Trainee Slides

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,459
  • Pages: 47
Ins tal lati on o f MS Win dows 2000 S erv er

Pr e- In sta lla tion Me asu re men ts.

Ins tall ation of MS W indows 20 00 .

Po st- In sta lla tion Me asu re men ts.

Dete rmini ng Whic h Operati ng S yst em t o Us e Windows 2000 Dat ac ent er Server

Window s 2000 Serv er

Window s 2000 Advanc ed Serv er Window s 2000 Prof es sional

Compl eti ng a Pre-I ns tal lati on Chec kli st Determ ine t he Operat ing Sy stem to I ns tall Verif y Hardware Support


Verif y That Hardw are Meet s Mini mum Requirem ents Verif y 2 GB or M ore of A vailabl e D isk Spac e Select File Sy st em for the Wi ndow s 2000 Part it ion Select Lic ensing M ode f or Windows 2000 Server Det ermine Domain or W ork group Name

Upgrading Client s Runni ng Windows NT Works tat ion 3.5. 1 or 4.0

• • • • Windows NT Workstation 3.51 or 4.0

Windows 2000 Professional

Same Registry Same Application Support Same Device Support Easiest Upgrade to Windows 2000 Professional

How T erm inal S er vices Works RDP TCP /I P


My Doc um ents

My Netw or k Pl ace s

My Com puter

Rec ycl e Bi n

Termin al S er ver

Int ernet Exp lor er Star t

12:00 PM

Ins tal ling Termi nal Serv ic es Windows Components Wizard Terminal Services Setup You can run Terminal Services in one of two modes. Select the mode you want to use: Remote administration mode Allows a limited number of administrators to remotely manage this server. This setting minimizes impact on server performance. Application server mode Allows users to remotely run one or more applications. This setting optimizes program response times. To use this option, you must set up a Terminal Services Licensing server in this domain or workgroup within 90 days. Use Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel to install programs for use in application server mode. < Back

Next >


Ins tal ling Termi nal Serv ic es Cl ient Ter mi nal S er vic es S er ver

System roo t/ Syst em32 / Clien ts /Ts clien t

Ter minal S ervi ce s Client Cr eator

In st allat ion Dis ks

Shar ed F olde r

Cli ent

Supported Prot oc ols i n M S Windows 2000

Tr an smission Co nt ro l Pr ot oco l/I nt ern et P ro to col (TCP/ IP)

Int er ne twor k Pa cke t Ex chan ge /Seq uen ced P ac ket Ex cha nge ( IP X/S PX)

Ne tBI OS En ha nc ed Us er I nte rf ac e ( Net BEUI )

Ap pleT alk

Ser vices Cons ole

NTFS 5.0 Featu res

NTF S Per missions.

NTF S Di sk Co mpr es sion.

Disk Quo ta Man ag eme nt.

En cry pt ed Fil e Sy st em (E FS).

NTFS Permi ss ions I mpl emente d Obj ect s

Part it ion

Fol der


Grant ing NTFS Permis sions Folder1 Properties General Web Sharing Sharing Securi ty





Permissions Full Control Modify Read & Execute List Folder Contents Read Write Advanced... Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object. OK



NTFS Disk Compres si on Im plement ed Objec ts

Part it ion

Fol der


Compres sing Fil es and Folders Advanced Attributes Choose the settings you want for this folder

FolderA Properties General Web Sharing Sharing Security

When you apply these changes you will be asked if you want the changes to affect all subfolders and files as well. Archive and Index attributes


Folder is ready for archiving Type:

File Folder




0 bytes

Size on disk:

2.00 KB (2,048 bytes)

Compress contents to save disk space


1 Files, 0 Folders

Encrypt contents to secure data


Wednesday, September 16, 1998, 10:44:01 AM


For fast searching, all Indexing Service to index this folder Compress or Encrypt attributes



Hidden OK





Dis k Q uotas Im plem ented Objec ts

Part iti on

EFS I mple ment ed O bj ec ts

Fil e

Fol der

Rec ove ring an En cry pte d Fol der or F ile ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Ow ner ’s K ey I s Unav aila ble

~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Rec ov er y Ag ent Us es His Priv ate K ey to Rec ove r File

Syst em Informat ion System Information Action



Tree System Information System Summary Hardware Resources Components Software Environment Internet Explorer 5



OS Name Version OS Manufacture System Name System Manufacturer System Model System Type Processor BIOS Version Windows Directory Locale Time Zone Total Physical Memory Available Physical Memory Total Virtual Memory Available Virtual Memory Page File Space

Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server 5.0.2195 Build 2195 Microsoft Corporation LONDON Not Available Not Available X86-based PC x86 Family 6 Model 1 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel... BIOS Version 1.00.09.CS1 C:\WINNT United States Pacific Standard Time 130,616 KB 40,536 KB 441,884 KB 259,820 KB 311,272 KB

Event Vi ewe r Event Viewer Action View Tree Event Viewer (Local) Application Log Security Log System Log Directory Service File Replication Service

Event Viewer (Local) Name Application Log Security Log System Log Directory Service File Replication Service

Type Log Log Log Log Log

Description Application Error Records Security Audit Records System Error Records Custom Log Error Records Custom Log Error Records

Size 512.0 KB 64.0 KB 512.0 KB 128.0 KB 64.0 KB

Windows Task Manager Windows Task Manager File Options View Help Windows Help Applications

Processes Performance

CPU Usage CPU Usage History Image PID CPU CPU Status Time Mem Usage Task Name Building Schematic0- Paint Running System Idle Process 96 4:52:37 16 K System 8 00 0:00:27 212 K Memo to Supervisor - WordPad Running smss.exe 168 00 0:00:00 344 K 3% Calculator Running 1,820 K csrss.exe 196 00 0:00:20 winlogon.exe 220 00 0:00:09 MyUsage Computer Memory Running 4,408 K MEM Usage History services.exe 148 lsass .exe 160 svchost .exe 472 spoolsv .exe 492 10 1600K mspaint .exe 624 msdtc .exe 704 Totals .exe inojobsv 808 Handles 5932 dfssvc .exe 824 svchost .exe 840 Threads 381 ismserv .exe 86430 Processes llssrv .exe 880 Commit Charge (K)928 ntfrs.exe Total 101600 regsvc.exe 968

00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

0:00:14 8,228 K 0:00:32 15,768 K 0:00:00 2,648 K 0:00:00 4,184 K 0:00:04 352 K 0:00:00 3,428 K Physical Memory (K) K 0:07:46 5,704 Total 130612 0:00:00 2,336 K 0:00:00 3,416 K Available 27740 0:00:00 K System Cache 5,348 50704 0:00:01 3,860 K Kernel Memory 1,108 (K) K 0:00:09 Total0:00:00 22804 844 K

Limit 310892 Paged 15704 Show processes from all users End Process End Task Switch To New Task... Peak 116896 Nonpaged 7100

Processes: 30

CPU Usage: 3% 2% 6%

Mem Usage: 101600K 103500K / 310892K 103452K

Per formanc e Consol e Performance Console Action





Tree Favorites Console Root System Monitor Performance Logs and Alerts

100 80 60 40 20 10 Last Color












Scale Counter 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

% Processor Time % Processor Time % Disk Time Page/sec Bytes Received/sec


Parent --_Total --explorer --0 C: D: ----Default FTP Site - - -

Processor Process PhysicalDisk Memory FTP Service


Windows 2000 P rint ing Terms Printer Word.doc

Print er

Loc al Print Dev ice

Net work-Int erface Print Dev ice


Printer Driv er Print Server

Gui deli nes for Se tt ing Up a Network P rint er De termine the Orga ni zation ’s Prin ting Re qu irem ents De termine the Users’ Pri nting Req ui remen ts De termine t he Numb er of Pri nt Se rvers Re qui red De termine th e Loca tion s for Prin t De vices De termine Hig h Prior ity Pri nt Jo bs

Introduc ti on t o Shared Folders Apps

Da ta

Sale s


Sh ar ed Fo lder s:

Serv er Hos ting Shar ed Fo lder

Ca n Con tain Ap plica tions , Da ta, o r Us er s’ Pe rs ona l Da ta

En ab le Cen tra liz ed A dm inist rat ion

Acces sing Fi le Res ourc es Through Dfs Ser ver Hos ting Dfs R oot Sale s Dat a

1 2

No rth

Eas t Da ta

3 Clien t c onnec ts to a Df s ser ver Eas t

Clie nt rec eiv es a r ef err al to th e Df s link Df s c lient c onnec ts to th e D fs lin k

Ser ver 1

Back up Backup - [Untitled] Job Edit View Tools Help My

Connect to

Welcome Restore Schedule Jobs Documents Backup the Internet

Welcome to the Windows 2000 Backup My Computer

System Tools Backup Backup Wizard Character Map Address Book The Backup wizard helps you create a backup of your programs and files so you can Disk Cleanup Calculator prevent data loss and damage caused by disk failures, power outages, virus Disk Defragmenter Command Prompt infections, and other potentially damaging events.

