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  • Pages: 119
Equipment Management An introduction to Total Productive Maintenance

How to use your equipments more effectively and how to manage it ? JICA Expert to VJCC/ Hanoi Master of Mechanical Engineering Kenji TAKEMURA

Variety of Industry あなたの会社にはどのような 機械がいますか?

I. Introduction

Shinkansen in Japan

Type E-3

Type E


Type E-2

Type 400

Type E4

Type 200

Route Map of Shinkansen in Japan

新幹線と 脱線実験

An accident in Germany



II. The basic idea of production control 1. The points to find problems 1) Finding problems by………..


4M 3 MU

With high In good In lower With good With better With higher


Production? Quality? Cost? Delivery? Safety? Morale?



Can’t the necessary jobs be done with smaller manpower?



Are performance of machines effectively utilized?



Can’t the material be saved or the yield ratio be improved?



Isn’t there any better method?


MU ri

Unnatural (on safety,action,movement etc.)

MU da

Wastage (on yield ratio, unit consumption etc.)

MU ra

Unevenness (on manpower, material flow etc.)

2. 6 big losses obstacle to the Efficiency Ideal 4

Actual Speed 2



1. Machine Breakdown Loss 2. Preparation & Adjustment Loss 3. Machine short-frequent stop & Idling Loss 4. Speed Loss 5. Defects and Rework loss 6. Start-up Loss

How to control the production of a machine 1) Let’s control by elements P= p x Hra = p x ( Hrs x η) P: Ton or piece/ month (Production per a month ) p: Ton or piece/ hour Hra: Actual operating hour in a month Hrs: Hours (while the machine ) should be operated η : Operational Ratio ( machine availability) = Hra / Hrs = Hra / (Hrc – Hrp) Hrc: Calendar Hour Hrp: Planned stoppage Hour あなたの会社ではどの様な基準で設備の稼働率を測りますか?


2) What are p and η ? P ( Ton or piece per hour) is just like average speed ( km/hr ) with a car.

An example of the calculation of η: Periodical maintenance Operation

Planned stoppage

Down time 4

4 5 1 2 shifts (16 hours )


No operation

Hrc=24 hrs

Hrp = 4+2+8=14 hrs Hrs =Hrc – Hrp = 24-14 = 10 hrs Hra = 4+ 5 = 9 hrs

η= Hra / Hrs = 9 / 10 = 0.9 90 %


Daily control sheet HPC-1

Date 1999. May. 27. 1, 2, 3 Workshop name

Shift leader






Content A Quantity Note






Date 1999. May. 27. 1, 2, 3 Workshop name




Day/Shift 364 350 +14

Actual Planned Difference


Today ~yesterday Sum



Sum 7150 7300 -150


Contents A Time(Min) 180 Quantity 164 Prod.Rate 1.07 4 5

3 M-B

Scheduled Today 8° ~yesterday 166° Sum 174°


B 110 100 1.10 6

C 90 50 1.80

Preparation 20’ 3°10’ 3°30’

1.00 D 40 50 0.80 7


Mate D(40’)


Quality: Defects Ratio<1.50 %



Operated 7°00’ 149°50’ 156° 50’

Operational Ratio 87.5 % 90.2% 90.1%

Contents of defects:

Contents of defects:



Defect ratio

Today ~ yesterday Sum

Today ~ yesterday Sum


Defects 10 115 125

Total 364 6786 7150

Defect ratio 2.75 % 1.69 % 1.75 %

Cost: Unit Consumption<1.50

Item Electricity Unit Cons. KWH Unit Today ~ yesterday Sum

Oil Kl




Gas Unit


Water Unit

Item Unit Cons. Today ~ yesterday Sum

Paint defect : 5 Parts missing: 4 Dent :1


Electricity KWH Unit 546 1.50 11604 1.71 12150 1.70


Oil Kl 36.4 882.2 918.1




Parts preparation:

WIP Front Back


Gas Unit 0.10 0.13 0.13

Nm3 1165 19679 20844

Delivery: B

Water Unit

3.20 2.90 2.91

m3 36.4 475.0 511.4

Unit 0.10 0.07 0.70

Parts preparation: A 211 25

B 12 150

C 30 10

D 50 35

Total 303 220

X1 parts: 20

Note: X1 part is only 20. Schedule change is necessary.


Safety :




M-break Material 30’ 10’ 2°20’ 10°40’ 2°50’ 10°50’


Comment: Machine Breakdown: Oil seal change for No.2 machine( See report)



Shift leader



Scheduled M-break Material Preparation Operated Operational Ratio

WIP Front Back


Daily control sheet Production: Operational Ratio>90.0% Prod.Rate < 1.00

Day/Shift Sum Actual Planned Difference



Attended Absent Name

OW hour

Safety : Sum Reason


Mr. Y had his left thumb cu at 14:30. See the report.

Personnel: Attended 23 Absent 4 Name Tanaka Obuchi

OW hour


Sum 44

Reason Sick( Cold) Wedding ( Son)


Machine Breakdown Loss : Level



Contents 1 Mixture of emergency breakdown and chronic breakdown 2. Breakdown Maintenance (BM) Preventive Maintenance (PM) 3. Big breakdown loss 4. No autonomous Maintenance System 5. Big variation of machine parts life 6. Unclearness of the weak points 1. Accidental Breakdown 2. PM = BM 3. Big breakdown loss 4. Autonomous Maintenance System is being established 5. Estimation of Machine Parts life 6. Weak points of the facilities are clear


1. Time-based maintenance system is established 2. PM BM 3. Breakdown Loss 1% 4. Active autonomous maintenance 5. Longer machine parts life


1. The condition based maintenance system is established 2. PM 3. Breakdown loss = 0.1 ~ 0 % 4. Autonomous maintenance system is maintained 5. Prediction of machine parts life 6. Reliability and maintainability design

Preparation & Adjustment Loss : Level


Contents 1. The arrangement is only in worker’s hand and is not controlled by management. 2. The arrangement is being implemented in a state of confusion. Big variation in time exists. 1. The procedure of operation is established. 2. The sorting between outer and inner arrangement is also established. 3. The next subject or procedure that should be done is clear.


1. The investigation how to convert outer arrangement to inner arrangement is being established. 2. The mechanism of adjustment is clear and is being applied


1. The most simple method is being applied. 2. Good quality products can be achieved without adjustment from starting up.

Short-Frequent Stop Loss : Level


Contents 1. Management is not aware of the amount of Short-Frequent Stop Loss. ( The action for Short-Frequent Stop Loss is left in operators’ hands ) 2. The frequency and position of the stop is varying and confusing. 1. The quantifying the stop is being implemented. ( Frequency, Position, Amount ) 2. The classification of phenomena and investigation on occurrence- mechanism have being implemented. The countermeasures are being applied.


