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  • Words: 4,909
  • Pages: 20
Sunset By: Rikki Garcia Info- well I loved the Twilight Saga so I wrote a continuation. This story is in the style of Breaking Dawn. It has different books. Well I hope you like it. =] This is five years later.

Contents: 1. Imprint 2. Blooming love 3. School 4. Attack

Book One Renesmee Imprint I am Renesmee Carlie Cullen. I am a half-human and half-vampire. My mom, Bella, well I don’t think I could live without her. Then you have my daddy. He is always trying to do what’s best for me. They are both full vampires, but my mom was still human when she…hmmm…. what’s the word…oh ya when she conceived me. So I have different traits then everyone. My mom and dad don’t sleep, eat human food, or have a heart beat. I, on the other hand, do all of them. Well except on the food. Yes, I can eat food, but I am more like a vampire in that sense. I prefer blood. No, not human blood. Everyone in my family drinks animal blood. My Grandpa Carlisle (Edwards dad) said they call them selves the “vegetarian” vampires. “I may be half-vampire but mom, I still sleep.” I only said this because my mom was shaking me and telling me to get up. Outside my little window it looked like the latest it could be was nine in the morning. Mom may not keep time because she doesn’t sleep but I do and she probably knows it is too early for me to be up. “Hun,” my mother said as she interrupted my thoughts. “We need to talk. If we are going to let you go to school, we need to make sure some things are clear.” “Mom, I know all the rules.” I groaned. “Dad has talked to me so many times in the last week, that he might as well have engraved them in my forehead.” I let the sarcasm flow thick in my voice. “I believe you, I just…well, uh,” my mom has never stuttered before. “I wanted to actually wanted to tell you about something…” “Mom, you can tell me whatever you need to. If it’s bad, I can take it. Promise.” My mom replied quietly- almost too quiet for me to hear-“well, it’s about you and Jacob.” “Okay.” Was all I could force out of my frozen body. I was only froze because my mom said the one word that sends a smile one my face. Jacob. Sigh. He and Sam are sorting things out and that’s why I think why my mom chose now to talk about him. “Well,” my mom whispered, interrupting my thoughts. Again. “I need to tell you…that….well…. okay I’m just going to say it straight then I’ll explain it to you. My dear Renesmee, Jacob has imprinted on you. He imprinted on you as soon as you were born, and he really didn’t have a choice.”

I swear if I could see my face there would be a giant question mark in each one of my eyes. “What on God’s green Earth is imprinting?” I nearly growled at my mom. I only growled because I didn’t like being so confused. “Well that’s what I need to explain. Imprinting is in a werewolf’s genes. Imprinting is when a werewolf ‘finds his other half.’” My mom put up air quotes so I knew automatically that she was quoting someone. “Those are the exact words Jake told me to use.” So this was Jacob’s idea? Wow, that’s new. My parents usually just told me more and more things about Jake behind his back. So I relaxed my muscles because at least I knew Jacob knows that Bella is telling me about imprinting. “Jake knew he couldn’t live without you as soon as he held you in his arms. And I’m telling you all this now because you’re going to be going to school as a freshmen and I know things change. And what I mean be things is all of your emotions. Ness, this is all natural.” She must have read my minds through my face. “But I want you to know that Jake loves you, and I’m not sure if it still as a friend or more than that but I know that your relationship with Jacob is strong. Not all of you gestures are just friend moves.” I knew that the last part was true because we were always holding hands and our faces were always so close. I am usually on Jake’s lap when we are sitting anywhere. I smiled- mostly to myself- as I thought of these happy days with Jake. My mother sighed heavily and I knew she was waiting for my attention again. “Sorry,” I mouthed. Then she smiled and continued. “So my point is that you need to tell Jacob how you feel. Jealousy is not a friendly emotion. And Jake will understand if you don’t feel like you like him more than a friend. He has imprinted on you so all he wants is for you to be happy. But-” “Oh mom!” now it was my turn to interrupt her. “I have had like a MAJOR crush on him for what seems like and eternity. Now that I know that he feels the same way will ch-” “Ren-, er, Nessie, your father was hoping you didn’t feel this was but I don’t care. I want you to be happy and if Jacob Black is the one to make and keep you happy then your father will have his temper tantrum, and then he will be fine.” She smiled as she said those words. Suddenly, almost instantaneously I was in my mom and dad’s arms. When did he come in? I didn’t remember. I just knew things were on a straight uphill slope from here. For the next few days I was absolutely restless. I couldn’t even bare that Jacob, my Jacob, was still with Sam. How did I know if he was okay? What if everything went bad and they both phased and…I couldn’t even finish the thought and I was hyperventilating. I have never done this before. But in between scurried breaths I yelled “Mom. Dad. Help.” Instead of just mom and dad, Alice, Rose, and Carlisle were at my side. I was thankful that grandpa came because he was a doctor. He knew exactly what was happening and what needed to be done. “Renesmee, it’s okay. Just think happy thoughts and calm your mind down.” Those words came from Edward instead of Carlisle. So daddy must have read my mind. Rose held my hand. Rosalie and I are fairly close. We always have been. But now that I have become close to Jacob Black the werewolf, she is slowly drifting away from me. So it felt nice to know that she was concerned about me and my health. I started to think about Jacob and my mom. They are best friends. Jacob had once said ‘We belong in each other’s lives, and well now you have what you wanted.’ He also

