Tpp Checklist

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 456
  • Pages: 1
TPP—Book submission checklist Lists of all components of the book  a list of all the content of the book.  a list of figures/graphics/charts (numbered and with short caption/title).  a list of photos/plates (numbered and with short caption/title).  a list of tables (numbered and with short caption/title). Components might include: 

Front matter: title pages; foreword (not usually used in TPP books); (table of) contents; (list of) figures; (list of) photographs/plates; (list of) tables; preface; acknowledgements; any other front matter (notes re translation, lists of contributors, lists of abbreviations, etc)


End matter: appendixes; glossary; chronology; endnotes; bibliography; any other end matter (lists, acknowledgements, etc.); index.

Manuscript  Thoroughly edited and adheres to the TPP style guide for authors/editors. (Changes made after typsetting are expensive.)

 Submit a hard copy (or pdf file) of every component of the book. (A clean hardcopy that matches the electronic file(s) is essential for version control and cuts typsetting costs.)

 Separate non-text material (illustrations, tables, diagrams, figures, endnotes etc.). Do not place tables, illustrations, photos or other items within the text.

 Note in the text a place near which a table/illustration/photo should be placed. Place the note within square brackets in a paragraph of its own. List the number and title of the table/figure/photo in the placement note to enable cross-referencing by typographer.

 Superscripts, subscripts should be highlighted in the manuscript in colour, or a note on their occurrence should be provided.

 Special characters should be highlighted in the manuscript in colour, or a note on the occurrence of each (type) should be provided.

 Number pages sequentially from start to finish of the book (not chapter by chapter). Use a header or footer to identify which file each page belongs to.

 Submit files.  Complete any use of 'track changes': accept or reject changes and turn off 'track changes'.  Provide a separate file for each chapter.  Provide ‘clean’ text files, with no non-text material included (e.g.: illustrations, tables, diagrams, figures, etc). Supply as ‘.doc’ or .rtf’ files.

 Any artwork/photos provided (in house style) as eps or tiff files. (Typographer will recreate if not in house style.)

Figures/tables/photos  Edit/check each figure/photo/table (often overlooked). Figures not in house syle will be recreated.  Provide hardcopy (or pdf file) of each figure/photo/table.  Provide tables file. Preferably tab delimited—but ‘Word table’ format is ok if, and only if each line of data is in a separate row of cells.

Cover image(s)  For best reproduction, we prefer the supply of original photograph(s) of possible cover image(s). Or if you must, supply tiff file(s) captured at at least 1600 pixels wide (and simple ‘upsampling’ doesn’t work for printing covers).

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