-shifter woman came up to Ormanda, “My Vampress Ormanda, I have a gift for you and your child.” She gave Ormanda a necklace. The string was a beautiful gold thick thread but the jewel attached was even more magnificent. It was a honey colored gem with a blood red center. The necklace was beautiful. “Thank you Anaya. It’s beautiful.” “It’s a luck charm from my people. It’s said to help the freedom wings spread.” Anaya explained. “I really appreciate your gift. May you fly gracefully and go raibh maith agat.” “Go ndéanai mhaith duit.” Anaya answered. She walked away back into the crowd. “Great now I have to prepare for the millions of gifts.” Ormanda pretended to complain.

“Speaking of gifts. Ormanda, me and the rest of the pack made this by hand for you.” A young boy said. He wore no shirt revealing his chest, skinny but muscular and had a darker blonde shade of hair. He held out a weaved bracelet with blue, red, green and black stones. “Thank you Halyn. I really don’t know why everybody’s giving me jewelry though. What if it’s a boy? But I do love it. He or she will wear it no matter what.” Ormanda said. Halyn smiled. “The reason everybody assumes that it is a girl is because of your skin. The doctor that found out you were carrying says that when a mother is carrying a girl has glowing skin. When it is a boy the mother has glowing hair.” Halyn explained. Ormanda giggled, “Yes, but don’t forget that doctor is very ancient. She believes so many legends and ancient stories.” “Every time she’s right though.” Halyn argued. “True.” Ormanda agreed. Halyn smiled and went back over to a man with bleach white hair. “They’re so young and reckless but fun. Sometimes it’s as if I’m raising them. Especially Halyn but he’s so kind. Seath is the most responsible next to Gabryl. Felix is more…to himself, he’s always off in the woods somewhere and Willem is always protecting Halyn.” “Are Willem and Halyn brothers?” “No, but they’re all close like they are. I just wish that everybody would get along like one pack does.” I nodded, another woman came up to Ormanda and swept her away. I sat back down in the chair not even realizing that Zach had left while I was talking to Ormanda. A female vampire came up to me, “So you’re the little reject triste Zach fell in love with?” She asked in a French accent. “Yeah, I guess I am.” I replied a little confused. The vampire had pale wavy blonde hair and fair skin like most vampires, “My name’s Cosette Marienne Laveur. My vampire people from France will not challenge your relationship so do not fret about that. I’m sure no vampire would dare to challenge your vampire relationship because of Ormanda’s agreement anyway. But I want to assure you, you will not be challenged.” Cosette said with a French accent “Umm…thank you?” Cosette giggled, “Your welcome little triste.”

“Oh umm my names Bibiana by the way.” I said. Cosette nodded and walked away. I shook my head, a little confused. “Well if it isn’t our little triste witch.” A familiar voice said. I shivered, which would probably be my permanent response to that voice. “I’m not yours.” I said standing up to face Primius and Kairos. “No your right about that. But so far you’re unclaimed so it is possible for you to be mine.” Primius said. “She is mine.” Zach growled coming towards us. “How many times do I have to tell you that Primius?” Zach asked. “I was merely stating a fact. You should really make your claim more evident.” Primius tried to sound innocent. “I’m not going to mark her. It’s ancient and barbaric. That might be your way Primius but it is not my way.” Zach said. “That’s because you are weak.” Primius said and left. Kairos followed him. “Are you okay?” Zach asked me. “Yeah…I’m fine. They weren’t talking to me that long before you showed up. Where did you go?” “I went to go talk to Vasili. I believe his sister Cosette came over here to talk to you?” “Oh yeah. Are they like in charge of France or something?” “Yes, right now there creator Poweress Kana Darice Laveur is in charge of France but soon there will be a competition to see who will be the next to take over as the Poweress of France. Poweress Kana has three that are close to her that will compete. Prince Vasili, Princess Cosette, and Princess Lilliana. The two most likely to win are Cosette and Vasili. Lilliana isn’t very strong, though she does sometimes surprise people.” “Cosette is a princess?” “Yes a vampire princess to be exact. Most countries just mix the words together and call them vampress’ but not France.” “Oh so Ormanda is a vampire princess of Ireland?” “Yup.” “So much to learn.” I mumbled.