told me once out hunting that I was the one that bonded them together. This thought made me smile and I opened me eyes. Everyone was staring at me and I felt like I was in a wax museum. Why was everyone so still? They all seemed to relax as I opened my eyes and smiled. I felt better at once. My breathing was back to normal, and I didn’t feel like crying anymore. “Dad, thank you very much. I really needed to calm down.” It would have been easier if Jasper were here. I didn’t say that out loud because I know how hard it is for Alice to be away from Jasper. My father smiled and looked at me. I knew he was reading my mind and telling me that I was doing the right thing. “Okay. I’m fine thank you all for coming to help me.” I got up and hugged my parents, then Carlisle and Alice. I saved Rosalie for last. I hugged her for the longest too. We all went to the main house (Carlisle and Esme’s home).

Blooming Love “Jacob should be walking through this door in at least five minutes. I think.” Alice made a face over the fact that she had to say the dreaded words ‘I think.’ I loved Alice like a sister more than an aunt. She still gets mad that she can’t see Jake or me. My mother, Bella, had already found him and told him about how I felt. So I knew I didn’t have to flush such a deep red over my loving feelings. Even thinking of Jake and me as a couple had my head spinning. “Renesmee? Hello? Are you living on this Earth or on fantasy island?” I was so caught up in me own thoughts that I didn’t see who was standing dead in front of me. My own personal miracle. Jacob Black. And I finally noticed that I was alone with him in the living room at my grandma and grandpa’s house. When did everyone leave? Wow, when I start daydreaming I am really unobservant. I must have gotten that trait from my mom. “Jake.” I found my small voice and I could only say ‘Jake.’ “I-I-I- uh, nice to see you.” I probably sounded like a complete idiot, but I didn’t care. I only new one thing, it was time for the ‘next step’ for me and Jake. “Nessie! I cannot believe that you feel the same way I feel about you! It-it’s…. uhhhh, I’m lost from words so I’m going to say amazing.” As he ran through the door and picked me up into a bear, no, uh, werewolf hug, I had butterflies in my stomach, completely flushed rosy red cheeks, and I weird emotion I could not decipher. But I knew I had to do something. So after he let me down I stood o my tiptoes and gave him a peck on the lips. Sure we kissed, but it was on the cheek or on the forehead only. He pulled away and he whispered into my ear so that his breath tickled my neck “I have waited and waited for this and well I love you.” Those words weren’t uncommon