1. The listing up of cause and countermeasure for Short Frequent Stop is established. 2. Machines are operated in good condition.



The frequency of Short-Frequent Stop is almost ‘ ZERO’. ( A unmanned operation is possible )

Speed Loss : Level


Contents 1. The facility specification is unclear. 2. No speed setting according to the kind of products and machines.

1. The problems of speed loss are summarized on mechanical & quality points. 2. Speed setting according to the kind of products is set and maintained. ( Temporary standard ) 3. There is small variation on speed.


1. The improvement on the items above is implemented and tried. 2. Speed setting has been settled in accordance with the kind of products, and cause & effects relations between the accuracy of machines and the problems are clear. 3. Speed loss is small.


1. The machines were running at specification speed and are running at over- specification speed by the improvements 2. Speed setting according to the kind of products is estab lished and maintained. ( as a fixed standard ) 3. Zero speed loss.


Defects & Rework Loss : Level


Contents 1. Chronic defects are left as it is. 2. In spite of many actions has being taken, no improvement is obtained. 1. Quantifying of chronic defects is tried. ( on kind, frequency, amount of loss ) 2. Sorting of phenomena and investigation on occurrence- mechanism have being implemented. 3. The countermeasures are being applied.


1. The listing up of cause and countermeasure for chronic defects is established. 2. The occurrence of chronic defect is small. 3. Detecting defects in the process is researched and developed.


1. Defects & Rework Loss is 0.1 ~ 0 %

III Maintenance System メンテナンスを故障したら修理するだけでなく系統的に科学的に考えよう

1.Work unit and the progress of Manufacturing System Installation level Manual Work

Work unit

1st stage mechanization

2nd stage mechanization

3rd stage mechanization

4th,5th stage mechanization


Products Change Manpower

Attaching and Detaching


Cycle Approach & Departing of Work tool Main processing






Inspection Manpower


Manpower Manpower TPM-5.doc

2. Management of professional maintenance 1) The structure of professional techniques of maintenance あなたが管理者ならこのように保全技術者を育成しtください。 あなた自身が保全技術者ならこのように自分を育ててください。

Type of technique

The professional techniques of maintenance

The level of technique


niqu e)

High place

) Beg inne rs cl ( Ba sic T ass ech

Furnace Refining Synthesis


Control Electronic Electric


lica tion Tec hniq ue


Mid d le pp

( +A


men lass t Tec hniq ue )


anag e

Mechanical Finishing

The technicians who work with maintenance The process of the are requested to be multi-skilled workers. technique in one’s life They are to be trained and educated to posses one deep technique and at the same time to have wide technique and knowledge on other fields. f on o i t a ent que m e i que l i n p n h h Im T e c e Te c p niqu u h g c elin f Te o n Lev o ersi v U n p per (+ M Co


3. Facility Management and Maintenance 1) Maintenance is an action adapting to changes Structural


Absolute inferiority( wear, adhesion )

Changes in facilities in Performance

Relative inferiority( PQCD, automotive )

2) The type of maintenance The level of change Absolute inferiority of internal structure of the facility Relative inferiority of the performance by the change of external conditions Big external inferiority which can’t be adapted by adapt maintenance

Maintenance Type by purpose

Ability Maintenance

Adapt Maintenance

Contents Cleanness Maintenance Recovery Maintenance Usage Maintenance Main performance improvement Automobility improvement Sociability improvement(騒音、排気) Maintainability improvement Expansion renewal

Renewal Maintenance Conversion with abolition TPM-1.doc


3) Other definition of the type of maintenance

Preventive Maintenance Periodical Maintenance TBM (Time Based Maintenance) IR ( Inspection and Repair) Predictive Maintenance CBM (Condition Based maintenance) BM (Break down Maintenance) CM (Corrective Maintenance)

Periodical Maintenance:

定期修繕はしていますか? どのように決めましたか?

Correct maintenance cycle is fixed, and according to the cycle, repair or exchange is implemented. This type is applied to the machines with which the cycle is easy to be set or periodical exchange gives merit.



(Time Based Maintenance)

( Inspection & Repair)

Decide the maintenance cycle by a parameter, such as quantity of production or operated times, which is proportional to the deterioration of the machine. When the cycle comes the maintenance is given unconditionally.

Disassemble or inspect the machine periodically then judge whether the machine is good ( healthy) or bad (ill). If you find bad parts, change them.

Strong point

Time and labor for the maintenance is small. Break down could be small.

Strong point is in-between TBM and CBM.

Weak point

Sometime this might be over maintenance and cost for the maintenance is expensive.

Weak point is in-between TBM and CBM


Predictive Maintenance: Inspection is given in order to check the condition of deterioration then according to the result of inspection, repair is implemented. This type is applied when, •You can have merit when maintenance is given by the condition of deterioration. • The maintenance cycle is difficult to be set because the deterioration has no tendency. • The maintenance cycle is not fixed yet because record is not enough.

CBM (Condition Based maintenance) Method

Check the running condition of deterioration by the measured and analyzed data technologically. Then, when indication of deterioration is over the standard value, repair the machine.

Strong point

Over maintenance, which is the weak point of TBM, is avoided.

Weak point

The cost for the Detection System is high, and more manpower is needed for maintenance. 判断基準を持たねばならない

Break down Maintenance: Machine is repaired after it get broken down. This type is applied when., • You can get merit by repairing after the breakdown, that is, influence or loss of the breakdown to others is small. • Variation of the tendency of deterioration is big and inspection is difficult to implement.

BM (Break down maintenance) Method

No inspection and no periodical change of parts are given to a machine. The machine is repaired after breakdown.

Strong point

Maintenance and repair costs are low, because parts are used until life end.

Weak point

Breakdown increases and influence to the production is big, besides yield ratio and unit energy become wrong.


Corrective Maintenance: This maintenance is for longer life of machines , shorter repair time and lower maintenance cost. This type is applied for., • Machines with short life, frequent stop and high repair cost. • Machines with long repair time, high maintenance cost and those which give big influence to others.


The role of the production and maintenance department

Cited from “ TPM implementation” by Masaji Tajiri & Fumio Gotoh : McGraw-Hill, Inc.


