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Traditions Verses: Matthew 15:1. Then come unto Jesus do they from Jerusalem - scribes and Pharisees - saying, 2. 'Wherefore do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they do not wash their hands when they may eat bread.' 3. And he answering said to them, 'Wherefore also do ye transgress the command of God because of your tradition? 4. for God did command, saying, Honour thy father and mother; and, He who is speaking evil of father or mother - let him die the death; 5. but ye say, Whoever may say to father or mother, An offering [is] whatever thou mayest be profited by me; - 6. and he may not honour his father or his mother, and ye did set aside the command of God because of your tradition. 7. 'Hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, 8. This people doth draw nigh to Me with their mouth, and with the lips it doth honour Me, but their heart is far off from Me; 9. and in vain do they worship Me, teaching teachings - commands of men.' Mark 7:1. And gathered together unto him are the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, having come from Jerusalem, 2. and having seen certain of his disciples with defiled hands - that is, unwashed - eating bread, they found fault; 3. for the Pharisees, and all the Jews, if they do not wash the hands to the wrist, do not eat, holding the tradition of the elders, 4. and, [coming] from the market-place, if they do not baptize themselves, they do not eat; and many other things there are that they received to hold, baptisms of cups, and pots, and brazen vessels, and couches. 5. Then question him do the Pharisees and the scribes, 'Wherefore do thy disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but with unwashed hands do eat the bread?' 6. and he answering said to them - 'Well did Isaiah prophesy concerning you, hypocrites, as it hath been written, This people with the lips doth honor Me, and their heart is far from Me; 7. and in vain do they worship Me, teaching teachings, commands of men; 8. for, having put away the command of God, ye hold the tradition of men, baptisms of pots and cups; and many other such like things ye do.' 9. And he said to them, 'Well do ye put away the command of God that your tradition ye may keep; 10. for Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, He who is speaking evil of father or mother - let him die the death; 11. and ye say, If a man may say to father or to mother, Korban (that is, a gift), [is] whatever thou mayest be profited out of mine, 12. and no more do ye suffer him to do anything for his father or for his mother, 13. setting aside the word of God for your tradition that ye delivered; and many such like things ye do.' 14. And having called near all the multitude, he said to them, 'Hearken to me, ye all, and understand; 15. there is nothing from without the man entering into him that is able to defile him, but the things coming out from him, those are the things defiling the man. 16. If any hath ears to hear - let him hear.' All bible references are from Young’s bible Definitions: tra·di·tion n. 1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication. 2.

a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage. b. A set of such customs and usages viewed as a coherent body of precedents influencing the present: followed family tradition in dress and manners. 3. A body of unwritten religious precepts. 4. A time-honored practice or set of such practices. 5. Law. Transfer of property to another. hab·it n. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. b. An established disposition of the mind or character. Customary manner or practice: a person of ascetic habits. An addiction, especially to a narcotic drug. Physical constitution. Characteristic appearance, form, or manner of growth, especially of a plant or crystal. a. A distinctive dress or costume, especially of a religious order. b. A riding habit.

Tradition of the Elders As referenced here is the "oral law" spuriously created by the Jewish Rabbis. The "tradition of the elders" many times set aside the "written law" or "Torah", which is the Law of God as written by Moses in the first 5 books of the Bible. The "tradition of the elders" is called the "Talmud" and is the current "bible" that the Jews of today use. Jesus condemned the Talmud followers in great detail in Matthew 23 and other places We have lots of traditions and habits. Some are good, some are bad and some don’t matter. This is a list that I felt like writing. I am not trying to change your mind, nor tell you what you should do. If the Holy Spirit convicts you, by ALL means follow His leading. We are not Christians because we do things right, rather, because God forgives our shortcomings. God has enough grace to remove all sins, repeatedly. Jesus is the Shepherd; it is His job to lead us. We are the sheep; it is our job to follow Him. Churchism Tradition of Denominations There are two group of people; saved and unsaved; forgiven, and unforgiven; righteous and unrighteous; Christians and non-Christians. Why do we allow Satan to subdivide Christians into denominations? Even in the first century these divisions were a problem. 1 Corinthians 1:11. “For it hath been signified unto me concerning you, my brethren, by them that are of the household of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. 12. Now this I mean, that each one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos: and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. 13. Is Christ

divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized into the name of Paul? 14. I thank God that I baptized none of you, save Crispus and Gaius; 15. lest any man should say that ye were baptized into my name.” Yes there is one body but many parts. So maybe one denomination could be the “Foot” church, and another the “Elbow” church. Problem is that they all believe that they are the “True” church, thus not wanting to have anything to do with the others. It seems the older a church is the more traditions it has. The one command Jesus gave us, that is to love, we will not do. Will they know we are Christians by our love? John 10:11. “'I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd his life layeth down for the sheep; 12. and the hireling, and not being a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, doth behold the wolf coming, and doth leave the sheep, and doth flee; and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep; 13. and the hireling doth flee because he is an hireling, and is not caring for the sheep. 14. 'I am the good shepherd, and I know my [sheep], and am known by mine, 15. according as the Father doth know me, and I know the Father, and my life I lay down for the sheep, 16. and other sheep I have that are not of this fold, these also it behoveth me to bring, and my voice they will hear, and there shall become one flock - one shepherd. 17. 'Because of this doth the Father love me, because I lay down my life, that again I may take it; 18. no one doth take it from me, but I lay it down of myself; authority I have to lay it down, and authority I have again to take it; this command I received from my Father.'” Tradition of Membership As a Christian “The Shepherd” knows me. I am an heir and my name is already in the Lamb's book of life. So why should I join a church with a membership? Is it for my benefit, God’s benefit or the church’s? Traditions of Standards Who may join? Lots of churches have you attend catechism or new members’ classes before you can join. This is usually done so that you understand the doctrine of the organization. And yes churches do discriminate. By their very nature of being denominational, they divide into smaller “clone” groups. Some religious groups will only accept you if you are born from parents who already belong. Here the sanctity of the religion is more important then following Jesus. On a personal note. While in Jr. High my future wife had invited a male school friend to church. She was later pulled aside by an elder and told never to bring him back. Jeans and long hair were not acceptable. When my daughter was 4 she wanted to become a Christian. The minister thought she was too young. We sat in his office and he grilled her. This 4 year old knew all the answers except for one, the definition of Righteous. He would not baptize her. I did it myself after the service. That was twenty years ago I told my wife if this situation were to happen now I would just give him my social finger, she said I’d just hit him with my cane. After giving this some thought I know that Jesus would have handled it differently. I don’t know what Jesus would do, but I do know that the better choice is to hang a millstone around his neck and kill himself by drowning. Luckily for the minister, I didn’t allow him the chance to make my daughter stumble. And if you notice Jesus is talking to his disciples. The church has the desire to mold people so that they fit in. Yeah, some traditions are bad. Tradition of Music Many worshippers use prayers, in music form, with lots of repetition. Matthew 6 :7. “And in praying use not vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do: for they think that they shall be heard for

their much speaking. 8. Be not therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” Still other churches will allow only certain musical instruments, while some don’t permit any. Some churches only certain styles of music. I understand that everyone has diverse musical tastes, but do not let that separate God’s people. Tradition of Fashion Suit and tie, dresses or nice clothes; is this what is expected at church? Has not being able to dress appropriately kept strangers from being welcomed? How about the getup that some clergy wear, robes,


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Tradition of Teaching Why do some follow the leading of Horace Mann? Why do some churches age isolate? Why can’t parents and children be taught together? Why the tradition of separation? Because any tactician can tell you, it is easier to defeat a single individual than a united force. Was it not God who designed the family? God has not dissolved the family. Didn’t Jesus welcome children? Why do we believe our children can not comprehend complex theology? It is probably because no one will teach it. Doctrines that teach reliance on God weakens the church’s control. Keeping similar age mates together helps socialize our children, right? Like how many good attributes will a bunch of preteens learn from each other? We should want to sanctify our children not socialize them. Is not our goal to raise children that love and trust God, versus being accepted by society? Part of the teaching tradition is dumbing down God. As God’s ambassadors we are obligated to proclaim His Word as He gave it to us. No watering down, no sugar coating and no reinterpreting it. We should use words that are understandable, and we should expect children to mature. In fact all Christians should mature. We live from Faith to Faith and thus our Faith continues to grow through out our walk with Christ. We get into the habit of thinking that only qualified people can teach. Instead of letting the Holy Spirit enlighten us, we rely on bible schools and seminaries to train the clergy that we then follow. Too often all that is taught is