“As I do for your kind. I’m surprised Ormanda didn’t fill you in on everything before Marcius screwed everything up.” “We didn’t really talk about what we were because we didn’t like to remind each other that we were different.” I answered. “Ormanda’s just going to announce a date for the continuance meeting and we can go.” Dariam said coming up to us. “Oh, okay. What time is it?” I asked. “Almost 2:30.” Zach said. “Really? Already? Wow, I didn’t even realize how fast the time went.” “Are you two coming home or are you going to her house?” Dariam asked. “Can we go to your place? Marcius is still…iffy.” I said. “Sure. Umm, we’ll follow you home then, after when the meetings over Dariam.” Zach agreed. Dariam walked away to talk to somebody. Ormanda started to speak, “My people, this meeting will continue on the night of the crescent moon.” Ormanda announced. She stood up and left, Gabryl and his pack followed her. The rest of the people followed the example and left. Zach took my hand and led me out to the parking lot. I got in the seat and Zach drove to his house

Chapter 3 Sacrifices When we got to the house there were three cars already parked in front of it. “My brother invited guests without telling me? That isn’t like him.” Zach said very confused. “Maybe they came over unexpectedly.” I said. “Maybe…” Zach got out of the car and I followed him through the front door. “Dariam, why are there three cars in our parking lot?” Zach called. “Zach, it seems we have unexpected guests.” Dariam called from the kitchen. Zach went to the kitchen, I followed him. In the kitchen Dariam was sitting on a stool with Arabella, Arryn, Nikkos, Nicolette and Tristan around him. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked. “We need to get rid of this vampire love complication that you have.” Tristan said. “So…you think that by killing a vampire I know…you’re going to get rid of my beliefs? Are you really that unobservant?” I asked softly.

“Maybe if we kill vampires you get too close to you’ll know to stay away from them.” Tristan replied. “Why can’t you people just leave me alone to my beliefs and to myself? I have nothing to do with you, you don’t care about me, and I’ve never gotten involved with your group.” “I care about you Bibi.” Nikkos said softly and hurt. “No your right Bibiana, we don’t care about you. But we do care about your brother. I will not let Marcius be destroyed because you die from getting involved with these leeches!” Nicolette yelled. “Fine, let Dariam go. I’ll go home.” I gave in. Zach looked at me sadly and confused. “I’m sorry but I won’t get your brother killed because some people won’t leave me the hell alone.” I whispered. Zach looked like he was about to say something but thought better of it. Arabella and Arryn walked towards the front door with Nicolette and Tristan following them. Nikkos waited for me, I left. “Why do you feel the need to chase after trouble?” Nikkos asked me on the way home. We were alone in the car since both the Smoke’s and the Hunter’s were pissing me off to much and I was having thought of strangling them from the backseat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I grumbled. “You know what I mean Bibi. Why do you go after them? Why do you get involved with vampires Bibi? You know that they only have one interest! Sucking your life out of you!” “How would you know Nikkos?! Have you ever gotten close to one?! Have you ever given one a chance before you murdered it? Did you give Himari Lorden a chance to talk, to tell you she was pregnant before you killed her?!” “I didn’t kill her Bibi! Tristan did. And I bet you a million bucks that if we gave her a chance to talk she wouldn’t have. She would have attacked the first second we gave her a chance to!” “Only because you were holding a knife to her throat.” I mumbled. “If somebody held a knife to your throat I bet you wouldn’t hesitate the least bit to defend yourself.” I growled. Nikkos pulled the car over to the side of the street. “Why’d you pull the car over?” I asked. “Because I…I felt like it.” “Nikkos, you’re not making any sense.” I said.