4) Maintenance system from the point of view of equipment 設備面から注目点を見るといろいろなメンテナンスがあることがわかります。

T: T

Objects ( Maintenance system of Equipment side S: Structural M. 3. Form system 2. Driving system 1. Working system

Form system

3. Form system

2. Driving system

ren dM e n c i ai n an ten Ma n e y t anc it n l i i a b e m A t p 1. da al ce A w 3. S . e en tenan o ci 2 R . Ma ability 3 Main in 2 . A t en an ce ut o m Ma obil i i 1. P n t e n a t y n ce QC D Ma n ce i nt e a n nan inte a ce M ral u t c tru S : S

1. Working system

P: Performance Maintenance

n ce a n te

P: Performance M. 3. Sociability 2. Automobility 1. PQCD

T: Trend M. 3. Renewal 2. Adapt 1. Ability

Driving system

Working system

Means ( Maintenance system of activity side ) 3. Strategy 2. Specialty 1. Autonomous

Total Maintenance System TPM-17.ppt

4. The process of the development and management for professional maintenance technicians 1. Investigation of present necessary technique 4. Technique development system

2. Estimation of necessary technique in future 5. Basic technique development

7. Disposition with evaluation

8. On the Job Training

10. Innovation of equipment

11. Innovation of maintenance system

13. Job selection suitable to one’s age

人間の育成面から 考える

3. Design of technique specification 6. Maintenance technique development

9. Improvement of technique and promotion with evaluation

14. Happy retirement

12. New technique development

1) Mechanical Technique Specification Assembling on Welding tati




Furnace Refining Synthesis

Control Electronic Electric

Machining Mechanical Finishing High place

n me nique que i e l n p h h Finishing Im Tec Tec p ique u n h g Tec elin f v o e 1. Tool handling technique L ion s r e v 6) Tapping 1) Hammer( 2) Chisel U 3) File 4) Scraper 5)on Drill + p C M p e 7) Grinder 8) Hacksaw devices anag 9) Measuring r eme class nt T 2. Basic work technique echn iquefit 4) Centering M 1) Drawing (and 2) Fit 3) Sliding +Asketching i d dle 7) Scribing) p 5) Vibration balancepli6) Leveling c c a ti on T lass ech 3. Machine element technique niqu B egin2) Sleeve bearing e ) 3) Shaft 4) Gear 1) Roller bearing ners ( Ba Beginner cla sic T echn ss Middle ique ) Upper

Finishing を先に説明


2) Training curriculum of professional maintenance Finishing

Upper class Middle class

Beginner class 1. Production facility and maintenance 1) Production and maintenance 2) Role of the machine and characteristics 3) Performance of production and maintainability

2. Basic knowledge and skill Drawing & sketch Measurement Hand finishing Heat treatment Welding Lecture Skill

3. Fundamental skill Roller Brng. Sleeve Brng. Drawing & fit Gear Balancing Centering etc... Lecture Skill Upper Classを説明


Professional maintenance specification of Welding Technique Item

Beginner Class

Middle Class

Upper Class

1) Wearing protectors 1. Preparation Work

2. Gas cutting

3. Gas welding

2) Structure and fitting of a regulator 3) Preparation and windup work of welding and cutting 4) Examples of cutting nozzle condition in use 1) Theory and method of gas cutting 1) Straight cutting and circle cutting 1) Cutting heavy plate(50~100mm) 2) Operation of torch and cutting with compass condition 2) Cutting roller and axis 3) Handling of high pressure vessel 2) Cutting section and pipe with 4) Safety on cutting & welding cutting trolley machine 5) Basic cutting 6) Operation of an automatic welder 3) Cutting fixing bolts and its operation 7) The cause and action of back fire and catching fire 1) Knowledge on flammable gas 1) Welding of hydraulic pipe and oxygen 2) Structure and operation of 2)Welding vessel welding machine 3) Structure of torch and selection of nozzle 4) The type of gas welding and welding direction 5) Welding pipe

1) Welding high pressure pipe 2) Welding wire at job site 3) Welding pipe on dangerous scaffold 4) Combination of welding direction 5) Welding sheet steel and casted copper



4. Arc welding

5. Full size marking

Beginner Class

Middle Class

Upper Class

1) General knowledge on electric 1) Preparation at job site 1) Overhead position welding 2) The type of welding rod and of stainless steel current 2) Downhand butt welding of heavy 2) Heat treatment of welded part 3) Welding and strain and sheet steel 3) Selection of welding rod 4) The type of welding machine 4) Design of welding jigs and structure 3) The type of steel and method of 5) Crack welding of casing 5) The method and direction of welding 6) Welding on dangerous scaffold tack welding 7) The operation of semi-automatic 6) Downhand, vertical and welding machine overhead position of steel plate 8) Build up welding of gear tooth 7) Downhand position welding of 9) Shrinkage and deformation stainless steel plate 10) How to prevent cracking 8) Welding mark 11) How to prevent and relief residual 9) Build up welding stress 12) Surface hardening 1) How to read drawing 1) Sketching at job site 2) How to use tools for development 3)How to decide degree by compass 2) Scribing of parts 4) How to mark length for bending 5) How to mark development diagram of bended pipe, bosh and pyramid 6) Scribing work

1) Selection of welding rod and 1) Cutting of stainless bolts current control 6. Arc cutting 2) How to prevent poisonous gas 3) Cutting of cast iron and stainless steel

1) Material estimation 2) Manufacturing parts and process of job 3) Machining and gas cutting allowance 4) Estimation of man- hour 1) Finishing cutting of products

Item 7. Shearing

Beginner Class

10. Hole

Upper Class

1) The structure of shearing machine and how to operate it

1) Bending job by pipe bender 8. Bending & 2) Bending job by propane burner strain work 3) Bending job by pressing 4) Bending job by jack and hammer

9. Groove

Middle Class

1) Design of jigs and tools 2) Preparation for work accuracy 3) How to control pressure 4) Gun-type bending and quench bending

1) Welding and groove 2) Thickness and groove shape 3) Groove mark 4) The principle of gouging 5) How to prepare edge of plate and pipe

1) How to prevent heat strain 2) How to prevent crack with groove 3) Groove for high pressure vessel 4) Groove for cast stainless steel and copper

1) Operation of boring machine 2) Selection of drill and grinding 3)Hole diameter and number of revolution 4) Boring with gas cutting machine

1) Boring with oxygen cutting

TPMへ Lunch Break

Training curriculum of professional maintenance (1) for Finishing: Upper Class in Steel Industry Chapter

Section 1) Production in the

Contents * Main process of steel production and performance of those

1. General factory * Operation and Maintenance introduction 2) Equipment Control * BM, PM, TPM * Maintenance technology and Repair technology * Management of work 3) Repair work 4) Work crew

2. Basic technology

* Characteristics of repair work * Quality of work and cost of work * Skill of work and deterioration of performance * Individual work and crew work * Formation of crew and skill of the crew * Training skill

1) Industrial material * The kind of metal and its characteristics * Nonmetal material (packing, lubricant ) * Material test 2) Dynamics * Moment of force * Composition and disassembly of forces * Center of gravity * Friction * Vibration 3) Mechanics of * Stress and limit of elasticity * Allowable stress and safety factor *Frame structure materials 4) Design drawing * Simple symbol of machine elements * Simple design method * Free hand sketching * Casting * Heat treatment * Cutting * Forging 5) Machine work 6) Measurement * Accuracy of measurement * Measurement of length * Measurement of angle * Measurement of parallelism * Roughness of surface * Measurement of pressure * Revolution * Vibration 7) Thermodynamics * Heat expansion * Heat conduction * Characteristics of gas and steam * Fuel and combustion 8) Electricity and * General theory * Cause and countermeasure of break down TPM-12-1.ppt instrumentation

