BASIC SKILLS ENHANCEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM This course aims to develop nurses' knowledge, skills and attitude in the performance of techniques and procedures with an understanding of the principles involved. Program Fee: Php 5,000.00 Duration: 3 months (1Month Didactic & 2Months Intensive Practicum) Requirements: 1. Resume with latest picture 2. TOR including Diploma & RLE Records 3. Board Rating 4. PRC License 5. PRC Certificate 6. Picture 1x1 1 pc 7. Chest Xray & PPD (c/o LCP) 8. Brown Envelope (long) * Non Refundable / Non Transferable
BASIC I.V. THERAPY TRAINING Primarily designed to comply with PRC, Board of Nursing Resolution No. 08 series of 1994, with the provision of the Philippine Nursing Act of 1991, RA 7164 (Article V Section 37) and to ensure safe practice in Intravenous Therapy. This program aims to enhance the nurse's knowledge and skill in the delivery of their expanded role as intravenous nurse therapists. Program Fee: Php 1,700.00 Duration: 3 days (Lecture & Practicum) Requirement: 1. PRC License * Non Refundable / Non Transferable
I.V. THERAPY UPDATE (Refresher) TRAINING PROGRAM Program Fee: Php 1,700.00 Duration: 3 days Requirements: 1. PRC License 2. I.V. Therapy Card * Non Refundable / Non Transferable
CLINICAL INSTRUCTORS TRAINING PROGRAM Program Fee: Php 6,000.00 Duration: 3 Months (1 Week Lecture & 11 Weeks Practicum) Requirements: 1. Resume with latest picture 2. Three (3) years experience as Staff Nurse (with certification) 3. MAN (TOR with Diploma) 4. PRC License latest 5. IV Therapy Card latest 6. Picture 1x1 1 pc. 7. Chest Xray (c/o LCP) ·
Non Refundable / Non Transferable
PRIVATE DUTY NURSE TRAINING PROGRAM Program Fee: Php 3,000.00 Duration: 2 Months (1 Week Lecture & 7 Weeks Practicum) Requirements: 1. Resume with latest picture 2. One (1) year experience as Staff Nurse (with certification) or A Graduate of LCP Basic Skills Training Program 3. PRC License latest 4. TOR with Diploma 5. IV Therapy Card latest
6. Picture 1x1 1 pc. 7. Chest Xray (c/o LCP) * Non Refundable / Non Transferable
POST GRADUATE COURSE IN RESPIRATORY NURSING 1. Critical Care Nursing 2. OR Nursing 3. Oncology Nursing 4. Traumatology/ER Nursing Program Fee: Php 3,000.00 per program Duration: 1Month (1 Week Lecture & 3 Weeks Practicum) per program Requirements: 1. Resume with latest picture 2. PRC Card latest 3. TOR with Diploma 4. IV Therapy Card latest 5. One (1) year experience as Staff Nurse (with Certification) or A Graduate of LCP Basic Skills Training Program 6. Picture 1x1 1 pc. 7. Chest Xray (c/o LCP) * Non Refundable / Non Transferable
POSTGRADUATE COURSE IN PULMONOLOGY NURSING Didactic 24 hours Practicum 80 hours This program is conceptualized in line with the hospitalbased nurses of the future, a stepping stone toward a clinical nurse specialist as far as respiratory care is concerned. The health care system of the future will inevitably be fragmented because of the competitive health market hence, there is a need to intensify our knowledge and skill through an understanding of the underlying principles and concepts in order to develop a high degree of expertise in the care of patients with respiratory diseases.
ONCOLOGY NURSING Didactic 20 hours Practicum 40 hours This course deals with basic concepts in cancer and the principles in cancer therapy, focusing on the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in cancer management.
POSTGRADUATE COURSE IN CRITICAL CARE NURSING Didactic 40 hours Practicum 320 hours The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a specialized unit requiring a new type of nurse, one who possesses the essential knowledge, skills and qualities that will assist him/her to perform effectively in a more sophisticated and technologically advanced environment. With the greater responsibilities that an ICU nurse carries, it is necessary that adequate training be provided to help him/her cope with the demands and challenges of the critical care setting.
RESPIRATORY EMERGENCY NURSING Didactic 80 hours Practicum 320 hours Respiratory Emergency Nursing connotes a compelling urgency and is seen as a real challenge to nurses. Nursing practice in the emergency room demands the best of our energies and capabilities in accurate assessment, utilization of sound clinical judgment where life support and effective intervention is the main concern.
CRASH COURSE TRAINING PROGRAM 1. ICU 2. General Area Program Fee: Php 3,000.00 Duration: 1 Month (1 Week Lecture & 3 Weeks Practicum)
* Extension of Practicum will have an Additional Fee of Php 1,000.00* Requirements: 1. Resume with latest picture 2. PRC Card latest 3. TOR with Diploma 4. IV Therapy Card latest 5. One (1) year experience as Staff Nurse (with Certification) or A Graduate of LCP Basic Skills Training Program 6. Picture 1x1 1 pc. 7. Chest Xray (c/o LCP) * Non Refundable / Non Transferable
UPDATES Registration Fee: Duration: Schedule: Registration: Office) Topics:
Php 200.00 1/2 Day Every Friday (5:30pm 8:00pm) Advance Registration (Daily c/o Nursing Training
1. Chest Tube Management 2. Practical Chest Xray Interpretation 3. Airway Management 4. Pain Management 5. Mechanical Ventilation 6. Practical Oncology 7. Neurological Assessment 8. Documentation 9. Traumatology Management 10. Various Thoracic Procedures
OTHERS 1. Educational Tour 2. Nursing Research Consultancy
INHOUSE PROGRAMS: 1. OPERATING ROOM NURSING PROGRAM Didactic 12 hours Practicum 320 hours This program aims to prepare nurses to be effective and efficient members of the surgical team and make her aware of her vital role as caregiver to patients perioperatively.
12 hours
This course provides the participants with the essential knowledge and skills in the performance of basic, yet vital nursing procedures as well as equipping them with uptodate techniques in assisting patients.
3. WARD CLERK TRAINING PROGRAM Didactic 12 hours Practicum 192 hours This program is designed to orient, train and develop qualified nursing aides to the tasks and other related activities performed by the ward clerk.
CONTACT INFORMATION Training Division, Department of Nursing, Lung Center of the Philippines Quezon Avenue, Quezon City 1104 Telephone Number 924-6101 to 20 locals 270 • 244 • 415 E-mail:
[email protected]