Nikkos leaned over in his seat and kissed me. His arm wrapped around my waist strongly and he pressed his lips to mine aggressively. I attempted to wriggle away but years of hunting didn’t go to waste for Nikkos. He was too strong. Nikkos finally stopped kissing me and got off of me. “What the fuck Nikkos. Did you really have to do that?!” I opened the car door and got out starting to walk down the side of the street. “Bibi come back to the car.” Nikkos said catching up to me. “Why? So you can kiss me again? I don’t think so Nikkos. Not happening. And I don’t think my brother will be very happy about you kissing me.” I said angrily. “I’m sure he’ll be happier about me kissing you than that rotten bloodsucker.” Nikkos said. “I doubt it, Nikkos but I’ll leave you to your illusions.” “Would you just get back in the car Bibi?” “Nope.” “Why not?” “Oh, I don’t know maybe because you’ll molest me again!” “I didn’t molest you Bibi.” “Sure you didn’t. That’s why you were practically on top of me with your hand half way up my shirt.” I said sarcastically. “What’s wrong Bibi, is your own kind not good enough for you?!” “Leave me alone Nikkos. That’s all I’ve ever wanted from anybody to just be left the hell ALONE!” “I’m not going to do that Bibi, nor will I ever.” “Why not?!” “Because I love you Bibi.” Nikkos said softly and hurt. Again. “How can you love me Nikkos? You hardly even know me; you hardly know anything about me.” “I know a lot about you Bibi.” He argued. “Prove it.” I challenged. “What’s my favorite color?” “Forrest green and I know why too. Because the forest stands for freedom and that’s all you dream about.” Nikkos surprised me with that.

“How did you know that?” “I pay attention Bibi. You always mumble to yourself when you see that color about freedom. What other tests do you have for me so I can prove that I love you?” “You may have known my favorite color but what’s my favorite song?” “Any song that has to do with peace.” He answered correctly. “And I know your favorite poem too. Dreamland by Edgar Allan Poe.” “What are you going through my room?!” “No, Bibi, I just pay attention, like I said.” “Sure, you just pay attention. How the hell do you know my favorite poem by just paying attention?!” “You’re always reading it aloud to yourself in the dining room whenever we’re in the family room.” “Ugh!” “Any other tests? Or do you believe me now?” “No, there are no more tests. But I still don’t believe you either.” “That’s fine. I’ll just have to prove it further more. Now will you please get in the damn car?” “No, I’ll walk home.” “Bibi, get in the car.” “Nope.” “I’m not going to try anything while I’m driving Bibi.” Nikkos assured. “No, once I got in the car you’d try again before you start driving.” “I won’t Bibi, I promise. Please get in the car.” “It’s not that long of a walk and we’re already half way there, I’ll be fine walking.” I grumbled and kept walking. Nikkos sighed and went back to his car. As I walked Nikkos followed me with his car, going two miles per hour. It was getting really annoying. “I’m not getting in the car Nikkos so you mine as well just go.” We finally got home and I entered the house. Marcius was sitting in the front room by the door, which was pretty unusual. He was sitting with Arabella, Arryn, Nicolette and Tristan.

“What took you two so long? You should have been here twenty minutes ago.” Arabella asked. “Ask him.” I growled, knowing that Nikkos was behind me. I plopped down next to Marcius knowing they’d all want to “talk” to me. “You’re friends are jerks.” I told Marcius. “They do it for your safety.” Marcius replied. “They don’t give a shit about me and I don’t care. They don’t do it because they care about me. They do it because they’re scared that they’re going to be forced to get along with vampires.” I retorted. “What took you so long?” Arabella demanded of me again. “I already answered you Arabella. Ask him.” I snapped, pointing to Nikkos. “Fine, Nikkos. What took you two so long to get over here?” Arabella asked him. “She wouldn’t get back in the car.” Nikkos answered shortly. “How the hell did she get out of the car while you were driving?” Arryn asked. “We…umm…stopped.” “What made you stop?” Arabella asked impatiently. “Mother fucking molester.” I mumbled angrily. “I didn’t molest you Bibi.” Nikkos said. “Then why the hell was your hand half way up my shirt?!” Everybody looked shocked and Marcius looked angry, “You did WHAT to my sister!” he roared. “At least I’m not a bloodsucking leech Marcius! And I don’t do that fucking hypnosis shit!” “Zach didn’t hypnotize me Nikkos, you stupid bastard! He was more of a gentleman than you’ll ever be!” I went to my room, slammed and locked the door. I climbed out my window with my MP3 player and sat on the balcony. “I figured you’d come out here.” Zach said from the shadows. “Zach, what are you doing here?” I asked. “I came to make sure you were okay. I’ve never been called a gentleman before.” He said softly. “You can’t be here Zach. You saw how close they came to killing your brother. I can’t and won’t let that happen.”