Training curriculum of professional maintenance (2) for Finishing: Upper Class in Steel Industry Chapter

Section 1) Gear 2) Bearing

3. Machine elements

3) Bearing joint 4) Piping 5) Valve 1) Speed reducer

4. Machine technology

2) Pump 3) Carrying implement 4) Rolling mill 5) Hydraulic unit

5. Specific skill

1) Finishing skill 2) Machining skill 3) Scaffold skill

Contents * Mounting accuracy and effect * Type of gear damage and how to repair * Allowable load of roller bearing and life * Lubricant and lubrication * Points to notice of mounting *Causes of damage and countermeasure * How to apply standard of fits * The selection of jigs and tools * How to design jigs * Classification by usage and how to execute works * Piping and joints * The method of surface treatment and effect * The Type and structure * Allowable vibration * Bearing temperature * Standard for replacement * Trimming and adjustment * Structure and performance * Allowance of gap * Capacity of pressure * Balance adjustment * How to judge good and wrong parts * Fitting adjustment * Lubrication * Influence of break down to production * Standard for replacement * How to measure gap and how to fits and assemble * Structure and installation accuracy * Allowable temperature of bearing * Hydraulic theory * Mechanism and how to operate * Roughness of cylinder surface and gap allowance * How to seal * Pressure test * Fitting * Sliding fits * Centering

Training curriculum of professional maintenance (3) for Finishing: Upper Class in Steel Industry Chapter



1) Work planning

6. Control of work

* How to decide allowance of work * Scheduling * Points of notice to repair * Cause of trouble * Record of work 2) Estimation of * Work crew * Type of man-hour * How to reduce man-hour man- hour * Additional and omitted work * Error of estimation * Compensation factor of operation efficiency down 3) Improvement of * Ability to improve reliability * How to simplify repair * Improvement of jigs work * Improvement of working environment 4) Repair cost * Composition of repair cost * Repair cost and unit price of job * Standard man- hour and skill of repair 5) Material for repair * Classification of material for repair * Necessary date for report * PM and material for repair 6) Quality of repair * Specification of repair quality and actual result of quality * Training for skills * Cause of the repair- result- variation * Safety and a company * Safety rule and regulation 7) Safety * Environment and protector * How to handle dangerous articles * Fire regulation * First-aid treatment * I.E and repair work * Measurement of work * Cost calculation

7. Personnel management




What is TPM ?

1) Definition TPM is an abbreviation for

Total Productive Maintenance. TPM combines the American practice of preventive maintenance with the Japanese Total Quality Control and total employee involvement. The result is an innovative system for equipment maintenance that optimizes effectiveness, eliminates breakdowns, and promote autonomous operator maintenance through day-to-day activities.

m u m i x 1. Total ( Maximum ) Efficiency a M or TPM pursues maximum economic efficiency 2) What is Total ?

profitability but not partial one. 2. Total ( Whole ) Life of Equipment. TPM targets effective performance of equipment not in short term but whole life of the equipment. 3. Total ( Every ) Department Not only maintenance department but every department should be involved in TPM. 4. Total ( Each ) Member Each member, from top management to workers, is to join in TPM activity.


Conventional Maintenance Operators = Operation Maintenance workers = Maintenance + Repair Engineers = Production rate oriented design Creative job Job rotation Multi-skill Small man power

High Quality & high production TPM Operators = Operation

+ daily facility check + detection of abnormality + cleaning and lubrication Maintenance workers = Maintenance + Repair + knowledge on quality Engineers = Production rate oriented design + maintenance free design + easy maintenance design

3) The content of TPM

1. Maintenance prevention Pursuing maintenance free in designing 2. Preventive Maintenance Preventing maintenance while operation 3. Improvement Maintenance Maintenance with improvement after break- down 4. Post-Maintenance Repair after break- down


4) 5 TPM Development Activities The TPM

Flower There are some basic conditions for the development of TPM Elim inat 6 big ion of losse s

that are applied in most condition. Generally, the successful implementation of TPM requires: Ea Pr sy m of six big losses to improve 1. Elimination od an u c uf equipmentt d effectiveness es rg. ign chedul 2. A scheduled maintenanceSprogram for ed mainte TPM the maintenance department nance n o i g t nmaintenance 3. An autonomous program n i e v eer e Pr gin 4. Preventionenengineering program us nomo Auto ce tenan main

5. Easy -to-manufacture product design program

5) How to manage TPM 1) The Twelve Steps of TPM Development ( 1 ) Announce top management decision to introduce TPM ( 2 ) Launch education and campaign to introduce TPM ( 3 ) Create organization to promote TPM ( 4 ) Establish basic TPM policies and goals ( 5 ) Formulate master plan for TPM development


( 6 ) Hold TPM kick- off ( 7 ) Improve effectiveness of each equipment ( 8 ) Develop an autonomous Maintenance program ( 9 ) Develop a scheduled maintenance program for the maintenance department (10) Conduct training to improve operation and maintenance skills (11) Develop initial equipment management program (12) Perfect TPM implementation and raise TPM level

Step 1: Announce top management’s decision to introduce TPM The first step in TPM development is to make an official announcement of the TPM実施宣言を行います。 decision to implement TPM. Top management must inform his employees of this decision and communicate enthusiasm for the project. This can be accomplished through a formal presentation that introduce the concepts, goals, and expected benefits of TPM, and also includes top manager’s personal statements to employees on the reasons behind the decision to implement TPM. It may be followed by printed statements in company bulletins. TPM respects the autonomy of workers, but it promotes autonomously only after they have become sufficiently motivated and competent to manage their own activities successfully, and only when a work environment that supports autonomous activities has been created. 自主的な活動が必要ですが動機付けが欠かせません。 Establishing that favorable environment is management’s primary responsibility at this stage of preparation.