Scheduled Tasks Imaging Notepad System Restore Wizard Paint Information The Restore wizard helps you restore your previously backed-up data in the event of a Synchronize Windows Update hardware failure, accidental erasure, or other dataExplorer loss or damage. Windows WordPad Accessories Programs Administrative Tools Emergency Repair DiskKit Resource Documents This option helps you create an Emergency Repair Disk that you can use to repair and Startup Settingsrestart WindowsInternet if it is damaged. Explorer This option does not back up your files or programs, for regularly backing up your system. Outlook Express Search and it is not a replacement

My Network Places

Windows2000Advanced Server

Accessibility Communications Entertainment Games Microsoft Script Debugger and Recovery Tools

Help Run... Shut Down...


Back up Ty pes Type

Bac ks up

Sees mar ker Clear s mar ker

Norma l

Selected files and folders




Selected files and folders



Selected files and folders that Dif fer ent ial changed since the last backup



In cr emental

Selected files and folders that changed since the last backup




Selected files and folders that changed during the day



Manual vs . A uto mati c TCP /IP Conf igurat ion Man ual T CP/ IP Con figura tion Au to matic TCP /I P Con fig ur at ion Di sadv ant age s

Ad van ta ge s

IP address es ent ered manual ly on each client com puter Pos sibili ty of ent ering inc orrect or inv al id I P addres s Inc orrec t confi gurati on c an lead to com munication and net work problem s

IP address es are suppli ed aut omat ic al ly to cli ent comput ers Ens ures that client s alw ays use c orrect c onf igurat ion inf ormat ion

Admini strative ov erload on net work s where comput ers are frequent ly moved

Client c onf igurat ion updated aut omat ic al ly to ref lec t changes i n net work structure

Eli minat ion of com mon sourc e of net work problem s

The DH CP Lease Generat ion Proc ess DHC P Cl ient

DHCP S er ver s

1 IP Leas e Re ques t

IP Le as e O ffer


3 IP Leas e Selec tion IP Lea se Acknow ledge ment


Autom ati c IP Ad dres sing Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties General You can get IP settings assigned automatically if your network supports this capability. Otherwise, you need to ask your network administrator for the appropriate IP settings. Obtain an IP address automatically Use the following IP address: IP address: Subnet mask : Default gateway: Obtain DNS server address automatically Use the following DNS server addresses: Preferred DNS server: Alternate DNS server: Advanced... OK


WINS Overv iew 

WIN S D at abase

Na me Reg istra tio n

Re gist rat ion Re ne wa l

Na me Qu ery

Na me Relea se

Client1 Server1 Server2

Regist ration Renew al

Client 1

Query WINS C lient

Releas e

WINS S erv er

Dis tribut ed E nvi ronment of DNS Recor ds


com net org Recor ds

com Lo cal DNS

yahoo hotmail microsoft


Recor ds micr osoft

ww w


www mch2 Zob

Overv iew o f Dynam ic Updat es Th e DNS Dy na mic Upd ate P ro to col Al low s Cl ie nt s to Au to mat icall y U pd at e DNS Se rv ers Computer1

DHCP Server

1Requ est f or IP add re ss Assi gn I P add res s 2 o f 192.1 68.1 20. 133

Dy namic U pdat e

Dy na mic U pdate

Com put er1 192. 168 .12 0.1 33 DNS Server Zon e Dat aba se

Troubl eshoot ing IP Ro utin g C:\


Ping C:\ >ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 <0% loss>, Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms. Maximum = 0ms. Average = 0ms

Tracert C:\> tracert Tracing route to BONN [] Over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <10 ms Trace complete.

<10 ms <10 ms BONN []

PathPing C:\>pathping Tracing route to BONN <> Over a maximum of 30 hops: 0 london.nwtraders.msft [] 1 BONN [] Computing statistics for 25 seconds… Source to Here This Node/Link Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address london.nwtraders.msft [ 00] 0/100 = 0% { 1 0ms 0/100 = 0% 0/100 = 0% BONN [] Trace complete.

What Is Act iv e Direc tory ?