“Do you know how much it hurt me to see you walk away with them?” “Zach, I had to. They would’ve-“ “I know, and I thank you for doing that for my brother, but…it still hurt me to see you leave.” “Zach, I won’t put people in danger…I can’t do that.” “It’s called sacrifices Bibi.” “I’m not going to sacrifice lives for myself. I can’t do that. I won’t do that, it’s not who I am.” “I’m not asking you to. Just listen to me Bibi. I want to make this work. I want to be with you. I’m not going to let them ruin that for me.” “Zach, I want to make this work too, but…if they threaten you, or any other person, because I’m with you…I don’t know what to do.” Zach took me in his arms and hugged me. “You don’t have to do anything. Just do what you want to and don’t let them rule you Bibi. Don’t let Nikkos assault you like that. Bibi, the only things I ask of you is to be you and protect yourself. Will you at least do that for me?” “How do I get rid of Nikkos though? Do you even know how impossible that is?” “I’m not asking you to get rid of him. Just protect yourself.” “What am I going to do Zach? Why does my life have to be so complicated?” I sobbed into his shoulder. “Bibi, you just have to do what you think is right. I love you Bibi, but I should go now.” Zach tried to pull away but I clung to him. “No, don’t go. Not yet.” I said, trying to stop the tears. “It’s like what you said when we first met, ‘Sometime soon we’re going to have to realize that one of us is going to end up walking away.” “That was before everything. I didn’t-“ “Shh, fine I won’t leave.” “Thank you.” I said softly. “Let’s go inside. You’re getting tired.” Zach offered. “Okay, as long as you promise not to leave as soon as I fall asleep.” “I won’t, I promise.” He assured.

We went inside and cuddled next to each other, my head snuggled into his chest and his arm curled around my waist. We could hear Marcius and the others debating and arguing down stairs and amused ourselves by listening to them. “Why do you put up with them?” Zach asked softly while I trailed my fingers down his chest. “Because Marcius likes them, so I learned to ignore them and be the little girl in the corner. The only time I ever spoke up is since I met you. You must have that certain affect on me. I wasn’t like that before though. Before and when Ormanda was around I was all life, nobody was able to shut me the hell up. But when…Ormanda ‘died’ I died too. Marcius thought I was just mourning but…I never spoke up again. I think Marcius always hated himself for that.” I explained. “He should have, he lied to you about the death of another person. That’s big.” “Yeah I know. You know, I’m surprised Marcius hasn’t come up here by now to talk. He usually does.” “He’s busy arguing with them.” I giggled, “Like that movie with the giant ants.” “Oh yeah, right. You know I saw that movie when it came out. I’m that old.” Zach chuckled. “Really? Wow, that’s old. I don’t think I was even born yet.” “Probably not. When that movie came out I was already a vampire for thirty years. I feel old now, most of the time I feel young but that’s because I’m always around others of my kind and most are older than me. Infinity and Javed are the only two that are younger than me.” “How many others are there of your kind? “Well the first vampire as you probably know was Siete. We don’t really know how many vampires there are around the whole entire world because the average count of new vampires being created every day is like 5 million, but the oldest that’s a member of Blood is Poweress Kana Darice Laveur. She created Vasili, Cosette, and Liliana because she wanted children. Vasili made Shana for a mate; Shana made Midnight because she was very close to her sister. That’s there line. Well Primius made Devvi as a mate but he attempted to kill her brother so she left him. Primius created Kairos and Devvi made Javed, she never had any feelings for him he was more of a twin brother for her. She hooked up with Dagger later on. Who made Dagger is unknown but when he turned vampire he turned his little sister Infinity. Infinity fell in love with Joss but he was already vampire way before her. Joss created Eryx who became like a brother to him. Though there was some complication in that story. My brother was turned by an