Step 2: Launch educational campaign The education for TPM implementation should be designed to eliminate resistance and raise morale. しかし、簡単にはいきません。 In Japan, for example, 2-3 day training program by level have been most effective for managers and section chief, or for staff engineers and group leaders or マネージャクラスから始めます。 foreman. Top management often attends the programs for upper managers and section chiefs to provide support by his presence. Floor workers can be trained using slide presentations or other visual materials. This training can be enhanced by inviting supervisors and other managers to TPM small group meeting to relate what they have learned from their own training program. During the TPM education stage, a campaign to promote enthusiasm for TPM implementation is usually organized. Japanese companies often use banners, placards, sign, flags and badges bearing TPM slogans to create a positive environment. 2

Step 3: Create organization to promote TPM Once the introductory education of management-level personnel has been completed, building of a TPM promotional system can begin. The TPM promotional structure is based on an organization matrix, forming horizontal groups such as committees and project teams at each level of the vertical management organization. It is extremely important for the support and successful development of TPM company wide. 左右上下のマトリックスを作ります。 Groups are organized by rank, for example, the TPM promotional committee, department and factory promotional committees, and PM circles for the work floor. The integration of top-down, goal-oriented management with bottom-up, small group activities on the work floor is critical. Normally, autonomous small group activities can be carried on within the existing management structure. In many cases in Japan, so called QCC also implement TPM. Therefore, QCC Activity is called as SGA( Small Group Activity ). New PM circles or groups can be created within this structure by assigning leadership responsibilities to section leaders, group leaders, or or foremen on the work floor. TPM-15-3.ppt


Step 4: Establish basic TPM policies and goals The TPM promotional headquarters staff should begin by establishing basic policies and goals. Since it takes at least three years to move toward eliminating defects and breakdowns through TPM, one basic management policy should be to commit to TPM and incorporate concrete TPM development procedures into the medium to long-range management plan. Although company mottoes and slogans are often simply displayed on the walls, concrete basic policies and annual goals of management must be adhered to. Although policies may consist of abstract written or verbal statements, the goals should be quantifiable and precise, specifying the target (what), quantity (how much), and time frame (when ). Off course, to totally eliminate breakdowns and defects may be an unattainable goal. Therefore, management should set intermediate goals ; for three-years, for example. To set an attainable goal, the actual level and characteristics of current breakdown and rate of process defects per piece of equipment must be measured and understood. In some companies this information is not available and we must start by identifying current conditions. TPM-15-4.ppt


Step 5: Formulate a master plan for PM development The next responsibility of the TPM promotional headquarters is to establish a master plan for TPM development. The daily schedule for promotion of TPM, beginning with the preparation stage before implementation must be included. A sample TPM development master plan shown on the next page is centered on the following five basic improvement activities as explained before. 1. Improving equipment effectiveness through elimination of the six big losses 2. Establishing planned maintenance system by maintain department 3. Establishing an autonomous maintenance program by operators 4. How to make easy-to-manufacturing production design 5. Setting up program for prevention engineering 6. Education and training to increase skill 5

Step 6: Hold TPM “ Kickoff ” TPM “ Kickoff ” is the first step in implementation, the beginning of the battle against the six big losses. During the preparation stage ( steps 1 ~ 5 ), management and professional staff play the dominant role. From that point on, however, the individual workers must move away from their traditional daily work routines and begin to practice TPM. Each worker now plays a crucial role. It means that every person is a participant there are no onlookers. For this reason, every worker must support top management’s TPM policy through activities to eliminate the six big losses. The kickoff should help cultivating an atmosphere that increases worker’s morale and dedication. In Japan, this often takes the form of a meeting for all employees. At the meeting, top managers report on the plans developed and on the work accomplished during the preparation phase, such as the TPM promotional structure, the basic TPM policy and goals, and the master plan for TPM development. 6

Step 7: Improve equipment effectiveness TPM is implemented through five basic TPM development activities described before, the first of which is to improve the effectiveness of each piece of equipment experiencing a loss. Engineering and maintenance staff, line supervisors, and small group members are organized into project teams that will make improvements to eliminate losses. These improvements will produce positive results within the company. During the early stage of implementation, however, there will be those who doubt TPM’s potential to produce results, even when they are shown how use of TPM in other companies increased productivity and quality, reduced cost, improved business results, and created a favorable working environment. TPMの効果に疑問のある人がいるのでモデルを選んで焦点を当てて実行します

To overcome this doubt and build confidence in TPM, we demonstrate its effectiveness by focusing team efforts on equipment suffering from chronic losses during operation -pieces that will show marked improvement under an intensive three-month overhaul. Several pieces of equipment in each workshop are selected as models, and a project team is assigned to each piece 7

Step 8: Establish an autonomous maintenance 変わるのに時間がかかる program for operators The third of the five TPM development activities, autonomous maintenance, is the eighth step in the development program. It should be tackled right after the TPM kickoff. Autonomous maintenance by operators is a unique feature of TPM; organizing it is central to TPM promotion within the company. The longer the company has been organized, the harder it is to implement autonomous maintenance, because operators and maintenance personnel find it difficult to let go of the concept: “ I make it, you fix it.” Operators are used to devoting themselves full-time to manufacturing, and maintenance personnel expect to assume full responsibility for maintenance. Such attitudes and expectations cannot be changed overnight, which is one of the reasons why it typically takes two to three years to progress from the introduction of TPM to its full implementation. Changing the thinking and the environment within the company takes time. In promoting TPM, everyone from top to bottom in the organization must believe that it is feasible for operators to perform autonomous maintenance and that individuals should be responsible for their own equipment.


Step 9: Set up a scheduled maintenance program for the maintenance department 少し詳しく説明する As we discussed earlier, scheduled maintenance carried out by the maintenance department must be coordinated with the autonomous maintenance activities of the operations department so the two department can function together like the two wheels of a car. A scheduled maintenance program is to raise the level of maintenance from Phase- 1 to Phase-4. Phase-1: Reduce variety of parts life In this phase, first action is to restore defective parts and the second is to eliminate forced deterioration. Phase-2: Extend parts life With investigation in phase-1, weakness in design can be improved and thus, chance- breakdown can be eliminated. Phase-3: Restore deteriorated parts periodically In this Phase, it could be possible to estimate parts life then periodical services could be conducted. Now, it possible to identify signs of break down. Phase-4: Predict parts life Application of machine diagnosis makes it possible to predict parts life.


Step 10: Conduct training to improve operation and maintenance skills In Japan , the large steel and electronics corporation provide their employees with technical training at well- equipped centers. The training curriculum should be prepared for both maintenance personnel and operation personnel. The curriculum for professional maintenance personnel is prepared according to the type of job and, further, level of one’s skill. The training for operators is often given by maintenance personnel and the Some parts of training for maintenance personnel is given by operation personnel. This interchange of personnel in training is effective for cooperation in the work of TPM. Education and training are investment in people that yield multiple returns.


Step 11: Develop initial equipment management program 設備新設の場合:


The last category of TPM development activity is initial equipment management. When new equipment is installed, problems often show up during test- running and startup even though design, construction, and installation appears to have gone smoothly. This opportunity is effective chance for operators to understand structure of the equipment and technological background of the equipment. Initial equipment management is performed mainly by production engineering and maintenance personnel as part of a comprehensive approach to maintenance prevention (MP) through improvement activities at various stages. In order to achieve good results of PM, it is recommended to involve operators from early stage of planning and design. When test running of the equipment is conducted at the maker, attendance of not only engineers but operators and maintenance personnel is quite effective for initial equipment management. 設備新設の場合は絶好の学習の場。 オペレーターも最初から参加させる。 広畑冷延


Step 12: Implement TPM fully and aim for higher goals The final step in the TPM development program is to perfect TPM implementation and set even higher goal for the future. During this period of stabilization everyone works continuously to improve TPM results, so it can be expected to last for some time. At this point, Japanese companies are evaluated for the PM Prize. Even after a company receives the PM Prize, however, its drive for improvement must continue- winning the PM Prize simply symbolizes a new beginning. According to a top-ranking manager at a PM prize-winning workplace, “ This award does not mark our completion of TPM, but it does signify that we started out on the right foot. This will enable us to try even harder.”