between us, but suddenly they meant something differently this time. It all fell into place then. Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen were meant to be together. The week went by too fast for me. It was a good thing I lived forever otherwise my life would all just be a blur because of the speed it was going at. I needed to hunt. My chocolate brown eyes were going shadowy. I went with Jake most of the time but this time my mom wanted me to go with her and dad. Oh no. They didn’t take me hunting unless Jacob was gone. And he wasn’t gone. I knew this was a very bad sign. “Come on Ness. We are getting ready to head out.” My mother yelled even though she was just on the other side of my door. “I’m coming!” I didn’t yell as loud as my mom did, but I knew she heard me. I walked out of my room dressed in regular blue jeans and a white T-shirt. Right outside my door Jacob was there. I ran to him and hugged him. He kissed my hair. “Have fun.” Jake always knew how to make me smile. I let go of him and looked at my parents. I put on a brave face- for Jake’s sake- and said, “Okay, mom, dad, I’m ready to go.” It was hard to be separated from Jacob, even for a few days. I couldn’t even begin to think of why my parents are taking me hunting. Did they have something to tell me? And why all of a sudden did they pick now. Jake and I were just having our love expressed and it was starting to bloom. I didn’t have a damn clue. That is very frustrating, not for just my half-vampire part either. It was bothering my human side too. We walked out of the house. That was odd. We always ran. That’s when I knew it was time. “Ne-, er, Renesmee, just wait until we are done hunting. Then you will know what is with us acting odd.” My father, Edward, told me right before I bursted into a flurry of questions. “Okay.” I sighed. I knew they would tell me whatever they needed me to know on their own time. Really though, I would prefer if they just got it out of the way at our cottage so I didn’t have to leave Jake. We were running now and I smelled elk in the air. I didn’t even realize that mom and dad already had elk between their teeth. I looked and I saw a huge elk behind a tree. I crouched into a pouncing position and went flying through the air. I landed straight on the elk’s back and sunk my razor-sharp teeth into the neck of my prey. As the blood soothed the burn in my throat, I let my mind wander. I was a half-breed. Just like Jacob. My mind had plenty of things to wander on. I started on a happy thought. School. At least Jake would be starting with me and so I wouldn’t be like a complete freak. I still didn’t entirely understand the whole imprinting scenario, but I knew that Jake loved me and I loved him. The rest I could deal with later, As soon as the elk ran dry, I looked up and both Edward and Bella were staring at me. I flushed my rosy red and smiled. “Okay,” Mom’s voice was a little unsteady. “Your father and I wanted to talk to you about your safety.” I stared at her, puzzled. “What?” It was Edward who spoke next. “Dear, I am not so good at this so I’m going to… leave you two here to talk.” He kissed my forehead and then turned to Bella. “Good luck.” They kissed and then he was gone. “Well Hunny, I know you are tired of all the talks we have had recently and well I believe this is the last one we will have to have.” She smiled and I am guessing it was at how I felt my face lit up when she said ‘last one.’ “But this one just might be the most

important.” She paused to compose her face. “Your grandpa Charlie and I had this talk long ago and I’m hoping that this goes way differently than the one we had.” She looked at my face and I was showing all my undivided attention. So she continued, “I just wanted you to remember that you are half-human and Jacob is too.” “Ya mom, I know that. Still, what are you exactly saying?” I was of course so confused. It must have been truly obvious on my face because she sighed and looked down. “Okay well Ness, you can…uh…con…well…conceive a child.” I knew exactly what she meant by conceive a child. The look on my mom’s face was worried. “Mom, Jake and I have only kissed and it was just a peck on the lips. Nothing compared to what you and dad do. Trust me.” She seemed to believe me. I pressed my hand to her face and showed her me and Jacob’s first kiss. “Okay. I really and truly believe you.” Mom looked at me with sincere eyes, so I knew that she really and truly believed me. “Well,” My mom continued, “I guess we should head home. Is your throat okay?” she finished. “Ya, I’m fine.” When we arrived at the main home- that is Carlisle’s house- daddy was playing the piano. Bella ran into his open arms and they kissed. I looked away before I got sick. My dad pulled away from my mom and smiled at me, then I ran into his arms with my mommy. It felt nice, except that their bodies were freezing. Then I heard it. The sound of a howl. I left my parents and blasted through Carlisle’s door. I broke into a sprint, following his scent. He wasn’t hard to find. I stopped about five feet before him. He understood why I stopped. He ran into the forest and phased back to his human form. He ran and didn’t stop but he picked me up in his arms and twirled me around. This was common. But it was, or at least seemed, different. It was more. He set me down and bent his head down so I could kiss him. This kiss was different too. It was more passionate. I pulled away gently so I could breath. “Hey Jake,” I murmured. “Hello my beautiful darling Nessie.” I smiled and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I let my mind wander, just for a minute. “Ness, we need to get you home. You have school tomorrow.” I sighed, “Okay let’s go.” He kissed me one more time and flushed a deeper redas if that was possible. My head was almost done spinning as we entered the cottage. “Jake, it’s time for you to head home. Nessie has school tomorrow.” My mom was saying it as polite as she could. “Okay, bye Ness, love you.” He didn’t even argue with my mother. And that was a good sign. “I love you too Jacob.” I had to admit to myself that I liked that I got to say ‘I love you’ and mean it. I headed to my room after saying goodnight to both my mommy and daddy. I was tired I just had a long hunting trip. I needed some sleep.