unknown vampire when he was ‘mugged’ by one. He was…out of control and turned me unintentionally. He later found Himari when we lived in Japan and turned her because of love. Ormanda and Ormond are older than everybody but Kana. Ormanda was turned in Ireland, as you probably know, and accidentally turned her brother from losing control and feeding off of him. He was going to die but…she chose to turn him. I think that’s it.” “Wow, so how many vampires belong to Blood, eighteen?” “Yes, including myself, there are eighteen. How many tristes are there?” “Seven, including myself, but I don’t really count myself since I don’t take part.” Zach chuckled, “Wow, not a lot. And technically just because you don’t take part doesn’t mean you’re not a triste.” “Yeah I know. So what about the werewolves? I didn’t catch how many there were when Ormanda was talking about them.” “Well there’s Gabryl, the alpha. He lived in a small tribe where werewolf legends were there ancestors. Willem was part of the same tribe and became werewolf a couple years later. They eventually got out of the small tribe and started traveling where they ran into Felix, Devvi’s brother-“ “How is Felix Devvi’s brother if he’s a werewolf and she’s a vampire?” “Devvi and Felix have different fathers. There mother was a supernatural prostitute.” “Oh, how strange.” “Yes it’s strange. But like I was saying, they ran into Felix when he was running away from Primius. Felix joined them and traveled with them. They ran into Seath a couple years later. Seath was already running with Halyn. At the time when they met, Halyn was injured from a fight with another werewolf pack. Seath led Gabryl’s pack to Halyn to help him and Seath and Halyn joined them. That’s the whole pack.” “So, five?” “Yes, anymore you want to know?” “Yeah, what other kinds of species are involved with Blood.” “Shape-shifters of all kinds, Angels, some Fallen Angels, Demons, there are a lot. Do you remember Anaya? Her people are the hawk shape-shifters.” “Angels, really? I didn’t know they even existed.” “There are a lot of species out there you wouldn’t even think existed. So far there is only one angel that’s part of the Blood. Her names Angelique, she comes down time

to time but she’s not fallen. There is also only one fallen angel that’s part of the Blood. Fabian was kicked out because of his relationship with a demon, Valmai Kyna Darring. There are only five demons involved with Blood. Most don’t want to join because they fear they will have to socialize with angels, though there is only Angelique. The leader of the Demons that are Blood members is Abraxius Vasilis Demonne. His sister, Giselle Fleur Demonne takes over when he is not able to attend or his mate Zoanne Vyra Dulling. Zoanne has a sister named Jossine Nelia Dulling.” “Wow, so many members.” “Yes there are a lot. But, until everybody gets involved with our attempting peace, it’ll never work. And even those who attend Blood are still killing. I just wish it would all stop. Angelique is threatening that her master will end it himself if we can not. And I’m not looking forward to Armageddon.” “I don’t think anybody is.” “Well I’m sure you’ll get into Heaven very easily.” Zach assured. “I doubt it.” “Why?” “I haven’t prayed since my mother was alive.” I confessed “I was wondering about that. I don’t mean to sound blunt. But what happened to your parents?” He asked. “My father was murdered the day I was born and my mother was murdered on my sweet sixteen. I found out later that it was in my future that I would be too strong for them to handle or something like that and that I would kill them. Apparently somebody wanted to get that out of the way so I wouldn’t feel guilty. I was confused about that for that longest time. I still am.” “That’s fucked up.” Zach said. “No shit. That’s why Marcius and I left. When I told Marcius about that when I heard that from some old lady, he told me to pack my things and that we were done with our people’s old fashioned bullshit. We moved here and he joined Arryn and Arabella’s people. I was going too until they told me that I had to hunt vampires, that was the first time I cussed at anybody. I told Arabella, ‘Fuck that. I’m not hunting.’ That’s when she told me I wasn’t a true triste witch if I didn’t take the obligation of hunting vampires. That was also the first time I didn’t listen to my brother.” “Wow. When did you meet Ormanda?”