“milk” and not “meat.” There is a tradition of gathering knowledge. If we have knowledge then do we have power? Knowledge did not help Adam and Eve. Faith is what Saves. Faith allows us to ask anything in Jesus’ name for the Fathers glory and He will do it. John 14: 12. “‘Verily, verily, I say to you, he who is believing in me, the works that I do - that one also shall do, and greater than these he shall do, because I go on to my Father; 13. and whatever ye may ask in my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; 14. if ye ask anything in my name I will do [it].” Now that is power. Christians are ill prepared to represent God. Immaturity is so prevalent. Do we have the armor of God, and do we use it? Or will something as simple as this letter throw Christians into a defensive fetal position? If I’m wrong can you counter my arguments, or will you just get mad? Jesus said the Holy Spirit would teach and lead us. The Holy Spirit will use any tools He wants to guide us, including parents, clergy, the bible or what ever He wants. Are we putty in the Master’s Hand, or an unyielding rock? Tradition of Worship Here again are lots of traditions; many of which are harmless, until the traditions of worshipping get in the way of worshipping God. I remember a situation where the congregation stood for the first two songs. Later it was changed; first one stand, second one sit. This simple act created such an uproar. Pastors have to tread lightly, or they will offend someone. Buying “church” buildings is a tradition that may have many strings attached. Unless the Minister can afford the building himself, he’ll most likely start preaching tithing. And depending from which denomination he’s from the elders will have a large say in what he preaches. Freedom to proclaim the Gospel the way he thinks God is leading him is compromised. So while claiming to be under a new covenant, some leaders will pull old laws in, pushing them off as valid. Not all laws are taught, just some. The whole book of Romans addresses the Jewish mind set of following laws and how it does not lead to salvation. Tradition of Idolatry There is only one way to God. Mary can not intervene. Priests can not forgive us. Pastors can not preach us to Heaven. Saints of old do not guide or protect us. Bishops can’t bring God to us. Bible or Cross worship does not lead us to Salvation. Knowledge and works are irreverent. Any thing that stands between you and God is wrong. John 14:1. “'Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, also in me believe; 2. in the house of my Father are many mansions; and if not, I would have told you; I go on to prepare a place for you; 3. and if I go on and prepare for you a place, again do I come, and will receive you unto myself, that where I am ye also may be; 4. and whither I go away ye have known, and the way ye have known.' 5. Thomas saith to him, 'Sir, we have not known whither thou goest away, and how are we able to know the way?' 6. Jesus saith to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one doth come unto the Father, if not through me; 7. if ye had known me, my Father also ye would have known, and from this time ye have known Him, and have seen Him.' 8. Philip saith to him, 'Sir, shew to us the Father, and it is enough for us;' 9. Jesus saith to him, 'So long time am I with you, and thou hast not known me, Philip? he who hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how dost thou say, Shew to us the Father? 10. Believest thou not that I [am] in the Father, and the Father is in me? the sayings that I speak to you, from myself I speak not, and the Father who is abiding in me, Himself doth the works; 11. believe me, that I [am] in the Father, and the Father in me; and if not, because of the works themselves, believe me. 12. 'Verily, verily, I say to you, he who is believing in me, the works that I do - that one also shall do, and greater than these he shall do, because I go on to my