School I awoke with an annoying beeping noise next to my ear. I then realized I was dreaming. I was having a dream about school. I knew I was dreaming because I was flying. Literally. I was above my school looking in the cafeteria. I must have been dreaming of a flashback because I saw my family in school. Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie were all sitting at a table all alone. They were beautiful. They stood out to all the other students. If I was alive then, I wondered if I would look like that. Where was my mom, Bella? Then she walked through the door of the cafeteria, and the Cullen table froze. Especially Jasper. I remember my mom and dad telling me this story one night when I was still a baby. They ran out of books for them to read me, so they told their own stories. Anyway, Edward stormed out of the room and then I sat straight up. I heard the damn beeping noise again. I opened me eyes and saw that my dad didn’t storm out of the room. That was in my dream. In reality he had stormed into my room. “Renesmee Carlie Cullen! It’s your first day of school and your running late.” When my father was done ranting, I simply got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Alice would be here soon. I had promised her that she could get me ready for- at least- the first week of school. Ugh. That was probably a bad idea. To bad I didn’t have my entire mind to make the decision. She was too busy dazzling me, so I would let her. I got out of the shower. Wrapped a towel around myself, and walked to my room. Alice was sitting on my bed. Waiting to pounce I guess. “Hey Nessie.” She almost squealed. “Hi Alice.” I sighed. This was going to be very interesting. “Just go to your happy place and this will all be over rather quickly.” She smiled “Okay, just go easy.” I replied in a monotone voice. She began with clothes. I just closed my eyes and went to my happy place. My happy place was very simple. It was just Jacob and I, sitting on a porch Swing while talking to my mom and daddy. Jake and dad were good friends in my happy place. In truth though, they were like opposites. Like north and south poles. The literally repelled each other. “Okay Nessie, your ready.” Alice beamed when I opened my eyes. I was somewhat afraid of looking in my mirror and seeing my self. So I inhaled a deep breath and walked over to the mirror and stared in to it. The girl I saw looked to be twenty-five rather than seven. I had to admit it. I looked amazing. Just then my father, Edward walked in. I saw his expression and it was disapproving. “Bella, love, would you please come see your daughter?” Edward said, almost speechless. “Coming dear.” Bella danced into the room then. I looked at her with my poker face on. “Oh my, you look gorgeous!” at least Bella looked pleased. “Oh jeez Edward, its just hair and make-up. No need to throw a tissy-fit about it. Ness is going into high school you know.” Alice looked annoyed with my father. Edward didn’t say anything as he left. Bella’s eyes locked with mine and she said “Come on Re- er, Ness, we need to get you to school.” She left and I followed. I knew the faster we got to school, the faster I got to see my Jacob. I liked the way I got to say ‘my Jacob.’ I smiled as I got into my mommy’s Ferrari. We sped down the driveway and my

