Christmas Traditions New Year Traditions

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Christmas Traditions New Year Traditions

1 Origin of the feast 2 Time that celebrates 3 Name,, Crciun " 4 Christmas Tree 5 Gifts 7 Pig-foods

The word Christmas does not exist in the Bible and nowhere in the Bible does not say to keep a feast with this name, in other words, God does not command such a celebration. In N.T. there is no law to compel the keeping of religious holidays with fixed dates or seasons. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. But the birthday of Christ was not ordered to be guarded. Encyclopedia history books and even the Catholic Church claim that there was this celebration of the beginning of Christianity: Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church. Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from the list of holidays. (4) After Christianity was accepted by the Roman Empire (the first half of the century. IV), was decreed by a great religious leaders of the time as the church to celebrate

the birth of the Lord.

Where does this name? What does it mean? Yore left us a story that explains why Christmas celebration called "Christmas". They say the Virgin Mary, the small, entered the monastery. This was announced by the archangel Gabriel that he will give birth to baby saint. When the task began to be visible, innocent virgin stareţii told the whole story, but it did not believe it and drove it away from the monastery. Ashamed, the Virgin was hidden in a forest, but here meant a she-devil of hell, worrying one with visions and dreams. On the eve of birth he threw a stone in the breasts of the Virgin. Since they burst in the sky holy milk, so taking birth Galaxy (Milky Way). Nemaiputând endure this ordeal, Mary left the forest and came to the house of Christmas, a cruel lord who had tortured his wife and daughters. He was away and his wife, a compassionate woman, has hosted the Virgin in the stable, where he was born. At that time it was shown for the

He was away and his wife, a compassionate woman, has hosted the Virgin in the stable, where he was born. At that time it was shown for the first time the sky Luceafarul to announce the arrival of Jesus. Seeing the star, Christmas believed that women set fire to the house and hurried to see what happened . From time Crăciuneasa care had to do everything by traditions, and as a reward to the Virgin Mary to cure his three daughters who each have something Christmas: a span was the other cripple and last blind. When reached home, because his wife did not come out in welcome, hands cut off. Seeing this, the Virgin and put them back and by this miracle and the man he said to heart warming and believe in God. For this reason, the day the Savior was born, was called Christmas.

Christmas Tree

Christmas Traditions is a very important holiday for • Christmas Christians, is the feast of the Nativity, for the joy, peace and spiritual tranquility. It is a time when we receive and we give much love and heartfelt warmth. This enthusiasm is remarkable and they are preparations for the celebration. For 40 days before this celebration Advent Christians meet they do not eat meat or dairy products as preparing to celebrate. Cutting pork is a very important moment that anticipates Christmas. Then, preparing meals becomes dimensions of ancient ritual. Traditional foods: sausages, Chiscau, drums, aspic, filled cabbage, roast pork and bread jufla will reign on the table at Christmas, being a place of honor with everyone honest red wine.

• One of the most important moments of the series is December 24 Christmas tree decoration, which is common to all family members participate. At night, Santa Claus will slide through the chimney and leave gifts for everyone in stockings or under the tree. If you look in the sky could see him moving to Santa Claus sleigh pulled by eight reindeer. Carol is one of the most popular winter traditions. Long ago, bands of singers consisted of children who, after 24 to midnight of December 25, went from house to house, making wishes for health, happiness and luck that he wandered householders. > swap

• Evoking the time when the birth of Jesus, the star that guided the three wise men arose in the sky, children go from house to house singing carols and carrying with her a star. Plugusorul is an ancient custom, that, New Year's Eve, groups of young men going on to people's homes and speak different wishes. They are accompanied by a small plug, hence the name of the carol. Thus, news is spread Christ Nativity each year carols coming in every home through colindătorilor. They are rewarded by the hosts with fruit (apples, walnuts), breads, candy and even money.

In the beginning was the word. So we begin with the word "Christmas". For linguists, this word, dear and familiar, is a strange word. Some say that we inherited from the Latin "creation" "creation, birth. Others argue that this is a much older word, Thracian, Dacian Romanization before. And others say that would come in glory. The term "Christmas" is in Romanian at least eight ways. But word is easier to explain than are the traditions. In each area of Romania there is a specific way to greet and celebrate Christmas. In some areas on Christmas Eve, shaking his household in the village all they borrowed. Parents bring children in Mehedinti bucks in your pocket for Christmas next year to be rich.

Also on Christmas Eve, then place bread under the table to bring the family luck and put under the tablecloth, wheat chaff, for wealth.

To any location in Romania Christmas post begins with the last six weeks (November 15-December 24). Item requires abstention from meat, eggs and milk, such as grandparents say the sweet food. A real job is to discard the physical love, to drink, pay the debt. In villages not open radio station or TV, are not parties. Item ends on Christmas night after the Litany. From November 15 to when they leave the post due this holiday, after each Mass or by each vespers, Romanians in the villages begin to repeat carols. In some parts of the country there is usually called a "Umblatul with icon", which signifies the birth of Jesus. In northern Moldova is preparing for Christmas Eve mass with food post. Nobody is allowed to discover the mass until the priest enter the door.