An outline of TPM System


Minor stoppages

Eliminate minor defects

Reduced operating speed

Identify quality conditions

Quality rework

Skill analysis

Reduced yield

PM analysis

Skill to improve equipment

Eliminate forced deterioration Maintain basic equipment conditions

Improve design weakness Eliminate chance breakdowns Restore external deterioration

Step 1. Step 4. Initial Overall cleaning inspection Step 2. Action to sources of contamination Step 3. Cleaning & lubrication standard

Estimate parts life & conduct periodical services

Apply machines diagnosis Prevent quality defects outflow

Identify signs of breakdown

Eliminate quality defects

Step 5. Step 6. Autonomous Process quality maintenance assurance standard Step 7. Autonomous super vision

5. Easy-to- manufacture product design Product development: * Planning * Feasibility study * Conceptual design * Detailed design * Prototype * Design review * Production schedule 4. Prevention engineering Engineering:: * Planning * Basic design * Cost estimation * Design review * Detailed design Procurement & Construction * Requisition * Purchase order * Construction

Maintenance knowledge and skills

Education and Practice Required skill

Phase 4 Predict parts life

Synchronized product/ plant engineering

Search for optimal conditions

Restore defective parts

Phase 3 Restore deteriorated parts periodically

Stepwise management

Set up & Adjustment

2. Planned maintenance


3. Autonomous maintenance


to similar equipment


Application of effective remedies

Six big losses

Phase 2 Extend parts life

Operation and maintenance information for new equipment

Phase 1 Reduce variability of parts life

1. Elimination of six big losses

Maintenance prevention & improvement information

Optimal condition Zero Accident- Zero Defects Zero- Breakdowns

Operation & maintenance skill for new equipment

Adapted from Seiichi Nakajima, TPM Development Program ( Productivity Press.1989 )

V. How to implement Autonomous Maintenance in TPM Activity

Management of Autonomous Maintenance 1. What is Autonomous Maintenance Workers restore chronic poor condition of equipment and job, of which they are in charge, in order to achieve full performance of them and then contribute to the effective production system. This activity is useful for autonomous restructuring of the base of management resources and for autonomous management by renewal workers, who have reformed their consciousness on work by education and training. 前提として整備と工場が分かれた組織で論じている。

2. Why Autonomous Maintenance ? What is its characteristics ?

Level of skill & knowledge

Point 1: The range of Autonomous Maintenance is elastic and flexible according to the skill of workers and type of equipment.


Disassembly & assembly of machine

Professional flexible Autonomous

Initial cleaning Mechanical skill & knowledge



Point 2: The area of activity expands starting from improvement of equipment to that of production system.


Machine Material

Production system


Point 3: Autonomous Maintenance is an opportunity of that workers can join to management.

Management circle

--16:00 End of 1st day

Revitalizing the Workplace through Autonomous Maintenance Autonomous maintenance steps Step 1: Initial cleaning Step 2: Action to the sources of contamination Step 3: Cleaning and lubrication standard

Autonomous maintenance steps

Autonomous maintenance steps

Step 4: Overall inspection Step 5: Autonomous maintenance standard

Step 6: Process quality assurance Step 7: Autonomous supervision

Change thinking Defects and breakdowns embarrass the workshop

Motivation y Model for organizational leadership y Desire to do what’s needed

Change Equipment

Effects Defects and breakdowns

Effects Some workshops

Change Attitude



achieve “ Zero

( revitalizing )

defects” and/or “Zero Breakdowns


Change action y Take positive steps toward improvement y Thoroughly standardize maintenance activities y Restoration and improvement yCleaning is inspection y Inspection reveals abnormality lead to good results y Abnormalities are restored or y Good results make everyone improved happy Revitalization Policy TPM-6.doc



3. How to manage Autonomous Maintenance Autonomous Maintenance on equipment Performance Basic Maintenance Maintenance

Stage *Elimination of chronic problems of equipment by cleaning and tightening. *Reduction of time for cleaning and lubricating. *Study on the structure, performance and maintenance skill of the equipment in order to pursue its full performance. *Measure the level of deterioration

Autonomous Maintenance for production system Elements of Integrated Maintenance the system

*Training on the elements of production system such as, material, products, process, quality, delivery, JIT and cost *Development of the ability for KAIZEN and self management *Establishment of Autonomous management on PQCD. *Autonomous management on safety, environment and humanity


1. Initial cleaning 2. Countermeasure at the source of problems 3. Cleaning and lubrication standard 4. Overall inspection Instruction follows inspection manual. Discover and correct minor defects.

5. Autonomous inspection Develop and use autonomous inspection check sheet

6. Qualitative Maintenance Orderliness and tidiness spread in the company. Workers take data and judge by data.

7. Full autonomous maintenance with self- management Develop company policy and goals further. Increase regularity of improvement activities.

Holcim Seiso Inspection

Step-1:Initial cleaning Date

Defective area


The four lists of step 1 Prod.

Taken by Maint. P. Eng. Op. in charge Sch’d date Comp’d

(1) Defective area list



Answer or countermeasure

Posed by

Sch’d date

(2) Question list Date



Found by

(3) Source of contamination list


Difficult work area

(4) Difficult work area list

Found by

Step-1: Initial cleaning Date

Defective area


Rubber seal of cover


The four lists of Step 1 Prod.

Taken by Maint. P. Eng. Op. in charge Sch’d date Comp’d Soos Laszlo

Exchange to new one



(1) Defective area list




Why air pressure can’tbe kept over 4.5 kg/cm2 ?

Answer or countermeasure Air filter may be choked. Let’s checkit.

Posed by Szell Ferenc

Sch’d date 11.25

(2) Question list Date 11.06

Where Coolant tank of machine HPC-1

What Coolant is flushing out.

Found by Garaczi Karoly

(3) Source of contamination list

Date 11.29

Difficult work area Air filter for machine K-B1 is difficult to check because of high location.