mom slowed down as we reached the school. My mom said ‘good luck’ as I got out of the car. The whole way here I we went over all the rules I have to follow. As soon as I hit the sidewalk, Jacob had his hand intertwined in mine. “Hey lovely” I said in an adoring tone. A huge grin spread across his face as he bent his head down to kiss me. I kissed back tenderly. Again I had to be the one to pull away. We started to walk toward the school. I let his hand drop from mine as we went different directions. Ugh. I wanted to be with Jake. We barley even talked and we had to go to class. So apparently I didn’t have first period with him. That was okay. It was still early in the day. My first class was English. I copied down everything Mr. Kingman had said and more. The bell rang and I was out the door last, worrying about my next class. What if Jacob wasn’t in there either? One of biggest reasons of coming to school was to see Jake more often. I walked into my biology class and my face lit up immediately as I saw the face of an angel with an empty seat next to him. I almost ran there after Jake had patted the seat next to him. I had to remember to move as slow as a normal human did. Mr. Banner was talking about onion root cells. I was copying all the notes down again and I peeked over to see Jake’s page was just filled with a bunch of doodles. I giggled as I saw what his little drawings consisted of. There was a well-drawn wolf on the page. And there was a large heart in the dead center with the initials J.B. + R.C. printed into it. Then he closed his notebook so fast that I looked up to see that Mr. Banner was almost to our desk. He was handing out microscopes. My dad had told me we would do this project so I knew I was going to ace this. “Ah, Miss Cullen, make sure you let Jacob do some of the work too.” Mr. Banner saw my perfect notes and Jake was drawing another wolf on the back of his notebook. I smiled. “Trust me, I will make sure Jacob does his half.” I chuckled as Jake looked up from his drawing. “Okay. Begin!” Mr. Banner had said after he passed everything out. I looked at Jake and he pushed the microscope towards me. “Ladies first.” Jake nudged me into the arm. I giggled and looked into the scope. I refocused the lenses and I knew which one it was. “Prophase.” I said confidently. “Uh, Sure.” Jacob looked at me and I lost my train of thought. I let him write, so at least he was doing something. I switched the slides and slid it to Jake “Go ahead. Try.” He sighed and then after about five minutes of looking at the same slide ha looked at me “Interphase?” it was more of a question than an answer. So I slid the scope across the table and looked into it. “Wrong.” I tried to say it as light as I possibly could. “Actually it’s Anaphase.” I chuckled when a grimace bloomed on his face. “So the last one would be what Mr. Black?” I questioned. “Interphase, of course.” He was acting like a professor. It sounded impressive. The rest of the day went by slow except for math. Math was my favorite class. And it was even better because I had math with Jake. I had to help him throughout the class. I had math for the last class of the day. That was good news for me. I was planning to ride home in Jake’s Rabbit but when he and I finally made it outside there was a silver

Volvo parked next to Jacob’s car. It wasn’t only dad but mom and Alice were in there. I sighed, kissed Jake goodbye and we went in separate cars I had my music in my ears so loud that I couldn’t hear what they were saying. I was waiting until we were home so I could be attacked by questions about my first day.

Attack As soon as we stopped in the garage I jumped out and started to run. I was running straight for he cottage. I leaped easily over the river as I sprinted toward home. I went immediately to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and got out my math book, and I started my homework. It hasn’t been twenty seconds and Alice, Esme, Rose, Bella, and my dad all walked through the door. “So, did everyone just adore you?” Alice asked. Curiosity bubbled onto her face. “Well, I’m no mind reader, but I have two classes with Jacob.” I smiled at the fact that I had the last period of the day with him. My dad frowned at me. I guessed that he was reading my mind. “Hunny, the important thing that I need to ask you is, did you have fun?” My mom said the question as if she was guilty of a crime. “Ya I had plenty of fun. Everything was easy considering that we went everything here before I even went to school.” I chuckled. “That’s good. So do you have to help the do-, er, Jacob with anything?” I heard Alice’s mistake in the sentence. I sighed. Nobody in the Cullen family liked Jake or the other werewolves. “Renesmee Carlie Cullen!” my dad’s voice was fierce. “Your mother likes Jake. He is her best friend. So you know someone does care about Jacob Black.” Edward sighed and said in his velvet voice, “Alice doesn’t hate him either. She just gets irritated over that fact that she can’t ‘see’ Jacob.” “I no,” I said. “Sorry Alice.” She smiled. Wait, where did Rosalie and Esme go? “They went hunting they just came in to pass through.” My father said, answering my question. “Oh, well is the attack over yet?” I said. I was exhausted. I needed to call Jake and tell him to come over. I promised him I would help him in biology and math. He needed more help in math. “No. The attack isn’t over. Hun, I need to know, do you want to go to school again tomorrow?” My mom’s face looked stressed. “Yes. I really did enjoy it. It’s nice to be around other people my age. Well, at least people that are similar to me.” I was technically only five years old. But I looked like a fifteen-year-old teenager. I will be fully matured when I am six and a half years old. “Can I just show you all what happened today at school?” I didn’t wait for them to answer. I put my hand on Alice’s face first. I showed her everything that I saw and what I did in school. “Okay, now dad, read it out of Alice’s head.” I went to my mom and showed her that same exact thing I showed Alice. At the

end of the school day when I kissed Jacob, I showed my mom all my feelings I got when we kissed. I felt my face flush as I showed my mom this kiss. After the kiss I thought of the words, please shield my thoughts for a little while. I don’t want dad to catch me thinking about this. My mom giggled and said “Sure no problem.” I smiled when my dad had a crease in his forehead. He was probably trying to read my mind to find out what made Bella laugh.

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