Brief History

New Year's Night is a night full of superstitions in Romanian tradition. Many believe that if the night of years they will have money all year will go well. Not only Romanians are superstitious, but the rest of Europeans. Many people believe that the new year to catch them with money in your pocket because such party will have plenty all year. Moreover, in certain areas of the country, on the morning of January 1, people put money into water to wash his face. In addition, a few days before The New Year's, women make bread the mites hide.

Tradition says that those who will find bănuţii will have luck throughout the year. Of old is said to be part of plenty in the coming year, the first man to pass your doorstep in the New Year's Eve should be a man. Romanians in certain areas I think we must zero hour găesească with them new clothes for them going well all year. However, misfortune is brought into the new year if calendar hanging on whom the new year before zero hour. All year you have debts, until the night of the year if you have not paid those already made. All supersiţiile Romania shows that New Year's Eve we should make much noise in the house to chase away evil spirits. And not only Romanians are superstitious. Europeans also have their traditions in the New Year night.

New Year's celebration time New Year's Night is a night full of superstitions in Romanian tradition. Many believe that if the night of years they will have money all year will go well. Not only Romanians are superstitious, but the rest of Europeans. Many people believe that the new year to catch them with money in your pocket because such party will have plenty all year. Moreover, in certain areas of the country, on the morning of January 1, people put money into water to wash his face. In addition, a few days before The New Year's, women make bread the mites hide.

• Tradition says that those who will find bănuţii will have luck throughout the year. Of old is said to be part of plenty in the coming year, the first man to pass your doorstep in the New Year's Eve should be a man. Romanians in certain areas I think we must zero hour găesească with them new clothes for them going well all year. However, misfortune is brought into the new year if calendar hanging on whom the new year before zero hour. All year you have debts, until the night of the year if you have not paid those already made. All supersiţiile Romania shows that New Year's Eve we should make much noise in the house to chase away evil spirits. And not only Romanians are superstitious. Europeans also have their traditions in the New Year night.

New Year-Traditions New Year customs and traditions are respected by all Romans were transmitted from generation to generation. The term "New Year" comes from French ( "Réveillon") and means "lookout" or "feast at midnight". Hence the tradition of having a rich meal and not sleep the night of the year. Also among the New Year traditions are also the games, music, greetings that are driving away evil from the year ends and good meeting of the year following. There are New Year customs that have survived only in rural areas (extinction of lights symbolizing the darkness and chaos and their lighting as a symbol of birth and faith). In many urban areas of New Year customs and traditions were replaced with fun and fireworks.

• Besides the customs and traditions, and superstitions exist on New Year's Eve. Those who believe in superstitions, not to wash clothes, to sew or knitted the night of the year (without luck), you should not enter the new year without the money in your pocket (they say that it will be all year to come) not good to be due to that they say that debt will still exist next year etc.. Also, tradition says you should not throw anything out of the house on the first day of new year that will throw luck. Also on the first day of the year's best not out of the house until not one person brunette ironing threshold (according to tradition, people brunettes bring good luck and happiness, and the red and blonde bad luck).

• Besides the customs and traditions, and superstitions exist on New Year's Eve. Those who believe in superstitions, not to wash clothes, to sew or knitted the night of the year (without luck), you should not enter the new year without the money in your pocket (they say that it will be all year to come) not good to be due to that they say that debt will still exist next year etc.. Also, tradition says you should not throw anything out of the house on the first day of new year that will throw luck. Also on the first day of the year's best not out of the house until not one person brunette ironing threshold (according to tradition, people brunettes bring good luck and happiness, and the red and blonde bad luck).

On the night of the good years you put a desire for it is likely to come true. All New Year's Eve is good to make much noise like loud noises to chase away evil spirits. If you chose another outfit for New Year's Eve party, opt for red clothes (or even choose to wear a red enhancement) because red symbolizes happiness and luck in love. Another New Year tradition says it's better to leave a lamp or a candle lit on the night of the year to enjoy the light and a new year full of achievements.

In the week between Christmas and New Year in Romanian villages, groups of young men preparing for the "ugly", respecting the habits and customs during the holiday season. On the eve of New Year, by dusk, are emerging "mascaţii. Repertoire of games with masks are part goat, deer, bear, Căiuţii, Turkish, human masks, Malanca. Games with masks practiced, depending on the area, both at Christmas and between Christmas and New Year, but New Year's Day and the day. In

  Trofin Anisoara –Adina(e-mail. [email protected]) Hurdugan Gabriela([email protected] om)

• Mica enciclopedie de traditii romanesti Ion Ghinoiu www.wikipedia .com

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