“Just a couple years before we moved. She came with us along with Ormond. It was about twenty years after Marcius joined Arryn’s group that Marcius told me Ormanda was dead.” “What about Ormond? Couldn’t you have talked to him?” “He went back to Ireland a couple years before that.” I explained. “That’s bullshit. Why won’t they just let you be friends with who you want to? It’s not like it has anything to do with them. Just because you choose to associate with my kind doesn’t mean that they have to. Miferatu, I hate people.” Zach said, stressed. “We should get some sleep; we’re both very stressed out from today.” “Yes especially you. So many questions from the Blood meeting and then when we get back home you have to deal with them.” Zach yawned. “You had more. That speech at the Blood meeting, and the questions. Plus. When we get home your brother is being held hostage, I have to leave, and you come here and listen to me freaking out.” “It’s not a competition.” Zach assured tiredly. I smiled and kissed his chest. Zach lifted my head up and pressed his lips to mine. We both forgot about our tiredness as soon as our lips met. The kiss became more urgent and powerful. Zach’s arm tightened more securely around my waist and he rolled on top of me. My hands trailed from his chest to around his neck to being entangled in his hair. Zach pressed me harder against him and I pulled myself tighter to him. The knock at the door ruined everything. I was in the most precious moment I had ever had and of course Marcius had to knock at the door. Why did he always have to ruin everything? His friends were worse yes, but seriously, Zach was making everything better and Marcius just had to go and ruin that for me. Zach loosened his arm and rolled off of me. He stood up and went outside onto the balcony, so I could talk to my annoying brother. “Bibi? Are you awake?” Marcius asked through the door. “I am now.” I said faking a tired voice. I got up, unlocked the door and opened it. “What do you want?” I asked groggily. “I thought we should talk some more.” Marius said. “Well I’m only 1/6th awake so…we can talk in the morning.” “Bibi, we really should talk now. With everything that happened today…we need to talk.”

“I’m most likely going to fall asleep two minutes into our conversation so now really isn’t the best time.” “Bibi, if I have to I’ll splash you with cold water, we need to talk.” “It can’t be that important Marcius. Leave me alone, I’m tired.” “Bibiana Innocence Moral, I need to talk to you now.” “Ugh. Fine, I don’t see why this is so important but fine.” I walked out of my room sleepily and hesitantly, following Marcius down stairs. I didn’t expect Nikkos to be sitting downstairs at the kitchen table. “Why the hell is he still here?” I grumbled. “He needs to talk to you too.” Marcius replied. “Marcius, I’m tired, I’m cranky, and I’ve had enough to fucking deal with today. I want to go to bed. Not listen to this fuck talk to me. If that’s even what he wants to do.” I growled. “I’m not going to try anything Bibi.” Nikkos said. “You better not try fucking anything. I will not hesitate to kick you this time.” I warned. “That’s fine, because I’m not going to. I just want to talk to you Bibi.” “Sure you do.” I said sarcastically. “Bibi, be nice.” Marcius warned. “You’re telling me to be nice? You didn’t say hardly fucking anything to him when I told you he practically raped me in his car. But you tell me to be nice when I’m a little pissed off at him for doing so? Miferatu you people need therapy.” I complained “Bibi shut up and listen to us.” Marcius said. I grumbled and sat down on the last step. “Fine, talk.” “Bibi, I’m very sorry for kissing you in the car. I didn’t want to make it seem like I was forcing you to do anything or rush you. I’m sorry and I hope you’ll forgive me.” Nikkos apologized. “You really think I’m going to forgive you that easily?” I asked. “I really hope that you will.” He answered. “Bibi, Nikkos apologized. You should forgive him.” Marcius said.