Father; 13. and whatever ye may ask in my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; 14. if ye ask anything in my name I will do [it].” Acts 4:8. “Then Peter, having been filled with the Holy Spirit, said unto them: 'Rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, 9. if we to-day are examined concerning the good deed to the ailing man, by whom he hath been saved, 10. be it known to all of you, and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye did crucify, whom God did raise out of the dead, in him hath this one stood by before you whole. 11. 'This is the stone that was set at nought by you - the builders, that became head of a corner; 12. and there is not salvation in any other, for there is no other name under the heaven that hath been given among men, in which it behoveth us to be saved.'” The tradition of Catholic idol worship was demanded at “The Second Council of Nicaea”. The Seventh Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, held in 787 states; “Canon 7: Relics are to be placed in all churches: no church is to be consecrated without relics. Canon 9: All writings against the venerable images are to be surrendered, to be shut up with other heretical books.” Tradition of the Pope Matthew 16: 12. “Then they understood that he did not say to take heed of the leaven of the bread, but of the teaching, of the Pharisees and Sadducees. 13. And Jesus, having come to the parts of Cesarea Philippi, was asking his disciples, saying, 'Who do men say me to be - the Son of Man?' 14. and they said, 'Some, John the Baptist, and others, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.' 15. He saith to them, 'And ye - who do ye say me to be?' 16. and Simon Peter answering said, 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.' 17. And Jesus answering said to him, 'Happy art thou, Simon Bar-Jona, because flesh and blood did not reveal [it] to thee, but my Father who is in the heavens. 18. 'And I also say to thee, that thou art a rock, and upon this rock I will build my assembly, and gates of Hades shall not prevail against it; 19. and I will give to thee the keys of the reign of the heavens, and whatever thou mayest bind upon the earth shall be having been bound in the heavens, and whatever thou mayest loose upon the earth shall be having been loosed in the heavens.' 20. Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ. 21. From that time began Jesus to shew to his disciples that it is necessary for him to go away to Jerusalem, and to suffer many things from the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and to be put to death, and the third day to rise. 22. And having taken him aside, Peter began to rebuke him, saying, 'Be kind to thyself, sir; this shall not be to thee;' 23. and he having turned, said to Peter, 'Get thee behind me, adversary! thou art a stumbling-block to me, for thou dost not mind the things of God, but the things of men.'” Jesus called Peter the Adversary and a stumbling block and not minding the things of God. If you look at the Greek you will see two different words translated as “rock.” Jesus said the revelation by the Father is the foundation, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail. Now this is what the tradition of man comes up with; “Twentieth Ecumenical Council: Vatican I (1869-1870) The Vatican Council was summoned by Pius IX. It met 8 December, 1869, and lasted till 18 July, 1870, when it was adjourned; it is still (1908) unfinished. There were present 6 archbishopprinces, 49 cardinals, 11 patriarchs, 680 archbishops and bishops, 28 abbots, 29 generals of orders, in all 803. Besides important canons relating to the Faith and the constitution of the Church, the council decreed the infallibility of the pope when speaking ex cathedra, i.e. when as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church.“ How grand, because the pope and his followers say he is infallible, he’s infallible! How arrogant, don’t they have ears? Jesus said The Father spoke with Him, and He

would send The Holy Spirit to teach all things, and remind us of all things that Jesus said. Paul dealt with this same attitude in the first century. Because of Jesus we can deal directly with God, and God deals directly with us. Romans 1:16. “for I am not ashamed of the good news of the Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation to every one who is believing, both to Jew first, and to Greek. 17. For the righteousness of God in it is revealed from faith to faith, according as it hath been written, 'And the righteous one by faith shall live,' 18. for revealed is the wrath of God from heaven upon all impiety and unrighteousness of men, holding down the truth in unrighteousness. 19. Because that which is known of God is manifest among them, for God did manifest [it] to them, 20. for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world, by the things made being understood, are plainly seen, both His eternal power and Godhead - to their being inexcusable; 21. because, having known God they did not glorify [Him] as God, nor gave thanks, but were made vain in their reasonings, and their unintelligent heart was darkened, 22. professing to be wise, they were made fools, 23. and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of fowls, and of quadrupeds, and of reptiles. 24. Wherefore also God did give them up, in the desires of their hearts, to uncleanness, to dishonour their bodies among themselves; 25. who did change the truth of God into a falsehood, and did honour and serve the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed to the ages. Amen.” Tradition of Church The word church has come to mean different things. It may mean all Christians past, present and future. Or a specific Christian denomination: the Presbyterian Church or Roman Catholic Church etc. It also means a local group as in a congregation. It could mean a building for Christians to worship in. The church is God’s body, we are the church, we can gather in the church, we can go to church, the church can worship God, we can worship in the church, we can separate the church from the state, and the clergy work in the church for the church. The wording is ambiguous. We have many words that are better suited to communicate the meaning of what we are trying to say. About the traditions of churches, it seems to me that the older the church the more traditions it has. Individuals who follow God’s leading along a different path, without all the old traditions, sometimes may start their own traditions. Again traditions are not wrong till they come between us and God. And if anyone else likes what they see and wants to emulate the “new” movement, they will copy what they see and that may be the start of more traditions. The point to all this is this: Follow The Shepherd where He leads you. Don’t take your eyes off Him. Don’t follow the crowds; they may be following each other in circles. Remember only Jesus can Save you. Biblicalism Tradition of Chapters and Verses Originally the manuscripts were not written with chapters and verses. They were added many years later. Of course it makes it easier to find things. But it allows us to easily take things out of context. As an example: Romans 7: 1. “Are ye ignorant, brethren - for to those knowing law I speak - that the law hath lordship over the man as long as he liveth?” Paul is saying that we are ruled by the Law. Now read more Romans 7: 1. “Are ye ignorant, brethren - for to those knowing law I speak - that the law hath lordship over the man as long as he liveth? 2. for the married woman to the living husband hath been bound by law, and if the husband may die, she