(4) Difficult work area list

Found by Lepsenyi Istvan

An identification Tag PM Identification Tag (A)



Type AM FM PJ Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Iden’d by: PM group: Defects summary: Date iden’d :

Action 1. Taken by PM group 2. Requested to * To be taken by whoever found defects after on-site confirmation of results of action taken

PM action Tag (B) Iden’d by: Section: Line: Defect summary:

Action plan:

Date iden’d:

Sch’d date:

Checked by: Action 1. Taken by PM group 2. Requested to Summary of action taken:

Date completed:

No. PM group: Team: Equipment:

(PM leader) (Supervisor)


Return to sender

Activity: AM: Autonomous Maintenance FM: Full-time Maintenance PJ: Project team

Step-2: Countermeasures to source of Contamination Dividing Step 2 into Sub-steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Review sources of contamination Review difficult cleaning area Prepare tentative cleaning standard Estimate cleaning intervals Set cleaning time target Set improvement target Find countermeasures to sources of contamination 7.1 Conduct a why-why analysis 7.2 Plan remedial actions 7.3 Take remedial actions 7.4 Evaluate results of actions 8. Find countermeasures to difficult cleaning areas 8.1 Conduct a why-why analysis 8.2 Plan remedial actions 8.3 Take remedial actions 8.4 Evaluate results of actions 9. Revise cleaning standards 10. Assess residual issues 11. Develop a short remedial program 12. Conduct an autonomous maintenance audit


Step-2: Countermeasures to source of Contamination A why-why analysis Where and what foreign materials are originated ? How foreign materials affect ? Safety Quality Breakdown Minor stoppages Setup Adjustment Cleaning time

Priority of action taken

Why are foreign materials generated ? Why ? Why ?

Remedy source of contamination

Prevent undesirable dispersion Correct difficult cleaning area 汚れの除去

Step-3: Cleaning and Lubricating Standards


Lubrication Control System Full-time maintenance

Autonomous maintenance Select PM group models Select managers’ models

Assess lubricating points & surface

Prepare lubrication education Training Material

Conduct lubrication education Locate lubricating points and surfaces

Lubricating & inspecting ledgers 元帳

Lubricating points and surface lists Detect lubrication related equipment defects

Lubricating ?

5W1H! メンテ部門は工場がLub. をやり易いように準備する

Allocate routine lubricating tasks

Work order Action taken ? By autonomous maintenance Remedy equipment defects

Revise lubricating & inspecting ledgers

Set tentative lubrication standards Tentative lubricating standards

Lubricant replacement standards

Estimating lubricating intervals

Remedy equipment defects

Lubricating & inspecting ledgers Improve lubrication control system

Locate difficult lubricating areas Difficult work area list Establish lubricating standards Routine lubrication and inspection

Remedy difficult lubricating areas Compare & modify standards Highly sophisticated lubrication control

Step-4: Overall Inspection Dividing Step 4 into Sub-steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Conduct general education. Conduct specific education. Conduct a comprehensive test. Prepare inspecting check lists.* Assess inspecting items. Remedy defective areas discovered. Set tentative inspecting standards. Estimate inspecting intervals. Set inspecting time targets. Set improvement targets. Identify difficult inspecting areas. Remedy difficult inspecting areas. Review inspecting standards. Allocate routine inspecting tasks. Check operator’s inspecting skill. Develop a short remedial program. Conduct an autonomous maintenance audit**



Overall Inspection

Improper actuation due to misalignment Harmful damage, crack, deformation or melting Loss or looseness Overheating, abnormal noise or order Adherence of cutting fluid, metal chips, dust or spatters Over stress caused by machine motion Shock or uneven force Installation in vibrating area Proper guard against collision Possibility of actuation error Unnecessary wiring or devices Adjustment ranges properly displayed Time-consuming adjustment or inspection Proper return of gauge pointer to position


Ammeters. voltmeters

Thermal relays




Auto switches

Photoelectric switches

Precision snapacting switches Proximity switches

Limit switches

Push-button, cut-off switches

Check points


Electrical section

Parts type

Inspection Check Sheet

Step-4: Overall Inspection The procedure for an Overall Inspection Determine categories for overall inspection Preparation

Maintenance staff

Fastener, electrical, power, transmission and hydraulic/pneumatics

Prepare teaching material Maintenance staff

Plan schedule Maintenance staff

Teaching materials Check sheets Inspection manuals

Conduct group leader education Education

Prepare roll-out education Group leader and manager

Conduct roll-out education Group leader

Inspecting practice at model equipment All pieces of equipment allocated

Conduct overall inspection Overall Inspection

PM group members

Conduct PM group meeting PM group members

Four list

Remedy equipment defects PM group members and maintenance personnel

Set tentative routine inspecting standards PM group members

Check operators’ inspecting skill Finishing

Routine inspecting standards

Group leader

Self-audit and application for audit Group leader

Skill evaluation sheet

Autonomous maintenance audit Managers and engineers

Remedy weak points indicated in audit PM group members and maintenance personnel

Proceed to next inspection category

Maintenance staff

Step-5: Autonomous Maintenance Standards Autonomous Inspection Dividing Step 5 into Sub-steps 1. Review residual issues left over from Steps 1 to 4. 2. Take actions to problems. 2-1 Identify problems in cleaning/lubricating standards set in Step 3 and categorical inspecting standard set in Step 4. 2-2 Plan and take remedial actions. 2-3 Evaluate results of actions. 3. Take action to breakdown and minor stoppages. 3-1 Examine causes. 3-2 Plan and take remedial actions. 3-3 Evaluate results of actions 4. Set tentative routine inspecting standards. 5. Compare with maintenance standards set by full time* maintenance. 6. Set inspecting time target. 7. Set tentative routine inspecting schedule. 8. Conduct routine inspection. 9. Review cleaning, lubricating/inspecting standards. 10. Set autonomous maintenance standards and schedules.** 11. Develop a short remedial program. 12. Conduct an autonomous maintenance audit.***

Time targets in autonomous maintenance activities 16 min.



Time ( Minute )




10 min.

10 3

Minutes per operator per shift


5 min.

Step 5

4 -1

4 -2

4 -3

4 -4 Hydraulics & pneumatics

Cleaning + lubricating

Step 4 Power transmission


Step 3


Step 2





Cleaning + lubricating + inspecting

Autonomous Maintenance Standards Autonomous maintenance ( cleaning, lubrication and inspection ) standards Prepared by : Takemura Kenji Date issued : 1998. 07 29 Process: No .



Cleaning areas

Equipment : TR - 3 Criteria

Approved by : Soos Laszlo Methods



Date expired :

Interval Week Month

Main body of injection molding machine No abnormal contamination Wipe with dump rag 10 by grease, dirt and dust

Person responsible Operator


Main body of press






Hydraulic unit






Temperature controller






Mold disassembly jig





N0.3 Rubber molding

Cleaning areas

Rubber flash and chips within Sweep with broom limits

Criteri a

Lubricant Type




Interval Week Month

Person responsible


Hydraulic oil reservoir

Oil level within ranges markedYellow-56

Hand pump




Air lubricator

Oil level within ranges marked Blue-68










Heating plate cooling water tank



Screw gear in hydraulic clutch

Oil level within ranges markedGreen -32 Oiler


Rotating parts in press

Sufficient grease

White c-1 Press. gun 3


Autonomous maintenance ( cleaning, lubrication and inspection ) standards Process: No . 21 22 23 24 25 26

N0.3 Rubber molding Category


Equipment : TR - 3 Criteria

Approved by : Soos Laszlo Min.












