Toxic Sunset - Analysis & Refl..

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 443
  • Pages: 2
AsianInstituteof Journalismand Communication Development Communicati on MariaFatimaA. Villena"Jofti"

Prof.BelenDayauon August1, 2000

Toxic Sunset: A Pointfor Analvsisand Reflection Thedamagehasbeendonebuta lotof problems causedby it needto be re-addressed andanswered.The People's TaskForcefor BasesClean-Up(PTFBC)has beenintodealingwiththe issuefor a longtimebutseemsto havelittleor no progress at all untila realization hascometo surface.Thatto dealwiththe issueis to let the people affecteddealwiththe issueas theirown. Thismeanspeopleaffectedshoulddirectlybe enforced to furthertheirparticipation goalandobjectives in the organization's andbe unitedas one in fightingfor whatwasleftof theirfuture. Thisprojecthas beena collective effortof the groupto ensurea very comprehensive andsubstantial outcomethatwouldserveas an eye-opener to the general publicandreadersof thispaper.Thisis to broughtup an issuewhichcomprises people's livesand howtheseliveshavechangedwiththe aftermath of the departureof the U.S. basesin Clarkand Subicandto knowthe ertentof its dangerous effects. Apartfromotherreasons,thisprojectis to helpgaugethe levelof importance of mediaintoenlivening the issue-to broughtit outand informthe generalpublic, conscientize the perpetrators, reachthe international groupsand andenvironmental createan overallimpacton its totality. TheClarkAir BaseCommand (CABCOM) residents are nurtured withverylimited knowledge of whatwas happening to themthinkingthatit wasall a partof a voodoo culture.In theirnaivete'aboutthe issue,theyweretakenadvantage of, withthe socalled,"bigboys".Theywerecheated,ledto believethattheAmericans weretheir savioursfroma lifeof povertyand heroesfor greaterabundance andwealth.These peoplewereleftwithfew choicesandoftenthesechoicesputtheirlivesat stake.Thus, becauseof theirlackof appropriate knowledge abouttoxicwastes,theycouldnotcommit process to a of transformation and haveno ideaof whatthesematerialsmaycausethem in thefutureandevento the unbornchildren.Furtheractivities shouldthenbe organized to generate the kindof participation the organization neededto helpthemdevisean planfor heightening effective campaign the awareness of the audiences. Throughconstantdialogueinitiated by the group,moreandmorevictimsare becoming awareof the gravethreatsof theirplightbutevenmorestrengthening their emotional capacityto fightfor theirinjustices.According to PauloFreirein his Pedagogy of the Oppressed,attempting to liberatethe oppressed withouttheirreflectiveparticipaiion is liketreatingthemas objectsandas masseswhichcanbe manipulated. This unprecedented realization of the PTFBChasbroughtmutualbenefitsamongthemand thevictims,therefore,theireffortshasbeenprospering thoughit maynotbe in leapsand boundstheyarealsoconsidered as noteworthy achievements in pursuing theirgoals.

Thisreflection havemademe seethe importance of development communication in puttingup a projectthatwouldtacklesensitive issueslikethe issueof toxicwastesin the formermilitarybases.Thisis to ensurethatthe properauthorities and respective governments areawareandtakingnecessary actionsin solvingthisgraveproblem.With an effective development communication plan, the organizing bodieswouldbe assured thattheirneedto be heardandunderstood aresatisfied andmetat leastin a sufficient level.Thisplanwouldstrikea conscientious effortwithinthe PTFBCandthe people affected to maximize the availability of theirresources at and leastproposed actionsthat arefeasibleandwouldgenerateparticipation fromthe CABCOMresidents.Thiswould alsobringaboutemphatic dialogueamongthe PTFBCandthe affectedcommunities for furtherformulation of trainingprograms,lectureson toxicwastesand howto detoxicate victimssuchas children andthe like,IECmaterials andotherindigenous collateral, media andpub!icrelations campaign andplansfor legalaid. Lastly,development communication wouldhelpin assessing the progress of theirprojectthroughcomparative studiesandevaluation analysis. PARTICIPATION In thiscollective bargaining agreement,I haveput in an insurmountable effortand timein finishingthisprojectfromthe conceptualization to the execution of thefinished product.,lwas assigned to research on the issuewhichis calledas,"toxicsunset".Then, afterclearingsomeof issuesregarding thetopicschosen,I haveto makean oulineof the wholeplanbasedon the information suppliedby the othermembers.We wereall tasked to haveourowninputin the paperthroughconsolidating on the issueandfurther debating/conducting dialogues amongthe members thatenabledus to comeup witha comprehensive andsubstantial outcome. I wasalsotaskedto encodemostof thefirst partof the paperandprepared the bibliography. All of theseplusmy ideason the paperareworthof all the considerations at hand. Butthe experience of workingfor a singlecausethatI knowwouldbe beneficial notonly for our groupbutalsofor the communities affectedby the toxicwastesis far more satisfying andfulfilling.

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