hath been free from the law of the husband; 3. so, then, the husband being alive, an adulteress she shall be called if she may become another man's; and if the husband may die, she is free from the law, so as not to be an adulteress, having become another man's. 4. So that, my brethren, ye also were made dead to the law through the body of the Christ, for your becoming another's, who out of the dead was raised up, that we might bear fruit to God; 5. for when we were in the flesh, the passions of the sins, that [are] through the law, were working in our members, to bear fruit to the death; 6. and now we have ceased from the law, that being dead in which we were held, so that we may serve in newness of spirit, and not in oldness of letter.” So now as Christians we are not under the law. The habit of choosing multiple separate verses and grouping them together to prove a point can be misleading. Most verses can not stand on their own. They are usually part of a larger thought. This practice of reassembling verses has spawned some strange and wrong doctrines. Tradition of “Where the bible speaks we speak…” Where the bible speaks we speak and where the bible is silent we are silent. Well, if you are reading this, it means you don’t follow this saying. I think this adage is used for restricting the freedom of God’s people. Obvious it doesn’t stop churches from enacting ungodly traditions. It just gives them license to say no to almost anything. Examples might be; no electricity, no cars, no TV, no computers, no fund raising sales at church, no musical instruments in church, no dancing, no makeup, no medicine or Doctors, etc. 1 Corinthians 6:9.”‘have ye not known that the unrighteous the reign of God shall not inherit? be not led astray; neither whoremongers, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites, 10. nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, the reign of God shall inherit. 11. And certain of you were these! but ye were washed, but ye were sanctified, but ye were declared righteous, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God. 12. All things are lawful to me, but all things are not profitable; all things are lawful to me, but I - I will not be under authority by any;” We have been set free. Tradition of “The Word of God” The Bible is not “The Word of God”, Jesus is. John 1: 1. “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God; 2. this one was in the beginning with God; 3. all things through him did happen, and without him happened not even one thing that hath happened. 4. In him was life, and the life was the light of men, 5. and the light in the darkness did shine, and the darkness did not perceive it. 6. There came a man - having been sent from God - whose name [is] John, 7. this one came for testimony, that he might testify about the Light, that all might believe through him; 8. that one was not the Light, but - that he might testify about the Light. 9. He was the true Light, which doth enlighten every man, coming to the world; 10. in the world he was, and the world through him was made, and the world did not know him: 11. to his own things he came, and his own people did not receive him; 12. but as many as did receive him to them he gave authority to become sons of God - to those believing in his name, 13. who - not of blood nor of a will of flesh, nor of a will of man but - of God were begotten. 14. And the Word became flesh, and did tabernacle among us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of an only begotten of a father, full of grace and truth. 15. John doth testify concerning him, and hath cried, saying, 'This was he of whom I said, He who after me is coming, hath come before me, for he was before me;' 16. and out of his fulness did we all receive, and grace over-against grace; 17. for the law through Moses was given, the grace and the truth

through Jesus Christ did come; 18. God no one hath ever seen; the only begotten Son, who is on the bosom of the Father - he did declare.” Tradition of New Testament Infallibility Jesus did not write a single book in the New Testament. If the books were 1 ! 1 % ! > " 1 +:*7 1 " 4 ! ; +: ! . ++ ! ! +( 4 ! ! +) *, % " ,+/ 1 " , ? @ .! A .,+0 8 9 *, < .,+2 < 1 ! ! < 1 ! 1 1 ! B ' 1 @ 1 A 6 6 C ? ' 6 C ! 6 > @ $ < !! D ! < A ! < % !! E !! ! % - % # % % # +/*(( # F A G, ! ,() # , A ! .(/ . ! , (0 , A (2 6 % A (3 , " A . A A . ! ! ! .(5 A 4A A . D A 4A ! A (7 , 1 A 89 ! ! .): A .)+ ! A . .(

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