1.0~2.0 kg/cm2



Oil temperature in Hydraulic system

35oC~ 55oC



Die holder bolts

Power Bearing wear in transmission mold disassembly jig Power Fan belt transmission

Within “ filter clean” position No looseness

Interval Person Day Week Month responsible

Corrective actions

Oil pressure in temperature controller

Hydraulic pump indicator

Date expired :




Prepared by : Takemura Kenj Date issued : 1998. 07 29

ditto Tap lightly

Shut down and call maintenance dep.

No wear





No wear







Safety door limit switch

No looseness in setting bolts







Lamps at consoles and machines

No burnout or damage






Hydraulics/ pneumatics

Pipes and fittings

No leakage or damage




Call maintenance department

Step-6: Autonomous Maintenance Standards Dividing Step 6 into Substeps


1. Remedies focused on quality results 1-1 Delineation of quality assurance flow diagram(QAFD)* 1-2 Process quality** assessment 1-3 Preventive measures against defective product outflow 1-4 Product handling 1-5 Detection of quality defective product. 2. Remedies focused on quality causes in terms of raw material, measuring apparatus, jig and die, machining condition 2-1 Identify quality conditions to be incorporated into a piece of equipment. 2-2 Assess quality conditions.*** 2-3 Remedy quality conditions. 2-4 Review and standardize inspecting items in terms of quality conditions. 3. Establishment of process quality assurance system

Quality Assurance Flow Diagram(QAFD) and Process Quality En-1




(Pickling line)

(Cold rolling mill)


(Skinpass mill)





An example of Process Quality)

Initial, interim, final products



Inspection method

Inspection frequency


+ 0.30mm

X-ray gauge meter Micrometer

Total length Recording paper 1st coil of roll change 1st coil of shift change Roll ordering paper 1/ 3 coils


+ 1.2% of width

convex rule

1st coil of roll change 1/ 3 coils

Roll ordering paper


below 5mm

Taper gauge and ruler 1st coil of roll change 1/ 5 coils

Roll ordering paper

Inspection record

Surface * Initial products: Commencement of work, Changeover, Adjustment, Jig or tool change, Alternation, Repair or service, Lot change

The five criteria for quality assurance Qualityにも注意を払って 1. A quality condition is quantitative or clear

Quality conditions are unclear * Operators as well as maintenance personnel do not know very precisely what the quality conditions are nor how to manage these conditions and at which area of equipment. * Quality conditions have too wide, too narrow, or ambiguous ranges. * Quality conditions are adjusted by relying on operator’s experiences or feelings. * When equipment is started up, adjustment and test run must be repeated.

2. A quality condition is easy to set

Quality conditions are difficult to set * Procedure for setting quality condition is difficult or complicated. * Setup and adjustment requires too much labor and time.

3. A quality condition resists variation

Quality condition tends to vary * Quality defects readily recur in spite of frequent adjustment of operating conditions. * Adjustment and fixing of operating conditions must be repeated many times.

4. A change in a quality condition is easy to detect

Quality conditions are difficult to detect * Change in quality conditions are not found until a large number of defective products are already produced. * It is difficult to identify which condition changed.

5. A change in a quality condition is easy to restore

Quality conditions are difficult to restore * Disassembly of equipment is needed to set quality conditions and, therefore, involve excessive labor and time. * Welding and file finishing are needed to restore quality conditions of worn parts and require that a work order be issued to the maintenance department. AMSTEP60.ppt

How to prevent defective products outflow Quality products * Clearly defined ? * Absolutely needed ? * Well understood ? * Well observed ? * Easy to observe ? * Are deviations detected at a glance if quality defects occur ? * Inspection record * Operating record Scrap: After evaluation, defective product must be scrapped.

Defective products

Rework : After evaluation, defective products can be repaired in current or upstream process. Hold : Evaluation is requested from quality assurance department Recycle : After evaluation, partial or whole product can be reused.

---10:00 休憩へ

Quality conditions

Quality condition: The condition of each item which relates to quality on machines and equipment, raw materials and so on in order to achieve process quality. Example: Side member assembly accuracy Main body opening

+d Rear floor parts accuracy




+a Under body assembly accuracy


Hinge parts accuracy

+g Member subassembly accuracy

+h +c

Curved die accuracy

+k Curved blade accuracy

+l Member parts accuracy

+i Assembly jig



VI. Seiso Inspection 1. Why Seiso-inspection is important ? • While cleaning, abnormality such as heating, vibration, noise and oil leakage can be detected by touching machines directly. • Initial abnormality, which is overlooked by mere appearance inspection, can also be detected by Seiso-inspection. • Seiso-inspection cultivates the consciousness and habit of taking good care of machines and equipment.

2. How to implement Seiso Inspection ? •First,learn checking points of machine by elements, such as Lubrication system, Hydraulic system, Pneumatic system, Mechanical parts and Electrical control system. • Understand which parts of the machine get dirty and how they become dirty for each machine. • Decide and make list the items and conditions of maintenance for each machine. • Decide the method of intentional Seiso Inspection for each machine. • Check and improve the way to make easier maintenance and cleaning.

A check list example Workshop name:

Machine name:

Date checked:

Checked by:


Name of element : Lubrication system Check point Oil port Oil gauge Oil level Strainer Oil Piping Oil jug





by eyes


by eyes


by eyes


clean between upper & lower limit no break & no sludge no contamination & deterioration no leakage & no bending clean

by eyes by eyes


by eyes


by eyes




by eyes


Name of element : Hydraulic system Oil port clean Oil level Strainer Oil

between upper & lower limit

by eyes


no break & no sludge

by eyes


by eyes


no contamination & deterioration


Hydro Ele. Plant


3. Detail points of Seiso Inspection ? No Name

Check Points


Pressure Setting V

Pressure correct?


Oil Tank

Oil quantity enough?



No Choking?



Clean? No air bubble?



Straight and correct?



Correct alignment?



No heat, no noise and no vibration?



No heat, no noise and no vibration?










No Name

Check Points



Correct position?


Set Bolt

Correct position? Tight?


Rotating Pin

No looseness



No uneven wear?



No dust or sludge?



Ampere and voltage are within standard?


Limit position

Is movement in the limit?



No liquid or mist?

K-B Seiso Inspection





How do you check for Seiso Inspection? Example YAMAHA


Let’s full make use of your machines by everybody.

Hoping prosperity of your company, VJCC is always ready to work with you.

Xin cam on !

Machine in a company

Seiso Inspection

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