Director y Se rvice Functio nal ity Organ ize  Man ag e  Co ntrol 

Res ou rce s

Cen tra li zed Man ag emen t 

Sin gl e poi nt of ad min istratio n

Full user acce ss to di rectory reso urce s by a si ng le lo gon

Acti ve Direc tory O bjec ts Activ e Dir ec tor y

Objects Attr ibut es



Printers Printer1

Printe r Name Printer Location

Printer2 Printe r3

Attr ibut es Firs t N ame Las t N ame Logon Name


Objects Represent Network Resources

Attributes Store Information About an Object

Do n Ha ll Suzan Fine

Att ribut e Value

Domai ns 

A Dom ain Is a Se cu rity Bo un da ry  A domain administrator can administer only within the domain, unless explicitly granted administration rights in other domains

A Dom ain Is a Unit of Rep li catio n  Domain controllers in a domain participate in replication and contain a complete copy of the directory information for their domain r1 Use r2 Use


Windows 2000 Dom ain

r1 Use r2 Use

Organiz at ional Unit s Ne twor k Adminis tr ativ e Model


Organiz at ional Str uc tur e






Us e OUs to Group Objects i nto a Logical Hierarchy That Bes t Suits t he Needs of Your Organiz at ion

Delegate Admini strative Control over t he Obj ec ts Wit hin an OU by As signing S pec if ic Permi ssions t o Users and Groups

Trees and Fores ts

Two- Way T rans it iv e T rus t

(root )

co nto so.m sft

Forest Tree nwtr ad ft

au. co nto so.m sft

Two- Way T rans it iv e T rus ts

Tree as ia. nwtr ade rs.m sft

asia. co nto so.m sft

au . nwtr ade rs. msft

Domai n Cont ro llers Do ma in Con tro ller s: 

Participate in Active Directory replication

Perform single master operations roles in a domain

Do main Co ntr oll er

r1 Use r2 Use

Replicat ion


r1 Use r2 Use

Domain Co ntr oll er

= A Wri teable Copy of the Ac tiv e Direct ory Dat abas e

Sit es Seat tle Ch ic ago

New Y ork

Los Angeles

IP subne t

Si te

Site s:  Optimize  Enable

IP subne t

replication traffic

users to log on to a domain controller by using a reliable, high-speed connection

 Fe atures of A cti ve Direc tor y

Us ing Ac tive Dire cto ry fo r Ce nt ra liz ed Man age men t

Man aging th e Us er E nv iron ment

De lega tin g Ad min istra tiv e Co nt ro l

Creati ng a Domai n Us er Acc ount Ac tive Director y U ser s a nd Com puter s Window Help Console Action


Users 20 objects Tree Type Description Active Directory Users and Comp Name nwtraders.msft Administrator User Built-in account Builtin Security Group Cert Publishers Enterprise certi Computers DNSAdmins Security Group - Domain Local DNS Administra Global Domain Controllers DNSUpdateProxy Security Group - Global DNS clients who ForeignSecurityPrincipals Domain Admins Security Group - Global Designated adm LostAndFound Domain Computers Security Group Global All workstations Ne w O bj ect - Use r Delegate Control… System Domain Controllers Security Group - Global All domain cont Find… Users Domain Guests Security Group - Global All domain gues Create in: nwtraders.msft/Users Computer New Contact All Tasks Group View First name: Judy Printer New Window from Here User Lew Last name: Refresh Shared Folder Export List… Full name: Judy A. Lew Properties Help

User logon name: judy1

Initials: A


User logon name (pre-Windows 2000): judy1 NWTRADERS\

< Back

Next >


Creati ng Roami ng a nd M andatory Roam ing Us er P rofi les Cr ea te a Roa ming Us er Pro file Create a Shared Folder on the Serv er Spec ify t he Shared Fol der i n Pat h I nf ormat ion

Cre at e a M an dat ory Us er Pro file Create a Shared Folder on the Serv er wit h a Us er P rofile Fol der I ns ide Set Up a Conf igured Roaming Us er P rofil e Rename Ntuser. dat t o Ntus er. man

The St rat egy fo r Us ing Gro ups in a S ingle Domai n A G DL P Strategy for Groups in a Domain


User Accounts


Global Group



DL Assign Domain Local Group

Introduc ti on t o Group P oli cy Group Polic y

Site Do main OU

Us er s

Compute rs

Adminis tr ator Sets Grou p P oli cy O nc eWindow s 20 00 Ap plies Cont inually

Group Pol ic y Enabl es Y ou t o: 

Set centralized and decentralized policies

Ensure users have their required environments

Lower total cost of ownership by controlling user and computer environments

Enforce corporate policies

Group Pol ic y S et ti ngs fo r Comput ers and Us ers 

Group Pol ic y Set ti ngs for Com puters: 

Specify operating system behavior, desktop behavior, security settings, computer startup and shutdown scripts, computer-assigned application options, and application settings

Compute rs

Apply when the operating system initializes and during the periodic refresh cycle

Group Pol ic y Set ti ngs for Users : 

Specify operating system behavior, desktop settings, security settings, assigned and published application options, application settings, folder redirection options, and user logon and logoff scripts Apply when users log on to the computer and during the periodic refresh cycle

Us er s

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