“I can not believe you’re taking his side! I’m your sister and you take the side of the guy that tried to make out with me in his car! Just because he hunts vampires and I don’t! Because I try to make peace and he destroys it like you!? I cannot believe you Marcius!” “Bibi shut up! I’m getting very tired of this new attitude and it will stop!” Marcius yelled. “Maybe if you would stop pissing me off it would.” I snapped. “You’ve had this new attitude ever since you met that damned leech, if it will put an end to this I will kill him.” Marcius snapped back. “Is that your answer for everything? Death, death, death, death! What the fuck Marcius! Have you ever heard of a discussion?! I’m so tired of death I might go crazy all over again if it keeps happening! You wouldn’t like that very much now would you?! You know I’m right about this, you know it, you just don’t want to admit that you’re wrong because of your damn male ego. Well fuck your damn male ego. I’m tired of this Marcius. I’m tired of death, I’m tired of murder, and I’m tired of war. How many more people have to die until your bloodlust and ego are satisfied? How many more families Marcius? How many more mothers, and fathers, and sisters and brothers have to die for you and your damn people until they’re satisfied. I can’t live like this! I can’t be surrounded by death my whole life. What happened to life Marcius? What happened to peace, love, laughter, and life? I can’t and won’t let this turn into war, though it already has before we even knew it. All you live on is death. You get excited by death. When all it’s going to do is take you too one day because you’re going to have so many enemies because you kill there families. These vampires that you kill have families Marcius. They have people that love them. Himari Kintetsu-Lorden had a family. She had a husband, a brother-in-law and a baby inside of her, and you helped kill her. And you were happy and excited by her death. What can be so messed up in your head that makes you that way? Marcius, if you’re going to live with death surrounding you your whole life, then I can’t be around you. Because I can’t live like that.” I walked away and went back into my room. Marcius and Nikkos said and did nothing. They were probably shocked of my speech. “I loved your speech.” Zach said as soon as I entered the room. I closed the door behind me and climbed onto the bed. “It was true.” I said. “Good, because I can’t live with death either.” Zach go on top of me and kissed me again but not the same as the one before. He kissed me softly and passionately. He stopped the kiss ad pushed himself up but was still on top of me. “We can have life together.” He offered. “I’d like that. But I think it’s impossible.” I said sadly.

“It doesn’t have to be. We can run away together for a little while and come back after a couple years.” “But when we’d come back the whole city would be a battlefield. I wouldn’t like that very much.” I whispered. “I know…I’m just getting my hopes up again.” Zach said softly and got off of me. He lied next to me and sighed. “Like I said earlier, ‘I don’t know what to do’. I know that I have to stop this, and I know I can’t live surrounded by death. But I don’t know how to stop it. I don’t know how to stop the murders. I just wish that I could wish it away. Wish away the hatred and wish away the murder. But if only it were that easy…” I sighed. Zach got on top of me again, “We can do this Bibi. I know that Ormanda and Gabryl will help us. Gabryl’s pack probably will too and so will my brother. It will be a little tricky but we can do this Bibi. It’s not impossible. It’ll be hard but not impossible.” “Zach. They threatened your brother’s life. How are we going to get rid of murder by causing people to die in the process?” “They don’t have to die. We’ll make a witness protection program or something like that. We can do this Bibi.” “I’d like to believe that too Zach.” I said doubtfully. “Do you believe this?” Zach asked kissing me again passionately. He pushed himself up again, “If it’s possible for us to be in love. And it’s possible for me to kiss you like that, that why can’t it be possible for us to make this stop. Haven’t you ever heard that saying, ‘Nothing’s impossible.’?” “Obviously you never tried slamming a revolving door.” I joked. Zach chuckled, “Actually I have, and it just kept spinning. Okay, yes that’s impossible but…stopping this isn’t. What’s also impossible though is to make me stop loving you. So please don’t attempt to do so because it would be an epic failure.” Zach kissed me again passionately but also mixed with the same emotions and acts of the kiss before. Zach’s kisses were always so passionate and deep. Nikkos’ didn’t stand a chance next to Zach’s.

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